HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-11-26, Page 4Stn
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'The November meeting •of the Busy
"Bee- ,Mission- Band' was- held"on_ Nov-_
ember--22,-a-good-number being _prem
sent. ' Bessie Carnochan, the leader
for this month, •led in prayer. after
the singing df hymn 606.', The .secre-
tary's and treasurer's reports were,
then read and the business was dealt
with, The Offering :prayer followed
the Scripture reading and the roll
call, . ,answer..ed_ _by4'a _ verse. •from. _ the.
Bible beginning with "C". Hymn 521
w ich recitations
was•; ,,�ung;.,gfter h_
were givene`by `Grace'lVl c anon ars
Margaret 'MacDonald and 'Dorothy
Graham. Following the singing .of
the- -Band-s- songs.-- •r-ecitations-_ were.
given by' Merle Middleton and Vinnie
Thompson. Two interesting. • topics'
were taken. by Mary Graham and
Bessie Carnochan. The closing hymn
followed the Prayer Circle and itliss
MacLeod closed the ..meeting with
prayer., -Press Sec'y. •
Published • every Thursday morning
. at, Lucknow, Ontario.
A. A. MacKenzie, Proprietor . '
and Editor, •
UR•SDA-74. 1~1•FIV-FrM1.931,-
(Continued from Page 1)
When presenting his detail of.i;e-
ceipts land expenditures by brute
County Council for. the ten months,
ending Oct. 314 1:031, at the open-
ing Meeting qf. the Novelnber seSsivn
here. .on Tuesday evening,' Count,
Treasurer A. Nelson: said he: could
not state if 'the' estimates set at the
'.June session .Would 'be exceeded, The
reason 'he gave• for; this 1S. thatwhen
Connell met for. its • last sa`;ssien. of
the":"Year in "the . t}zozltkl of ' Leceinbei
it was' possible f.or nim: to forecast
.fairly •: accurately 't'hle outcome,'•batt
now: when the finalsession is hen.
in November.,. :.he' is• hot' .advised o
commitments the ,'.:contraittees 'may
intend asking' before the end of the
TI' prineipa'' `� �e nS of expendlitut,.
during the ten-month period were.
Administration elfaiigtice 115746418,
'House of ':.Refuge,. $8,1.77.4d; repay
merit of ' loans (general,, •$1O,004;• re-
lief (grants to Children's .Shelter ant..
the Bruce. County and Kinear`din
tlo pitals; ': Old Age • Pensions ant:
• pa-
i eat.
o a e
s d .
��� rs All w n _.
3Sdthe qq .., ,
in' outside hesnitals), $14,87.7:-
81, the mu•'nicipallties concerned pay -
one -half; County highways, $1'13,
goO:1 ;and' $175,927 ' (receipts. .bein
loan's, .$169,000; sundry',, $2,732.4(,,
•'-' Government • subsidy, .$117,,663.72);
Road .and. bridges, Provincial, $5 �;-
' 332.93- and sundry ,$2,413.62; '' Public
-p-. Schools, $47127 68 -Separate -Schoais-
$5,119;63. '
. •The sun, of $16,882 -was,paid-this.
Year on debenture account, • princiinil,
and interest; and- this reduced . the
debenture' 'indebtedness "of the County
to $60,000.
,- .409 Olat Age • -Pensioners•
Nelson's . report • .showed that
in October there were' 409 •men and
women drawing Old Age Pensiof-s'In
Bruce and"the County's share (2U%)
o tlte• ate'count -ef---moYier-clisbursedj
to 'date . this year, in this way was
$14,037. Of thisamount the County
:Road, 1929 -skimmer 315. 19.30 -Goin-'
3.01 'tau 273. 1-,931-su414?tel 432, all
Lit4n •'
C;hesley Road at Hanover Road No
1-1u29-sutnmer 184, fall.clts. 1J30
-summer,- 1133, fall 433. 1931 ----sum-
mer 1.54, 'fall 151. •
'Comity Road No. •2 at Pine 'River
-19$1-fall 154.
