HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-08, Page 14y
7( '}i• .,i{Y Tl ?"M'}4 Y h 4tk,9. 4;iW.'fis ^
M,�,tiet •:k%
tri : ,
., ' THURSDAY, OCTO6ER 8th, '
Dr. R. L. Treleaven, Lucknow
Hours:.9--.12 'A, M. " 1.30--5 P. M
WALL :I APER -A full line of 19.31
.:all • P4per on, hand.. Prides .consider-
. Ably 'down for ,1931, I: am also agent+
for ,leading lob' houses.-
R ; J. /CAMERON . • '
Decorator, Painter.. Ind 'Grainer
,. Box 3:7'4, Lucknow •
• STORE Fog ' RENT .The' •store
•'.until recently.:' occupied v Walker
fiitere A" •good bueiness location.,"
, Apply, to R. J. _Moore, Lucknow.
POR-S�sl E=iJsed Hemlock Plank -
y and T;linbers_for, small htiilding, also
'-°same inch : material will he sold, cheep
Mrs. :B., J. Chesnut, Lucknow.
•age of twenty-two married Mas
FOR' RENT. — A comfortable 8-
room • Frame House; a/z acre of
grou nd, : soft and hard: water: and good
.Apply..at.' 'the Sentinel'
' Office; ..
Had Been, ILO For ,Some Time• -Mem,
ber of the Belfast Orange Lodge-
Weli..and1 Favorably' Known
.In Township. .
The 'death of ••Mr Thomas Henry,
a well-known Ashfield farmer, who The ,H.nity. Circle, was ,responsible
was: e's cted b ' all
00:1010-W . him,. or . the iervice. Uin the United • Church
passed away, at ''his home . on; the ,on Sunday inorn04, whip, although
•Giavel . Ro.d, '. south of Belfast; on of an unusual ;nature^, proved,most
J`uesday, :Octobeir,.6.th M'r., Heniyy'.had inspiring to a' large.' congregation
been• win ;declining. health fo#• a con K .'Tho service ;tools 'the form of...'A
5i' erable time and. fort'•• some lnonth�, .';'e1i :o's 'ageant entitsled "7'he'.
�. r i• �' . .g ii iR.
pr8liious ., to I hie". death; *was confined', Bunlding ,sof The Shi i" presented 'b3►
to `bed et intervals. • - some sixty children. and adults' of 'the
Mr: Henry was born in Grey;County Wingham United Church. Sunday
" ---
sirity-three. 'years 'ago,, .beinnnnn� theSchool. A •special offering was tekeii
second son of a •lame ThoRras-and at• the service fo`r `Westerl,t :Ree1ie
Mize HenryH•e came o West Work whieli-amounted
Twp. as a lad and et the Rev. A. W.. Craw conducted . the
Pageant Presented ' A
In United Church
,Splendid Congregation, f e . ;'Inspired
By "The Bruilding • of the Ship," A
Religious Pageant 'Presented By
Wingham :'Sunda. y Sehooj.
One Fordson Tractor and Plow,
1927 model, for sale or in exchange
for horses, cattle, sheep or hogs. •
Apply' to 1-G.. A. Siddall, Broker,
(s -leo -c)" Helens Presbyterian ;church. and also the Bible as the chart and compass.
s usual• devotional .exercises,. tenoning
Charlotte' MacAllister.: A few .years I
which Mr. W. H. French, as the ,Mas
later Mr. and Mrs. Henry: moved to ter Builder, assisted by a number'of
here ,they 'have since, re -en his workmen conducted the.
Ashfield wchildren, , ,
sided: .• . • building of the ship which represe-
• The deceased is survived by his ted • character and depicted how, when
wife, three .brothers, George, William on the firm foundation of a Christian
"` foil c --SY'ste;rs; Mrs.' 'i "-onl�'th best material
said Robert,.bpd home and'w th y e.
.Joseph •Hackett, Mrs. John .Barkley,.
rs. _ Themes, Agar in
_ and . Mrs. W.
resin. . '
Mr .41enry.> as 'a member of St.
and workmanship •used in the build-
ing, 'it_will, become a rugged vessel
with conscience acting as an. Unfailing
rudder; with Christ at the pilot, and
Thomas Harris of Ripley will have
. an Auction; Sale of 90 head of Cows;
Calves, Yearlings, .Two-year-old Heir
fers and • Steers, at Ripley on pairs -
day, October 15, at 1 o'clock.
t=''1�Patt.�`(layna; Aic.
