HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-12-29, Page 4J.°
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the *Othlg.g 1Mt
,Taykot„ gild the
McDonald to •be
nil a intq tkiAlr Prevented
0.6r .111‘. Reeve Rae was
u -
eave Xtlie 4eot chief:1Y on Om:ay
eirs,-legyilig the various depart-
ents er the Village wOrk • to his
011eaguei 'lie -stated he had served
,,;011 he had: spent in the reeve's
b6J,1° 1114 a,1 06 eoPOimien stated if
*embers of the canneldeszred' the
:aeye.shi,p he would Withdraw.' • •
Ceeinity rate he Stated had.heen.,
about ne inill this year
fact bat 'POO,
090 Of Iast Year's WOri on *.pro
nand, TelephOne, „hYdro and ' tele,
'9raPh t4-01' thee, trees to
'suit their purpose :and reeult
001e,:trees n.1.76 •;4516g 4111.4 SoMe, are.
peer Slifipe; .Mr; 1144144111,:. Aat$ii;1;
he 'weldbe .n ,eop41400 fei eliher,
•the •resveship or •o0P6011,
icial. Highways, which.. totalled.
000' had been'• paid.
,County rate is inills made
mil .app ied tO
al ehenture-debt.:.oft•$471:47t30'
Mills or $37250; for High,
eels. Over 43000 Ofthis •amount
pilietop .students attending, school
sidethe '.Public ',Public schools
fini1,10 or:.. $34,390.' Administration
'Untice 3j5 .mills or $17,200. 'County
m, g, ¼ mills, or $5,700,p. County
: RAAB., _House of rjetage,
16 mine' or 99,580. 'Interest on leant
10 nulls ,or $3580„ Provincial High -
ay, 1% 2.31,4141,, ...Connty.
irrhiveys, 24l5 Milli,J80,19.0. Relief
110 . -tills $37600. Salaries mills
hineone, • 9116 -mile, The -figures
iproxiinately correct. • ?'
knee" Ceinity has the least lumber
neioners and for this Reeve Rae
eaniniended the Old Age Pension0• •.Theidehenture -debt it as
',:".•ecninty and patriotic deben-
;600are included in !the
a:Menst- .Of l'adMiristration Of
eT was referred to at being an
riaMitr011ablY -high cost, 'as was re;
ex riditure.',
,...'"i,v."1116ge:•---:dehentOre debt as
en. .byC IS as follows:
Sidewalks, $1,379;981 Water=.°
546.29.;' Hydro, $11,764.63;
liiiiveYer. nelf-sustaining.'i
.C440# :ROA Pl.ISDN
' .
Or ...RObertsini 'dealt with the
V' 'Station . street which he
Was,* *00Ediii asset .to the
age..:11k,reviOWed- the expenditures
and 'credits set.forth in 'the
stetenienf Which revenlid, the
net cost �f this 'road as $5957.89;
aughing.On the telephone condi..•
age Uri E..1, Very "limited
ion without a toll ,charge, Mr. Rob,
...urtgon stated that he had',recently
been in( •elinverSation: with the stiperin
endent of the; telephone system's,
Who in quite _familiar- With the local
iOnditiOnik_TA___Meeting of Ofkiiils 44_
01a0Tibei.S-74"-thi3-,-4itriqUS • -systenisr
.;*4 held in Aiplvthis fall, at which
:Bell. Weill:me Officials represented
•LiicknOw,...1:. Reeve, Rae, Councillor
Robertson and Mr. A,' P.. Stewart at-
' tanded-...t.be 'meeting, ,,Which hew -ever,
was heiii)rivately as far as subscrib-
ers were eoncerned, who were Unable
to hear the reason for the decisions'
arrived at. The ,superintendent of
telephone: systems; has iftIggestion
to" offer tiiid is willing tolielp rectify
the: 'cOndiiion, Mr. Robertson stated,
hat business men ;and ,residents mast
keep up the agitation:. The kcal
exchange tvas not criticised.' •
. • r •
More attention to trimming and
protecting our trees'was, an import-
ant matter in. -Councillor Robertson's
Nontimenta,t Works,
Lacknow, On
Haar the largest and most complete
litanik in the . latest beintifil designs
rhea.* from. •
W E.fainke a Specialty of
-Famil, montinteata and invite
• 'Your Laraleetliani, '
-GarefiallY and
lanfaire.,Plateing Year Order..
