HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-11-05, Page 4•
;. on the `Blue COAL' ;hour .5,30 to 6.`30 Every Sunday Afteru s fl
Over Station C.F' R.B., Toronto
TXT. 14DP' X
let .over .SQ,yr aratheia orite D. L.fr Vf/ Scranton:
• Anthracite, now tradesparked blue 'For
your prote ction
Blow p --r hone-' y,our_deirNe'.and .ander _.
• with confidence 1
a Masquerade Dance in Kin 11: pall
on; Friday, November? 6th.
Mr. .and' Mrs: ' Mact{ay ' of
y 'Rev tistrict, werevasi or
Albert Helm's , last week.
, Miss. Emma -McDgnagh of London
chap over the week -end. •
Montreal w15 , 9964000, '7ttoromto
with 62.1,582; Wlnaipeg with 2i1t`,-
6$7;; and; -Vancouver with, ,245 00,7.
eshow as•t e four lar est eitiee of
the'.Dominion the Federal Go'i-
ernmen't' .eensugon.returns for 1,92,1.:
Saskatchewan ranks. second to
Ontario" as an egg producing, pro
"Ando With an estimated: produc-
thtrtY miAl$t►
•dozen eggs. • .Total value of pout
try, products• to • Canadian farmers.
in 1930 was $30,000,000.x t •
United SWOP meter traffic 1 to .
New Brunswick for tbA current
"1404801...,111,t, to 'July 31 Wee12 per
Out, her t1Jan,,for the corres-
• ponding period. of last year,. ad-
' cording to a tabulation just,' is
sued by the Provincial" Govern
MentBureau ,of Information ands
Tourist 'Travel.' • ' •'` `•
.':!rnuRSD,AY, •NOVLuB g
What ,is.: regarded° -as, • probably . •
•'tte,.bigliest parka in ;the ,world: is• •
-the; National Park. on Mount 'Rev
el:stoke in the Canadian.; Rockies,
on tits main line? oaf�,f the Ccanadian•
-..Pacific , trains -continental system
It...._covers an area of 100 square
mires '.and is above the clouds
Tharp is :a_ new .motor `r-oad to the• --
summit tof the Mountain. •
Evangeline Memorial Park. ;
NO' a, ,Scotia, with its . Chapel ; and
m:aiseum dedicated to the memory,
of the ::iaeroiue . of • Longfellow's
poem and of the Acadian pioneers,
has •been visited by more .'than
94,000 •tourists since it, was open •
' •ed in 1921 It is .announced' •from •
Dominion Atlantic Railway b' i
quarters. . •. , ,
Publishefi .revery. Thursday morning
at•,Lucknow, • Ontario,
A. 'D Ma4ensie,, Proprietor,
and Editor. •
7f, , 11JQVEMBER 5, 1931..
.'Mr. • Albert Carter :is under • the•.
dor'-s c -t with a very
sevctoere'. attack at; of present pleurisy.
x. Mrs J'as. •,Burns visited hes . brother
M. Pratt tat :Bly.th whom -had the
'misfortune to : fall` and •break. , his
sloulder bone, twhich:, is the second
time the same shoulder has heenr'
. Mr.. a_ nd ;Mrs Mark Gardner
Mended' the silver .wedding nankin-
Bary. of"' Mr :and Mrs. Will Gardnet.
at Zion on. Monday' last.
A large -number :fr-csmSouth`Kinlos
attended -the.. annivers�.ry-services-a:•-`
Kinlough on 'Sunday, and .moose .whc.
attended tis e. fowl 'supper "and •eoncer+,
on Monday evening, were well pleas-
ed •with the Duff entertainers, who hat
charge of the . concert
Orange dance to night. Come, one
'come all.
Steady, , develop.iuent of , you'ng '
'.Canada's interest in farming has
increased: .to the point where._a, . b
-Canadian Council " on Boys: sail` "
-•-Glr-ls pub -W=ork ,has ,been formed •
•'to .co ordinate the junior agricul- ,''
. tural ' .movewent as a: whole. The
:programme. has been• broadened '
to include ,practically .•every • line •
-•arid-.depar__ teemt--•oft-.mod4rn:..farm
_1VIr .and-Mrs-,-Harold-Stevens--a_nd.
Miss' Vera Stevens of Detroit, were
week -end guests of Mr.'. and Mr's.'
Thos. Andelrson. ; • •
Mr.'_.and• Mrs. ,Thomas Reed- ' of:
Lucknow and. Mr. and •Mrs. , Jacob.
Reed of ' Ashfield were, visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson this 'week-
end also. •
ing 'in • Canada.
