HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-08, Page 3. • .-- ---••••••-,41,,mmr,,,,,,mriee.eettstemze,v,'•;;;,,
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For a tialanced-
serve Healthful
• •*(10 Zanada, thee kers nt Valsieera and ititfr Salad Dssing,
WhOn..ja. pa.' 'nese . • -:•:-Ameticgathop....4 .listoo• eagerly td'
-, .... ., •
r• • ' ••• 'mita the Japanese' word for ','strike,"
-Eli, -L. - •but,•-therte_appareatly .IS .nene: , What.
Speak ‘ • 4n
. . . • .„,,._ _. . ' . siA, •the nmpire says Is "Strike �n' r•
, • .. 1., . • 1 The •Americans 'find -tidal die -Yip-
. ...
'. , (oriie N.Y. reloo i„ , -altos& have -adoPted the svhole_nomen-
, , ,'
. ' • • ' clatnre Of • baseball as It was develop-:
More and mora the Englieb language ed. in the UnitedStates.
become a ;rifling. factor in"the Orient.' Scene: Lake Chuienji. Japanese In
Although the Chinese. outnumber • all their late 'teens( stand beck to Pet ,th,e
the English -sneaking peoples of the .4niericans get into a: sampan. Than
world, they themSelVes must: often fail you,"says ate American wife, hoping
. . .
- • '
back on English Aiii, order to convey they will understand. Not at all," on(
. .
,titeir •ndealfiing'•te other *Chinese"OVit replies; .adding: You . are- Americans;
different -dialect: "English is a coin.' are you not?.We go to school at St.'
. • .
• •
-,------pillsory pert conmen-school edue -„PittrYs-in Tokyo."
cation in Japan.
• The language of the British Isles- in a second sainpan; and the Amen-
•.• ,
• , 4" ' •
•,•."•"' " ,••••• • ••• ^4r11,141•••14•L rer " ' '
. .
• • Andrew' Hersey ..prde'enting the,,iiereey Challenge Trophy•to• Cox .
It. 'Stiff. boatswain Qn „the; "Aural). ia who brought, his ,crew
'the line first in, the annual boat race ';eit:th.e Cunard liner' "Auranie..
. ,
Laffs•13•11ile:•:.01AS Windows
. ,
•, •
° , • " ' • • •
Snpdai-Sehool"Teacher-'`And *hen
'•the.-Predigal. -eon
pen.erl,ffsaramYr • ' '
Tommy.-"Ilis father,. ran • to.
him--and-hurelihneyelteeverelir:"-,- .
Suriclay•School Teacher -•-"Wherever.
did you get that iniprOselon?" • ,
Tommy -"It says :so right- in, the:
Bittle±that hie father 'ran'to meet
him and fell on his' neck." •
Jack.-"SaY,, Mary, are yeti going
totheparty to -night?"
Mary -"I'll
• Maiy-VII say I. gni, 'Iackl I'll 'be
there with bells on! .
He tied his fellow collegians follow
Jack-7,-"O1tay, iihg, you later."
some_aose-variant---will -bob-up in ean.iiushand, Perhaps thinking le is.
thd most unexpectedsitaitionS in the in a bathtub instead of a boat, breaks
Orient, as witness the experience of a into a light, song. Conversation stops
young Anierican couple who visaed atneng, the college boye. Presently
Japan re6antly. the,' sheepish husband startled to
• c'
R.1; "1" 'i,••z•
ler V"°
• • V
• •
. . , •
CANAtOk.S.01;-0.11 CO, Limited OONTI1EAt'
•-• ,
• . , •
. • ,..
- .Keep,,Fhes, Away .
• • 1 1 •
„ ,BItie, yells* or -.red:tinted WindoW , `Those Who folio* ; the :hapitere,
glass to keep flies out of butcher shops' Reason ere like. the Well-dis.ciplined
and -cow- barns lies;,-preved-etteeeksful--battalione,,;_sehicli,_w_eariag., more
.stated by Professer J. W. Mauro of dazzling show tan the light- trbops
the Impede:I College of Science :and commanded •bY Imagine:ton, enjoy
TechnolOgy; in London, Fellowingeb-
servatiloas niade originally by.,the
Building Research Station of the Ilei-
tis& Government, Professor 1VIunro
tested the tendency of files„waspS.and
other insects to remain in rooms. pro-.
vided with window glass -varlOus
colole.L3a-compared .with. their tenders
Hotel Keeper -"I have rooms for
fifty and seventy -fl ie cents a -night." .'