"It •will 'be noted that the heaviest
ti4flic was on the Southampton-Rin-
..ardine Road and from• Owen Sonnet
co 'S.o pto-n; -
Following the policy, where traffic.
warrants it, of bringing grading to
a• pr.opei' Standard and improving -tin.
'surface 'according to demands of the
traffic, it is toot .-necessary 'to issue
debentures and reasonably, geed ser-,
'vice is, given throughout theounty.
The approximate costof.the prin-
cipal jobs,- this. year, ale: '
Pavement in Ripley, County share,
Construction #rola Hepworth nortl
of gristlier boundary, $17,200..
°. Surfacing ,north and south of I'ol
Algin, 3- miles, 12,200
:Grading. arid Gravelling, Chipp'aw •:
to ' Allenford, 4;`nitles, • $19,0JU:
- ,C.oni.pletien, grading: ' aid gravel°
lin y' 'ey' to, . k'ine� River; 4 'mile:
g', +9a.'nberlG
`�v.1"7,,000 a. t y W'' 0',
(Grading•, and gravelling west of
'Teeswater, i/4 ,mile, $2.,500.
Hill at McAlier's, Bridge and gray.
Hill at Denny's $ridge, $200.
Bridge . nor; i of Wi`a 0117-uu.lud
ing approaches.'and• detour, $1,80V
Bridge west of Teeswater, $2,101
Highways. Committee, res•peetinl
a motion, re Patinella ' Brrd'ge, •o-
IVlessrs. White and Ard at the Jun.
session; reported: We have careful!,
considered this particular bridge• ant '
condit.ons and '.Io • not . Consider i
conies :withinthe Act; • therefore w.
Cannot' recommend • it being takes. •
giver by;' the County. The conftnitte..
did .not recommend , that the Elor:
Road, Stem Glints' Corners to 'Mild
'may, be absorbed into'. the Count
highway-systetY►.•-as the Depar-tmer--
does' not .•approve • of 'this ! being, dont
at -present. one• s eev<
i'ilsinger and 'Gregg introduced '• ;
motion with this in view. . '
• Legislative Matters
Upon recommendation .of •-the . Leg;
:Weave committee, -Council cunlcerre..'
!n'a iesolutiyn,i passed by., the ceu..t-
Couned• of the county' of • ark, p....
titioning the Government toeine.
such legislation as: will•-. eautlz.-
`ars:ong""ai'1' artrinci33arltie's cax'atio-t r -
iiing's rugnway and Uounty.
slur poses:'
in and' with feeling general!,''
41tretignaut. -the- con tuiy,--Ba ice-„.tem-
.sla.ors gave tneir. support .to a rest
iution of tae. United c,ouncies of Lu,n
las, ati;rnwnt and glengarry: "Ana.
we' are of the opinion that a. Mut.,
i2utui a Reeves. • use their •best endeu;
ver to utliuence dotcors, pra4:tising i „
the 4ountY. of 14We, to :;ee tatty till
9untyindigent patients be seat 4o.•
h,ne .,r:4•. a �ourity Hospitals for
»reatnlerlr Phis. woaad Saves the
y troin 'paying' -'for these patients' .y
.. 'eattnent In otner General k10$pit240...
This year's" grants to hospitals .to-
,al *u v. Last Juile' he t,,u.uiity of
sruee l;:eneral liospjl;.a at Walkerton
.AIS ^� t]C= lncil'I (line, 1s , ' -, , . , nal
•,:act received .. ,1,'2,601!, and at toe
.vovetneer nese it}u the.,,,County'S Lies-••
•ditiai, •a.;-the-Vuunty.,baay, was grau
d,U an, adcltt'lonai. sum-
'vra: , ilavid itobertbon, • li li., .anti' A. J..
iodine,• of • the 'l'riistetr •t).oaral,, re-
.>uested, this as a contribution tow4,44
ne 'cu ►struetroin oa the Nurses' ktouce -
'.Vhil:h cost •$l'.(, o0. •''°i•nree years 04%4.