Harassed officials of the Canadlanj
• Pacific' Express' Company at
couve-played�'nidr5e' reeentrk to • ,
a mother acid her family of 14•
when "Fanny," a . 'sad -eyed re-;
triever, carried, • by' the company •
-ficin . Nelson B G.._ became ,,.the_
'•mother-' of 14. -puppies. • ,Hurry -up.', ..
-calls were-put-throiigir-"for-the
consignee, 'a,. Vancouver yoU:th,
• who was •overjoyed ' to find the '
ager. petted parcel. '
When-•Dr,J osef-W lelaa;ski�sur
Mrd Daniel' Long and ,Mrs. Longi
"` o to ,.London on Satu da
m toned r, Y to
visit Mjss; Jean `tong in :St. Joseph's
3 oipital AWe are: glad_ to:. know._that-
Miss .Lois . is progressing'' favorabhu
an4, 41;,be able to• return -•home -•tin.,
..,_the •course of a' couple . of . w'e0kb.
Miss Evans -of Cl ntois;'ivat""lir<es=
eat substituting for, Miss Long in S.
S. No. 7.1
_MacDonald is attending
• the assizes at 'Goderich this week:.
Mr. Earl Sherwood spent` S.undaj
.at -.whom - • _____..._
Mr. Fred Anderson and sons
David; and Charlie of . Zion ,spent Sat-
urday with Mafeking 'relatives. ; . '
The .Y.P.S., held •a Hollowe'en"
.ocial in the lien,,.'Friday ,%evening.
.here 'was a "good' attendance' many
yf 'whom.were in costume which was
ouree of much ''merriment; There
was a, short_ program followed' bycon-
-teats and • games. Sandwiches, pump -
'kin pie pie and coffee brought the pleas -
'ant' evening: to a• close.
Miss Merle. Gaunt of .Kinloss' spent
the week -end with her friiendi,, Mjss_
Alive .Blake. '
}...SELECTED VOW '"`Ir° i'AT
Alfred- Patterson amd. Tom Ander-
son, two young boys of this' vicinit,
are to be congratulated ' in being
among,.the Huron County winners tt
r.'eceive free trip to the Royal this
year .as= the.f ellewimg_:..article
The ,fifth'` anritial .Royal Judging'
Competition to select .: ten boys . to.
tole advantage • of tbg_ freelrip , to
theRi; . o'Y al Winter Fair was held' in
Clinton:, on Thursday, October' •29th.
The fortyawo:_contestanta,, were xe-
quired to judge three classes of live,
stock, two' classes of•,grain, .oi`te class
of poultry, and to answer ten ques-
tions relating to 'agriculture _
• 'The possible score was .650• and the
1st o winners togetherwr sirthe-interestiri on -jury; ac-
tions is that of Fred• Tyndall, Huliett
scoreis as fbllows: Towiiship •farmer, who •asks $4.,j40
NAME 'SCO'RE from the -West Wawanosh Mutual
Fralik Archibald, Seaforth' _ r 560 ?ire1931. , Insurtheance.barn Com;andcontny.. Otnents of AperMril
d'. .
Alfred Patterson, Lucknow .. _._....544 •
"The value at your, telephone is just .what you make „it'f
HE few -cents a duly your
, telephone. costs ' are ino
measure/ ,of its 'value, ° Its
Value is in theuse you make
of it e tulle it saves
you= the safety and con-
venience it gives ,you: Your
telephone is always. ready,
always dependable.
•McNeil --Brothers race- Third ----nett
For- Bank'. Robbery.
geon of the S.S. Polonia; quffered•
an .attack of appendicitis, his life
was saved by, the interventionof
Dr. A, B. Taylor of the Canadian:,;
$stifle. liner, duchess: of•Rich ,
.mond, •v(h0 attended him after sC
boat had'`l:ten= Ioweped aiid the
striciten =physician taken on board
the It Duchess. The incident 'oc-
' curi'ed'•recently When the Duchess,
of Rtclamond•was300 miles off thou`,
coast of, Ireland.
with a jammed' rifle and a rear -
h10.. rizs,lY.:- a. few.,y r.de_dietant, ....:.
Dr. L. B. Kingrey, of `Portland;
Oregon, guest, at the . Banff
-Springs Hetet-oirh"a-Gunting ex-.
