HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-12-24, Page 8vfl • •s estiops est lllinute Shoppi 'ancy lioxes of Candy .25c to Two Special Family Packages': 2' pounds 60c 3 • pounds 85c 4, Faiic.•. P ►cka .ed,Ci ars: end do not fail to see our .assortntent.:af CHRISTMJS • CANNY Celery 'Parsnips 'urnips :carrots +enil`Le,ttooe': ° ac h an -i t'm s an d -a-. Prospero s New ►SOn'S - Luckno r 'Phone: 82. WI IT ECHU:RCH A Merry Christmas to •alL 1. , Mrs., . /no. I utchison • rind ;d'aughter Doris, ' left last,. Monday of last week .fora trip to England to visit their. relatives.' there. We wish them a. safe Journey, — We are soyrry to report •Miss Janet: Craig ' is on the .sick list•.We : hope for speedy. recovery. , • Mrs David Gillies. and, Miss.Don .a1da McDonald.: 'of St.. Helens, left last. Saturday for Detroit., where ''they isit a wee1Lndtb the.jormer's daughters, . Mts. Cringle...'and: Mrs. Kruger: `` ,a kr. 'Duncan Kenedy made a' busi- • ness, trip to London this'week.• , Mr, and Mrs: W..R. Farrier intend. ` -celebrating their -silver wedding:.. -on -Christnirte;.Day • Chalnier's Presbyterian Church had• a very successful Christmas enter- " "taiii eat-last'Thursday-evening,, with` _:.n._ good' attendance.. out,. also .they .re_ ;4.:ived 'many parcels of, toys •aridr cldthing on the charity: ,tree, which as_.peeked.Jn,.t_w_eq.large..boxe�and • :sentoff to the needy. Miss ,Lena . Hackett of Ashfiek spent •the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Naylor.' • DORMER: HOTEL PROPRIETOR; *DIES' :IN LEAMINGTON Mrs. Elliott Miller received word 'on Saturday, December- 12th,, of .the death of', her uncle, Mr.':'J...C. Clark of Leamington who: passed' away that morning' . . • • Mr. Clark -willie well rememb'ere,�I by the older residents of::the villag!5 having been 'proprietor, a •number . of years ago, of the 'Royal Hotel which was 'situated at . the south west end of 'main •' street, on• the property pur— chased some time ago for the erection of an arena. --Hine-leaving-Lucknow, M'r Clark has', made. his, home , in Leaiilington: •FIe is survived by .his wife and' two daughters, Mrs. A..:.•Bordato' of De- troit and :Florence ` at ..home. : • . ifilTl3°i�AT�iR ScHOQL:EXAMINATION RESULTS (ONTINIIED ° '1€UM'.: PAGE ..mg.)• : Elwood' Stewart, Verna ;+ a 'odd► ltily » •Thompson, Dona.,lda .,,,,.».,..»..17 Treleaven, Anna, Webster, Elliott Weatherhead, Richard 3 39 .. R. •7,2: 05 42 • 20 .g .45 • 35- . 80 ':544 '5t ' 67 fr 31 . 77 72 . 90 • 62:79 53 . • ;62 ; 7a • ' $3., ' 35 , 58 ' .50 • 51. '00 . 48 . • • . FARM 1, English Grammar; • 2, Aehthmetic 3,1„�'1?1.siography 4, . Zoology • Geometry:. 6, English .C'romp , 7, Eng Lit.; : . 8, Lath! 9, French, ,:...... , 75 . 34 52. g3 62 . "42 _, 46 58 ... ;64 60 • 63. »». „-•,«„80 35 48• 32• . '26 ' ' 61 "`69' , •48 60: Anderson; Charles » Armstrong, Cecil.:., Berry, Dorothy' Cameron,St'uar't ;, Easy Work Most -anyone- can 'be lin editor. All an editor has to do is 'to sit : at, his desk 'six daysin the Week, our weeks in the month, and twelve months, in the year, and "edit" such stuff as •this "Mrs:,. Jones of Lost -Creek let • 'a :can - opener Slip last, week and cut herself in' the pantry." -Anon. ;C.00lt, Edna 0.. . Crozier,• : Colin Crozier, Frances ' - Curran; Dorothy ,.....s.. Dawson,:'StuarE' »..»