HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-01, Page 8wiremssimsommoommil
Popular Priced' Shoes •
IAre In DO-*ind'
..,Vile AO AddinA New 1..ines of Medium Priced
$hoes Eiteh.Wick
,o4Rus cAktir oxFoRD TIE, With Fancy' Trimming, Sizes
3 7- 7.... eFECIAL PRIC.'E . '• '•
-Grigi.,s. GUNMETAL CALF RIBBON Pump: Sizes ' 3 - 7.
i• Womms 4%.14F OXFORD. TIE, Exceptional Vakie .at, a Le*
V Price. 'Slies ,3 •-.,-,7- .P,RLICED AT '..1t.':,., . .. ... ,..:.:.(.. $1.95.: BOY'S BOX CALF SHOE, -On 'Good Pitting Last. Sizes I-4,4.,
1 . SPETA40- PRIdg'....,;-.,.:, ..... ...•::. ,.:...'...,. . .':. .. ...$2.50
1..; Y.Pti caa save monerea yet**. fall footwear
- ._,Ex„EdoilrvOtr*-,5-ALE
The-„Exectiters_mf_the____Estate• of • •
• . :
James Johnston,. late .0. the .Tcanship,.
�f. KinlOss- in the-, catinty
will offer 'fest sale'. ' "
by •Public Auction,: on-. _
SATURDAY, ocTeeng 3rd.
, 'at .2 O'clock' F.- AL -
at ',P. UR. ViS. :.'STORE;71i0LYR001),
the folloiking• valuable lands;--
Ninth: Concession • 7. of 'the Toirnship •
'Xinksi, containing one hundred ••
acres more Or leSs-.0n the .farm are
said. to be situated a good bank' barn.' .
56 ft. 'square, a •fraine house 20' x .
24" with eellar; • artesiarnve and
WindinilL'Thi7aaris 'a ;lay
all -
cleared, With abaut 40 acres ,ciiltiva-
ted and the balance in. pasture and
4 J
THX. 1411 VA,* Tatli "If•I
0 *ay
Mnef: these
er tiOnnketS,
C.k.McK COTTON l'Ill4N4ETS,.
Prices 'RenFe ‘,01P.
the Par
ire' To, :See
"these .:Lovely • :'.Weohest
trolieii 6th
$Irocx .
Plan to Meet year, familia it•.
'''Teelswitter on Oct. 7th-
_avid„.111CDOna1d, Pres. ,
ay & Sattitclar,
OBE -R9-& 10
Dr Christie, President ,of
Ontario ',Agricultural College,
Guelph. officially open the „.
Fair at 1.30 Satarday.
Special 'Prizes In,
All Departments
petitions, and Other Special
' -Attractions-
e 0 N 911t T
in Town Hall, Saturday Night
W. J. Greer, See?y.
Peter's A.Y. P
ie 4.vst. pogigSrliisinesp meeting
,of, the'lseasom;foi Si. Peter's A.Y.P.
,41,-Ayas ,beld:.;1'..intr Mondayevening,
with a goO!VIOen,fi:a4ee of ',members.
The meeting biened, with the 4100:
#TOO As I Am', Thine 'Own To Be,"
f„O'llowed by prayer and aPproPriate
Sliipture weeding, The minutes Of the
Iast meeting lvIce glenreceived, and
the roll 'called. 'The officers for 1930-
31 *ho had
occupied the chairsup,
to thim'spoint,, •were now 'asked
vacate, and .the society . joined in the
gereniony of 'installation. of
the officer!! for 1931-82. Miss D.
dobliei• president; Miss V.' Nixon
vice-pres.; Miss E. 'Martin,
.Johnston,'Tows. -'f0119*.ille
this a mini* of -iterna vere. trans-
actcd, the Menliberidit.p *ea .divided:
into two grOtipic each .1,14(194 )))!:
captain for thelpniPOe'of: attendance
contest. It was also decided to hold:
ties. to ilie....:Bloc_e_sean Rally at Strnt-
ler& On Oct. 23 and 24.
