HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-10-01, Page 2ogee*
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'Nevi Airslikes Cook
• '1
No doubt most-Lene, SOtalts,
,Lone Petrels are now looking forward
with conSiderible•anticiPagOn,Ao the
and Winter Scout ActiVitiei after
• ", laying"•enjoyed a7 vet' humiater. out-
890014 N,..PWeeMbe and John .
Frewer of •Lalteffelcl; Jack ..04-rnerie
Stratterilt • Don Armitage of Alisa
°1g.t Alan: Dawson of Teroato • Lloyd'
Young of Neweastle,-; jack Seeley of
of • ' • ' ' " Alan Paraene, Wesley Dew,
we are glad, to say that quite a tew titer:he Gate e and Gordon Patton. of
• toliiOss:APolc. advantage of the Camp ing; Jack-Neiians of Pickerifigt, and
Douglas Warren Of
Lonies • Prine (now
O • filler Paris, Troop) ;. • Bola,lieening;'
Forree1;4ini kfcLeari.;•,,Oseet,
Sellinan• Parsoes• AuSiielf
• In8P,P31 ••#arri Bitnihalt -Bie Rob
erteout and .Bill PM* of lVtaje• -
PropatereWinter Camp ' '•
- • • ,
Inyitatiens. sent ,in by the ,varieas
• 41.1.1aTrpcipe throughout. the
'and those- that did so airrePort that
_ _ . _
they. were well lopkedAtter-and -that.
.••••they had. a good time and' thoroughly:
,enjOyed th1 hlida, •
hoped that next ,edinmor'cxr
•`••...4t!"redinStiiiices*•••.Wtir`.rierMit the j.one
• ''Fl•te•De0441*IfIlttd 491c1 '21thaiorbeen'all:g0PIEK hy...eglyAral"1
'clakipelY:1?6iiik•scput. Cap as Pre7,,,thf;. outer •to!ipm oji`0i'fi-11118.;
vious years. • : and arefuekibie to get away for camp •
, • ; wear]. he„
Scout.ile,a:donarter this year had a goad idei to arrange a "Get:Tegether"
• :'« beetleat „the Canadian National E for Lone Scouts some time durffig the • . • ‘t.•
• • 110ouadrange' Undergoes teet
Who will prepare mea4e. ter crew. of 65 enlisted men and • 15
itWtie la the' Ontario Government winter-. _ „ •
n :source. Of ' „ Ebor Park Gilwell hear
-great ittraetion, and a magnet to ail Brantford,: Ont.;, the 'Proiinclal Scout
hoya. of Scout age; during the. two. Council •for Ontario have; some very
• - • coay•huildings sittiate.t
- •We are g1d that so many, Lone a- beautiful park; which ;mould be ideal
, • SConts• and' eilLone Scouts _took -the, eaMp: We wonder hoW
opportunity to visit this booth, and to many T.;,enies would be interested in
• make the acquaintance OfAhe officiale.sttending such a camp; if same*was
, andity.tlieree. We are also delightedarranged,' and we invite you to write
:that ".• some of you took .advantWe rfif --et•-bene-Seatit-ilead
•the 'saecotniriOdation. at • year: disposal quarters,. 330 Bay: Street, Teeentd,
.atthe.Sceut Carnp-Inside,•theExhibl, gtsring us Your „opinion, 'and •stating
tion Grounds, where we. learned you when you think would be A. eultable
• •ayeEfr.*eif?•,hanpy aid 'comfortable, • Pine -and. _ter_w_hatt h
On. Saturday, September.1411, Scout ,camp should be' beld.. The 'buildings
Day iethe Ex, about 20 Lollies and
. ex-LOnies teak :pirOnsthe Seotit Par-
ade, tinder Scoutmaster Don. 'Had*.
• nen, of the 2nd" Oat. Lone Scout Troop,
'When' several thousand: Scouts -Were
reviewed . by... Lietit.GOvernor" W.. D.:
•:Roes,' assisted by. Mr. John •Stilee;
-• Chief Executive Conitaiseioner cif the
• Boy Scoutti, of tanacinand Mr. G. Bar-
• ,rett. Rlch of Buffalo, . National :Scout
• Commissioner Boy Soonte ot
4. 4.
