HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-01-07, Page 3,
::,,,a7aa Sala a, •,•••1
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" - • '1. • •,, .. ,,
,.. .. ,, i Stories ...— Ancient and modern -
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• "..." • •
' MOW - JO play Brute,
•Wynne Pervsson
• Ely ,TANTAL.kia In "John Qat-ander)" •
I. nialte tie apology , for lucluding
amongst this • selection a few:
stories that _may not have„•the lines
of a 1931 , For. some old
'stories have the b•otiaust of a goad
old wine, and age can.not wither
them nor custom stale. Beeidei,
1 th, cliaace • -that
a "rather tIricky bunker,". they earae
at last ,te Lech 'Lomond. "NOW,"
said Jon,athen, "that really is lamas -
thing must admire, and "1, giteilfi'lf
It were posaible. I'd take that sane
heet of water Tight, over Schenee-
tady?! "That's' 'aisily. dape," said
'".list trail. a ibit Pilate acrcies
• • . • ARTICLE No. 3 someosonieWbere, may not have *tile Pond wr Ye, an it Ye eat% enolt
the,re is, 0, ways e
as Weer0.- ,tan bla,W, ye n hae
frOM' any •other :auttion player? lies ing.te :gain by such, taeticti -so Y musti Perhaps. a funny .story .shourd :there iname thee." - •
=• .• 14PTA 110501.191t0,11, Padre 000404 • he PrnPared 'fel' 'a heart, seade bid., neaer be written' cleat at all, .for ,. jOviat 0113tiaMer a• •cale gave
• :more aefigntragfuluess, imire_origleaa; Z, theretere, 1)1(1' tWe apatle.s: A passed how anieeldring even ,eur most ,sue., his ordea to =a stfaneWhat dour look
„. .1171 What ;Partlealar quality Y hid three dietneinde. 4' passed ' cessfal;:vieed of arellery: apPeare. fing-wa,ltrers7 •. "A • coupe Of 'boiled.
Stand out among his ,fellown? It and was narw, certain that •"Y Was .cod
print' 'Yeti given the. tiane •and 'egg' and a kind word,. pleane.".;The
-era#4,-We'nellallY• tilibieat it to a .dlose, 'hearts •.Witit the greatesa-asearanee in tee, 1)•nee; .'nlaYba • tha..1, the ,Mest eggs were brought 'Mew lei:, the.
' •••• P...eT0'40-11ay.thing. that 'We dent ander- hOPing, tar..a heart 'hid eia•hid. thtee
• . • ; •:"•• -eitenkination and allalYelS", so leritsdo .0:e. Weald. :All' passed. a Vs, hand viaa•;, „eePretnie41g oa. these. 'teat.failosa kind averd, miss." Te. giri:leitited..
heard. them all!
, What ;way doela this expert differ as in clianiond0. There would be notha
• ••
b4 under
ex -per ,.• . t iseaslace as. folio:Ws. ••
, • • •wili ask the irt At ' . May ' •forWertl.1. :to.. Volsiti•Per. • .•111 .ear:
a • A . ••• • " • •• •
' a • arr 110.e.r..t .c,.40crotlo•Po• and - let. .1t0. alieartsaaKaS,.. 0`;,' 41;.,, • • • •••• l• .h.q. Sot +There Is; at ileasta'S'n. 0.47.:t eat •••.t„h„ 0.0e. SOO- , • • ,.•
. .
.', 404:Inagnifir,1444.-taotWil.•• ••ob-- '. • •'.' , bere;,-..Spniething 'for. The'....SkiPper' tba•-..aannie .54allite. •
..,'.. • • 000.0 And" .analyee •hidding'-aand •'.•• • •bne taalfsa joke • hat „ano • 11 engaged In last 'Ancimenivifieforet
y,, a piny.. • „ .opeaeera6 . . a k • . . pe e f t3i4o each. of' -.00.40Q• Waking moat. .
