HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-01-21, Page 1, • °"'" s• 4 4 4. .
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'44.4 'f'ER YEAR APYAkc
• ..
LtJairlOW;ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2lit 1932.
. .
s •
Dr. R. L. Treleavcn, Lueknaw
Hours;) --12 A. M. La0-5 Pi1
. ,
fl.4, Fiet4eilington.::,
*Ilegliera; Outarlp..
• Hours:Wedneridaly Afternoons.'".-,
Dr 1 v•••
'eqttage.,--,ApplY . A., L; Tre ea.
We have itive repairs in Steele
7' :Beatty stanchiOng and later.,•carrierss,
____•-rendeired Ced4iver Oil fcir poultry.
SLOO. ,a gal. Apply' t.o,U,ohn Farrish,
R. 7; Lucknow.:
cl.do all kinds of hand knitting,
Work ,guaranteed, prices reasonable.
. Mrs. Jeigl Carter R. IL 5, Lucknow,
1 •
.'." FOR SAl.E.One .1.2)PasSezig.er bus
.' • on 1%. ,,Chev: chassis, also express
toxW x0', allin splendid conuition
. .
at the right" price, - •
"••• B. J. Beninger,DUrant Dealer,
Winghiun, Ont.
'FOUND On December ' 30,, a
• lady's coat. Owner may haVe sante
by proving property and paying for
ad by applyingto Jobn,Carter,„R:
• (1.---2I-C.7 ••."..
, Orville, Tiffin twill hold a clearing
• Auction Sale of Farth Stock Ind'
rilementh at lot 3'5, '.Con., 4, Kinloas,
•. •on Friday, January 22nd, Commencing
• at one o'clock. Absolutely no reserve.
•Matt.: Gaymir,
, Tenders. will- he received by ' the'
---,undersigned until January 30th, for
•• M
10 cords of 18 inch aple and Beech
wood, delivered at' School Section No2
• 4, Lochalsh, by March 15th.
Roderick Ross, &R. 3, Lucknow
•'Aiplication for . of
`Assessor" ,for the' '• Township . of
for -the:year 4932 :e.t.a' salaii,
.$80.00, will be received by the
•' undersigned up to' 3. P.M. on Monday
the 8th day Of February, 1932.
• ' 1.• T. R: LANR, Clerk.
• • •
• The-Annuai -Meeting -of the Luck
now Agricultural Society yvill be held
• in the Town Hall, ,Lucknotiv, On Fri-
• - day the •Twenty-second day of Jair•
• nary 1932; at the hour of Two o'cloek
• -- -in the• -afternoon. • •• ' •
• 411 niembers are hereby notified:
•„Joseph Agnevr,, Secretary:
• •
• In the Matter of the Estate of
•• Kenneth McDonald, late of the Tewne
ship of Kinloss in the County of
• /Mice,: Farmer, deceased.
O ,Notice is 'hereby given that all
persons having any claims or. de.;
"viands against the late Kenneth Mc%
I Densild, whe . died pn or- giant the -
Thirtieth day of November, A.D. 1931
at theToy:math-0 Of ICI -idea§ in the
• County of Bruce, are required to
send by post prepaid or, to deliver
to the undersigned, Agent •for the
Administratitix 'of the estate' and
effects of the said Kenneth McDonald
their names and addresses and full
particulars ;in writing of their claims
and statements of ;their accounts and
•the 'nature' of •the securities, if •any,
held by Ahein duly verified- 'Ey al.
• davit, • '•
•And take notice that after. the
Tenth day of February A. D.. 1932
the said. Administratrix will proceed
to 'distribute the assets of the said
deceased among the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
dining of which she shall then have
had notice, and that the said Admin-
istratrix will not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof tb
any, person of 'whose claim she shall
ifor then have reveived notice,
This notice is given •pursuant to
O the Statute in that behalf. •
• ed-at-lacknowr Ontarior this
12a day Of January A.D. 1932...
' Joseph- Agnew, Lucknow, Ont.,
Agent for •the -said- Administratrix.
• 0.-28-c.) "
. • .
Owing to very stormy weather. our
fisherman iwas not able to fill. in his.
Order 'by heady a:thwart/id pounds.
