The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-11-26, Page 7k+,
Sluggish Intestinal systems lower tee
elstsuce)to colds. Cleanse. -them with
Fe en -a -taint, the modern chewing gam
laxative. Gentle, safe, non-habitsI
fortping. More effective because you}
Plant Lif Ls .
,Forever Thirsty'
By Dr. E. T, M'acleougal, in the
•'•Seientific• Monthly (August, 1331):
The• fundamental thirst of living.
*tier hae.laid;•the foundation of wars..
between peopled,.and has been the
cause ofracial migrations affecting
civilization in the profoundest manner.
The water -'Problems f a cit .of ove
a million people ie one American state
have recently• led to the expropriation
and assignment of the water on one.of
the largest• rivers; and a •ooa<etroversial.
Mei GENUiNE��yy
�ee aintint
The chewing. Oboe
Fi'Ad t,osd Children
No lhste
:,Bat the. Milnt.'
Finder of Missing •Men •
Mr. and Mrs. `Harry Woodruff ha been two days away
from home on their automobile tour when Mr. Woodrruff's
mother passed away very suddenly.. The road from Sarnia.
to Quebec has many turnings dnd where- and how Mr. Wood-
rpff's younger brother -was • to locate the tourists 'tjiiickly
was, the question. a..: '
Twenty-one long distance. -t lephone' , calls : tQ- fourteen
point's on .heir•,supposed route were .necessarybefore'Mr :
-and <1V,frs. 'Woodruff; were found �: The 'time:; lost ' and the
distance away meant that -they, arrived home in barely time
-for the funeral.' IIa'dg ther-thought-to inform the---home---
the home-
Interes lingFads, : "° folks each day by long distance, of their itinerary, much of
the time and worry of -locating them Wouldhave-' been. saved.
Of Bird -Life
''By Professor' Julian Huxley
• In The Strand: Magaylne
Man -happens to'•be; the most succees-
ful of a whole aeries. of diverse and
fascinating .experiments to • deal :with
•the•.problems-of".the; world,;,- liut.:w.e_are_
;net . therefore :the. most beautiful.. or
the moat ingenious,. •
Birds 'branched off from reptiles•
somew>iere. about• a hundred million
yeara age, and were remodelled for
ight, so that their,:foreli'mb was irre-
vocably converted intoa wing. They
• . clung obstinately to one important
character of, their reptilian ancestry -
the. shelled egg, and thus' debarred
themselves from ever being •,born •into.
• Nowadays there : is no point 'so remote. that telephone
service 'will not reach the -nae sang party. • All'that is needed,
and that at little expense; is toregularly, touch by
long distance telephone.
the world- at such: an advanced state crueltynor malice •aforethought,• •it: is
Of development as is : possible to man merely instinct •
and other higher mammals: When the foster -mother comes home,
Iitereapect `"of"'t'heir' minds"" 'just" as -
much as 'their: bodies, birds, have de-
veloped along other lines than mam-
mals.: Mammals _have • gradually per-
fected• intelligence and the capacity
for . learning by experience, and the,
power and fixity of theinstincts have
diminished; birds have '.kept instinct
as the :mainstay of their behaviour,.