• • After the -review the Lanie—
, ,
•• • the Brand Stand .and witnessed the
• Scout. Display and Vandeville. , ••
Whieh•we mention are permanent. and
can he, heated, and wouid be very cora-
tortable indeed. . • . a•
Lone Scout Question Box,
• Don't forget the ' Lime 'cout 4ues-•
tiOn Box, thrOtigh Which " Mie E"' will
endeavour to answer any. queritale-
• garding .Soceiting. Write tohim,at
the above addreas:•.. •
How• to Become a Lone Scout
you are between ).g and 18 years
• . ' • • 1 • ••• .: •
. • • • . • •
Rescue Expedition Grows in if rance
_Objects Left by_ N_ obile Rescu_ir_Witb_ Repre-
Party Found in Remark- , . sent 65 Per Centof
able State ,of Preserva:=. World Suppty..
Expert ‘Forins Mental•Pkture
Of Cancez' After 'rest
. .
of lts, enyirounient. the, colt geta rid of
its,iyastes. :01-Wcogen, or animal sugar
1:11 .yaciplag71:' itelb.3;:, :1°41; source
d hf:aeltelltue:1:54
8Y, ,r,iortnal •cells haitthe.abeerhed,
to lactin.ticid. fa:caacerous eons .
every thirteen glycogen molectiles •
:twelve split up into lactic acid and • •
As.sociation m,eeting, , •• Other details enumerated In Dr. Me-
onlY ode is oxidized.. •• " • • • •
-• Caner, as he It, is a Problem' bOriald's cancer picture are that. caps
ear blood Is more -alkaline •thans-nornial .•
hleod,- and the inoie alkaline the blood ' •
tl,ie•quickeri tb:e \disease acts, •Cancer • •
'Patienta have more Outer, in, • •
'blood and the more ,pugar the Pluirter„
• , the, .1Yeekgrenad. of the :Elector's Ate. Cancer . cells have relatively more
'picture lea 'eliowi that in order to *.potits,sintirattd "less calcium than, nor, •
. .
4Systand tenger .:•4s :necessary ..to ,atalthe• grenter.-stichdiffer-, .• -
"ineke*ci,rit ineolienical..Medel;':JOSt enCe..tha.M.Oreii.,virulentAlker.dienape..
Ss* the phydleist, to iinileratand2the.'":Oicture, Jr icfon
atinit and its operation,:has nia:denidd-.;alire 'criteria. ter tfeatingmanCer C0111q.
about -perfectly logioaijy—tbe4 condi
The hiedefr,:for the erineer''Inechdtes tion ititiethe•prodliced1Witieh will •
isin is the..-iiv-hig' 31.rith, four .Afi, the.break-tip: l• • *.:* •
flint • cOMponent- :parts—the nucleus, body ,eugar, normalize . the blood's •alks,
AhPretoPlatel,"". the -.SeriiipernienliW line'state,-redu-celiigh- blood-ingar;-in- •
-cell--membrane-and-Lthe-,anyiroainent-.•crea.se, _the. _geIrs_lalciam_and_riechic_e__:._ _
(bleod and tissue juices.). By nieatis the. cell's potassiurn,
• Pliiladelphig.--4-lete-is a clear, illum-
inating picture cancer. tits men-
tal 'picture, has been paineekt Dr.
ilihiee McDonald, director et -the Oan•
cer Research • Laboratories' of the.
Gradua.te School of Medieine, Univer-
sity of Penusylvanie, who made his,
report a:t the America; Pharinacentical
-to 'he solyed'fn the laboratory': by the
•sphysicai cheittist, the assistance
• of the hielogist, who stedies, Ilifrig
organisms, ad the •cytolegist, Wee"
apecialfSes in c&1, or
• ,
. ,
• •tion •Pari.—The hoard of gold metal
ties of ice have once more belm'shewn
Stockhelm.—The .preserving neatly---saarekecl—i*-the-vaet, wade
grOund yaults•of theBani.of France
by a Swedish Arctic expeditidii, head- was increased recently to an al -time
.record • of 58,576,000,000 franca
ed br. Professor Hans Ahlmalin,
Stockholm University.• Ho 'and hts 284,4• 64,000). '
party have -returned tc, •Stockliolm At- The'F,rench gold teserVes now total
ter many Months cruising • on the
steamship Quest in i the 'waters ba-
tween Spitzbeegea. 'and :blovaja Zeinlja.:
The -expedition landed- at--Foyn-is--
land, and there stPlick the abandoned .•,tWo Countries. •
eamP of CaPtain Sore, the Italian Al- lavestigators of .the League of Na -
23 per Tie. of the World's gold, and