. eve nown e lot 1..? .• aP . sai ing. , er een . ,,,.•ao... • -• • . • . . - • asationa•aed .gisetts a- tr . • , • • ,
,• ..•..• fi.g0..1.10..*4**,41.0•'•11.4itit(iii,--.44 •t•' •••., ite;f14:0'• •t;O .-ando'' tGi!iii.14. 4.• i.5•••
•• A ,
A • , • 7,
• a,
' AA • "
• X'••••
vnada:6 Aga -&90ite-ite
. .
_ G 14,A,G paprr...4iat he cei ,v.
tn IC) 154 and 20
9 9 -
. . . .
, • • • •• , : • .
• --km-0
• —W .• a $ • •
. . ;
• • .• "' • •• • .• „.. • A N• °FITS „TO .017Erta • ijaViseartala. • . ', •
tea inventiena 'NW' • ••••. " • ",
, ; ., • street (wawa. •
teen .a_klag. boara lie each andasixty' •••••--a;"";------ • ';''
360,.•:400.,Cisanees...ta• hka. ke.Gond in .'1‘ 9" t'arta.14.. alltafar sewnaintree..rle- Sale- inis;•Conto, • • •
--TheSti are d
ayakt1 1:932,..wak Baca , a any. oria -Patent ttorneas. ale° lien • •• • •
our feaseorraH-ei, -4. aa•le:erAjI4Ch(jelliqatt,4sV ''•
• .. • •• oratea',' teabeaa. ' write tor. ciliates
altNtsgra'aa. ••'.'• •.'•
minutes in eaell• Of.;;rtheie beare arik' uS. R .abia Trial( ' t;•''''.• •
bis hands \I tckenzle Mac ,‘ 4 savriter's*,„eontentien, that4,
! the'' beara one, club and thie; aPade laugh h thisi "(iuestion.-:1-low'• Can ' k nr.i. had • 660" cheraeter . a rice =goy stii.ovii....sniviltiot; may =heal' the ..- a
call to higher ideals, •to.',self improve- 1; • =MAIM irenr wAsysici , . • • .
Yen make a Geetallies haPaY 11.:1 hie which the "Old' Map! was always
• . partner's.biddiag,gave him aaganie not Aye, aye,', was invariably' the . ery Of thcaight may .evolve sPlendlif • sedans 'at barna, 'good pea.' weak
when he is yellegr •
in ment or in an .ot which our nrachin--
, , • hate been the same, so ,theaexpert's ala a es answer -Tell him a 'Joke :
„trfoal-TO-.-19G-Lr -
. t taamon s, e result would
nguage 'of sport, stare eigiert "alai k.; A • a,
• 'otlierwiece;paselbl!sz,---Ilow ,,- • si-aaa---sla(W----,9 :Has
tesati:11010-e-enfraeriaaa „ _ -idea-abler -ef;t-tie en -the -road--ae -tha-a,eaa- ahargesapaid.,, -stamp -
. National Manufacteririg• Co., mon- ' • " • • .-
• Soon' the -smack enconntered Very •
could one. beginVketterathan with this dirty weather • and. Mackenzie,.. rew.-
. And talking . Of 'Scotsmen, ,ahOw , .
oaea.a. • : • , ' .. •••- • :, , • frig, Up to seiale the deek; 'Win swept,
. A worthy, Scot had been perenei :hueltet In head,- bate the inountele,
ous •Sea;.'• . MeCral,g,* hascieg ivitneroi-
ed to become an ,elder. Mistreating '
ed this sate Strophe, sought thet.' skip -
,potkrer, to. proilnee the exteMporel
prayer sometimes called for, be peat- ilje!" • '" : '' . .. '. "
"Ye ken ., yon. moe Mackentieaahina.
ea prayer in his tall hal so .that 1 '
4 : • ' • , ere would have bid this in .
, • Hearts -A, 40, 9, •7 .