' ieSilio ebb Palliser River -sec-
tion of the Canadian :Heckles. had
a narrow escape. The huge •
animal delayed •its attack long
enough -for the doctor tr clear his
rifle and shoot, it: '' His bag on
the hunt was two grizzlies, four '''
black 'beasts, three goatb and .two
elks. .. ' • • (781)
Miss 'F'ranc'e, 0.1 Gilmore spent the
week -end Novi* her. parents. -
Mrs; Geo. Drennan and soli . Her-
,bert and Mrs. .as. Drennan' • spent'
an afternoon with •Mrs.Alliert Helm.
Mr. ;and. Mrs:. John.- : Menary . of
,Crewe' spent Saturday , at the home
of Mr. and„ Mrs. Herb Curran.
• Mr. Norman Sliackleon'is 'under
the doctor's care. at.present. We ,hop.
for his early recovery.' •
Although :there is but one :criminal:
case, that .of the McNeil brothers. ac-
Cused Brussels bank -robbers, .on. the
docket' of ;thee fall' assizes, the civil
list, : with three, jury and... five ,non -
fury actions, and a divorce action is
fairly heavy. •
- 1'lie conte, which oliened On'•Tues--
dad afternoon before Justice • Logie
,nay last a week. His lordship is
Scheduled :to .preside at Belleville as-
sizes on the• week fo "owing, and it
'.nay be '.that some .casss • on the civil
tist. will be •set down; r,.
•Tile j ,first trial- of the..;1k(tN..jl .,bro-
thers, arvey'and Gilford, ••ane%year
ago, lasted five says The. second in
eilne of .this year, "occupied lour lass,
f 'both trials the.jury disagreed as
the guilt or` innocence 'of accused,.
Who are charged, with _robbery., wage;
armed, of the Bank of, Nova Scotia.
,;%ranch, at brussels. . on ' Septemh r 26,
J.J3U6 The robbers obtained : about
46,000. Preparations for' the tiara.
trial have' proceeded 4netly.: If now
avid -mice . js to -he :produced by the
nova; .ilii e -has-been no, i-ntim-attan
given • as yet.. G.'L 'Y:. Bull. K.C. .oi:
Toronto; who- prosecuted `at the last
trial will again appear for the crown.
Blow Torch Caused Fire:
Lav;s sets'. out that her ';husband •
worked .1n, •Watson, ,Sask,,`and” Win
nips--' and.— i e • ' ,
witlY co-respondent as- man and wife.
The -action - is-an:defended:
Del er ' Skinner, ,.Centralia
Jas'; 1'ii(rri'i1u11, Brussels
Thos.' Hein; Jr., Woodham
Jack. Ferguson,r Clifford w - 532
Jahn Broadfoot, ,Brucefield 325
George Hetherington,' Wingham,: 521
Tom Anderson, Lucknow, Club Work
Z7oliy Preot,`Bayfie1 . Club Work
.Picot -and -Mr. Anderson -wen
th'e trip bybeing the:. winners in the
Goderich Township and Asiif d—d
Township Home Garden Clubs. '
The shield donated by the C`na-
dian National Exhibition to 'the high
novice ' was won by ' Frank Archibald
of. Seaforth.
The judges • were Messrs.. F. For-
syth and H. Goble, Dept. of Agricul-
ture, Walkerton; A. G. Ireton, Do-
minion Live Stock Branch, Paris; C.
D. Graham, Dept. of: Agriculture,
,Stratford, and V. 'Langton,. `Dept, of
Agri nitJure, Markdale. •
Sent oton Youth Wtio . Made Spec -
teenier. escape' from Walkerton
Jariail l•to Be Brought Baelz' For
_. _ ..
HOW. Many
Sales .Transactions
Do You Need?
An Advertisement
addressed to our
Local Retailers
It is possible for a retailer to. cal-
culate the number of sales' transac-
tions required by his business each
• tday.-=week; moni'ii, ` ea'r. i:eri' i `huw
the caT'ulation can be made:
1. Sum up the estimated operating
c`x►riivies for the year - the amounts
required for rent, wages, delivery,
.supplies of various sorts, insur-
an e,' repairs, losses. , ' Add. also,
the- net - profit which • one should.
have to reward • his capital and
enterprise. .
2. Divide this total by the number
of Working •days in the • yesir+say
365, in order to- get the • average' ' .
daily cost of operating 'ant's host. '
3. • Ascertain the amount of the
. average sales transactions': (The
daily, records of iglividual Haler%,
over a period • Of a ''month 'or so,
will enable one ..to' make this .eal-
4i. Reckon the timount of gross pro-
fit • earned on an ' averttwre ' sales
transatt.ion-20----25--30 per cent.;
5. Divide the total average daily •
expenses by the profit. on ,an av-
-•--------erase'---sales-•-transaeticrn ,
-Suppose. that you find that ' your
annual expenses, including a desired "
net profit,' total $4,000, or, say. $13.11
per day; that your average sales '
transactions is 56 cents," on which
the average gross profit at 25 per •
cent. would be 14 cents.. Then your
required number of sales transactions
pef day would be $13.11. divided by
14. or , 94. - .
