HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-15, Page 4is
i 71111-Ul{ /Lys SIMITNE
tr t+- A Qa, °awaitloth, 1931.
l'nbliahed ever► .Thursday. morning
, •at Lucknow, .Ontario..,
• A. D. MacKenzie, Proprietor
.'arid Editor. •7
1.101 sYRO D
STo �I • . d{
Mr. and Mr's. Jae. Douglas and
daughter, Wandaet Mitchell, were
visitors for Thankegtving with Mr,
and, MrI. John C.amneron. r..
Messrs. A. J. and Hugh Wallace
of Barrie were week -end visitors with
Mr. •and • Mrs. Wallace Miller.'
Mr. Jos. Lavie leaves on •Wedi'ies-
day for Montreal from where 'he
sails 'on the A,urania for Plymouth,
South England, where he •will ' visit
friends. .
Mr. Robt. Neely and Mrs:: tun=
Schmidt of Pigeon, Mich,,are visiting,_
.for a slew days with,their sister,.
Mrs.. D. Todd. .
The annual meeting. of th'e Bible
Society was , held in the •Anglican
.:aureh on; Peltier. eveauig., The #ol.
wing officers ,were elected, Prebi-
nt, Mr;,Jolan. NlcQuilli i, Seeretary,,
Miss Lila;,Iiumphrey; yeas, Mrs It
K. Millers ,Collectors, ; M;essrp. 'Lorne
rWooda, Fred McQtiillin:; and McKin
Wedding- Bells are ringing loudl'
fn If elmed .
A special meeting of the IL W. I.
will be held at Holyrood on . Thursday,
evening, ,October 15th, to make •ars.
rangements for the •'plowing -Match's
Mrs. Meagher andsfamily. of Chop-•
stow spent Sunday' with' Miss _ S.
, Mr: and Mrs Fred Rodgers were
recent visitors• with.'li14sas3 Annie Stat
tern;,e ''
:Mr Gordon. Starters wasp home.
from. Midland last. weep •
Mesa Gwendolyn Ackert spent the.
Hospital days were lonely. Of course, her fends did
all -they could' to keep hes cheerful her room was
std bower of roses..-- • _but how she looked forward to
evening when Jack could sit by her, and tC "ol tris day - '
at the office:
Then came the''news that he must leave town •oq. busi-
ness. She ;wondered how she could -stand the wait until•.
• " he: came: home. • But Jack, wise fellow, knew , hos. to ---
bridge the gap ' Promptly each evening , at nine' he
called her over :Long . 'Distance and told her all the-
things, sloe- wished fo hear.
Extravagant?'' .. not a bit : for night states are •
always-inexpensive•-What.._corild be; worth, more for
what it cost?
Evening ,rases ('7.00 p,nn.
• 10 $40 pun, local rime)
are consideraf ly,. lower
loan. day ,rates o*
one" calls. Nighf rales
(8.30 p,n,, so 4.30` a.m )
• •are lower firth;
slid M's; W. 'Hackett and Mr;
and •Mrs.• J.as, .Hackett an son mot="
tired from• Detroit__to._spend . Thanks....
giving with Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. BR.
Hackett. • .
Mr. ''and -Mrs. Manning and 'family
of London are spending the holiday'
at M. ' and' `Mrs. Elmer Alton's. Mr.
and Mrs.: Manning rendered a very
appropriate duet on. Sunday at Hack-,
eters' Church- cervico
Mr: and Mrs. Alvin Bowles visited
.n itli::JVLr. .and Mrs.Thos Hackett on
Mrs. Albert' Alton and daughter
Janey epent the week -end. with Lori -
don. friends.
Mr. Watson Davis and Miss. Lena
'Hackett attended the Teacher's Coni
vention on .Thursday and "Friday
which` Was -held et Seaforth end
Clinton. •
Mr. ' arid' Mrs. Watson=. Duvis of
Belfast, spent Thanksgiving at their
old home in Tara:
• .Mr. Melvin. Hackett spent' the -holi-
day under the parental roof.
The„rgi ;ser-Qeteber=meeting-of-
S. Kinloss. W.M.S. was held at the
home of Mis. ti`:.•liughes • on October
5th„ w t,Tr_.a_._, ood_attendanee 'The' Ansi--Iylei.le•-Wilson;-nurseein: train -
ins . of 'Stratford General Hospital,
spent last week : with .her' • paaents.
here. I
Miss,. Annetta Fisher of Linwood,
spent tie week -end at her hom,e here.