• Ai -Contract,. the bidding would nave
Diamondeaaa, • xi la, 6 been the sanie up to Z's Ihree-heart
SPedeir&K, Q, 8, 7 , ' bid.. Hie partner, Y, would then have
, - • 1.41 !icor% rittAmn; genie.. The eapeat. bid, four heartsr .
aa.....4... . , ' 4.41,41t and bid one, ditintenci,•.a Perfect The fere.gele$'hand wan not selected
• eahM010 of the four -card suit bid in a,s unesual bat only as representative
r' in^ ot siiperierity the
expert? ' ' •
• wl' the guid chataeter?". he queried.
heights of success.
Each of these inoments, •tiny, seg-
ments ,of eternity, is' a portion of our
lite, each a potential crisis for bitter,
or worse in our lifea--they seem many'
In their total •ef a ilfetime-Yet how
swiitila we pass' through them -we
pass, nete, the moments do not. •
WOuldn't it be vvell to. make 1932
be ,caught 111.1Prea comet more in the use of these preci-'
• "Weell
Wa'=WP-yourabucke, . us-fragnients-of-aur-liveis-tha
111111.)eten ehttr is a danger SPA in nu 4•41)ert has over the everage.Pla------------e shosild rieV•er
rt*Ft•-li..heeetten' a.k.04-01;iiffili with ii-eicer Alletfee afia 'CO -tract' ke' _pa_r_ed-L-t-ers soon after_g___ile, the'
.• his -partner the ase of spade, sci that it is this quality .that is most stroagly a.cute pain. Regardlesa Of data Aso matter haw bad you Mita, whexi
ifilaterenee to the no trump. The ,
• Passislhano tramp. la this particular everYthing.'" lie Must be able to do An • explorer travelling- in tad: cs ever done before? ,
.*Sea,air-chthanuirailid7lIfirledd wouldairify-Othinagarn-e7thas--erpert, naust-Nfieve
minister._ was late in niriVing aat a
• • .. came aPon an . elephant "which Wee ' • •-•"-•.7-.7.-••,•
funeral., and the 'elder was callet • " •
bend A. had a six -card club suitsand the right Giles at the right time and
s. •
. • • • anni•trutisp bid by Z woulct•haie failed :evident • in 'the. 'hand given. ' 'may _ger; iod:wliu considerable difitoulty you threw bouquets. ai man:they al-.
• beiee* possessed the...arst requisite, bidding the:natural thing , to do,.. but. he :extracted. a thorn 'frosai . the 2111,- Ways hit the right .spot , • , .
s •
,••••-4.antaltellie-..goistract.-by-teie-trielc., 2, 'Seem .easy- and,..th-n exPert'eaplay ;and -
.upon. • He hurried into the hall o
hin hat, and 'bowed reverently 4oVer
lta And -.then• to' -the. antenishment
Of the =earners, he cried; otit
agitation, "Gaidaessa this is no eay
hat." , • ,•1 • ,
, A party of clergymea, be•ring lost'
their, train, remained overnight at
the: hical inn, Exp.ecting •lio other
visitors,' the ' landlord' put them in.
the Commercial • room &becadse Was
the onlY room' With a. fire. After .a
meal' they Were chatting. merrily
round the 'hearth.. when traveller
Nitilliall11 Stone SOSO Limited
' Ingersoll,- On.
Canada Silk Indnitri
. For five years in ,SUCCeSS II the si;
Incinstr,of: .Cattada._ _ ik
halt. _011.,..4wh.,- in!"
crea'ses in the value •of productiOn.
0 ear Of daCkened .
o expert. good judgment; se he; how many playere could honeStly say inai's font.. Years afterward! he • Eaen n
igging a ditch in a wet' -of the silk
hid. One, diaMond. A passed and y bid. that in actual pla,y they wottld have sisited circus *here tdie chief, at- , • Men Were • .trade generally, the Mitinat .
, ,awa diamonds. to giae kis partner an-. done the, same' If they can, they 'aro . traction was the 'Performance* of etlehY sail, that was danger of flood, a
inaustrisrese by Over 20 per cent.. Silk •
'-•Other 'chance tci bid; B Paseed :end Zln7the.Cless of the pipert If not tlieY Mime trabied-:-.eleplaants.• • One' ot-i!g• ' manufacturing in -one thkrnewer in- .