10c. a LB., or'
50 LB. LOTS at 9c LB.
O D. A. McLENNAN, Lochalsh.•
. •
• TIFFIN-Iti.lovOg• memory of Ott'?
darling ilary Joann, "Sister" only
• ditaghter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Elytner
who passed hi to 0 that "Haven
of Rest" J. '19, 1930. •
In days to come it may be .t40 shall
• ' just why t•varr'sent this 'bitter t'est,
Till thenwe can but bovirin tears and
say. •
, •
Geri knoWeth best •
$other, daddy, Billy and Jack,
Pliinieer ':Resident
01 VUlage, Passes
Mrs. J,. H. Gander, Passes Away
Was Wile of .the Late Dr.
Gander, Lueknoves First: Doctor. •
• A, pleasant old body, much respec-
ted ,by the .villagers, Mrs. Garnier,'
passed away at the home of and.
•Mrs'. Sam MeGnire.''On Friday, -Jan,
three-. leeks. • ,,4
$914,1i;'' in Gerrie
eiglitY4Our • yearts.Aciand...carine ..te,
:the; village ; with her late jrnsband.
then has made her honie.here,
• The late Dr. J. H. Garier, s the
Adoridek medical 'Rraptitioner 41). .•the
When .he 'established. .his
imsine,ss, here the nearest nearest doctor was
tt Winkharn, Dr: Garnier Wag .much
•:)Ider than hiswife. and:predeceased
her thirtY-foirr-yrarszago. Since that
time:Airs. Gamier has lived Much of
the time .alonei and asloner as the
writer can remember, 'in• her herne on
Lhe: main street, 'east of. the United
Church. •• •
'Mrs. Garnier, although :With both
ringeeand sight failing her was. al-
way's quite' active, and her kind: and
nature •encleared her to. -both,
9.d,an4_y_o_ung._Jieeently she had
be -
one rather restless and was not
,cntent to remain in one place long.
Diiring the illness which resulted in
viier s riei;et.h"..sheWaa ..cared' for by '_Mrs.
.Mrs. Gal -pier is survived • by a
niece, Miss MacMillan- who liver, in
Maguetawan, _also .thy.4rin adonted.
daughter living in Georgetown.
, The funeral, service.Was: he.id :in
3t, "Petera ArigliCan churchon Mon-.
ay. Interthent ,was in KinlOsa 'cane-
tery. • , ,
Lueknow . Talent Broadcasts Ove*
• Station 10- B.P.-Reception Rath-
er Poor. .
R•adio_fane. whO'Auned-in-on, the
Thursday . evening broadcast by the
United Churchorchestra and choir
over station 1,0 BP, Wingham, were
somewhat disappointed in the' re-
ception. Ordinarily this station comes
in 'quite distinct n. this locality. ttt
lack' of - volinne° --and •interference,
rather marred the enjoyment of the_
program On this occasion.
• The ten,plece • 'orchestra , directed
by J. M. Greer offered a number of
selections which were inter-
spersed by the following: Qnartette,
number, Joynt, Miss Robert-
son, J. „K Greer, Alex• -Mc -rad-
ing by Margaret McCallum; piano
solo* Mrs. Newton d-e-tieiriborie
8olo by John Hayworth.,
Thieves, Visit •
Fruit Cellars In Town
' •
Enter Two Neighboring Cellars and
• Carsy Off About Fifty. Jars of
Fruit and .
A thief or thieves pulled off ' a
nervy bit *of work last Wednesday
night in ,the village' and as a result
should be well 0 supplied 0 with fruit
and pickles for the remainder of tfie
Winter; as they sewed some fifty
or Se pint and uart jars of pre-
serves. '• • . •
, The theft occurred at the hotrielr
.orkirs. Wm. Johnston and Mr. and'
Mrs.. W. J. Todd, where .the thief
gained easy -access to the basements
by an open outside entrance in one
case and an open 'Window in the oth-
'• er.Mra. Johnston lost 'practically ,all
her 'fruit while Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
• MacMillan; who occupy part' of this
residence-auffered,the loss' of a- -nurn
ber of jars also. The basement win-
dow of the' Todd residenee was open
due „to the mild weather and taking
advantage rf thig the "thief pilfered
shelves lhere, helping himseff
to fruit and ,pickles to his
The whole affair took place very
quietly and the • theft ;Was not dis-
covered until the next day. 'Wheever,
perpetrated the crime •apparehtly.