and 'while :they possess 'some. intelli
•genre, it is used m:erelyto polish up
the outfit of inherited instincts: • The
front part of:their'brain,•known to'be
the seat of intelligence and learning,
1 while other
late 1 anal w
remains ire ve
CC�� Y ,
- - -.:•.� �TEb DRESS —SAVED:M.PQ
.. DI
t be the• regulating
parts, known o ma:
NA. chinery for more autoinatie and''emo
fter' a Tittle wearing,. ii lovely green
.mp941 tires 1osL color tional actions, are in birds relatigeiy
• -noecompletely-thaeAt-was not' wear= 'larger than en • ous. e e creature's: ee
Ole. A -Mend who' had admired. it Perhaps• the' xpost ,-obvious. sway in;
asked me why I, wasn't wearing Weer which birds differ' from men in their
more. On.hearing the reason, she ad- behaviour is that they' can do all that
wised dyeing• it and recommended Dia-' they, ha've: to de,. including some quite . animal's nervous machinery when it
c licated thin• •s-Lwithout ever. -be - is atimulatefd•. in a, particular way: ably • find you are mistaken and
mend Dyes. To make a long story Amir g >xbath -the surface...Otiters send rebt
siTiort, it turned out•. beautifully. • I'have ;ins taught. •Flying, for instance, with Besides instinctive actions; we could 'lets deep into the substream. The •first you, have a lot to'be thankful f
'.all its complexity' of balance multiply ,instances ,of unintelligent be- -7-7"-÷
es '
a lovely .new dress • th'at' really costHabit' is. especially prevalent in 'places
nautical adjustment, comes untaught. haviour among birds. It a strange egg Wife -"John,• the bill co'llector's at
'just •1b ' th i f ' k f • where' the rainfall is used •as soon as•
birds ire uently •
-ails-ls--not:-distressed- -inethe least; butt
sets about at, once feeding the change-
ling,; and paying no• attention to: her
own offspring, even though some et
ahem may., be'dangling just .Outside the
nest` Even .when the young . cuckoo
grows into a creature entirely'different
from its foster -parents, ` and so bulky
that they. have to perch'on its head to
feed it; 'the older birds do not seem.
'disconcerted as, human beings cel'
tainly would.
The Vveli=known: "broken -wing" trick
is usually set 'down as.a , re able
discussion by £be people• .of seven
states occupying an area of half a mIl-
iion square,•milee, It is „highly prob:,.
able that among••tbe earliest agree
menta between family or tribal groups
were tllose,,as td .the shared use -of
limited ;applies et. water , Plant life
especially is'forever thirsty' and when
Owl` Laffs
Man 1s a 'rather peculiar _creature.
He shoots elle birds and then 'turns
around and spends ihf'ilions of dollars.
to fight insects. Maybe some head-
active, continually ,takes In and loses 'renes are proof of brain, as scientists
Water., now inform 'Pe,. but not the kind; you
The. eeeereg . substance in tender:have next':m.orningFor years things
roott„tip , • in sweliing buds, in the :Ira havevbeletegetting ;better and better, for
• , the , children but •,oftent' w.orse• ;toe the
gi1e:'wood"for.•ming comtiium layer''.of .
tree trunks; And •,in enlarging. fruits, •parent$: •'' •
of solid matter, ,but, as the
liquid, i
Harold=' ees; she mailed it to me.
being lost all the lime, a 'continuous
Classified Adiertising
Lfs:t of wanted tnventlons-and full •
information sent. free. The `Ramsay Com-
pae1Y. 'Norld Patent Attorneys.' 273 Jack •
Street. Ottawa Canada
1 A N.0 YW Q R K `: GLPPINGS-300
silk pieces•..1 00;., 2 pounds velvet. '
$1.'10; 2' pounds , Cotten. 51.00.. n'' Olen '•
Novelty^. St. 'Zacharie, Que
i -e , td:
'�• •• . �e 's. Hi . es ,marks r C a a .
J r Sg I . Ph t• t,uD
•.Writo••ror ctuotetions .a_itemedi'dte settle -
Meta by certified cheg.ue.- -:Crates' loaned.,
Give .us, a trial.'. Rosenfeldou:try' and
Re , Co. `Limlted;',Montreal.
new supply is °necessary. We can prob-
ably understand this condition tie All-
ing, a drinking .glass loosely :with ex-
celsior er wood -fibs• packing, and then
and had the nerve to paste the ahem
on •thQ outside of the °pa'ekuge:~" Lass,
handle with care'-" • •
pouring in water, until It rises to :the Not Much To Be Thankful For
brim.. Water is ' sfmi:larly placed
'You think you've little to be thank-
among 111e ' ultimate. strands or par- ful fort do you? •
titles of . protoplasm.,.which-unlike You're able'to read this, aren't you?"
tl�e wood fibres .a�lere•,_by_ their poles,
like fragments' of 'magnetized• . iron.
