The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-15, Page 7Sunday Schloir►l
petober 18.: Lessoniii-Paul in.
-lritessa.l.onica and Berea -Acts 17;
1, 6.11: 1 Thessalonians •2.: . 7,-12.
Golden Text --Open thou• mine eyes,
that 1, may behold wondrous things
• out of thy taw. -Psalm 11.8: 13.
I. A -Goon START, Acte :II: 'i 4; •
II. "BOLSHEVISTS!"*Acts 17; 5-9..
II$.. TRE OPEN mlNo, Acts 17: 10.15.
brethren, •stayed by, hitn"•until be.,redclb.-
ed Athena, There, hes could not• bear
tobe alone -Timothy and Silas must
come alsp, • v. 15, 2 ' Cor. 1: 8, 9,
throws light upon this mysterious •ie,,,
.pression and trouble. • For Paul, fol-
lowing Christ was an experience like
that of the men of.Faris who, in 1830,
were ovi:rth'iowirtg _ the Bourb s
on. .
They sent word to tlio 1?rineli
l "phTh
oaoi her, enjamie •Constant, "A ter-
rible gthn.e is ;being played here; our
heads are in danger.. Come and add
yours." Paul was .always ready to add
his. Ther, More his influence is living
What New York
INTRODUCTION - Leaving Philippi;
the missionaries passed, through AM-
phipo'li�s, and Apollonia ' (v. 1) and
e1 me -to Thessalonica, the Salbnika of
t day.' "It was the' •capital'.of the pro
1 i" oftant •sea: ort. re
and an m p
day,' it b, fast becoming. a'gieat mod-
ern eityi .being laid out according rto'
• plait---wiih'a. nee facade'�to.the:sea.--4
and; having;'a popul'ation ci •robing to
Wardthe 200,000 '.nark. Paul ptiefer-
red'the centres of population and'•:orit-
inerce. •• The work, ` once v,itablished'
there,'would sprend'rapi''dly`to smaller
• ' places. That policycarried Christian-
- ity.-through. the empire, like a prairie'
fire. Paul 'found,;in Thessalonica and
people,. n ..-... .
I.A GOOD START, Acts 17:,1-4. . •
Arriving in . Thessalonica the tray- found lodgings with' Jason, pos-
-sibly a fellow • Jew. For three weeks
they `reasoned" --carried or. argument
" and discussion -in' the • jnagogue.
They,"opened'" and "alleged," that
quoted.' Scripture passages to prove
their` statements ; regarding Messiah
• and Jesus of Nazare h,, v.' :,.' Unwel-
come assertions: such as these provoke
ed •hot discussion. and denial, 1 Thess:
'1:2. S,omt of the.Jews believed,. and a
great many of the God-fearing Greeks,
including a number of ' women from
the upper social clashes. They would
,� be freer from superstition and narrow-
IPrfin'tiednese. Pawls fsithfulepreaching:
Is Wearing
o:id• what such preaching always.. does
-it divided his hearers some became
entht:siastic .believers, others bitter
enemies. A• storm was gathering.
II. "BOLSHEVISTSI" Acts 17: 5-9. •
The Jews, as usual, caused trouole,
It' is`• always 'easy to raise a mob it
- an =eastern 'city. In Thessalonica the.
material -vas close at hand -"Lewd
,fellows of the; baser stint (v. 5), the
.;-�...rnarket_l_oafers, with nothing to do' and.
ready for any adventure. They .mob
becLtlas_on's�rou§e,-but Paul-and-Silasr
probably warned, were not'there. The-
mob nevertheless must have its victim.
Jason himself was, dragged cut and
brought to the authorities He had
-"harbored-those vhoe-hade turned. -*she
world upside, `•down:: It was the, first
niob.cryingg `D`bwn with these Bo::.he-
vists'" (Righted Roberts);, that. is,
people Who upset; the existing` circlet.
The mob named them better than they
realized for "the followers' of Jesus
are in every generation a company of
revolutionists who turn their warld
upside down wherever tl.ey do' not find
it love-side=up."• Any effort to change
an existing order is dangerous. But
Christians must face' the risks invely-
ed when theye•recognize that any .coni-
dition is. not in accord with the Spirit
of Jesus.- , The .Christianity, that can
be comfortable in the world' as at nres-
ent constituted has reason te doubt its
, 06 `.
