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. 4
L CK OW, 91°41%1, TH R5 AYa OCTOBER 29nd, 1951
DENTIST'Di rRr- j:-° eleai•ein ,L• seknow.,_,.
Hours: 9-12 A. M 1.30--5 P.M
WALL 'PAPER= -A j ull lime,of •'1931
Wall Paper on hand. Pricesconsider-,.
fbly .down for. 1931. I am also -agent
or leading job houses
Decorator, Painter and` Grainer
l3ox '174, Lucknow
•FOR SALE Second Hand Buggy,..
Apply .to W' G Andrew, Lucknow.
Small Apartment: of R°eons 'to rent
:-above the Store. Apply "MARKET"
' 'ENT iEigghtTrioonied house,
---half acre •ground,, electric -lights, -good
situation, -Apply at Sentinel ' Office.
FOR • SALE -2000 lb. Platform
Scale, as good as new - Apply at
Sentinel Office:
FOR • SALE -Young Cow -Half
Jersey,_, newly._ freshened -
• Apply .at Sentinel 'Office.
FOR 'SALE -A, number•' fo., White
Rock and• Barred Rock Pullet's.-
. Apply .to . Wallace Twamley
See the 'Good Cheer ' range with
Reservoir : and ' Warniing Closet,
Priced • at Sixty .eight•••do'llars.-
. Forty, Purebred. •Oxford Sheep to,
let .on shares.=Apply to John Farrish
Dungannon :82 -13.,' R. 7, . Luc�snoiw
FOR SALE Electric,' .portable
Sii3gen_.Sewing_.Machine,_good as new.
Apply•to' Box 91, Lucknow, or at P. 0.
' -baby .:8. Months •old. - •Apply Secy,
'Children's Aid Society,--Walkerton,-
Competitions Staged at. the •Ackert
Farms at • Holyrood, :Keenly Con-
tested --Large" Crowd • in Atten-.
dance'= -•11 year. old Boy, . Centre
"of Attr.actian. • '
Snipping,- Provisions
For' Western. Relief
• The •Plowing:match under:, the
;'auspices Of the:.South Bruce Branch
of; the Ontario .Plowmen's' Assoei--
tiot,. held' at the Ackert farms at
'HoLyrood on , Thursday. las,'' was a'
gratifying 'success., •' ,
More ideal .weather -could -not have th undertaking,_:.Contributions' ;of'
been wis a or an .a .crow.,,, . s` an surplus-of=fruit . or vegetablLe
estimated'. -of-"' about -four thousand - •-- -
s Zes T to -
m. are asked for, .such aspI► rn
people. gathered• at the various•fields..p; cabbage, beets, carrots, etc. :. .
in which the contests were held. The fW9
stubble class, including riding; walk-
understand that 'potatoes are' not re,
ins, and tractor plow events was'held•
mitred;.. Contributions can be 'left at
in fields just .south , of Holyrood, Thompson s grocery:
Messrs. .Ken'neth 'Cameron; and
while the Sod _class __entries Competed ;
1 north.' John Joynt have' :donated. large
one in enrt. . 1•' df
Spectators: were present hi large
numbers from the :surrounding coun-
try and, towns. Lucknow was well:
represented and :.it was, a spectacu-
lar sight on nearing the scene of ae-
sivi'ti'es to view .the dozens of teams
plodding :along; the'hundreds of
:.ars and :.people grouped.-aroundhe
background of tidy farm buildings
and ill the`' distance the autumn
woods. adding' a touch Of color to en
Nance it all. ' ' •
In all there were '• eight classes
with`,an'-additional-list -of-numerous
special prizes. 'Bruce .Jeffrey, the 11=
Plans Are Made to l t'eeeive Contri.
