HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-11-12, Page 1IF1.4•P-4:ikr 4••", '• • . ,7 • 4 • - "14-""' . • 4.• , „tr , „ ' • • '11', • . 4,,ztroltroilre.t)ogpiptivit..14,,goitot-p.,o'....,.g.,traOrgoo,,,r4iPkgrtichrt" 1.!" C„. ^4? 4q, • . . • $2.00 PER YEAR INADVANCE;. $2.0 OTHERWISE ' LUCIEN0iiir, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, '1951. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS s' • RSDAY FRIDAY V' 4 • . . DENTIST' Dr. R. L. TreleaVen, Lucknow ' ours '0/A,2 A,11/.. : 11,1,-5 P M HONE 53 .. . • , So..iretthi$rigcli BARRISTER '`SOLJCITOR. ETC. .izrieghem,-Oitfario. . BRANCH, OFFICE AT LUCKNOW. Hours:., -Wed Afternoons.7- --WALL-PAPE13,°••-°A-ttillAinaLof Wall Paper on hand. Prices consider- • ably: down for 1931. 'I am also? .gent for leading job houses.=• • R. J. CAMERON ;Decorator, ,Painter •and.: Grainer • Box 1742 Lucknow FOSTER 'HOME WANTED --for baby 8 -months old. --. Apply Chi 'Aid Society, Walkercon, Ontario. . • , ' • • • • (12--11-c1) • . . STORE--FOR-IIEN-T---The Store, Stbre.,-A gpod .business location. „Apply' to R. J.' ,idoore, -LricknoW.. i'•• FOR' SALE -50. B. R.' Cockerels . from' Ottawa conteSt winners.- Priee. 2.00 while they last. • ,G, A. ,Greer, Trput creek :Farm I,-Lucknow • : :; FOR---,-RENT=The residence of: Mrs: .Jy W. :Treleaven.. Apply, to= .• Geo. A. Siddall: "._ 'watering pans and a varied assort- • ' ment of necessary .and convenient egoom.e,„rit_for a hen • house ' • ' •* •. Apply to D.. C. Taylor.• , • STRAYED -To t1�.remises of •• Wm. Woods; Lot .23, Con. 10, West. • • Wawario'sh, abont three ''.'Weeks ago,- • - - OWner-ma-y-hava- -saine," -proving property :mid payirig eici?enz • ses. . •, FOR SALE -1-2 Shorthorn Bulls; a 2 -year -1d and. the (4110.10 months- • r--• also some •younr Pigs. For further particulars ,apply to 'Jas.' Forster. • (12-•--..11-p.) • FOR SALE -Electric Radio, . " • cycle) 9 tube, screen grid, dynamic speaker, beautiful cabinet - good as new, used only 10 inonthS.- ' Apply .Cecil J Phillipson, , • • R. R. 3, Lucknow. . (26-11--p.) • • , AUCTION SALE Mr. A. E. Buswell will conduct an• sale of household effects at his residence in Lucknow,' on Satur- day, November .14,' commencing' at, 2.30. Terms, Cask; No Reserve. _ Well. Henderson, Auc. •COMLPETES PACKING ' • • . LARGE APPLR, CROP. 'fiYntfki Apple Gang tanianta PaPhr • ing,./..erge lCropof, PAkte.'. • ^ • 'Mr. ;John "Jaya leg' thia Week On • a.. business trip to the • Eastern States, which • takes the • form, of:a-holiday_ _ atter-a-cOuple--0 .strenu_o06•._.wo.xL_E 42,J14.1±aAtillg_la,KOA potato and apple ,croPs.. Mr. Wesley J,oyht • has been in Charge of the orchard's; t; which- have been sprayed five tines and to which is due in n� small degree :the fine crop of excel' - lent •quality apples. • Fer the, past, month a, gang of some twenty experienced •pickers and Packers „been at; work The pies •are sorted into, four grades and the ,pack amounts to. 2,500. barrels of. the better grade's, sonie of Which Wilt] ise-macrieted in -England.' The poorer- , grades, wilrbe used, for feedy Mr.. Jeytit contributed freely in helping to provide fruit for the Western. re- liefcar sent by,. the United Church, and there still rleinains. a large quan- tity of good quale, apPles in .the orchards, to' which anyone. is 'Welcome -to gather up -what they require. ACCOMODATION FOR "• TRAVELLERS. AND TOURISTS • . - • Mrs: M -A. Treleaveti--and-:-her daughter, Miss Gertrude, _have re-. cently completed renovating the. up- stairs of their, home and book store. Several -large bedrooms ,offer clean. and warm •aceoniodation for travel- lers and' tourists or any ',party de- siring-- such- aCcomodation.• Breakfast Will 'be served as tin added ccinvenL. Bruce.taymen:'.