HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-29, Page 4AGE- Foga
41s. f
r Christmas
Until Npct Christmas .:
• v ,
, Mr, and MTS. S. Parry and family,
of Detroit were week -end visitors at
Jno. Hodgins'.
Mrs, Jas. Hodgkinson is visiting
her daughters, Misses Beth and Greta
of ,London. '
Mr. Cliff Lloyd and his mother
Mrs E. J. Halilenby of Tonawanda.
N. Y., visited, :with friends here, over
-t he-•-weeli'end.
Mr. Levi. Eckenswiller ‘as •,to•
Eugene .Falls on 'Sunday. 4 •'
= Maurice Hodgins, has returned
hame r from ; ' ' osr.ph's . Hospital, stitute are re;ninded that they are
London, ^ sifter a serious operations invited by the.' Wingham 'ladies, to
some time ago. attend a meeting being held in the
Mrs. Lavina.Ifoidgklnson , spent a Couric l chairiber! of the : Hall ° on
few days :last' week at the 'home .of Thursday. evening.
1' 'Gift Order =1:04',
S ..MG' ift`OiRe ..
Elft Orders iic=eaters-of 3. 75c earA__,_
ORDER. TODAY to ensure.our ,beet
service and Christmas ..morning de-`'.,
livery Of.„..Greeting Cards an + yoar
behalf sand the first copies of -your_.,,
•"'• TO •. THE SENTINEL, '
L icknoww, Ont. 'Phone 35
, The Y•P S; • of -the United chu reh
at Whitechurch are holding a Hal-'
lowe'en social on Friday evening, .Oct..
30. A lunch of sandwiches and pu,.mp-,
kin',•pie will' 'he served. Everyone
„,welcome,and Reubenspent
'Sunday at the boinq...,of Mr, and.Mrs
Russel 'Ritchie W. lVawaneati
.. Y,.-4.naer-sea-spent-Su-nda3'
with Mr. and Mrs.; John • Taggett of .,
near Blyth. '
The ladies of the Whitbchurch In -
At an__early_ AQUI' 'on Wednesday.
morning -.fie Canadian Press' report
ed ele,ction of 287 members out of.
6:15. The 'Government total .was 261,.
including -Conservatives, National
Laborites: and National Liberals,, and
the ,Opposition total of 24,. including:
.23 Laborites and two Lloyd George
Liberals. There were also. one Inde-.
--- pendent tenor-ted.-elected'.The: stand
ing was as follows:'
Conservatives ` '• .�....:__ 222
• ;;' National=Labor _ .. _ 4
.... NationalYLiberal- •
,Labor' • .: .» :. 23
Lloyd George Liberal ;x 2
.:.Independents , .�. ..-�. 1
Gains' arid 'losses so far are:
Gains '
Conservatives .__ 101
:Nat. -Labor t'
Nat:=Liberal 18:
Independent. ,. 1,
' ! Losses
Liberal 2
Labor ' ' • 111.
Independent i.._ 6
l?: + McDonald's, 2nd Con.
?Hos Ahce Collin*; of Kiicardine,
sited over theweek-end with 'Mrs.
M. McLean
Mr. and _Mrs. ,las Simpson of Hen
ell, , Mr, Jos, Siimpson ;of Lucan,. Ms..
and . Mrs. Jas. Armitage and ' Mies'
Mary., _Anderson, of: •I{incardine,` were ap
Sunday ;visitors at W. Boyle's.' J®moo rands
,_... _- . •- _. _.-6- -S R,of Mr.: and Mra. Jacls_>6t�nson; nci.
Mr and'Mrs J'��"McKay of •the Soo
Western Ontario can give thanks
for one of the greatest years in the
isto of_its_agrieultuxaLpred_uctio
A little 'baby gitl, arrived at . the
home of Mr' and 1VIrs Harold • Snarl
lyse, (lee Miss Irene Moore) on•Oct
20th .::Congratulations
Word was. received from Suiisek'
Sask",'that a baby girl has airived"ato
the ;honieof ]err, ane` Mrs: Seely (nee
Miss' Edith Gaunt).