..».....i..,,,.. ,' 66' •• S. Douglas,,' Donal la .. .i, .. 9'0 42 46: 26 ckenswiller,- I t' een-....,.— -60' a 16 2 s2 43--73 ' • Farrish, M g..aret ...:. ::..84 40 63 ,�50 • 58 Ferris, If;at leen „»...,:..;,,,., ,..•56 '27, . 24 '61 62 • Finlayson, Cameron ' ,»....»,..,..::80 60 6 ; 50 66 58' •' Fisher, Jack............=..........-: ' 40 " •''86 :,38 46 • 70' , 58 • Gardner, Sidney ...„.....,;.,...»»...»:57 39 • 45 : ' Gilmore,. Margaret '...�..»;w..18 ..... , , , • .. Graham, Anna .»».„...»,....,.....:.. .... 41 46 '57 ,'u 'Graham, Rennie .........__.:„..„64 23 52 ' 29, 42. 55 :Greer, 'Harold ,;...,•»..»..,...,..,,_-.,, 63 :-Hamilton, Archie»,::..;:.:» » : .: --• _.__. 7.--,47 . _ • • Hamilton, _Emma mma .:»» _ :,.77 . 60' 78. • 76 ••• 74 73 84 60 +1 58 Johnston, Keith .r... 70 ' 77 Johnston, Melvin ..................-A0 ;.• 51 25' . 36 60 ' 52 ' .lohnsten, Winifred .»...»»»x»...... 26 " 50 58• • MacDonald, Donald '..»...»......:.»,»72' .• 55' 62 52'.; .41 64 60 • •57. 51. -.MacDonald, Peggy „.'..................86. ; 66'. 59 70 6, 53 '' . 70' 72 '74 '62 MacDonald, •Rachel .4...-......... . 44 64 •. • . ' 68 ' . • Macln les,, Florence'.......».....»••,:69 38 • '52 ' 47'. 29 •51' 62 • MacKenzie,. 1 athleen •.... ........• 33 44 30 : 53 ' : 41 MacRae, Jessie ._..„........."' • 51 McLeod, I-elen .»,.,.,.,.».:» 60.' '..56 • .. • 'Nixon, Dorothy ',......,..............,79 63 ..;.68 60 . 26 '54 • '98 1•157 56 'Nicholson, Marjorie ....................42 .' 38 '31-: 31' 0--60 47'-- Phillips; Frances .,°..,,. _ ..» 60 . ; 51 Patterson,,' Catherine 25 ' ' .53 ' '55 • Reed, 'Evelyn .. 70 • Richards, Norval. .» • .70• Ritchie, ,Margaret • »»91 78.. 65 74 72 . .10 •71 51 63 Ritchie, Tillie .A;...-.::.., ; „° 48 Solomon, Elwood .....L.-............40 • 26 54 50 65 41 Taylor, -_:Etta _.. 57 ° 4K •: ' S3 42 5_,11::_4_5• Thom, .Helen.......:.....„ -:m............ • 37 Thomson, Arnold ...:.m»»...,...:,..c•.62 , 38 „75 69 •64 ' 66 ' :•.66 .., 38 46 Thompson, ;Cora ,.,............,.........,-70 67 66 rx{ ' 79 64 70; ' :50 • 53 Treleaven, Eileen' . »-: ,• 37.;18 60 50 FORM: rd : ' . 8O • 57. 80 ' $,2 $? 72. 80., 75. 67 Y 6. 8j'l .• ' 70 32 :36. 39 0-. 66 d3 52 ,, 64' : 63 59 • 6,0 60-61 66 55 - 30. '.¢6 .The needle always makes . it . a point' to go through the work laid out for it, 'although there are times it finds itself hard-pressed to 'do so. TOWNSHIP' OF KINLOSS 5 FINANCYIAL STATEMENT SUMMARY 1931 RECAPITULATION OF THE .RECEIPTS . AND . EXPENDITURES FROM JAiiiUARY 1st TO DECEMBER.16th,, INCLUSIVE` .... +' • rd • RECEIPTS. Resident Taxes »,..,:;_.• _ --»-$ 33438 94 Non .Resident. 'Taxes 173 00 Arrears in Taxes' '- 1966.09 School. Purposes • •"-"' '" lees, .Rents,.' Fines ' Premium on Taxes ..-» Interest ._»____.. Miscellaneous Drainage Purposes ............