HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-15, Page 8i4. uoKN'O W I NTiNE' ..4 sti►i K)qi - fiIttTYtgDAY, OCTOBER „5th, too', a•N 44611 FARCE WYT;l3 .MUSIC : 'Lloyd L>etherby -- Il'iueetorfri ht .:Ootob r `0 Two Nights` BENEFIT,., TSE I#1.KISNOW , OMENS" BAND I. cWNOVif O F�9PIE• ... . S>ppy Cho 'Girls Georgeous: • ‘Costuines Handsome', M'en. in Disguise' :contains a, lou h' urtain'=-to curtain -and WillT_prov-e '"the. Son's :bit. q:' .ALL SEAT RESEW/BD: :PRICE `50c.'.' plans --of „seats -_on. Sale atitei n'a•_ Drug S.tdre, °Friday, Oct. 16th, at 9 .A: , lf� J . Special Matinee for Children Monday afternoon. at' 4.15--15c RESERVE THESE. NIGHTS AND HELP' THE BAND After the Show Tuesday • Night. Everybody, :Come Social D: 1 i , G .SI'I E :green Heltry -7-The-home-of Mr-anc =-104 Fr&nk. Henty, Castehall Farm, was the 'scene Of a quiet 'Wedding on Monday,.::O,O. 12, when their, daughter, 'Robina Matt- dance Slightly Lower Than ,Last land ,was •,united m inari;iege to. IUIr. Malcolm F. Green of Doon, Ontario., Irea Lwluttew Citizens', .Band ,In formerly of Kitchener. The ceremony •Attendance, was performed•.,by, Rev. `JI, D I'arkc'' C ' �f Grace United,.aC- ulrcl,1.rr., .raaP.SALn,-.-,Taicing-advant.age=of-'the avorable-, weather last Friday;.. a large crowd' was an 'attendance at the 70th annual exhibition. of the Dungannon Agricul- hingan11.011, 'Fair - ja; Fh le Weather Wiles Were ' Splendid Ku.t ' Atten- brother -ii -law of the .groom; assisted. 4by , Rev. T. C. Wilkinson of White, church United Church The bride who. was given in marriage byy her father wore .a dress of ivory satin • which • tura'l: Seociety.• ' bad been worn by two previous' Brides There was' an' merease in ;the num- of the family and 'carried a bouquet of roses and: maiden hair" fern. Later ber of exhibits with na fine display of and Mrs Green left •for.,a. trip apples the moat preminent prize win-. to• •Winnipeg after whish they;; will Hers in; this class being T.rI Salk= eld, D:. J McAiser, !Wallace Miller • Make, •their'lionle .ins"North Bay .�� , - lltlac.,.. Mr. arid Mrs.. ,•Fred, Thompson f •ate and -Lorne Durnrn Jas T: Lyons, with Bobbie : 'Mr.' •arid ' Mrs . ,Pou" las M l : Flit Hereford' herd. Won the , Bank of ., g a... colmson` and so. n • Donald..•.o f Tgront ,.. Commerce -atrophy as sweepstake Mr and Mrs: Joe`TifTii►;' Mir and Mrs; ger : `Sam Alton wasL•the b,ig prize Dan,_ and; ,Mr.,winner' • in the, swine section and' _Orville.T'rtli•.n,. Joe and_ _ and Mrs. Wesley ° n ' f� ~ardoaa- i r - •11 II . o x giving -with MTj and -IUDs: Geo: Tiffin dry_ prizes ..__ • EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION TO .CONVENE , AT CLINTON The annual' convention , of : Huron County .'Educational. Association of t" Trustees and Rate Payers will:: be held • in :the auditorium of Clinton Colle- ' giate Institute.' on : Saturday, October 24th, commencing ''at one o'clock ,p.m. Inaddition to--tile•-•-Public=Speakin Con -there"' vey_.-. • - test • � there wrlfi `be a Spelling Match for ;the winners .of the several. •-seheol•-Rears--o€-.thereountY-Mr•-101- SABBATH SCHO•OL,'• • ' CON'VENTION, KINCA1tDINJS Reports. Given-at.Afternoon.:Session Denote 'Healthy.'Growth in. All Schools.. • • With .about•'75 delegates .= gather: in* at : If nor Presbyterian . Church, Kincardine, the Fourth Annual con-. g' ventio*. of the• Sabbath School .teach-. ers and'officers-- 'of Maitland" 'Presby,' tery proved' very successful on Tues.; ,day, Oct 6th,' afternoon and evening sessiens-being, helcITiCev`"` • 1 inae Donald of--Lucknow; ..