HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-11-26, Page 2• C N. rt BY SIDNEY $ORLEIi. t. • •syopsas Phf rp Crane; • . bung aeroplane de - 'Signe -i'- tondo � bride `save +algne , Margery Ferguson from death. by snatch-: ing' her from beneath a large car. . • On arrival at,the fid -Western Hotelr le a rprised .to :find a letter,• written- in Ode: addressed .to hint, there. That even- ing an, Punknown girl• calls -on him, in ,cosineetion with:tl}e letter Resolved to eea the adventure ;through he goes with the girl, Judith Felstead, to; -see a man named, Stevensson His .impersonation • is discovered when the other .Crane • en-' • - pears. . He, escapes and •encounteln . Mar • °,t#er-y.Ferguson again and persuades her to'dine with him. '. t ;OHAPTE,R IV.,=(Cont'd.) She took another .leen sip of "the BurgindyT,and ;sat back in heF chair.. tevensso is a ^criminal; s p- " Philip -"Philip asked .#No, -don't ,an- ewer yet Let ne go en., ' Before I met you- today, I had'. asked the porter t the Stationto_r_eeommend. •a hotel. Hee, „ld' me -of the Mid Western, and,, ;t• hecause I did' 't trouble.' twopence. where. I weiit , s o long, as I :was res- .sonably:comfortable, I 164 his advice. Well, when Z.g`ot there; tire-nioat ex- traor'dinary 'thing happened; 1 was • taken to. a private:_suite of _rooms--"._' . M `Are. you ' so, rich' as all that?" she asked. "Riehl" • He laughed , : scornfully. "No, . I'm not: well 'off• just an . aero - 'plane designer -and riches don't come the way;-ofi-:my_kixid" m "Then. there was some mistake?" A startling comment caine,'from his' - j`She s Fa;fir' -she -;exclaim i; "they are: all devils• .. _.. Mypoor 'father ." CHAPTER V. Crane rose and 'pushed ,away his chair. '. "The rest of my story'' can wait,' he said; :"I am .anxious' toknow-what is troubling you. Ismy life I have been here. I know,." .-it somethingto do �n :With . our lather?" headded ui k1Y, ",iela ask -the pro.': ; "Yes," rietor. He. looked honest enough-- Yes, she admitted Her confidence p- g h dn_•hinz..seerned-to' e. -increasing..... "My „and he's: a Latin. All Latins are will hexe�lvas�lso he problem_o;f_what_ to, do with his companion: The urgency of this drove exon the thought of Scot land Yard outs of his head. , `., �Q.'A d• , �In�. slays tritisb Teachers., Mechanical Devices Are Ex - D hibiteyd- at I nperial inte London.: That stituthe teac- her's task Will soon be .lightened of much of its ro ne , ru , gery, eav hinr i Carry • out the more personal aide of "education, is the conclusion forced, upon one' by' the exhibition. bf use-. ehanioal. aids to learning which was rece.ttiy held at the Imperial Institute here, writes a correspondent 'Of The Christian Science Monter. The- accuracy and speed with irhtvii' foreign languages could be taught ;I v the 'help Of ,the, gramophone were 4 .:' monstrated by. Prof.. 'd:' J. Findlay. F'ilrti, dtaplaysWere ''given il'lustratvig with rema'r'lakble clarity lessons i -botany, biology, . history, geograpliy and so'•forth. J1he:time of:the, teacher could: be cut `dorm by 50 per ,cent and the r piessio.ns ,;atneii hyne pts cls were said to be far clearer by the use.. of iv 1. hods h$r~ the grial_; he didn't eveii-Tnew Ast mettus ryas ciiywn�depieting + ai j a bei will. the Convent:; in that sane- 'tuary,•�none of her enemies could ..get "You mustn't Worry," he said," don't 'at her. you see that it has all been arranged?' And now -what ° about .himself ? The other Crane is an.enemy, bid I am He.must leave; London.• In redemption your friend. It's settled., With your of the'.proriaiae he had made to the permission, I:.: ain going. to 'see this" girl,''it was necessary for 'him ..to go thing: through. Perhaps ,I . can even manage to -•get your father -away -from- these men!' • : - wonderful of You," she:'said, ' with -`a smile- that made • lia; heart beat i quickly :. r' Eur•-�-in-th -$r '; � � �,._ ot1'cmust , e r ,. _$t'pl L'e,, .