Qouucillor.liamilton spoke Oil.- the
water system:, a department of the
work with-100ch be hes heeo in
'Close touch. The .system an infant
enterprise, after one :year: of °Per-
Miran, has 'made a favorable'showing
and With elimination of "capital ex-
penditure" this coming year, shOtild
he off to'a good'start ; 011 hould-
leave $55Q for a, sinking -fund freer.
,each rear's Operation and with •
prospective increated „business re-
'Y'On.1.1 a.d.upiye viold-b -Med' to
the sinking fiincl;%: assist In paylng
off the, prinprincipal..and, interest its it
:became •••
.I1a.zipito. was of, the‘ opinion
:thnt'"iit"..thaend, of tbe year, 00)64
ehoidd co -Operate. vvi•th the' clerk in
..financial statement -for theratepayme;
Asfor the .:Reeyeship, he did not as-
pire -to' tilt office as long as Reeve,
Rite Wanted 'it, because he felt he
Could. not.imprOVe iiyion the ability
of the present reeve, who devotes
iniichtirne to -the work Of his .office
and who is cenMversant wit e hydro
system; r. Hamilton d served
five Years •as eonilier7
'cpyNCILtow. mur.,,uw. i
Councillor Mullin, chtirinan of the
1444- arid Br-idge Citttaited
he .had served on the boerd eleven
years, 'under tlifee different "reeves`
and, tinit he: ,was not loOkin2'.--fOr,"
reeteship but • "he'd le a candidete•
oomesomewhere."• :
Councilor Anderithi dealt with.the
legal' hydro system stating that the
rate here is higher than' many- placei,
a fact which is explained , by the
Ontario Hydro system as being due'
to the increased 'cost in getting'hydro
to' this end of the line. Exchange
, •
!eest- the,. Ontario'Hydrn-Systern-
Proximately $1,000,000 and the local
-eystenr-paYS a eliare-of-this-at-the
rate of $3.96 per H. P..; making the
actliai cost of l34140 Close to $67.00
per .H. P, •
•The exchange 'hills have° finally
')een: Paid by council, Mr. Anderson
stated; as failure to meett these levies
would ...result in them being deducted
from the Thirteenth Power Bill;
which is the annual rebate at the. end
of the .year, if payment at the es;ti-
mated cost .exceeds the actual Cost
.oi' hydro during the year. 'The' an-
nual rebate is generally. about .4900.
Asked why the surplu,s to the c e t
of the Ideal system Was not used to
reline the rates, Couneillor Anderson:
replied that With an mitside hydro
intestment of $29,000 the Ontario
eommiesiOn demands that s. surplus
of abiiost $12,000 'shouldbe carried
to Meet contingencies, before' rites
arecut The -1Ocal-reeeive-ie-ter from
-this -fi-gure.
Mr. Anderson stated, that he :was.
not going to qualify' until late' the
next 'day if he did so, and anyone as-
piring to his chair cottld have it by
qualifying before he 'did. ..
Murdie was the only new nom-
inee to 'speak, and as the Reeve itnd
Council had net clearly, Stated their
intentions, he saitl-ne 'mutit :Sit
.without expressing himself..
Asked what the Ontario Hydro
would do. in ease Of •a gOcit, Reeve
Rae said he could not say. Vest slims
have' been built up by, the Commis-
sion for, obsolescenceandcontingen-
cies, but when exchange bed to. be
paid it was charged back to the
Rey. C. 'H. MacDonald in a general
Way outlined the Work of the school
beard. lie Stated he Wad not- a ject
,prepAred, ea. he was acting as' a last
inyinte 'substitute for, Mr'. IX. C.
