HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-11-12, Page 8, , • '.• ,i,,,00,••040.410#A,,,VtiAtrA' • •AA.AAZ A.Ar•AA .r."0.•sam."
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-ThislinportantOfferfl-ASNVALIM: .T 'Or Place .04 The
Arrival Oa. !fhe:"Cinaligs..,OP,quAvocir, Represe444.1470e.
1)710. Tuesda:' Nov.: 17t,
.4, f
Suits, Q'coats,4E4,0A,.Ettia •OlgEt.
Madle: to measure with eery Suit
Mr Park of Berger Tailoring:Ltd.' will' be at 21.13v,titOsre
,•NOyeMbert7211t, with .wide ' 'Yfttlet,3% Of. heautifulif.
and •Suiting, when Speczal .
• POLVOiC.FOR ONE: D'A't (MIX ',.buy . suit you Vilf• ,
k,i0f..'..EUR•k: PANTS ' FREE, and • you :aalaiSed.„ .
to 'ainitainataan of „stile, Pattern, Sade and „Fabric. best Baited
to, ,avour piirtitalarlype.'MAKE,4. NOTE. OF -THISaDAft .•••'
. , .
„e„ • • • •r,
•••:.--,:a• • .
EXPLA:` '11,50,1i-LEBC,OCA,A"EQUALIlllY"
IA . • •
. TA0.4s.wkirv-000118:R--4the-40.1:
ores groluisimerianumllsommosmisminsiimmulkinamitinOMPAPPillillillIEN0111111110
, f! .0• M.A.E0 - PEEr TAO*
. . .
.• . . • " , R4 b b e 0 ., f .for :eveii:690 . .. ,
.„;*,:en.,,,,,s ottli4 zuonow::004:4: ' Sp'efle.sgrvic0,.)0.et w*.''...f.4 $;- I I'
. : .. : At R. Olhlivell. & Reds • ' ' -
5:::::::'hter74:0*::::::,7,___oce:::4,,oy:eg:::: iietaeworoo :31,tay.. In tbi3 „inoriailw,... • •••WERYBORT ..44N ,:APOORP TO wEAR. RUBBERS .4! THE
xeeidence -'012* NO, . John ':Eoltiiik, Teleg- 044 .:,Teesper - .spe)ce en, retrtote.:.,exxl ; • - •0-0.1. • RiThiligm ARE • FIRST 'QUALITY GOODS AND ARE I
• • NEW LOW PRICES • ' • -.• , •':- - - - i
gi,e,te,e4: .legg. in,....e0AM1011QP#P4 et: 1
*rm..* preset mi,..1.„or•Agks„.,Roll ar), aeOhe.ret. aecl In' ih..e. 0.ilaXa*F on KW . 71301:J91•IT FROM MOST RELI4131.0E .MANUFACTURERS,
Mr, Alex Ross wt gi,ftsAs. an ex- ficTe .4 PeltiCeraiOcg• We ' chpir rep-, -N MEN'S RUBBER ROOTS, - ALL BtiAcx
pression of .P440-4, pia*, to their 44,, ,4Leernea,-eitheteaanitxtrn.:'W.A.hpl,;iWeee%,. .,a1,0c,r, .M, -BLACK WITII RED SOLE ' • , .... a .... . , .,..$3.00 • ,
• ALL RED GOODRICH, III PRESS : .......,.....,, .. .. .. ,,..$3.7$
. MOPSAILACI(..ME4y,Y• RUEREIL vc_..x,A,,gg, .PoLP,..,,FIRsw .
4,,,g, ,,,ioxed,„.10 community singing 'membrOtge was 0 .ae,rite...4 ' 4...'.1je. oth. ''' '
and NO.:30W 4104 tO:StbCeafaataila"-'• ser*Ices.' '.
a .• . •'.QUALITY , ' ___ ,-..•`-''' • ,--6LKr'
. .
anient bY .nraelding• several 'enjoyable ,„ ,PRESS :... .. , . a., ....: , .. ......,...,.. .. ..a.:„....... .. ..... .,....: 045'
.• violin, ,salectianis,•Miaainticaaaars: ,BellPreabatiarian,rWa'M: S. AUX, , • . , .. 'Boys' HEAVY •RUBBER.S. SIZES 1-5,• . 'FIRST QUALyry.,
1 • GOODS;,PRIPED AT , :,•,...........„.....,,,,.„ . . , ... ....... a .... 0.49 .
