HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-01, Page 2ogee* 44 ." •• 1; • ,v 44^'*14V440 r, • • '••'4;t14? ••• ttc,, • . - s • • • .V2•'•''' • "' 4 " • • ,V...#„ '•• At. •"" 777.7-%•":"—.'-^;•,•• 77"i.""....orkk•taakk 'Nevi Airslikes Cook • • '1 No doubt most-Lene, SOtalts, ,Lone Petrels are now looking forward with conSiderible•anticiPagOn,Ao the and Winter Scout ActiVitiei after • ", laying"•enjoyed a7 vet' humiater. out- 890014 N,..PWeeMbe and John . Frewer of •Lalteffelcl; Jack ..04-rnerie Stratterilt • Don Armitage of Alisa °1g.t Alan: Dawson of Teroato • Lloyd' Young of Neweastle,-; jack Seeley of of • ' • ' ' " Alan Paraene, Wesley Dew, we are glad, to say that quite a tew titer:he Gate e and Gordon Patton. of • toliiOss:APolc. advantage of the Camp ing; Jack-Neiians of Pickerifigt, and Douglas Warren Of Lonies • Prine (now O • filler Paris, Troop) ;. • Bola,lieening;' Forree1;4ini kfcLeari.;•,,Oseet, Sellinan• Parsoes• AuSiielf • In8P,P31 ••#arri Bitnihalt -Bie Rob erteout and .Bill PM* of lVtaje• - PropatereWinter Camp ' '• - • • , • Inyitatiens. sent ,in by the ,varieas • 41.1.1aTrpcipe throughout. the 'and those- that did so airrePort that _ _ . _ they. were well lopkedAtter-and -that. .••••they had. a good time and' thoroughly: ,enjOyed th1 hlida, • hoped that next ,edinmor'cxr •`••...4t!"redinStiiiices*•••.Wtir`.rierMit the j.one • ''Fl•te•De0441*IfIlttd 491c1 '21thaiorbeen'all:g0PIEK hy...eglyAral"1 'clakipelY:1?6iiik•scput. Cap as Pre7,,,thf;. outer •to!ipm oji`0i'fi-11118.; vious years. • : and arefuekibie to get away for camp • , • ; wear]. he„ Scout.ile,a:donarter this year had a goad idei to arrange a "Get:Tegether" • :'« beetleat „the Canadian National E for Lone Scouts some time durffig the • . • ‘t.• • • • 110ouadrange' Undergoes teet Who will prepare mea4e. ter crew. of 65 enlisted men and • 15 itWtie la the' Ontario Government winter-. _ „ • n :source. Of ' „ Ebor Park Gilwell hear -great ittraetion, and a magnet to ail Brantford,: Ont.;, the 'Proiinclal Scout hoya. of Scout age; during the. two. Council •for Ontario have; some very • - • coay•huildings sittiate.t - •We are g1d that so many, Lone a- beautiful park; which ;mould be ideal , • SConts• and' eilLone Scouts _took -the, eaMp: We wonder hoW opportunity to visit this booth, and to many T.;,enies would be interested in • make the acquaintance OfAhe officiale.sttending such a camp; if same*was , andity.tlieree. We are also delightedarranged,' and we invite you to write :that ".• some of you took .advantWe rfif --et•-bene-Seatit-ilead •the 'saecotniriOdation. at • year: disposal quarters,. 330 Bay: Street, Teeentd, .atthe.Sceut Carnp-Inside,•theExhibl, gtsring us Your „opinion, 'and •stating tion Grounds, where we. learned you when you think would be A. eultable • •ayeEfr.*eif?•,hanpy aid 'comfortable, • Pine -and. _ter_w_hatt h On. Saturday, September.1411, Scout ,camp should be' beld.. The 'buildings Day iethe Ex, about 20 Lollies and . ex-LOnies teak :pirOnsthe Seotit Par- ade, tinder Scoutmaster Don. 'Had*. • nen, of the 2nd" Oat. Lone Scout Troop, 'When' several thousand: Scouts -Were reviewed . by... Lietit.GOvernor" W.. D.: •:Roes,' assisted by. Mr. John •Stilee; -• Chief Executive Conitaiseioner cif the • Boy Scoutti, of tanacinand Mr. G. Bar- • ,rett. Rlch of Buffalo, . National :Scout • Commissioner Boy Soonte ot '41tt •`ife 4. 