-: Meet At Luektiow: Deanery Well Representertl-Banquet Provided by the, Y. Pl. A- of 'St. Peters.:, . " •• ' • • " ' --TheLLaymenAasoCiation ..of the. banquet, and business meeting in Orange Hall; Lucknow, on FridaY evening. About eighty; men froni the various parishes of the' Deanery sat flown -to Supper.. whieh was served • by theA.Y.P.A. of 'St. Peter's church: Mr. C. F. Hewitt of Kineardine, • president, presided, • and COL Fenton of • Tara, secretary,. milled the roll •.of_ parishes. After, _supper, crininin, ity singing was enjoyed and then the Chairman. called in Mr. KW. Suther- lnd to speak. He addressed . the ;assOciatien on the-Layman!s- Obliga- tion and .privilege in the present day, partieniariy. stressing the latter Oct of a man's work in the Church. Of ;God. Mr. Os -win of -Lion's Head contributed a,• number of amusing musical monologues; , which, were greatly enjoyed. The speaker of, the evening, Major Edwards of • St: Thorries- then:addressed the - gather- ing• -on the 'four -fold' program of the . assciciation, narnelY, . Church atten- dance,- -fraterrial-visitatieterrg peop.lets-work-and-the,every merither-- cahvais.; His address Was much • to the point and exceedingly well' de- ihr,ered. His suggestions provoked considerable -thought -on- the part - of the gathering and 'ivere a real Con- tribution to the men, who were seek- ing guidance and inspiration in their great task -Massrs-4•ECIW-ard-and- Evan gave a number of violin duets, which werereceived and heart- ily encored. Rural. Dean -It: W. James spoke for a few minutes at the Chia!, as did the Arehaeaconry Mr. S. F. Bollochey .of Paisley. "..' A vote of thinks was extended ttIi A.Y,P..A,,_and Als.Q ..the.4.13P8kg's and. others who helped to make the gath- ering such a great success. ience. This hostel, equipped with modern conveniences".and situated on main street' just, . west of Parker's, garage will no doubt prove a satis- factory, stopping place for the tra- velling public. • • Lucknow Clubs Win Decision - AUCTION SALE Matt. Gaynor has been instructed, by the executors of the. estate' of the late, John Sheriff to conduct an Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Im- plements at .Lot '18, Con.. 14, West ,Wawariosh; on Friday,. November 20, • commencing at one o'clock sharp. (19-1-c.) • FOR, SALE OR RENT . • Comfortable Dwelling„ wired for lights and • stdve, . domestic water, furnace, bath -room; hot and cold Water, good barn and garden, splen- did location. -Apply to W. J. Todd, • Box 202, Lucknow (19,-11-p.) , 1 Travellers! Tourists I ,' We are now, prepared to • offer Bed and Breakfast to Travellers, Tourists or parties desiring such accomodation. Rooms are clean and warm. Modern conveniences. MRS. M. A. TRELEAVEN, Main Street /Phone 72-.L. • West of Parker's Garage is • • Special Battery Radio Sets An.. excellent opportunity or any- , one to .enjoy • entertainment this winter at a fraction of the origins • cost of these sets. Included in this • group are such Well-known makes as Marconi,DC'1 Forest, etc. All that is neeessary Ts"-- • to add tubes, battery and speaker• . PREPAID TO YOUR HOME • Special $5.95 .• , • GllAi MUSIC STaliE, Lticknow and Ripley Clubs Compete In Amateur Dramatics Contest At • Ripley On Tuesday;• • A most interesting and unusual type of entertainment was held • Ripley on' Tuesday evening, when the Lucknow Junior Instittite and Junior Farmers competed with the Ripley Juniors in presenting. a ,. three -act' comedy, entitled "That's What They All Say". ,The play, which was re- ceived by' an appreciative audience, was well acted by both clubs wh6 are to 'be congratulated on their splendid. presentation. Three judges were pre- sent from Walkerton and gave their decision in favor of Lueknow, alsb' offering valuable criticisni, - which will assisein future presentation. Lucknow will,'now compete 'against the winner of • the WallEertoti-Mal- cohn-Paigley group hi the finals -for trophy, probably next week in Tees - water Hall. Miss Katherine Matheson and Mrs. Duncan Munn contributed piano instrumentals and solos be- tween plays The story1of the play is briefly as follews: • Jack and. Jeanette Wiliningtori, taken by Andrew Thompson and Anne MacDonald, recently married ,are. busily arranging their furniture in their new home, ' their "love nest." They are sive they are going to he ideally happy.: The arrangement "of the ,farniture, howelier, causes the firet. disagreement, which comes to the point of tears on Jeanette's part. Just at that motnent