Taylor who was ill. . •
Improved beating elf the school,
which brings into, discussion the in -
gelation of a Stoker or a blower r is
still 'under , consideration. The, re-
quired science room -equiPment has
been pnrchased in, order that grants
would not be affected. The reports
receiVed on the school and' the AO
re of high standard, both of Which
are above the average,. 'he stated,
'1932 will Saturday .and
SO will Many best hsreains
ever offered year at MUNN'S'
STORE. Riuleit. Clean Out Retnnant
and Dollar Da V Sale.
miss out
of the
• ,
"What do yen , -mean by coming
home at this hour?" she enquired.
"Well, dear, you kriow," he began,
Jonesisse#ing. Pi.eyried tomorrow,
and there has ben a presentatiOn at
the Club, ?and the: tuna lark-"
"Yes," elle said 'scathingly ","to say
os,.. MAO 41/IOLEY
The' ileeth ,Mrs. Wm. QefOleY
!1:11.• Deeember 1,4th, due to. n paa
e#0.47,4xas cat angther flooni
over St, '4oeePil'h• Parish, 101.1.6ehr4dge
- She"had been, a highly respected
and, life long resident.s•ots, this teem
munity„ and her denthwill he greatlY
,MenfOOd 1:4Y: a vast eixeIe..of fdepile
644 relatives. She was surrounded
1,7 the loving ..affection of g kind
'husband, two:sons andtwo. daughter*
Thomas , of Detroit Mid. Austin. of
Inane; also Mrs, Jae, Chisholm 'of
Colhorne. MarY
BoWler 'and .
irandaughter who has ePiait• hei
obildliend 'days :viler., 'the, :earet0-1.
gallintiet oi her randnerenta. • ,in
*additiOn• to, "P*0 094 10einher6 ,Of.
:the ',tinnily there ere two •a6ris who
predeivased.,.. ,.Y.enrs ,-like.-
Benedief,wlio. diedt at the age:,' Of .14:
yearsefid: :John: vehn., perithed i the
Great Like storm Of November 9t.h.
191 .• • sis er, Fs. a ric
Cartlay-. •Detroit.--is-s•the- only ser--
viVing member Of the. Austin
,• Mrs.' Quigley '.(Johanna Austin).
was horn 68 years ago on the Austin
2,11 Mile mirth of the.: R.
C. Church.. After her Marriage. to.
Mr.•:Quigley, who .rendefed noany
years of. -faithful service as n-blaCk
:smith to the people Of Athfield, they
resided within a1/4 male' • of: , her
preyioue home and, later Purchased
the, farm eiri the rith eon. ,of Ashfield.
froin ...Whence 'ther inoved,to Goderich
-.'Where ...they remained until---5quite
-reetritly, -whei . they decidedt� return
to • Auhfiejd and purchased the farm
'oUrned. shy 'the late Conrad.' O'Reilly.
Being ;of a • YerY hantill. chari-
table. and kindly 'clitpositimi,. always
willingto sacrifice her own comfort
for the benefits Of otliK• she en-
joYee."-the good -will of an ,eacception-;
idly large circle of friend's who vvill
mourn her .deniise. She was a' faith-
ful and piaus members of: the con,.
gregatien of St. .Josenh'e .Chfirch;
ihere.-Reanie-iii High' Mats- -Vas-
offered, on. Satiirday morning', Dec-
ember 17th, b Rey. ,F. 7MeCardlei.
R•P. .Among the friends who were.
Present:, at the funeral' 'Were Mrs.
Patrieli _McCarthy,'Miss .Nellie -and
Sas. McCarthy of -Detroit, Mr. John.
Quigley Mr., Pythei. of
.Clinton ' and ••KinufkOpii of
Dublin., • ..