- now had todo a, little Wilkie& • Y's: Still have. setnething to Which to look these, in the act of Performing his , • dUStrieS of the Dciminion and , the, _ . ...7i...a.,,,_
Young Foreman shouting) - "All
• • bigness On his part to.have.Z bid An; we can al•I improve oar .game,lis, ana- triek Stopped •• taumpeted . 00117;1
, 7 r • The men 'Were' out of the ,ditch like •
I rapidity of . its grovith. has been. re-
. and charged towards the auditeriuni., '
. , rearkable. ilederds are.available eine" -; : .
out! ' •
'• • .. elubs, ,hearts Or .apades. •" ing thereby. Put the expert alInder Pandempnium enteed, but the press- n finen• ' "'" . . • 11.91.7, and in the'interveningperiod
, Ibliat -two diamonds Andicated a will: forward. We cannOtallbe- expette; but
• ' •• • otiree init. Tide Mit Odd -be. either -lyzing the eipert's methods and ,prefit- '
• the. uaaccustomed assembly was. 1 . .: . Foremen (eliouting)=-"All,014!" .41thougla lerelaaate been some finctua-,, •• 1
lure calmly: lifted the explores from ' • . • • value t Vrodite0ou has risen by over . • , •
. •
Foreman. shouting) -"All int ' "
'rho expert figured. that his • partner the Lens" at every opportunity and -t n nn Seat and plat- The men tuinbled back into the 650 per cent.
• 1
• •
Is just as diffieult.to gp:gamei at Clubs ticle. . • ,
1. • • popped heed In, and on, see g
Trail ' a false 'alarm. • : • • " well sustained: threughout the 13 years,
The growth of the induStrY has been
would not bid. two:diamonds merely to you •eanot helP . but benefit Another
hie one and e ,Pe , •
., ditch, thinkingtaiht the call had been,
obtain a dub bid frbm him becanse it extuiaple will be giveo In. a: later ar- •
• ed him in the five -and -n nes.
I •
about to Withdraw ° hastily. The ,• The axcuse for including the fed- Out tumbled the men. • a ;.
time.: In: 917 the wage 'of productian :
• Hearts:. -K, 8, 7, 3, 2 • 1 situe,tion_was .eaPlained, -eed be6re•-.19Wiegl Id' that, it., is . guaranteed Foreman (shouting)--FAII int"- 'WaS $2,372,609.', 1920, when riddle 1 ,
li•--Cliths--none • -- • '-• • long the late comer had iloined in authentici.7- - • I And they disappeared' Once again n
-- were .at their. height, it hadarisen to • • • • •
Diamondsa-lipne . • , Abe talk.. The conversation. tinned Some0 years ago in II .nerth pout-, the diteh, grambling a little. • -
$5,376,751.• In the next five Years there .
•.S.Paden--Aasle • :
4o -dreams; -and-ene
-the. Poisons --tr-Y---eeael4e-tewn.-thereawee4dlePlear-- t----:Alter-lraltdozei0epetitioneaot-this • Were , n •"02a 01-197-7 ',77?;
Solution to -Last Week's Problem • • : , •
eliZ;,4-4.a-.7Q, 6 •: : Y •
' ,
• 4. '2 • : . ' Chiba -a-8, 7
Diemonds4-none • ' Diamonds -10, 4, 3..•
Spades -Q , 'Spades -41611e „
Hearts -none ,
• • Clubs -A, Q, 5
• • ' • Diamonds -none . •
4 ,,
, . ' • . • , Spatles-9;.•5; 4, 2 • , , , , : •
• .
. •
. _ ,. • • •
'There are no tramps and Z is in the other heart, 'all �f.'s cards are good.