'wereweek=end' . vxsitors�'-with`-ha. man
Mr and Mrs Gershom Joh
son • of East' Wawanosh is critically
Miss. Grace . Haldenby 'of *.Walker= ill of presin W,ingham hospital.
tole.p' s ent the week -end, • at her hgme We hope.. fentor a ,speedy recoveny. here: : The'" play: "The Little Clodhopper
: "_,_
Con atulations., .are extended to' . pres'e'nted"last Friday' •evenin,'th
g in e'.
Institute Hall by the A.Y:P.A. of
Mr: and Mrs: •Rud'olph.-,Seiloff, (nee
lilorine.,._I ode ns) of Detroit, whose Lucknow was well presented' and. was
marriage., took place on Oct: 8th.•enjoyed-'by' all Everyone played;their-.
Mt: and Mrs. A. Young and family .part excellently, 'but s'pecial'.mention
of. Kingarf, spent Sunday' at Jas: mmght be ;made' of Miss Dorothy
Hodgins': Cooke, acting . the part of: "The tit -
Mrs. M. Dudley, is ' visiting . with, tle Clodhopper" vi lio caused much
.�. Y _,{� - -merriment. _.
friends here._This; locality is ciOritributing to a.
_ 'Hot Fowl .Sopper *at the. Anglidan'earrot-a, hesos, sealers of' pickles. end,Ghurch. Supper will be ,serv,ed fromfruit, that ts. being sent froin Wing -
to ,8 P:M. Admission 50c and 25e.to the area in the West, whereMr. and Mrs. Geo. ..liainea and 11Punat they have hod . continuous sandfainily of Kingarf,• spent Sunday. !steroid end no vegetation,: Of anyMrs. Jane Perey's.WiriBroWit is serwhie-or the
Pinnell ' '
f . •
Pqb:lishr d every Thursday nornirig
at ,Lucknow, Ontario.
...A. D. MacKenzie, Proprietors.•
and Editor.
TH'URSDAY,, OCTQBER• 29th, 1931
- (DurhamChronicle)
Ten grocers at Sault Ste. Marie
have abandoned the credit system.
have pooled their• resources for.pur-
chasing ,purposes,. and 'hereafter will
'sell for "cash only" These Soo•• re••
tailers have found.. out something
which. ,they, have.. no doubt known for
a' long" time -=tile Tian' who owes, you
,generally .'runs; 'to tho other,.fel'o'a
when he .his' cash to ,spend
The credit. sy{{stem is getting
bad .shaking and the `time will `s4 on
be:here _ 'if not here already, when
the man who gives—credit, a It ,lust wine as r-tearibbe-sh-
.: :QuRrterly meeting•. marks in '.an-
lent.jandYirarlrin•-thin iistgn y -d_
life if Ashfield;. Circuit,. "Remove not . The. Tbankoffering• . and least' meet-•,
.the , • ancient landmark which • 'thying of :the Busy :.Bee Mission Band
'fathers -hath •set -•-Do ,not let us Sell , aq-'he1d-OntU'et a-good=nuinber
the. ground .hallowed by •our ;fathers being' present: The ,leader, Elizabeth
but • occupy until He comes. The day . MacIr led in Prayer after the open-.
�f ,Reniembrance'.appears• on i eour, ing: hying►: The ;secretary's ;report 'was
zoni=a. significant sign .you; say,: but...then-ready' The --,Scripture' -reading .by
.,ie-v,..ean-'one•-interpret:•the meaning Marian•- Campbell was • followed:, by
f this new ,star.. apart fr m the the *Roll Call, answered by something
hureh underthe mandate.• of it13. Head -to be:', thankful for. Another hymn
-"Do this in iremembranc'e of, ••Me' was sung 'after the offering. prayer
Ye -live in .stirring, times, the' voice. by Anna- Graham. Readings• were
if events' is as the . noise of ' many given by Meerle Middleton, Margaret
waters; but the still small voice of Thompson, Fraser McKinnon•, 'Grace
God may be heard saying, "Inasmuch Reynolds ,and Eunice Carter A piano
-as'-yegave-•done ;it -unto 'Me, one- .af -duet •by- • Grace" •MacLeod-• and Mary-
the least :of :these my brethren, ye' MacConnell and the topic by 'Mary'
•have • done it I unto me." 'The Cross' Campbell followed a duet by Jean
n' has not. lust' ii s-appreal, in=itself -suf .- •and Dorothy Graham,-Two-new--vice•--
cient, to draw you to. the place re- presidents were elected, Bessie earn -
served for you by the shedding . of ochan Ito Mary Campb"ell.'