We '-have, •:a' number of Radio
Cabinets whicl+ w._e; viiili . sell • at a
bargain' They are well finished • and
-`.coul"�`li'��••� as`-a`�vva�ltstarrd.: A-iiy
one who has a' ;battery,;, set . should.
• have one. Call, at factory and 'get.
Prices. '• • '• • ' Signed •.
I�N:6W T*B3�E= GO. tM T -ED
(5-7-11-e.) •
IN' THE' ESTATE :OF . George- Leslie
Pager Authorized, *Assignor.
George Leslie Page, Farmer, of 'tyle
Township of Huron ip the County of
Bruce,• did'on the 29th day of Septem-
ber; .1931, 'snake an authorizedassign,
ment of . all his ' property far the
benefit of his creditors, and that T.
J., Rutherford;' Esq. Oiticial .Receiver,
has appointed me to be Custodian of
" the estate of: the debtor 'until-thn-
first meeting of.. creditors...
thatthe first meeting o credi '
the .above estate will - e held in the
Court House, ' Owen ' Sound, Ontario,
on Tuesday, October '•20th, .1931, . at
10.30 o'clock in the' forenoon.
a rriember • of Belfast Orange Lodge:
The •'funeral) service' which.' will ..be
held at his late • residence • today,
(Thursday), at two o'clock, will • be
conducted by Rev. .Tavener. Inter-
ment will be Made in Greenhill cern
To entitle' 'you- to vote' thereat,
proof of your claim must be lodged
'with me before the meeting is held:
Proxies to be used at the meeting
must be lodged with me prior there-
to. t
And further take notice that if you'.
Boom 1
Sr Class -Possible; Marks 340:
Honours.• 255: Pass 204.
Hinters -Carolyn Allin 278: Celia.
Wilson 266:' It'Writylur---2-03:
Reid, MVleltiin 246: Jack Traplin'242:
Fern Twamley 236: Norah Jewitt
228: Willard Thompson -224. Below
Pass -i --Margaret ' Nicholson 196: Rus-
,sel. •Whitby .18,1t• Warren Wy1daJ.142:
Ross 'Paterson 117. ' •,
Jr.' ' Class -Possible . +larks .220:
Honors 166: Pass 132:
Honors -Sammy Chin 200: Anne
Parker .196: .Lloyd'. 'Stewart 194:
Marjorie . Solomon' 192: Donald" JohYi-
-sten ' 19.1- • Russel Armstrong 180i
Catherine Johnston• 179: 'Helen Orr
176: Billy Button 170: •Alan McKim
167: BillyTM-saver 165: I siss Ross -
Henderson 164: germen ,McQ>;'illin
154: Tommy Traplin 148: 'Raymond
Bultitude 144: Doris Wylds 141:
Norma Ritchie. 133. ' Below Pass-;
Dorothy Paterson 114: Kathryp Ag-
new 108: Alfreda Mortis .78: Jackie
Scott 74: Reggie Ferguson 49.
Craw -Nichols •
The marriage • of Margaret .Adelina
eldest 'daughter of 'Mrs. Nichols .and
'the late Mr. A. E. Nichols, • Fergus,
to .Rev. Walter Brookfield Craw,
,13.D., only son., of, Rev. R. W ani Mrs.
Craw, _of:•._L•ucltnow, 'was,. solemnized.
at Melville United. Church, ' Fergus,
Yesterday.- The groom's father offac,'.
fated, assiated, by Rev.' George A.:.
M'aedonald;'pastels of M4ville Church.,,,
wh C1 was .resplendent :with, d*hliae,
otherMautuinn flowers and ferns.;
aliine strea'ined, through the ;stained`
glasa, windows The brad. ; was given
Pby: heti uncle `1V(r.. W.il-1
in marriage y...., � , n
laaii , Semple of Cobourg., Rev. Lewis
MacLean of Toronto,, attended "the
groom, and' Mr . Gordon Harris ( and
ilf, AJltan'-Nachitti-'acted-ite--ushrs.