90. 0..,Nr.,044,.*Fo#Af..44,,,,chtilgh, 6e4 11 .11 „oe. i74 Ali, :'M . YOuTH*'.11EAvY- EIEBERS.,)"SIEEk .11 - It FIRST QUAL- 7 '
Wa, ie3100 .2111tit;Mr. Ttoaa, of''ki$ 'artit':?. ir
rt: : 411.i'..ii--:°.:. 1i-tht.b.,. ......4*.i.,1*laswiot.t :71.4. 6;1;
ppm:414s presidiii. he aiittle • study'.. -1 - !KENS! 9 Ix.: RUBBER, Laced, with 'Strap and Buckle on 30P.
Following the .Oresentation .a, alio -' 1 . • .. po.,,,,o•fopo,,• .... •••. .... ,••••,..o.••••••4.0”.•,•.,,,,...., , , 1. ,
' • $1'39.
giadreas was 04(4 - • :, '';'..,:: " ' . • was elrg!'i by- *If.q,•' X44440tj"Reskft'. .01 a.,iimitea quaatity. at .a• *err Special Price, ,. a.... . ' . , .. ..•-: ..aa2.a9
Mr. aridaMrs: Bell'ana:Vaa,Roaa;• Inge Were given by .;Mrs. ,D,"Thoinpa. 'I . LADIES,LOW • RUBBERS,. *e! Fit Different- Heels.' .''' ' • '•
. . _ ,. • . •, • • .
' • 0ar dear • frierffie; • yonr. departure' ,sPia. and Masa, liV.L..,H.,estee,„ ...4... seie,.. • [ .. ORCVD..*...A4*•• .7.,...',...:•.;.::::.„....,...,.,,..•:...,..,,40c.. to ,. 65c. ,.•
liaia,a_ainabarainiclat.. isatineieenaion ‘.0.ift- "..m.p sung -1* mos, R. Mullin .:, g:4:...E..: 1 : work S,,..A . a ORDER :GOLOSHES; a, DOZEN : 'i . •
yio;g4eeil.ki.eiret. ytairicifidireet-:,
ing.014,,,:ple:aiiiit.stiiite, :inade.,u.teoi; ;kr lara-axeriale', :lave an.. jaaaaagalai aa 8"-,C411. T. *.•-•:•-• '• -.••;- ..a:., .....a.a....','../a'.'aa......i.a.a..,•„,,,,,,:',..$1.25";''
at).tiolw while,vitii .ict114,1:ire:;101c 5,,,:41, .ta414.1a,:„Oan4ihvel.rtitsr:d.li.gileftt!IhV,:ohe.,440.td...1.1Talia:. .0 y. 0010psiigs-,,.437, -, .:-..,,,,,,.,..; -.t,' ..-: .., :-.. :•,.,:st ..-:.-„, ....;„.4., „'.; 41;6§.: ..
1...• - 'N.V.010Wg ' 1.,;. .ii44.B.*:Gtio.'POCiki ..0kAtiiit,' 'WEI:Gift
' -.W.:• IFIA*E. SPECIAL 'RICES ON ALL.• ti.p440101#0.iA10.. -
i'°'"itCel9f i/i•°e'i *-61*fis'It'S*'-a**•-1110.*': fc4C% '!Ete4ing -closed with .'••• i; ' • HIJUBERS'.1'0"FIT-:Apt47,,KIMA,..,ov.gitoN.s..:0,0:11,0f. 'SENO'
. , • . . , . . ••• _ •
AWAY; FOR •,, ituaBlats•,III.44. YOU. ' GET • 'OUR 'PRICE'S,
en • of oura regard: We assure' , you 7 . .,..„ .07.._ ... ,. ,....
s :of:;:th-g..itit.01_.:01nirelaaaatealtelT4I77.4.* :
that you carry --wifili- aran:---,Piq7113est--united,..c.hutelk_lv._31,4a.-- .• • _
- :.. •• . .. .
above ' all: we pe Tiliat - :God's , , ...... --a-Laa.-*------a,_, ,....____,,:._____.
aciaberii of., aour„aaa. .. friends. -Slaaae..., ,ea:1)..L:e. .