'''Presbyteriart Guild'
'The GUila meeting on Moridey ev-
ening Was. in charge of the Program
doumitteet..After. the 'opening hymn
Prayer•,, was repeated' in
unison, fellowed by the Scripture
reading-by--Wizinifred -Johnston,
interesting reading which also ser-
;Yed ..9,8 the topic was. provided by
Miss Isabel Chesnut: A:solo by Peggy,
McDfinald,_acetimapanied".by Douglas
on' tbe,piaq, .readinga byEi efeliCJ-eiv=
itt and 'Marian Jiiiniston, and
piano instrumental by: Ponalda Mae-
Calliim completed the. pregrain,.everY
.number beingjgood. After the.closing
hymn the meeting. was -brought to a
close by repeating the 1Vlizpah benev..-
dietiOn.• Edwin Smith Was in the
egii• -
The Literary :Conimittee will have
charge-, of next Monday nights rneet-;
drignd__---we,...arel:assiir,ed of a goO-4._
program. Everybody we1come-2-and-
everybody come. You caMiot, spend
•a night more Profitable.
.• •
:4th C.ON.,' KINLOSS
-Selitember meeting: Of, . the
• Kairshea Club Was held at the home
• of Mrs. Wm. Robb, Ripley, on Thurs•
day; Sept. 17th, with a good atten-
...darree. Mrs. R. Martin presided, and
the meeting opened by Singing the'
"Opening Ode", 'and repeating the
Lord's - prayer in. unison,' Mid. G.
' • Lockhart read the minutes of last
meeting, also a letter from ' Miss•
Sarah Wirer from Powassan, tell-
ing how ,she _distributed the qtililts
v. which were pent up North; and the
• need of , clothing for the winter. Af-
ter community singing, the usual
business was dispensed with, and the
• program followed- with an instru-
mental by Miss Leona White. A solo
by Miss Elizabeth Robinson accom-
panied by Miss 'Martha Sutherland.
• Mr. Jas.. Little gave Some splendid
• :violin -selections. tillimi-Garruthers
pz-asll R
• , .
Rev .• .41.004•L v _0404 VA0a'
Leinlini-Anos Former•a
. pine Rwet, Aportlit'.40.
Bev. jimefa it. me,,_1400., the:'
Aged People's ROMP, /Neit11,I*14:91th;
died on Ontartla.Y. in St- 4rOsePli".0
pital, London, as •a result of Aev.x.7e.
head injurieshe'.recetVefl last Thurs-
day ,wbou he wns•throWn,to the pave-
ment at the Cernei, of Bielimendend
St. James, when str110, by a London..
motorist._ • •. .• '
jtey.. Mr. McLeod,. who, was .$3
years of age vas horn in Manclies,•:.
1,ter,; England in ,..1849; rcceivin. his
education at wyeiiire:,,:colltne,,' Toren:
to., His fiat ,Parkli was at ...Lion's
. •
(oak of Handsome
. .orttAn, 0, 444Fes§
oppv04., .Foc..000044tt ' the re-
spect which W. ji..•-•eci.k1414.79!)
'nliiim-104 .fe1l9w-o:ruPloxeatO ; Pi 07.
rerViciairs Dairies Linatedli4.i;" 'OPE-
jpresied last Saturday by everyinein-
'bet, Of the staff at Stratford. Mr.
Scebie., whose 'position was that Of
ac-V!u!'ta,x4 IA the' office had been pro_
rooted to manager of the Cargill,
Ont., branch. • , - ,
' Before leaving the office last ' Satc•
urday be Wes taken' coniulete.13.7- by
"prise ,when,a-•,beautittil presenta-
tion was given ; hini.-as Well as the
. • - . '
following address: '
- Mr, ,,Seobie: , ., . , , .