, leada. low can Y' Z will .five Of the • It he tb.,eu leads gi Clue; all of. Z's Cards
seven tricks 'age -last any .defense? ,are geod, Y discardiag the ace et
SelatiokaaZ sheald Seed the deuce spades da before. •., .• . •.,
(b),...SupPoSe A leads ii. low, dub at
the end., In all cases, there' ••e, Y Z _pocket a bottle ot an Indian pickle hint sonsel reel good ones. ' but golf, seems to take all the Joy out
s_-__ plants in the letter section, .
IndaistrY • • •
• and Y elibuld Play the ten, thus allow! •
(Ineee trick No 2.• Y should discard the ace . .
oe. protagealets.-- ' "cointnon, . taters", (commentators) enough to quit work at 3 eclocic and
' .
lead a. heart pr (b) a cl . • against any defeaee. • • • . .a passion. ; Staying at a small hotel well •got into, their...e_p_Orts tWeamater • •
TWO revellers; who had lined too Oflife,for most men. tictilars far the artificial •s1,1*•
are net avallalile separatell. In 1930, • ..
• • of spades, • A 'must play the
• card the Berea of clubs. A now. has .come good except the flie of alube at , A parson 'inVariably . carried in. Ins. did not agree -with him, she had sent pay golf all attehloon Would be happy,
jug A to Win the trick. 'B should dis- of spades and thus all of Vs cards
Whet leade the Six of hearts,,Y sheind ' &at spade trick. He must then lead ' ' 'in the 'two br.anches _pf..--ile induarY
together, there, Were 2ii plants711r7.:
the cholco.ot tiyo leavo fie May " must : win five' of the se V y ,.1 • tricks of his elan make, for 1..wilch' be had
(a) Selves° A. dedides talead a heart. • False SolutiOnf Suppose Y wins' the . . .
•,related how he had dreamt he ologist's' eard with this in ,basitiese ,the . workmen became. angry liable of the output was. $5,483,364 a•-•:. aaa • '
'la. heaven and how ..loVely it Was. •
was 4,..ed • a phren
seription, "Heads exit:dined' 1.e.• each." and ashe„d the foreman what he meant proin that ires,:r on; h-owever, the hat. , . , ."'.
Then the traveller attida• "I . had a •Two yakeinreed it, and *•one was by it . • ' ' ' • ' ' • ' ance was unbroken, In 1928 the,".valne . • a ,f
hl the fella's 'a ,teul; when 'ye can buy coming and there's no sign .of a cave- Vieille& $10,897,273. . In.. •1929. it wan , • . • '. -17'
80868. In the five years betWeen
similar kind of dream, but natortun, 'overheard to say .to the other.' One , Workman. very demanding)- .
ately I fend myself • in, the ,other 'Ileitis exiniined totals. each! Why, i"What'S the game? There'S:no water a
$a4,476,080,•and in 190 it 'rase to $170.
ha", • - - ' 25 and, 930 .it will .be obeerved, the
isn',L ,Init I find that you !Clews take
!..oreillazi (en1.1fingl--'9 .heelir . there vales; ot • the prOduct. Was more than. - .• • ,..' •
trebled. ,• . • • • "1:• • • - • ,• •
Out mere (lilt on .your,*bocit0 thanve
- -5 , "The Canadian silk' industry IS di-
do on Your shovels.. , ' . • , : 1 • :I vided Into tvno distinet7bratiehes, real.
" ' ." . ----- . : silk' and: artificial eilk.. However, ow- ••
Toted. think a men who was rich ing to the fact that -there -era only two
tho r- •
place.' Oh, sa d one,
"what was it like 'there?" „ "Well," a" tuppenny comb and see for yersel,"
replied the tieveller, "something A clergyman was much stirpriSed,
like this: I Cealdn't get near the fire one day at. receiving a basket of
for parsons., • • • patatoes from ati old woman of his
- -Parsons „ Parish, with a, message saying that,
mon the Previous Sunday that
• • .
as he had remarked daring his ser -
Here is another i the. sante
Y ' -Resolve tion all of them the Previncen
in plei the king and lead back tht deuce hearts. It he leada a lo heart, B
of hearts, which A.must win. On these the trick With the nine and Make
tricks Z should discard the five- of his- diamonds,. ,If Y leads tbe ?Ong ,ot
dubs .and the four Of spades.' A: labeartsi.'.A should play the queen and
• • Om obliged to lead a club Sip to the Ossify enable B to 'Win the secend heart
-A riew eomniereial treveller, the pars•on. pao- The • passenger, vague; " 1' sta•ri' afresh' this now year of Quebec and OntaT16. • The. plants in •
.. • . late One night, and zig,zagged don • , I • ,
where the, only • Other- guest, was , a .