•;butions of• Fruit'and Veggtablee
For West,
Recently, .the Ladies' Aid of the
United: Church forwarded 'a substari'
tial bale of clothing to the needy In
Southern • •`Saskatchewan. , and now
steps ' are being taken by', the' con=
gregatio o the United Church for
shipm t .of. a., carload'" of?- fruit and
vegetables to "this distressed area
AR n'ieeting. • was : held at,. Andrew's
implement' shop on '. Monday morning
when arrangements were 'made for
` o
Joint Installation
I, sive Event
District Deputy President, Mrs. 'Mar-
garet Bryce of- :Ripley -;and District-
' Deputy :Grand. Master, D. .C. Taylor
'Officiate. -Ceremonies Will Atten-
+The joint •installation . cereinenies'
of Jewel•' Rebekah•. Lodge and Luck -
now' I. 0. O. F. Lodge were: ;conduc-'
ted ;in the lodge room on• Friday,
night before a splendid ...repxeeenta
-tion , of each eider. Visiting brothers'
arid: 'sisters were `,present from. Wing
'hp'n,-•.Rip1•�► and• Rovvie
---The Rebekah work was- conducted-'
ass s ed
by Mrs. Bryce, ,.t ,
and the I. 0.0. F. work, was conduc-
Led l y 'Mr. D. C. Taylor; assisted.'by`
his staff. Both "ceremonies were: pre-
seited . in a very capable and inv.
`pressive manner, which.preyed ;both
interesting and- instructive.
quantity o ' apples an a crew o 'Following the installations..sever-
._ are..busy..at;•these orchards al -visiting brothers .were.. called.. up
this week, sorting and bagging the
This, is a 'very . benevolent .under-
taking and ;Ontario.. generally • his
risen:' to the occasion' and grasped the
ppoctunity ` of_doing: eheir hare.-.te
provide for ` the. ` More unfortunate
folk of that province. It:was'announced
on, who.. 'made brief remarks, also
Reeve Rae, Mrs. Bryce' and .Mrs:'
A banquet ,followed,. when -a sump-
tuous • dinner was served by. the Re-
bekahs. T -he lodge-room=was.�arrayeit_
with neatly set little, tables and the
delicacies and service provided by
last week; through the 'central offices . the ladies :was . all that. could' be de-.
of .the churoh that thirty-eight,. car ed. A social dance followed which
loads of clothing; fruit and vege .nclud'ed a very enjoyable .evening:
tables; mostly. from'oOntario, had The Rebekah installing officers,
been ••shi ed to..the West through the 'Were: b - _
pp - wre. D. D. P, , "Mrs. ' Bryce; 7Depaty
yell=oicr ees -afar- laid•--vwas-thereen-:.Unite Church's, relief efforts and
y :hat twenty-seven more carloads from
tre ' of, attraction, winning the special .
prize' for 'the, yoiingest_p1ow.man .,and this Province were ' definitely . prom
tki'f`d pla in-tha boy's --class 'sed-----
under i6 -Harrison brothers ' of -Galt New ..-Low' Pfides: `ori 'Men's• , Wo -
were awarded the .'special prize for men's and Children's. Hosiery- i1MAR:-
STORE FOR RENT -The store oming the farthest distance. „
until recently occuj�ied' by Walker r 'CETT Lucknow De1.pt. Store.
Tl , gffi. -�A, good bit iness, location. There -was -a-: -Qtal of forty-eight'
Apply to J. Moore,Lucknow., entries in the . various cl'ass'es, with•
(30 -4 -ti) ' onlyitwo• entries, Harvey -Ackert and. PAINFULLY HURT
: FOR SALE -Colonial Range, in P. O'Mally in the tractor class. •
good .condition,' 8 lids, . with heating The results were as follows': ' ' Suffers Badly'Cut Hand and Cracked;
closet,--lar-ge-oven-arid-:-reservoirs Wil1_i•._.._-.._-_ _..SOD SS_ — _____ _
_ _Biba As Result of -Accident
Classy 1' . , . • C,LA,0
Plain or jointer -plows, open, W. J. ' Miss Margaret McKenzie of 'the.