' WS'iliOre.,;gatheltOd here todartomex:v
044 our regrets •upon :hearing that
You are leaving us in 'the" near- f.,O-•
bleak Where he 'recnitined for three' tare. The harmony that bas existed
. . . .
years Other Chaiges*. which.;•lie.lhelir between YOurself and, the :eimilsiy'ees,
included; pine".ittrer end .''ArnbeileY: '01...e:•ii.i1;(iv'terkilt.olttst..,d5vt:illt.4i41:-..'11.,.:Djuii.:7„.3;1:th:(.1:',
RiPleY,..-tiiiiii,':::"MOOket-OWit;'6-eurt;-- .
While We regret that-yo,u ate to -leave -
rig ,, .v.on,. andinsa esidei• lipp- we are glad•-thattthe powers that -be
' lit Al .*: t '' L k ' ." '
sall,::-Slatton and4tWobil..-BUring....his_hayeseert fit to annoint._,yOu to. .0
higher • est...M. this organizairoi. - '-
•We would ask ; you to‘ accent-thii-
pariShes. he....beearne„, w.eil4no_wii_thru alltpresgrit-as,a•-tokefi-ef-oar_,es-
eeni arid oddwi1I and wish „yon;
urther success.in ,your new position.,
' Signed' on ;behalf Of the: eniploYees
•of•Silervuogd's Stratford Dairy, Lim-
ited; • ' -
. W. B. Martin,. •
--After -gratefully:acknowledging IiiP
ePereciatiOn of the gift, Mr: 'Scebie
satd he regretted leaving the local
well as le.tatei4,i-lvSetr*ret6f.tdrdilaaititi:'71atliI:
'MRS. HARVEY .1i740
many fine citizens he had met. since
Having: been in failing health forcoming here over a year ago.
:the lnket tvilo r'eari, \the death of .Mrs.. • Mr. Powell, .the •manager of the
Western Ontario, generally.
Since his SuperanUatien in-1.921The
had made his home in London. Two
'brothers, A, B. of Stratford and
Arthur of. Kingston, survive. Burial
took place %at Bayfield.
THE .bEATIt. OF . :•-,
--flar---v—ey-Reiwest=walvan-___brang_h not 'only s oke,
•United Church Y. P.
bL • eo
:ozh, occuired at her 116111e:6st
•day, evening;:
Mrs. Reid iirai active in church
,Work and wag •beloved ,by everyone
in tlie. ,eommunity .where she has
.spent.' her married life. She was well
known by a 'large- number' in -this
Which was held on Monday afternoon,
to. Maitland Cerrietery,, Goderich: The.
service was '
tist church.
The Citizenship Committee pre-
pared thi.program for Monday -even-
ing • Alter the opening ' exercises,
Dorothy BetrY read. the Scripture
!cam. The:i0day was very ortun-
Th iiaving Miss Evelyn ; Craw
?resent. She spoke on Peace, urging
• individuals and societies to become
more interested in the League of
Nations in the hope of attaining
World 'Peace. -Other features of the
TiOglani-Viere-a -reading-by-Margar-
st Ritchie and an listrumental, bolo
by iuiiie 'Teuton. A hyunr -and
prayer :brought the meeting to "A
close. '
Harvest' Festial ,
The annual Harvest Horne' Festival'
'3f. Peter's church will be held,
;Sunday, Oct. 4. Thif.reetOr will preach
at the *ming service and the Rev.
EL J. Bowen of London, at the Seven
Mock ierviceiv-A011,- thatt we --would
raise the Lord. for His wonderful
goodness to the children of mea."
Mrs. C. Thompson visiting her
;ister in Detroit at -present.
Mr. II. Chanipion and 'Mr. Hiram
Bloom Were down to Hamilton on a
-insiness trip last _week.
The Smith Kinloss- W. M. S. will
iold their annual meeting at the
°mine. of Mrs. •Alliater Ilitothes on
lilondaY, Oct. 5th. at 2 o'clock. P.M.
All membert requested' t� be present,
visitors cordially invited.