These ' molecular •;clumps, .or strands,
unli'ke:'the wood .fibres,: also•,bind the
water in much. the same way as .they
hold 'to reach other;'•so that it does not
run 'out freely. • .when the' water is.
forced out by .pressure .the fine mesh -
(Work, or grouping. of the molecules is
broken up. and the ,protoplasm is in-
jured'or destroye'. It instead of •pres-
sure the water should be .slowly even -
the mass
from thesurfaoe o e
f ,
of living matter, the fibers would he
example of intelligence, .but all the, brought ',closer together • with an . ac-•
oompanying_..conce.ntration. of tile• sap,
evidence points to 'this, too, as being which slows down ,the .activities which
merely. instinctivee-a trick, not,,in rent-•
ed by the individual bfar . b.ut patented. constitute' -life. ' This • is: 'the, universal
t - 2ire6sp'eefe;a. -Itio f sat;-•on^a-••pa effect' of thirst:
" . ' Crop plants • and TorC an'"!ri'irr
with the. purely mutema ie shamming trees obtain their, water supply„from•
dead” which many insects •practice,. layers of soil Of varying depths. The.
and is the inevitable' Outcome of, the 'roots of Some species form 'great web
bed sheets -of ;wide extent just.under
Well, that s •a 'lot to be: thankful for.
-Neve j•.u" been "to a place where=
there are.same' blind men -they'll
never see the beauty of God's world
again in; , all their lives.; 'They were
soldiers, •too—gave thee: eyes for their.
If they' could' have their eight, re-
stored'to' them they wocid get down.
on their knees and praise God!
You would, too, .if you were blind
and,had..eight restored.
But you have your" eyesight,' so,
there's that at least to be. thankful for.
• 'Some' of these' boys." 'are crippled,
armless, legless,, hopeless invalids for
:tffe=because they: served"ihei'r' conn=
try.,eche : ha'ven't much to be thank-
ful for,; have they?. •
7 e•t-•nest »P _•--areeeovd burdened-, atlaeesuperfiuous
°. It is not what he has, nor even what
he does, which directly expresses the
worth of the man,' but what he is.
is Canada's. aitandarci: remedy. It
oupells.ali other cough and cold
preparations.. 'BET, R --that's
why -and DIFeb.RENT:
M -1O.
Acts Like a flesh
"A SrNere,SrpPkaiss•!r
etovity Aeited.-it
e. is. the.enemy of fat. - If=you
little 'favors done them, :your ' heart flesh, call cup reserves of 'energy to '
would ache to see .it. fight :it: 'bo as this, -'lady. did '
" Duritlg the past six months, I have '
Nothing to be thankful, for? made steady .improvement. whilst•
Look' around ;A bit and you'll prob= • taking Kruschen Salts., I have reduced
hat 28 lbs. in . weight duringetha ;pe.�fod,
and have benefited greatly, . from '
greater agility and , liveliness.=all
directly a:ttributabie to that 'famous
• preparation. "--Mrs. W. P.
. You can' take ?dint with Kruschen
Salts• if you will take one-half teaspoon
_in=hot-water-ev mernin --
ems- g
make, is put among a bird's own sagas, the i the door."
i intelli- it soaks ink) the ground: Deeply pens- hi t to
parch her_mav either accept t or amounts of Hubby --"Tell m o
tratiii_ oois tafa:e. up Iarge
jo .1.5e --the pr ce, o one package o,•
• Diamonea, Xoung its very . 'q take that Pile
gently turn, it out of the nest 'and con- on p
for both tinting and, dyeing. They do, are out of sight. The 'stories of 'old" g water , a 'sunflower wi a spread
thine t sit But a alts common "re
e r Srst flightT'wIteu lbeI�-
"I have since used Diamond Dyes '
hof the desk."
to fib e o q
either equally well: I am' not aft ex-
pertedyer but 'I never: have a failure
with Diamond' Dyes. They seem to be
made, so they always go. on s •= . othly
• End' evenly. They never spot, s eak
things I. dye with Diamond Dyes are,
• redyed--at' a1IP' ..