.alien .the ,building of this, residence ,
.,tctr.,:.e .' itnperative,:, the eatoori. ' in •
.wine.session at,'iouerinory, •Was ask:
auJur ,pi,tuU.� .ueavaa,
!tile; though, 'syuallatliaic with. 'toe
4uleet','ielt they c,uunl not approve
ii poviuing,•t'ilu1• Su,ic it wore year;
yo o t;;�L,u was• vol cit : then, 'a' siluriotr`
,.inoa,ni •o1 ./one;, :'d3O,' but•'.lsist if tine,
tie ,.uuun�y, lnii.nuit'tld not..vote th}e,
'K.dAt. 111A�tbi[i,e'llt ' JVV;Y}a�at}� irtlu't }}}atUux
.Vas ir-lIicio Uce 13iat Week, $1, d
• .vas. a ;ranted,. ,
�;a. cu.t,,•�.utned° above, Council is
,�y;.u�;n��i tiaic.ul.v as possluie ui
in ,
- ..le indigent: patibe sent to the
,u jiTvfCla cyitin-n' tine' bounty;-tn�tead=- -,
'. 1.) otiL1ue` institntion5. .in . .
....lety of the •tact• that ox ,the le pat-
.un�s,: for watt► bilis were. presented
,..L' toe • last session, 14 are. re4 elven!
• ,.eats felt • for tduereular' trouoie, and. •
rU others 'are • ehauren, in .the Sick
naluren s t,uspitai, 1 orento there
,s not;:much ground:for complaint ;at
'rhe Turnkey's , Residence
U -eon ofi erSFlrgrn -the rruvtn�elal `
aec;retary: s' Lepartoieht, the county
. outtet'1 was tureen th,..provide
,>uarters,' outslae the Gaol,. 195 tile'
sur-natey ant tl>s_tanlily_,p.aitd the mat,-
.er'of 'the. purchase, • in lyhf, of a
u,use_f gary •'iranner, and it -be'
a,g sold i,acx to hurl, and the .bounty
acquiring . more suitable, 'property”,
ttoi�n. J_u ie'_J_ank, was •.explatned...w
Aha satisfaction of• the !reeves. In
.nis • 'connection '-tire'report of the.
roperty • committee, et. which, this
fear, !.reeve J..'P. •t',nelan of 1Viildmay,
enairman,:read: • . ' : • ,
The- Warden-:. and Chairman: ' of
-.roperty-bcremittee;,4nci-lien..Cenn ty ' .
•solicitor , interviewed • Mr. Tanner
tth".' regards to• possession of house
urChased .from him and found that.
Aotning ,.,c(u►u1d. _ be, _ _ ll. 11 Ap '1
Monumental' Works
- LticknowoOn ;-
Has the -largest •and, most, complete
stock in the !blest beautiful designs
to choose -from,-in- 0
- . W E make ' a ' Specialty. of
Family,•monuments and •invite
- ectioia. :
--your :lase -
Inscriptions. Neatly, Carefully and
Promptly Done.,.
See us before ' .placing your order.
R. A. Spotton
Phone 256
Douglas •Bros. •
Phone 74
ur Local Irid�stries -
aliened $3,290 from_ inn7ate's of the
Hous''• of I of ige?-=The--Countyl--s>-eon. -
tribution to 101d 'Agen Pensions aver-
aged .$1,400 per monthly; and, for'
Mothers' 'Allowances an average of
$-700--was '.oharg-cable. againsi the
Ctiurity, •
The report of the Old • Age Pen -
signs' Committee, which is comprised
of Reeves:Sinclair, Byers, Munn, Geo.
applications had been received to
date. and•of these' 156 -.were dealt
with '.this year; further:i aecordiner to'
the treasurer's returns,, 58 deathshad
been 'recorded. •;' 'The 'total ' paid out
was as reported by Mr., Nelson in
his finance statement:': The• board
found it"necessary to make a number
of investigations,, With reference ! to
certain applications, during 'the year.
