HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-12-24, Page 65' SI liS o q.• 4 • ..r y-sID:N2:Y`(TO R. SYNOPSIS, *`hen Philip.,Crane, a young aeroplane ": designer arrives in London on a hctlida through a coincidence of ince Atames. miss ;taken for the Crook Crane,'iwho la; a tool of a band ruled, by a mysterious. aRrnpres9 " . HB rescues . Margery Ferguson . and taken herr to -,a convent. >de then •,goes to • �1andlln in •Kent to reseue her father Meanwhile Charles Whittle, an Amer )can detective. is trailing a band of`for> - `tlh 01elose'.continement The -Empress• hopes to bens( Ferguson s (viii to 4ter Q 4 her; them')) be ro trouble inthat' di- rection," he, rep'lied.. "The man, Crane, wanted to Come down here this morning," he added quickly; "but thought it best to fix up an appoint- ment at your, house.' "Quite right. What time did you say?" . "Si* o'clock.." She looked at her Jewelled . wrist-, T beautiful) �PTHR VIII. --f Cont'd,� •. ' "I must 'hurry, then." CIi° . u y-propariioned; ice• Ferguson was hustled into. a large gal,, majestic, sha made an .;impresstii ••pleasantly furnished `room.: The ;n_ edit, ' . •itial ,impression was one of,: comnfort- Stevenseen lit as cigarette, Dating' able;,ease •On-the.hearth. a wood''fire- crook'that•he was,`li'e•was lost in coni=' blazed and,. -ate table. sufMcie Tyr ,plete..admira4tion of rthis woman under near for the w nth•°to, be. apprecia d. sat two'people • Itwas the -woman . f' whom l ergs:. °son stared.' FashionablyY' dressed, she mr : ht•have .been-.ta7 n,.at dist glanee,- for,'the usual : Mayfair matron, wh ese hours -were amiried with social tt ,gagements. She 4.4d good looks., commend her, and a soigne air: This 'Anaueh, the casual observer would have noticed: •It was not until one looks closer that. ft was realized that this -woman was very different, frgm other of het class.' There was •acold:. callousnessiz cher eyes; .a fixed determination about her firmly -moulded chin, and7a as .,ug gestion of cruelty in her tightly -closed (mouth, .. Ferguson felt his knees give bee: neath; him.. This was only tiie seeond time he. had faced hex, but he knew this roman•,topbe a .terrible. creature. A remorseless; devouring monster, ut- 'terrly Without scruple. She, surprising' faet''though it 'Might • be, •. wasat the be.o adrthe_gang who_were-determined- •-'to break'his will. . ' , Well, Ferguson, . I hear you are Oat proving;obstinate."' The conver- -1-....11.4.°1-1. was started. with these .words. Hmoistened his , dry lips. "How long are, you , going to keep ale here?" he' demanded. • ' • "So • long as we require . your ser - !ices, my malt." •"But :you can't do that!" "Can't we?" The sneer was palp- able W,e appear ;to: :be doir g,it, any- waR=New,-listen; me,, Ferguson: Yau'lI stay•here.untii you,dothe work which is required That's quite clear, • The words stunned him. 'He knew the wonian'to be speaking the'truth. He had.: already .:pre- ed.,her to' beint- placable.: . , • - dtYon are the one man in"the world , we need at the 'moment," she cortin- • • ued; "no other engraver, that we know af; at any rate, possesses your,abiiity.' there-was.-such=a=many we -might' get hon to help 'yo.i." The man with the -ascetic -fame -mute w ed by, her side, smiled at this' pleas - entry; . and it was heCtith now. con - tinned the_tall i:ng. • "Be, sensible, Ferguson;if ireA t—" The sentence (was completed by the "—If If not," she said, "there is your (`laughter, of -eoiirsa/7 A gasping cry came from, the throat of 'the•torm'ented' nian. He flung him - i self forward:. , "Leave my ;girl alone, damn you!" he cried; and then:.19'here is she? Tell mel" • Into the hard, but' beautiful face of the woman, stole •a smile. We are looking after her for yon.. Do what I want, Ferguson, and .to Earle will come toher." He •found courage of a sort. He be= Belied this , was -an :attempt to bluff; Ma fiery would bee hem guard.., ' "I won't make any :pore," he stated. "That will be very foolish of You.' The speaker now pressed a bell, and, to the servant; who app tared, -said tbe one word: • ‘13114,00i40 • Ferguson screamed. At the thought of that horrible Italian... . He was still when "a man •' of gigantic build entered the roo:-t. • Swarthy -faced, his deep-set eyes -glow' ed as he looked at the man whom he Imagined was .shortly to he delivered over to hint.. -"You sent for me, Empress?" Tie fid. - • "Yes, Badoglio. Our friend . ov there is being insolent." Badoglio turned., "Shall I see to °him, Empress?" "In a minute, perhaps.... Now, Ferguson, this is my last word: You get to work on those new notes, or Badoglio .will give you a little • mole - of his attention.. •.. Paugh !" she Added; "the fool hat fainted." Simon. Stevenssan " turned .to his superior. "With all ' possible respect, Emp- ress," he said, "we must not allow the fellovi to die." " "S"ome breakfast," grinned Crane. "Diel lie tvoreedie. But his spirit "The Missus'll see to that," was the must be broken. Time 'tresses. He reply, accompanied by a backward must get busy. When he comes to, I flick of the thumb; "she can cook ' • p ha - don't think he'll make any more diffi-'con lovely!" ciIties. And now, must get bac. 'Aeceping the iiovtitation• Crane to town. You'll stay here, of, course, walked across the sanded stip and B' the way, what about that girl o� carne into what evidently was the Ferguson's?y' - " • )curiae of the inn. Steveesson parried with the truth. '`Behind the counter vvas 'a red- -Tile Ernpre'ss was--rets-•in theeneed--tom' cheeke-d,- - tt. lel irr'g-eyed women late middle -age. "Morning," she said cheerily. whose banner he ',;lad enlisted Al thiongbei for: thea past twenty .years Mrs. Aubyri' St. Clair the name_' by which Mayfair 'society knew .her -=had optimist. . "Sorry, je troiihle.you y lneome through early,. hut' is it pos fb'1e to. get!.sonie crime, she lad`..never .:)leen y+4 hT �astwheie?" `She was a born organizer; a woman .' "Law's .sake, ' yes,' young man!' of extraordinary brain power, she was r carie the 'quick answer.' ' "Sit down' paid 'large sums to plan. coups for and tell ire what you require." . " various criminal gangs.'' That. had "Oh,;anything:—so Tong• as' it's hot! been her living until. five years; ago.' .And quick," :'•he' added. "Bacon, an' Then;; deciding. that shewould enter' eggs would do splendidly," • `business on her own, she had enlisted "Tea or coffee?.You can have either,' the services of., three, or ;four speeial ists. One of these had been Stevens son himself. The smoker smiied as he recalled recalled the really,: extraordinary position'the woman was nevi in. Eespected by the world whilst- living- -Ler' :