„. The pallbearers were :six- nephews.
of the deceased; Clifton and Cyril
Austin,. McCarthy„ Wm!, Hogan,
Mr. Pythe,end Itreuflicaili. •
Having been in, failing, health
since the_death of hex:husband, ...a
mcinth ago, Mrs. William Glazier of.
G,oderich„ passed' aiva3F on Friday.
Mrs. Glazier, formerly Amelia 'Coates
Was in her' 67th ,year. .
Among those attending the fun-
eral on Monday afternoon,. were
liree Gehrge,,
.and Ilentard_ Bargerief4shfield.......--
, Mrs. Glazier survived' by 'two
seals, Tom of Goderich and Will Of
London, as well as by two 'sisters;
.one in" the Stites and the other in
the West. The late Mr.. Thomas Wat-
son was a half-brother.
*r. and Mrs: Less McKeith, Spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Farnell
of Riple3i.
• Miss Irene Hogan of St. Joseph's
Hospital, London; spent .Chtistamae
with:her parents, retarnipg- to ,duty
Monday'. • '
I Miss Jean Long, Motored to London
on Friday last and was accompanied'
home, by Mies Willeng Chesnut of
St. JosePles 'Hospital and 11fr.' Eric
Mr. J. J. Gilmore and Miss Frances
Gilmore of London, spent Christmcis
with the latter's parents, and were
accompanied on their return by Mifis
Della Gilmore, Who will visit in the
city for
Mr. and. Mrs. Less 'Ritchie and Al-
vin were among the guests at Mr.
and Mrs. Sam •Sherw'Sbd's: on' the
holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt and
Mr..end Mrs. Jas. BarbOur of Glide -
deb, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blterwood
of Crewe and Mr. Richard/ Tivionlor
Of Dungannon were also present for
the „joyous Christmas, festival. Mr:
Sherwood, who has been in failing
health for almost a year, was able
to be hp and participate in the happy
Mrs, Jas. Cook is visiting with, her
brether,' C. E. MeDonagh.. Mr.. Jo.
Johnston was ,also a week -end visitor
•while Misi Emile McDoluta of.
London also spent the' Christmas
holiday with her parents, "retUrning
' Of the swellowei" • Monday venire.
. .
SOOtti Prt11100. ,
Vehllebei e7rr, 1.19teday' leornieg
at talettliilry Ontariai.11,
1%4010;4;1i PrOptjetOr
cimphes The*pson,4!41111.0lier
THURSDAY, .1-JD‘C*Wit 291- 1932°
fablioSehool Reports
Rirut 111,
• 'Sr.- III -Possible 300; Bon, '226;
Pass 180. ".
,10nors-I. Nicholson 263; M. All,
261; .:41.:',Dreer. 240; ¥ Trapbn;247;
ii Irw14,045; MacDonald 245;'. R.
BilttOnP : M. Salkeld 236; D.
laved. 23'4.:
•WhitOY 215, J Leith -00; •4 'Pie*
ster :',1.
173; .'0. 'Penrose - 100l .:0!".,..46.?"tie• 1031
126; 4/10Tavish,_94; ,Steivart*:
r. III., -Possible 275; Honors 206;
PaSS -163:
G..Culbert: 173; M.,•,.Connell 170;,
Solenion 169. .13eletv ,Ccsik
1,35; J. frlavens 133; Paterson .1314
15. • Johiistone 102; 3. H.endersini 74;
G. Steviard....64;.:Bid 'Chit is. '•
*". absent thrinigh illness;
c_,_1.10,4444 4.400..charieti 89;
S. Mecebaries
Lagrft ifeedlt94. • L.
Rayinond galioltod hole mao
Pharlez 79; Marlon •Heielltee 69;
Derotby . 'McGuire, and Gordon NTC',.
.Guire $4 (equal).