Highway Work, Census •
-:-The-county` ~•Engineer -and Road -
Superintendent, in his ' accustomed
well drafted report, said, in respect
to work. generally:
"In 'the .first prase we tried to " sive
es 'much • labor as possible. Where
teams or men could. compete with
machinery or nearly • so they were
given the preference. We have .done
as• much grading as possible, which
Mires .more labor"than gravelling. We
also had all •the firush,, stumps, 'etc.,
removed on the full right of way. We
are now putting ' up ' posts for rail-
ings wherever e may'--over--the
whiffle hyst'ern 'The` atsa e wo k: ha
given a maximum amount of labor.
"A few thih'k that work should be
done by labor even if it can be done
at half the cost by machinery. Ir..
view of the fact that less than 59/
of the taxpayers would benefit by
the . Work, it is doubtful if this is s
wise course unless the persons do-
ing ,the work would otherwise re-
quire direct reliefs - -
"In order-- to' carry out our work
efficiently we must have the neces-
sary repairs thoroughly done' during
the whiter„ We have arranged.for thr
storing of machinery ''requiring' re.
pairs and we' hope the holdups during
the •worksrin season on account 'of re-
pairs will be reduced to a minimum.
Several of these machines we pro-
pose giving a thorough overhauling
this winter:
Reporting •upon a traffic census,
Mr. Stephenson said:
.."/ obtained a traffic census from
'the Department of Highways on some
hof our County roads,- which I believe
is valuable -enpugh-to-• 'put in•• -•this- re;
port for record. 'With this informa-
tion we will be in a better position
to plan our program as it checks up
our opinion of the •heaviest travel',
ed roads. Unfe tunately we 'have' no
census of the traffic or any of our
provincial ,highways Or on the Hep-
worth to Wharton road. The latter is.
one of the heaviest travelled roads
as it gets all the County 'line traffic:
in addition to traffic going north
from Owen Sound: Toronto, etc:
;Locations of observers' and the
number of vehicles counted ' were:.
',45th S. D. Twp. of Ameba -1929 -summer, 89. "1930 summer 106.
fall 53. 1931 -summer 61, fall 39'
Saubl'e Road, Twp. of Amabel, at
15th S. I2.- •.1929_summer, 838: 1930
-summer 363•, - fall 130. 1931 --sum-
mer 415, fall 98.,
South of Southampton, Southamp-
ton-lrincar"dine Road -J 4929-summe'r
606. 1930 -summer, , 597, fall 320.
1931.suninier 598, fall 340. •
South of, Southampton, Paisley"
Road -1929 summer 295: 1930
summer 3;322; fal1g07:-?'9'31:--summer,
286, fall 173. -
Owen Sound Southampton Road•
at Junction of Hepworth Wiarton
Road -1929=sun'imer 569. 1930
sumer 554. fall' 441. i$81 --summer
$79; fall 476.
ibout.�"�ll u� �.
• An advertisement addressedto the m1nufa;cturers of our, town'
'ED all feel much better if you would tell us,' periodically. in
th s
newspaper, about your activities.
Where do ,your products' go? Mow are' they used? •
What--Makes.them attractive-ltothose--who-buy._..them.?:_A!hat,_classps...of
dealers distribute them! ,
These are some of the questions you can answer. Then, too you can
tell us about the' 'processes 'of manufacture and 'abou't any wonderful
machines used. How does chemiatry enter' into your activities? Do chang-
ing fashions' or changing conditions make it hard • for you to operate your
business profitably? ' '
You see, when we know a lot about what you are doing and attemp-
ting, we feel much more friendly towards you,, and our friendliness is,
probably, something which you *ant always to have. Thew, toe, if we
know a good deal about your' enterprise, we can talk .about it -pridefully.
w answers to the uestions as above asked,arid so
0, perioalically, publish. in. this ne spaper q,
earn ouratitude Gina make us the ,better able'fi --t`altriii hers about--y-our trnterpris
gX ,
and about its value to our litoin and territory:_y. ..,,.._._. _.