He 'did, so, and When he. -reaalaed •At ;
and 'pressed the traveller to' partake.
breath, he began, "Yon .•are, a . Pars. were taking; Mairniuted ' sleepily '
ought to"driVe a bit anord•r,arefially." . •
gy old bay:, •I' . think Yoll my ruthless • neighbor's 'greed; , larger Part of which vas used by'. the- • ,
"goo' liwr
duty's call in Clear;
twIth a •higher.,_fairer ereed,;_• nuMbered 15; 'with only one ,
will cease.te Sit repining while My same firm • for, Weaving; artificial silk •
cease te siand ePmplaiiiing of Plant reducing ,artifiCial ayarni, 'the .
duced the inevitabl'e pickle Ian ett,
1•Y alarmed at the erratic course:11W
• • • • Ilesir.of clubs, Y should discard Abe only •wit three tricks. • demnt eier.preept about dainna- • thought you were driving." I will waste no moment w g,
ffrics: ' 'Ontario there were ,10
. • 'son • I belie -ire?" "Yes.", '"Now,. , "Goo' tor' " said .AlgY,
• . • thaught.. -se- -and-Yon- as- the- .only e • - -*;
Merchant was, late Mark Twain s, I Will look sometinaes about: me for • sold to hosiery and knit goods
!are good. •If •at trlek No. 2,' ,A leads Ing. alf•oPPenent 'to force the lead in
. -ate •queim in Z s ban n
t t h Played in th'.13 war, Y Z can
• ace of Blades and thus all of Ws cards This- p agood eXample -of not allow- ,tion and beware?" = aaa,,
• die of •vihich manittaCtured
Th report of the death of i city , r;
y_..eart shall. know-no-feat;artifitialasilk - yarns; Which -aware------,--- - a
another about a persona= ' . a and to producers of si_._...___lk fabr,ics.. . t..
I "grossly exaggerated." Thinking to the things that meritOriiise;
sanwee . ., . , reassure one of big 'frieude he rang I will search for hidden beatities
Win up, and said, .Did you see tha
cook received arrinquiry Mtil her
. I was dead? "Good gracions, no; paths that,lomay 1.i ead; ' ' : , - 'Ate- vicar called at the- born f '" ---"-
I will try to find contentment in the In Father's,footsteps
A clergynian Who had sacked his that elude the grumbler's gale; ' '
report in this moraing's Paper that
I Will eease to have resentment when one taf his parishioners, a for li • s.--aaa.
while was left, in the roorct with the ' -•-' 2,-*
'pride .of .the family. .
.HeLpetted the -little, feilbelmil -head . -
• f-heast-s hand -When -by -so-doing one---or-
parson I ever knew who carried
hold the trick. A then leade an- more tricks will be lost.
Soviet Government Turns of etheir cheniical factories were re-
. to Arctic for Chemica
. ,... vested h the recent trial of several
In engineers in that country, Mr. Delgass
Russia -in its quest for chemicals has observes. "Of course no triala can
InVaded‘the Arctic. • • • lielp,".he addS "when there is a lack
A.14,pajliera f
. ,_ dues.J100 _Olt rhore. Malt. a. _million men areePOeintel., __
- apatite, plant, scheiluled to pro- knowledge, and "where nntrained
tone of conceetratee; used chiefly for eb-ent-rent iprenT'e?1 • • ,
fertiliser, ,waS recently opened, in the , .
_......: _........;,..........__,.....