Mr; John Thom of Fordwich visited
last week with his sister, .Mrs David
Gillies ;and Attlee. friends -around here
the meeting:' let: -Corinthians, 13, was • Mrs. Dr.:Seott, of 'Bal City, Mich.,,
then, read -'by -Mrs *very -and discus.is idsiting- with her, brother, Mr. Jas
cion on this .. chapter was taken by
Miss Dean McLeod. and was very.
interesting and . instructive. Annie
Hughes gavea report en the section-
al meeting held in Ashfield church.
'Mrs., Douglas -Gs -Ahem' offered prayer,
after which hymn 374 was sung,' A
paper on the life of.. bliss 'Caroline
McDonald was given by Mrs. A.
Hughes after --which five--Tittle--g'irl's
sweetly sang "Tell Me the Story of
Jesus.” • Ruth McLeod took the topic•.
on Japan from the Study book, afte:i•.
which Miss Myra McDonald sang,
which was much appreciated.,,liymn
376 was sung and Mrs. ,Archie. Mc-
Intyre closed the'' 'meeting • with
Miss Ruby' Kilpatrick fiom It.ock-
wood spent Thankisgiving at her•heino''` 4th CON., KINI,0 5
hero: - .
. • r..-,ter-� .
Mrs. Jane Percy returned home
after a visit with her neice at Luck .
now. 1 .
--11liss, $essiolsane'of-Muskoka-*pent:
holida !at --her -home_ here..
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Baker spent Sun-
day 'at Mrs. ;Watson Scott's.
Mr.: Fred 'McNeily ;of Toronto,.
R. -T. Pair of •Collingwood, Mr. ane;
Mrs. •George Mudie and Muriel "o(
Clinton and Mien DreNan of Winni
peg were recent' visitors with Mrs
Almer' Ackert`'
-,-Mr-s.- :Burnell of .-Pali?t-erston_ wh•:
spent' the past .two weeks with Miss
S. Purvis•'hasreturned home:
Master Lloyd Ackert .who'has. bees,
confined 'to his :bed the past week=i:.
the week end. at her: home here. •
Mr. and I Mr$. C. Borthwick o$' St.
Catherines .visited at the home of the
latter's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas.'
Hodgins. . I s
Mrs. M. Pierson of M,illarton ' spent •
a few days with her'neice, Mrs. Bert••,,
McLean. •
ley Ramage •a >arl`Tlurniti ,:`alter:
which a very interesting address was •
-givetr-by- Rev -Mrs --Bowan
. Mr.. and-• Mrs.' ---T •:Campbell and
Miss Jean and Mr. • Taylor of Stanley
spent Thanksgiving 'Day with Mr.
,arid Mrs, Robinson Woods.,
Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Maier and
family of Tiverton, Misses. Hodgkins
sons of 'London, Mr. J. Adair of Kit -'1
chener were Sunday' . visitors at „J.B,/,..
Hodgkinson'ss - '
Mrs. Wm, McDonald and family;
4 Agincourt:•visited at J:.:R,, Lanes.
'recently. '
Mr and ,Mrs'`°Edgar''Ecicenswiiler, ••
andfamily of•, Clifford spam, Sunday
at .W,. mri's. ...
A liThoge ``*pocrowd:. attended the re-. -
ception at the homeof 'Mr.. • er d lif ia.
Sain .. Nesbitt, South Line, on Frida,
evening ,
-Miss Evelyn McLean `is -'visiting atr
Mr. • and 'Mrs.' Marshall Miller of
Loiidoii4.: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller
of Windsor,' Mrs. 'S. Londesboro of
Detroit and''Mrs. E. Simpson. of Lucan'
were 'holiday visitors at. W. Boyles:
Mrs. • Dudley of Lucknow spent a
few' days -with relatives' -here..
ere -
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hodgins and Jno.
C odgins aid `Tena Motored. to Lucan
on Monday. • • - '
We congratulate ''Mi ,and Mrs: B..
Porter-(neeleari ialdenby)_ ot,.T.ees-
Mrs. George Webb is a visitor with
her siater,. IVIrss Tigert at 'Harnilto:n.
'Visitors"at theirhonies for •Than'ks-
paving included Misses' Vera ' Woods:
of Toronto, .Mabel: and Irene .Woods
and Vera Todd from Kitchener, Anna
Stuart of Toronto, Dorothy :'Webster.
of Londan, Define "Webster of , Toron-
te, Messrs. Lorne Webb and Wilson
. able to be out again • • , Woods of Guelph, the.latter was ac-
AO: and -Mrs. Howard..Robinson art-- cos►pfiii;eii'-eLy his`esiese M"1''i
r. itchel
Mrs.M.. McPherson, Donald and
moving to the 6th Con • this week. son: 1
Mr. Davis, Mr McIntyre, Misses
Wesley and Mrs. -Rohl. a6Mter. of BsYatrice : McQui lin; Grace Lockhart
and Lena Hackett, attended' the Tea•
cher's Convention held at Exeter and
at Guelph last; week.
