HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-12-22, Page 1h • .- $2 Oo, PER 'YE-AR"IN ADVANCE: .60 ,OTHERWISE LUCKNOW THUR i' ,DECEMBER 22nd' 19 2. .SINGLE COPIES .6 CENTS DENTIST Dr. R. L. .Treleaven, duaknow Hears; 9-42 A.. M. 130--5 ,F. M•• PHO`F, b:$ 4.4 • N . FOR SALE -A small fF"ame dwell- ing , and lot. -Apply': to Fred • :Nixon. • ..:#i,,'8,� �Y:}in_.u ��&'s. ► C:.. . . r: FOR :SALE--Potted•plantsinched, Begoniasetc.;. etc: Caland' inspect these, plants it: our' greenliouae‘ Mrs. `Austin • Solomon,;x SLiicknow 'TENDERS VirANTED° . Tenders will be received up :to January 3rd, 1933, for sixty (6 30brda•-.of Harwood. -four- ..feet long.- Maple' and .beech to 'contain nothing under four inches . in diameter and, eighty-fivetiee cent to be split wood. The lowestany or anytender'not neces- . :, sarily accepted. TO be delivered pot • • later than March First. 1933. • • Twenty per • cent paid when draw- ing is commenced ' Fifty per tent paid when wood .is"' delivered. Balance - • paid ' May' lat.: 1933. Agnew. Lucknow, • Ont. •-- • COD] DY -DRAMA • "Yim ihie Yonson's Yob,": 3 -act, comedy -drama, Will ,be presented in. the Town Hall, on.. Th rsday evening by the ;Lucknow DrWriatic . Sbciet'y; General, Admission 25c.• ' DANCE AT PARAMOUNT There will be a dance in. Paramount Hall on. 'Friday .evening, ,December 23rd. •Gents_ 25e; Ladies free; Lunch served. • • CHRIST11IA3, DAbTGR :The Christmas Dance will be held in the Town hell; Lucknew, on Mon- day evening, December 126th. •'Music by 91cCartgey's Orchestra. Admis- sion 46s plus • tax. ,Extra Lady . and gallery,? 25c:• • • kra •1 • Ctuintette Given Suspended Sentence Affair Not Vowed Aa One Of Coat-• -merclWit P Itry Thieving • Suspended , sentence ; w•as the, :dee cis - ion` an � down-�b Ma istrrate 'Walk ,� �. ded ; y �. of Kinlo h e•• vee: u"' u +P,lr to;tbl„ fi - .ng` xnen ,$' . and" Riversdale communities, •• when they appeared on. ,WaI'kerton da,>''tnorningr. Each of' OY guuintette was :assessed , , costs amounting to approximately $20., on top ofwhich ddedespective- woo couiieeh -fees. The charges; against jack Hodgins arid - Alex Percy of Kinloss,: Wm •troerr of Cu ross a ad Morley Pette - place and Howard Carter of Green: ock, to which they' pleaded guilty a week previous; when remanded, arose out of the theft, of '.3 ducks from the. farm, of Phillip ;Grubb, Culross, on December 3rd Friday .morning's session, was lint a short one; due to the. fact that ':pre- sentations of -counsel, ,.on behalf of their=elients,_had been.made :rho coy previous. Neighbors of acc'ussed were present to :.give . character evidence, but were• nptccalled upon 'to .do so et the sitting: Members • of the • party were known ashonest; hard working young then and the incidentwas viewed as not being one of • commercial poultry •. thieving, but rather , a' desire for a duck feed, for whiich purpose.'the fowl was principal'ly consumed that same • Sincere' Holiday • Wishes Happiness and joy be yours tido -joyous-season!-And may we extend our thanks for your patronage. Rae and Porteous Following the , arrests, Doerr eery.: ed a weeks, in jail, the others being allowed their. freedom on bail. .Fol- 1owing-the=remand-all:parties Atwell, ed were released -on' 'their personal guarantee to 'appear at, the time of the final. disposition '.of' the case. SUFPERS BAD• FALL •' • Mrs. Thomas Henry, 2nd.. cones= sion, Kinlosis, • suffiered a ,badly 'in-. juiced • shoulder' and. a• severe shaking up last week, as a • result of •a''` bad, fall. she received. Going to the bare, lira.' Heney was misfortunate in dropping, through a.trap,door: to the cement floor'in the stable •some eight Or; nine 'feet ..below. A partial cover, ing of straw on the floor' helped to• relieve the_:.jar....tcL:_some__extent..:and.. fortunately, the injuries' received by this'•elderly'lady. •were not so ,serious as, one might expect in such a fall. • • Vi .. Coinp 'invents: It is difficult to -word- an old greeting ' in a new . way -+-and so well say—"A Merry Christmas to to you, .one and all." • Henderson and Fisher rtrtingo " �eutvn?i ,tit gull . tI tlomplintent. of tIle- pajun tutill . . it ri Wiles for �tttter�e � a EI enr fat o will bran nn. tilt ilt fait... utrgbrat o goo? flat ` a O O 0 O Eurkttont entitle', VIMVA DID YOU FIND IT? The man who lost theleft handed •buckskin. 