-Mrs. R. F., Quebec.
va or-
.birds teaching their young y of about 11 square yards wille p
seem ell: to be erroneous.. Some kinds.
of birds, once their , young are' full-
fledged, do try to lure them away from
the, but this is ,merely' to encour-
age-them-te take plunge. There
action is for it to turn the strange egg f it Kathleen -•"Clarice always, leaves :a
out and then desert the nest. •
But because birds are mainly in-
stinctive • d not intelligent in their
ate about i5 quat, ts• of water romi • s •,
leaves during •the 'coiirs'e of develop- good impression on the boys.
ment; a corn'pl' ut take§ up about 16 Ellen -"Yes, the kind of lipstick she
c an n uses comes offvery easily."
� quarts of nater during its lifetime; a
actions, it does not follow that their Ilemp-plant Mico as_aiutolAn A
is no'instruction by the old' bird, and minds are' lacking- lit -Intensity or , � Nurse . "`Bobby! Wnat Voter -ye
variety;.,i lac -t"e ex erieece a of cabbage plants needs over two mil -
no imitation b the eengit Y A
no consemus i y Y ..
Wonderful it that a bird hl,nrtred._b.cecii._ tiee4-..o.0 anrac>e_re-
Th2re is . an intense--satstacifoel iu
quire nearly double this amount. One
of these -trees- ses abut -8O 'quarts -of war." water as vapor daily from its leaves.
° Irrigation •practice must put enough
water, .into the soil to replace losses
from the leaves'. and losses from the
surface •of the soil 'as well as the
amount•'actuall'y,used or bound in the
lessees. The .farmer. knows that over
6.00 r ands of water must be'put,into
the soil to • provide one pound of dry
- • father Bayed he saw you'd broken that
..i lion'givaiti el'ivateir a�n-a--sea.1on. Two
,Still mored 'wide. range of powerful emotions. branch offs''
shou•Id be able o 'build its nest un -
Might: Young' birds; ating-f r -•Glia
first• time," can make perfectly ,good fear; le song, the bird gives vent to.a
nests, and nests of the 'usual type .deep current of feeling.; the. emotions
found among their particular species. aroused during their courtship display'
Some people suggest that the young often make thein oblivious of danger;
birds'may have gained the�+ necessary and they are as subject as men to the
knowledge from' contemplating the emotions 'of ,jealousy - rival cocks
structure of the nest in 'whidh they sometimes `light to the death,
were brought up, but this theory is Bird -mind has sufficient subtlety to
negatived by the facts:. ' The young
brush-tu--key of -the Australian region
scrambles out'of its tunnel immediate=
]y upon hatching, and does not bestow reach the giiound, with the greatest
so much as a look upon the mound of evidence of enjoyment. Some birds,,
rubbish and decaying leaves that for example', the ravens, have a real
formed its nest, yet when the time tor sense of humor aIth'ough of . a rather.
mating comes, it will build a.' mound low order. Two will 'combfne'tp lease
just as its ancestors irate clone. -More- ai dog •or a cat, one c onibing its atten-
aver, young_ birds reared by hand ,in tion from lite' frost,, and the other
id' the e.
artificial :nests will'..lath it s pr stealing bellied" to (weak 'its tail. i '
per kind of .nest for their species, A But being without the power of leen
finch will have the impulse • to weave! ceptual thought, birds still differ in a
coarse material into a rough cup, and fundamental way from ou-selves.
then to line'this vrith a,flner material; Their ,emotion isarrot linl'teil up With
the iatlorbird takes leaves and sews the future or with the pa t us,in the,
them together; and 'the'.house-martin' h4tifiai-mind: ' Tlit ii fear is 3tise fear:
collects mud or aide
and constructs a it is not the•feat of 'death, nor can it Weep is 'is important as the circule-
houseAga n§t the_ aide_ofre, cliff. or, a •. tion af,.o'ui=-liload altlioiigli the move -
.p i anticipate path, nor become art ingredi; ,-
ent of a lasting "complex.'`-•'Phey cati, meat is not a tliculation ti'atery sole.:
Birds' in a state of broodiness ,will ) not worry •or torment .themselves. The ,tions rise Froin tlfe roots to the' leave§
1? eggshe impulse to sit on eggs, but bird'mother is not concerned With the Where most of the, liquid goes into the
if eggs•arenot availableethen on some- 'fate ot an :individual offspring, ;acid sur' ater vapor. ' Only a'small frac-
thing else: , Crows have. brooded on
when the young grow'uA and h$i'�iiiner;;tion of the:w:ater which moves rapidly.