— Highway -»::....:-». »» r Highway Purposes Total . .. ».;._:• .-: _ _ a.;; To' Balance on Rand January 1st, 1931 • 50 00 97 11 68 37 • 79 63 24029 44 2439 79 $ 65075 19 .»..».:»- •••*••. 4323 09 $ 69398, 28 .1931 • ,EXPENDITURES Salaries ' and Allowances - ' »» M»» -. _- $ 883 90 Printing. Postage and Stationery • 332 58 Road Superintepci'ents Salary _ Roads and Bri.ges Relief . Hall Account ...•:• School Purposes Drainage Purposes. Tile -drainage Sheep and Dogs Board of Health Miscellaneous , • 4589 91 54 00 1966 88 • 3774 63 21191.,82. , 1206'48 442 90 65 50 , 299 85. $ 40088 05 ' Dec. 16th' to Balance On Band. w» .. $ 29310 23 $69398 28 1631 ASSETS • To Balance' on hand ...»: 4...14.04 .., ' .,..4 29310 23 To Taxes due from Collector ,...., - 3161 85 To T'ax Arrears in Co 'areas 'Office •-. • 205 12 To Debentures , r.- • . ,;. •,::.. :_,.».-..:_...•.. .. ' . .6509 29 193.1 0' LIABILITIES B'y go'unty Rates ,...» . ,w . ;..._...v $ 1.7266 60 3642 73 By Bat School Rates By ,Debentures :and Interest -.....:.- 2202 89 ' By Telephone Rates » w » _ _ w 1317 45 ' By Drainage Loans-.,. _. • - .. ...: „-..'. s000 00 ,Drainage"'`170,00 °By ... lb- Eq l•p.s Accom. and• Lab. Grants .� - 138 09 By Note On Lott. Drain pd' Interest .,w.. . By Note,op.,Teeswater ithver By -Law _.1 ._»» „. » •- 178 25, %r Tile Drainage Debentures, x s ..».. »....-.»a, .».. , 176 66 bated D6'ceni'ber 16th, 1931. • J. WCOLtit' t Reeve G GA1U111Tj5. Treasurer. • r • Pe extend to l ", ; 8t�►ny friends best wishes for 4. eery Merry Christmas, , and •a f •Iappy and Prosperous Now/Tear. . r Pate S 1 -Eng Lits 2, Eng --Comp • =3, Candian-Hist.: 4, -Ancient -Hist.: 5, Algebra': • 6, Geometry 7, Phys.: 8, Cheniistrjr . 9, Latin_ Au-: 10, Latin Comp.: 1.1, .French Au.: 12, French Comp. � •• • . . i � 2•. 3 ;4. '5. 6 . 7 , 8 9 10' 11 12 Anderson Charlie '».»,».»»..33 60 13 39 51 Anderson,' Jean ' 57 67 .66 . 46, 56 ' 87 -61 53 65,. Anderson; Norma '58 48 .56 59 69 • Armstrong, ' Winifred ...... . 57' 83 ' 66 • 90 55 54 51- 35-68. ''--`78 44 .62r-46 69 Blake, . ;W;nnifred Cain eron, Stewart »,».•.».».. 21 Carnochan, ' Bessie ' '68 ' ''73' • 901 Carruthers,: John _........38 ' • 52 ' 49 • . 41 43 45' 46. 23 '52' Culbert, 'Beatrice .-»...»»_57 56 44 ' • 60 . 43 74 .4$ , 50 59 Curran, • Dorothy .»»»,,,....».».27 55 . 1$ , ' -25. Curran, _James :»...:_.�»..»».33' •45 , j1 24 24 10 .30 27 ' Crozier,, Colin . »»»_.:.»__:»». 47 60 Crozier, ,Frances 36 61 Dawson,"Stuart »»:.......»......»..64 60 56 • Douglas, Donalda 47 i�1;63 ' Finlayson, Clark .......:-......61 66 ',4388 48 , 56 Finlayson, R'oy ._,,,».»»»,.... ; • •38 • 40 Foranr••John .•»,... ».-»•. 68 30 • Gardner, James '...»»».,...-•.88 53 '23 '. 43 .• Gardner, Sidney ._....»...».85 68 30 • 43 Gilmore, Margaret ..»:».....27 28 • • 20: • •' 36 36' Graham; Anna• ..:.F.».4_.:...».447° -59 40_ , . .. • Grant, Jean . :.:•».•»••»••» • • 42 34' ' 70 ' 61 60 ,70 Greer, . Harold .....................65 60'. 64 '72 21 - ' ' 54 42 Hamilton," 'Archie .y»...»»•.».,20 - ' 32 ...go- 43 16 Henderson, Donal.6•...,•..,.»53 53. 