Ilretatrated D.t`ess<niaking Lesson
ntishcd W;l I'vr' Pattern
reats • The . 1►rrowin Owls
, If we were able to ask each other, • .. Walter. Young.
point Blank: ' "What would *be . the La West of. the Mississippi there is • .a
greatest treat you could have at this small owl •known to the cowboys as
moment?" the replies would be 'as- the "How -de -do" owl. When one of
tounding. They would also illumine these
se birds is d
it bobs
homer natue._I_ kisxe-that no_in-._dawrrseveral-times, as --ho �h-�reel
`reply, would demand a•fortune,dia-: lug the intruder according to the rules
moods, a yacht, or a throne.. All would of elpproved feather -world •• etiquette.
be for some small; easily attainable Although known as a burrowing owl,
thing. And not only is it the essence,this bird is in reality unable to dig.
of a treat that it should be something Instead of excavating their own homes
4 England.
U mighty Opal of England,, • rise Ile
Out of•'the .wrack egg turmoil of the,
• night,
And as of Old, compassionate and ten -
der, .
Ahold et h e- ea us eeef-j-ustice- and --of
n• a right. • '
Thine was the couseeration and devo
tion, • • ` .
The world-wide vistori and the world=
small; but lavish- gifts are not even i they usurp the dens of other desert wide trust, ,
desired by those of es whoee chief in- animals -such as , dogs and rail- Which made a,pathn•ay of the tides of
terest, nee in gratitude , for 1ov,ing .bite - -and are ,.titerefer& often to be• 1,tre ocean ; `I
-th ughteeee e• -should -hear, if -reply to;'see.indst•of•-ra-Mairie---And-tetit-fategardeas of the -desert
our question, even' if we have doubted dog colony. This is the source of. the dust:
the silences of our .friends, some very; general belief i cgarding the congenial -
reassuring ' confessions •.as to their, relg,tions,of prairie dogs, rattlesnakes Thine was, the call to face with daunt -
most, Immediate :desires. ' . l and 'burrowing owls -a` belie(; how- ' lees. bearing •
-So' nitwit th
for 'e general theory of ever, that is purely mythical. A•rat- ' All high adventureikalt adversity,
treats and 'f'or our own requirements i tiesnake drill" eat the young - of a 'Until thy sons -bly their resistless clar-
eta• treat How•strange it is that in . prairie dog and•owl'.:. An owl will geol. • • ing •• , ,
seeking' to give: treat,, on the other I' eat the young of a prairie dog, .hence Iliad girdled• earth with' realms from
hand;' we slforild ::so often Make the it would be almost an impossibility tot sea to sea., •
mistake of •pginting the lily et -have all three aalmals get along in• the
•I• find ,that' -':ens:tl'ie•'oores of ,Naw- in,;thi&''age`wli+eii oat ofcrue! ap-
,�,_ •.• ::. , ;-... - For myself, •' although • „ . if , .� . . •,flame burioav 'cin , ev •. newest ,
PO -
lir man things', from; rides, in.. automo-'social„.terms:. pression
` 't :• .'the. theatre,. are''no• `,n' th r'` el"meat: which '•has.. given The hearts of allele are .yearning •for••
btl'es. ao vis> s. to I A o e, e C
n •old r• . - •releas.o,. ;".
,,.t eats the :receip.t' of a . ,..,T thim'•a. Cho., ca
book' ie. 'still an inexpressible' treat. of the young owls when angry. T'n ;0 Soul'of• Er:gland, England s great
No.t a new book, but an did •one -al- studying an d excavating several nests possession
most any 'old one,.providing,•it is small in eastern Colorado, I'was always taut Lead, thou mankind .into the •way of
and classic. 1 :ern Omit prised ai•the rattling hiss which wogl, a
-•--neav-books, vichlCh:t-clR riot n e for• .I 'issue4orth-lromn-the-nesting .chambe.r: uebec,__._ -:resleriek GeorgeeSeo_tt'„
'.'olden -.days .My greatest treatwas,; to when i, neared the young. One en-:. ' '"'
betaken for a ride, either in Paris or,familiar with .'burrowing owls would Reported Engaged
in London, upon the front seat of a: Mostassuredly''believe that• a .rattler
horse=omnibus or tramcar. Such rides lurked below. ,The 'nest would then,
are•my earliest recollection. 'They re-
main in a .memory -es 'eg
s- theltome-'of
happiness, Nor is this kind of• treat
altogether .removed nowadays. The
horses. are gone it is true, with their
rhythmical -hoof beats, -.and -:.the _gentle
swaying which they' imparted to the
vehicle,' but even an electric tramcar-
or a -motor omnibus can raise' inc at
this tithe to a state.'of absorbed cote
templation such as no smeller iand.
more plastic automobile can achieve..