4. • • • After the -review the Lanie— , , •• • the Brand Stand .and witnessed the • Scout. Display and Vandeville. , •• Whieh•we mention are permanent. and can he, heated, and wouid be very cora- tortable indeed. . • . a• Lone Scout Question Box, • Don't forget the ' Lime 'cout 4ues-• tiOn Box, thrOtigh Which " Mie E"' will endeavour to answer any. queritale- • garding .Soceiting. Write tohim,at the above addreas:•.. • How• to Become a Lone Scout you are between ).g and 18 years • . ' • • 1 • ••• .: • . • • • . • • • ki4ditRifTG*1dt$UpP1Y Rescue Expedition Grows in if rance _Objects Left by_ N_ obile Rescu_ir_Witb_ Repre- Party Found in Remark- , . sent 65 Per Centof able State ,of Preserva:=. World Suppty.. Expert ‘Forins Mental•Pkture Of Cancez' After 'rest . . of lts, enyirounient. the, colt geta rid of its,iyastes. :01-Wcogen, or animal sugar 1:11 .yaciplag71:' itelb.3;:, :1°41; source d hf:aeltelltue:1:54 8Y, ,r,iortnal •cells haitthe.abeerhed, to lactin.ticid. fa:caacerous eons . every thirteen glycogen molectiles • :twelve split up into lactic acid and • • As.sociation m,eeting, , •• Other details enumerated In Dr. Me- onlY ode is oxidized.. •• " • • • • -• Caner, as he It, is a Problem' bOriald's cancer picture are that. caps ear blood Is more -alkaline •thans-nornial .• hleod,- and the inoie alkaline the blood ' • tl,ie•quickeri tb:e \disease acts, •Cancer • • 'Patienta have more Outer, in, • • 'blood and the more ,pugar the Pluirter„ • , the, .1Yeekgrenad. of the :Elector's Ate. Cancer . cells have relatively more 'picture lea 'eliowi that in order to *.potits,sintirattd "less calcium than, nor, • . . 4Systand tenger .:•4s :necessary ..to ,atalthe• grenter.-stichdiffer-, .• - "ineke*ci,rit ineolienical..Medel;':JOSt enCe..tha.M.Oreii.,virulentAlker.dienape.. Ss* the phydleist, to iinileratand2the.'":Oicture, Jr icfon atinit and its operation,:has nia:denidd-.;alire 'criteria. ter tfeatingmanCer C0111q. about -perfectly logioaijy—tbe4 condi The hiedefr,:for the erineer''Inechdtes tion ititiethe•prodliced1Witieh will • isin is the..-iiv-hig' 31.rith, four .Afi, the.break-tip: l• • *.:* • flint • cOMponent- :parts—the nucleus, body ,eugar, normalize . the blood's •alks, AhPretoPlatel,"". the -.SeriiipernienliW line'state,-redu-celiigh- blood-ingar;-in- • -cell--membrane-and-Lthe-,anyiroainent-.•crea.se, _the. _geIrs_lalciam_and_riechic_e__:._ _ • (bleod and tissue juices.). By nieatis the. cell's potassiurn, • Pliiladelphig.--4-lete-is a clear, illum- inating picture cancer. tits men- tal 'picture, has been paineekt Dr. ilihiee McDonald, director et -the Oan• cer Research • Laboratories' of the. Gradua.te School of Medieine, Univer- sity of Penusylvanie, who made his, report a:t the America; Pharinacentical -to 'he solyed'fn the laboratory': by the •sphysicai cheittist, the assistance • of the hielogist, who stedies, Ilifrig organisms, ad the •cytolegist, Wee" apecialfSes in c&1, or • , . , • •tion •Pari.—The hoard of gold metal • ties of ice have once more belm'shewn Stockhelm.—The .preserving neatly---saarekecl—i*-the-vaet, wade grOund yaults•of theBani.of France by a Swedish Arctic expeditidii, head- was increased recently to an al -time .record • of 58,576,000,000 franca ed br. Professor Hans Ahlmalin, Stockholm University.• Ho 'and hts 284,4• 64,000). ' party have -returned tc, •Stockliolm At- The'F,rench gold teserVes now total ter many Months cruising • on the steamship Quest in i the 'waters ba- tween Spitzbeegea. 'and :blovaja Zeinlja.: The -expedition landed- at--Foyn-is-- land, and there stPlick the abandoned .•,tWo Countries. • • eamP of CaPtain Sore, the Italian Al- lavestigators of .the League of Na - 23 per Tie. of the World's gold, and the United States reserves total 42 per cent thus placing 65 per cent...et the ....eatit_e_sitniitY' within the herders of ge.alkErifa*reatgld.liaLSCMirk:and piniat,-anct-van. Denghen4the Nerweg- tions sub -committee on gold, working • 0.p,.. erai_cii_oiyiejs_aare,Gewait%-yelitytirreerco.earstrarigiare4-atitearmopvt .. ts..