(29-9-c") Harrison, Galt; Herb • Arkell, Tees village suffered painful injuries on
o . water; Jack Willots,. Winghaiii; Herb Thursday hen> she was struck We • have a number of Radi , by' .€,
Cabinets ',Which we will sell ' at :a Schnurr, Walkerton; .Morrison Ellis, 'car• driven by Mr. Melvin Orr: Miss
bargain:- The.y- are well finished .and 'Walkerton.1VIcKenzie lives with her sister on
, ,:. could be used as a"washstand. Any Crown and finish, W.- Harrison
- -- - : - - Cam pbell=-street,:'..east ._:_of ; the United
one who has.. -=a .battery--set_shour& Class- 2
have one. Call at• factory and get plain plows open to those not pre- church: She was on her way -home
prices. ' .-Signed the st eat downtown,the and -...was crossing
LUCKNOW TABLE. CO. �I-,IMITED vious winners --William Mitchell, :Lis- driver rounded
' (5 -11-c.) .- towel; Walter Woods, Wingham; Al- the corner to go.north on havelock
vin Hehn, 'Holyrood; Stewart McDon-
▪ AUCTION'SALE street' and struck her.. When the ac
Thomas Harris' Auction Sale .Pre- aid, Teeswa'ter; George Ingram,
cident occurred Miss McKenzie was
viously announced_ -to _be held today, Teeswater.: Crown and finish -Wm. ,brown flack; on the' bumper 'being
itc e , f carried' there • for a number • of feet
Class. 3 until the car was ' brought to a
Jointer plows -Amateurs. Gordon top. •
Yeo., Wro>teter; y Herb McKague. sFollowing ; the accident the. injured
Teeswater; Geo. Pettigrew, Holy ,lady. was taken to her home' where'
rood;; ' Arch. ' McKinnon, Culross.
Crown and finish -Yeo. she was attended by Dr. Connell. In
the impact, which broke the glass of
• (Continued on Page 5) the headlights her right hand was•
badly gashed, and cracked, fibs ad-
ded painfully to the ; injuries.
sell reasonahly:- A'plily•
Arfnstrong; 'Phone 93;. Lucknow.
will be held at the Agricultural shed
Ripley on Thursday, -November 5th,
commencing et 1.30, when 75 -head
of Cows, Calves, Yearlings and ,2 -yr:
-old' Feeding Cattle and a num1.ber of
Breeding Ewes will be offered for
sale. ' 'Matt. Gaynor,' Auc.
The undersigned • has received in-
structions to offer for sale by Public
'Auction at the premises on, Friday,
the sixth day of : November, 1931, at
o'clock in the afternoon, the follow-
• ng 'Village •' property: '
The westerly • fifty-five feet of
•Village Lot Letter "L" on Campbell
street' in the Village of Lucknow in
'the .County of Bruce. '
The'property compriset nearly one-
gyarter acre of `land; a'• comfortable
frame dwelling and a• small building:
suitable for a Hen house.
Terms, of Sale; 'leen 'per,. cent. of
the purchase price to be paid"at time
of sale and the balance'within twenty
days thereafter. The property is offer-
ed for sale' subject to a reserve bid.
--• -We1l,.Idenderson, Auc., Lucknow, Ont..
HAINES-In the township of East
Wawanosh, on Tuesday, October 27th,
1931, George Haines, aged eighty-
nine years. The funeral service will
beheld' in the United Church, Luck -
now, on Thursday, October 29th, at
two o'clock P.M: Interment in Green-
hill Cem'etery:.
New Low Prices on. -Men's,' Wo-
men's and Children's undergarments.
"MARKET" Lucknow Dept. Store.
Annual Meeting
.0f Citizens' Band
Officers. Elected. For Ensuing Year -
Financial Report,Was Gratifying -
New Instruments to be Purchased.
Mr. and Mrs. Edvward Johnston
and babe left for. Stratford the first
of-.the_week, after residing' in the
village for over a year, where Mr.
Johnston was employed on the office
staff. of Silver 'Weed's' Dairies Ltd.
"Eddy” goes to' the Stratford branch
::as `'accountant. Previous to their de-
nature, employees of the local plant
present Mr. Johnston with a splendid
pen and pencil set, which conveyed
their best• w'ishes••for his supcess in
his nee.appointment. .
• The Annual . meeting' of'Unite•l
1�'armers of "North Huron 'will be held
• in the Council Chamber, Wingham,
on Thursday, Oct. 29th. Afternoon
and evening sessions' at 2:30 p.m. and
• This E.,
8 p.m. Mr. W � mo's. and • rs.
C. Guyitt will deliver addresses. hi
O Your opportunity to discuss your
problems .with your fellow farmers.
W. J. 'Henderson., Mrs. 0• G, And
Directors, • R. J. Scott,' Sec'y.