-acted-as-chair Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ross. and Miss Jessie, M. and .Mr. Milton Ross and little; daughter, Mr. and Mrs.. Walter, :. Ross and two •sons .all of 'near Tees water, :; Mr. and Mrs. ,Aitcheson and ;Miss Ada of:Chesley, Mr.and Mrs. Archie Patterson and family of Luck- now, spent .:Thanksgiving with Mr.. • a • colm : McBeth- f - taiL_aud Mr. W. M. . Morris of Toronto,, president ;.and ' secretary respectively'•of the •Ontario Schbol . Trustee's' and Rate Payers' Association ;Will • be . present to give addresses' and to lead in ssa: .Round' -Table-=Conferee .-Come- pre-` pared to 'take part in the `discussion,. A .cordial :invitation' is extended to teachers,: trustees and rate payers of the County and , all . interested in ed- . • ucational work, to be present. melt ' et both sessions. In the afternoonK. McLean of Wingham, conducted' the devotional exercises. Douglas 1. You 31ipt: of Knox School, •.extended a very warm welcome to the delegates, on behalf • of "Knox congregation and, or ganizations. Mr. J. C. Murdoch; of Lucknow, :gave. a very:.. interesting•. address on the. subject "The Superin tendent-His Responsibility and Op- :;ortunity;" The speaker: believed' that inspiration was most • essential Sabbath- School °work :$e ..apoke .,on the use of the Bible in the schools,. o=operationt""at, the, --homes and ••the .power of, prayer for boys and girls. A very beautiful solo; "Jesus ' To- day" was rendered by Miss Margaret McKay, which was greatly' apprec- dated. Brief reports of the work by all the schoolsof the Presbytery rep- resented • were then • presented and these were of an encouraging nature in all cases pointing out 'increased enthusiast in Sabbath School work. The final period in the afternoon was a round table conference'. led by Rev. Dr, FKanpawin, of Toronto, Sec- retary of the Board of S.S. and Y.P. $: ' of the Presbyterian Church in Canada Thediscussions, • were entered into heartily, many :beneficial points were advanced for the furthering of. the- work: -- Following the closing of, this ses- sion supper was served -in- the school roomto the visiting delegates.' At the evening session following devotional exercises, Rov. T. D. Me- Cullough delivered an address on the theme of individual :preparation fot Sabbath School work and Dr. Kan- nawin 'followed with a talk on 'the school' work in general., Knox choir. favored with a splen-, dila-a rthenfan-d-Mt. Dui, McKay -very nicely rendered the sole "When the Ebb ,tide, Flows." q • The, display of ladies' - work, and bakingwas very good.,.Outside, ;two' Speed contents • were interesting. The Lucknow . Citizens' Band was en - 3. -aged to supply music duririg.the af:-' ternoon. In the • main building the 'tidies of the Women's Institute sere-'' yd refreshments, the proceeds being and Ws. W. A. 'Taylor: < - -c or Western relief • work. -2..;_--=. Mr; and Mrs., Alex Butlereand. fam- ily of Goderich spent the holiday �� � Ig®ulpllulq�llllp�(IIUII�uN1Up11IIp�NIIIu,�Upl�llllll�pllCdMIIV.UNAiplg�lluu�IIGUI�iRghguI�IIIIVufMll �IIu118quIllMlllli ® " e • enjoy E . The Secret of •Foot Cornfort 'g is Proper Fitting ' " We have many styles . . I4 " { 'The MURRAY' HEEL HUGGER line of shoes N � p includes s. ecially constr>l ctec styles that give • I.comfort and support to the arch .of the foot. The rubber season is here, get our prices on rubber footwear. 