HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-12-31, Page 5-AY, • C.,E10744 "31, 1931 j.,Irc:uNok.S NTtN1:, tomo .44 • ', ;ales Assistance, 14r You' 'knew. thoroughly :well that . ypii •' have.' Power, iu.your sre;•• to influence the. decision of ou • •sustaintoers. -in-regard-. to' -what• they buy • frotnn, you. • .Your :customers rel} , on you to gi*e, -them' products which, in use' - or '' consiim:ption,. • wild' give thein comp'tete,.satis€action. ' : ^.• . I You. know and • • your •customers. know..that, `7,, . iii .,re and • td' nearly -every ;glees "o.f�` product, fhgre- ', ;, '•.µ.g -brgn of, ne 1' merit. hus..''.&&,s •. ..are, .several a, ds . , Vin,, a m., . T..� .. , 4 ' Boma ": isw the equal „of•. B's• or •, Cis., soup ;• . D -s shoes 1P are .the. ' equal to: , E's • .or' ,F's shoes, G's' radion• ' - setstsare,the equal '.of II's or •I's sets;. J's hosiery " is. e equa o s .or. Va-Hosiery-; -M is •electrie- ___washing machine_„or_sefrigeratoir...is.,,the- equal of ' N's or O's washing machine or refrigerator; .and so onand so on. , Makers of advertised products recognize that you have access to ;the attention•. and favor of several hundred buyer= -your regular and irregular customers, and they .want. to. use .your. distribution facilities' for THEIR advantage. But ,are they .willing, • in every instance, to assist' you to sell ;their product if you stock it -assist you with a series of local advertisements; to be published in this newspaper? . • They say • that 'they . will. provide you with. plenty of window' and counter. display -material;. 'and pdinted matter; but quite' too often they de- cline to use local advertising, in this newspaper over your name! , • They, tellyou that they. `are spending a whale of a lot of money _ in big -city dailies; but 'YOU' know -or can get, to know --that in the - territory. served by this. newspaper .upwards' of. 90 per cent. of the families •living in it. do•not subscribe- to- national niagazines 'and -big ,-city+ - "o f, r in' tin dailies'. Th9s" •tn an that.tbe b _ . o _...e ah 7 o.. .P o ig• ' local sales is to he put' on YOUR shoulders: .If `. if is rig t to use `cit dal 'es • and nets__ . gl?�big y � .,• io�iia•1Ly circulated magazines, ,then;':by.the sanse-'`,• token "'if IS right, 'to use local Weekly", news. papers•l f t is.no coniplintent• to you,,as .a retailer' or to the buyers of this townand territory, a national advertiser to decline- to •' his. er product in • this . newspaper. • ASHFIELD NOTES Following ,a second seizure on Sat-' urday, Mr. James gook, whose ilinesr was reported last week, passed away,• et, an early hour Monday morning. In his passing the 'co minty suffers a distinct loss ase was an exem- plary . ci ' .;, a elpful neighbor, a kin 3 and considerate father, a ten- de and devojed husband and an hon- or '131e on-or'ble •.• Christian gentleman. Besides his widow and his son Jahn of, Winnipeg, who was home for the burie!, Mr.' Cook, who was in his 68th: year, is survived by . threesirs ters, .Mrs, David Huston,• Lucknow, Mrs, •-Susan ; Hamilton of Loehaistt,- and Mrs. -B.orsdh of Grand Rapids- and two 'brot'hers,, Arthur of Para= mount and John. of Lion's Head. Fu. neral services were conducted on Xednesday , from; 11461(40 3,"(1•41'01' rch' in 'charge of . the : L. O ../ o f wbiGbk he was long :a faithful';itnenibgr,` to Greenhill ,Cemetery:: The • sympathy of the co'mmurnty , i§ ' felt; for.: ,those bereft:: • 'HOLY-ROO,D': You can get much' more advertising for your store and stock than you are now getting if you ,insist • as • a condition' of stocking a par- ticular product, that it be locally adveetised• in this .newspaPer ' ; N: -SHOW: TRIS ADVERTISE . MENT ;' TO 'MEN ''WHO ..URGE : YOU .TO ,STOCK ANp PUSH THE SALE OF •THEIR GOODS,' ET WHO .• TELL' YO;U THAT' , THEIR FIRM CANNOT ASSIST:: TH,aR • LOCAL SALE BY .ADVERTISIN,G).