Lucknow To Enter Senior Groifp-
Prospects Are Good For A Strong
Hockey is once again engaging
the attention of those interested and
recently it, was decided, to enter
a senior team in the N. H. L. There
vvas talk of a .Junior entry also,.but
it was,thought that from a .financial
point two teams 'were not advisable.
Bill Henderson is• available this
year, following' a season's exper-
ience on the London Normal team
also Mt. _C. L. Oberle, manager of
the Bank of Montreal. All of last
year's players Will be .on hand, when
the season opens and it looks as if
there will be keen competition tib
'catch a place, ' and: when these boys
get rounded into'shape should offer
a formidable line-up. 'A
With. the appointment of more
Genie Warden s this season, the law
Wilt b`'e` - mels strictly- enforced.
'For license' apply 'to R. J. Moore.
Marshall, ':. Mrs. R. IL Thompson;
D. Warden, • Mrs. Clark; : Inside
Guard, :Mrs. H. Aitchison; Da See'y.,'
Mrs. -:-Jas. Smith; p. 'Titea3 , Mrs.
'Robe. Fisher; D., Chap., Mrs. W. L..
MacKenzie, ,
Officers ' . installed:
N. 'G. -Mrs. W. Hamilton:
"'V:�G.=Mrs--Chas: Cook.
Fin. Secy Dales. Jewitt
Rec: Secy. Miss. Isobel Murdie.
Treasurer =Mrs: Fred. Nixon.:
• Chap -Mrs. Robt. .Fisher
LL pianist=Mxs:. WalkeiF:
Warden -Mrs, Sproul '
Conductor -.Mrs. Robt. Button.,
R. S N. G. .Mrs. W. L. McKenzie
L.' S. N. G:=Mrs; Jos. Agnew' Oportumty to -earn a o
R S. V. G.—Mrs. Harry Nixon.
I. S. V. G. -Mrs: (Horne..
•Inside •. Guard -Mrs.- -Ches..Steward
' `The' annual meeting of the Luck -
now Citizens' Band held in the Coun-
cil Chamber on Tuesday night' re -
Stilted in an enthusiastic gathering
of members and.interested ci�izens.
Reports, election of offic �: s and dis-•
cussion, oecupiet the eiiening• slid
stimulated 'those present to continue
with renewed energy: in supporting'
the interests of the band. Reports'
indicate ,that • our -'band, which is
generally known to have made mark-
ed • improvement, has concluded a
most successful year with a substan-
tial cash balance. This enables the.
officers to purchase new required in-
struments, which is the first' step in
continued improvement:
The band • goes into winter train-
ing' 'imm'ediately and will bold their
first practice in the Council Chamber
next Tuesday evening' at 8 P.M. All
bilayers are'requested to be present.
The following officers were elected:
President -W. J. Davison: Vice-
pi:esident-G. H. Smith: Secy: Treas.
Hamilton: Executive -eon.
sisting , of the above ' officers arid.
Melvin Orr,• A. E. Buswell, Kenneth
Murdie Will Lockhart: Music Lib-
rarian' .Melvin Ora;;_._. Custodian
Instrumnents- John• Hayworth: De-
ut Band' Master --Art. McCartney':
De -
BandinasterqA, .Schatte (his appoin-
tment continues until January • 81st,
according to Council • grant.)
The bBrea.d'
Of Health
The Bread
of Health
" < E -P ES AIS S iJAREB '
••;' SCONES,; a+'RUIT , CAP I , , .R. .. , .fN &L• . � °.-' '� " •
. q
SerQice Tv�•Be I�elt� - •: AND GENERAL
�brance Da
Morning Service ' Win be Held At
Cenotaph; Wednesday, November
I1tl�--C�ul$en Will Again Sell
Poppies -This Year.
Arran e menti, are underway for
▪ holding of a Remembrance.; Day
ceremony at the Soldiers' Memorial
on • Wednesday :morning; November
lith, similar to that of last year.
�ilIage clergymen Will take part and
at -eleven o'clock..a tw_o__m:inute_s_
iilence will • be observed..iir commem-.