� . be taken to a. place of safety yourself. Are you ,staying it a -.Hotel?" • - "No -in' lodgkigs A street in Pim- lico: But Pm afraid to go back thhere. Thehouse has been -.watched some for days now:" ' .. "I .must' find you somewhere. else. Unfortunately, 'I don't know London very well=this is only the third time •A43 -.-10,1'1.1''11.'4.1733341r1 nry711 dlicfreaS.,_ a • .uaaez. •a a vim'. -. vs: us,- �.rti u r _. .. o_ and his gang. .• He is nota crimiaal ,do you say?" • himself, she,- added quickly, "only he. "If you like. But I hate to give you its weak, weak—" Her voice trailed all WI, trouble. " :. , - off into a pitiful si h. I • "Nonsense. This is•the first time in "Can't you tall more. than .that: my- life that 1: have ever been abl o Det' ygu see I want' to. `•help you' do anything useful -outside aeroplane' engines, I mean -and. you. •wouldn't .There's a fate; in this, my dear," he. ,went'on. "The real Crane was brought believe 'how satisfying it isl. Excuse from -An -;erica •tn~look-after--you- me just a moment" amongst other things.", - . • Hewent to the wall and pushed the" Her wideQpezl eyes -reflected hen bell. To the waiter who . appeared, he astonishment. • said: "To look after me?"- ' ' • - - • "Tell_the proprietor 1 would 'like to "Yes. • Apparently they think that speak 'to him, please." , you're dangerous -to their 'interests, The -man, sleepy-eyed, waited eb- of course. That's why Crane was,given viously for the order to clear, nodded that job. 'Thinking it over, Pm sure gloomily. - - that' they didn't mean to kill you As theyteard'htssg1ay feet dese d -•s`•I soon realized that. But. the :con? this_,.Wsornmg.: The idea, no, pubt_was the stairs, Crane/ although be had. a plet6,explanatiorl. didn't dawn on me tocause an accident, ;and then have strange sinking feeling hnnself,• en .ntil"some.time later. That was after you kidnapped...: By the way," he deavored. to rally the' girl again. .0 the hotel clerk had- given, 'me three, continued quickly, "why haven't you "Buck up,'' 'he. said; "we're going to y . - • letters addressed-: to `'Philip 'Crane;- been'to -t}ie-police-: They could. bassi beat these devilsyeti" •Esq., Mid -Western Hotel, S.W. 1'." you." . But although the words were utter She shook her head. •. I daren't." "Why not?" "I know," ..she'put in quickly; "there ' • was. another Philip- Crane." . -' He smiled at her.. - •"You see," he remarked jestingly,' " holy much ,,good that wine has. done - ed with spirited- determination, the only,reply she could make was to shake ler head. . - "Because—" "They are too powerful," Crane Crane, although he controlled his heard -her. whisper. ` • • • • • Make it Your•Home When In Montreal BREAKFASTS Table. .0 Note 50c. 75c, '$1.00 ' Table d V. G• CARDY, Managing . .Director • • • :were on _� rga�� i__ oonneetip with-•tli6 exhibition.`__. her name yet;lie xernembered-wour value of vocatrbtia3' guidance: 8Y lite aid of . suitable , testing, appliances children have been launched upon car- eers 'suitable ar•-eers'su°itable to their•;tastes and .abil sties. The majority 'of young people; thus'gtided have had Higher pay,'have 'obtained earlier promotion, anJ have had •. fewer •ehange6 of occdpation. down to the lientish village where, There have. hardly been -any disrais she- had.• .told him,_. she bailey -ed VA sale, :-and-.8U .per .cent,.. are_ satisfied father to be kept a prisoner., He turn- with• thar work. -Of those who after ed to the taxi-driver: guidance .obtained .employment other •"What's the station `£dr getting to than th�nt"r6.„per ended -less' than• .10 K nth''_per. cent.. were, satisfied with their .,'Ghax ngg-Crossf sir z._ _„L'4,..,:.„'„_:..