HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-12-24, Page 11 $2:00 P.ER• YEAR . IN ADVANCE; 4200 :OTHERWISE DENTIST. • "Dr R. L. Treleaven,, ,Lu&know agars: 9--12 ,A. M. 1.3;3 -5 PTTn.Nt .53` .. X-RAY BARRL ER, ,SQLICIiTOIt; ETC. Wirehair,' Ontario: BEANO. OFFICE AT LUCKNOW Sours; Wednesd. ' ternnglee, WALL PAPER --A; fell line of 1 Wall 1 '.?a �r, on.hond. Prices .c ri ` alyw1931• I am,also, sgent; for leading job houses -i ,; R ;:J CAMERON Decorator;; KPainter :and;"Grainer • Hex -174; Lucknow • Lucknow,, Ki°moss: . Nominate on Monday Municipal Talk litnnellally Quiet.-- • Outcome. ine.:tQn , Monday Uncertaait 7hether Acclamations or Elections. Wall„ .Result. " • ' . . LUCI N®yin OI 'TINIIAT'ION SCHOOL CHRISTMAS EXAVNATIQN RESULTS. FORM. r. is r 1, "Bitish' History: 2,Geography: y G 8raphy • 0, Botanyi 4, Art:, '• 5, --Algebra: 6, Compo ions 7, Lateraturei :8, Latin: 9, French • 1' 2 , 3','. 4 ' 5 •6; . '7 .8' 9 ,- . , 5 ckert 44311005 • ;; , . • ... . -..+ 2, 44 46 = 64 • `52; 68 44 • „25: • 44 `hate', -payers :are•. urged .tov. show• , Agar Edna 1•' 155 ''.',.'.:',174^ (Heir interest.! in Village and School Armstrong,; Trances .,,, »;.,.x:»70. 68 73 5.6 "; 80 "• , 6d • 59 48• Boyle, Edna 56 ' 40 '•42 •64 .52'• •55 , •, 61 45,• affairs by being ;Present at the:'400,-;• Cameron, Jean. •. . _, ,... . ;53 41 51 . • 68 6.] 60 , , 68 '•38 f g.0en in the:.Town ;Halrjon Svf9pday , Cameron, Stewart.°, ,:' ., 42 k 50• '44 T cvenipgi''' T)ec'einber • 28th, .,at 7:30 Cook, . Edna ', »»,.5f 41 42 • o'clock. This is one time. in the year. _-Qroaier Colin. --...:- -'..... -o---•-:- ' - - -• 70 when you. are afforded ,an• opportun Crozier, Frances «; 73 98 ity of having fully: explained to„ you . Douglas, Isobel ' • -.....,.....„.....-........88 : 69 -An' 50 ' 69 the manner in which the work Eckenswiller, Kathleen , you Fa r ash,• Margaret.„,:,.......;,....,...r... are paying foris being. carried out. Finlayson, Christine .».,.74 If you, have a grievance that is the .H,i • _ , • s er, Jaek ,_ . . Zilace; to express" it or if you tire Graham' ��Jean. 6 ' .- ! 1 41. 52 21 satisfied, a word of praise wouldn't r4 ' .. ""'""""""-:.1. . 51 lre .oat of. place. It is proposed this Graham, Rennie -'M year to bring the _matter before the • Hamilton; Isobel ... X72 42 61. 52 , 27 56 ,, rate er ' re" iy Harvey' Wellhngton ....:...,..,.........5.3.. 41. ..'39 ..,50 56 .. 52 Pay s garc� n the"payment o Horne,Audre :. 86.75 ;a 7, '72 councils tri the future. Be prepared to,y "� " "" 8 91 • 70• voice your opinion. . Horne, Lillian. ,...:,.....,-,-,4,-....-....,79 • 72... 62 , 70. 67 59 . The :present o u • 'Hunter,;. Ell'eda ._........... ......._...i.._74 70. 79 54 • 43' 56• 72' 69 92 pr c until consists •of• , • ' Jewitt, ' Charlie • ....�..:....., •• • 50, ' 27, . ` 41 ` • 48 • 27 • 60 ,54 • " 4• • 63 Reeve Rae,• and Councillors :Mullin, Iiannilton, Andersonand Murdie, '. Johnstone, .Eileen' ..2.,..„,,...,.„..,.,..;56 ' 30 ,.,47. 60 • 56 58 •51 16 • 63 • 'Then in regard to school • affairs Johnston, "Marione' ....:...:_.77' 64 86 . 60.: 75 70 ' 64 ' 70 .87 and education.we all know. is among• 'Johnston, Melvin .:......».---....-.... ;80 the most important, factors •• in ,one's, Joynt, •' George ."`""-:'"---"":"--"67 • 53 :' 8'4 66/31 ' 55 53 28 61 life; 'kr. D..C...Taylor will ha�te?a• ':'MacConnell, Mary'. • . 56 ' 68 42' 46' 51. ''58" 61 50 82. comprehensive. 'report to give. ' This MacInnes, " Florence ...........:._,..,,,.:. '. ' 70., i-eport:comes at the .conclu'sion'of• the 'Macintosh,-„.. Alex .......:::.....,;,,.5'6 35' 30 50 71' 50 ' 40 20 74 meetielg. and generally \the hour is ` MacKnzie, .Bill. .... ..�....:.,._....:82 50 . ''50' 52. • -57 58 54 1 58 . 