.irallion of,. the' .signing of the Armis-'
:ice.' • It is expected ` that the school
children aswell as the general public
will take part• in the service.. A • part•
sf the service will be., the placing of
Today is the last •half • holiday for
this "season:
Mrs. Hassal visited .over the week.
end -in Brussels with her lion,
Hallowe'en= Saturday :evening, •'Oa
teller 31st: -Watch your front gates
Mr... Clarence Greer. visited with
friends in. Detroit, over the week -end.
Miss •Wi.nnifred. Douglas 'is visit.
...ng -this ,week..with-friends-in- Tor .
Mrs. Richard' Webster and Lenora
;pent the week -end'. with relatives in
Mrs: Johnston and Mrs.' Russel.
.reaths' - at, the, monument and .it itobertson- :were ., recent visitors,... in
's 'hoPed that the various societies,. 3eaforth. r
organizations and churches may con- Mr. Charles Hoilgerth spent 'the
tribute in this ` respect. These can be ::::ft -end '.with 'friends in ,Exeter .sued
-nurehased_froJ.1 the Vetcraft 'Shops.• 3eaforth.
To • Sell' Poppies
The. Women's .Institute. all ve a so. Miss.; Gampbellof-Coderieh spent '.again this ybar the. sale week -end : ,with her sister, ' Mrs..
ofVetcraft poppies: It is expected .,']lliott.; Miller.
that . the= -children of 'the village -will- —4r.-and-Mrs.-David-Scobie-and-son •
offer these for sale the end of'next William • of Cargill, were Sunday'
week. The poppy is more than 'a visitors in town.
mere tag, ;it is ` an Emblem of • iv, and' ,
Mrs.• McLean : -Johnston
membrance, 'especially to those whose :ind Helen ' of Ingersoll were week-.,
love, ones sleep where- the poppies- tend' visitors barer
grow. These' poppies are manufac- • . •
tired in Vetcraft shop, giving dis- . 'Mrs. Wm. Martin Of Stratford,
abled veterans of the World War an' 'isited•for a few days last week
livelihood. _with friends- .in . town.-'
Mr. and • Mrs: Jas.' Webster and
Gen"ulna C'omoco Col Liver Oil fel--
or Wellington -spent the ' week -end in
Poultry. ,We have' it in bulk. Wellesley and Ingersoll. ' ,
WM. MURDIE. & SON' Miss `Jean .McKim' .
is - s ending .2 ' ..
spending " •„ "1 f k t th h f M •
Outside Guard -Mrs. Melvin . Orr,
The `L 0. 0. F. installing officers
were: D. D. G. M, -D. C. Taylor;
Grand Guardian, Chas. Cook.; Grand.
Marshall, Robt. Fisher;' Grand War-
den, Jack McQusig; G. Rec. Sec'y:,
Will Lockhart;• G. F. Sec'y., Harry
Nixon; . Grand Chaplain, Jas.'Smith..
Acting N. G. -Horace .Aitchison.
Installed Officers: •
G. -Alex. Sutherland.
. G. -Fred 'Nixon.
• . • :
Rec.. Sec'y.-=Kenneth Murdie.
F. Sec'y.-Eldon Johnston.
Chaplain -Charles Steward. -
Warden -Melvin Orr.
Conductor --Gordon Johnston..
R. S. N. G. -Dean, McInnes.
L. S. N. G. -=William' Andrew. •
L. S. V. G Andrew Thompson.,
• R. S .V, G. -Campbell Thompson `
R, S. S. -Reg. Levis. '.
L. S. S. -Gordon Jamieson • •
Inside Guardian -Austin` 'Solomon.•
Outside Guardian -George Fisher.
'A' Hallowe'en Tea will be held in
the basement of the United church.
Friday afternoon, from 3.30 to .6.
Everyone welcome. Come and bring
-your friends.-Silver..Collection. '
There will be a dance in the Orange
Hall on Thursday.evetttng,'November
5th: Music by McCartney's Orchestra.
Ladies are asked to ,bring cake ' or
sandwiches.' Everybody welcome.
• The Rebekahs are requested to
each donate a sealer of fruit to I. 0.
O. F. Home,,in Toronto. • Please leave
it at Robt. Button's shy not1ater
than' Saturday evening. -R. Sec'y.
Card of Thanks , .