With this. guidance,. as the ship nears
the end of life's 'voyage,' it will be
guided to Portby the signal lights
of Hope, •Truth,'•Patience, Faith. and
Love, as theconclusion of the pageant
beautifully similized•;.- .
�:Asthe.. chiklrei�r,.unde , _:..- _
Miss Bennett, broiught forth the
parts which made up the ship, each
pa t---represeritingistion_vrtue
orprilrciAal, an appropriate verse
Was : recited: •Special hymns: •for the,
occadon !•were ;sung at .intervals
throughout thepageant and anthems
by the righa n eheir 'ith, Mis
The Bread
The Bread
of Health
The -Habit
The bride-wor-e -a beautiful white; -sat-.,
in gown, with a lace and net, veil, end•'
carried .a ' bouiiiuet'. of Butterfly ropes,:
lily of the . valley, and maide` hair'
The bridesmaid, Miss Ena
Nichols, 'was dreased in a periwinkle
blue lace: frock. Mr. N. T. Ives play-
ed the organ,' and during' the signing
of ''the 'register Miss Laura Farrow
ang: "Foll'owmg -;the -ceremony--a• re-
ception was • held in Melville Hall,
which was festive With pink rosebuds
and „candles. The, bride's mother re-
ceied in a navy blue, georgette 'gown.•
and black hat trimmed with Wh'ite,:
and the groom's mother received in
a'. Copenhagen blue georgettedress
with a 'black ' velvet hat. Later, the
couple left for a motor trip in North-
ern Ontario, • the bride wearing a
- e e--� `any --c )aim- again8t-• the -debtor-
for which you are entitled to rank,
• proof --of such claim -roust -be filed with
rine or with the Trustee when;appoint-
ed; otherwise the proceedsof the
debtor's estate will be distributed
among the parties entitled thereto,
without regard to 'your claim.
DATED at Lucknow, Ontario, this
1stday of October, .A. D. 1931:
'JOSEPH AGNEW, Lucknow; Ont.
• !The • Religious Education ,Council
and the W.C.T.U., are working to-
gether in an effort to promote a
Dominion wide, interdenominational
cdtarse • of temperance study 'for
children through the , niediqni, of the
Sunday Schools. : .
Temperance -lessons- will appear in
•;zt Sunday•„S4hoo1 papers duringOct-
Oberand the 1st Sunday in November
These lessens will^ be . suited to two
groups of children, those under 12
yeers and those 12 years and over.
At the end of each weekly lesson
a question appears and students are
requested to answer these questions
and" at the cotrclasion of the contest
hand the answers to the Superinten-
dent of his or her particular Sunday
School, when they will be marked by
The three best papers will he hand-
a id -ed to the local• W.C.T.U. and, will be
' entered, in the' National W. O. T U.:
g -L.
winning tion,
'It is also probable that a 'shield
mei-he offered in the County` dr dis-
trict to the sebool,having the largest
percentage of pupils taking part iii
these T,em•peranee lesson questions.
Hazel Brandon at.: the :organ.: Solos
were sweetly taken • by : Miss McKay
and a' little•, tot, :Louise' Dare.
Mr. Copeland, superintendent of
the .Sunday •School impressively5 ,
dressed the congregation, forceahly'
likening -the building of the ship to
the building of character. ^
The free-will presentation of „this
pageant by the Winghana 'people" was
much . appreciated by the Lucknow
congregation. Those', taking part.; and
those responsible for the pageantare
deserving of'' many thanks and co'm-
-mendation. —
charming' •beige suit, trimmed with
1`We are: anxious -to 'get all, -the
the village- and districteach week
and 'every ' householder .. could ably
assist by developing the • habit- • of
sending in' ;any. •interesting -items
which, concern :' themselves, their
neighbors or".friends, .Your co-opera-
tion would help to Make The -Sentinel
more' interesting. .,,
We. try to keep in. -tench with
lage activities, but • no doubt some
items • are ; overlooked • becausewe
weren't informed. Every lodge,. church:
or_social-.:organization should have
sor►ie fepresentatit+e. who will• attend
to its: news reporting promptly.
Call at ' the office .or write ' your
items • and send them in. -The Sentinel:
'phone number: is 35, although in tak-
ing a list of • names or a. lengthly
' • -Monday is nicsgiving Day ari
a public holiday..