Ifilibiny- Mountains, according to Be- • .
idle W. Delgasd, former vice-president —
'Growing Populations
of the Amtorg: Trading Company. He
lays in repeor,ting Soviet Scientific eiV
plorationti for-Indltstrial and Engineer
• log Cherefstty,• journal of the Amer!-
. _. __ .. .
sag Chemical. Society, that -.the fac-
tory is heyonit the Arctic, Circle, eighty
miles north of the White Sea, and asp-
proxiMately 100 miles inland from the
/attic Ocean. He goes on:
prospective employer with regard to I
replied his friend; "where are you
his use of tile terns' "Biblieal cook°. anether gets bead;
in his reference. He replied. "Dear i tele1/11°T/1" frem?:'
----as • will not be swayed by envy when
Madam, -Thee term clearly expresses
"A bantorianse,„la_l_i_to cigar,"fref." my rivark_strength,15-slaown; , •
_Meaning,: Laverathing%
Marked the_ theatre manager on the I will net deny his Merit, but will
cook did was either a burnt ,offering
first night of the new show. "HOw's try to. prove my own; -
Or a bloody sacrifice." • •
• 1,
• I that2" asked his, • friend. '"Virell," • 1 will try to see the beauty spread
, Puffing, and Slowing was the . explanation...1f it's • good befornme, rain Or shine; . •
• .
. McCulloch had be,en shewing • off everabodY Wants a box, end, -11 We I will cease to Preach YOUll. duty
The'll,: Y. Thnee.-Aniong the Many • e • ti: . of his natie laud 'to an , had no amnia Of putting will Make and be more'.concerned with MINEI.•
things in the present world' widch the American visitor, wha kept up "Old , it ,draw."
Pre,-wer iniagination Would have foand Glory's" aeputation of belittling 1 . • . 4
• Mike (scowling as lie readd groderY
it bard to believe' is •population In eVerth..ing he Baia. After likenine At the . basis of. •all morality, all biS)-"What's Vile? 'What'e this?" .
France growing at least as .iist as' in the Forth Bridge to a "Pretty pieee kuowiedge„ all lofty endeavor,. Ilia the December' let, Cabbage, 26 cents.
eh ensue ,ot child's fretw.ork.," the noble• Tay truth 'flint • God. reigas.-Horace Grail- December Ara, 'I peck potatoes. .
I - • f . December' 5t11, ditto. ' • 1,
with a population ot 41,835,000 illOWed to •a,"Brooltlsa," and Scbleballion to O.
'Germany. The., recent Fren ,c
a gain of, 2,625„000 over the year 1921. -•
The rate of annual increase is seven-
. - - Oat periodtr,-bleckthn outran -a -tu-th-e- a:epee:a -aa aiaa -per- can+, ,F -o r -Germany •• -
"Rage stonera remnants of the gia- _
.. are coveredy
b in the years 1927-29 the indicated an-
. perpetual - snows, and dreary tundralttual inerease was six -tenths' of one '
, valleys. The peaks '
lies for handrecis of Miles aroand. per cent. The chaage has .been
'The cost Of the pldnt is' 5,000,000 brought tibout by an a,Cceleratioa in
. )aold
rubies (about $2,0,000) and it .French'increase and a more than cor-
'.-- has a Schedided production of 1,100,000 •res14°t1tUng' decline M °ermaltY• in I,
tette in 1931, 2,000,000 tops in 11982., I the last five years, for •Inatance, .
• • • • Primes" gained i.,log,000 inhabitante, I
I •
whereas the five-year Increment before ,
the war averaged 325,000. In Ger-.
many, on the; other, hand, the annual
rate of increase li less titan half 0:
what it was before thn war.
• .
and 3,000,000.4oes in 1933. Part ot the
apatite produced id' experted to Bur -
oils_ and it is rumored. that •negotla-
' Dons .are eonduoted with a view
.to expelling apatite concentratee to
the United States,, • .