• KINLOUGH, .• RAPID CITY • • . : p. 'HappyProsperous , New Iiap y New Year to all. A -Iia and •Pro Miss. Winnie Percy :of Kincardine Year to all. . pent . Christmas at her .home here, Mrs. Ida Sills who has been ser Mr.' and Mrs: Cliff• -Boit •wick of-tously--r11 the-~past-tapntlf nndetwent Niagara visited at the latter's par- an operation in London Victoria .Hos-. •ents, Mr and Mrs. Jas. •Hodgins. pital last' Monday. ,We all: wish for: a Mr..' and. Mrs. * Wm. Haldenby' and speedy recovery. family of 'Westford)- Mr. and Mrs. .'S.. S No'.• 7, Rapid ;'City held their Howard McGuire and family; of 011- annual Christmas; Tree and Concert vet, ' Mr. and Mrs. •J. :Robb.' and Miss last Tuesday evening. The children ,•y T;illeen Valad of HoT rood, 'and Mrs. . :M. Dudley', of Lucknow, were Chris- tmas visitors at Geo..(Haldenby's. deserves great .praise for the pains ^• Misses Bessie of Muskoka and Jean she must have taken to train the Lane of. Langside are holidaying at children in marches,; drills, dialogues ..their home here. `and recitations.'..' After • the concert .,, f . � n Mrs. Louisa Morden and family of Sat ta: -arrived by motor and 'helped distribute presents.. from a well lad: Port Colbourn, are visiting' with the ailstook their parts ,eiceeptio,n.a11yveli. LANGS'IDE Christmas Day visitors ' out of .the, community: Mr. and ' Mrs..lohn Rich- ardson and family- with Mr., • and Mrs. Walter Pinnel of Culross: Mr. .and Mrs. ' V' Emerson with Mrs. ',A. Emerson •of W. Wawanosh: Mr. and Mrs. George 'Harkness with Mr. and Mrs. Foster' Marshall of Winghani. Christmas , Day visitors in , the', community:. Mr. and Mrs.: Russel Ritchie of .St. Helens with Mr. and The teacher, Miss Clara Hamilton Mrs:: R. Tiiiin: Mi. and Mrs. Gordon: en• Christmas. Tree. • • former's mother, rs. I. 9veetiY� - "- Miss • Miss Clara MacDonald is spending' the holiday .at her home at •Lochalsh. Mrs. Wm. C6.I received 'word on. Friday last of the death of her fatli.-; er, Mr. Joni Coiling' at Vancouver: _Hayes: is. spending, a ' few days with Miss 1W. Gaunt, South line. Mss C4ded`lE EAl`deiihy b Wailr� erten spent Sunday at the home .of • May Boyle. • Mrs.' B. Slessor 'viai.,ted last week with her daughter; Mrs. Bert, Mc. Lean. ' Miss Irene Marsh is visiting •with• her mother at P. A: Hodgins. 41r. and Mrs.'Cliarlie Gillespie -and family, of ,Whitechurch were Chris- • teas visitors at Jas..Hodgin's.. Mr. and Mrs. Kari Boyle spent _Christmas .with the' latter's parents at Coderich, '• - • • ' . Mr. 'and Mrs. Wilbert Haldenby and: son Eric ;and Miss Freda .Hum- phrey of Toronto called on the form- er's parents last week.' •Mr.- and Mrs: M. ' Osbourne and Jean of ,Huron 'were ' recetlt visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dan ;McFarlane. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Percy and. fam- ily,• •Mr. Barr—and family, . M s. F. A. Blackwell and Mrs. J. Pcy were Christmas visit- ors at •A. E. I1aldenbes• envied to Congratulations' are extended Mar- . and Mrs: Burgess, `Y • riage took place on. 'Cliris'tmas Day. LUCK)4OW and WINGiIAM Monumental. Work's Scott of Ripley with Mr. and. Mrs. W. Scott; Miss M. Casemore, Mrs. Miller, ,Mr. and Mrs. Gershom John- son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. Chainney . with Mr." and. Mrs. J. J. Johnson:. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conn, Wallace •and . Laura, Mr. and Mrs. Sana-- •Hutchison -•rand- Dorothy : of . Mr. Cecil. 