Guest"What's the differenew.; be-
tween them?"
Scene: The smoking room. ot •a, PaS- hear,' eoming from the saM,Pan of the . Hotel Keeper ---"Tot ranch, only ,th.e,
senger ship .from . Seattle • putting ' in Japanese; the' full etterus in English seventy:five-cent, ones have rat traps...
at Yokohama. Four Japanese are hay of "Onward' Christian Soldiers ' . • • • , -: ' 7-7- - '
. „
ing a final session of. bridge in one:, The .eineers• motion Co 'him to loin' The', teacher was examining the,
corner.' They -r -converse -in Japanese --=-in,-, bet -he- does net•knOw the weords, , class in physiology.-
......: •,,. -....7.:---tint_bid_In Eng,liste.' ,,_:...i,._ _ . „. .. .1 Scene: Sleeptite;-, car milling out .01 Teacher- Mary :you 1011 us; what 1s
0 ' -Seen.e: Uenti,Park, Tokyo. The two VokYo. The Ainericans are starting te-Alte-ftinction of theeternach," ••
., • • , Americans' discover a. baseball game enter an. upper and lower when a.mid- . Mary -"The function Of the stomach
• '• •
between school -boy nines.. •" - dlealged .japenese; retnoving his stoek, is to hold up the petticoat."
e--.:-----44-,-,etrinpirei-Itelde upehla. righOaan_d-„,iiless.,i 41.31.1_ ' w_acr4s.t.b..e.„,„asje„ asks • • '
.4........,... ;....: .after the Pitcher throws- the bell. The "Yon are Americans?"
' ' ,tripn,_areiet
L A moment lie Iiibly stand:
• • ___ .and_stale sp. that custoniers will not
ing beside thern, telling them he liopee 'Second Hobo .(seornfilify.),-"EqualT bu--
y it, but ,light thel is tinted blue
273 -dank'
AtIverP4og'...- •
,InformatiOn sent free. The Ramilay Com- ', •
Street. 'Ottawa; Canada.
111. List of- Wanted 'Inventions
• • .•
in 'the"etilifliet6 �f ilum•an life•.--PC°U• s -Aighest market prices' Paid..
more .safety, and evee more honer,,
' ,,......:___:..i.:_:_—._ , 'Write for (Imitations. Immediate settle, • : "
ment'by certified cheque. Crates loaned. •
"We are surrounded by traditions •Give us a trial. •Rosenteld Poxiltry and, . : •
that once Were living M' now, are ,g:gg Co. Limited, Mentrea .
• BEM. NA,11-113
dead"---flaveleck Ellis.
ties to_ congregate_JA, ........... rooms ,. p gn 4,1 oo, . A. McCreerig Co.. Chatham.
provid,ed with Ordinary window glass
• '
t d with white daylight • -• - . • '111INZ 1.04 s4.1.
and fllum na e
Flies are •iptind to, prefer .'whitis' light
to ani color. la sireiler'tests with in- r
Atte confined in cylinders of cblered
glass provided with one end made ,of
clear glass, the insects - move .always
to the clear glass end. .Sorrie 'of :the •
ohseriiktiona may' be 'explained, it is
suspected, by the different perc:eatages
ot heat rays Which the various glasses
adniity the insects prohably preferring:
moresuch rays and, greater warmth.,
In addition to this, however, mere col-
or seemstd be reniileiyWci- the inhects.
Red or yelloW glass canna be used in
meat shops,.it le reported, because the
1%htnakes4heemeat loo1.-4, •
"A few . months ago, 1 had an •
, -, _ . , ,ot-.4 -almost ,b1O:ek 'When _prime. finest
' .
Ifidigesitioa and .Acidity
. .,
atio.ok of indigestion, heartburn. and . stock: available, pen bred line -bred :7or -: • • .: ,
acidity, and. had no appetite for. fil°arnicseh7 teenhlaarileotfitsetitoTn,
YCan . ' Order early: Would exchange . . . - ,
F.i..,eirignuseenn' sd..,,,%.1nrlac :
. 'meals, especially breakfast. I ani leialid, Canada.
a pipe snioker; arid for several days , •
A;felt so ill I could, not even look at ' V WI
, frifilic. my. hUstoniera wonswi-ep.- .
iny pipe. I decided to try Kruschen SAL-LPUPtE NOVA. SCOTIA.