. - . appropriation of 00,000,,o0o gold
'rubles' ha e been recently voted by the,
Council. of Peoples' CoMmissars to Intl,
crease the e, sting plant and, to con
strUct other Plants in thiti region.!'
Ittlf151an engineers designed the new
•orojeet, but Amerieaa specialists were
' • also eatululied:
, The problete of Produ4lon of Super-
pbesphates Itiissia is far .frOus being •
Solved, 'We are told. In spite at all
• a atliertethnicalalteli-r• eceived-by-thsalltia-a- --
ohms from Gertaisey 'clad exteasive
!study of • the process In the United Law-yer far the • defenl'e--"ym r
• *us, suPerplibsphate plants iti 'hug- 'potter, my clleta, wishea e
d� dt"--ifffiliffilOterlit, • a rms." - , • . •
Difiltittition Which ;the Itaisiana Jiidge •iight
oneottatortng in the eaeration Of solo iofiroir" •
4 G)
affectionately, and 'said by way of ,
making conversation: "You look a -
good little boy. I 'Suppose yea als •`.^,
ways do what yeur mother ten,.
the fatnilY wireless -set, and Atiids
The boy stopped tinkering -with
"yes vicar, and so cloes dadda." .1,
Suspiclou is the comPanien" dt
meat souls, and the bane of all good
la December 1,0th, ditto. 'society.
Ceeember 16th, ditto: .
Memphis, Tetia.
and, Adents as the
daughter, but they
OfilOirds are still guessing., .
• zO6 (Addis would
parenth of. ts, sots and heir or a beuriciO' hely . Whe does* not Iola loWere brta,
jealoasly . guard their r/5-p0und offSpring end the lost •itit fear and Itere of Gott-tAldwig
. . Tieck.
:--MrsaMike _aindignantly)aa"Ina a, lie, • fit srltMn iliVoYcee '
There ain't been a ditto in the house!" much more coalman. In 1871 there
Some tarn, when yon are talkits,. awnedrew1a6l6esda; alties1r29Efiabgelraendw, Steea3t1,3a9n6d.
abent yourself, step thr awhile and see
If anyote ,present will related • you td
start again. We are all strong for the
Other guy to take his medicine „and be
a sport. !tight now GAS country needs
Mord inteaviews like this: ' "I hale
" nothing . t� 'say." You -;can ludge a
, girl'modernisin • by diseoverhig
I whether she regards liar husband as
a blessing -a necessity -a hixtiry-=a*
affliction, or a joke. A mah who is
derer enough t� be boss. at home 110
also wise enough Itot to brag about *it. 1
-- . , 1
. • I
, • .13USitteSS Firit • 1
. . . ,
• A • Jewish boy wgs caught by :tile •
dangling . ropes ot a. ballcani at the.
'• country . fair. Whets .he wad heing
' 1 carried aloft, and the 2Tel/id I •WtaA
' 1standitig aghast ad he hung. head
, clownwardt, his fathei criAd:.-,
-- _."41,,.; ,aut_kee,Ike..y,._thrikw_.: siu"t• seine „ef -
. :.,cini hub:nail -cards!'
. : _a -a -aa......,.......;-- • '. I
Ill txr:Papillaud
• .foi• Cohstipation
Imported direet freak Prance. This
011 •clissolvi6 and acts only, in the
bowels. A trim and you. win be con -
\laced. •
LARGE FAZE /Oct xtantirsr SIZE 250
Sand 250 ter a handy she package or
, order trot% your Dentglat.
D. 24.a.rximatna LAB. L
32 r rent street west - To on
try Lydia E. PinkhaOs Vegetable pompom's
ilkevto Congratalate ens,- . Flowera • •
• 1
ad -to- teatt 0:- a -e- - - - — -
those tnonthly 'pains! Lydia' -
ll. ink/canes Vegetable Composed re-
, ....: , , ....„._,.......,..*,,:.24., lieVes those hesdaebessnel awfultramps. .
• Try it laforc soli a•reak' another date,-
"!SSUE No. i-'32 '
- • r