--.Lh•Pi . r 70 si7e---„,s, concericled that hey-did-met-see-any-denger4o-wOrld anahleto-7-join—an.,---existing—Tro Write to "Loue E" atthe Lone Scout Department, 330 Bay Street Toronto pedition:.: They were, at the time, Ma. trade to the gold standard or to BY - moiled on•this Wand and on the verge ing Costs in France or America even at starvation when_ffnally_Saved bY if hoarding of gold in the two doun- Swedish flyers. ,• •• tries continued for anotner TarOUfl The men •from the Quest found at the other hand, there has been, wide - the abandoned. camp a darn:aged tent,'spread 'criticism of tit. vast' reserves :a polar «sleigh, ' a camera, a •silver piled up by the United States :and France. Haight Of Pickering; Rep. Sage of In-. Scaute&-`!Ldne E" watch, It hip- gic t flash " po e, akerosene , ••stov,e and -various -other objects,: 'all'. The_Lee,gge experts said *the' French remarkably well preserved by the ice; , gold reserve was, actually only $600; sii much so that the watch when Qoa,soo larger than, her holdings be - Wound tin at Once started going. The ' fore the World War. The United States holdings , , Ottawa.—According to recent status camera was not_ damaged: A pecket-.1 ••••-2,:o_The_folloaxing:reeperted at the Scout 2, 'who will be pleased to 'send you In - Booth or to the Scout .0fficials in the formation as to ow you can ecome Exhibition Grounds: — Lone Scout si a Lone Scent. • •H.Muir Northand Percy North a Mark- Lone Spouting indesigned priaeipaP 'thlim;' Donald Sabiston, Charlie Gray ly to give boys in rural districts, and and John Yining of, plikinVille; Charlie? small :tillages a chance to become Boy Woolless Lambs Poison Mixtures Reported By Soviet ' • For -Shrub Pests-,: - NoW coma-if:the 'Ater-Y.:Ora ent wecd, born lir the rvillage-oePlE••.• • rowskOe, near Moscow ,• and housed in ; Toronto —Gardeners_ Welcome • the :Zootechnical Inititizte. that these compounds to „eradicate destrue ' • SeViet canital.• The animal Is des,' tive.insects 'to flow:ers: .cribed hy, T. PO.P.0Y.4k1W.le_ELedina._Of1 Nicotine Sulphate .; . ;• that institution. ' Mix one-half ounce of nicetino• aut. The mother:of the ram had the nor: • pate dust With 94 eunc;ee of ,hydrat- Mal coat ot wciel wed was a ,bleck,i ed dime: The'llme May be bought at • shed -tailed ewe. with a ,ffeepe turned . , any building supply or hardware store. gray Pihrwitlifivrite-nriarkii On-•LtheTt-Opl Sift the dust and the Bine through a of her head und.on the tip of her tail flour duster seieral, times to insure a The father was, a normal animal of a good mixture. Apply with commercial short -tailed Northern breed, and was . ,_„ .,.,h hand duster or bloWer, . Dust «when also black. , The other lamp, wat ' the folingo is dry nnd the alt still.• . was born, siinultaneously• with the' • Avoid inhaling mach of the dust, as it woollese one—a' sister—was nermal, rimy irritate the throat. - t, • • black, With marke• on the top ot its The, rarada.cointiletelY,riaked excepL- This soliition is prepared' .by dia. • , Convicts .•. Pref ei Dickens London. — Charles Diekend. is de- . dared to be the most popular, author • -into)* British -prisoners.---The reasbn, —ia-that his hooks take longer tolread than most novels, and therefore pais nway.inore time than the average mod-• , ern book. . • . Other favorites are . P. G. Wode- The outstanding feature of Cana- . hose, the popular •humorist; Edgar dian trade with China and, Japan has. Rice Burroughs,, creator of the famous ibeen an exceedingly rapid. increase in Tarzan series; and E. °mien- .eipOrts. Due to world conditions these helm. • eiporti 'were not so great in: 1930 and • ' Strangely enough, thor- 1931, but in 1929 they were $24,200,000 oughly appreciate Edgar Wallac . His ' beaks are rarely lei: on the library shelves, and ;s,or.--. months ago there -waer-moehAlieotttent.„-amoiag,-.pri:soners when Wormed librarian that the whole prisOn stocl of Edgar Wal- lace volumes was being reserved for Dominion' a Pacific Exports .Expand do Poo oso • t d besides Italian" atm -Moore than in 1913, but the Proportion arej�me tics , Canada% transpacific trade • is steadily gaining, and whereas 10 years aga the United States trade. with 000*4 Norwegian • bank notes, photographs.' of wealth. in America has made a simi- and hastily penned notes, which were. -larincrease. • t I dia China and_Japa.n.was_50 times, that of .._. • - still decipherable. The life rope. was ng n , , P t , as Canada; it is now only 20 times. in atrong as eveil.