'Gardner and Mrs. Er- Wingham, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Price Scott and Velma of' Whitechurch; Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Simpson, Kath- leen and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Scott with ' Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Conn. Miss Emilia Wali o`i Moorefield -is' pending the_.hoiiday with ':her:par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wall: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald en- tertained their friends and neigh 'cors -with a dance last Tuesday ev- nest -'Gardner of Zionvisited friends in' Rapid City last, Monday. Mr..Smith and •Miss Nellie Smith are visiting over the week -end with friends• ,at Riversdale. Mt. and 'Mts. A: Havens• •and- amily , M. Cham ion of Luck - now, spent `Thursday last with Mrs. M. Gardner of • Rapid City. MAFEKINO -1 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Misner.. of .Strat- ford spent Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Herb Curran, who' had 'family gathering. . , Those' from a distance who atten- ded the family gathering at •Mr.: Richard Johnston's for 'Christmas,. Lucknow. Ont.. ' Has ;the largest "and most complete stock in .the most beautiful design`s, to choose from, in_. , • SCOTCH,' SWEDISH 'MA DIJ, GRANITES • AND CANADIAN G W E `make -a Specialty of ' ' Family monuments and invite your .Inspection: _Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully ' and Promptly Done.. See us before placing" your order. Densg+las Bros. Phone 74 • 1.4 R. A. Spottoe Phone 256, Ingthaso were; Mr. Joseph Mallough, Misses Margaret and Sarah ,Mallough, Mrs. Nellie- Alton of Lucknow, Miss Alma Alton of London, Messrs. Harry of Walkerton and Toin Alton of Toronto and • Mr, and Mr's. Hiram Moffat of Windsor. - • Among the guests at the .,fareil; gathering. at Mr.. S. J. Kilpatrick's four "generations 'were represented. Mrs, David Anderson; who is. m her ninety-second 'year, her' daughters, Mrs. Is Andr w and.Mrs. John Helm, Mr. Alfred Andrea% and little, daugh- ter Winifred, and Mrs. Hehn's,daugh- terb,, Mrs- Jack Gardner - and . , her daughter, Kathleen. Though . the guests wereinvited for Christmas, they made of it a silver wedding an- niversary for Mr. ;and Mrs. Kilpat- rick, 'who were' twenty-five years married 'on, December 26th, (and they .were the recipients of many beautis ful pieces of silver. Revs. Campbell Tae.ener gave the presentation ad- dress to which Mr. Kilpatrick• re- plied expressing the' gratitude he- and Mrs. Kilpatrick felt for the apprec- iative words and kind gifts. )Misses , Pearl, .Thompson and Nes- lie et-lie Cranston are home from London for the holidays. Ir. 'Elmer ;JAI -Mori of-Tu'`rente-i"s" at home for the : Christmas holidays, di Rev': and 'Mrs. Arthur W, Brown and 'family. of Burge'ssville werb re- newing acq iafnf'anees on this cireuit 'xiday and $aturda : P6404 1; . volt ge34 r � :>.. ' Q enel al ening. Accidentally Shot Master 'George Wraith, son of Mr.. Wm. Wraith had the •misfortune to have a bullet from a' rifle "pa'ss, tliru his left hand• while cleaning the rifle on Christmas .Day, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lloyd' Stein bf 'Ash - fields • where. he .:had, gone to spend the day. •fe wastaken to the Wing - ham hospital where• he is doing, as well as can be expected.., • LOCHALSH • Mr. J. K. MacDonald has gone to Detroit to spend` Me 'winter , months with his. ddughter, Mrs. Geo. Blue. T1'ii. Duncan • -•G. !MacKenzie v ho has been working in Chatham for the pat two months has returned to his hole here. The many .friends ,of Miss Jean Long are pleased ,to see her home again., , Mr. Eric Gardner • of London visited at the'' • home of Daniel Long last week. f • Mrs. '3. Sutherland and daughter Katherine of the 6th con. 