, ,. .. , Wednesday, Nov, 3, in.' the ,schrio1 • •• - ., • • • . • L • ' • „ - !,•=.
blessing will fisilifwayanialaiaiall your • • , , . • • • -
undertakings., • , a , • - , • • ••• .
, . .a..a.a....,,oii4i16, , ,• . pom of the :.elitireh. .:Tate‘.president . .• , , • • • • • • , •
a ' :*'• . The Checker Players ' a" . • ' ., • ' - • , •
l'.`""*.• .' ' ' • • ' Via- 'McCalltim took the chair ' mar a' • ST,. "HELENS... .
Mr and Mrs.• Bell and Mr. Ross .:
• ' he meeting, was aepened with- a
hymn:, Mrs, ta: I'. Ree4:a.lead har.pray-... ' Mr. :and ,Mre. ano, McKenzie ' of •
,• ,
replied suitably, expresaing .• their
By WEDG 091? & CO. • !:
InThis 4.NetP Chin;tWare"Tacka.0.
. '
"New - Chinaware" package of Robin Hood
surprise.No one ever expected
anaaidaaatAk--4to see .China 1- rare yin aa40aie • _
Mod�rn,new$quare shape,. -beautiful rose
ratialaal Aittalaaaaa-ataradaaeaamaifT
marked "7'141?P.Nr9P1?4141111i :7-
C04.' • . with the ,
Ask for .the package .i Bei • . , •
"Red Spot" a •
; 4
t2.1;4:rjri,$..., •
. • • •
•. ' . .
• •P
iliatilia,ta the friend § who. so •kindia :". • The ,ni.jrartee , of the last •meeting alaffat,' were guests during ,last Week
. •
were read and adopted nephews, 0, , . , , „ a .
John Nita: their nephews the Messrs Mc-'
remembered • them , . ,, : , ..i '
Members ea the club who assisted stone ,gave a report ,.on 'tae autimra: kenziee• and McKenzie: Webb.. • '
Thankoffering..Which -amounted .:tc: .'aliarPred Weal; Wits.taen to Want-.
- in 'tracing thaTieSeniation posefhle-,-
'417;00. Mia. 'Stother's group ;gear .iam $ hospital ' with an attack.' oa'
• but *he eau* not be present at the:.
githeiang ifiatacietit.„7,3•Iiinis younk;..4 areararia 'Whiehawai en Korea aleariey. We, lave .fei a speedy re:.
• •'••
George Anderson, Donald MacLean; •
• • 'IP_ - Mr Angui
Several: papers. avere. read . and 'Mrs '..aavery, . • '..,' : , .,.. • • • . ' : , '
'•• Wm. MeDOnald; Harry Anderson Toe ar raw with theaaidabfaa mapoutlinac-a-Map-6601-d -a •ata_ha 9th
Malle0afha Garfield MitcDpnalC Geo:.
Swan, Joe Anderson, Win. Tisda. '
Genuine tedrct BLANKETS'
• • (Reg,': $3ita'az'=afora$2'.88)
Warriafa Fine Sweaters
Everything:for your •
Winter Comfort
EtTirk :SPECIAL -.a -a--
'170 Pairs KAYSE'R SILK
STOCKINGS, heaviest service
weight, for Winter. use.
.Regular Price $2.00 --
On Sale $119
:e •
• ; •
-a:al:A:OWNS. •
Irraa, a -Wm -a -Blakeaaretyr,necl
fin- aan extended adsif- with, her
daughter, , Wilfred:: lieffragaa.
Dynireillaa,-and--withaher-rana-Mra-anaaalaim----0 araaaa-a-maa---Bea and -Albert
InalCe; *- • * • • 3cott attended:. the hineral, of. their
• FuRFLE:••OliovE
• There was a large attendance from
the Grove at. the U. F. 0. banquet
at Ripley on Friday' night.
We are pleased to report that lar.
its posit -ion Mrs. Joynt and Misi
lefle Robertson Laaa a` very pleas -
ng duet. Mrs. Rathweri alasecl, flit
meeting with, prayer.-Sec'y..