geleballs, . gulls on brilliantine tins, • physi°logyOchanges,. t�iere is no Intel- upward in, the woody conduits of
and penguins on lumps era1 of ice. I lectual' fi'amework making a continu stems is bound or held in° chemical •
Contrary to general• opinion, bids Ing personal or indipidual interest pos.- combinations in file cells. I
The green surfaces are held toward
the sunlight partly by stiff, rigid
stems, and •partly• by the force of
water through the they • cells; Some-
times the water is forced through the
elastic cell walls. at a, pressure of a
ton to a square inch.' A stem, leaf, or
soarer, the cells of which are. distend-
ed by such pressure, Will have great
rigidity and firmness.
'The production of sugars and other.
organic substances in green leaves •de-
pends directly: on' the extent of green
surfaces • exposed 'to light. ' O`ger-ex-
.tens on of the surfaces Will he follow-
ed by undue loss, of water and a c`onse-
quent wilting. Certain plants, such as
cacti, are' able to; store water, for years.
Best for You .4 Balt' foo
s}iie used:
Then as Now-lhe leading Canadian
• Soap for Toilet and Nursery.
'Beau Yo, and Baby Too„
M. n Individual cartons
With Castorlo's reggllation
When your child tosses and cries
`out in :his sleep, it means, he IW not
' Very often the trouble
le that poisonous waste matter is not
being carried oft ' as it should be.
towels need help -mild, ` gentle help
mut' eked -Ivo. ..lust the kind Cae-
N ,toriati',givee. •Castbjia is i pure vege-
t ,table preparation made specially : for
'children's . ailment's. ' It contains no
{Ibfreh, harmful drugs, 'no narcotics-,
Don't let your child's rest- -and your
own -;-be interrupted. A prompt dose
t Castoria will urge stubborn little
kowele to act. hen
y sold restful sleept fieniii;ie Caetoria
always has the came, ,•• • ,,,e
_.-e i;
brooding and •feeding its young; where
titers is danger, birds, sufeir very real
Bobby -"He'd say trees are not . so
well ;made as they eulere" before the,
indulge in, play: birds have been seen
Azoleatit-g,-.siael et:hjeC�tg_ reidair, end,
swoop down to catch them before they,
Give a man enough rope and he will.
start manufacturing five -cent cigars.
The les:s•.a'Man - k. news the tighter he
clings to the things :"lie thinks he,
knows. :Don't take your undertaker
too seriously when he asks you to drop
,over some tini'e.
' .breakfast, modify 'your diet and.:
exercise .regularly.
While you are losing fat ,you will be
gaining in :energy -in ,endurance -in
ambition. Your skin will grow clearer,
and your eyes," will sparkle with the
good health that Krraschen .brings.„
The-olddarm-chair-won't-hold-you-any— - _ -
y 'ilwanttobeupanddoing--
more- ou
_-., n lLenloy_'worre.and-active.-recreetionw_:-.__
-=and- ou-11-sleep ike-a. top ou''li le .
fat, and probably live years ,longer.• • •
tlia"t- 11a14 a'ton is trec'esaaestimates-... -- . •
-alfalfa; -whrle thee -foreseer -_._
y- o makes 7-_ .-
�To. Bergin With
a pound' of wood. • Owing to the absence through ill -
The plant is- a complicated living. nese of the roman, who .taught the
mechanism that converts the energy 1 senior girls' Bible Class, the ' young
of sunlight into• power. of the, •assistant minister was. piked to under -
energy Is'used .in making cepapounds; ltake the duties.for the day.. He con -
but 98 Pete -cent o'f the energy absorbed; seated, but 'before. beginting he said,
by leaves and other green expanses of smilingly: 'Now, girls, I want to- con -
the plant is. used in -evaporating .water duct your 'class just a -s: -your teacher
from the surfaces of the cells. ,:The does, so yds 'might tell hie what she
work of lifting water from the rootlets floes •fie st_" '
in the soil to the crown of tall trees,.A ilurt pause, then the answer from
to heights as great as- 400 feet, i's. done a pert miss 'of -sixteen:. "'Well, she al-
bypo\ver ,g.enerated in this.Manner. 'ways kisses as all ramie, •
-This' movement of liquid in the ascent -
'Levin. pays highest market prices and
6 per cent. l3OXUS 1.aTRA.. Ship your
,furs now, Send for. our Free 1921-19.32
Raw Fur •Price list, shipping •tags and
information on. Free Bait. • '•
172A Zing Street Enet, Toronto. Ont.
have no real affectioti,_ for their young..