'and Miss' Catherine Hunter of `Lucknow, are visiting at the home -of D.A. Mac- Lennan. Last Tuesday night the Sabbath School ^ of the ~Ashfield •Presbyterian church held its annual Christmas concert in the church. The pt ogram -was- supplied.. .by the various schools in the congregation and showed care" ful preparation and the children des -serve _ntnch credit for the .splendid way in which they carried out th t various parts. Mrs. Rory Ross • was called to Sarnia last week owing to the Wriest of- her mother, whose condition is -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Congram, Clif=? ford and Harold spent Christmas with ' Mr. and Mrs.' Chas. Shiell's of Winghan'. Clifford is remaining -there for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. •Palmer; Lois, 'Charlie and Billie and Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Murray `.of Kincardiiie spent Sun- day at the home, of Mr. Thos. Harris. - . Miss ,Gertrude.1iamilton of LoJ don University is spending the v tion at -her .home here. Rey: H ..Ackert, Mrs. Ackert., an also Mrs. J. H. Ackert spent Friday: with Mr. Ernest ,Ackert.. Mrs. • Almer Ackert, ^•.Gwendolyn and jack,. were visitors,, at Mr. Wes:. Pollock's .ands, Mr. Ernest Ackert's on .Christmas.;' ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard' 'Harris 'spent Friday at the aatter's ,home: at Para-. mount, --Mr:-and-Mrs sW--nfs-Ead es-Der4s-and- Lorne were Friday visitors at. Mrs. Rachel-Culbert's,..lOth Con. Miss Liza Thompson and Mr. Er- a-• nest Podell spent' . Friday with Mrs., M. McPherson. • I Mr. James Ross and Mr. Robert McDonald -spent Friday -with Me. and, Mrs. Robert. --Ross' of Whitechurch. ' Mr. , Thos. McDonald, '6th Com., ;pent Friday. at Mr. Thos, Harris'.. Mr. Root: Harris.spent Friday at Mrs: •M: McPherson's. The Women's 'Institute will hold their regular meeting at Mrs Almer Ackert's, Thursday; Jan. 7th" Topic "Furnishing a' Farm Living Room," by Mrs: Fred Thompson.. Director•r Mrs.e Win. -Wall. Roll Call; "Your fa= vorite color seh'eme." 'Lunch Cern.- Mrs., Joe Hannah, Mrs. Mike Gamble VIrs,'-Chas. :Burt... EuniceNewton Frances Arm- , of Lucknow, w•ez-ie-seisitors-for a. few. days, recently with Gwendolyn Ackert. - - Mr: and Mrs. Joe Garety of Chi- cago' spent the :'holiday with. Miss Susie Purvis: • Rege 13rooili of Wirighani' is visit - mg with isitngwith his friend, •Richard Baker. SHORT 'COURSE TO BE. HELD AT .DUNGANNON. Short Course • Instruction' To Be Given On Agriculture and Domes- tic Science • 'By Various Speakers. • ro• NEWS AND INORMATIOIT FOR THE BUSY 'FAER Ea; eonrtal Jam, Notes If farmers are to 'get the best re-. sults in ' breeding ' swine, too much attention cannot be given to the 'se- lection of the breeding stock. Both the strain and . the individual '-•so s used within 'the breed••selected have much to do with the success andpro= fit . of raising. pigs. :+ _..the,- ominion----•.Experimental. $tatiQti; . ,Kapusk_asing,: Ontario:.„ iuinker.• of pure -later, . Ybrkshrre ,sows are kept each -year: for ,breeding. pet!! poses.: In' selecting these young sows, particular attention +is : paid;rto, the type, quelity and, proficaey of.• their, ancesters,; whether they have;• been %fifty and economic.;'feeders and whethe ;, toe; Clams' have beet); geed.- mothers-. Thwi' ' y Are chosen individua'1 ly for their good development., their' clean-cut neck and : head,, ; their smoothne'ss'•-of-slroutders-tikerr °stye, gth, �•'dopth and':reasonable• 1 igth'..of body, and . their reasonable 'spring, of rib, `strength. of ' loin.` and generous supply of well-placed. and well de= veioped teats. • When a 'really , good 'sow is once obtained, she• should be kept in the herd :as long asp she retains her use, fulness. Quite often 'only one litter is farrowed by•• these young sows, •af- ter which they are fattened and kill ed. While this method may save' -the expense of carrying over the brood - sows from' one litter another, it destroys the ' possibility of building u % good.., strain -of .breeding steel. The breeding' records of this Station bring •Put some very', interesting in- formation Over, a: thirteen=year per- -18-3, .litters ' have, been-', "farrowed. ^giving'1922. pigs, 1400 of••.which,.were ,raided • to weaning.age;,,,making att.. ' average of 1Q,5 Pigs' born., per Titter• and 7.:7 i s :raised per litter. The, pg �� a'vep age " nit n:ber bf":pigs '.'r"aised er. Y Y q , l�. sow front one "to 'seven years •of age.. are as follows: 7.4;` 8.8; •8.5; 7.3; 7.6; n�--6�and-=5:6-.