the United States reserves total 42 per
cent thus placing 65 per cent...et the
....eatit_e_sitniitY' within the herders of
ge.alkErifa*reatgld.liaLSCMirk:and piniat,-anct-van. Denghen4the Nerweg- tions sub -committee on gold, working
• 0.p,.. erai_cii_oiyiejs_aare,Gewait%-yelitytirreerco.earstrarigiare4-atitearmopvt .. ts..--.Lh•Pi . r 70 si7e---„,s, concericled that
Write to "Loue E" atthe Lone Scout
Department, 330 Bay Street Toronto pedition:.: They were, at the time, Ma. trade to the gold standard or to BY
moiled on•this Wand and on the verge ing Costs in France or America even
at starvation when_ffnally_Saved bY if hoarding of gold in the two doun-
Swedish flyers. ,• •• tries continued for anotner TarOUfl
The men •from the Quest found at the other hand, there has been, wide -
the abandoned. camp a darn:aged tent,'spread 'criticism of tit. vast' reserves
:a polar «sleigh, ' a camera, a •silver piled up by the United States :and
Haight Of Pickering; Rep. Sage of In-. Scaute&-`!Ldne E" watch, It hip- gic t flash "
po e, akerosene
••stov,e and -various -other objects,: 'all'. The_Lee,gge experts said *the' French
remarkably well preserved by the ice; , gold reserve was, actually only $600;
sii much so that the watch when Qoa,soo larger than, her holdings be -
Wound tin at Once started going. The ' fore the World War. The United
States holdings , ,
Ottawa.—According to recent status
camera was not_ damaged: A pecket-.1
••••-2,:o_The_folloaxing:reeperted at the Scout 2, 'who will be pleased to 'send you In -
Booth or to the Scout .0fficials in the formation as to ow you can ecome
Exhibition Grounds: — Lone Scout si a Lone Scent. •
•H.Muir Northand Percy North a Mark- Lone Spouting indesigned priaeipaP
'thlim;' Donald Sabiston, Charlie Gray ly to give boys in rural districts, and
and John Yining of, plikinVille; Charlie? small :tillages a chance to become Boy
Woolless Lambs Poison Mixtures
Reported By Soviet '
• For -Shrub Pests-,: -
NoW coma-if:the 'Ater-Y.:Ora
ent wecd, born lir the rvillage-oePlE••.• •
rowskOe, near Moscow ,• and housed in ; Toronto —Gardeners_ Welcome •
the :Zootechnical Inititizte. that these compounds to „eradicate destrue ' •
SeViet canital.• The animal Is des,' tive.insects 'to flow:ers:
.cribed hy, T. PO.P.0Y.4k1W.le_ELedina._Of1 Nicotine Sulphate .; . ;•
that institution. '
Mix one-half ounce of nicetino• aut.
The mother:of the ram had the nor: •
pate dust With 94 eunc;ee of ,hydrat-
Mal coat ot wciel wed was a ,bleck,i
ed dime: The'llme May be bought at •
shed -tailed ewe. with a ,ffeepe turned . ,
any building supply or hardware store.
gray Pihrwitlifivrite-nriarkii On-•LtheTt-Opl
Sift the dust and the Bine through a
of her head und.on the tip of her tail
flour duster seieral, times to insure a
The father was, a normal animal of a
good mixture. Apply with commercial
short -tailed Northern breed, and was
. ,_„ .,.,h hand duster or bloWer, . Dust «when
also black. , The other lamp, wat
' the folingo is dry nnd the alt still.• .
was born, siinultaneously• with the'
• Avoid inhaling mach of the dust, as it
woollese one—a' sister—was nermal,
rimy irritate the throat. - t, • •
black, With marke• on the top ot its
The, rarada.cointiletelY,riaked excepL- This soliition is prepared' .by dia. • ,
.•. Pref ei Dickens
London. — Charles Diekend. is de-
. dared to be the most popular, author
• -into)* British -prisoners.---The reasbn,
—ia-that his hooks take longer tolread
than most novels, and therefore pais
nway.inore time than the average mod-• ,
ern book. . •
Other favorites are . P. G. Wode- The outstanding feature of Cana-
. hose, the popular •humorist; Edgar dian trade with China and, Japan has.