'didn't have a taste for plums, as
these were undisturbed, while peed',
es and strawberries suffered mostly':
Needless to say theSe entraile6
likely, many other homes Which were
O previously left open -*ill be-seatirely
locked and; barred filitin nowori, be
fore the houdeliold retires.
. ' •
. •
Star i3parder Car Ditched,' Boys "
• Missing, So Is Escape Serious Injury
Claimed,..to-lie a Well 143044-Fkw
.•• The den, With 13ourd
,40entiat Discovers Gold' 'Supply
,Stolen. • , •
Carload of Young •Men Attending
* Short- Course at Dungannon, Turn,
:Over' into Ditch-Esca e Serious
'Injury -•-Car BadI Damaged.' .
A *ranger/ giving his,' 1,igline''
Jaek'-I'aftersqn breezed: into town
last Thursday and tOok"up Ius bode, on George, turning •over ,into .- he
at McGuire's bbarding, lfotifei iiii*ere: ditch on Tuesday- afternoon.
•he Stayed until Merida Inereing, ;The„. occupants of the ca, five”
en'A:. • Oeefge
ear•sAltn*: Rtripie
Ruts• in the road. just north! of Duel'
garinon were , responsible for the
Fentiac,,coach, owned by Mr Albert
Alton Of' Belfast . and 'driven byhis
'Ids bd billni
Aintraid-r. • Cameron, Fi:nfrikan! Bert • YI.;4
. • ..
His .,diatipPerirance :leads .
..tWerity five and fifty dollars worth
of gold froin the dentist Office Of. Dr..
• R. L. Treleaven, as well'es
tity of Morphine And ceeeine. •
• The so-called'Jack. Pedersen,
claimed to be a well -digger and on
O Whinney and Mr. • &ahem, miradu
oris y escape serious injury in the.
accident- hu "badly damaged-. the
ear. It was thonght that young Gra-
ham, who ,-lives near Port °Albert,
might be _injured and he was taken
Ao- a doctor and -later- to -his borne,
but the; following day seemed to , he
leaving the boarding bodge on Mon- suffering no serious effects as a re -
day said he would be in the :country stilt of the crash. , •
for dinner, but asked Mrs. McGuire The.,-quintette of boys, who are at
to keepsupperfor him. ,He .net,:erf tending the Agricultural „Short
returned. , ' ' l'Course being held at Dungannon this
The suspected rbber is .a middle month were on their way to the farm
of Peter Watson to 'be instrueted in
sheep judging, when the mishap oc-
aged man, with grey hair: combed
straight back. He was fairly iesOct-
abie • looking, although his front
teeth were badly in need Of dental
attentien. He wore a brown felt hat,
black everceat,” and a striped' navy
blue suit. ,
The Treleaven- apartinent: is ad-
jacent to the •doctor's 'office in the
Toynt Block and shortly after' dinner
Thursday,:- Mrs. 'Treleaven went
into° the "office :On hearing • someone
there. The open gleesdoor between
:the waiting room and the office and
labratory ..acted as a mirror, reveal-
ing someone emerging .from the lab-
:ratory. The : stranger; answering to
the above descriptien.,especially in
regard; to :his teeth, • did- not seen"
taken back by Mrs. Treleaven's ap,
• The other boys with the exception
of the injured' boy and George" Alten,.
•Who . assisted in , having the car
brought into town,were able to cOn-
tinue 'to Watson's fern'. •
The car was brought into Smith's
garage on' 'the wreckage truck. The
•top is Smashed through, a rear wheel
broken and. considerable damage to
•the, fenclefs and glass aie well .as ap-
Parently ' a twisted frainewOrk.
. .
Reduced 1000, yards of 38 inch
striped. Flannelette: Reduced' to only
Dep't. Store. •"
nearance and calmly enquired- aS• to . • ,,
the doctor's whereabouts: He stated POSTER RECEIVES 4 ' '
that he had :ne 'appointment and
would return in fifteen minutes,
ing to do so. •••
'It is thought that he thus gained
a knowledge of .the ley -OM of the
like and •during the -absence of Dr:
and; Mrs. Treleaven over the Week-
endgained an entrance by ;asimple
lock-picking operation. • It wris. not
'Until their return •on Tifeeday that
the discoVery of • the Missing gold
Was-rnade and -later the, theft of the
g o es: • •
' A drug. addict, the deserintion of
whom tallied with that of the dis-
appeared stranger, called the'
Office of a local dotter during that
tine, seeking a "shot.' ••
Circurnitances all point to this
nd Constable More .is. Working oh
the case and has issued, a warrant
for the arrest tof the accused. • wise .. . •
•_ Many and_ varied are the posters
which appear on t6' bill boards, on
each side -of the'Graham' building on
mein street ,juat east of Reid's Bak-
ery, These- posters are a 'work 'of
artand .as a means of advertising,
cannot fail. toattract the attention'
of passera-h.