. Sr, III -Mae Barkwell 70.
i.° MieCheries , 80;
Mary McGuire 79; Eileen Orilla 73‘;
Gordon Brooks 59; Jack Rouleton .56;
cllarlia • Reelston, fir; Gordon Irwin.
40. '•,. . ••••;
!-Arnold *quire 10; Evelyn
IrWiti1,76; Frank Barkwell 65.; Ran
Chidte and .MelrYCooke (absent).
"4° clenotee absence. fin...examination.
No,: on ro11,21.. Aye. ait 17.5,
" • Marin* E: Caimphelt
Tiest •• • •
ROoni •
, • •
' Jewitt,
Willard Thompson, Reid McKim,
T.-ii'iy-40Wyldii;T Margaret -blichOlien;
Keith "Collyer, -M'a'ry Sallield, "Sam
"McQuillin;.,"Ernest 'Batten, . Catelyn
Allis; Arthur
Pass-DouglasAlto/demi, Donald
MacKenzie, " . Celia .Wilson, Riissell-
garnits. 'Below rAssFrea, 'Webster,
Frances ..AranstrOng. Absent on ac -
cunt of measles, . Allan 'Tkeieziven,
`Betty .TitylOr., . •
: Treleaven,
Helen Orr, Alan "Pate, --Kline
-Lee„,„ Ross Petersen, Russell Whitby,•
Below Pass -Eileen .Geoghegan, hisr.
jorie 5°10M:in, "Warren Wylds; Absent
ln'' account of meanies; -Ciithaiiiie„
Johnstone; Sam Chin, Jack, Traplin.
Hewn -I
Sr. Ciase-Pass-,Rnasell Armstrong
Itoss lienclerson*,; 1,Noinui Ritchie,
Alirede Mortis, Doris ,Wylds, Lloyd
:Stewart. . . BeloW • Pase"--,' Rayniond:
ToininY Traiplin,'•Dotothy
Paterson,, Donald: Johnstone, Carmen
Billie Button..
Jr. Class Parkeri.,
Melvin Orr. Pass -Jean
Amide Plarnilton..Below Pass -Helen
Rathryu Agnew. ' '
Jr. '•Cfass A -Hon. -Reggie Fer-
guson,, Lorne Gardner, Jimmie Pur-
ves,; Jeari•Allin.,Pass-Kenneth Web -
'atm; Mabel ,McDonald, Jean Wehiter
Solomon,' Renal& MeIritrea." Below
Pass - Nornean McCartney',. Roy
'Havens, George: Taylor,,. Lois.' Hen
clerson, 7Lereen '1"•-•
sickness. ' • I. Murdie.
' . •
Riplo Reeve and Connell Returned
"For Another Term -Keen' Interest
At illiaren Nomination.: •
- Thiriuntination-meeting-in--Ripl •
on Monday night resulted in an all-
round acclimation as follows: Reeve.
, .
Duncan, Munn ;,,ffouncillors-Thhinati
Yemen, ItObert SwalWell, John Bell
and Gordon Stanley.' ;
A." lerge attendance, with keen in-'
terest taken -ha proceedings at Huron
Township nomination, was in evi-.'
dence on Monday . night, with nom,
inations for the Reeveship and Couni.•
cil Board aS follows: Reeve-Robeit
Geddes tord . Donald - s. . MIA:00mM:
Councillors -John Kennedy, Ben Lo.;
gan, Leslie Ray, Alex McKay, Ralph
Elliott and Roderick Rese.