• ,
United-Chireli Y. P. S. '
Robert Wall is improving. • a
• -
Miss Olive Thompson is' visiting
and Mrs.. Will', Walsla,
Quite a. number' front this locality
-attended the' -court proceedings
.loderich last week.
11iiis Elizabeth Webster of Luck •c..,+
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the antaVersara in St Andrew's
Presbyterian thureh, Wingham, on
*Sunday; when Rev. G. P: Duncan of
Stratford preached very inspiring
' sermons. He was, a former minister
• in this community. • .
a- 'MARRIED -On Friday, Novem-
ber 6th, Mr. Ed. Gaunt of this village
to Mrs. Wilson of Culrois-Congrat-
Mrs. Neil lafeCallum of Langside
visited last week; with her sister
7 -Mrs: Albert McQuillan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thom and
spent Sunday with the former's sis-
. ter, Mrs. David Gilliee.
Mr. and kis. Albert McQuillan
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
..":"--.14.eGee• of Wingham. •
A good attendance was out last-
- Thursday evening to„ the W. M. S.
Taankoffering meeting when Mr.
*Ilawtin of India addressed 'the meetl,
Mg telling of the Work there, and
also showed -lantern sliders which
were enjOyed.hy all.
The Langside W.X.S. have• invited
the Whitechurch W. M. S. ' their
Theracollering meetinf an Thursday
afternoon, when" Mrs. (RV) Forbes
�f TeaaaVater will address the :meet-
ing. ,•
, BORNa-In Detroit on Wednesday,
October 21st, tilMr., anti Mrs. Elgin,
Purdena a aatighter, Shirley Alberta.
Mr: Hawtin of India visited with
Mr, and Mrs. •Hector McKay as Mr.
Hawtin is in the same community as
their -sob, Angus'al),IeKay.1:___...
'Mr. Robert Laidlaw made a bnsi-
bon trip to Landon last week.
The house Welled frohi the spice
•of Pickling a few Weeki- ago, and
POW the shaken -Out nuithaall has its
cousin at Clinton last Friday.
Miss Ida lafaeQoid, spent -the sweek
cad with her friend, Miss Marville
t ow spent a few days last week with:
.;er aister, Mrs: Deihl Anderson, at
aheahome of Mr, arid Mr.- S. J. Eil-
*trick. • • ,
-B. Stothers of• Easex_ras_
.the .guest of his sister, Mrs. Henry
.Horton -Saturday And -Sunday -
:Mr.'and 'Mts. Ralph Munroe and
two cbildren; and Misses Ellie, and
airsie----Bhdr -of Auburn -were -guests -
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard -Johnston,
The Ashfield W.M.S. are being en-
tertained by the Dungannon W.M,,,S•
at Dungannon United 'Church, Fri-
day afternoon at 2 P.M. •
Mr. Jack* Emerson helped, thei
'apple packers; one day recently, who
have conipleted packing about four'
Mildred barrels of No. 1 spy apples
„at _Mr. 'Isaac Nixon's . orchard in at. reten'a 4. Y. P. A.
Ashfield. ' . • '• St: Peter's A.Y.P.A. held a regular
seksion on-MaffdayadVaifinga-withaa-
Theexecutive of the Y.P.S. haa
di:large' of the specialty program on
Monday niglit: The .Meeting ripener'
with the singing' of hymns, the Sarin-
and:, prayer by Mrs. Craw. Anaaapa
pirefarilite ---alittitffir'achorusaawasa-sanga
a number of school girls.'
cCrillum and...Mies Alton bon -
chided interesting word and proverb=
contests,those in attendance being
livided into .various groups' for
theee'nimibers. A spelling match war
.withdrawn to permit the !Oar, tc
practice. Candy was served and air
meeting brought' to a, close by sing-
ing the National Anthem and repeat-
ing Miipah• Benediction:
3on., who is in Lucknow the:an:ale
• A hi' -piece, Mrs. Dunean McDonald,
.s critically ill. ,.„
Mrs. alas. Gaunt returned from
Welland where, she had been with:
•ier daughter Lila, who was in the
aoanital. Pleased to report that Misa,
•alaunt is able to be; returned to the
Anne of her friena....*
' A
Mr.'Wilbera Durnin .runa his mother
Ondenarecently. `Mrs_ Durnirasarea.