On one occassion one of these ad-
vertisementareceived criticisms from
certain quarters and whether 'justi-
fiable or' not depended on one's point
of view. However, the present. post-
er on the east side which has been
there •since the Christmas season,
cannot ,be.,viewedivithout admiration
if nothing else. It• beautifully por-
-trays the---Birt-of-Ghristand-tcorgaze-
at it, inspires one to read again the.
story of the manger and the three'
• llome of Mr. Webb near Hialson Bay Junction.
That an ordinary milth :cow, es-
• pecially one so far distant from herd
an, ,shotild have any Signifieance to
our readers, seems rather strange,
However This cow is a result' of
special antribution Made by
John JOYnt, to Rev. A. M. 'Nicholson; •
who ministers in a settlement of
non -Anglo -axon ,people at Hildsop
• Bay Junction . .
The donation was , forwarded
• Rev, Nicholson, 'to be spent as was
most needed. 'Fresh Milk was coned-
ered a necessity for babies and child,.
ren in many families in this area
and thud the animal Was purchased
• and-ao-fittingly-terinetlAbeteaViissiOn--
MI" cant.
- 0 The above illustration provided
through the courtesy of the publish,
erS of The NOW Outlook, shows Rev.
. • .
A, NI. Nicholson,,.standing beside the
cow. The picture was taken at: -the
••6 :se.: • •
The Bread The.Bread
Of Health -• .of Health
• • • - °.
RICH FRUIT CAKE,--:-, 2. SW 3$c. • .
• .. ,
Phone 36,
u L
, : • •-•-•••:.1
�s Farmerts----
Barn Is Burned
Falls To Finer -Stock Was Saved:
fine barn 'on the.farm. of Orville
Tiffin, 4th concession Kinloss, .east of
Langsicle, fell prey to fire. last Thurs-
day.morning, caused by the, lantern:
which Mr. Tiffin had hung outside the
granary, crashing to `the floor„ and
lireakinu Mr. Tiffin:was bagging•eite
-tine ttahlere ichTheheliinrwas
hanging outside • the granary 'in a
mannet which threw the rays in the
granary ' door. •. :With but•one
more °bag to ,, be filled,the
lantern crashed to the floor; apparen-
tly the, result of the jaring of the
bags-oii the floor in order to have
them well filled. The glue". in the
lantern was Shattered,and the burn-
er, which was not of the screw type,
became loOse allowing the oil to be
spilled 0around. • Imniectiately the
flarnia" caught on the nearby straw
• Rushing to the' stable .Mr. lTiffln re-
leased the stock, • which he was sue:•_
Cessful in saving, with the exception
of a number of hens; He was not so
fortunate in removing, the imple-
ments, most of Which were lost. '
• ,
Insurente on the' contents was suf-
ficient to cover them, according to.
their present value. ' The, barn;'
ev�r, was only partially cevered.
As a iesult of his misfortune Mr.
Tiffin is°Jilted to stage a • clearing,
auction s,aJo onr. Eriday„ January 22,
in order to. dispose of, hit; stock and
What implements were not• destroyed.
Barn Burned In 'Ashfield 00 ••
. •Mr. James 'Sennett of • the 10 con.
of 'Aslifield lost ' one of two adjacent
,barns 140"C Wednesday 'eSening by,
fire. of origin of which•is • uncertain.'
• Mr. Sennett -had been in.the vil-
lage and liad }just.'returned honie
that evening about *six o'clock and.
ntorn fie, naing- shingles MI
coal oil to speed up the, process:. It
is thourrht.that.sparks from the chim-
ney may have ..started the conflag-
ration which destroyed thrashed
taining, the stebling.•. .Assisted • by
neighbors, Mr.. Sennet, was fortun-
ate in being •:able , to .Save a second
and, larger barn 'which was quite
close, to the. Mating . shed,
. • .