Mr, and Mrs. as. Mitchell, George •
Bill and, Freda• of Toronto; also ltillss'"
Mackie of London, were. 'holiday vis-.
itors at 'Mr. .JLohn_ it!ebater's.
Mrs. R. J. Woods had the" pleasure
of having all Wei--; family Tibme for
the week -end. They were Wilson of
Guelph, Dr. •Alvin of; 'Hamilton, 'Mr. -
arid . Mrs. Arnold Barbour and -Dor-
othy of Fergus; Mr. and:. Mrs Doh
erty and'.- babe of •Guelph, Mr: and
Mrs. Whe€ham• and babe 6f Paisley,•.
"Miss; cera: W000ds of Toronto,. also
her other grandson,. Bobby Phillips
of Fergus. ,
Lucknow; motored ,'to. Harriston . on
Friday. �' I
Mr. Earl Haeris spent •the holiday
Sat his home here.
Ire T►13�rood-'Rueradale-GaLholic
church are having their annual hot:
supper at: Riyersdale, on. Wedn"aday,,'
'Oeteber-23at: -A cti fission '50es- and- big.
Mrs. Alex'• Kintoul and'son Mr.: Wil-
Rintoul spent the week -end at: Tor-
onto with their daughter, Mrs. -Lee.
president occupied thea chair and the,
meeting• opened by • singing .hymn 388•,
after • which Mre. • A: Sutherland led
in: prayer: Reports weee. then given
and business • dealt; with. • It :was de-
cided. "to ..hold our. Thank -offering
meeting on the evening of Oct. ,20th.
when M�rs.....Outerbridge, missionary
on furlough from China, will address
-Sec. .
•Mrs, Aubrey Higgins and son Jack Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. McDonald and
returnee!, to .Detroit after spending children,, spent the week -end `'with
a couple of weeks with'her meth" relatives in Toronto. '
here. .. I' Miss Margaret Graha ri ,, spent
• • A number .from Here :attended the Thanksgiving with. .her parents: •
ttnnivcrsiiry ' aei`vleeii .Dungannon Mr. and Mrs. Forbes of St. Marys
on Sunda'. spent a few days at Mr.. S: Congramg
Mrs. ,Annie, Treleaven ,spent a day Mr.' S.. Carnochan, and Willie, vis -
C• '-•,,•'last week with , her son, Bert: ited with Seaforth 'friends during:the
MiesAlina Brake of Toronto, spent' ivc� Ic. • .
Thanksgiving at her home: here. ' Mme;-Cleir McDougall---of-•--Guelph
• Don't forget' .the anniversary ser- 'was home over the week=end.
vires at Crewe rwxt Sunday afternoon Mrs. Angus McDonald spent a few
and. evening, 2410 anti 1.30, to be eon- days :in Trento last week.
,ducted by Roe. Wilkinson of S. . Mr. Archie McCaul and John It.
Helena. Special musk will be supplied Robertson of Ripley, spent the hali-
1•.ueknow mixed quartette. day R Middleton's.
la •
The Sentinel
- t0 -those out of town
the' sehoo[ term
-Telephone- No:. 3-5
Wilson, Sr. 1
Mr: and Mrs.. Arthur Newman ankd
Mr. and • Mrs. Fred Newnan of Ham-
ilton, spent Thanksgiving with 'Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Naylor. , •
'Mr. and. Mrs. George Garten and,
family, spent the week -end with, their
daughter, • Mrs. Arthur Holland at
Kitchener. • '
-'' M�r:: and :1Vb s. David Kennedy; Mrs.;
Duncan Kennedy, Messrs. Peter and'
George Kennedy,• Miss Annie Ken-
nedy, ;also Mrs.:Lorne : Durnin of . St.
Helens spent Thanksgivin . with the
former's daughter, Mrs: Karry Tich-
borne of Goderich.
Mr, Will McClenaglian and son of
Cleveland came. ever. is an aeroplane
last woek and visited With the form-.
er's brothers, Messrs. Robert; George
and Ben McClenaghan.
MARRIED -On Monday, . October
12th, Miss J. Robina • M. Henry, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry
to Mr. Malcolm- P. Green, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Green of boon, Ontar-
io. They- will reside at North . Bay.
We wish them a long and happy wed-
ded life.
Mrs. Andrew 'ox visited last week
with relatives. in Goderieli.