Mi. Mac 'Inglis finished' threshing
ni• our line latt Saturday. Mac says
ie has four weeks threshing yet to
Mr. Fred Blunden is visiting ore)
he week -end with_friends in Wind -
sang yery sweetly, "The Lord's My
• Shepherd" aqcompanied hi?. Mts. Car-
ruthers at ,the piano. • Mrs.. Howard
Robinson gave a reading, "The In-
• ventor's Wife."' kiss Annie. Hughes
• read a paper. on "The Market Value
of it Homemaker." Mrs. Carruthers
.read a paper on "Cititenship" all of
•• • which Was greatly appreciated: After
singing, a vote of' thanks was given
to the hostess, and the -meeting was
brought to a close by singing the
National Anthem. Litrich was served
and a., Soeiril ,half hour spent. The
-nett meeting which is the annual
meeting is to, be' held at. the home
Mri. ,Dan McKinnon, 6th eon.
'when all members are asked to be
• -Mrs. b. cdninbeil, who has been
in the hospital in Kineardine for the
past ferV' weeks, is able t� be at her
oine gain,. • -
Mr. Clair McDougal was up from
Toronto for s, feri days: '
Mr., and Mrs; R. Martin -Attended
„ the TOnden --
' A ituniber from here 4i6ndeci tht
Agog!, of tite lu[r. itohil Brea.
• Mrs. Wm, ,Blake, accompanied me
and Mrs. John -Blake and Miss 'Ber-
nice of -Wingham to Duhville; Friday
t� -isitfrscesaughter,Mrs
Wilfred Hoffman.. Mrs. Blakewil-
remainr. or a few weeks.
o. Twamley received word
the death of her little
6-1 Pair "Ibex" Flannellette Blank-
ets, Extra Large. Best Quality; a
$L98. "MARKET" LicknoW
Dept, ,StOre.
• According to Census figures re-
cently published, Lucknow showst an:
increase in population since 1921. The
population at that time •. was 905,
whik.the recent census shows there
are 974 'rebidents in the village. *7
Other figures of nearby towns are:
Exeter, 1921, 1442; 1931, 1662. Blyth
1921, .650; 1931, 620. Brussels, 1921,
310; 1931, 782. Hensel!, 19214 '756;
1931 ,720. • •
entidge of Ripley, ,Who 'sofne Years
Ago lived onAhe Fourth don. of Rut-
...on....ite_haLlideitin-06.0_x_biealth for
some tnne. . The SYmlintily of tile
:oininunity goes out to the bereaved
Mr..W. L. McKenzie Of town. Was
a -Ciller -Oil week'.
Mr. George Middtiton spent a few
dile: in London at Ow Fair.
Sunday o
granddaugh er, Audrey, elder daugh-
• ter of Mr. Eldom TwasileY of 'Chat:'
ham. The little: girls who wan. ii her
foUrth- year,was, knoelceirdoWit
rday by a car 'cirlven by an Italian;
Causing concusicoii Of -the brain. She
was rushed to the hospital but did
not regain :conaciOusfiessi passing
away ,Sunday morning.,Mrs. "rwanlleY
and MeSsrs. Waflace and `Geo. Twam-
:attended the funeral at Chatham,
Tuesday. Much sYmpathY is, felt in
this, community for the bereaved fam-
• ily and grandmother..• .
- Mr. Dan Blake of Winnipeg made -
sit k t --
a s o wit re a iv here:
Elmer. 'Johnston went t� Toronto;
Tuesday to enter his second year
course study in Electrical engineer-
ing. in Toronto 'University.'We wist
him auceess.
Richard Kilpatrick Was home from
Stratford over the Week -end.
MO. Olive. Treleaven Of Montreal
was the guest of Mr. and Mis. S. 3.
Kilpatrick for a few days recently.,
Quite a number from heti atteri4
ded the Amaral of the litte 'Virg;
Ilarvey Reid of Auburn, Monday.
Mrs. Henry Reed Of Goderich was
:he guest of her niece, Mrs. Thos.