'pullover near the ' Post office on :Thursday, says the finder will not be likely' to • find its mate in the same ;place. He: says articles. picked up on the street should ' be hung tip at , the Post office . or left at the'' Sentinel Office. WILL AGAIN PRESENT . . "YIMMIE YONSON'S YOB". Was Bigg Hit When Previously Pre- sented, to Capacity Audience If you, desire to royally entertain your Christmas guests, don't fail to take them to -see "Yimmie Yonson'e Yob" to be 'jiresented on request by the Itiicknow Dramatic Society, in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, next, December 29th. This comedy=drama staged by an all-round' strong cast of local players made,a .big hit when presented to a full house. on Fall Fair night.. The admission on 'this occasion will be 25e for'everyone and you can afford to enjoy it a second', time at this price. ' . RAMAtT HUNTERS REGISTER Since last week's- • issue, lit • which brief . mention was made of a pro. posed rabbit hunt, Dr, Treleavefl, says he has had a dozen enquiries. It would appear that there will be no difficulty in securing eenough men for the drive but in . order, to *seer-, twin just who would be interested a registr"ation is desirable., 'For your convenience g list. of names of pro- spective hinters will • be registered at this office. Anyone 'from country or village who cares to, bitty add his "John;Henry" ,to. the list. New Year's day is the date Proposed 'for the event, so let'p have your name this weekt • SEND THEM IN •. This next week will - see : an influx of homeconers to the village: As. well . 'many local' residents will spend . the Ch>ietmas season else- where. • If .you have a .vlsitdr or•''`are visiti '` ng .out of town', ,1'emeinbei';t1!e, tv`ill be d to flea -bout n014 •it..... ri'ii" i,. . 'sen •i n• or ;tele hone • •these litems -to the'''Se tin '1Ofi'ic . .-n. , :e. , e... . . ominations To -Morrow Kinloss= Nominates In Tie: Afternoon f,uckeow. In . The Evening. With the )nomination meeting, being. 'held in' Kinloss Township to -morrow afternoon, • all appears quiet in that •inunicieelity and generally, opinion; seems to: be that the present body, elected .te office last' year, •'inlay' hold sway again for . ,another term: 1t is generally conceded that' the present ,adiniiistration will sit ,pat and as 'fit' result •of: that. no outside 'opposition yrijl lie,iorthcoming.' _ ' In . the Christmas rush municipal• affairs' in .the 'village 'seem' to be, al Most. . forgotten.Reeve. Rae, who •Alas• held this office for three years, states that be is+ willing to. carry. on • for another,term, .. but ..in .case of :mein - hers of of.the council aspiring to •the' reeveship he feels he, has ' had .his term'and would'. not .op''pose them :In;. the event of outside opposltiofl, wh'icti :is altogether, unlikely, his- stand' will, in all probaiility 'be different. :Councillors. Anderson and Hamil- ton "•intimated some time ago that. they, Might retire. In . event of this an election or an acciteniation weal be necessary to fill these vacancies. However this intimation : may be just, an end -of -the -year feeling that they have served the .village long enough.' The nomination meetings May upset. all the.. dope.'1, Ratepayers should be present in lire numbers 9 hear ex plained the • 'major ' activities of the board during the -year. • :Bargains' in alt Christmas Goods. Store open „evenings. THE MARKET. CHRISTMAS-MITs1c'ZN— 't THE UNI.T.ED CHURCH 1Vloriiing" Service ' - Anthem -Nazareth,. by •Gounod. • Octette and ; Soprano Obligate.- Wonderful bligate=Wonderful Story. ' , , Evening Service • The Choir will render the _Chr-ist mas_.Cantata.-"To:._Bethlehexn"_, . which` includes the following numbers: Overture. • Break Forth. Into Joy -Chorus. And 'Thou Bethlehem -Bass Reci- tative. ' • Bethlehem of Noblest Cities -Bass solo, soprano and '.alto duet, tenor solo, alto holo and full chorus. Calm was the Hallowed Night..- Soprano' ightSoprano' and Alto duet. Let -Os -hasten- toBethlehem-..-Ten-, o�r Recitative and 'niale .'chor'es. And They Came -Alto Recitative,, soprano solo and chorus: The .Hemi is Breaking -Full chorus Behold there came Wise Men -Ten- or recitative. • Three 'Kings of Orient --Male trio. Fairest "Lord Jesus. -••Alto' Solo. 0 Pink -Let Us Warshi:p-Fu1t Chorus. WEDDING BELLS GIBSON-r-YOii'hi - The rectory, Lucknow, was , the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding• at four o'clock on .Saturday after- noon, when Margaret Grace, ' eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Young, concession. b, ]chest' Wawanosh became the bride of William Marsh- all Gibson and the late Mr. George Gibson, concession 12, Ashfield. Rev. J. Ii Geoghegan, rector_ of the a parisF Of Lueknow and. • St. Paul's ' Church, Dungannon, officiated. They were