1. j ' atl hl : anal ..-i,... ;Try our REPAIR EPARTM.,,'ENTfor ., ,S; tasfactory -Work ' ,®11®VI®IIm.BIipl,ill `igit131�h1�u811181�ildlBW' 1IIiiimiiR 5, 11 omemisrammiwO BIRTHDAY _� �: ('By Ai►rTe"Camplie'111T: ___re Ibis is • a. , birthday that -we cannot Share; • So far away , .you; are, : nd 'yet perhaps:. our :thoughts • can. reach : you there, Beyond. that pale: gold star. - So hard it is for us to think of you Other than l'iv'e . and'' w.'arm, Upon your birthday all. the friends you knew' Recall your 'Worth ,;and charm. 1 ,. , with' Mr. and, Mrs. John McInnes.. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rots, Miss .Min'1 nie, Mr. Walter .Manser,• Robert= and Donald Murray .all ,of. Toronto spent the week -end at their summer :ho?ine• here. • Mr. and Mrs, George Richardson The' stock prize ' winners :follow:, Sheep' Leicester -aged rani -1 and 2 curves Bros.; :, ;shearling ra- Patterson and: Seri; 'aged. -ewe -1 and 2, H. Patterson and Son; ewe land:- - Purves` Bras:, Ii. Patterson;'' • rain lamb -Purves Bros'., H. Patterson: Oxford Downs -Aged. ewe, -Orville' YOU • are alive • today in,x • countless, minds•. You influenced on earth, , Anti more thanone who loved you dearly finds: recently'with., McGowan,Purves :Bros.; '. shearling A ':word .to praise your worth of 'Guelph 'spent a day , Mr. and: Mrs. John Richardson. • , ewe -Orville McGowan, Purves Bros • • Mi s"Jean -. _., _rale of_ Toronto -ram lamb�Orville-McGowan - f_do not_know f�l_oylxsg-tho► ghts s � Toronto- ' ' `RURAL • YOUNG -'PEOPLE ORGANIZE FOR SEASON. The --annual • meeting •-of -the-•-Breee- County Rural Young People's Asso- ciation was held at the Agricultural office on Tuesday evening. The re- , ports presented !indicated • that the. • past • year has been very • 'successful •. • in the affairs . of the clubs •through- ' out the county. The officers elected • were: • Honorary President, Mr. F. For- sythe; B:S. A;; •:Walkerton•; -president • Kenzie Foster, Paisley; vice-presi- . • dents, Miss Beatrice Scott, Port Elgin and Fred McQuillan, Lucknow; secretary -treasurer, Justus •Holm,. Brant. Members were also named for the following committees: debit- • • ing, dramatic, musical festival and sports. Emphasis will be •laid on amateur dramatics. ' RETURNS TO WEST AFRICA Miss Edith M. Clark, who has been on furlough for the past year from Missionary duty in West Africa, and - has been the guest 'of her 'mother, Mrs. J. M. Clark, during that time; leaves on Saturday to resume her • duties. On Tuesday evening the Edith M. Clerk Young Women's- A-uxi iary �• of the United Church met at the home' of Miss Nettie Moffat and pre- sented her with a well filled purse. -The number of young people present at the gathering spoke highly of the respect in which Miss Clark is held in her home community. Teeswater News. • . , ... , .. ,have power - t - visitor- with 'her per, Shropshire -aged_ yam -C. Dan,_• was. a recent„p , ents, Mr. and Mrs: Wm. McKenzie.'; brook, • Orville' .McGow(an; shearling •' . To reach you -'where you stay, - But for your comfort we will wear a • And think o you . Qday In•.