Anderson; over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. • Anderson spent a
day this week at the home of Mr,,,and
.Mrs. Bert Reed, Whitechnrehi,
-S. S. No1.9 are to he col-will-Inlet-
eci:-on-.-their success -at the 'Ailifield
school fair.,---Gardon Anderson was
sweepstake winner for Most paints
• which *on for him- the Eaton
Silver trophy, and Harvey Kilpatrick
won the Parrish shield for the befit
°realm on "4 plea for more support
for our School Fair." Opite a nun -
bet 'entered lire .stock and carried
off many prizes in.that line also.
:Mr. Palmer and Miss Olive
patrick were among the successful
candidate Who 'Wrote extuninations
on University short coursed this sum -
-Farmers - Ditchers...
• Builders
We wilrcompete in Price, Quality !
and' Delivery. -A• trial will con- .
vince you. • ••
• Kincardine$ R. L5. 'Phone 107 r 4
work but of his exemplary character;
whose Milner* . will reinain.. with
those. With whom he has been asso-
ciated:Mr. Scobie :who has been With
the• firtrijor over nine year is held
in the highest esteem by the SilVer-
wood .company. •
• Messrs; Robinson and Lorne Woods
and-Miss-kjohnston and ! • Mr. WM.
lite Mrs. Harvey Reid to Goderich
;wintery on Monday. ,'
is -away this
week •judging horses at the Forest
-and-Florence-Pall Fairs: •,
Miss" Vera Todd *as home from
Kitchener -flit the: Weelr=end.
Mr.: :Jas. Reid,..'Misses'. Adits;and
Mary :Reid of •Bayfield were 'recent
visitorii with' iheir cousins, tlie Mea -
ire. Woods., •• ,
' Mr. Gordon • 1VItIntyra ,spent • .the
week -end at; his home at Paisley:
Mrs: Arthur Whetham and little
son of -Paisley are visitors with her
mother,- :Misr --R.--J---Woods.
Mr. Lorne Webb left on Saturday
4o -resume his-studies-aLthe-O.A. C.
Ghe1ih. M. Wilson Woods also re-
turns- to the O.A.C. this week.
Antiivereary services will he held
in the :United chdrch next Sanday.,
Oct. 4; with -Services. at II A -M. and
1.39 P.M. Rev,. W. P. Lane Of Sea -
forth, will be the speaker.
Mrs. Chas, :ash-, and daughter
Bernice of Grindstone City, Mich.,
_Who are visiting,. their aunt, Mrs.
John Redmond 'and. visited.
in the neighborhood of ,St. Helens on -
New Flannelettee.Flaiineli. Prints,
Gingham, Etc. -New Lew Prices.
"MARKET?? Lticlinow• Dent. Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'McInnes ,of
near Teesivater spent Sunday With
M. and Mrs.: Orville' Tiffin. - •
, Mr. Whitfield Scott, :is laid, up.At
•Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie spent
Sunday with Mr.1.and Mrs. James
Ititchie-i-.01,tucknOW, .
and-Mil:1.-Taluiston an ' three
little girls of near Wingbain, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hardy
The sera -annual meeting of Matt" -
land, • PreshYterial of the W.M.S. "Cof
Ale• Presbyterian Church in` Canada,
will be held AndteW's PreS1*-
teriaa. church, Wingham, Thursday,
COntiriellOing 'at 2.30. Leaders
•if young Woirien'S .and Girie
Nations, And of Mission Bands Will
'ake part in the 0 -Ogren -I. Mrs. Link-
i:iter Will cenduet the ouestion drawer
• 411 inenibers of W.M.S. and leaders
Y.W.:+arkt dirte organizations nd
'Mission Bands' in the, Presbyterial
sre eordially invited to be present.-
- Si/hp-son. .