- All-tirese.finds will - tralia-South AfricaNew,Zealand and Italy have only a little more gold- than that1period has i Canada's trad e n- be returned to their owners. z,,______ . they held before the war.• Germany creased sixfold with Japan and four- - --• -- fold with China. and Russia have suffered great losses. Northern Flight « « « , Russia -lost 86 .per cent of her gold . . Establishes Record during the war and the revolution. • 44 • 414 • • k. • 1- • t • to China as against $6,700,000 in' 1920 and $42,000,000 t13 Japan as against $6,- 500,000. The balance „of trade _formerly about parity, has now swung • strongly in Canada's favor, exports being about three times the imports. Ten years the use of a man under sentence of, ago Canada had only three -tenths of dth, 1 per centJ of the ' import trade of ea ' After aJ convict has served a month China and Japan; now it has 3 per of his sentence and has/behaved him- cent. self properly, he is allowed a novel, The chief contributing factors to the which supplements the: books of re- great increase in Canada's exports to ligious•instruction issued to him when Japan wereirl aluminum, lead, wheat, he enters the prison • wheat flour and wood pulp, and to A month later he is allowed another China fish, lumber, silver. wheat and wheat Boer. A 600 Millionth of a Tem' nd up his Choice on a slate and leaves it Measured by Scientist outside his cell, ' where the prison A millennium is nothing to a geoiog- , librarian—a convict—collectO it and 1st, tenths of a second an eternity .at takes it away to the library. • . the race track, and a few thousandths *, • Then, having'foued all the books on of a, second often a matter of dollars the prisoners' lists„ and having used and cents in handling big electrical his own discretion in cases where :toachinery. But probably the shollest inrdkg-akkett-for havingr-been-allotted•Lunte-drat-eyer-vrorried-an_engiseer4,51 . novel, and after a certain period of • his sentence has elapsed he is alloWed to read One volume a week. «:- On library diy, each Olivia chalks Edmonton, Alta.—Mr: W, A. Spenei. «_...„---0--- panadian; aviator, completed° on • Sept. 1 . Not this «Tune • 7 what is described as the northern- , . i Sandy arrived at the boardingbouse most flight in• the history « of comma- and was shown to his room. cial ,‚aviation.. He flew from .Copper- 1 "ThAre you are, sir,' said the land- mine on Coronation, Gulf to Walker 1 lady, "that's' your room." _ Bay on the northeast of Victoria Is -•"Looks comfortable," said Sandy. land, 609 nia , Iles, between suerise and "Yes, sir,' went on the woman, "pe misOr" • •---'-----,--------'—txleeusnaily-adniit-Imade:-thent.co • kis flight was 150 miles longer than fortable here. rve always had a gut that of Mr. Waiter Gilbert and Maj. fcir doing that" L, T. Burwash last year over the bleak "Is that a fact?" said Sandy. "Weel, northern land. ' you needna' expect one from me." 41 bay Canoe Jaunt • to others, the librarian -loads his hand- I on the jnind of Dr. Mouromtseff, who ••cart and begins his darlong journey is experimenting' :with short-wave from cell Th bell. radio tubes in the Westinghouse Re- i • Competition for the post of librarian i search -Laboratories. 144' must time : iii—Tteen, but thethaplain nodally , , an electron as it travels a fraction of : choses a man who had been a businese .an inch inside the • tube—about one ' man before breaking the Taw. I six hundred millionth of a aecond. Though ranking next to the eooks-1 It takes sound 6,000 times longer to as the pick of the prison tasks, it is travel an inch, and it would take a bul- hard WOrk, .and has not the Compensa- let sixty times longer to pierce the tioi . of the extta half pound of bread ! paper on «wlitch this is printed. There I allotted daily to th6 garden party and is no guesswork about these minute • ' prisoners in the engineering gliol}- 1 meastitements. .They are detertained Ifar ,more accurately «thart the average, Arne Minns Tail . Iman estimates how 01eng it Will take him to'waik up (me flight of stairs. • • Flown in Berlin • Berlin.