(Issued .by ' the Canadian Weekly Newspapers A•ssoci•ation.)
-mgner tip , -shoui'd.y be - ,tmpbseu-- 0. -
such bus and freight lines for to:.
privilege, of . using for. comnlercca.
purposes the sitid, highways on wine..
-a-very-large amount of public n,uile,
has .been expended; that the spec,
unlit entorceU against autocnonui :l.
drivers should be• more strictly 'en
forced agaius. , the said bus aur.
�reignt ,tramc and that their tin..
schedules should be sua,s:itted to tot
Department for approvaa and Ghoul.
not oe permitted to exceed ,the stir
tutory Unlit."
cannot recommend" read the re..
port of the Legislature Committee u.
-relation-,to. a. •,request, drom.._the• tour,. -'
iliiof the County of Lennox• anu
-dington xor co-operation in •a resew -
cion opposing tne two year term.
helltlar_schotfl; sire" azivbca !n t�iu
teachers • with normal training u,
given a permanent certificate afte.•
• eacning tor two years.
i•Sruce County Uouncil,._ when it ao
opted the report :'of tne conimitte..,
on legislative matters, also dirct'lne,
co co -.operate in what, the Connell u:
the County of Lanark seeks in th.
foilowingc extract from a' report. o�
its I!iciucational :(.omnrittee.="`l'hu
vested with tne authority they have
rndetiendent of the. co-operation o:
the trustees; that the' matter of th,
purchase of school supplies and tne
application to Township Councils for
monies to :pay teachers' salaries
ihouid be left entirely in the ;hernia.
of the 'trustees; that we' are • of, tne
'opinion that inspectors : of rural
scheoin. should be chosen ; froin rural„..
scniool inspectorates' and not from
eruan centres; for the reason that
rural inspectors are • more familiar
with rural problems; • thatthele
should -.be 'a substantial reduction' in
the salaries of inspectors and 'teach-
ers, owint to tne present ' depressed
financial conditunis • throughout the
.iountr v : ,
Indigent Patients
• County Councils generally are
confronted with accounts, aggregat-
ing amounts considerably • in exees s
of these rendered previously by hos-
pitals for the care and treatment of
inuig'ent patients. Adverse fin tial
Conditions -throughout they-coun
given as the principal cause, but,
though accounts' owing by the Coun-
ty of Bruce, since; the June session,
for indigent patients in, hospitals,
outside of Walkerton and Kincardine,
total $4,087.96, an amount in excess
Of indebtedness °of this kind for 'any
session -to -session period in ' the , past,
this cannot be attributed to "depres-
s6G: ' -The tenant was' then catling
.:or some repairs to the house, and
.ne Committee: looked ,it over and
.uund a great -deal _o;:: work, costing
-ac• -least five--or-six hundred -debars
.,ould °have to be undertaken to •put
.ne house '•in satisfactory condition..
'lour committee then 'decided to, dis-
,,ose' of, the house if possible and
.ie'gotiated with •Mr. 'tanner for re-
,,,a.rchase which •• was ; finally:. closed
.or the sum of $2400.00. ' our :cont
.nit'tee then looked over several;hous-
• that were 'offered and purchased• •
./1e one occupied by Mr. Jank forthe
,uin of $2,475.00. This house •'is in a '
:nuch more convenient situation is
at a good state of 'repair, and - should. '
aot require any expenditure for, years
.;oconic."•' . • '
-- f1:11e-Property--Committees- R_epert-
;rated, with regard to improvements
n .the Registry Unice: • •
"The Registrar intervaewed~.toua
Jommittee' several times regarding
idditional filing cabinets for the doe -
intents of the. ottice. While your
:ommittee would have preferred to
.ostpone this expenditure until next
eat the lie;istrar informed us that
to would procure an order from the
inspector of. Registry Offices to have
a.e work done. We then decided 'to :
-lave the work' dgne and tenders. were....
ecei`ved and t ire ender •1st- the Hag--" --� -
$918.00 was accepted. Payment
o ''be made February 1st, 1932. The '
equipment was installed yesterday,'
(Nov. 17th) and we have examined
Same. and find that it isunsatisfac-
tory, and. advise withholding payment
until such time as proper equipment
IS installed.", .