His most precious blood. • The closing hymn . was then • sung
Quarterly• meeting next• �5unday at and Mary MacLeod -dosed the• meet-'
ing with prayer. -Press Sec'ye,
jury at Walkerton ;this. week. '
"Me value e f you?: fere. bone £r lust whdd you make 10
YOUR. telephone is as
g .Valuable ;asyou make
it,, for it, is;always ready '
and alwa s depe>adabler
It offers you speech with . .,
More and more people. It : is always increasing in
,efficiency and _simp1icity.
and 'dime.
be=bankrupt or paY.i -t°i."1..,far Canadians to -realize that _w:hilg-
-over-drafts-each-month -the-money is heavily disepurited 'by
it is 'going to be • hard on the • ones Y the money 'changers ori"; she mart,`
who need credit, but, they themselve. it is- also unacceptable .in the sight
are mostly to' blame for. the chane- .,f Jehovah. .
ions: There -are= -:altogether .:.._
:ng condi. The Candia, who reported the "hi-
;_ l.. a ho see:k.-aeoomo- -,i :sal _.
too many. •peep a deed,. said he felt :of if were ;in'-
dation fail to meet J b ,deed,. in the Valley of Humilation.:
,,teres :_._._._._W. •'
• their, ust , obli-
gations, ` and" get' huffed when, ' a. • us•
__ •taken a .al sac-taon'-to. collet
tiers ;man g ,
From" the . experiefice gained, busi-
ness lien,' can coni`e to only one con-
clusion; 'some people. contract- debti
which they had no intention of„ pay •
ing in the . `first place. This class
with the fellow who' has to be dune
ed "u.psteem" times' before he set
ties, .are responsible for the lack of
confidence in , hook' accounts. They
shall be the ones to; suffer •most.
.1 The 'first cargo' of grain from the
Hudson Bay port of Churchill has •
arrived in Britain. The journey was
made without the 'slightest difficulty. Zion at , 11 A.M. •
,t .
Doubling la Detail Business
Five; Years
An To double a retail business in 1` . • ' Our -
five years, add' 15 per cent. to the
Advertisement sales. of the preceding- year. At the LOCM
Ad •
of five years, sales mill he
Addressed to double their present amount. Retailers
Increasing one's sales to the extent of 15
per cent: per annum to sales can be a.:complisl
ed in two' main ways. Thus: •,
1. Increase the amount of each sales
transaction by an average of 15 per
cent. (Note: This is not. the same as
.raising your prices -15 per cent. To
do that would' be fatal,' even if pos-
sible). •
2. Increase the number . of customers
served, daily toy the extent -of 15 per,
Good salesmanship will enable a retailer
to raise the level of his average sales transa- •
tion -with advantage, to both his customer and
himself. Thus, a well-informed buyer Will readily
pay 20 cents or 2'5 cents' more for' a pair of,
gloves or • stockings or shoes, or for ,piece of
.enamelware, if tyre better valu' o the Meter
priced article is well: presented.
But' the better Way of raising sales to tho
extent of 15 per cent., is to, increase the number
of your customers:
Customer -increase' conies from (1) satis•.
factory• service, (2) 'satisfactory • goods and
' prices,; (3) „good window• displays; arid (4) goo°I
advertisements in this newspaper)
•Men and Wornen buyers alvniis want to
be informed," in their homes, by ' newspaper'
advertisements, about things which they plan
to buy; and they are responsive to retailers'
invitations„ Aliso, they like to see the advertise.
meats of those retailers whose customers they
A silent retailer can hardly hope to increase his business; and its
pretty certain he Wo;,i't double it'in five yearn.