—An airplane without a tail, Argentine croi.is . -. designed by 'Capt. Hermann I - toehl,_how Increase r transatlantic flier, has been demonS - - strated before representatives Of the « BuenoS, Aires, Arg.—Atgentitia ex - Ministry et Transportation, potted 2,840,000 tena of wheat and •It has a wingspread of only 45 feet flour, 1,180,000 tons of linseed, and and is driver' by a 2.8-horsepoWer g30,000 tons of ,nutze during the first I tor. Its sponsors claim ithitS Shovvii see rmoritha Of OAS year, an °Metal , such' remarkable flyrag trnsfftfes--tlea-t • :4tt Y-Of-LAgidenitnre report rerenif it' may prove tO be a turning point in 1I gtated, • • aittilane construction. Wheat produetien showed, an in- • crease of 2,706,000 tens over .the pre- Q.—"They say finding ia keeping.' • P.—"Yes; but all some Veii-nitr kep findig is fult." viens year, and lihnieed prectection was 0000 tons 'greater that, the-tata.L a, PariA, ?Mate, after taltihg 4) days •,, t4.114', year ago. I darn, liefland. • *'• •••••,,,fr „ 1.4 • •! • -.04'. heed. Nicotine Sulphate and Soap • for 'a small amount of 'hair on the solving -one Ounce, of conimpirld : , : rear surface of the' hind legs? antoine soap or fish oil soap in•eaCh gallon of • ' ' • , hair on the tip of the tail. Its a in'ie water: ' Just before •sprayiavmht one , eat) black,--ehiny a—nThlded: The. ro-:-/V4'terisp-cyonfirr-of-ii nicotine ,,sul. , • , . hairtr-Orr-the--tip-of-the-tail-are-whited-phate_oraiihi.atragar" .' • ---_-_*•'* as • in the case Of the mother. It has lop of the solution. This should be - ' well -develop t. horns and is growing applied, as well as the- .other sprays, .1 with a, sprayer, as it isAmpertadt to quite normally. • The farmer who owned the ram has get tire material du the-u-ncler-side-of • been breeding. his flock. of. sheep since the «leaveo, . , •LeadSpray r Arsenateof • ' 1910, and the flock has grown Midi , . multiplied by a system of intone): in.:I- .... ..__, • teaspoonlsful ; ' • . 1 ar Enree tof arsenate breeding. ., From the beginning,' the oflead powder to one gallon of water. , fernier bred the 'animals. from four • I Adding an •ciunce of soap, to the,sPritY ewes piirchaeed from., a neighbor. Ac- will help it spread and stick. cording to. hi •statement he has not ; Poison Bran Bait • bought any cheer sheen during a! '. : • . Period of twenty years. •Apparently 1 Mix one ounce of Paris ,green or the father of this naked lamb was white' arsenicwith 1'1/4 pounds 'dry closely related « to its siladh.gr, and it hriannerb,istairfour•contiidouncesainueir. Iii oothfmer °laons-. . appears to be a case of au extracted ta receesive congequent upon ;inbreed- sei or syrup: hi one-half pint ot water. ing. •-• - . . -... - • . ... 'Prepare_ a mash by slovily adding the '• % 4-4.---:„Iirnpmixture to bie PelsOniiii:i)i. SatT ' —.... • 1 ter thinly over, vt the surface of the sop Offsetting Machines. ' along the after sundon. . . 1. By James Curley, llilayor of Boston, an- .- • notnicing a Five -Day Week for City Airport to be Erected Employees Beginning in January. 1 , Shortly in Scotland the `five-day week «is here. We are •A large civic airdrome is about to .. going to institute it in Boston. in Janu- bo built at Falkirk, writes a corres- erg and we hope the example set bY • pondent of the • Christian Selo ' the city may be generally accepted by_ nitor. This Will be Scotland's first every other community in America. 