78 getting late with the result.that the - MacKenzie; Frank; ;.._.........L....ti.76 ' 60,: '`54' 54 ` 's9` 63 ` 60 23 . 73 audience generally dwindles. This is. MacKenzie, Kathleen%. _62 • 51 • '42„ 80' not fair • to yourself or to the speak- MacKinnon, 'Beth .........:...................:67 40 40. '.55 52 41 62 57 51, : 85 • 'The board at Present consist , of MacMillan, Jean'. • '''.....81• ,73 .66 • 66 • .53 . 62 •69 58.' 83 .r:b. C. •Taylor,, W. Andrew, ' R. J. McCall, Jack ' ..... , 55 52 ,146 -62 „51 53 47 12 •43 Cameron, Rev. .'C.'H. MacDonald„ -Geo. McNeil,- Lloyd. ,.—,W.,,-....4....,...,,,,-4$' 45 'Ai ' 48 • .5ti5 60 47 - 39 •49. Douglas, : Wm.• MacKenzie:- Middleton, .'-Mearle 44 . •52 33 ' 48 7 _50 '• 57 ' • 47 'The' Town Hall', will.. be heated and ',. Milne, Fred ......—...--:-..-:-..36. 36 39• 52• 27 65. .33 8. 3p• ladies 'and p.m-y.111n it_isyouur -dut_y_ ewxon, Eunice . -.....79 08 '71., 72 • 87 65 82 69 80 ,cin' your' own interests to attend Nicholson, Marjorie 6,6 : this nieeting. • • Parker, Ruth •µ., ..;...w...........,..:68 55' 55” 72 47 68' 68 46 79 ,.. Patterson, Catherine.... 43 -'"56 • 65' 28 60. Nomination In Kinloss Reed, Evelyn .w . .m : 46 ` Kinloss Township will hold ' their Reid,'.. Ruby • • • ' 47 39 33,... 40 8 56 nomination in the Township Hall. Ritchie; Violet ..-...............-.69 _' - 35” ` 47' "b2 . • -80 52 47 Holyrood . at one o'clock on Monday,. December 28th, and'ito . urge the rate- payers to attend 'this meeting is no doubt as necessary in the Township as 'itis 'in the Village. ,The 'present council is comprised • of Reeve Col- well and 'Councillors: McIntosh, El= liott, Houston .and. McQueen. A fav- orable summary, as taken from the financial statement for --tile year .,rip -;-- pears . elsewhere in this ,paper. The ;present council has been quite '.active and were instrumentalin remodeling -the- Township Hali',- which is a credit to the municipality. The past year's .Work has generally been satisfactory , We understand; 1 and, it is expected • that the present body will seek office for another year. , FOR SALE Purebred Rock Pul-. lets-A.pto-Walter` Hilton. " 7-r-15, Dungannon (g4-12—et) GRAIN . ROLLING Prepared to do all kinds of Rolling Grain. Apply to "Howard; Robinson, Holyrood P. O. 'Plfone Ripley 2'-r=16 - Y : FOR S;AL.E--27 acres of land in: Hullet.. Township. • Obi the .land' is situate "a good barn and house. The estate : of the. late Thos. 'Brown: - Apply Brown:.Apply to. Jim Simms, Blyth. Our Saw. Mill yardwill be closed front ;January .ist, to. Saguary':,15t1i •: ' inclusive 'and no ' logs'. • will • be ' re- ceived. during.'th6t"'.time.Signed,'' THE . LUCKNOW , TA'BLE CQ.,', LTD. ,• We have .now contracted for a years' supply. of green cordwood we are ,not'. open to buy any more:.' We ,are however still open to buy ••d rye cordwood'• and Round -'lie glad to have' .you ' tolyl and tell ,us what ;you have to • off'er. . • : •' Signed ' The Lucknow Table' Co. Limited. NOTICE RE. •LOGS We are again. open to buy' certain' 1 -kinds-of logs this •season. Just .at'present we .can buy Cherry,. ilirch;•Basswood, Ash and Poplar for •. crating lumber. All. toga to bring first grade price must be 14. ft. or, 2. ft: long, with 14 ft. preferred', especially, in the basswoodas we must have •a• 'large percentaig'e of 14 , ft., logs •aaa. basswood," and, first grade' muttbe strictly, • clear and straight. We are going to 'be open to buy a stated quantity of beech, also we'may - be able to , take a stated quantity. ' of Soft Maple :but 'will advise you .later;, re this. Owing to the factwe took in so much Elm. last year, we regret', that we are unable to ' handle. any Elm this year. ' Last ' year we received • quite a. number of rough ' logswhich were suitable only-. for