Mrs..Murray and Miss.Velma Scott
.were called to Tees ter • last-Fri-
ast - Fri-
day'e'vening,• owing to the serious'i•1l-
nese of' • 1VIr. Pike Scott . who is work-
ing there. We are glad to report he
is some better.
Mi'.: and Mrs, Blackmore and son
of Hamilton, called on Mrs. Duncan
Kennedy on'Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cooleandl sora,
Jack of Lucknow, spent Thanksgiv-
ing with Mrs. David Gillies.
Mr. Wesley Leggatt visited recent-
ly at Drayton. with his. mother, Alta:-
Leggatt, Sr. who returned heme with
him and Is visiting here.
s•. Mr, and Mrs..Hank Kruger • and
daughter Lois, •• returned to Detroit
lastelPriday Miss Clare Pardon ac-
companied them and is visitirsg her
brother, Mr. Elgin Purdon there.
Quito a nuinbef from here attend
od Teeswater' and Winghan F>drs
as't week. -
Mr, and Mrs. Bon Naylor attended
the• wedding of the 'fornser's beim in
Brussels last • Saturday.
Miss Annie Henry, R; N. of New
York City, is'' visiting hero with her •
Ladies' Of ' Maitland,
Pr -e b lienal )eet_
Conference of Various' Branebes
--lEleld_.At-rVY•.ingham,r`Ts Eine It
A' 'well attended conference 'of
tidies ofvarious branches' of the
,�W�ornen's '_. Missionary - 'Society of
3Vlaltland ' Presbyterial was :held in;.
Andrew's Presbyterian church;
r'Wingham, on Thursday. Mrs., (Rev.)
-A. Forbes of'Teeswater, first. vice-
presidents of the Presbyterial, occu-
Mr. and Mrs:. Ernest McRoberts and
three . sons, Earl, Wallace and -Elliott
of London; were- holiday- visitors with
Mr. and Mrs.• George McRoberts.
.pied h h ' Th devotional period Famed .Forecaster
c� air:' e e ... , � __
was in charge` -of- IVirm-°•�irirl_--Bowers, — Dies In Owen Sound
Ripley, and 'Miss •Ida• McQuoid,
'Whitechurch. .. . -
An interesting' report of the Sum-
mer School' ivhich,was 'held at camp
Iintail in July wa's given by Miss
Nellie' Malcolm, Kinlough, . the pres-
byterial's., delegate. Talks were given
andpapers read by Mrs. A. M. Carr,
'Hingham, and. Mrs. 'Guthrie Reids • of
Teeswater, on' Mission Band work, al-
so a well prepared paper' by Mrs. H.
Wal'k'er, Brussels, on girl's work.
This was followed by a -round table •
eonference led by Mrs.: J. F. Link -
later, of Tees 'water on questions re-
lative to leadership in Young People's
. A spin' ,effectively rendered; by Miss.
McLean of- Winghams. was very
much enjoyed; also a chorus by see.
enteen�members of the Wingham•
Mission Band. _
The presentation, of letters ofap-
preciation, suitably engraved, .from
the preshyterial to presbyterial offi-
cers who retired from the, board this
year was made by Mrs. McWhinney
of Dungannon, presbyterial president,
to Mrs. A: Strachan, Brussels,. Mrs.
A. M. Carr, Wingham and to Mrs.
Geo. H. Douglas,-Luckknow(i in .ab-
-sentia,)_,Mrs:�Stxachan_antd _Mrs -._Carr
made suitable replies.
The meeting was brought to n
close by Miss beige Henderson of
Lucknow. The gathering then ad-
loomed to the lecture room of the
church,, 'where the ladies of Wing -
ham served an appetizing lunch:
'Monumental Works
Lucknow, Ont.
Has 1 the largest and most complete
itock' in the most beautiful designs
'to choose:' from, in•- �jj, •
W E make a Specialty of
Parnily monuments and invite •
• your Idspeetien.
Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully and
. Promptly Bona;
See iia before 'placing your order.
Douglas Bros.
Phone 'I4
parents; Mr. and Mrs. Frank flenrZ.'
R. A. Spbttoi
Phone fa
Win, hams
Claimed 'Seventy -Five Per, Cent. "of
His Prognostications •Were Correct
Janes B. Bowes, known through-
out Canada as "the Chatsworth Sage"
died at his ;residence in Owen • Sound.
last week, after an illness of several
weeks: He was'reparing to under-.
go a serious operation when heart
trouble developed and he gradually
became weaker. -
, Mr. Bowes, who was in his seventy-
fifth year, became interested early
in life in' the study of weather. con-
ditions throughout the world. Ile ob-
tained literature bearing' on the sub-
ject, and based all his weather fore
casts on scientific facts which heaf-
firmed were authentic. He never
claimed that 'his weather forecasts
were always correct, -•but he said that
they were correct • to the extent of
about 75 per cent.