Mit and Mrs. D. 'Rad, Stanley,
'aleitlVitit'anii M. G., Stuart,
:aired. to Kitchener on Saturday. Ace:,
•fodd Will resbnie her afuties today:
Mr: and' Mrs. JohnCameronanu
,on D-oi-Mid, mayouigif,
grs, Cameron Mere the guests Oa
air. and Mrs. Jas.' Douglas, „Mitcheha
Last Weanesday,, Mrs. Cameron -is
;rang to make an extended -visit with
ser dangfiter for the winter.
Mr.• and Mks. ,Jo. Webster, Miss:
Lockhart, Mrs -AV -Webster_
and ElWel Webster motored to
af kiaWebster's sister,Mrs.Ephriam
Barbour, formerly Miss Jennie Web-
, The 'W. M. S. Thankoffering ,ser-•
vice will be held in the United church.
Sunda' morning at 11 o'clock,
whew the Rev. Mr. Grant of Belgrave
Val be the special speaker.
The thirtieth enniyereary•of Christ
church was observed Sunday last at
airee o' -clock. The service was con-
ducted 'by Rev. E. 0. Gallagher and
was coininernarative Of the OceLtAiOn:.
and also of Remembrance Day. The,
rector spoke on National and Relig-
ious Patriots. The choir rendered the,
anthems "Jesus Knows and Under-
stands," an a ''When War is no ,Lon-
ger Learned." •
Next . Sunday there will be -a cele-
bration of the Holy Communion at
three o'clock. •
New Low Prices 'bn Hosiery for
Women and Children. "MAAKET"
Lucknow ,Depl. 'Store.
Deputation of Fifty Business Men of
The District Gathered at Walker-
ton Recently and trrgeil That For-
mer Railway Service be Restored.
splendid attendance. The blue. end.
• ..wlifte side were found te,-he equal in
membersahr-attendancer-bnt,the blues-+
had the larger contribution: of cop-
pers for the contest. '.Minutes were
read and approved and the roll called.
A report from the ,banquet commit-
tee showed about twenty ,dollara sur -
plug after Oayipent of expenses. The.
rector gave an address on customs
and habits in Palestine, illustrated
inmily: -returned- to Detroit after with sixty aeautiful colored' slides of
visiting with the Tatter's aunt, Mrs: that country: General Easiness
ins been aonduded,„ the A.Y.P.A. was
reminded to give full support to their
Bible .Clase which meets on Sunday
Morning. The next meeting -Will be
held on Nov. 23. Refreshments fol-
loWed at the con:elusion; and a social
half-hour enjoyed ay , the young,
. •
Tiara and Ms. Gee. Haldenby an4
amily, also Mrs. • M. Dudley of
LucknoW spent the week -end with
friends in Toronto. . •
Mrs. J. B. Hodgkinson returned,
home from London.
Mrs. Cliff Borthwiala -'of Niagara
visiting at the home of he; parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Parry and
, Mr. and,),. Dave Scott and
Misses Gladys and Velmaa of 6th
Con, Culross, spent Sundly. with
Mr. and Mill Vieter Emerson.
Mrs. John Richardsen motored to
avuelph with Mrs. Pilule' and Chester
and visited there with Mr. and Mrs.,
George Richardson and on Monday
motored to Ayr, and visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott Pinned who has pur-
abasd a bakery' there.
IIr. and Mi. Russel- Ritchie, Mr.
Bert Cullimore of Wavainosa spent
Sunday with Mr. and Kra R. Tiffin.
The V.M.S.•held their November
meetirfg at the home of Mrs. Frank
Rising on Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. George Haranese.
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Kerr of 1i. Wawanosh.
a he Women's' Institute are- holding'
the November ineeting' at the home
if Mrs. Charles Gillespie in..NoV.13.,
All ladies of the community •are
welcome. ' •
• Mr. and Mrs, W. Scott, Mr. and
Mrs. Cordon Scott spent Sunday
With Mr. and Mrs. McGowan of near
Blyth. •
Mother of Five • • •
• Lao** for Early Reitertee.