Small Apartment of Rooms to rent
above the Store; ` Apply "MARKET",
Mr. Jas. A. Geddes spent the, firs.
of the :weekIn in- Toronto. •
Miss. Margaret: Button has been
visiting with friends, in ;Rochester. -----
Mr. and, .Mrs.. Cameron . ' McDonald
Visited : recently with friends in . De-
item by 'phone an error is more apt
s -::tun-,the .: will reside :.
dui .On -their. rem ,, . y.•
to' -occur- Howe.-01;4.let us have, .thee
at' Kincardine,: Qpt..
OCTOBER 1 &-20th:
Leonard McInnis, of the 2nd Con.,
Kinloss had his car badly damaged
Then the '.carr driven by Geo. Glous-
cher of Wingham, crashed into him
oil Wingliamn' main •street. on Monday_
night about .10.30 o'clock: -
McInnes• accompanied by a 'young
lady had .attended the'show in Wing-
han3 and were • leaving ' for home.
when the trash occurred. None 'of the
occupants Were injured, fortunately,
but immediately tenanting the smash-
up, Glouscher ju ped from •the car
and disappeared�,and the ensuing
search, failed to locate him: "A • search
of the ear, -however, revealed
bottles of beer. '
Warm Winter Undergarments for
Jaz n
Men, Worneit� a,nd Children. New Low
Prices. "MAKE'"' Luaus?* Dept,
Corer - .
.New Blankets, Co• mforters, Bed
Spreads. New Low Prices.. "MAR-
KET" Lucknow Dept. ,Store.
Commencing : Saturday, October, 10,
phe•. early morning route of'the ,Fair-
Fair -view Dairy will be withdrawn and
throughout the winter /.months the
regular forenoon route will be 'con-
Mr. Lloyd Letherby of the Domin-
len-Production.-House : arrived in town
the first of the .week , to pro
duce a
news in some way. If you live the)
community and have something of
interest; --don't- fail to- call the -,cos -
spondent- in__„youL locality. _
This is important, be: early. "Give.
us a break." Never wait untilthe
last minute to send in an item . that
tan the' sent in early:,•
local' talent • show for' the Lucknow
'citizens' band sailed "Marriage In.
Disguise" on' the 19th and 20th of the.
'About 150.young people of the:
town'.: comprise the troupe. of • which'
promises, to. be one of. the .best local
shows.: ever staged.
' :`.`Marriage�,in' Disguise" is a scream-
ing farce bolstered up with snappy
novelty' choruses.. Rehearsals for. the
how a-' -•re thinder'way-"and citizen
generally are requested to -reserve
these ni lits, and take in the season's
hit. '
We'•hear so. much' about depression^
hese days that. it may be a welcome
�h iw.fiil-note-to know -that at. least--.
there are ' enough farmers in this
:oinmunity `who possessed enough of
chose elpsive 'Oilers to' pay • spot
gash for :some 80 head' of cattle auct-
ioned :off on Monday of this week.
Messrs. Murphy --and _-Or-dorizzi•.
wrought the load down from Grand
Valley; and found it 'necessary to
conduct it as a cash sale. It, was
feared that these unusual terns
might prove 'a drawback, but the fact
that Mr. Gaynor disposed of the lot
in 'three hours, •to the satisfactien'of
the ;,drovers; sflea`ks for itself.
Auction sales have been numerous
/or so early in the fall, and the 'pro-
prietors. generally.; are well satisfied
with the; results. Eight months'
"time" is the general thing and posj•
M,r,,- Dupla+, General' manager of
Silverwtiod's . Dairies Ltd.; 'accompan-
ied by Mr. Perrin visited the Silver-
wood plants at• Lucknow and Cargill
this week, meeting with the respecr
five staff of each .plant, under' the
management of Mx. J. R. McNab.
There • have •been several changes
take place recently 'which will be
of local intrest. Mr. Dave Scobie, who
has been at Stratford .far some time
motel to Cargill this week, where be
will act as 'managing accoutrtant at
that -plant: Miss Kerry of Cargill has
ible arils stimul`atcs-'buying-with:
hopes that .the prices of. farm pro-
duce will soon 'be back to normal.