a neighbor, Mrs. McSwairt, taken by Beth Alton comes to use the. telephone. Although jaek and Jeanette have thought 'of her and her husband as very happily married, ,the- learn before she is through phoning that •she is selfish and domineering and sarcastit to- wards her husband. Jeanette thinks the net daliers, Mr. and 1Virs. Wells, played' by 'Fon Henry' and Jessie Andrew are '"the liappiest couple," she...aver ,saw. But before they leave, • she' and Jack learn they are not very. aPpy. Mrs. Wells. is bossy and hogg- ing and quite imendlirable. Their next tallers, 'Mr. and Mrs: Phiskitt, /taken by George Rentedy arkEthel Martin Prove to be no happier, althbrigh they GREAT' LAKES CATASTROPHE EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO . . • . . While enjoying spring-like 'weather in this locality on Monday, some by way of contrast would recall the Treat storm which swept the, lakes on November 9, 1913; wrecking thir- teen ships, and. taking a toll of 271 fives:: This gale, which was the greatest catastrophe in the annals of lake shipping, '-began on Sunday Afternoon continuing on Monday and Inly abated after causing thousands. dollars worth of damage and snuffing out a great number of lives. • CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY • - A hot fowl supper was served. to number of ,friends and relatives at the home of Mrs; John Carter, South Kinloss, on Thursday last.'• The oc- casion was the birthday anniversary of Mr. Carter, who received hearty congratulations from the' assembled nests, who numbered about forty. Mrs. Carter acted as hbstess and was .assisted -in serving_by friencli_Juid neighbors. Following a • bountiful sup.per, many. of those present went to the Orange Hall. to enjoy a Tew hours' dancing as a climax to the celebration.' ' • . • RQiileinbrance $ervice 'At .Cenotaph • • , 0,1 c!iannthganca'Day FJOinatv' Ob- served By'Impreseive -Service At PentotaPh-t-Prognant- Arranged • By • Women's Institute.' •The :Bread ' The Bread Of Health: of Health.: OUR MOTTO 18 QUALITY ANO"Es.knYien• Bread".. TRE: kfq FOOD ,VALUE 0? tigpAr, OUR QUAL.. • ITY BREAD IS THE -LOAF •OF PURE GOODNESS.' • PEC/ALS FOR SATURDAY ' - CREAM PUFFS -JAM TARTS -JELLY ROLLS -TEA .CAKES • SCONES -FRUIT CAK E-PIES-IIAISIN SQUARES the., MenierialLservice.. held at the cenotaph on: Wednesday morning. The !service Wei 'arranged b the Women's Institute and was a very impressive program, herring the' memory of the Fallen, and recalling tomind the sacrifices made, by the • ta, British Empire and her allies during • • the Great War.• THIRD JURY AGAIN. . • • At i0.45 -Wednesday .morning -the ° ' HOLLYMA.N'S QUALITY 'BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow parade including the school board, school children and ° teachers,. the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides, wh� Withered at :the school,. marchaCV the Memarial, led by the Citizens' Band. "0 Canada" was sung in uni- son followed by introductory re , .. marks by Rev. E.'0! Gallagher. The gathering observed the two minutes silence.. The Scripture reading, ',the 23rd •Psalm; was read by Rev. Bur'. gess, Prayer was ' offered by Rev. C Gilford. and Harvey McNeil, accused Tavener „and :all jpined in singing, of robbing, while armed, °the- Brussek address -..by Rev. C. E. MacDonald of the Bank of Nova Scotia, "0 God our Help in Ages Past." An branch IvalCirTety kuprbpriatelor the oceas- of $6,000 on October 29, 1930. Friday , night at nine o'clock, all-e"7"defiberan FAILS" TO' AGREE Attorney•General ,,To -Be Censtilted. On-CaseTof-41cNeil,---Yoittlui-CitarW- ed With: IltoblieryDefence 'Counsel To Make, RepresentatiOn For Dia-. charge. . , For the third, time within 'one year a Sn,prerne Court jury 'has' failed to• agree to 'the guilt or hmoeenee 'Wreaths 'from' Mr. and -Kra:. Thos. AitehiSon, the Women's Irititit, ute, and • the Fire Company were lileeeClit the Cariotaph whilt7the, Band played "Nearer My God To Thee". The Scouts. ,and Guides then filed 'Past 'the .monument, each in turn :Dinning his--poppy-on- a -card, which formed an appropriate wreath„..and then. came" to the". full salute. The ,Last Post was 'sounded bY Art 'Mc- Cartney and John Haywoith :and. fol- lowing the singing of: the National Anthem the large gathering :quietly ck diaperseL-' • •ViLLAGE TO HAVE • • HOTEL ACCOMODATION • • • Mr. Chester Lee 'Of Goderich, , an experienced hotel manager has pur- chased the building owned by .Mr. D. C. Taylor, formerly occupied by, ti e Family Theatre, which elesed down with the installingof "talkies" hi the surrounding towns. • Mr. Lee assisted by one of his sonscommenced .the initial. ,step in m reodeling •the building this ' week. We, understand it is their intention, to stucco the building. The spacious interior 'will be • turned into a 'mod- ern hotel. The second floor will be laid out in several bedrooms and the ground floor will consist of the' 'usual kitchen, dining -room, travellers' room et. It' is expected that the work will he far enough advanced to be iserV- , int; meols. before Christmas., The village has been Wititou- t an hotel Since_ the Cain llouse burned down over a year and a half ago, and ample hotel aecomodation ' and conveniences once -more will be very welcome, to the coinmunity as well as the travelling public. • , MOVES Beauty 'Parlor Miss Hazel, Culbert has moved ed this week to the apartment above the "Market" where she will continue to conduct, her • Beauty, ;:litarlor. Appointments may be Made by telephoning number -12. happy married life:", Mr. Plaskitt shoWS himself to be stingy and- petty. Jeanette is terribly upset bY ' all these Proofs of unhappy marriedilife, and by all the advice theseneighbors have given hItisaoo of 'her' aunt Jane's (an old maid) that gives them the "true guide to matrinibriial bliss." They decide to act upon it, knowing that they will I3e happy 11 they .do. • Fred McCludlin takes the Controlled by. The T. Eatoii Co., Ltd. tire middle-aged and give the itnpres- part of the negro, who is assisting, • • P8 DUndas. St*.* , London ,Ont. sion that they are "living proof • of the yottng couple to Move • , DIES IN VANCOUVER Card of Thanks ting therjurr'reportee' a disagreement for the third time since' it retired: at :10 o'clock that inbruing•rrand, was dieharged-by4us tice Logie ,who said, You have de- liberated .a very long time. ,When ,you are deadlocked as you are there is no use keeping you up all night.: The situation is 'now in' the hands of the attorney -general. You have had a ,trying week and you are now dis- charged." ' • Within a year. the. McNeil broth- ers, have 'been, placed on trial three ;times, the:proceedings consuming 12, days all told, in February, •in June -and ',again -in -Novell-1W: • . - It was announced by defense eouri- oil, J. G. Makins, K.C., for Harvey WWII; and Campbell Grant, *Ito acted at all three trials for Gilford McNeil, that immediate 'representa- tion would be Made to the 'attorney - general to have the prisoners db.." charged. .Their mother, whose home is in Regina, awaited the new of the 'trial at the -home of a friend in Toronth. Nr, Theprisoners were such pleased vith, the news of the disagreement, .ts • were numerous 'relatives from teeswater, who. Were in attendance •' it the trieL The' prisoners were re- turned to the county jail, but it . was withlight hearts and jaunty steps that ,they descended the courthouse iteror last night at the Conclusion of 'four anxious SPARTANITE VARNISH -To , in- troduce this iiiji�r quality varnish we. will, for a short time, with each piht purchased give a half pint FREE and with each quart purchased will give a pint FREE.