• memory of 'the birthday, ,October 19th,' of the late ,Mr • Elliott Miller. ram -C. Danbrook; , aged' ewe -C. Strir~4ok,-�O-.:.Ms— "w.l�nwscn z a awe, ewe lamb and ram lamb -O. McGowan, T. Anderson. , Any .other breed ---Aged • ran': -C: Danbrook, 1 and 2.; shearling ram -7 Prize Winner ,. If' Mrs.. Angus Graham, R. R:.'5, .will call at the "Market" we will 'be pleased to hand .' her, a nice prize. Mrs. Graham . is '• eligible , for this xo -n _prize_. under_a-s_ystem prize-draw,-'Datibrook; aged-ewe-0-14eGowan- 0. • -Danbrook:. •'shearling ewe --=C., Danbrook, O. McGowan; ewe lathb _;end _ram. - lamb=t. Danbrook; 1 and.: Sweepstakes -O. ,McGowan, Puryes Taros.; fat sheep�C. Danbrook, Cattle Durham, •.purebred Milch ' cow,/= Andrew , Gaunt, Bert Treleaven; • 2 ''Rear old. heifer -B. rteleaven;' 1 yr. ing We use for advertising purposes. only. 1I�1iliEDYOUNG-PEOPLE • ''CONVENE AT ARKWRXt HT . Bruce C United ' Church . Young. People's Rally'was held,at Arkwrigle on Friday, October 9th. It consisted of afternoon and evening .sessions. fhe.. afternoon Was .spent in studying different • phases of Y. P. work and giving -reports. • :- i Su.pper__was_..sersed_:in_the_basemen.t, of; the church. In the evening, Luck-. now Sunday School orchestra furn- ished the music. Various reports were given. The banner for attendance was given to. Arkwright Young People's Society," and Wiarton won the shield for the year's work. The speaker for the evening was Dr. ArcherWallace,• editor of "The Onward." Rev. T. H. ,Ackert, president for the ' Bruce Co. Y. P. Union, beenPied-t a thio: -- -' - Lucknow was represented by eleven members. of. the Sunday School orch- cistra and also Miss Martha MacCal- lum, Miss, Eva Greer, Mrs. R. L. Treleaven and' Miss Elizabeth Alton. Prize Winner • If Mrs._ Rod. Cantpbelj, , R. R.. 6, will, call at the "Market" we will be pleased to hand • her ,a nice prize. Mrs. Campbell is eligible •for this. prize under a system of prize draw - ?ng we usefor advertising purposes only. ' SOUTH HURON ' TEACHER'S 'CONVENTION The plan of seats for the Band Show ",Marriage in Disguise" will, go on sale to -morrow (Friday) morn• inging'_ at 9 A.M. at McKim's Drug Store. '• lemmosalliar Are You In Need Af Counter Chick Boo WE ARE SELLING QUALITY 'BOOKS Books are' Well Made, Carbon is: Clam and . Copies' Readily. Printing is Shark and..Clear, Paper is the Best. Prices • as 'Lew You tan_G:et._`AnyavJiiete. Gid 'Our_: Quotations on Your Next Order. • _ 'Sentinel _ ne_l The Lucknow ��Iitil hid `heifer -Andrew Gaunt; heifer :elf, 6 months and over, Andrew Gaunt; aged 'iibil7tAndrew Gaunt,. W: 1. Orser. • - Herefords-milch cows --J. Lyons, •(aeorge Kennedy, J. Lyons; 2 year Ad heifer and 1 year.old heifer -Geo. Kennedy, J. Lyons; heifer calf, 6 -mos: anti older, -bull calf under -:6 months- T. 'Lyons, '•1 and 2;• bull, • aged'' -J. Lyons, G. Kennedy.. Grades -Milch cow -W. A. Orser, 1andl 2; 2 year old heifer -B. Trelea- en;--steer..calf'runder„ 1 -year.-W. A. Orser,' T. Anderson. - Special -Bank of . Commerce Cup- 1. Lyons. Best male individual in Masses 6, 8, 9 -Andrew Gaunt, di- ploma. Best .feri'ale in classes 6, • 8 and 9 diploma -7J. Lyons. - Horses General purpose 'Team in harness F. Thompson. Agricttltural-Brood` .Hare --W. A. Culbert, •William Tay for and Son, T. Wiggins; foal of 1931, -W. A. Culbert, T. Wiggins; 2 year ild filly or gelding -W. Taylor and Son, Chas. Durnin; 1 yr. old filly or. ;elding-T. Anderson, T. Wiggins; - ceam in •harnes's-Peter Watson. • Heavy :Thought -Brood mare --W. Taylor and Son; A. Culbert and soli: Dave Gouley; foal of 1931-A. Cul- bert and Son, Dave Gouley; 3 year old filly or gelding -W. Taylor and, ton; best individual -Peter Watson, W. Taylor; team in harness -Peter Watson and Son; W. Taylor and. son. Light horses -Foal ,-t of 