• Farm lands which have been' offer-
ed for sale, however, are not attract-
ing buyers ' to any • extent and es a
rule' are 'selling at a -low figure. A
farm mortgage till recently was con-
sidered an excellent investment, but
at present it is' hardly possible "to'
raise" money on the best of farm'.
this, however, cannot , continue for
long and farm property must and will
return to, a more' reasonable, value.
George Edward.Smith .
Dies In Wawanosh•
• Mr. ' George Edward Smyth, who'
was. well known' in Lucknow; having
been employed as. a harness -.maker
for some time by the late Mr. Alex
Ross; passed'#way`at=hishome_: the..
6th concession of West'Wawanosh,
on Friday, October 2nd. Mr. Smyth
who was fifty-four years of age had
been''confined to.bed for two months
previous to.his deaths
He was. the . son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. 'William John . Smyth. He
learned his trade' in Dungannon and
in 1903 married Miss Alice Thompson
Besides his', wife; there also survive
three children„ Clayton, Gordon and
Doris: Mrs. Chas..Durnin,. formerly
of Lucknow :is a sister of the deceasr
ed. �.., ;� •- : _ -
-The-funeral was held' from his late
residence with` Rev. ,f . C. Keine: ' of.
Dungannon• United church conducting
the service. Interment was in Dun-.
gannon cemetery. ' .
anie t'o, the office staff ,of !the 'Lnck-
nov ,plant and Mr. Wilmer. lfowey
received a move from' Cargill to
This ,past week we have Corrected
our . mailing list and sitibscribers are
asked to refer to their labia to see
that 's marked up and in
it 1 properly
case of error' to notify this office so
a correction can be made, .•
If our subscription is now. due et
Y, mesh
izvaxrears kindly have this matter w
attended. to. In case of remittance y
',nail' a receipt will be forwarded to
you, Your courtesy in this connection
in be iggegatly appreciated. •
.Week -end .visitors will be able to
take ' advantage , of the C.N.
"Thanksgiviiag Special".which^ 'Sat-
urdayat the Lucknow'depot on 'Sat-
urd'ay night at 10.40. and returning
Monday afternoon will leave Lucknow
at '2:02 P.M -
Married -At Goderich.
Mrs. R. J. .Cameron :is' • a visitor
his' week in Stratford with. Mrs. Wm.
Miss'. Stella Stewart, is visiting this •
.veek, in. Kincardine with Miss.Mynona..
so '
==Mr and��irs=Rtasse9l=-=Robert u .
are visiting' with friends in Buffalo .
and Philadelphia.
_ y the Great Horned 'S;poon"
November, '12th and 13th, Under -41r -
of R.• ' B. Hawthorne.
Mrs. John Carson and Mrs: George
Duress of Montreal are vi as tang with
1+Ir. and Mrs. .Dan. Ferguson.
Miss Mae Davison' and Miss Mary '
Watson, J. N are visiting for a few
lays with Monde -in- Aifes. Craig.
Roast your Thanksgiving Fowl in
one of our Roasters; We have a coin-' -
plete assortment.-- ON.
Petrie Reid •
The parsonage of North . street
-United chzurchT Goderach, was--the-
scene of a quiet but very pretty wed-
ding at eleven o'clock Saturday, Sept
ember: twenty - sixth, when Lily
Olivia, second eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob'M. Reed; con. ' seven
Ashfield,' becare the bride of Mr.
Joseph • Allan Petrie, youngest ion. of
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Petrie, Con.'
four, Ashfield. The ceremony was
performed b Itev.`-`Gieorge=T. Watts
in the, presence of the. parents of the
bride and bridegroom. The Bride who
was unattended,. looked charming in
a gown of shell' pink georgette and
lace. She wore black satin Shoes
carried a shower bouquet of Sweet-
heart roses.and baby's 'breath. -She
wore the 'bridegroom's, gift, a neck-
lace of pearls. Following the cere-
mony and dinner, which was partaken
of in Godericht . Mr. and Mrs. Petrie
left 'by motor • for a honeymoon trip'
to Guelph;' Hamilton; Niagara Falls,
Buffalo and Kitchener; For • traveling
the bride donned a' Dresden green
travel -tweed ensemble, with smart
black felt hat with feather' trimming
.green Chonga weave coat with grey
wolf trimmings 'and accessories to
'SPECIAL MEETING: match..bn. their return Mr. and Mrs
There will be' a special meeting,'of Petrie. -Will reside in Ashfield,
the Jewel Rebekah . Lodge at , the A reception at which' some 50
lodge room on Thursday evening at guests were present was held in
' Important business. honor of Mr. and Mrs. Petrie, at the
7clock. p
The A.T.P•A: of -St. Peter's Church
presented their popular play, "A
Little Clodhopper" in Bluevale last
Thursday' evening..