Rice Burroughs,, creator of the famous ibeen an exceedingly rapid. increase in
Tarzan series; and E. °mien- .eipOrts. Due to world conditions these
helm. • eiporti 'were not so great in: 1930 and
• ' Strangely enough, thor- 1931, but in 1929 they were $24,200,000
oughly appreciate Edgar Wallac . His
' beaks are rarely lei: on the library
shelves, and ;s,or.--. months ago there
when Wormed librarian that
the whole prisOn stocl of Edgar Wal-
lace volumes was being reserved for
Dominion' a Pacific
Exports .Expand
do Poo oso
• t d besides Italian" atm -Moore than in 1913, but the Proportion
arej�me tics , Canada% transpacific trade • is
steadily gaining, and whereas 10 years
aga the United States trade. with
000*4 Norwegian • bank notes, photographs.' of wealth. in America has made a simi-
and hastily penned notes, which were.
-larincrease. •
t I dia
China and_Japa.n.was_50 times, that of .._. • -
still decipherable. The life rope. was ng n ,
P t ,
Canada; it is now only 20 times. in atrong as eveil.- All-tirese.finds will - tralia-South AfricaNew,Zealand and
Italy have only a little more gold- than
that1period has i Canada's trad
e n- be returned to their owners.
z,,______ . they held before the war.• Germany
creased sixfold with Japan and four- - --• --
fold with China. and Russia have suffered great losses.
Northern Flight « « « , Russia -lost 86 .per cent of her gold
. . Establishes Record during the war and the revolution.
• k. •
1- •
to China as against $6,700,000 in' 1920
and $42,000,000 t13 Japan as against $6,-
The balance „of trade _formerly about
parity, has now swung • strongly in
Canada's favor, exports being about
three times the imports. Ten years
the use of a man under sentence of, ago Canada had only three -tenths of
dth, 1 per centJ of the ' import trade of
' After aJ convict has served a month China and Japan; now it has 3 per
of his sentence and has/behaved him- cent.
self properly, he is allowed a novel, The chief contributing factors to the
which supplements the: books of re- great increase in Canada's exports to
ligious•instruction issued to him when Japan wereirl aluminum, lead, wheat,
he enters the prison • wheat flour and wood pulp, and to
A month later he is allowed another China fish, lumber, silver. wheat and
wheat Boer.
A 600 Millionth of a Tem' nd
up his Choice on a slate and leaves it Measured by Scientist
outside his cell, ' where the prison A millennium is nothing to a geoiog-
, librarian—a convict—collectO it and 1st, tenths of a second an eternity .at
takes it away to the library. • . the race track, and a few thousandths *,
• Then, having'foued all the books on of a, second often a matter of dollars
the prisoners' lists„ and having used and cents in handling big electrical
his own discretion in cases where :toachinery. But probably the shollest
inrdkg-akkett-for havingr-been-allotted•Lunte-drat-eyer-vrorried-an_engiseer4,51
. novel, and after a certain period of
• his sentence has elapsed he is alloWed
to read One volume a week. «:-
On library diy, each Olivia chalks
Edmonton, Alta.—Mr: W, A. Spenei. «_...„---0---
panadian; aviator, completed° on • Sept. 1 . Not this «Tune •
7 what is described as the northern- ,
. i Sandy arrived at the boardingbouse
most flight in• the history « of comma- and was shown to his room.
cial ,‚aviation.. He flew from .Copper- 1 "ThAre you are, sir,' said the land-
mine on Coronation, Gulf to Walker 1 lady,
"that's' your room." _
Bay on the northeast of Victoria Is -•"Looks comfortable," said Sandy.
land, 609 nia
, Iles, between suerise and "Yes, sir,' went on the woman, "pe
misOr" • •---'-----,--------'—txleeusnaily-adniit-Imade:-thent.co
• kis flight was 150 miles longer than fortable here. rve always had a gut
that of Mr. Waiter Gilbert and Maj. fcir doing that"
L, T. Burwash last year over the bleak "Is that a fact?" said Sandy. "Weel,
northern land.
' you needna' expect one from me."
41 bay Canoe Jaunt •
to others, the librarian -loads his hand- I on the jnind of Dr. Mouromtseff, who
••cart and begins his darlong journey is experimenting' :with short-wave
from cell Th bell. radio tubes in the Westinghouse Re- i
• Competition for the post of librarian i search -Laboratories. 144' must time :
iii—Tteen, but thethaplain nodally ,
, an electron as it travels a fraction of
: choses a man who had been a businese .an inch inside the • tube—about one
' man before breaking the Taw. I six hundred millionth of a aecond.