„'-,-- _ a•. "Drive me there.”' . An interesting innovation was the (To be continued.) showing of a "talkie" film giving a at New. ,York Is . Wearing- BY earingBY ANNEBE LE 'WORTHINGTON - Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson- Fur- nisked'With EverY 'Pattern • ,- lesson in phonetics by Prof, A. Lloyd ia,n.es. .This film, showsthe •niethgd •of ted'hingclear English speech Epi- diascopes, daylight :screens., and other pictorial aids were • ih view,as ;also were map -making devices, decimal cal- culating' machines --and •lunar,Qa_tel17. Bars. There was also historical time Which can be sa eriniposed one maps vh P upon another, string diagrams for'. teaching .geometry, astronomical ,mod=, , •actor ti phis a. , a-ratus••f:or• . • ' The , Watchers o you who sit in safeand; sheltere4' ' places, Serene-' •ef' face and of unclouded) mind, Thinking you • read what lies-behinl3 ' ' the faces . ---.U.f::yauth,_w•hich_y.ou have left, so _fad' ,_-. "' behind: Our fight is yours -who thought ' yob, • bad outgrown ;it-" Our :Part is' in the fray, • am...k..w.'. ours; .,who so ofit before lia.Y� no �i it, • To watch and waist and pray. ' -R, Blackwood in Tho Australian,. `'•'Csoi • Re. --ted- . Found . in 'Kenya , Nairobi, Kenya . Colony. -Stories 'o di cowerY of g ld' do tho north Kay ' ondo country, neat • Victoria N.yanz `" caused excitement here. i Some gol ,quartz outcroPs•r• said to haveve bee e found also in the Kiss IT district 1,04 you, Yes, you're right; there was .an- feelings;'began toget impatient. What ----By this time, the-amply-gi-ithed fig- ,othix_:.BhjU'p Crane -a • crook in. the . was the sense of ail this _secrecy? If ._ure of the proprietor of Cima's• ap- ,,employ of the, nan Stevenasen: By a her father wag•'in real d. anger, the ob . Peared�bowing in:the doorlva'S j most extraordinary chance, this marcs, yious, thing was to go to Scotland "Your pleasure, monsieur?" he who has crossed from America, had re- asked. 1 served a suite of rooms at 'the-M;id- Western . Hotel. When- I turned ' upk 1 was taken for him:" "But • the letters?" asked tiie -girl eagerly.• ' "They were written .in some kiwi of code, and; of course, were 'Greek to isne But -that they contained soman. 'Gard. He would do it himself. As the thought crossed his mind,' he looked toward the door. • She appeared to understand. "No -you ' musntn't," she cried;. "it illustration and •experiment: to dynam- ics. • A lumber of 'usefui'oonfe-rences • "Comeinside and shift the door," said Crane. He looked- at the man and decided that he was as honest as could' be expected; in any event, it. OU letket -andswee:° syrup BENSONS GOILDEN OUTn-71l ' ri-o u i U,"U1"-'Cl'T'o'-'"1/S6.4.7illi`y . border. -1 • EDWARD-iBtliti41 The CANADA •STARCH CO., Limited ;MONTREAL.. would mean ruin to my father --•ruin was a -case of Hobson's choice; he had and prison." Tlie last word ' was . to take the chance. - • ' scarcely breathed; as° though the ' "1 • amin a difficulty," he said, "and thought of this disgrace was prostrat-' Lwant -your to be good enough i?o help struotions . to the other .Crane, there ing to her.. me out." was no doubt., For, when_I got back{ Crane kept silent. This was the - "Anyihing I'can do, Monsieur-" to the hotel at ten o'clock tonight, : strangest moment in his life. Tiie.room' "My friend here" -indicating the there was a girl waiting to • seeme-- was curiously :quiet. •In this back. girl -"has enemies In -London. That' -or-rather;'tie man I was supposed to l•water just off" Shaftesbury. Avenue, are worrying her. Can you recommend be." fecitl • 3397/ IThat girl -describe her'.' There at least, was how the situation appear- was ppear- mea place wilere'.she. would °>,e: per=' they lad both iound.sanctua y safe7» wash feverish excitement about her -'•ed 40 him.