ass firths-Merroilald, nurse --
training at Woodstock General Hos- .
pital, spent the week -end .at the
home of her parents. '
• • Mr: R., Lightfoot of Arthur, fills
the vacancy in the Bank of Commerce
staff, as a •.res`hlt of -the resignation
Of Mr. Willis Smythe. •
The regular Meeting of the Wo=
men's--inlfitute Will -fie -._held 43).
P i-
day, afternoon• at• 2.30, o'clocJ $t the
home of Mrs., E. N. Ecdg aa.
DAILY STAR TRUCK Mrs. Jacob . Reed on -Friday night,
GOES INTO DITCH when the young. couple received
many handsome gifts. The evening
As a result of a front tire blowing t as sociably . spent in genres and
out the Toronto Daily Star delivery music following 'which a dainty
eon was served.
truck took to there ditchit
f driv`er9 lunch _ -'
now on. Mon y. night, ENGAGEMENTS
receiving •cuts about the•• face whim
required a • few stitches to close the Mr. Frank H. Cumming, Ripley,
wounds. ` ' •
. Ont,, announces the engagement of
The driver . left Lucknow • about his only daughter. Blanche Elizabeth,
nine o'clock Monday evening and • to Mr. Harvey John Ackert, son of
d Mrs.E t Ackert, Holy
Mr. Garfield Ostrander went : to
Pcton, ,Ont. on Tuesday to attend
the-;•-#tineral- of his mother,_ whose:..__..
death occurred there On Monday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy, James have
returned to, Chicago after -spending
a month's visit with Mr. and Mrs. '
Peter Johnston and other relatives. •
• Mr. and Mrs. Winn of Port Huron
were recent visitors with • Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. McDonald. on. their re-
turn they were accompanied by Mrs.
The Teeswater Junior Farmers
bete extended an invitatban to the
Lucknow Junier Farmers to attend •
a social vtening in Teeswater on
Friday, oast. Oth•-Everyb-exl-
Mr. Letherby has been busy this
Citizens' Band, ,making prepara-
tion to commence practising . for a
mnsical play entitled f'Marriage
Disguise." 4
•"Listening In" to Graham Mae
Namee giving a play-by-play account
of the World Series bitsebrigoames
is supPlying seek fans 'NOW- plenty
of excitement this week. At present
the serieg stands at 3 tWins. for the
Cardirials and 2 wins for the Ath-
home of the. bride's parents, Mr. andweek, assisted by officers of the
Mr: an rues The . Lucknow Citizens' Band was'
was nearing d Division line ole orris a to take
Ioc-. rood Ont., the m , ga_ • _ .....,a
cadent ,...
WtrOd. road when thea tatter 'art of• October. in Teeswater •on Wednesday supply-
carred. Little _ damage was dope to place the p 'ng music' for the '`Big Fair" crowd.
"e truck- with the exception of a - hieli ell in torrents at times'
six -WY -
the u Rain w f
- Shattered Mr. and Mrs. Alex McFarlane of
crumpled fender and a s., .... nt during .tho morning appeared that it
Chesle _ announce the engageme ., might ,... , .... .. .•.
Chit* - might sp it .the day. •H'owever the
Morrison. to . P ,. ...
'i3'ftern000n• turned out -brig lit :and
s� warm, with the usual large .turn4.
Mr.anll Mrs. _ ... a in atto dal... i . _!
to take tai � 4; �, , �► � ._ •
a1sb,: iria>C>tilage �_ , g 4!F6 ,�., , ._
windshield which inflicted the.injur-
c b: ies to the �lriverr- Passer. 'by took- of_tl fir -daughter, err
• t. • ..: • he received :John N: Matheson, son of the late
him to Wingham where - , of Loth -
' •. before returning t'o:M W Matheson
medical' attention b r ing
his dostinatioU' at St> atti