[Forecasts In Demand
Fie ' took the stand that, covering a
certain nunib.er of years,' weather
conditions were certain to be repeated
and his forecasts, he declared, bore
out his contention. His forecasts were
in. wide demand, especially in late
years,'by the newspapersof
country, end t,re �coutd be found in
offices, shops . and homes in all parts
of Canada. 'He ''attained considerable
distinction because of them, and was
sensitive to any criticism, contending
that he was •correct the greater part;
of the time. It was.through'l his- fore,
casts, which he began to 'publish
after he \vent to Chatsworth to live,
that he because known as `-'the. Chat's.
vuorth Sage."' '
`Ile was horn at Pinkerton, Bruce
County; the soil 'of the late Mr. and
Mrs. William Bowes: lie remained
on his father's' farm until he was 35
years of age, and then went to Pais,ley, where he'entered business.
lie remained there for eleven years
and went to Chatsworth in 1902. He
eondu> ted his milling business there -j
and manufactured' a roller, which he
Shipped abroad. It 'was. While at
Chatsworth :that attention was drawn
to his weather forecasts. He contin-
ued to live in Chatsworth until about
five years .ago, when he purchased
a feed mill. at Owen Sound, neer
Jones Faits, and'has resided there
since, . .
water on .the,. arrival of .a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKay ..Sind fans-
ily of Glamis spent Sunday at Wm.
Weare glad° to report that Mau-
rice' Hodgins- is improving after •his •
-serious -operation-in Ste Joseph's -Has
pital,-London. . ''_...,
Messrs. W. Boyle and. B. E Mc-
Lean. were.to London last week.
Qpi e a aiinrber attended=the-;lance
in the Grange Hell or_Manday_nrght.•
Harvest Thanksgiving Services will
be, held` in the Anglican.Church on
_Sunday, _O_ct 25th. Services;' 11 a.in.
will be conducted •by Rev. .L Bowen •'
of London, at 7.30. p.m.; by Rev. Wm:
Anniversary services' in the Pres-
byterian Church Will be Nova lst.
•Rev. _M'cIver of . Tiverton will be 'the
speaker on that occasion,` • .
Miss Mary Graham of Kitchener is
visiting at the 'home of her parents.,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson of
Lucknow, spent 'Sunday at • the lat'-
ter's home here.,
Miss ' Norma McDonald has gone to
Kincardine for , awhile.
Miss Margaret:Collins. has return-
ed home, having spent the past .few
weeks . at Mr. Hollyman's in Lucknow.
• Mr. Hugh 'Taylor spent a few days
last week at Mr. 'Will Scott's.
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Gillies and Don-
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emerson. anti,
family, Mr. , and Mrs. Andrew Emer-
son, . Mr. and Mrs Ralph Nixon and
Isaac, Mr. and Mrs. Vietor Whitley
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Angus ,
Graham of Lucknow, spent Thanks-
giving at Mr. Jack Emerson's.
.Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pox of Kincar-
dine 'visited at . Mr. James Robert-
son's on Monday. . _
Miss Lenore '.McDonald ' of Strat-
ford was home for the holiday.
The marriage took place on Satur-
day at -two o'clock. at the Manse at
Exeter, ,..�Ipf Edith Alberta, eldest
daughter of.Mrs. McKay and the late
Hugh .McKay, to . Mr. John Z. Daley
son of Mr: Peter Daley and the late.
Mrs. Daley, of Seaforth, Rev. J. H.
• • the Rhodes officiating. The bride, who was
unattended, was becomingly dressed ,
in a- suit of travel tweed in brown
tones, with accessories to match. She
wore a brown fox fur scarf, flit -r
gift , of the' groom. • Mr. and Mr's.
Daley left immediately ; after the
ceremony on a trip to London, Nia-
gara Falls and Toronto, and efn their
return will make their home on the
the groon'-s farm in McKillop: The
congratulations and best wishes of
a host offriends for a happy an
prosperous married life are extender • •
Mr. and Mrs. Daley.
Seaforth Expositor.
Miss Jean Long went to London
last week where she wast operatedr„-
on in St. Joseph's Hospital for tli
removal of tonsils andadenoids and
alsa.fo� aur -um trouble.
Miss Mary Mclean is spends i,' g sit•
month's vsilation with her brothers
and sister in Chicago. °;• •
UjAs. Braila . McDonagh.', spent- the
Week -end with her parents; Mr. and
Mrs, Chas,. McDonasi:1,•