The South Bruce Branch' of the
Ontario Plowmen's Association wish
to thank the Ackert; for• the use of
their fats, the committees for their
efficient work,' and everyone who,
helped- make the 1931 match such a
sucefss. , W. 11. Arkell, Pres.
Alex, B. McKague, Sec'y.-Treas.
for'Western Relief is' being
A. car for W�
filled. Any person having vegetables
as ,turnipe, carrot's, cabbage, onions,
, p
not potatoes)= -in large or small'
of quantities, leave at Robt. Thomp-
sori''s grocery not later than, -Friday
October 30th.
The need is .great, the response
should be hearty.-
$eltl Comp tee
Upon receiving a liberal breakfast,
after spending Saturday night in the
local jail an aimless wanderer set
out from the village on Sunday
morning. ,The chap, poorly attired,
whom we would judge to be nearing
the. three -score mark, arrived in town
Saturday evening.and after spending
a. -few -hours• at Culbert's .implement.
shop, where he became the centre
of curiosity, was given a bed for the
night in the jail. According ' to his
story he was seeking • work in vain,
and after . leaving the village was
known to seek work on a farm on the
'second concession.. However we doubt
if his services would• be greatly d a
sired and as well he . apparantly was
suffering from -some asthmatic
trouble, which would limit his ability
-to work. ' '
To be staged by local talent under
the auspices of the Woinen's Insti-
tute; November 12th and 13th:
A 'three act musical farce with a
splendid line up of local talent that
can be relied upon} to give the public
something outstanding in music and
acting under the able direction `of
Mr.' R: B.. Hawthorne,' who success-
fully staged -"Cinderella" and ."Rosie
O'Reilly. A feature of the Cinderella
play which was so popular was the
Children's pageant: A similar hart
is played in "By The Great Horned
Spoon." - r
An At Hone is being held in the
Town hall, Lucknow, en Friday ev-
e`n ing, Oct.. 30th, for the members of
coup e o wee s a a ome o r.
and Mrs. A. E. McKim.
Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. McIntosh, Kath-
leen • and Alex spent the week -end
with relatives' in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Trimble Bailey and
family ol•' Cargill, were Sunday vis-
itors with Dr. and Mrs. Treleaven.
DON'T. FORGET. the. dance._of -the' •
week on Thursday, ' (tonight).at
Sheppardton-IfcMorran's Orcheistra
5 pieces. •
FREE -At Paterson's, one full
size tube of Colgate's ,ribbon dental
cream with every Colgate or Palmo- •
live . purchase. '
Mr. Victor. Cassie left this..week
for Cargill where he will, be employ.
ed by • Silverwood's Dairies, Ltd., as
butter maker. -�
Mrs. Howard' Yates was rushed to
Wingham Hospital on Monday night
where she successfully underwent an
:.appendicitis operation.
• Friends of Mrs. T. E. Smith will
he -pleased to know that She is mak-
ing favorable improvement following
at serious operation. . '
D r. and Mrs. R. L. Treleaven are`
esetat • in -Toronto. ' The
doctor's office will bo open as usual
on Monday morning. . •
WORK BOOKS,''ruled and plain,
regular 100 value will he en' the One
Cent Sale, 2' for..11e.. at McKim'a
Drug Store, November 4th, 5th, 6th
and 7th.
it tlefair Mr. and Mrs,
Mrs, Mary L t ,
Melville Littlefair, Mr. Cliff Little -
fair and Miss Birdie Jones, all. of
Toronto, vii'ere weekend visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. N. • D'. McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. Leadly of Ailsbu'ry,
Sask.,were recent visitors with- the
latter's uncles, Messrs. K. R. McKen- •
zie, 2nd Con., and Wm. McKenzie of
town. Mr. and Mrs. - Leadly intend '
making their lionte near Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rathwell inoved.
this week to their. residence east of
the Paraniro ntt _arta -Kairsh`ea-U ':W. statynfi -sheet :;,•J r- ..a ild fes, ,swig _ ...
0. and U.F.0.. clubs.. Will ladies of Taylor. and fanti'ly 'who have been
vi it :i ,: -, and Kair-occt eying the' ' house have moved to
k nd
• g g ca e
shea clubs 4ma farm, on the 4th. Con. of Huron
shea ladies bring sandwi¢lies.•�-
airsit 'a- 1L1T ..._.
e �l •