- . - . •
Reduced 400 pairs. Big Ibex Flan-
nelette Blankets, 84 x'72 inches: Re-,
duced to '$489.. "MARKET" 'Luckt
now Deal: Store.' ' „
Miss Geddes will be at' Iluston's
Barber Shp on Monday, January 25,
instead •o uesdaY. , •
Burn's night, Monday, ' January
25th, will be celebrated as usual in
the Town Hall, Luckno' with , that
far-famed annual dance. Lunch serv-
ed. Couples $1.00. .
Jewel Rebekah Lodge will ,hold "S.
social' evening in the lodge, room on
ThuradaY, tannery 21st. Odd Fellows
their wives, Rebekhas and their hus-
bands or friend arft'cordiallY
the right, as well as several
other residents of the •district. 'Mr.
Maoism' holds a service at • this
beme every month, where the first
Christreas 'tree in' the township was
held hr December when a -good nuin-
ber of children gathered. •
• There . are no sehools in this "dig -
O ,'
trict as yet, but Mr. Nicholson' is on
committee • direcOng its efforts in
O this respect, and s far the logs are
out, the land cleared', and' voluntary
labor promised for the work. The
Government has promised a grant Of
shingles, and it it suitable teacher
: :
Little Girl Seriously 111 •
• ,
-1 ittle Mary Salkeld 'Hes seriolusly
it in St. Joseph's hospital, London,
Where she was taken last Thursday:
Her parents are both in that city, at
time of writing and, no :direct report,
o hetdftioirhasbeen.hbard since
Sunday. 00 0
Trees Were Budding ••
Last Friday, Previrnis to the Cold.
spell the .first of the ,week, Mr, John
M:•Lean brought into the office a
branch---ofLa poplar--mr-which"
the buds were bursting open: Guy
-Nadir-Mk correspondent , writes of
the 0bloomirig of , spring _flowers 'in
that 4i5trict,
,for such an area Can- be secured: con
fidence is expressed that a1 sdhool
will be started, ••
• .1.. •
4 .0
'• •
ur Eyes
and *Our Service
BY) F.,. T. ARMSTR014,10--
, Lucknow
Foglia*. •light .-.,just seeinr-,•
stiallinils'IncliteYperfect eye,
at all -
correction • of, the way the: II,
imperfect eye. focuses - results
from' an ,exaMination, a lens pre-
scription and an acurate. adjust-
ment of .glasses. All of ,:which are'
within the' scope of .rnir Service.
Continued' next' week,
• III:
• • ?P.; •
Lueknow Flour Mills
• It,ha; bee,n1 brought in our at-
tention. that some_ people eon,.
eider Sepoy a blended Sour.
We wish to state that this is
and SEPOY are made from
WHEAT without any sideni• t-
kure whatsoever, of Ontario
wheat. •MADEAKTE is a Pure
W. E. Treleaven
S c:CialS• owsw
For Week -End
Canned floods: '
• 3 Peas
k corn . 251
3 • Clark. Beans ' 25c
O 2 Golden .Bantom Corn 25c
2 String beans • • 25e
2 Pumpkin . 25c
2 Large Salmon, 25c
40 oz. Jar Marmalade .i19eNt.
Large Rienzi Catsup ile
Turnips, °.Celery, 0 Lattice
Grape Fruit, Seedless 26c
2 .doz Oranges • 39c ,
R. H. Thompson
Phone 82
Mr. Austin ,Solomon is Making fav-
orable4ecovery following an attack
• ,of pleurisy. • .. •
• Mr. Kenneth Murdie returned fron
O London last week where he wasta
ing a two -week's course in Kelvi
•tor work. • •
Miss McMillan of Magnetawan, •
niece of the lite Mrs. Gander is a
visitor at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam McGuire.
The Lucknow Table . CoMpany '
found it necessary to cut down to a
six -hour day the first of this week.
The hours are from nine .to twelye
and from one to four. • •
Mr. A. R. Finlayson is ill with
.pneumonia although, his ,condition is
not 'regarad as serious, it spite Of
the,,fact that he had suffered • the •
same illness on several:previous oc.
. ,
Girl Guide Euchre
The Vironten's local association of
irt7Gurides stared a very' ento-Mle
euchre party in the Hall on Tuesday .
-evening: rolbwing the Card -playing • `•
• .
lunch 'was served and it Very Ikea- '
hg poplin% put on by linat
' •
„ , . ,
' • •
• •
• ,.