An almost coinp etely windless sum-
mer day, •with white flannel -clad. crick .
eters' at, play upon, the common, is: a Buzzards are protected almost
perfect treat to me. So is a day spent •,everywhere they. are found, •as they
upon a sailing yacht. Aboard a .yacht , are . the best of scavengers. When
, one can experience sonic of the. great an animal ties on .'the • western
glories of • sensation sof •which human prairiesthese big birds slowly eon
beings are':capable. The sight -of blue .gregate. to 'feast .They seem
sky and running water, -.sum glittering-nave--somelOaw of signalling the-loca-
`upon 'brasswork and the exquisite 'lines tion of food to their .companions
of the deck; the seiise of easy and un- miles away. Near T•usc'on, Arizona,
-saw a dead Horse-• dumped --the -..,.:.
���� — `fettered motion o remo ane s, b'�o3�t
�' _ _ t re—the Ycompl a desert. ' When he was left by the '
Form f Mentality
"For ,long , centuries the w.orld has
been whistling wherever• and when-
ever it felt like doing so" .declares
i is
_ Monitor Science. M
i is S
en n
Crst c
the_ n
this editorial. - "1Vlan' has .puckered
up his, rigs'and emitted 'more or 'ten
tuneful Sounds," to express Various
emotions. The youth whistles for
,sheer idle • de viers. . The , farmer'$ •
boy whistles, • supposedly,; to prevent
'himself from getting .too lonely. • The
business man whistles when • the •
price of _goads goes up, and his cue-
Comers whistle when -they' 'feel: the
result of the increase. 'Man whistles
to bring his. dog back; whistles 'for
a taxi; whistles• in some countries
to. at-tr-act, .the ,attention • 6f some .
dreanting waiter; and• occasipnallY,
employs •., whistling as a method : of
'expressing•' .either approval: or disaes
proval:` according to• the nature et. •
the yvkiis.tle. .
"But'al1 this ;'has been quite•winner
- aecarding"`tie,,', Professor's Charted.
Gray Shave. o, f .New York- • 1e':;utuare,'•
if yori,'•care..:what• peotile-and Prof.'•,
Sham-ythink+ about :yob; yott`' 411 .dei
•'anYthing"e�cei5t vrlistke.-�--••-Beeanse--•,-:
the Professor asseverates.. that to
If you whistle -so he declares -you
•are seneeren de'velt o€,mesal, stamina .
and, possessed, of .an inferiority com-
plex: 'No great .or successful man
ever: whistles,' declares this oracle:
Well, ' we can recall quite •a' few who
;'did, . including•,Lord, Tennyson, Lord
Balfour, ' Disraeli , and "'Sir ,-Arthur:
Sullivan, to say nothing of W. S.
Gilbert,- Sir Herbert Tree; and, T. P,
O'Connor. But perhaps 'they. all
were morons. and posaessetof a low
mentally -as Professor . Shaw.'assays.
such things., • . '.. .
The world ":is full' of people who
seem bent„ upon extracting all that ••
is left Of the joy of diving out • Of •.
life. They .would ; impose every* pos=•
sible sort of negation upon us, and
leave us :with nothing permitted
save to read what •they write. .But '
the world,.`will in all probability con-
tinue' to whistle, 'despite, .Professor
Shaw. . Whistling is an outlet for
all sorts • of emotional'reactions. At
itsoret l noSehalf_as bad, n-
autoi syren, . and at its best "it mar •
be quite diverting. In • ants event,
does nobody any', harm,, it costs' no-
fh'ing,. !Cis one.ortlie-`least annoy-
-ng=of~noipis; and- 'we Shntdd m#$s .
it it it were prohibited. Did: you
ever hear a woodb.ird whistle tc. • its
mate, Professor. Shaw?" -
n . 6
ShamnzingDeath '
in' all probability, be le'tstrictly alone,
and -the lirvestigator depart -his • er-
roneous theory proved to his entire
satisfaction. •The food of burrowing
owls sheers them to be extremely bene-
ficial:. A=pair: of- birds -which i -was 'ob
serving brought to the young, in an
hour . and twenty' minutes, 17 large
beetles, • 22 grasshoppers, 2 lizards, 1
frog! and 1. prairie jumping mouSe.-
"Animcl LIEe: ' '
Buzzards `Protected'
own loyal y to its Master. •
' " Jasonewas•-bowed- over --to keep the ,:trasting •
peace, v. C. The only way that Black' crepe Satin • with pinkish;.
was to stoe the preaching. It. was a beige crepe satin is very .• fashionable.
clever. way of attacking Paul through • HOW ; TO ORD);R "PATTERNS.
his friends. The mission rieS were name and address plain-
- ' sent away that night. Loath to -leave-;, ,Write -year
his friends at the mercy of enemies, ly, giving fiumber and'site of such
Paul often longed to return to them, ratterns`as you want.: Enclose 20cin
but "Satan" (1 • Thess, 2:. 17, •18).. stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap•.
probably the "security" remanded of it carefully) 'for each• number, and.