26 37 •Henderson, 'James. ....,....74. • 60 ' -- • -• 75 • 66 'Hodgins; Florence —56 64 55'''39 :45 30 . 36 Johnston, 'Keith ' ..............A4' .57 '' 64 T3t 40 64 68 .. Johnston, Winnifred-,.._55 5646 47' 60 Lane, Winnifred b•». ,63 49' 60 50 '54 MacCharles, Sadie...:.....- 79 • ' MacDonald, 'Catherine ...... 66 • 65 MacDonald, Finlay » .-»» 41 MacDonald).- Margaret. -.26 .45. 19 . 9 _ .. .MacDonald, Rachel ........36 55 52, 43 , MacDougall, Blanche ....»»41. 59 56. 48 60 MacInnes, Katherine »» - 42 iia 43 23 38 56 • 4,6 MacKenzie, Alex ..i......... :' 59. MacKenzie, 'Jess'e ..»...»».... 65• 51 54 71 MacKenzie, Mary • ' • 53 53• 69 '43' 27 44 MacLeod; •'Mary• 72 «..- »»a» 23' -52 37' 74 1ViticMahon,' • Mae 71 68 66 79 44 ' . 95 MacMillan,. Isabelle .'"° •••••' 'sr.'" 51 46 74 18' 66 MacRae, Jessie .......-....61 53 , - 27 80 61 McLeod; Helen ........".4:--:.46 52 ' 22 29 McNai1,' James. ...."..»51 '49 63 ° 36 , Miller, Isabelle »• , 60 67 64'. 58 , •48 Nixon, Eveyln ,.,.....»...-.4:64 • 52 50. 19 62 Phillips, France's •......,:x.:;:::.60 50 r • 40 39 52 Ritchie, Margaret . -...... " • . 52 -Richards, Norval ...:...»»:46 65 Y ' 46: 65 75 Ritchie, Tillie ..>s _..53. •• . 31' 54 ' 43 ..64 Reed,.EEvelyn'". .»»..•»-»_.:,44 .59 30 ' 51, 41-. Smith, Edith ..,._...Y.::» :....-. • 50 38 38' 56 50 64 • Solomon,. Elwood w,-...». . 34' . Thom; Helen ....,...,.1.......,,,,,.....5"2: 51 88 • '69 51 - 71 ` • 23..'28 ho . 'son`--2'ra lees • ... • 36 500_3 91 30 27 5240 _ ' 6'6 43 58- 62' Thompson', Robert .,.-.»..-•60 166 .69: .. 41., 91 Treleaven Eileen ..56, .55 ' 28 • 30' 40' Todd, Neely ...'.:•.:-................,.....58 59 56 ' 45 56 20 41 2 Wet herihead, Richard 48. 58 56 ' ' .4$ • 30' 31 39 2'8. Wihster;l Geor$e ......•.....52, -..51 41 9. ' • 59 40 85 43 4'46 76 55 55 54 60 55 95• 46 ,37 '40 45' 81 - 61 39 "46. 38' 62 '30 61 • 31 37 33: ' 56 58 40 40 40 74 ,.47 38 60' .60 90' • 66 58 62 63 44 59 66 95 79 bbl. 29• 60.. l•3•-_. 40 43- 45 • 70 66 33 28 • 48 66 73 611. 64 67 75 ' 60 .61 50 49 89 63 43. • 37' 44 60 80 78 50 , 53 63 40 _35 69 37 36 • e, ww isb1't0';Say,'rii.ank Your: or P thoan�t favors •extend_ed torus during ---195-1. . . '4 We 'extend our sincere wishes for a very Merry Christmas and• a'.Happy' N'ew Year.. Weil eel The:Home Good Shoes FORM IVB 1,: Alg. .2, Geom.:. 3,' physics: 4, Latin Au: •5, Latin .C,: ; 6; "Lit:. 7,. English �p:onip..: 8, Modern history. ;� 1' 2 3. .4 5 6 ;_Andrew,.. Arthur, »;..»»» '4$ _ 76 _ '68' '73' 44 :_._;... Anderson,. Norma...........,..... 47 :52 Armstrong, Winifred._..... 52 58 Blake, :Winnifred .,•. : 42 52 n, Bessie, ................. 65' 72: ''68. 60 75 66 inl:yson,: ° ,y . _....-.;..•.»..-. 2 68. ran, John ...............4.........:. 50 50 50 55 Greer, Clarence' -..........---6/•• 48 .49... 69 Grant, ., Jean » ' 60 52 .. Lane, Winnie .-....».» 60 , 51- M'aeCha'rles, 'Sadie --»82 66. 65 66 . 67 68 MacDonald, 'Catherine', .»» 71• • ` 57 31 41 64 it 63 MacDonald, Finlay ». ,.•w». , '37 ,' 47 • 60' MacDonald; GIadys :.:.:-•,...._62 66 - .46 '51 .75 . 