�-these-•iagnres- indieat quite _sisid'ly that the average sow :is not. atherbest until' she is'three years of age and that she will, con- ' : thine 'to give Very good 'results until she is five. • J1J • • :s .ZION Miss . Einma McDonagh, London, and Miss .. Myrtle 'Ritchie,• Toronto,. spent :Christmas at ; their• homes here • .._. ` �' Mr:. '.Charlie Ritchie, who has' )(been suffering trent .a reeurrence'.aof 'his termer.' touble is' somewhat improved in 'health, altho •still'•confined to the house, ` • ' Rev: -,and 'Mrs•: A. `W, Brown. • of• Tliorndale called on Mr.. and Mrs Fred Anderson. ' '. Mr. and •Mrs. •Boden Ritchie,. Walk- -eind 1e, recently -,.;yjsited, with:' •Zion relatives. • Mr:. and 'Mrs., C,hest'er •Hinton , of Oakville called ,. on friends here dur- ing the holidays. - The Huron County Branch of the Departnient-of Agriculture is ,to hold ti short course in. Domestic Science uid Agriculture in January in Dun- cannon, The course will be held from Tuesday, January 5 to the 29th of the month:' The ,classes in Agricul- ture for boys and• young, men .are to be held in the Parish Hall, while those in Domestic Science for. girls and young women , (there is no age limit)' are to beheld inthe basement of the Presbyterian Church. • • . In• connection with the girls' -course :n Home' 'Econordics, the resident teacher for the four weeks is to he Mise Helen Garbutt,. R.R. 4, Peter- bore. The two -weeks'' sewing instrue- tess is to be Mrs. E. McDonald, R. R. 4, Ripley, and • these lessons are to be given during the last two weeks of the course. An -instructress in Home' Nursing`') to be here for the first two weeks of the course: The ''following special speakers will address the course in Agriculture:. On Thursday afternoon, Jan. 27; James 'McLean, Richmond Hill, ,on the 'subject of 'Plows and Plowing"; Friday afternoon, Jan. 7, • Dr. F. R. Page, of St. Marys, on the subJect Of "Veterinary, Science"; Friday df- ternoon, Jan. 15, E. H. Marston, B. S.A., of the Poultry ,-Department, 0, A.C., Guelph), on "Poultry' I,lusband • ry •" • ' • . Ian McLeod, the Agricultural-•Re- preseetative of, flttr'on- County will be in charge • of the, Agriei lturar Course, and Will be assisted by' Mr. Atkinson, The course wil'1 cover live' stock,; field crop; 'soils and fertiliz- ers and different natters perttiiiiliig Miss Jeanne Ritchie of Godericb speht Monday with, her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. -Will ,Ritchie: ' DANCE ' POSTPONED :Owing to recent 'bereavements in 'the cornmun-, ity ..the., dance advertised for Jan: lst. has, -been postponed indefinitely. 4th CON., KINLOSS `Mr. Clair McDougallis up from Guelph for the holidays. ' • ; Mr. G. M. McKenzie . of ,.town, - ryas a caller on ' the line last week. lilies •'Margaret Graham of Hamil- ton is spending . a few day's at . her home here. Mr.' and Mrs. R. Martin and family NORTHERN AND • • ; I BRUCE SCHEDULES The ' follawing combine( . Northern; • and Bruce League schedule. covers games tor this, district. :this ' season. Clip it •out and keep it for"'refer-Mite: Jan: 13 Lucknow • at Teeswater- - Northern. - 15 Teeswaitor • at Luekno'w Bruce, 1$ Lucknow • at ' Winghain-- i Northern 20 Wingham at :Teeswater- 'Northern • • • lr iia=ple3�-...at-.,,,.•luoknoea�=.=Baaace ' 25 Teeswater'' 'at *Ingham-- Northern 26' Lucknow at 'Ripley -Bruce 28 ;' Teeswater .:at . • Lucknow'- -- Noir' - Feti: ' 2 • 'Teeswaterther>; :at- ^Ri. Bruce, ' • • 2' W ingham at Northern N6. 