Now to assure an -average of 94
•'sales transactions per day,. rain or
shine, • will require" you to be extra-
ordinarily diligent in the matter' or •
'attracting customers. Your windows
should be made alltiring. ,Your ser-
vice should be courteous,' prompt and
pleasing, so.as 3omake customers
willing "repeaters.". Your ' range of
merchandise sieoecldj diet good, • .and.
your` 'pirices ihoul'd be competitive.
Thus onegets the number 'of sales
transactions. required daily 'to re-
cover. the costs of doing busitfess... •
(Issued by the Canadian Weekly
rBut these alone won't suffice to
aSsure 94 :,biles transactions every•
day,, onn' average. You'll have to
do,a whole • lot of inviting. Week by
•week you'r invitation's Co` buyers • ought
to be published in this newspaper..
If you fail to issue cordial
invitations, Week by
week, thenyour
business is in a
state of peril.
0111c.n .. DAIL MEASV AING_,oP
S ,
Newspapers Association.)
Tyndall; insured with the defendant
company, were burned. The deien`se
is that plaintiff erred in making a
change material to his risk in, thai.
While installing a hydro service, he
peri�iitted a Workman to use a blow
torch, contrary to statutory regula-
tions, and that -he d'id`not'disclose
the fats to the •gonipany; which asks
-for _•a, dismissal --of `the:-claim;.McPher-=
son 'and `Mak-ins, of Stratford -L -are_
acting for the plaintiff, and J. W.
Busfield of Wingham,' for the defen-
Jury. Actions., ' - -
James Durnin, of Goderich, is.
claiming $2,000 from Benson John-
ston. Wawanosh Township, • for' al=
1eged seduction of his :(Johnston's)
• laughter. ,.An adjournment of the
:Ase has been agreed to.. by the 'plain
tiff,: wh'o consents to paying the
costs of the defendant's witnesses.
The' ;defendant denies all .knowledge
and responsiblity of plaintiff's claim.
L. E. Dancey is acting for the plain-
tiff. This case was carried over from
the last assize court. •
Action Against Bondi,
Ard' Watt. the Southampton youth
video made• his escape from Bruen
,Countyjail at Walkerton on the, af-
ternoon 6f Friday, August 28, and,
for who a country -wide search. has
been . made • is itlh nds of the au-
thorities -at Bart- Conn. Vt►ord to -
this effect came to hand recently
in a letter received ' by • Provincial
.Constable Otto McCI'evis of 'Walker -
'tem '
No- particulars regarding . the. app •
rehension of Watt were contained ;i
the .letter, and it is not known under
what circumstances hewas pieker•'up,
Pull particulars regarding: Watt and
'his escapades in this part of the
country will be forwarded at once to
the proper authorities at Hartford.
and it is expected in due course of
time he wild be deplortea, as he enter
ed- the United . States in an • illegal
intuition Just how long this will take
is unknown, but Watt will be met at
the United States border by • the
Bruce authorities 'and be brought
back toe ' Walkerton where he will
have to stand his trial there on the
charge of .eseapitt'g from etistody
There is also a charge against him ' from -her husband Harold • Melv.:n
of stealing a motor ear• at Southam- .Levis, formerly a policeman en the
pton a few, days prior ,td his escape Wrnnrpeg 'police one . an 6 now o
from the ja.il'ttt Walkerton, while he Toledo. Helen Josephson of Toledo is
nil niod ' as- co-resprondent. The couple
was' awaiting tri•al, he 'havia bean were married at Goderich in 1920,,
arrested in Owen Sound. It is said
that' he stoleanother car after his'
escape ' and that it was in this car
that he managed to get 'cl'ean swot.
Douglas I). Wetherell, gerageman,
Wingham, is: waking $15,000 from
; harles Bondi, wholesale fruit mer -
Thant, also of. Winghan, and Gordon,
Arde, Bondi's truck driver.. It is set
out in the "statement of claim that
Arde, driving the Bondi truck out
f the 'garage, pinned Wetherall
against the. wall, breaking his pelvis
lino. and ..inflicting ' permanent .in-
jury. Heckles ness is aIleged.' Mc-
Pherson and.Makins for plaintiff. -0.