at- tended by Jack McDonagh and Miss Amy Young, sister of the bride, 'wile ;were witnessesof the• ceremony. Fol- lowing the signing: -of the register, the Bridal party motored to the ponie of the bride's parents, where a sump- tuous wedding dinner,was served. The. dining -morn was retilly decor ated, fol' the occasion, ' the; color. scheme being pink and white, and the dining table being centred' with the wedding cake. The bride • looked charming in a gown of wine colored rough crepe,. with hat and coat in tr P 1• , . the. same shade. Gloves, purse and accessories were • Pack. Mr. and Mrs. f ibaon will reside' oil concese1on 12, Ashflel'd: " undreds .of Children Greet Santa Claus Light; IIunddred-Giift. Hags Handed. TO Children' Wo.„ Throng.. Around Christmas . Tree That whitewhiskered, :red "coated entlemanSata ...plans, us :visited in "ZLucknow on 'Saturday afternoon, *here' ole.'W870 greeted by `hundred - of :happy children, rem t'h'e surround- ing couptry. and *the village Mysteriously arriving at the Con - nue. ion sc oo , s or y o'clock, Santa,` =•accomppanied' by' - the ,children, led by ..the Citizen's: Band,, marched to the Christmas tree 'oi, Campbell St., 'where still mere hi ld ren'. congregated and swarmed around' the, tree while Santa's helpers passed out a bag of sweets to each child. Approximately 800 such bags were distributed, each .containing a liberal, supply of candy, and peanuts and an orange. The event was sponsored .:by the . Lucknow: merchants and in; order• to distribute this bit of, Christmas cheer -to -the kiddies; -four. ; eases= -of- oranges, two hundred pounds of • can- dy and one hundred pounds Of pea- nuts . were, purchased. At the conclusion of the festivities, the Douglas Playerswho were filling a 34nights'. engagement in :townn,. staged, a' 1.0c matinee. Mr. R. J.. Moore made . arrangements with the., troupe whereby at the 'expense of "the Fire Company all •children ' were, allowed, free' admission to the Per- formance, which was mnost ` entertain-. Needless' to say the . children; the grown-ups, the merchants and `every one • enjoyed ' 'Santa's visit, and the afternoon saw the village `a hive of ryctivity with the ..Christmas' .spirit of .;ood will permeating lt all. fU 'LEY BES;1jDENT .. .. DIES -`'SUDDENLY • Wednesday afternoon as we are about to go to press we learn of : the sudden death of .Mr. Jelin 'Neil Mc- Kenzie, of Ripley, who dropped dead that 'morni gi. : ',Mr. McKenzie, a former resident -•if-Ashfceld ownship; upon- retiring• ;took up residence ia Ripley. H. was .Apparently in his usual health the orevious evening,' and ,had been as- ,isting his on Roy • atthe garage. His sudden death came as a shock to relatives and friends. VIDLOON-RETU1`RN'-_ ,- -. • TO MISSION FIELD Rev. Hugh McMillan Preaches In South Kinloss, Church And ' The Presbyterian; .Church' On Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh MacMillan, who :for :the._past ear.have been boiue on furlough, will in th,e course of -a ?duple of weeks, return to their Mis- Aion field in Formosa:, During this time they Have made their•home in on Torto `brit have been frequent visit - tors to their native community. On--Sunday-morning, Rev: McMrl_ 'an ,occupied the pulpit in South Kin- loss Church, acting in a similar cap• acity in the Presbyterian church in the evening, where he -delivered in- teresting sermons, touching • briefly on their mission work. Rev. .McMillan's , brothers, George. and Ross reside onthe sixth comes. -sion of Kinloss, while Mrs: McMillan formerly Miss Donaida McIntosh, ' is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mr ' Peter McIntosh, whose ,home was on the fourth concession, Kinldss. INCREASED T,AX ARREARS. The increaseddifficulty, in, meeting the tax levie in Kinloss Township this year, iced. by 'the ' fact -;bat up to Deeerruber 15th, according. to the finar:Adel statement just printed there :was $8466:3, in- 'unpaid teas - as against $3161.35 last year. After that hate the 5% penalty, on unpaid' tastes is imposed; unless• leniency is Shown. A summary of the' year's ,op - erations in the ~Township, appears lsewhere. Card Of Thanks We "The Murdoch Kamily" wish io eatjiress our deep appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for sympathy and .kindness in our late bereavement, ::i The BreadThe Bread of Health HVI of Health U,UR„ „910_, IS O UADIT3C� �A ND-SERVI.. W There's a Wealth • of-. Health in Every" Loaf of I olyinan's Bread, which gives you Biggest Food .Value. 