68' 55 MacKenzie, ' Alex .`..»:..•.•..e73 ' 82 66 50 64'; . 54 MacKenzie; Miry 32 �' 5:i 'MacKenzie, Margaret 1..,,...,.,79 96 12 M'elver, .Elizab'eth......... ' 8T MacLeod, 'Mary Belle ...L'. 1V IacMi11an,`Isabelle : ...•» • Martin, John .» .». » •......,24 18 "---,18 ` 30 - -- •Miller,=I"salie'ile,_..»».. •-»: _ _.__ _ .. .. , Ritchie; 'Elsie, ..4..•»»,...,..:.....: X64 62 ' ' , , 69 Sheriff, ,Vera ---..--59 _59 58 • • 21 --Smith; Edith »,.•..:•...»..». , ' ' Stewart, /pies .. »» 80 88 ' ' • 83 Thompson,' Frances :..,_.-...»:.•. • 71 49 '31 80 . 45 •S ASHFIELD NOTES • ' Mr. Jno. MacDonald' who has been under. the Dr's. Fare for the past two weeks is able 'td be around again.. Miss. Frances.Gilmore of •London,' is at present:di ending Christmas .holi- days with her •parents. Miss Marie Long, R. N. of Detroit, is .visiting at 'her home in 'Ashfield.. ` Miss . Evans has returned to her • home in :Clinton'"for the holidays. Mr. ,Peter Cook, a residentraf2th con., Ashfield, passed away at• his home on Saturday morning. The.. 'fun- eral took place Tuesday at 2 P.M. to, Greenhill cemetery. trhe many friends and neighbors extend their. heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Coolie and • family hi their sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie and family spent Sunday' in Dungannon. • i tem.•=•take more interest In what a girl will wear as 'a bride than in. what she'll get to wear after she':. married. 62' 32 . 22 ,, 38 ' . 63e• 66 63 67 58 66• , 60 • 5r5.--.�28._. 52 62 69� 48 . ;66 P. E. McLEAN, ,Princ. t A • NEW 'PUZZLE 'CONTEST • ' The„Family Herald' and : Weekly` Star 'have justannounced a big Bri- tish Lion ,-Puzzle Contest in which • a most attractive list of prizes are offered for• calculating • the:, total of ,) the 'figures'forming 'a bilge Lion. It ,•coristihutes a most interesting game for everymember of the Fam-4 ily and • added . to this is a generous list of cash awards: Our readers may receive copies of the Lion and' full • details ,.by addressini. , the Fainil"y Herald and Weekly. Stir,. Montreal. INMEMORIAM . In loving . memory of Mrs. Joseph Switzer, who died one year ago, Dec. 23rd, ' 1980. We de not forget Der, we love her. too dearly, . For her memory to fade froin our , lives like a dream, Our lips need not 'speak, when lour heartsmourn sincerely, For • grief often dwells where ft Al. • •dom is sten. - Ever remembered by her aged hus- band, nems_ .and •daughters. • YOUNG 1VL N.: , • Y®UN . WOMEN The Ontario • Department •of Agricult'ilre EXTENDS TO YOU THE SEASON`S ;GREET,INOS .•� ' "AND IWOES• YOU TO ATTEND THE • Short Courses, in'• Agriculture and 'Home Economics TO- BE HELD IN ' DUNGANNON . January ,5th to January 28th, 1232 Corse in Agricuiltuir-Pansh:.lHall Course_an_..Home__.Econbnties _Bas'emen't' •..of_P eribyterian-Ciluitch For further particulars. 'and a' complete_ outline of the courses,. writer • IA1N A4 cLLOD Aartirctimitli, REPRESENTATIVE, ' CLINTON, Old'T. • sa T4 4 ii i ..n Mw ; elaNY '4 ip:» Saw sONOifilOiNitigUWOZZAgl YAM „�6