Miss Daisy . _Kennedy, 2nd 'con.,
spent the. week -end with Mrs.'Win, .
ildeIntoSh of- _tucknew:
Mr. •Tom., Morrison of Toronto is
- spending -
• •
Mr. and Mvs. Hiram Moffatt visit:
id Miss Ada Helm on ,Simday. • -
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mecowan, Mr.
And :Mrs. Gen. 'Charters and 'babe,
Mildred were visitors With Mr. and
Mrs. JIM. Helm of ZiOn.
Mr. Geo. Tenn and mother of
Toronto are visiting at Mr. Chas.
Mr. and- Mrs.--Ino-McDonald at
tended, the funeral of 1VIrs. Harvey
-heed at Aubnin.cin_ 1VrendaY. --
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook spent a
few days' in Beyfield last WeOk•
Mr, and Mrs. B. Gibson and family
returned to Windsor after spending
their vacation with Ashfield friends.-
• Miss Della Gilmore of Goderich
spent Sunday at her home here.
Rev. Fr. Jno. Hogan New York
wfici wad suddenly dalled to the fun-
eral ofhia. brother, Rev. Jai. Hbgan
of Lucan, Ont., is at present visiting
his 'hroti4rs Ashfield before re-
turning home:
• The Ashfield School. F'air lield it
Ciirrie's Corners last Tneiday 'was
largely attended. The °Weather was
all that cotild be desired and the ex-
hibits were remarkablygood: Miss
Grant,' Hemlock City school, cartied
away the shield for 1931 ." •
' Mr. 'and- Mts. Gordon Ritchie tind•,
family spent Sunday at 'rhos. Robbs'.
The 'Stratfford - „Beacon -Herald
claims that "just before boys turn
into. men they are• apt to 'do foolish
Things." Afterwards, of cburie,ilie-Y
don't. it is jUst a notion thefr. wives
roavipont Freao-See3r..isive,
Misses Olive and' Daisy Kennedy
spent ,a few days last' week ' with
their cousin, Mrs; Win, McIntosh of
Lticknow. • „
Parcel numbee-.(2). The North half -
of :the South half. of lot_ number.
Eleven . (11) in the Eleventh Conces-
sion of the said Twp. of Kinlosa,:cep.-
laining- 25 acrek_mre or less..On the •
ViroValty are 7saicrIa-b-e7sitnated*--at--
bank barn 20 ft. x 30 ft. with gement,
stabling, a franie house' about 18 ft.
2 ftith_i_i_t_ehen 16 'ft x 20 ft.;
ov. acre of' sugar buah, a good or-
chard iiiiegiirdeiref-dimalrarifit-lind-
skink well. • . •
TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent. • of
the Purchase Price to be paid on the
date -of bilie---mul-baliiiiee-in-80-7-daya.
rhe • parcels will be offered for sale
separately, subject to a reserve bid.
W. J. Johnston, Kincaiduie, Ont.
John'Johniton,.,Holyrood,• Ont.' ,.
' • EX eutors'
- •••
ALPREB uARow. gawrzti,
Aurruoutzto ASSIGNOR
George •McQuoid and Miss Ida NOTtCr-r$-HEREBY—GIVEN
McQuoid and Mr. and , Mrs. John
Craig spent Sunday iviih—Asfaild
Mrs. Harry Tiehborne of Gederich
•Spent the. Week -end with het'. parents
Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy.
Mr. 1.3eter.' Kennedy, Misa. Annie
Kennedy, Mrs. Duncan Kennedy •and
Mrs. James Laidlaw attended the
funeral of ,Mrs:11larrey Reid of near
Auburn on _Monday, which 'was very
largely, titter-Mel:7
Mrs. Barker, Mr. Nelson McCart-
ney and Misses .Ellin and Christeriis
,Henderson of PoVvassan motored
down and ,are visiting Mr. McC,art-
ney's aunt, Mise Christena Laidlaw
and other relatives 'arbinid.tere.
Mr. PritCliard of Ethel preached
here Sunday in the Posbyterian
church in the absence ef Rev. Mr.