'civil( airdrome, and the, chosen site -is There Is no other answer if the in'. considered by authorities to be one ot' ventive genius of the American nation the ffnest in Britain ialkirk has 1.765.1. trre- 1'635i6-est-filtitei 6r -1;1/66F- shown an advanced f'afrenindednede • 000 opportunifies for a livelihood in. influenced in me_ small way by the ac - •ten years. If, as the economists state, . ' tivities of the local Publicity and De - in the next 'ten years' 4,000,000 more velopment Association. A company opportunities will vapish, there is only formed with a large amount of capital one answer, and that is the ruletaion will be known as 'the Scottish Air- • of the five-day week. ' ways, Ltd., and a"serViae between rat: You Increase • the number ot em- kirk and London Will, be inaugurated. ployees by 16 per cent., and you offset So far as suitability of site is Concern - the vanishing job. • • • , Kissing is Dangerous! "Don't kiss Me. 1 don't want to be • ed the pr.,poed -:1611i.d. Mid -Scotland Air - drone would seem to. meet Air Minis- try requirements geogr'aphically and topographically. , • . . . The "sweet young thing" who bends •warnen of Persia, . . Yet a baby to salute it in the initial i Teheran, Persia.—tTho "wristerniza. when she Nees these words inscribed , • ,•••• ., ' . ." x. / ..., • • 4-,i. ,..„3e,.. / ,/ r-- i ,,,,,„••, • . . , . , .. • / ,, %, /-'1/,%. '7' ',4 g : 4, •••,' ,,•• 1 0, ,..-, - , . c• .,,,,, • *1. -?;::1,"•-/;.1K" , 4 ",-' ,'","•,",'',4,, / "•.-,' - ' , • •• 4/ • •TwntyOsrt.ye3r eld a' ° 4.7 g ;44444 V Nes .10' f rom Arrisier i way meat get rather a nasty shock Beconne Emancipated on its bib, •,, • . • tion" of Persia has begun In earnest. Thai ,ia the idea. The bibs are is:- . Parliament. have now incorporated suedby thh health department Of New- engenics and divorce rights for, whiten akacolew ,yersoe, to every baby ia•tbe In the Marriage laws. . ly _as liert of ate anti -kissing dam -I A law requiring physical examina• , paign. • Aid Newark's pebile health tion of men and women 'before iitar- . . I. officer recently arrived in thro-conntry t riage was passed. The Minimum mar - to spread the neVisthat kissing Is riage age was set at 16 for women and dangerdus. ' • . « a 18,.tor teen, Most married men will agree with Women were given the anpretedent. hini—but for rather different reaSOns. &l right to 'seek divorce for latidelitY Our visitor thinks klestrig spreadsdie, of their husbands. . .. , ease; married nen know it very often ' The public reaction' to the ne*.f4.c0i' spells the end of 'melte{ : freedem. Was not certaln, particalarly in view , :,..__......... •'' of the fact that various earlier Uwe • designed to modernize Peria* met ' • .• told and Wheat ' . streh, popular opposition that it was . Lord Riddell in John 0"London's necessary to obantion or modify therm - Weekly fLondony: 413osically, the gop, The earlier laws related te the rights • between production and distribution is ;..of vionl and thonees iii the natienal . not due to gold shortae, but to the I cotume. . disparity between the *aloe of labor of different classes and to differed ,.. ,,..., . countries, Doe frequebtlY hears the. Exports and Invorts Decrease remark: "Why should there rho a glut Ottawa., --Canada iterreated its on, of wheal when millions coald do With i favorable trade balance In the 11 if?" The point is that the laboer of Months ending Mfg, :ll by over Otte • the Chinese ceolle 3s valued oa a very ; 000,000; imports exceeded exporta dur- differeirt basis from that a the Calia: I frig the IMO' period bY $103,606,000 and flisol, American, orArgentime „agriiti- in. ipm. by $45,132,00.0.. aecortlin, to tura! labourer. When yon male dawn tho Dominion inireatt ef stati:itce. Aid. ) e roc , , e a er , s an .rnp r s e •ras- • his .own labour for that 'of the, wheat.. ticrilly :froni fl) agurea. Imports produer. • As the toolle earn only ,a this year were $72.0',000 And in 1910. fi action ,fif Whet ihe whealproilifeer $1,114307,000. ExParto of Canadian' 4aroa, be cannot pay' the costs of Oro- produ rts d w Ind led NOM , $98.3801,000 coo i 08 1.1 action. -• • 190` In 56038624000. '• ' .• • • • k