(Issued by the Caiiadiais Weekly Nevvspa>Fers' . Asgeciation.)'A
(Estevan, .Sark., , ercury)
Disturbances in the local industrial'
-field have--provehed • ntucl►.-daeliate-,on.
capitalism., cCmmu ism and. 'sociial-'
ism, net always c'iarifyir g'the point
of divergence of .these, contrasting
_systems for regulating human society
Under. the• capitalistic .;systein, one -
set of men, termed capitalists, pro-°
vides the funds which :enable anoth-
er set . of men, known as labor, ' to
Produce •, material ' wealth, and the,
p ortion ' -Of
levies -for its ` new and on • a p
the wealth • so,' produced. •Coniinunisn•'.
seeks organization of society ' on thi
basis of common ownership of. the
goods , produced. It denies • the' right
to, private property and insists . that
common ,, use, and not for ; private
p>toductien .: must be. altogether for
gain. Socialism concedes -the right
private property in the products of
abler,:-.hut_lenies the right• to use ac-
cumulated surplus for profit. Capital-
ism dominates 'industrial life today
in nearly all progressive' countries,
and looks. to. government to'protect
private ownership` in the product of
labor of.others for .,private gain.
Communism would overthrow . 'gov-
ernment and substitute a federation
School Fair Winners.,:.Compete . At'
Clinton-Hokt ' Spell ng ' Match. -:
The .annual meeting of 'the Trust-
ees and Ratepayers' Association' of
Huron County was held in the 'col-
legiate auditorium on $aturday.' of-'
ternoon, attracting overv250. In con:
nection .with this .gathering .a •public
,:speaking •: contest and a spelling
match was held, the 'contestan be-
ing winners at' their resQ.ect'vc
school fairs. Ian-.McLeod,•-,agricu1tur- ,
al representative for Huron 'Count
?resided over the .contests.
The public. school . inspectors fol'
Huron County, Dr. Field and ' Mr:
Beacom, and the assistant agr'icul•
rural representatie, H. Atkinson,
acted as judges and awarded the firs,
prize to' Aline Clasher_ _of--Fordwich.
..whose subject, was "The Value' of
$ixds to' Man." . Donald Harris. , of
Goderich,whose topic was -"Butter,'
'secured second place'," while the • third
winner was William Farrish, of Col:
oorne Township, ' who spoke on "How
Agriculture Can Compete With In-
dustry ".•A . ._• .,. .-.
• Other contestants, all of whom
were avvarded- bent lis' consiilatio"ri
prizes, and their subjects were:. Gor-
don Anderson . Ashfield; "Canadian
Progress;" . 1V.iabel McCallum, Bel -
grave, "Ontario"; Lena Munro'
"The Industrial• Possiblities of 4orth-
3rn Ontario"; Kenneth Duggan, Clin-
ton "A Day with the Bayfield Fish -
armee; Leola Nott, Clinton, "Rural
Laura Secord"; Janie Alton, St.
Helens, "What I Should Like to be
of 'groups or :small-commurat es -Som, and Why'-';. Laura'_P•ord, _ Winchelsea _
cialism, concedes the need or central
government as the ins tr>^ meat by
which its economic theories may be
applied and made effect, 'e:
(Erreter Times, Advocate)
It is earnestly to be hoped that
Old Ontario has not set 'her foot it
her .apple. -.trade by sending apple;
out West for Saskatchewan relief,
packed as, these, apples have been
found. Let us hope for one thin=.
that- the apples reach :their` deptina•
tions in good condition, though this
is hardly to 'be looked for, as apple:
packed in sacks are Iikely to have
a rough time ofit. ,
In the -next plaee'let us trust the'
the Westerners will see in our, send-
iiig apples ---a esture•--dei good-
' fruit I
rather than a sample o f pack
ing. Farmers had neither boxes no.
barrels for, the . packing. They weri
aware of a great need in the par,.
of fellow citizens and ' did thei'
sturdy best to meet the emergent;
Westerners, as The 'unload cin- sup
lilies; mustin fairness keep these
facts in mind. • Perhaps Old Ontario':
well meant effort Will reopen the
apple trade with the West. There i;
nothing like making' the hest of ' a
bad situation.
(St. Gatliarines Standard)
A Canadian' in : attendance' at .t
Buffalo church was astounded yes
terday by thelannouncement of the
pastor. '
"I would like to .ask the congrega-
-tion• to remember in the r offertory
to place nothin but United States
in'4ney. Cootie' utions in rl cotoian
money will make it very embarras,
sing for our treasurer,' Wa`s the sub
stance of, the injunction and the int
achmefit of
pb' the Canadian nickel
"An Irish Boy who • Became Canada's
Greatest Merchant"; Stewart Mus-
grove; Wroxeter, '"Weeds and Weed
Control"; Martin Morlock,. Crediton
`Conservation of • Ontario's Forests.'