1931,-W. Taylor and son; 1 .year old filly or gelding -J. R. Savage, Leslie Schulte single horse in harness, road --Jas. Johnston, W. T. McLean, Lorne Dur.,. nin; single horse in harness, carriage -W. T. McLean Jas. Johnston', Les- lie Schnl lady driver, Lorne Dur- in, Leslichultz. Swine ' Specials -Best penbacon hogs -=•-S. Alton, W.. Sheane; best boar -S. -Al- ton;, best •sow -S. Alton. ' Berkshire -Aged boar --J. Turner, W. Sheaiie; boar • .littered. in 1931•,-'-A.. 13: Pentland, J. Turner; sow littered' in.'1931-.T. Turner, W. Sheene. •- ,Yorkshire -Aged boar -S. Alton; sow' having raised pigs in 1931-8. Alton;, boar littered. in 1931-S. Al- ter; sovi •littered---nn-493-1A-ltdn1- T. Wiggins. . - Tamworth -Aged boar -S: Alton; sow having raised pig's, in'. 1931•-,•S. Albin, T---A'rrtlerstirry bear littered irr 1'981--S. Aiton,.1 and g; 'soyv uttered Miss A. Webster;,. Lucknow, • Elected Vice -President. The South Huron ' public achool teachers met in convention Thursday in the basement . of Main atree£ United 'Church, Exeter. Routine bus- ;nest was transacted: Interesting id - ;tresses were given by. Miss A. Geiser of Crediton, slid Inspector Beacom of Goderich. ,Reports of the ' O.E.A. were received. The following- officers were elected: ' Honorary president, K. • C. Beacom, B. A. Goderich; - president, Claud Blowes, Hensall; vice -press:. dent, Mies A. Webster, Lucknow; sec- reterytreasurer, G. • S. Howard of Exeter. At noon the 138 present were. entertained-, at luncheon by th ladies.: of James' Street United church. 'Friday the teachers went. to Guelph, where they', were theguests of the Ontario Agricultural College, and heard two lectures by professors of. the college. They also visited the experimental farms,'' , -WflMEN1S-MI-ISS•ION A ,RtY-SOGIET The autumn' Thankofering' meet - :ng -of the United-..Church_waS held in Lhe S. S. room, of the church on Wednesday, Oct. 7th.. Themeeting was opened in the usual way with the president, Mrs. MacCallam pre- siding. Mrs. Freeman read the Scrip tore • "reading. Minutes were "read and • adopted. Mrs.' Lawson of •, Mount Forest • was the special speaker :for the day and .spoke on the distress in he,_viest. ler ,description; a th en'• Prize Winner- ------' • If Mrs. J. Flax Barlcavell, R. will call at the "Market" ,we will' be :'leased' to hand her a nice pr ze. Ws.- Barkwe :....-is elig�le ,.for this. nrize under, ystem of prize draw- ing weuse for advertising• purposes ditions . existing out there was very interesting as ,she is wellinformed in her work and possess a pleasing personality. Mrs. • Lawson toured -the west -by' auto and saw for 'herself- -conditions as they are and many were the heart rending reports from dif- ferent places. She.drovethrough six hundred miles inthe dry Belt of our Canadian West, where there was no crop,• -where -farmers =had,. to._.draw. water 30 miles for ,their cattle and were selling •butter • for 8c. a lb. and eggs -3e a dozen. She 'met caravan after 'caravan resembling the gypsy wagons • trekin, along trying to find s land Where they could get pasture and water for their stock. The• stock was brought along: with them in the )rocessi:on. They took what they could` :tarry of their •possessions and left the balance behind .ontheir abandoned• farms and in- all this it was remark"- able emark=able how little complaining, every- body /developing ,the spirit of sacri- fice. Teachers offering to take only half -salary in order to 'keep schools