When one is rra.y• 21 the itrairttoi
andel resources la a bUrdett *leb
Would .tax any womari ti strength
and vitality*. In the case of slender
Mrs., hone tOo stroaa frern early
'ears at, factory Work the burden
proseed her lower andflovier to the
• point *here tuberOf/ale griPtied.
her in all ins -power:
Fortunately,. • however. she was
Sent to the MuSkoka Hospital for
Consumptives, where the eperiene.
ed doetors atid nursed took het in
h/thd."With kindly dare. Wile, the__,
likaa_tabiltesheited-fleVer: Mrs. N.
has responded, te the CarefullYplen-
' tied treatenent.and hae. Made tiplen-
. did pregreas 'toWardS recovery. and
ia eagerly looking •fer-iverd t� the
tittle When he may return to. her
• There are Many ouch etteet4' but
ithou t financial itaidstance., the,
Meakoka fiotihisi tannnt aid theft,.
A girt froth you Willbe gratefully
tedelVed ,If Sent to Mr. A..E;, Arnett,
9pkiege-Sto Toronta
-^raising flve chi dren on !hinted
Jahn Hedging, the past week,
Mrs. Jas. Stanley of Kincardine is
visiting withaher daughter, Mrs. John
MeFarlan. . •
- Mrs. E. Simpson returned to aer,
home at Ltican after spending the
past Meath with her sister; Mrs. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Art HaIdenhy !ma Presbyterian Guild . •
family of' Toronto were redent visit-----------
srs with relatives here. , .„
Mrs. IL A. Graham anent a am
Jaye with her sister, Mrs. Hedley,
Kincardine Twp, •
Mr. Tom Hodgins is visiting friends
The Sr. W. A. will meet on Thttra- you. a .fientilike talk by
Mrs. wen MacKenzie cin a trip to
Northern Ontario Was very inuch-emt
joyed. Mr. Harry Nixon then favored
the 'meeting with a delightful solo.,
The • topie "Our pare Making
World Peace Permanent" 'was ably
taken hy Mr. 4. Calalutdoch: This -was
folowed by PlAiia:Yeltaitelbynetiaigev;e9sOirilg
dorathd in pastel shades with . the by Mies MacPhersbn and another
wedding cake as centre deeeratioin.
After a sumptuous dinner the guesta
anent a very plecteant el/ening.' The
bridal party were recipients 'of many
beautiful and useful
A number from here attended the
annual Lotteli's banquet at Luck
now on Priday night
Mr. and VIM Xarl Bole Spent the
week -end with Rev. and Mrs. Towns-
hend, Londeri.
Rev. T. L. Lewin cif Parkhill, for-
merly rector of13eryie and RinIough
parishes will deliver a special Re
membrance' service iflAi. kaults
Church, Wigharit, next Sunday ev-
ening at 7 1b'eloek.
The Guild on Monday evening was
in charge , of the Adult -Bible Class.
After the opening' hyrrin, the Scrip-
ture lessbn was read by Gretta
Catbribell and the Lord'sPrayer Was
repeated in unison. This was follow-
ed by a chorus by the class, "Have
day at the hone ef Mrs. Wm. Hod
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. Selloff.
Detroit, *hose Inarriage took
place recently, • Mrs. A. Hodgina,
nether of th'e bride entertained the
anmediate relatives at a wedding
firmer on Saturday p.m., October 31,
The dining- roam uai tafitefay
Trio inany :etdr- people. think! the
arilY overhead the fernier has ts the
blue sky.
chorus by the class,' "There's a rain
bow in the:Cloud for 'ion". completed
splendid program. After singing
hymn .436; Mr•:. J. C. Mirrdock elesea
the meeting with praaer-Secar. •
It's Easy to Buy at
° Liicknow's
1 Departtrient Store
Interest, of c °urea. is only a durse
to the felloW who' has ao
• A
• Pure Vinous
, ...:.8 cakes 25c
Jergens Tuberose • . ,
Bouguet' ... 6 cakes 25c'
- .
Jergenis Morose '
Toilet 3 'cakes 10C
, • .
-351ra Irak
Varm.er• - - Ditchers
Builders .