'OUR Hb MEMAO MINCE .MEAT 'is made from 'tire-' choicest in • gredients, carefully ,.blended to,;give the correct `Alive.. BUY YOUR' 'CHRISTMAS' CAKES' N - • D. . , . . hIRI S A AND INGS. NOS•', _ Th" y� ivake ideal gifts. We will prick and 'mail them"tor you, i • ` : J . ' Y : ;Large stipp ly, of"CAFES, , $Ul+dS. . ROLLS.' ],5c. • ::LE'M!0'N'N. • LAYER • CAKES . ' �SPE.CIAL, 20c t FrAGH •, ' $e • A'RES' • '. 0 . , . A' • E T' Q'U ISTIVE PPLE •BUNS.' O;LL.YA1'►' QUALITY' EKE• •Phone .36 _ ILoca ene . • ,_ raiL. On the 'way, a carload of. Rosedale Lump• Alberta Coal.. - LUCKNOW COAL CO.. 1 New Christmas ,Goods: in .all de- partments of the store. • Store .open' evenings., TIIE, MARKET STORE.' Mr. W. L. MacKenzie is enjoying the -holidays at_ his- home here, -ha' ing completed his year's business. Miss .Olive Alton is makiingfav- orable recovery' from a 'severe • cold which has confined. her to her home during the .past.' week. The display of coats; and dresses at TEMPLETONS, continues' air this week. Note the Free.•Hat offer in the. Page 5' dVertisenient.- o• Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hill: attended the •funeral .tof .`.George „Henderson,. which. -took place or Thursday from his late• residence. near Brussels. 1klrs7*iivitter'zsf"Foa'seiaw; Sisk' and Mrs. Jas. McConnell , off"Dauphin, Mean:,,; are visitors. at the home. of. Mrs. Lockhart ,and• Mr. Will Lockhart' ...Mr: ,•and• Mrs. - Archie Robinson, Jr... ;oaf Auburn a3id 'Miss ,Moore,' R.N.•'of • Clinton; were...Visitors... the • first of the week with Mr., and Mrs. W..; J. •Davison. • Mrs. E. Hewitt • and her son Billy. of Saskatoon are speeding •an •extend-, ed visit with Mr. . and'• Mrs. W. J. Davison.' Mrs.. Hewitt is Mrs. Davi-, son's sister; and it is. her first visit •here--in-twenty reyears� ' I " A special m•reeting • o the. Women's Institute.:will, be,Jipldein theCouncil.. Chamber •on Thursday -evening (to- night) at' 745. Members are asked to attend as importairt business will .come before .the meeting. Visitors^ lasts.-week,,..wMr. tied' Mrs. Thomas Aitchisonit i were, ;Mr. and, Mrs. Ernie Aitchison of • Harris - ton; Mr. „Percy Aitchison of Peter- borough and -Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Mit- chell and Mr. Allan 'Aitchison of Wes ton- The Lucknow. Table • Company re- sinned operations on.Monday, follow- ing a week's shut down, . due to the death ,of the' president Of the company Mr. George T.. Aitchison. The plant is operating now .on an eight hour day in place . of nine hours daily as previously. • 'Mild and -neon-set-tled•'-weather has followed the three-day 'storm of last week. Motoring and sleighing are vieing'' for honors as a means of moving 'about -the .roads. are fairly suitable for: either vehicles, although a ground drift Made-, motoring `diffi, cult on .Wednesday • mornings" • ROBERTA JOHNSTON ' RECEIVES PARK MEDAL At the annual commencement ex- ercises of Victoria school, 'Goderich, held recently, the Robert Park mem- orial medal, contributed by. Victor Lauriston of Chatham, for the peen with the highest standing at, the en- trance examination was presented by Inspector E. C. Beacom.' The *inner was. Roberta .Johnston, daughter of Mr. an'd Mrs. Robert Johnston, whose school ( record is an 'outstanding one. Mr. Beacom explained the hew sys- ten o,'f granting high school entrance certificates on . the basis of the stu- d'ent's work ,during the year. The valedictory a 'dress• was given by Roberta Joli.iston,, wh o expressed ap reciation the. instruction' ah�i had received from the . teachers o Victoria School. As well, Robet'ta was awarded the prize for proficiency in $•eograBhy, • • .w- LBU-!: 11 11 , I47eW Muss. Liber' Y �. $•37:50_; Li' the. h6•. Sentiment•', tS. taSting NATURALLY, if your. gift is a temporary: thing Viet is soon worn. out :or usedup, the .'sentiment which .inspired it • is soon 'forgot-. ten. If you want. your good wishes to live ,on f r years-givea last - lig gift: Our stock :of distinctive gifts in ads-•ire-almo se-••-entirely-af _articles of that, kind. Fine watches ... newest ,jewelry -unusual novelties. -and 'many accessories of; precious metal such es watch bands; tie and .collar clasp.; And. the ._surprising -.. pert, .of.::it is that most of these gifts cost no more than 'others' which are soon .forgotten. Come in and look around! • F. T. Armstrong Jeweller Gifts ThaLLast.__ Xmas Suggestions NickelPlated SKATES, Pr.:. $1.40 TUBE. SKATE$]. Pr. LINED MITTS, ! Horsehide Face, Pr. ' 50c. at Murdie's niettaarAW HURRAH! SANTA CLAUS HAS JUST ARRIVED AT THE VARIETY • ..STORE- WITH A BIG. LOAD OF CHRISMAS ,GIFTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER r 10 Per Cent. off SILK HOSE Friday & Saturday J. A 0 `D D E : ANGLICAN CHURCH CHRISTMAS,} DAY SERVICES Christmas Day 'S'ervices • :have, been announced by Rev. J. H. Geoghegan as follows': 7.30 A. M, Luckno'ty, Holy 'Com. .niunion.' 