- Outside, not more than a' "Thai, is quite easy, Monsieur; 1 manner now. ' 1 few yards away;,seethed the turbulent have' a niece, who is a Sister at a Con - life of London after midnight. In those vent in the West End:" Wonderiii at her• agitation, but Can- Wonderinga g "How far is that from here?" asked anxious not to give her any further' crowded streets, perhaps their eSie- � ' cause for worry, Crane hesitated. - vies -the foes of this girl and' him Crane. But she persisted. self---might-even now be trying to I "A .taxi would get you there in a "Telt rile," she said; "did she have trace them. One thing. was certain; quarter-af:.an-hour." wonderful red hair?" • ` . • he could not go back to the Mid -West- "Can you give me 'a note?" " - "Yes," he 'admitted; "as a matter ern Hotel;'They,would be waiting for ' "With pleasure,' monsieur." ..The o , f fact she was quite 'a striking- him there on the off -chance of Ids speaker looked at the girl, who had looking person altogether." return, been following the conversation with the deepest -interest. ` "My nieee is . – — called Sister b'aith. Itis by that name. you will ask for her. She will make, ,.you happy and eontfortable, maiemoi- seise,'.' he concluded, "of that I am sure.". "Oh; thank you" She had risen and held out her hand. "I: go now to write the note," Mr. 'Gime said. - "You might• order a taxi, will you? And here," . added Crane, pushing a gound--note into the fat hand, "ismay `.lent for the supper.'"` "You have given me too much, men?. r treat for Every member of the family can efijoy Velveeta.at any meal.. , It% "digestible assmilk itself." Serve it spread on bread or crackers, sliced, in rooked dishes x toasted. all ■ ss °.0 sieur. , There will be five and sixpence change." ' "Let the waiter have it" He had never thrown away money with such prodigality in his life before, but now he found it comparativelyeasy to , Made iii Guilds, I imagine himself riding on top of the .world; a hiapoleon dlrecting_ireat schemes, coninianding'grave situations It -was ' exhilarating.. ' * * * Philip turned away with a sense'of. Made by;lis makers of Kraft Oheeus arid, 'frift halad1D jjy j' Short puulls c•f, the slenderl sleeves •introduce, the smart ors 1 ane shoulder effect in this ,Eugenie`'after- neon flies of blaek-sheer velvet. White lace accent the' cross-overeffeet of the moulded bodice,. The curved seaming at the hips is effective and Slimming, • Style No. 339711 comes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 38 inches bust. Size 16 requires 3% y ids 39 -inch with 1.1h yards lace. You'll be amazed at how easily it is to fashion it. - It's delightfully lovely in black crepe satin with white crepe satin trim, wine -red - canton -faille ' and purple cref,e marocain. • - - I OW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20q in stamps -or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each, number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. .I • 9013 MEN The esteem of wisp and good men Is 'the greatest 'of. all temporal en- couragernents 'to virtue; and it is a mark of an abandoned Spirit to have mi. regard for it.---i3urice. Gardeners are stated to live longer than Hien In many other trades, ne ' HEADACHE is often the sign of fatigue. 'When temples throb it's time to rest. If you can't stop work, you can stop fhe pain. Aspirin will do it, every, time. Take two or three tahlete, a sWallow of water, and carry -op ---in perfect 'comfort. Don't work with neves Ort edge or try all dray to forget some nag in p• ir.t�hat'Aspipi will end in a PAY!_Aspiriif cars; do you no'harsn; just, be sure that it is Aspirin with Bayer on each tablet. In every package •you'll findproven directions for headaches; ly hecatise--Of-,t-heir-healthy-work, `a� but also because their contact vith- Nature gives thesis a 'saner Interest •i`n ° 1 life, , d A tlan>fful 410,toy ratit beet -: NO. 477:— `----*-j-, - colds and sore throat; neuralgia, neuritis; • etc. Carry ;these tablets with you, and be prepared. To block a sudden cold on the street -car; quiet a grumbling tooth at the office; relieve a headache in -the theatre; Spare you a sleepless night when nerves are "jumping." And no modern girl needs "time - out" -for -the time -of nion�thi Your' little box of Aspirin tablets is sate 'relief Of all such pain. • Take Asi�irin for any ache or pain; and tak�,enough to. end -it. It cant harm yore. At Aug stores everywhere. Made in Canada.- • • •