E. Klein. Walkerton, for' defendants.
Case Arises Over Note
,,jary Taylor, Of Auburn. is claim -
.ng $1,050.47, principal and interest
a note from Vere Cunningham,
Colborne Township farmer. The note
is made in favor of the late Hester
Cunningham • and is dated -May ---01,
1921.' Plaintiff is the beneficiary of
•he residue under the will of Miss
Cunningham and claims";to be en-
titled to the proceeds ,of the note. De-
fendant sets out that he paid the in-
,erest regularly and ori' May 11, 1129,
in his home, paid ttie Principal ' in
aasli in the presence of his wife to
Miss Cunningham, and received a
receipt, the utrderstanding being that
Miss Cunningham tear ,up"the note
when she reached home. Hays and
Hays for plaintiff, F. R. Darrow for
defendant. •
Eleven Farmers' Sue
Eleven farmers residing near Kin
.ardi.ne seek to recover the suit' of
$2,800 from the directors of the Kin-
sardine Packing Company, t h e•
in•iount, it is alleged, representing
dividends illegally paid out by de-
Divorce Action • - .
A divorce .action' is brought by
4frs. Nellie Lavis, formerly Miss
Nellie-1!isher ofthe township of
Colborne. She is seeking 'a divorce,
1 • 11
Council met on Oetober 26th as
pee•, adjournment'. All Members pre-
sent. 'Minutes of lastt.; regular meet- •
sngwere. read and adopted: ;
The Collector 'presented his Bonl
for '1931 whish ' was "accepted, "'and`:
the . tax' Roll was •handed to :him for
The 1 ve iain of the. Black Creek
ad rt g
Extension wasleft in the hands of -
the Clerk. •
The Clerk was; instructed: to notify
all parties en the Pettypiece Drain
that their assessment.`'was due, and . -
payable. on or before November 23,
Alex' MCL• eod w,as • appointed • com-
missioner on the, Pettypiece Drain. • .
The Engineer's •Amending: report
On the Lott Municipal: Drain was read
andproves pally adop`ied: `The`c el";ik:-H"',
-to-prepare necessary .-By-Laws 2and : ---- --
the Court of Revision to be held at
Holyrood on . November 23rd at 2
urs --issued:- aril -M
Connell, plastering' the :Hall, $30.00:
R Caskanette, . building Chimney at.
Hall" 812.00: J. R. .Lane, selecting
Jurors, $4.00' .Board. on B.C. exten-
5.40, $9.40; J. W: Colwell, se-
lecting' -Jurors $4.00, •attending --tate
sale, 3.35; $7.35: R. Corrigan,' selec-
ting Jurors $4.00: Jones and Monteith
plans and 'survey' , Pettypiece Drain
$68,85: Thos:. Gaunt,__Postage ._and.(:_ex» •.
change $5.50: Dan• Cassidy, balance
S.;Stswart;-;balance--on painting -anti
supplies, Hall $1.50.00: G. W. Haiden-
$45.45: • Aleit McKenzie, past pay
Pettypiece Drain $25.00: A: B. Me- .
Kague,'.. Grant to Ploughing ' match.
$25.00:. Wm. A. Taylor, tile &'culvert
Pettypiece 4 rain "$13.00: Alex • Me-•
•L,eod, Repair McDougall.' Drain 16.30.
Highway cheques as follows: -
J, H. Ross P. L. 86 $41.20
J. H. Ross, P. L. 87 57 90
J. • H. Ross, P. L. 88 ' .-. . _- .- 56 60
J. F. Dawson, ,P. L.+ 89 -13.60
D. McDonald, P. L. ,90 • 3.00
R. Donaldson, P. L. 91 . • 37 30
R. Donaldson, P. L. 92 ._ 01,1 67,
J. A. MceKnzie, P. L. 93
J .H. Ros's,• P. L. 94 17 114 •;
Alex McLeod,: P. L. 95
Council to meet agaiei on Monday
23rd day of iNpveniber, or at, the'
call of the Reeve.
J. R. LANE, Clerk.
For Christmas
Until Next Christmas
and it- is- alleged. Levis'de5 'ted his
wife' in 1925. Three childreif were
born to the union and are now wattle
of the Huron County ' Children's Aid
$ocioty. In her' notice of salon Mrs; •
1 gift Order ,..:..,....'.',..;. '$1.00
3 CLft• Orders , • ,• 132:00
rordere in exceed of 3:..7Sc each-' -
• ORDER TODAY to ensure our best
•service and :G`hrist4nas morning •dre,-
livery of Grebting Cards on your.
behalf t d th'e. first tepee's of your
gifts.,. , s
Ltuckliow, Ont,' ',pope'