9.00 A. M. Ripley; holy Gorhinunion 10:;80 A. M.Lucknova, Hely Com n isnlo i and addies's. •• ' 111, -Port Albert Holy.. Cont minion and address#. 8.30 P.M. -Dungannon, Holy Cont' - reunion and address. 7.00 P. Mt Lucknow Car{4 Service, • Coming Events r!, •Subsequent 'Insertions,, 25c. ' • .f� _ COD] DY -DRAMA • "Yim ihie Yonson's Yob,": 3 -act, comedy -drama, Will ,be presented in. the Town Hall, on.. Th rsday evening by the ;Lucknow DrWriatic . Sbciet'y; General, Admission 25c.• ' DANCE AT PARAMOUNT There will be a dance in. Paramount Hall on. 'Friday .evening, ,December 23rd. •Gents_ 25e; Ladies free; Lunch served. • • CHRIST11IA3, DAbTGR :The Christmas Dance will be held in the Town hell; Lucknew, on Mon- day evening, December 126th. •'Music by 91cCartgey's Orchestra. Admis- sion 46s plus • tax. ,Extra Lady . and gallery,? 25c:• • • kra •1 • Ctuintette Given Suspended Sentence Affair Not Vowed Aa One Of Coat-• -merclWit P Itry Thieving • Suspended , sentence ; w•as the, :dee cis - ion` an � down-�b Ma istrrate 'Walk ,� �. ded ; y �. of Kinlo h e•• vee: u"' u +P,lr to;tbl„ fi - .ng` xnen ,$' . and" Riversdale communities, •• when they appeared on. ,WaI'kerton da,>''tnorningr. Each of' OY guuintette was :assessed , , costs amounting to approximately $20., on top ofwhich ddedespective- woo couiieeh -fees. The charges; against jack Hodgins arid - Alex Percy of Kinloss,: Wm •troerr of Cu ross a ad Morley Pette - place and Howard Carter of Green: ock, to which they' pleaded guilty a week previous; when remanded, arose out of the theft, of '.3 ducks from the. farm, of Phillip ;Grubb, Culross, on December 3rd Friday .morning's session, was lint a short one; due to the. fact that ':pre- sentations of -counsel, ,.on behalf of their=elients,_had been.made :rho coy previous. Neighbors of acc'ussed were present to :.give . character evidence, but were• nptccalled upon 'to .do so et the sitting: Members • of the • party were known ashonest; hard working young then and the incidentwas viewed as not being one of • commercial poultry •. thieving, but rather , a' desire for a duck feed, for whiich purpose.'the fowl was principal'ly consumed that same • Sincere' Holiday • Wishes Happiness and joy be yours tido -joyous-season!-And may we extend our thanks for your patronage. Rae and Porteous Following the , arrests, Doerr eery.: ed a weeks, in jail, the others being allowed their. freedom on bail. .Fol- 1owing-the=remand-all:parties Atwell, ed were released -on' 'their personal guarantee to 'appear at, the time of the final. disposition '.of' the case. SUFPERS BAD• FALL •' • Mrs. Thomas Henry, 2nd.. cones= sion, Kinlosis, • suffiered a ,badly 'in-. juiced • shoulder' and. a• severe shaking up last week, as a • result of •a''` bad, fall. she received. Going to the bare, lira.' Heney was misfortunate in dropping, through a.trap,door: to the cement floor'in the stable •some eight Or; nine 'feet ..below. A partial cover, ing of straw on the floor' helped to• relieve the_:.jar....tcL:_some__extent..:and.. fortunately, the injuries' received by this'•elderly'lady. •were not so ,serious as, one might expect in such a fall. • • Vi .. Coinp 'invents: It is difficult to -word- an old greeting ' in a new . way -+-and so well say—"A Merry Christmas to to you, .one and all." • Henderson and Fisher rtrtingo " �eutvn?i ,tit gull . tI tlomplintent. of tIle- pajun tutill . . it ri Wiles for �tttter�e � a EI enr fat o will bran nn. tilt ilt fait... utrgbrat o goo? flat ` a O O 0 O Eurkttont entitle', VIMVA DID YOU FIND IT? The man who lost theleft handed •buckskin. 'pullover near the ' Post office on :Thursday, says the finder will not be likely' to • find its mate in the same ;place. He: says articles. picked up on the street should ' be hung tip at , the Post office . or left at the'' Sentinel Office. WILL AGAIN PRESENT . . "YIMMIE YONSON'S YOB". Was Bigg Hit When Previously Pre- sented, to Capacity Audience If you, desire to royally entertain your Christmas guests, don't fail to take them to -see "Yimmie Yonson'e Yob" to be 'jiresented on request by the Itiicknow Dramatic Society, in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, next, December 29th. This comedy=drama staged by an all-round' strong cast of local players made,a .big hit when presented to a full house. on