They have a strong, emotional, irra-
tional concern, not entwined with rea-
son, memory, personal. affection, and
foresight. When a nestling dies there series of self -sufficing momenta.
is no sign of sorrow, although there
sible. Our powers of thought and our
imagination bind up the present with
the future and the past: the bird's life
must be•almost wholly a•patchwork;.a
may be some agitation if ,a whole
brood is stolen. When a chick be• I •
comes ill, it is de finitely,neglected:• It
*quid seem that the bird' is only im-
pelled to parental action when. there
is some activity; like gaping or
squaring, on the part of the children,
'Peres the fantiliar cuckoo ,pro
vides u:i with the completest proof o
the ,dissimilarity o! blithe mind's with
our own: A young suck°:°, having bee
,deposited as an egg - in the nest 0
Some other quite different species of
bird, and having hatched out in d°able•
•quick time, prooee'ds to evict' all the
rest ot the contents ot th'e nest, wheth-
er these be eggs or ,young birds,, It
has a s'li'ghtly hollow,' ;hypersensitive
--aback, and -the, -touch:.... of alit' , object
there drives
him frantic, se that, no
.. -T-0
_. a _ __.. _....-..__ .matter :what- it •is --eggs, young birder,
R1 . ants ole marbles-.t}e walks backward
• end a `ward to the edge' of .the nest.
and 'tilts it overbpard. It 'pis iheither
.Prevented ands° thed'
with vitarnlhrlich
of Norwegian
Cod Liver Oil
Builds Resistance
Easy to Digest
If p. inan;,by causing pain to others,
ri tslY sato obtain pleasure for himself,
he,• entangled hi thebonds . of selfish-
ness,' will never be free from hatred.
L, T y Lydia E. "Prnlcharfi'S Vegetablo Compound •
Sick with Monthly Pains
Every month.'.. the same storyl Headache,
backache awful cramps. LydiaE. Pink-
hani sVcctablcConipoued briagsconl-
fortin•y rc.itr.13i:t• thc:i,.ri t;iblcts today.
Pocket gains about Mit': size:f `""•
tountain pens, Which Garry cartridgesi
tilled with 'a tear-ggs, are ' on . salan-
the 'Contine'nt, The are -intended for
irritate use 'against tbandits,
Mia, equal parts of Minard's
° and sweet oil, castor oil, or
cream. Spread on 'brown'
paper. Apply to burn or
staid;. Beforelona the
painful 'smarting stops
Children Healthy
When they're °°off colour"'give
. them Dr. Cart®s all vegetable
Little Liver P Safe, "tun -
gaudy on the bowels as Ilver, .
they mon .
b back smiles anc�' '
high s iriits that healthy young.
titers should shbw..
tebth-.and ._healthy.;' Phillips:_ 7
Dental Magnesia, a superior tooth-
�' paste that_safeguards._aga'inst_ acid-..
Ask your drug5lit ior rho'ath, (Marie ,n Y';nnarlo.l
TERSIMPILIS' lL' ." e: ��, --` 31
For Troubles
due to Acid
XCESS acid is the common cause
of indigestion. It results in pain and
sourness about two. hours after eat -
iii .'rhe quick correetive'is an alkali
which neutralizes acid; The tient
corrective, is Phillips Milk of Mag-
nesia. It• has remained. standard with
physicians in the 50 years since its.
invention. a^
One spoonful of Philips' Milk of
Magnesia neutralizes instantly many
times; its volume in acid. I•Iarmless,
and .tasteless, and yet its' action is
quick. You will never rely on crude
methods,once you tears how quickly
this metod acts. Be sure to get the
The ideal ' dentifrice for dears •