Jason (v, 9)' prevented •hime • address your order to Wilson Pattern
'rorty, miles west ,of Thessalonica 'Service 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
"noble” town. Patti found in it a
Lateeel, simplicity ,.oi. style makes
h dd 1 'f all day
cy. -.ander adyen -u , -.. _ .. - -
shedding of all feeling of response. truck'lhere was; "so faf "'as I" could
bility tor' one's course, one's own safe- I see; only one buzzard 'in the sky.
ty and the safety of. others -these are !He ..circled about and I hid, myself
only a few:of the'"splendours of yacht -1 amid some greaseweed bushes be-
i ing, And as,'.lor me; yachting Is . an ore e ropped'-down to feed. Five; -
experience' enjoyed .wily once tri two minutes later a buzzard• was seen
nd one
this a c arming' m e or -
tlidf�riduality. or three years, it is a treat stilt and on the horizon to the east, a
a'.hi Yand achieves ,will- always a treat: - • -on the south.. . Twenty 'minutes'
It simulatesp yokeItater there "were° six 'of them figii7="'
.an . unusually slenderizing effect It ' a 'treat' to me to hear the sky -
through its Moulded tong -waisted bo-
dice belted atpoint most becoming'to
its wearer. •
Whes't'is so easily made -why not
have rt'-? 1t combines plain dark green
Bilk'with dark green crepe silk'print-
ed in tweed- pattern. •
Style No. 3372 is designed for sizes
36,:-88, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches. -bust.
Ya rs of "39-ifich
material with. % yard of 35 -inch con -
Size 36 requires 3%s d
la Peres. • LiVy considered it a '
lark. It is a treat to be demonstra- lag over .the cerc'ase, and; more were
t`ively recognized.byia• little dog that steadily arriving- Some people
I have nt seen ,s
forome time. It is claim that buzzards always, keep in
a treat to' walk aped the; Sussex or. the 'sight of • one another, even at high :'•
Wiltshire; downs, or to s+ ,nd overlook-, altitudes.: and when severalmiles
ing. the. Sussex. Weald. It is a treat apart: In this Way, when one drops
t • r-ead-a. witty'book:.-Frank; Se/inner- nearby
.down he is missed by his
o Comrades and the -y fly in his -direo~ r
ton;. in Tokefiekl Pnpr rs." -
tion. These, in turn, are missed i ea.trice powers; former Poll es
by •
others :that are still farther away• . seen Ilene as' she 'represent-
' Britain steadfast -and so. forth. Others claim that suit,
A.. ed Germany in a beauty parade, is
Vancouver ,Province (Ind. Cons•) 'they locate thetr food through ari . reported to 'have married 'James'
Above alt 'other considerations, as it"' acute -Sense, of smelt -but 1-h-a-ve• • , Kirkwood, veteran Leter-Angeles
seems • to us, is tlrat`of demonstrating ,seen tjiem approach , food d,wu ' actor, at' Las Va-as,„ .Nev,
to the world that the 'people of Great wind", hence' this latter theory can-
Britain are still sufficient to their re- l -not always explain their 'sudden ,,Pjent of Prospects , '
sponsibil:ty and their • emergency 'in gatherings. -Walker . Young in "Ani ,The Ylent man had asked the big
the' capacity 'of self government. We mal Life... business man Por his daughter's Band.
believe they are We believe they will, •
'You work, i' believe, for Blank &
atiiirm 'once more, their old reputation , .' Work said.the parent. "What are your
as honest traders and self-reliant Citi -I' :,.Men ought to worlc." e' True True and Co.,"•prospects of promotion?"
zens. Great Britain, under•deress,;has timely the saying is, but we magi sad- The young man smiled.
temporarily suspended the gold'.stand-,ly abuso'the undoubted fact: We may "The very best in the whole otitic,
w.: elf= evern- .:_,-.- iYrort :- ; _ �w : =. T c Newest
aid. Oreat Britain, Ilrst of'� g � overdo work. That is .An 'ilhim 'sir," he replied. lily Io•r t• t e
9 ing Mations, has not suspended self- • '
.Quiet Sleep?, , danger with industrious people. We one we re got."