M call -nil -ate in Pete, Quality
and Delivery.-aA. trial • will con-
Kincadine, R. IL§ . 'Phone 107.r 4,
In the Matter of , the Estate of
John Almer Ackert, late of the Town-
ship of KiniOss in the County of
'Bruce, Yeoman, decard, _
Notice is hereby given that all
persons having any claims !or •
lemands against the 'late' John
Alrner Ackert who died on or about
the Thirteenth day a Jnly A.D.1931
at the Township of Kinloss M the
County of Bruce are required -to
aend by post prepaid or to deiver
co the undersigned, exegutors under
the Will of the siaid John .Ahner
Ackert, their names. and addresses
and .full particulars in writing ' of
their claims and statements of their '
accounts -and the nature of the secur-•
ities, if any, held by. Mein, duly veri-
fied by affidavit;
a And • take natiee .that' after the
-Thirtietha -"-dily • of • November, A. D. ,
Some fifty representative business
nen of the district rriet at Walkerton
one afternoon • recently for the
purpose of frilly discussing the train
ervice, especially on the CN.R: lines
of PhInterStOn t� Southampton and
Palmerston to Kincardine. Lan June
the afternoon and niaht trains en
bath' thata wait a diacoritiattera
end points: along them were forced
to ohtaid their service from two, re..
maining trains. This the business
men and mannfaaturers consider in-
adequate and at the meeting they
held they voiced the -if iiiiirawk. It
was urged that the former service
of to trains daily each way be re-
tored for the winter months at lariat.
Mr. William Mitchell of Kincardine
was am -Jointed as chairmen, and a
thorough discussion took place about
the mattr. •
A reealution' was passd-in which
it was urged that the Cal1/41.11, restore
the Servite previously enjoyed.
A delegatien composed of Messrs.
Mitchell of Kincardine., d, M Dell' of
Southanintp, H. Steeps of Port
Era and 011. D. Martyn ofatialkaa
ertbra is to visit the Divisional Sup-
erintendent this week to place the
matter, befare hint
Taaaelabraaalaas.-anieranta It is is alio 'hale that it leaves one
pretty WI
1931, the said Executors will proceed
to distribute the -assets of the said•
deceased:among te persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which they shall then. have
had notice, and that the • said
Executors will not be, liable for the
saialaassatsapaaany.. pata.tharaeltp
any person of whose claim they shall.
not then have received notice., '
This notice is given ptirspant to
the statute in that bltalf,
Dated-at Lucknow, Ontario.. this •
Second, ay of November, -A.D4 1931.
• ,Erneet Ackert, Holyrood. Ont.
• Richarda Elliott; R3, H�lyrood4 Ont.
Ralph Elliott, IL 2, Ont.
• Executors.
• (12-11-c.)
Beret bitire ' .
. , _
. .
FrOtri a •window in a little hack
Street in an Ontario town. a stnall
boy gazed lonsinglY On the "ball .
• playera"in an • adjelning 'lot
..etrenge woakneeti keot him teetIng ' .
on .4, chair or' iti•1116. ca. Unable to ' ..
join in the fun:, . . •
-When the doctor Wsalled, a.
. SI/1116,e told hint the story, and It
was not long before little(,Bert was ,
hurried off to the Queen Marl,. HMO
pital for CeitidirniAtVe• Children. .t _
• mete the great desire of his Me.
teethe nicely wane granted, 13ett
has made wendtfill. prOgreek and
the nurse says -hopefully that In it
try 111§,piliWeati fa the baseball MOO
f* nrionthst mor he will be able to '
•,,,..atitin? wha greater haPpiness could
. beTtitol.ltativelltmtl:nyb.0::hidditotiBltid fithotittin • '
. ,
• Which the hosnital SO largely de-
pendstaiii:_tir:ifthil.iittetotire7,sto•V:e.i'vellk tititii.44•..
ep pTi, helped ,by,ti'llbadrintiont tipOri
' grateftillY APPrediated. Pleiiite kihti •
It to Mr. A. E. Anita SU COW'
St, TOtOlitit. -.. . . , .
• . •
• •
f,I1, " „. • •• f8Kk'u
„ 1 . of..:44,4•.)1L 4(e C >.• , , r