'hucknoa( :at • 'Bruce,- =B..:Ripl;ey .at' - Bruce._ NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS Lucknow- : Teeswater--. Teeswater- A,happy.and truly prosperous New Year . to my people of. Ashfield. And by that •I .mean: one day's march nearer the 'Promised Land. The road spent `"Christmas. with--rfrien is—in, •ttav,ersing••-the year. 1931 has -bee. Whitechurch. Miss Marion',McDiarmid of Ripley Visited . last : week • .with Mrs., A. Hughes. . . Mrs. G. White and Mrs M. Gamble spent Tuesday with Miss •Hannah ldcDonald:' ,Thuds of 1tgy, Mr. Burgess join in wishing . him a happy • and prosperous voyage on the, sea of matrimony.. • rough, but let us not imagine ,• for . ' • one ;moment that the .now and mitred - den path of 1932 will be smoother, but -Almighty 'God is' heading, the • marching -caravan and . this is the: salient feature. • There are many tvtn ';^. -- at-the .end -of -theaong_march .of. old ''year- are anxious to step out of The Tine. ' I fen are gliifting blit rota` " what different motives. To, some the fleshpots of Egypt •still figure big in Mr. George ,McDonald of Boisse- •tkeir plan :of life; temporal gain ar1-- vain,' Myaiin, left for 'his home on Monday.: The young people on the line are enjoying fine skating • •parties these •Mr. John Little of'.Listowel ,is spending a few days with his moth- er. The U.F.W.0. meeting. was held - at the home, of Mrs. Carruthers, and was well attended. Mrs. R. Martin presided, • and, themeeting opened by singing "The Opening Song" and repeating the Creed in unison. Mrs.` G. Lockhart read; the minutesof• last meeting, also a letter of appre- dation from Mrs. N. McCallum.' Mrs. A. Hughes .teceived a letter from the lqatron--efs-the-Winghafe__Hospi tal, thanking the Club for their do- nation of fruit. The Roll Call was responded to by a "Gift Exchange.' After cbniniunity •singing,--the--gen- eral routine Of business was dealt with. MISS Elizabeth Robinson sang, "A Co* Boy, Song" in her usual. pleasing way and Lilliart: Carruthers gaye an instrumental.' Mrs. George Lockhart gave n splendid report '.of the Convention held lit Toronto Mrs. Dan McKinnon read a well^ prepared paper sin '"Making • the Spirit of Christmas last throughout the year.,' Mrs. W. McKenzie gave a reading; and Miss Mary McL:gad a paper oat "World EVerit's," which was ceived. Matter Elliott Clarruthers. •deliglited• the audience with . sonie selections on 'the Violin. Aftera v6te of thanks to the hostess,, the meeting wag brought •to a close by. singing -the National Arithemm. I e- freshments were served, and a social time spent. The January meet ing is oto he held at•the honne of'• Mrs. Wm. 1V cBon'ald. ,-� ..- _ • • ttaeljo temporal power, the appetite �-- merely' animal want's met.. .Other, , , are afraid of the terror by night and the • pe'stilence • by daSr, 'while' stili others,-tired__of_.life. :and .-spent; are,. slipping away through, sickness,' . death, or any other adversity.„ But : • • the supreme . force -••the force which inaugurates this wilderness march to the land of conquests, is God - and God is life, and the life . is ,the light of men. So it would be well at .the end of the 'road, and facing a new trail; • to look up. That men, whether drunk with success or over- whelmed with failure, turn to the Light of the World, God, our' help ' in' ages past and hope fel., years._- to •. Wine The road over rwhich weiliaXe come and the new' way over which the Divine Guide - may ,' beckon us, teaches tis that sin • is not ''destiny. They journeyed in the wilderness for some that 'tells the whole story of life. But life and destiny, has sem•ething . infinitely better beyond, "They journeyed in the wilderness..,_ towards the . stii:rising." - :The first Sunday , in the New Year will be hailed as the dawn of a brighter day. My subject will be, "The Saving Name." Slakes 11 A.M. Hackett's. 3 P. ].f.: Zion 7.30. P.M. Annual business meeting's, Zion and: • flakes January 5 and 6: Haoketts J~ainu'arp 11 At 2 P.M. •