Fall Fair night.. The admission on 'this occasion will be 25e for'everyone and you can afford to enjoy it a second', time at this price. ' . RAMAtT HUNTERS REGISTER Since last week's- • issue, lit • which brief . mention was made of a pro. posed rabbit hunt, Dr, Treleavefl, says he has had a dozen enquiries. It would appear that there will be no difficulty in securing eenough men for the drive but in . order, to *seer-, twin just who would be interested a registr"ation is desirable., 'For your convenience g list. of names of pro- spective hinters will • be registered at this office. Anyone 'from country or village who cares to, bitty add his "John;Henry" ,to. the list. New Year's day is the date Proposed 'for the event, so let'p have your name this weekt • SEND THEM IN •. This next week will - see : an influx of homeconers to the village: As. well . 'many local' residents will spend . the Ch>ietmas season else- where. • If .you have a .vlsitdr or•''`are visiti '` ng .out of town', ,1'emeinbei';t1!e, tv`ill be d to flea -bout n014 •it..... ri'ii" i,. . 'sen •i n• or ;tele hone • •these litems -to the'''Se tin '1Ofi'ic . .-n. , :e. , e... . . ominations To -Morrow Kinloss= Nominates In Tie: Afternoon f,uckeow. In . The Evening. With the )nomination meeting, being. 'held in' Kinloss Township to -morrow afternoon, • all appears quiet in that •inunicieelity and generally, opinion; seems to: be that the present body, elected .te office last' year, •'inlay' hold sway again for . ,another term: 1t is generally conceded that' the present ,adiniiistration will sit ,pat and as 'fit' result •of: that. no outside 'opposition yrijl lie,iorthcoming.' _ ' In . the Christmas rush municipal• affairs' in .the 'village 'seem' to be, al Most. . forgotten.Reeve. Rae, who •Alas• held this office for three years, states that be is+ willing to. carry. on • for another,term, .. but ..in .case of :mein - hers of of.the council aspiring to •the' reeveship he feels he, has ' had .his term'and would'. not .op''pose them :In;. the event of outside opposltiofl, wh'icti :is altogether, unlikely, his- stand' will, in all probaiility 'be different. :Councillors. Anderson and Hamil- ton "•intimated some time ago that. they, Might retire. In . event of this an election or an acciteniation weal be necessary to fill these vacancies. However this intimation : may be just, an end -of -the -year feeling that they have served the .village long enough.' The nomination meetings May upset. all the.. dope.'1, Ratepayers should be present in lire numbers 9 hear ex plained the • 'major ' activities of the board during the -year. • :Bargains' in alt Christmas Goods. Store open „evenings. THE MARKET. CHRISTMAS-MITs1c'ZN— 't THE UNI.T.ED CHURCH 1Vloriiing" Service ' - Anthem -Nazareth,. by •Gounod. • Octette and ; Soprano Obligate.- Wonderful bligate=Wonderful Story. ' , , Evening Service • The Choir will render the _Chr-ist mas_.Cantata.-"To:._Bethlehexn"_, . which` includes the following numbers: Overture. • Break Forth. Into Joy -Chorus. And 'Thou Bethlehem -Bass Reci- tative. ' • Bethlehem of Noblest Cities -Bass solo, soprano and '.alto duet, tenor solo, alto holo and full chorus. Calm was the Hallowed Night..- Soprano' ightSoprano' and Alto duet. Let -Os -hasten- toBethlehem-..-Ten-, o�r Recitative and 'niale .'chor'es. And They Came -Alto Recitative,, soprano solo and chorus: The .Hemi is Breaking -Full chorus Behold there came Wise Men -Ten- or recitative. • Three 'Kings of Orient --Male trio. Fairest "Lord Jesus. -••Alto' Solo. 0 Pink -Let Us Warshi:p-Fu1t Chorus. WEDDING BELLS GIBSON-r-YOii'hi - The rectory, Lucknow, was , the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding• at four o'clock on .Saturday after- noon, when Margaret Grace, ' eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Young, concession. b, ]chest' Wawanosh became the bride of William Marsh- all Gibson and the late Mr. George Gibson, concession 12, Ashfield. Rev. J. Ii Geoghegan, rector_ of the a parisF Of Lueknow and. • St. Paul's ' Church, Dungannon, officiated. They were at- tended by Jack McDonagh and Miss Amy Young, sister of the bride, 'wile ;were witnessesof the• ceremony. Fol- lowing the signing: -of the register, the Bridal party motored to the ponie of the bride's parents, where a sump- tuous wedding dinner,was served. The. dining -morn was retilly decor ated, fol' the occasion, ' the; color. scheme being pink and white, and the dining table being centred' with the wedding cake. The bride • looked charming in a gown of wine colored rough crepe,. with hat and coat in tr P 1• , . the. same shade. Gloves, purse and accessories were • Pack. Mr. and Mrs. f ibaon will reside' oil concese1on 12, Ashflel'd: " undreds .of Children Greet Santa Claus Light; IIunddred-Giift. Hags Handed. TO Children' Wo.