Christinas services were held in
Ripley' churches Sunday. 'A special
feature of the eveniag service at St,
AndreW's United Minh being an
echo choir, composed of ,Junibre, who
occupied i(the gallery and aitsistetrin
the song seryice. ",
'Ripley Visiters • . ,
The foloWing persons are spend-
ing their Christmas vacations at
their Irma hereI) ' . McLay; Mr.
and lgrs.• Hernial onald, MaidOch
McDOnalc1( Vera awford; Olive
ROW Alan Maityn,.' Amelia Martyn.
all of Toronto, •Rhoda. Campbell,
Paisley; -• Margaret Campbell, liun4
della; • Christene McLennan, Katherine
McDonald and Geittlide Kidney'. of
Oshawa; Lour* Watson. Ifitehener;
Gordon Munn, John D.' Winn, Mar --
ion gunn„•Gorden Caniphell• of Lon-
don;' MitigoriF iiiii: kiiiiiiiiie tell
pi Windsor; Annie .sowers, Margaret
•Mirtyn of thirlingtoii; Elizabeth'
a Weit eihead• 854;
Gordon McDonald 69; Hugh' D. :Mc-
Donald .62i "ferry Durnin 61,
rJr:- .Wilkinson 69i
sell Webb 65;', johimies•Pritchard 62;,
Jimmie Aitchison 61; Harold Weeds
59; .Angue.MCDonald 54.
Hachanan 63;
Daily: Marks. -
"Sr, I.•,• -•Mae McDonald, 770; Ross
Sammie :794; .Helen McDonald 683;
Margaret •Aiteldion 664
Jr. Y l••••-- Marie • Swan •696:; Allan
Cranston„563. , " •
'/Priiner---41nria34° Wilkinson 721;
-Dorothy Webb- -715; Maria Aitchison
.. •
8.8. NO. 6( Ashfield''
Sr...- IV,---,Tetted • • in Arith., Lit.,
Gram, .Comp., Geog., Hist. and Agri.
Muriel Blake,73%; Chester Twainiley
Sr. Alton'72;, Harley
Phillips 47; Bertram purran 63;
Phyllis Blake 62.
JrAII,;-Mary Horton 80; Wileraina
II -Lorne Phillips 76; RusSel, Alton
-74f411kernice_lifurphy .237; Clare, -Lan.:
nen 66.1' •
Pr. --Dally Marks4 .Patisible total
Show Starts 8.30 P. M.
Deruniber •
. •
; . The :Coaled!. Team. ).
• In
wo Reel Co'
..:r zy..,
"and'IMekiily, •
Rosollistrie Lannan 397; Lys! Lannan
395; "Elva Moran 387; Howard Blake
370; -Tom Philips 215. .
A. Class --Raymond Murphy.
No. on roll 19.. Ave. att. 17.93
-Olive L. Anderson.
• I am wondering if we shall be able
at a 'people. to get' God's viewpoint
in the year 1933 -upon that hangs
;he Issue of the day.
- Therii-are-two levels 'on which men
live. Two roads-the,*One, oi , the
3,theilmen travel almost 'the Yeare--.
."at highway and a low way", •and
*dray ,men must choose the way his
„soul -shall- go. -.As idohureh- universal -
nay we see 1933 with new eyes. The
Inn 'at Bethlehem, Icing • ago' was
crowded by. people *ha got there. first
-and occupied ,the front Beate for
the moat .iinportinitl.things•that were
going on. The important plaice isnot
.the Dm but the STABLE. Outside
he exclusive, Inn that night, things
-were-happening7-"this-la . the Lordli
doing and it is marvellous in our
eyes," Is this" eternal "wake" of de-
preliSion blinding as to the future?
The future is being born of God and
He is.' diselesing Rhine!f once more.
HapPineini; Peace, where do "on find
them. The road of 'peace leads mit'
of a ‘. Manger and is marked by I
cradle. -
Yes, God is knocking at the door
of the Year 1933 -and if He conies in
there.ehaill be -no mare war. Fosdyck
has said that "War is man's wors
collective sin.", Herod's sword- would
be:nfore merciful to the children than
the 'thing we are making for the
neicrwar." "
"I: long to see the sense of God
canna back" says a. great, leader of
the land. What is amiss with us
Is that** smite of God has gone so
largely out of life, there it no room
for Him in the In. The lim that
Hight was crewded. with devotees
Mainnien. Materialism leads directly
to thet law of the jungle and the life
of tar tiger, and the ape. What we
need*:is a new sense of God. Webave
got to ;make rooni- for ata is Canada.