crating:' This year •.we will b • force o . a he:forced t grade these 'log's accordingly. We will be very . glad to give prices ., and full information by calling at our office. We can use -the lumber from your logs in our factory and, in doing this the• money' is :left with • the. Canadian Farmer and kept in circulatigfi;,; at home because these woods are jiist as good as certain woods wiritdfi being . imported from. the United States. We appreciate the .favors you have always' given us and we try our , best to give the very best satisfaction sand. service: ' 'Signed. The Lucknow Table Co. (31-12-c.)', 'Limited, Mrs.. J. H. Leith spent Sunday .'with her mother in London. 1 3 47 ' 4 83 66 86 a"4: •' 87 41 ' ,50 39 d7. 51 47;"' X81 55 ..' 86 41 .15 52 68 5;1 ,55' 81 33 , , .00 '76 83 • 99 66 ' BO 00 41 19 ; 46 - (CONTINUED ON . PAGE EIGHT) 45 r90 Former Lucknowite Assists In -Recital- Miss Mabelle Allin Takes Prominent' Part in. Musical Evening Given At The .Hambourg Conservatory of SAD OCCURRENCE IN ASIIFIELD Ashfield Farmer Meets Tragic Death Last Week -Funeral on Tuesday. I.t• was with deep regret that resi- dents of Ashfield and this community Dr. J. J. 4rmstrong of Toronto, learned of the tragic death of, an is a Christmas visitor at • the home esteemed 'firmer of , that township in of Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Bushell. the person of Mr. Peter Cook, whose death •occurred en Saturday list. Mr. Cook had been somewhat Men- tally depressed for a time but -on Saturday was assisting his son Peter •about the barns Mr. Cook went up to put• down some hay and after a time, when he did not return his son went lis parents. up ando was shocked to' find•. his father --- • - - ;vent -near -death and before : aid --coui'd- U:F.W.O. and U.F.O. will hold a be summoned, he had passed away. social meeting in the Pararnount Hall Mr. Cook who was in his 69th year on WedneOday, December 30th Ladies is survived by his wife, tram sons,' ° • , please bring lunch. - Peter at home and Toni of 1,ochalsh, We take the opportunity _ and by three daughters, Mrs. John pp �* presen McGee, of 'Goderich; Mrs. George ted by the .Christmas season to ex- • tend .our best wishes to'all for r a Hackett, •Cochrane; and Mrs. Bruce, happy Christmas: Holland of Bayfield. WM. MUItDIE & SON. The funeral service was conducted in Zion church on Tuesday afternopn Feeding •Motivates by- Rev. C. Tavener, in -charge of Car of Cane Feeding Molasses un- 'Zion Orange Lodge. . The . remains loading at C.N.R. station soon. Farms were interred. 'in Greenhill cemetery. ers wanting a barrel sho i�ld book oi'llers at once.. A. R. FINT,AYSO'N. Mr. •Charles Hodgert for .somime time a member of the local Bank of Montreal staff has received a•move' to , London. - Mr. Grant MacKenzie arrived home from Toronto the end, of last week to spend the Christmas ,holidays with • Wit.• Mrs..D. M: Johnstone, and daughter of Ingersoll; spent the week -end 'in t awn and on their -return were ac- companied by Mrs. Todt and Mrs Johnston, who will spend Christ:nal week in ingersoll. •__Mrs, 1arv_ey Lindsay_-who_has been.. • • very ill for the past two' weeks • is improving slowly. •She is under the care of Miss .Loretto Fitzpatrick, R. N•, front Winghani; while ,Dr. E. B. aifoUr is in„attendance, . • NOTICE -In' order to administer the Estate of • the' late E. N. Hodgins, it is- nec- essary that all .accounts owing to The Lucktlow Coal Company be paid. All persons owing the"said company re -requested -to -pay dune -on --or_ be.