Sleep is far from motionless. The- •c, ernment at sill: may make it the be-all and end-all of
noble people, v. 11. .They, were gentle-
• men. They listened to Paul's message
" , with an open mind. '''hen• they exant•-
ined' the Scriptures, to which he re,
ferred for verification, -to see if what
he said was true,.v. 11. They did not
say "T.hatis not what we were
taught," and, therewith listen to it only
to denounce it. They evidently believ-
ed, as John 'Robinson, the "father of
the Independents," said to :the Pilgrim
Fathers as they were about to sail for
America, " . the Lord hath mere
truth yet to break forth. out of his
e. Bereans were con -
holy word." Th
average Healthy, adult ' during , deep..
sleep makes some noticeable change
' in position on an average' of once
every seven 'or eight minutes,. it is
1.shown by. experiments made at. the
Mellott lnstitute for: Industrial Re=
The obsereatibns••carried on by 'Dr.
ft; g. Johnson show that every 'sleeper
has aerePertoise 'of auproximately a
dozen different. sleeping positions. On
cerned, not so much to have their own'
opinions confirmed as to discover mote
truth. As a result of their open
mindedne s,,great numbers believed.
III. THE OPEN MIND, Acte 17: 10-1a.
To reach Theesaly Paul had to tra-
-vel to the sea. Paul, apparently
hro h -'depression or llrtesv, vela-uuv
able to. travel •clone. Some, of the
typleal night he will use nearly all
of them, ch.angiitg from one•to ano e
from twenty to sixty times .according mind. Any woman has ;a right; ' to, but never wise ind- good tvititnnt-,idmlrer,4 fi_hi�i: ^f a duel over little
twenty taking pains for it.
to 'tartans sensations and body rite- change her mind. • d,_ _ uie;" "
tions. The brain is ' ufiiciealert Ile -"If women asci as much time •
at a moderate speed '-
to guard the sleeper's comfort .but at In making up their minds as: they do ' Safe driving'.
the -san time the -momentary discern- In making up'their faces they would � `Die root bumpering . self-control and, 'r Burglprove ary
easca piningsinn is likely to
torts a`t Kent nu -orf rorrseio knees: d-netzeelta.nge- the les:o otieth".__ _ . -_ . _
life. This is a disastrous blunder.
Dean Vaughan, has a striking sermon
on "the idolatry of work." All too
readily •do some men turn work into
an idolatry. . "Men ought to work."
Yes, ink there are other duties they
'must not neglect. We "must not lose
our real self in weft.V e must build
.up our character, - Dr. liinsdala�
k clung, • .
- -�• CHANf:E. .
• • + r. b•in^ed my A man may be 'great by etas ce.
MUTT AND JEFF—Sir Sidney is a Very asty .
CIPaC1)1.. • aF LIES
Maur AlP1iICA-
AND so a
II cues-.
�E14 4 ME
CHieF PUT %iOl) ° Of') T!'1E SCALES
ANb` WEJGI-1 slot;
The so-called habit ot• shamining
•deatli in a moment of danger or aur- •
prise Te doznman--atteeng--wild-animals- '
of almost . 'every species. The ' •
.amateur: naturalist need go • no' ,fair -'
ther than. the •nearest ,strip of. sea-
shore to find an example..
.Turn Ayer _any flat Stone''reas_on-•
ably ,distant from 'high water' irk;
a hundred to ' one -there will •be a
shore -crab under it; also there• may
be some weed: ' If there is weed,
and the crab happens to 'be " among
it,. he 'will not' stir a' fraetion of an
inch. Poke at ,:him gently , with a
s`tic ci ;: [ie willing a no- effort fo • de• •
fend 'himself...His•.• big 'claws,; hh -
legs. .,eem nerveless. • To all out
ward appearances he is dead, and
he will remain ' thus indefinitely un-, • .
less 14 ,is. poked away from the .weed •
elute the bare rock. •
• •Early Dusk
The moon is as frail as a •disk of
cobwebs,. ._' •. - " -: • '
The willows are scarcely green
among the meadows •
Where a thousand paper pennons
wave above the' crops
And the black oxen • walk slowly
homeward beside the still' ca-
In the distant shy a kite is .tuggiiig
at ft's string, •Y._.
'I'lie rooks caw among their •nests
the treetops, -
Above :tlte doors set deep in russet.
Droop broken branches_ of fatal
.. 'green willow; '
And the men and girls' come front
their week in the fields
Carrying 'sprays of flowering ' sl .
mond in their hands.
--Elizabeth 3.. Coatsworth, in "Fort
Footprints." .
E WANTED " ki b
sNoULb l.t1(1TE .y
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..�.•ssitra,= •