Salts. A few days afterwards 1 esttao.kes tale firsts,. caleaeo, Portland, - -
ckholin Mink Shows, 1930. Limited
. .
found that the heartburn and acidity. No va
had,-' e 'and. foe_ the
gel _
qt .five or_oidest,, nunite, y.
.rturnber.•to book., .Satirefactirno04.t....,,,,-
six weeks 1 have, been in my usual •
• good. health- 11.._ean_novv eitjey my ;.
pipe smoking and- in,- fact- feel -about . is_4e'r.B. L.. i i?AEeDble•. vaAr;N.sieloYtt011,§77. argrzoi4-titN.z;
10 years younger."-R.P. . ' ?PI thread ;and eatafogue of stamp,.
' When your -,digestive *fees :fail to ,25c. •
flow freely your-tood lies in.:the systera Lucy ' Lee Needlework.
lull'arittlerinen 1,465, Montreal, Que. . .
• pf indigestion. . The " bttle. daily dose"
of 1i:rust:lien stimulates'„the.1$-W7
of the gastric. juices,. and thee ensure:1
complete, regular and unfailing eimiii
tion of all waste matter' every day,'
aft-L-rie, .•
iScientiflp laws by world famous '
yc1ioIngh.t. If-akkable " • .
Write Simpson s, 56 McNafrn .Ave,. :To-
rontot ' • .
, they will have a gdod ride. to Nagoya,' rm abc've itl" : •
• does not spoil the ,appearance of the
1 mass , , 1explaining • that he teaches English
. j
meat and -aide considerably .in keeping
• • • • Wife -"John, is it ,true that money but the insects.
• ' • le the American Wife talker ;
Sencl' for Our
• Special Circular, • .
covering this • . •
Interesting Speculation
F. W. Macdonald & Co.
Members •
4Standard Stock & Mining Exchange
38 King St. W. 159 Craig St. W.
ELgin ,6255-6 ' MA. 7785-4121,
iVire connection% teri-'1'.*f •
rincipal Mar ets
." • •
'tiY4e tfle- O.
hurriedly, and with an air of finality, kfueband•-"That s what they say
for fltat timIlOquacious ne,my' dAer."
I g
hat-Vlug d lea N ••e a little
bleness, stands before her quite dress; here to 'falic to me' dtirini the, day. I
. •
I •
.Centintied! to' exercise his. vim -1 Wife- I wish you
' ed ter his bed.. ' • I get so lonely." • ' •
• • I
. The Jaw of perfect service is simp-
• • .
Sutler with
Skin Troub1e3 when
lands Rarely the..laW of self-sacrifice,
which, .in union :with'. the R‘edeemer,
andl in imitation of Him makes the •
whole'. of life a ministration to man- Heals '
Snap 25c, Ointinent25c.and50c.
• • ••••••••••••••••• •
AT LAST , One reason for so man i divorces is
Perhaps it will all coine right at last; ' that so many fool pe p e as ,g
It may be, when all is done, mg m rr , g
We shall be together in some good• refrain: "I'd rather f4eeze in B V D's
world, . than' to. -wear long -Underwear." We
Where to wish and to have are will be better off when the brain' in-
--- upu. --- •' --- - stead of the pocketbook creates our
le ar
pap'e, , •
• • • -ri slns this defiant : .
. .
VVANTEDWrsons to, inew
. . Mushrooms for us in eellars..
4,-trm -upreard01- -.4 -$25__Aveekl3. -
•ev radian Mushroom Cb., ,Toronto.
en ry o ar -oninions. Waslaing-elethes-•ean
come dry work. Most of us forget the:
lucky breaks' and remember only the
emits iMProve a Mar's. face,
d A il di bad ones. A man who makes a lot of
figures hie face, he is a bad man."- money is considered a wonder, and we.
'William Lyon Phelps. . •," know a Iot Of girls who work Wonders,
•It must be terrible to have money to
" •—••4, •
RE filbtO
(00yDP4boy v
r •
-- 0:04 • 74*
b ve,
e.00y Eopy we.
burn •and not be lible to start" a fire.
laen don't mind marrying a flapperL-
she's. a 'pancakeJapper. To,see a
long way behind doesn't require much
gray! matter.
Nurse (going off. duty) -"Is• there
any Nog else- you
• Patint"Y:es, kiss Me good night."
Nurse -"1'I Send in -an arderT-hie
Ages the dirty work." •
• f
. •
Epitaph of. Pneumonia Victim
For her oft the frontdoor •
.• •
They've rang a wreath:.