ROBERT 'mobrrooliOr.
1:•-: • . ;
Happy New Year to all.
Mr. Russell McDougell••-
:, azi
'pourer; and his brother Harvey, Of
Jasper, are spending the winter with
their parents, Mr.' and Mrs. R. Mc.
Miss Margaret Graham is spending
the holidays with. Senate in Detroit..
, Mr. -Jim Little of Toronto spent, •
Christnias at hi a home.'
Miss Sarah McIver Of. Powassan it
haze:. Guelph ii
spending a few days athisLhoine.
Mr. W. 'Robertson Of Ripley „ visit- '
ed last Week with friends on the.,
Mr. and. Mrs: Irwin and fluidly,
mspentiMoudey with: Er. and Mrs.. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson
and ShirlaY. !Tent Christmas with
Mr, and Mit. Dexter of Paramount.
Miss Elizabet)% Mayer Of Strat-
ford Normal is sending the vacation.
at her home.:
A very' large crown gathered at
the home of Mrs. .t. Carruthers, on
Monday night, at the reception given
in honor of the! marriage,'of her
daughtar_l_l_eim,,toMr-George ,Fisher, '
7 when. At -very pleasant -time waftaPent .
• _ST.. IfitIttNS
_ the _January- _Meeting .of, -the- Wo-'
inen's Institute. Will be held at Mrs. •
Greta -Webb's on!. Thursdalt January
i2th. Roll call, .:11ellifults For
Monday. Subject ---"Keeping Fit" in
:harge of Mrs. George Stuart. Boat-, 1
eitesHlirs., Cranston; Mrs. Gordon
McPherson. ,... • •
• Mr. Robert McQuillin of Belleville •
Mrharles *Quill% of -Centralia,
Miss Mildred 1149uillin Of Stratford
were home for ehristmna. '
Misa Anna Stuart of Toronto -was
a Christmas visitor -with her mother.
Miss , yera Woods of Toronto was .
a week -end vititor with her -mother, .
Mrs. R. J. Woods. •
The following teachers' are home
for the holidays: .511sses W. D. Ruth- •
erforat from Kirkland Lake; Dorothy
McQuillin, id Sandwich; Rebel and
Irene • Woods and, Vera Todd from - -
Kitchener, Lulu Weatherhead of
Mr. :Lorne Webb. of Blyth spent
Christmas here,
Miss 'Lila . Gaint ' of Welland is
sPanding the week -end With her
mother, Mrs.' Jas. Gaunt.
The visiting teachers luid charge
of the •meeting of the Young People
Society on Sunday evening, when
there was it fine attendance. Mr.',
Wilsoh Woods read the Scripture
bullion and Missyera 'Tedd read • a
paper on "Christmas akT0813 the Seven
Seas." Mies' Irene Woods chose as
her subject I'Spreading the 'met
Chrifit,1naimSpiri0.- While Miki; Mabel
Whosoever haveth it bon Of God 'Woods gin, the story of "The Other
and ktursVeth God, for God it love
Annual Congregational Meeting.
Blake's-, January. 3rd; Hacketts,
.3sinif4y 4th; Zion, January. 9th.- •
The Yining .Peoplea' Socletiet
eve election ''.of officers at all the
regular meetings during the first
Week iii the New', Year -on Friday
aliening the elettion of 1610 officers of
the ./1 9 St111-11109tr .
Wise Man.' A selection by the choir,
a sill& by Mrs. lenen and musk by'
Mr. and .George Stuart... all
littpeir to make the meeting success
There was a splendid sitteridanee
at,,the rsehool COndeit• ,on Thursday
night; when a splendid rogram Was.
given by the children.
- Mr. Alf and Miss ?Greta Webb
$13411- *hider Grarid Yeller.° .
v. .