„ Throng.. Around Christmas . Tree That whitewhiskered, :red "coated entlemanSata ...plans, us :visited in "ZLucknow on 'Saturday afternoon, *here' ole.'W870 greeted by `hundred - of :happy children, rem t'h'e surround- ing couptry. and *the village Mysteriously arriving at the Con - nue. ion sc oo , s or y o'clock, Santa,` =•accomppanied' by' - the ,children, led by ..the Citizen's: Band,, marched to the Christmas tree 'oi, Campbell St., 'where still mere hi ld ren'. congregated and swarmed around' the, tree while Santa's helpers passed out a bag of sweets to each child. Approximately 800 such bags were distributed, each .containing a liberal, supply of candy, and peanuts and an orange. The event was sponsored .:by the . Lucknow: merchants and in; order• to distribute this bit of, Christmas cheer -to -the kiddies; -four. ; eases= -of- oranges, two hundred pounds of • can- dy and one hundred pounds Of pea- nuts . were, purchased. At the conclusion of the festivities, the Douglas Playerswho were filling a 34nights'. engagement in :townn,. staged, a' 1.0c matinee. Mr. R. J.. Moore made . arrangements with the., troupe whereby at the 'expense of "the Fire Company all •children ' were, allowed, free' admission to the Per- formance, which was mnost ` entertain-. Needless' to say the . children; the grown-ups, the merchants and `every one • enjoyed ' 'Santa's visit, and the afternoon saw the village `a hive of ryctivity with the ..Christmas' .spirit of .;ood will permeating lt all. fU 'LEY BES;1jDENT .. .. DIES -`'SUDDENLY • Wednesday afternoon as we are about to go to press we learn of : the sudden death of .Mr. Jelin 'Neil Mc- Kenzie, of Ripley, who dropped dead that 'morni gi. : ',Mr. McKenzie, a former resident -•if-Ashfceld ownship; upon- retiring• ;took up residence ia Ripley. H. was .Apparently in his usual health the orevious evening,' and ,had been as- ,isting his on Roy • atthe garage. His sudden death came as a shock to relatives and friends. VIDLOON-RETU1`RN'-_ ,- -. • TO MISSION FIELD Rev. Hugh McMillan Preaches In South Kinloss, Church And ' The Presbyterian; .Church' On Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh MacMillan, who :for :the._past ear.have been boiue on furlough, will in th,e course of -a ?duple of weeks, return to their Mis- Aion field in Formosa:, During this time they Have made their•home in on Torto `brit have been frequent visit - tors to their native community. On--Sunday-morning, Rev: McMrl_ 'an ,occupied the pulpit in South Kin- loss Church, acting in a similar cap• acity in the Presbyterian church in the evening, where he -delivered in- teresting sermons, touching • briefly on their mission work. Rev. .McMillan's , brothers, George. and Ross reside onthe sixth comes. -sion of Kinloss, while Mrs: McMillan formerly Miss Donaida McIntosh, ' is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mr ' Peter McIntosh, whose ,home was on the fourth concession, Kinldss. INCREASED T,AX ARREARS. The increaseddifficulty, in, meeting the tax levie in Kinloss Township this year, iced. by 'the ' fact -;bat up to Deeerruber 15th, according. to the finar:Adel statement just printed there :was $8466:3, in- 'unpaid teas - as against $3161.35 last year. After that hate the 5% penalty, on unpaid' tastes is imposed; unless• leniency is Shown. A summary of the' year's ,op - erations in the ~Township, appears lsewhere. Card Of Thanks We "The Murdoch Kamily" wish io eatjiress our deep appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for sympathy and .kindness in our late bereavement, ::i The BreadThe Bread of Health HVI of Health U,UR„ „910_, IS O UADIT3C� �A ND-SERVI.. W There's a Wealth • of-. Health in Every" Loaf of I olyinan's Bread, which gives you Biggest Food .Value. 'OUR Hb MEMAO MINCE .MEAT 'is made from 'tire-' choicest in • gredients, carefully ,.blended to,;give the correct `Alive.. BUY YOUR' 'CHRISTMAS' CAKES' N - • D. . , . . hIRI S A AND INGS. NOS•', _ Th" y� ivake ideal gifts. We will prick and 'mail them"tor you, i • ` : J . ' Y : ;Large stipp ly, of"CAFES, , $Ul+dS. . ROLLS.' ],5c. • ::LE'M!0'N'N. • LAYER • CAKES . ' �SPE.CIAL, 20c t FrAGH •, ' $e • A'RES' • '. 