- -fora February lst, next, • at) 'War.. Murdie 'and Son's .Hardware Store, who is :authorized, to give effectual rtoceipt's; , ("81-42_7. )' Music. • The following clipping from the 'Toronto. Evening. Telegram will no doubt be' of much interest to. Miss Allin's. Lucknow friends: ' ' , - Quite out of the ordinary in char- acter and presented ' with so exquis- ite a finish as to make 'it wholly de-, lightful, was the dramatic and musi- cal evening given at the Hambourg 'Conservatory of Music by' Mrs. Mar- ian Caswell, assisted. by Miss Mabelle Allin, A.T.C.M., and Mrs. Arthur Har= vey. ' Mrs. Caswell has but a few months since come from England to make her home in Toronto; • to which she has ;come not wholly as a stranger, fol she takes up- -in her own field: of. dramatic expression • the treads • drop- ped with the passing of her sister, Mine. Ella :Montague Tenley, for: many • years with' the Hambourg Con- servatory of Music. May one, who: has suffered under the elocutings of -many elocutionists. offer Mrs. Caswell sincere thanks 'for the "alluring powers,,,,,of the reader's art( ]Vlrs. _ Caswell rose_ to_ her great- est occasion with telling effect—in her dramatic recital of the Bergliot episode from the.. Saga of Harold Hadrada, which was done against the. background of Grieg's music, played by Miss 'Alibi with understanding' skill. • With a Mee sense of the whimsic• al quality of Jerome -K: Jerome, Mrs. Caswell 'did his'delightful musings on "Stagelarid," its ' peasant folk and sailors. "The Singers in the Market place" again, was given as a true story of Mario, the.. Italian tenor; while the program opened' with a group of three • musical monologues. Miss Alibi's soprano bolos, "tlp. +'rant S.onierset," arranged' by Sand- erson, and "The Kerry Dance, were appreciatively received,. as were' Mr In the Township Hall, Ripley, on. Arthur Harvey's, three • tenor. solos,. Tuesda g, December 19, . there will be "Where'er• you. walk" (-Handel); "The a danceinnder auspices Of Jr: F,arfn= Bell' 11ate_tuand.__.Coleridge.Tay'lor's_ ers_ .and_ J%_,Institute.–1 unch-•-served.•- "lyleanore " Mr. Harvey's 'tenor h'aa Admission 50c a couple: a beautiful quality, and his phrasing is" most grateful to the ear.. (lteurtlier) and Grainger's "Country Mies Allin's three pianoforte solos;: Gardens" were, played with a,ffiriish ed grace; T - • MORE NEW. BOOKS .AT PUBLIC LIBRARY Below we ,publish a: further list of new .fiction books at the library, which should afford readers choice of interesting . reading. SINGLE- . COPIES 5 CENTS Our VCry: -et . Wishes for 4a Nappy Christmas and ealth, Good Luck .an ' Prosperity � c d e ' Cold 1 t s ucknow PRESENTED WITH. UPHOLSTERED CHAIR Mr. and' Mrs. John Bell were the guests of honor at an entertainment in the Town Hall on Friday evening during, which they were presented avith a 4'ine , upholstered rocking chair. Mr: Billh'as'for':a number, of: pear: been employed by the village as en- gineer • at the water : works, and, since the ,installing of, the domestic • water system, has moved to Lochalsh, where /they will spend, the winter 'with' Mr. Alex Ross, and ' in thespring Mr. and • Mrs. Bell intend .going to their own home at Pine River. , The Fire • Company and Village council sponsored the presentation• as a token' of the . appreciatitll of the faithful service,rendered.;by Mr. Bell. -Reeve- ' Raespoke ;briefly- before pre- senting senting the. gift.' '• The crowd was not large; but', ev- eryone seemed to enjoy :themselves. dancing to old time inusic provided by violinists: "Mike Boland' ''on .the violin accompanied at the , piano by John Hayworth and Dan, Graham '':calling ff-formed a-trio-that-was--hard--to- beat for ' a • :.real old-time square dance: Previous to -Mr: Bell's depart= ure the old water works provided' a' club-house',for•• the checker enthus-. fasts and on this•39ccasion it was onlyfitting : that tables. should he available for anyone who' wanted .to'• try a round at checkers with many doing so DON'T BE TAKEN IN • Advice such as above seems rather impractical, possibly at such•a time, yet it.might seem an opportune mo- a .new' .rent for some ,travelling :agent .to Spring a "wild cat scheme." Deny%bei gullible ” enough , to invest. in "some- thing good" offered to you • by a stranerr, without first 'consulting g your bankers • . HOLIDAY DANCES ' Christmas night, Friday, December, 25, Carr's 'Orchestra of 'Wingham will furnish music for -a.:dance -in the Town Hall, Lucknow, and for Friday January 1st, , (New Year's ' Night) Jean's Orchestra music. Make -Believe Baldwin' Martin ,Conisby's Vengeance, Farnol Ariel Custer Hill The Bachelor :Husband ....Ruby .Ayres Barbarian Lover ......,Margaret Pedler Baadeiys, the Magnificent ..,,Sabatini, Bent. Twig Dorothy Canfield The Best Man ' - Hill The Big Four Christie The Black Camel Biggers lack Rock Connor lie Ruin —Hill A Candle in the Wilderness, Bacheller Charlie Cha . Carries' On :_.,Biggers Charts Sees •It ,Through ......Widdemer Chickie The Chinese Parrot City of 'Fire Hill Cloudy Jewel Coming Through The Rye —Hill Corduroy .._ . w . Mitchell Corporal Cameron o :.....Connor Crimson. Roses Dark Dawn . _ ..Ostensai Dawn of . the Morning • Hill Dear Enemy .--..—.-Webster Desert Thoroughbred:.:.,...Gregory Dracula . _ . __ Stoker Drums ot Jeopardy McGrath, Duskin • hill Dusty . Answer .a._.Lehman Emerald Trails .... -. ,...., Gregory Emmy •Dori Martin Enchanted April -✓.....»—,Elizabeth - Fifty Candles • Biggers Flying With ' Lindbergh _Keyhoe Freckles ' Comes Home --._..__Porter Garden Without .Walls Glory of 'Youth Golden Alter ' • ; ..-.S4itherland Good Geste:i , w: ' Kyrie Her Father's Daughter ..—., Porter Honor Girl Hill House Without a Key . Biggers I.'Take This Woman ..�.M -Rinehart Josselyn's Wife• DANCE "Sous Bois'' ( tatitb), Valk Miniature' will supply' , the Your Eyes •' and d fur Service BY Fti T. ARMSTRONG Lucknow •- , THE ' WRINKLED FOREHEAD• The squinting that is the cause of the wrinkles, The disturbed look. The..di$icult seeing. (Which is the cause of the squinting and hence the 'wrinkles) all . tell as plainly as -it can be 'told• that that person needs an eye serviceof some kind. We welcome interested -readers. • Continued• next :Week -SPECIAL ,SUNDAY :SERVICE ' The Cifistmas _season 'will • be i = marked in the United ' Church of which Rev. R. W. Craw is • .pastor, 'by special Christmas services on``Sunday ipecember • 27th.. In • the evening , at 6.30 :o'clock there -will be Carol' sing - ng -by -the -Church -and Echo -Choir.' Anthem -4) Come :.all ye Faithful,' •Novello.' Anthem Nazareth, Gounod. ' 6.30 •o'clock' , '• Carol singing by the chdira.•.. 7.00. o'clock ° ' Carol -Glory to' God in the 'Highest. Dueb=Soft Starlight Shining Anthem -.-The- Wondrous Story, . Palmer GETS NASTY TUMBLE While • preparing to do the village e ive;ing last ,week, Art McCartney received a bad tumble, . which NOW. ever did not result serionoly. He was driving up' in front' of Hill's storeat. the time, when the rear Wheel of the wagon caught on -the' bumper of a parked 'ear.. The jolt of 'this threw Art out on thepavement and when assistance reached him itwas feared his injuries Might be • serious: An ex amination revealed no bones broken but he has been suffering many braises aha result of the general ' shaking -up he received.: • • ' •, Our 'reefing A Merry Christmas for you, and inay each sunrise in 1932 bring you brighter hopes, and each sunset a sense of accomplishment. And at • the end of the year may you have realized your fondest ambition. f �. *ittiwt Christmas Greetings and Hearty Wishes , For yourapp ness and Success • in. the New Year /��jy` •�//yrs• .,: ryn:str n �•4