Laud Oratory
Thomas McMillan, M.P. for South
Huron; W. G. Medd, M. L. A., far
South Huron, all•'gave short eddies-
3es ,and ,lauded the standard of ora
:ory shown by the contestants.' Thc
.First prize was a silver cup donated
ay George . Spotton, • M.P., ' Not tl•.
;Euro,, who presented the eup 't
:he Winner and gave a short inspir-
ational talk to the contestants.
The spelling match, which ' war,
:onducted by Mr. di§ eacom, proved a
'teen cots est, all the entrants show-
ing a high-, standard of proficiency,
The winners were William Brown of-
Lurich;_Erances- llartin_of.._Colber-n
ind Mary Patterson of Godericb
township..The' word which decided the
-first prize winner was "prevalent,"
Frances Martin giving an "a" in
;teed of an "e" hi the last syllable.
Other entrants, all recipients of 'con-
solation prizes, and winners on `'the.;
respective school fairs, were Kennet;
Finlayson, Ashfield Township; Hi_idr
Slack, Belgrave; Ernest Robinson.
3lyth; Kathleen beacon,, Goderich
Township; air Ella Rowtley, Win-
.hester. p
SPARLING-At Whitechurch, on
October 20th, to., Mr. and Mrs. Harold
iJ. Sperling, (nee J. Irene Moore) a
PALMER-At At Kincardine, on Mon-.
lay, October 19th, 1931, to Mr, and-
Irs. E. ,A. Palmer, a daughter.
SEELY -At Sunset, Sask., to Mr.
and Mrs: Seely, (nee 'Edith.Gautrt),
a daughter. , •
One of the main pastimes in the
northern work -camps is swappin'
Many Denominat ons InT United
States and .Canada To Meet
In Cleveland,. Nov. 17-19.
Cleveland, O., • Oct.:. 28, 1981L -The
'Christian `Unity ''League,• a fellowship
f thousands •of .Christians" from •near -
y' every ' denomination in the United
73t-ates- rand .Canada, will hold -a- coni-=--
ierence on :all 'Christians getting.. to-'
;ether, at the Church of the Coven-
Euclid ..A•ve. ,and . Cornell.._Tload,:.. - - ,
gait. 17-19, 1931.. .
The League ' is • composed.. of indi
''idual Chrintia.ns,• there ,being :no del- '
egated, groups,' . but each 'Member of
ne' 'League supports 'the • Pact .def
reconciliation, which calls for the
ecignit.on .oil
the equality of all
Thristians before 'God: One denomin-'
,tion 'posing; a's •superior to. another •
-ienomination '•because„of• -this, • =that,
• rr the other,.:and therefore,' refusing '•
. nembership, the Lord's•. -Supper :"anal
-'ts' ail'pit'.to another:-because`he=-i. -.
lot -the same -denomination -is -regard- - -
.:d 'as a worldly' and -scandalous con
l.ition: The ni,,otto of the League. is
. `One' is, your teacher . and .you are
'brothers.” • ' • •'
• The program . begins ' at 4 'o'clock
n the afternoon of . the 17th with • a
rrayer service ...conducted. • . by Rev..'
'Peter Ainslie, Baltimore, . and : in the •
;venins ithe .celebration of ;the' Lord's
Supper • with Rev. •Philip
minister • church of •the. Covenant, and
Rev. I%arold • • Q. . Phillips, minister
First Baptist Church, as ,-Celebrants.
These will . be assisted' by- ministers
find laymen from "all •denominatio.ns
ifahe-city_:.To-•thin•-. ervice-talt.Chis-
tians are invited.. It will be perhaps
:he largest communion service • ever
-held in. .!e city.
The .day,, following will he `the • re-
ports, from the • •commission on the
`United Church of Canada" by :Rai,.
-3: D. •Chown; Toronto, chairmaii, and.
he' . proposed •"United..Church of the
United- States" by Dr. '.Herbert L.
Chicago,. chairman.
The last day will. be the presents -
reports. frorn•-coninalissions