0 . , . A' • E T' Q'U ISTIVE PPLE •BUNS.' O;LL.YA1'►' QUALITY' EKE• •Phone .36 _ ILoca ene . • ,_ raiL. On the 'way, a carload of. Rosedale Lump• Alberta Coal.. - LUCKNOW COAL CO.. 1 New Christmas ,Goods: in .all de- partments of the store. • Store .open' evenings., TIIE, MARKET STORE.' Mr. W. L. MacKenzie is enjoying the -holidays at_ his- home here, -ha' ing completed his year's business. Miss .Olive Alton is makiingfav- orable recovery' from a 'severe • cold which has confined. her to her home during the .past.' week. The display of coats; and dresses at TEMPLETONS, continues' air this week. Note the Free.•Hat offer in the. Page 5' dVertisenient.- o• Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hill: attended the •funeral .tof .`.George „Henderson,. which. -took place or Thursday from his late• residence. near Brussels. 1klrs7*iivitter'zsf"Foa'seiaw; Sisk' and Mrs. Jas. McConnell , off"Dauphin, Mean:,,; are visitors. at the home. of. Mrs. Lockhart ,and• Mr. Will Lockhart' ...Mr: ,•and• Mrs. - Archie Robinson, Jr... ;oaf Auburn a3id 'Miss ,Moore,' R.N.•'of • Clinton; were...Visitors... the • first of the week with Mr., and Mrs. W..; J. •Davison. • Mrs. E. Hewitt • and her son Billy. of Saskatoon are speeding •an •extend-, ed visit with Mr. . and'• Mrs. W. J. Davison.' Mrs.. Hewitt is Mrs. Davi-, son's sister; and it is. her first visit •here--in-twenty reyears� ' I " A special m•reeting • o the. Women's Institute.:will, be,Jipldein theCouncil.. Chamber •on Thursday -evening (to- night) at' 745. Members are asked to attend as importairt business will .come before .the meeting. Visitors^ lasts.-week,,..wMr. tied' Mrs. Thomas Aitchisonit i were, ;Mr. and, Mrs. Ernie Aitchison of • Harris - ton; Mr. „Percy Aitchison of Peter- borough and -Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Mit- chell and Mr. Allan 'Aitchison of Wes ton- The Lucknow. Table • Company re- sinned operations on.Monday, follow- ing a week's shut down, . due to the death ,of the' president Of the company Mr. George T.. Aitchison. The plant is operating now .on an eight hour day in place . of nine hours daily as previously. • 'Mild and -neon-set-tled•'-weather has followed the three-day 'storm of last week. Motoring and sleighing are vieing'' for honors as a means of moving 'about -the .roads. are fairly suitable for: either vehicles, although a ground drift Made-, motoring `diffi, cult on .Wednesday • mornings" • ROBERTA JOHNSTON ' RECEIVES PARK MEDAL At the annual commencement ex- ercises of Victoria school, 'Goderich, held recently, the Robert Park mem- orial medal, contributed by. Victor Lauriston of Chatham, for the peen with the highest standing at, the en- trance examination was presented by Inspector E. C. Beacom.' The *inner was. Roberta .Johnston, daughter of Mr. an'd Mrs. Robert Johnston, whose school ( record is an 'outstanding one. Mr. Beacom explained the hew sys- ten o,'f granting high school entrance certificates on . the basis of the stu- d'ent's work ,during the year. The valedictory a 'dress• was given by Roberta Joli.iston,, wh o expressed ap reciation the. instruction' ah�i had received from the . teachers o Victoria School. As well, Robet'ta was awarded the prize for proficiency in $•eograBhy, • • .w- LBU-!: 11 11 , I47eW Muss. Liber' Y �. $•37:50_; Li' the. h6•. Sentiment•', tS. taSting NATURALLY, if your. gift is a temporary: thing Viet is soon worn. out :or usedup, the .'sentiment which .inspired it • is soon 'forgot-. ten. If you want. your good wishes to live ,on f r years-givea last - lig gift: Our stock :of distinctive gifts in ads-•ire-almo se-••-entirely-af _articles of that, kind. Fine watches ... newest ,jewelry -unusual novelties. -and 'many accessories of; precious metal such es watch bands; tie and .collar clasp.; And. the ._surprising -.. pert, .of.::it is that most of these gifts cost no more than 'others' which are soon .forgotten. Come in and look around! • F. T. Armstrong Jeweller Gifts ThaLLast.__ Xmas Suggestions NickelPlated SKATES, Pr.:. $1.40 TUBE. SKATE$]. Pr. LINED MITTS, ! Horsehide Face, Pr. ' 50c. at Murdie's niettaarAW HURRAH! SANTA CLAUS HAS JUST ARRIVED AT THE VARIETY • ..STORE- WITH A BIG. LOAD OF CHRISMAS ,GIFTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER r 10 Per Cent. off SILK HOSE Friday & Saturday J. A 0 `D D E : ANGLICAN CHURCH CHRISTMAS,} DAY SERVICES Christmas Day 'S'ervices • :have, been announced by Rev. J. H. Geoghegan as follows': 7.30 A. M, Luckno'ty, Holy 'Com. .niunion.' 9.00 A. M. Ripley; holy Gorhinunion 10:;80 A. M.Lucknova, Hely Com n isnlo i and addies's. •• ' 111, -Port Albert Holy.. Cont minion and address#. 8.30 P.M. -Dungannon, Holy Cont' - reunion and address. 7.00 P. Mt Lucknow Car{4 Service, •