- WM. MURDIE & g -ON • FORMER LUCKNOWITE. Mrs. John 'Sheriff wishes to ex- press grateful thanks to the friends and neighbors for' the sympathy and kindness during her recent beretrife-' merit. • INMEMORIAM IN LOVING MEMORY ,of my dear husband, Elliott Miller, who passed away one year ago, • November 18, 1930. I have lost my dearest Conipinion, A life linked with my own, And day by day I miss him more, '. As 1 walk through life alone: Though'partedby the hand of death, In 'love united still-- - His :vacant place in ony aching heart • None can ever fill. -Wife. IN 'LOVING 'MEMORY of our dear brother, • Elliott Miller, Who PaSsed away .one year ago, November 18th, 1930. • beep in our hearts like a picture More precious than silver -Or, gold, Is the Picture of our dear brother, Whose memory will neer grow old His .love refnains with nil yet-. For he was; the kind cif a brothel\ His loVed ones 'will never forget. Sat* missed 'by his sisters and bretherS, ' \c" Mr. W. J. Little received word:re- cently from Dr. Graham Elliot, in- forming him 'bf the death of his father, Mr. John -Elliot, which occur- red in Vancouver on Thursday, Nov.: ember 5th. Mr: Elliot was at one time in the grocery' business in Lucknow but 'for a number of years has been living in the Wetit. Until recently he resided in • Forget, Sask., but due to failing health moved to Vancouver where he was liying with his son until the' time of his death. BY THE dllEAT HORNED SPOON • The above- is the title, of a stpy production to 'be staged the Town Hall to -night (Thursday) and Friday under the dirpetion of Russel B. liayithorne. he 010 Is highly humorousintertningled,;With Singing and iiiiitang Choruses: 6b children itake part a radio Station hurtiery • pageant. Mr. Hawthorne needs ritt introduction in Lucknow as the. sue, enssflil Presentation's Of "Wilde Ot. and adlithirella" are general- ly tourim; Pepnlat Prfees: Adults gio: Chililtert 2,5e.rlan t;4514:11,Z -LOCAL-AND-GENERAL1 SALEOF Saturday, Miss Elva Johnston ia visiting in: toronto With her sister, Mr Gannet. Mrs. Thoniaa .Watson lipent a fen, , lays in Waterloo. with her son, Mil - Mr; and Mrs. Finnigan of Kingston recently_with .Miss 3outh Kinloss.•• ' • Miss Aribelle Cameron, apent the ..eek -end with relatriert iilh and-AberfoYie."-- ' • . . Misi Margaret McQuillin is visit- Iftig with her sister, Mrs. Dr. Thomas it °Niagara - ads." • New Low Prices, on • Men's Under- wear arid Work Clothing, "MAR- • • iCET" Lu now -Dept Store. Dr. -D.- McKenzie ,of Chicago, visit- ed over the'week-end with his. broth- er, Mr. IX McKenzie. • °Mr. Bud Kennedy of Teeswater, visited for a few days with his con - pin, Mr Alex, McIntosh. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Connie of Han- over -silent -the -ek-end -with -Kr. • r arid 'Mrs. nos. Aitchieon. • Mrs. Joe ilfcNabk-and Marjorie' of Tara, were guests last week at the home of Mr.' and Mia. J. Garniss. Miss . Rachel McDonald visited ,over the'week-end in Woodstodk with. her sister, Miss Phyllis McDonald. • Mr. ituariel Robertson lettfr Rice Lake, near Peterborough- on S turday to spend- a few days 'duck shooting.' • -New. Low -Prices_ on Women's and Children's Warm Under garments:" "MARKET" Lucknow Dep'tStore, . .Mr., Jack McNab of Witigham un- derwent a miceessful appendicitis, operation in Wingham hospital on Wednesday. • Itev. E. 0. and. Mrs. Gallagher are spending a few days in Barrie' with the' former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. .11.I: Gallagher. • Mr. and Mrs. , C. B. Allin attended the United • Cotiamercial Travellerti! hence.* ;and, dinner dance at Hotel 'London on Saturday. • M-rs. &wird Agnew and son, Joe visited last .week in Ripley. They were accompanied home by Mrs. °Agnew's sister, Mise Edna Mc- Cullough. The high wind on Monday night resulted in hycko wires in the -village becomin-crosset Which 'interrupted the hYdro service untl about eleven o'cloek on Tuesday morning. • t Mrs. Angus" McKinnon slid Dr.' and Mrs. E. S. MeGowan of Toronto were Sunda -if' visitors with friends here. ,Mrs. McKinnon is spending, the winter with her daughter in. Toronto. 'Bowler's Dance '• Due' o many other attractions in the community the dance put' on by • th bowler's on Friday night,wag not fOored with a profit-maing • crowd, but nevertheless there was pletity. of fun Apecially among "Wo Old Peeple" as they called them- selves. L O. ch. F. Social The', local I.Q.O.F„ put on their first At llorrie-of-tiw-limwrr-last Friday, evening. There was a splen- did turnout of •Rebekah s and . Odd Felidift tg enjoy ::the evening. ,ef euchre' and danting. The ladies' prize' was. ' wen by Mrs. Minklie,. while George Fieliet carried of the gent' Pr M. .1, „ t • 441, `I •A4C A i 'PM,* ge.tiLi4.474i .