open. She told of a Dr. Darby' refus- ing a salary of $12,000 and, staying on the job there for $1800. Mrs. Law• 'ton's .own son ' is a student mission,. :try on the 'same ground: She spoke of a mission school where 17 orphans were taught the Bible, also home i 41'1 -:* Builders `MGH -GRADE BRICI( and TILE for SALE at REDUCED PRICES •We will compete in Price, Quality" and . Delivery. -A. trial . will • con- vince you. , OVER 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -BAN'N•ER-:MAN &-.. SMITH BRICK. and TILE WORKS • • Kiincardine,' R. -R. 5. 'Phone 107 r 4 or Christi 111 Next Christmas: .Gave Canada's Most Popular Ci-iNSTMAS P[ SENT during the yed, only. .;,- • • • , In IP31134 Alturl, 1 and $; } • 1 Gift Order • $2.00' 2 Gift Orders .... $3.50. 3 • Gift Orders ` • $5.00 5 Gift Orders • - .. 58.00 . Gift Orders In''trees oY $::$1.50 each MAIL OR 'PHONE YOUR ORDER • TODAY to ensure our best • service', and • Christmas morning delivery of Greeting Cards on your behalf and first copies of your•Gifts... ' TO -THE SENTINEL Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 35 • reimmazoormwereageaemegosareI 'CHURCH NOTES . • The Anniversary of the Lucknow United '.Church. will be held ' on Sue- ; - day, ovember lst. Rev. R. Perdue, M. A., rector of • St. Thomas Church, Walkerton, will preach morning and evening at ' St.,' Peter's. Church, .Sunday, Oct. 18th.. The annual meeting of the Luck-` now Branch of' the . Upper Canada Bible Society will beheld in the Pres- byterian Church, Friday evening; at , 8 P.M.Illustrated 'leeture--by-Rev:- R: '-- - J. Bowen. • , ' Presbyterian. W. M. S. • training that is supported lay the V W. The October meetingwas held ..on . 'M.S.: There was also an industrial. the 7th inst. Mrs. G. H. Douglas pre- , school near Banff where they train sided and conducted the devotional• iridian boys and girls' many useful exetdises• assisted by Mrs., Stewart. - things, and 'over 40 of the men - joined the s United church recently. The conditions .in the hospitals are serious, everybodyworking under a handicap, short of equipment and funds, andshe gives great credit. to ,the heroic sacrifices • of the . nurses, doctors arid • all concerned. Many of these places will have to close unless' the people of the east come , to their rescue. We are faced with this pro- bleni and it all calls for more sacri- fice. ' Every membef of the W.M.S. in the congregation of our. church should be an active member of the society and 'rise to the occasion. Manyof the people . in this Condition - are our own kith and kite. Let every body help. 1Virs,'l3uswell read a paper along,;the line of giving to missions' which ,was very aper :.'late .for- this - The' Bible Study was given by Mrs. H: Mullin. The • 'Tidings Prayer' was given by Miss McPherson. A solo by Mrs. Finney was enjoyed by all. Mrs. B 1fonr • read an '•appreciation, by M: Strachan, of the late Dr. Caro- line MacDonald. The topic `Formosa" was taken by iVfrsti H. Aitchison. 'A residing was given by Mrs. Anderson and .a short story' read by Mrs. Douglas. The meeting closed with prayer. - PARAMOUNT i4* The Paramount 1J,F.W.O. will hold their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Jim kepi -Wit r on ues, ay a ternoon, , ctober 20th at 2.30 o'clock: The roll Ball: will be -answered by the Name of - a' Mari. who, line. beeti",ror occasion.. Meeting :cloned with Lord's Prorntitent `in tile, U, F. 0. organfza= •' Pray or in unlaofi, tion, •.Y 4—