She Would wear naught above,
And less beneath; • •
, •
. _
Wife (to.husband, a (linner)-•••"Yon.
Won't read that book of etiqutte, and
now look at You. Here's" the desert
and all you've got left is 6. butler
spreader." •
Toninty--•••Ma, do t have to /ash my
face again before dinner?" '
Mother-"Certanly, dear." • '
Tommy--"Aw,•gee, why can't I juk
poss'Pfler it, Over •agnin like you do
Hand work -We supply material
and • instruct..
• ' • •
170 Day St., Toronto
. •
Vegetable Pills Did flItat
• Creams Couidret
9 find (writes Miss E. T. Clapham),
that Carters Little Liver,Pills will do
more to keep the complexion clear and •
the skin free from blemishes than all
the face creams I have used."
Dr. Carter's. Little Liver Pills are no
ordinary laxative. They are, Alr.L
NEGETABLE and have a definite.
- valuable tonic action upon the liver.
They end Constipation, Indigestion;
iliousness, Headaches; Acidity. All'
-drggistS. 25c and 75c red packages.
Rub Minartf's in gently. It
penetrates f ore lfgrriens;
allays inflammation; soothes,
Puts you on your tet!
: • •
Guarding .
the Road to
Good Health
• IMMACULATELY clean freed
of impurities and harniul irri-
tints by • scientific sterilization.
Soft, absorbent' tissues that prote
-kthe family health.
• Manufacturers of awide range of
'Duality Papers for Commercial,
Professional and Domeitic
tWAN" A snowy
white Sterilized Tissue. In
wrapped, dustproqf Rolla of
750 sheets. Also Made in
CESS size to fit modern
built-in res.
value Eddy line., Seven ounces
of teil I zed- areped
every roil.
NAVY" A full weight Roll
of Sterlliied quality Tissue -
700 sheets 'of soft, safe, Sag -
tory paper.
• • ,
****01 k ° • x. •-• •
e. tketet ' C • ' '7•..F2, „ter., 4, 7"
"Oh. ye," said ?Jr.;. aairett, Proffitt,:
ly, "We can 0:0t3 Pour ancestors back
to -to -well, I don't know exactly
who, but we've been 'decending for
tiarry-"I'm forgetting woriten."
George"So am 1. I'm for gettleg a
douple las soon as possible." •
When I was child -(at least in.part,
Por never Was I wholly thild)-.
I felt a. woman in, my heart,
• Too littln reconciled.
Bred in the flesh, bred in the bone,
Hard on my hole eternally,
Around my flea,. like to a ston,
That terrible maturity.
• 1
Bet when 1 knew a woman's state
And shduld have ceased to be de
:1Avildered loet it was MY fate •
ciltict, and inseeare.
There is rdversal meaningless.
Ea the' ffeeh, bred lit 'the. bone, , • '
This terrible itigeatiouseess.
-Dorothy lwles pickno,„
• " •
:4' e..• •
. 4, .
Nerves on edge. A head tat nemitis, rheuatism. etc.: or IOSe
throbs. Yon can't stop ,,work, :nit any time hatause of colds or sore
yon can stop the pain -in n htirry. throat. Get some ASpirin and jut,
Aspirin will do it every time. Take folloW those proven directions fl'
two or three tablets, a sWallow of instant relif. •
not ing about the Aspirin. tablets cost very little,
There's no
wter; and you're soon crnfortable. .
action of Aspirin. You will always espeCially if you buy them by the
these tables. • ' 1 the heart. They demi. upset the
bottle% Any doctor Will " tell yon
are harmless, Thev 1rt't hurt
get coMpleie relief when you take
These' tablets shoOd be in every Stomach. So take them as often
libp, office, tett home. Ready to you have the least need of Oct
relieve any sudden ache or pain quidk coal -fort Take enough for
from a grumbling teeth to lumbao' remplete results. On sale at drer,
Don't suffer with 'that neuralgia, stores eveq wherc. hied e in Cam, ! .
. .
° 4,44410471 'rIc
• , •
- • '
Nearly !lervtitis
her... th'poor
oman who wakes up, her
bead stiliachingtertierves rigged?
How many yertinl women are
working "on their nerve" because
fondle weakness has robbed them
of strength arid health?
If they would only try Lydia V:
Pinkham's Vegetable Compoud.;
It strengthens by its tonic iction ..-
brings soothing, comforting relief:
Get a bottle of the liquIcl frotn
your druggist tday. Or try it in
the new cottvdbie-nt tatstet form.
• ISSUE No. 40-