Pollock. ' • • •
Rey: Mt. Brown is to preach here
In the Preibiterian church next Slin-
ky in the intereats 'of the Bible
Society Work.
Mr. and Mrs., Lon Cody of Dutton,
visited -recently at the ° 1V/itnie, with
the Rev. .I. Pollock.
1-1O,L142.0.013 _ _
Keating-, whtr-spent-the--laSt.
few weeks with Miss Purves has
returned to her hope in 'Walkerton.
.Me. -- Mrs. James Baker - and
Miss Lizzie Pierce called on friends
at Rapid City on Sunday. •
.Rev. Fulton Irwin and Mrs. 'Irwin
of Chatham, 'Essex, called on grs.
Almer Ackert recently.
• 'Mr. fend Mrs. Howard Robinson
Visited with, the latter's sister, MO..
Ensign for the week -end.
Mrs, -Thos., H. Harris ealled Dfl
Miss Lizzie Pierce and Mrs, Miner
Ackert on Mcnidlay.
kr: Eldon EckeneValler ,thresh-
ing on the 88th Con. ,this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Eadie called
on MO. *Abigail on Monday even-
ing •
Mrs. Rebt. Webster of Lueknow, 15
spending a few ;days with Mri. Me.
, • .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank rienry,
churci1 Ontario, annotineef, the ett-.
gagetnent of their daughter, J. Ro-
bina to iVir„._111141c9_11it 10. _Green.
son Of Mr. And 1VIrs, J. W. Green of
ikon, Ontaritqr the marriage to take
Ogee qtlietlY, utuiy hi ,oetober..
that Alfred 'Harold Fowler; of the
TOWnship- '
County. of Huron and Province of
Ontario, •Yoenian, did on the 18th ,
day of September, 1931, Make an
Authorized Assignoneiit of all: his
property for The benefit of his Cred-
itors and that Edmund Weld,. Esquire
'Cede' Receiver; has appointed us
Lo be Ctistodian of the Estate Of the
Debtor until the Creditors at their ,
first meeting shall elect a Trustee'
to administer the . Estate -of thel
'iveirtliatacthe"--- --
first meeting. a Creditors in the
above Estate will be held at the office
of Mr. L. E. Dancey; •'Barrister,
Goderich, Ontario, on the 8th day
of October.. 1931,. at 3.30 P.M. East-
ern 'Standard Time. • .
'TO ENTITLE you to vote thereat
proof, of, your claim must be lodged
with Us before the meeting is held.
, PROXIES to be used at the meet-
ing inust be fired with us prior there-'
to. . . ••
that if you have any claim against
the .above debtor, for which you are
entitled to rank, Proof of y6ur claim
must be filed with us within thirty
days- from the 'date of this, notice,
for, from and after the expiration of
the time- fixed by the skid Act, we
shall distribute the . proceeds of
the debtor's estate among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only "
tothe-elahns-of which- we have their -
--DATED at Brantford, this 23rd
clay of September, 1931. '
COMPANY LIMITED, 114 Dalhousie
Street, Brantford, Ontario.
Mr. L. E. Dancey,-GodeCriuesht,odoiannt:
'I . hereby give ,notice that the
Adjourned Sale of Lands that are
:table to be sold.for Arrearetif Taxes '
viU be held 'as follows. •• .;
For the Walkerton District, at tha"
:lour of ten o'Cloeg., A.M. in the 'ofilce
3f the County Treasurer, in the Town
31 Walkerton, • on • Friday, October
Jth. A.D. 1931.
When I shall' offer for sale by
nubile auction Stich lands as reinain
unsold. from itho Tar. Sale- held -
the afereitild glade on' the twenty-
fifth day of September preceeding:
for such sums as can be reali
miless-the-TAxeir--Siel eharge r
sooner paid,„ In compliance With the
directions af the Asiessinent Act,
R.S.O. 1927, •the municipalities cont,
cernecl Will4e entitled to bid.
Let 10 Plan 225.
A. Nelson, Treas. -.o. Mile%