Other • Matters!
• Upon .application --of 0, Mr
Raiiesbottom, , Walkerton, chairman
of the Final ce• Committee of Bruce
County Children's Aid Society, ' an•
additional grant of $200 was approv-
ed. • .
Reeve McKeehnie of Saugeen and
Deputy Reeve Chisholm; of Brant, ,
sponsored a motion; which was ap-
proved that a grant of $5 be given
to each Public Library having. 100
volumes• or over, and $15 to each
Public Library having '800 to 1,500
volumes, and $30 to each Public Lib:.
ray . havin;; over 1,500 *flumes._
These grants were overlooked at the
January session. 0
- �Q C1Er f.-_ a a' ,To- _wi'11iflg On_`:• --^-- -_
behalf of Walkerton's wn Council,
complained that old -rags , wearin±, •
apparel, potatoes, etc., had severs'l
times blocked' the sewer from . the
House of Refuge, entailing •expense
m clearing• the obstruction, Mr. Mc-
Nab advised that the Town would
expect to be paid if this sewer is
docked, frons the- same cause,• in
iuture. The House of Refuge Corn-
nittee' agreed that the Town Council
`Bray have had sorile cause of genii -
plaint, but a lot of .the trouble has
seen caused by roots 2f silver r maple
.tees growing joints the and
. ausing a stoppage. All openings to
.he sewer at the House are properly
, as maid -
screened" owever, as ..far
tainance is concerne'd it 1s coveted
ay agreement found in October Min-
utes of 1898, page 80. We cannot
recommend pay -mei t of $10 account."
By-laws• were passed' confirming
Saugeen Township by-law for clos-
ing a road near •Southampton,- one to
�onfirm Carrick Townshi
p, by-law for
..�-losing-a- road--oii.-the-Garrick=Nor=
non by boundary, one c'onfi'rming the
,ale of the 'House to Henry Tanner,
•ine cgnfirning the _ purchdse _of rile
hawse from Julie ,dank, and one con-
fir-mi•ng grants_ and expenditures..._.
The Warden's Banquet
Warden Downs was host to the
Reeves' who have b'ee'n associated with ,
him during 1991a the County O i1410t-..M..�,..:
sed conditions." The reason is the,
the account of Mountain Sanatorii(na,
Hamilton, for a father and foul
children, belonging 'to the Townshii
of Carrick, is $1,372.50: The sena
institution rendered a bill ,for $292.-
50 for another patient' of Carrick,
and $8.75 is owing' the Guelph Gen
eral Hospital. and $54.25 to Si.'
Michael's Hospital, Toronto, for tw<
other patients of that township. Car-
rick pays to the County one-half 0f
Indigent patients belonging tc
other municipalities contracted hos-
pital accounts as follows:, Paisley -
:$276; Xincardine Town,. $403.50:
Birantt, $274.50; Tara,. $274.50:A61"ia .
ton 274.50; Southampton (3) $212.99
Elderslie, $822:' Walkerton, $322: •
The . Pinance Committee did not
recommend payment of an 'account,
amounting to $,873 50; .of the Monti--
tain .Sanatbriuni; • Hamilton, " for' a
Edmunds. patient'ef St. ,r
Hepwortl-Wiar`ton Read at Aunt The committee made this.. recon,-.
udon: That the, respective . »t1
titOlt 0�' Ow$�,i rq.,iiull(1‘Southani: ta;11 1en.• �atirc
• -=w.