Though ranking next to the eooks-1 It takes sound 6,000 times longer to
as the pick of the prison tasks, it is travel an inch, and it would take a bul-
hard WOrk, .and has not the Compensa- let sixty times longer to pierce the
tioi . of the extta half pound of bread ! paper on «wlitch this is printed. There
I allotted daily to th6 garden party and is no guesswork about these minute
• ' prisoners in the engineering gliol}- 1 meastitements. .They are detertained
Ifar ,more accurately «thart the average,
Arne Minns Tail . Iman estimates how 01eng it Will take
him to'waik up (me flight of stairs. •
• Flown in Berlin •
Berlin.—An airplane without a tail, Argentine croi.is . -.
designed by 'Capt. Hermann I - toehl,_how Increase
transatlantic flier, has been demonS
- strated before representatives Of the « BuenoS, Aires, Arg.—Atgentitia ex -
Ministry et Transportation,
potted 2,840,000 tena of wheat and
•It has a wingspread of only 45 feet flour, 1,180,000 tons of linseed, and
and is driver' by a 2.8-horsepoWer g30,000 tons of ,nutze during the first I
tor. Its sponsors claim ithitS Shovvii see rmoritha Of OAS year, an °Metal ,
such' remarkable flyrag trnsfftfes--tlea-t • :4tt Y-Of-LAgidenitnre report rerenif
it' may prove tO be a turning point in 1I gtated, •
aittilane construction. Wheat produetien showed, an in-
• crease of 2,706,000 tens over .the pre-
Q.—"They say finding ia keeping.'
P.—"Yes; but all some Veii-nitr kep
findig is fult."
viens year, and lihnieed prectection was
0000 tons 'greater that, the-tata.L a, PariA, ?Mate, after taltihg 4) days •,, t4.114',
year ago. I darn, liefland.
*'• •••••,,,fr
1.4 •
•! • -.04'.
heed. Nicotine Sulphate and Soap
for 'a small amount of 'hair on the solving -one Ounce, of conimpirld : , :
rear surface of the' hind legs? antoine soap or fish oil soap in•eaCh gallon of • ' ' • ,
hair on the tip of the tail. Its a in'ie water: ' Just before •sprayiavmht one ,
eat) black,--ehiny a—nThlded: The. ro-:-/V4'terisp-cyonfirr-of-ii nicotine ,,sul. , • , .
hairtr-Orr-the--tip-of-the-tail-are-whited-phate_oraiihi.atragar" .' • ---_-_*•'*
as • in the case Of the mother. It has lop of the solution. This should be - '
well -develop t. horns and is growing applied, as well as the- .other sprays,
.1 with a, sprayer, as it isAmpertadt to
quite normally. •
The farmer who owned the ram has get tire material du the-u-ncler-side-of •
been breeding. his flock. of. sheep since the «leaveo, . ,
•LeadSpray r
Arsenateof • '
1910, and the flock has grown Midi
, .
multiplied by a system of intone): in.:I- .... ..__, • teaspoonlsful ; ' • .
1 ar Enree tof arsenate
breeding. ., From the beginning,' the oflead powder to one gallon of water. ,
fernier bred the 'animals. from four •
I Adding an •ciunce of soap, to the,sPritY
ewes piirchaeed from., a neighbor. Ac- will help it spread and stick.
cording to. hi •statement he has not ;
Poison Bran Bait •
bought any cheer sheen during a! '. : • .
Period of twenty years. •Apparently 1 Mix one ounce of Paris ,green or
the father of this naked lamb was white' arsenicwith 1'1/4 pounds 'dry
closely related « to its siladh.gr, and it hriannerb,istairfour•contiidouncesainueir. Iii oothfmer °laons-. .
appears to be a case of au extracted ta
receesive congequent upon ;inbreed- sei or syrup: hi one-half pint ot water.
ing. •-• - . . -... - • . ... 'Prepare_ a mash by slovily adding the
% 4-4.---:„Iirnpmixture to bie PelsOniiii:i)i. SatT
' —....
1 ter thinly over,
the surface of the sop
Offsetting Machines. ' along the after sundon. . .
By James Curley, llilayor of Boston, an-
• notnicing a Five -Day Week for City Airport to be Erected
Employees Beginning in January. 1 , Shortly in Scotland
the `five-day week «is here. We are •A large civic airdrome is about to ..
going to institute it in Boston. in Janu- bo built at Falkirk, writes a corres-
erg and we hope the example set bY • pondent of the • Christian Selo '
the city may be generally accepted by_
nitor. This Will be Scotland's first
every other community in America. 'civil( airdrome, and the, chosen site -is
There Is no other answer if the in'. considered by authorities to be one ot'
ventive genius of the American nation the ffnest in Britain ialkirk has
1.765.1. trre- 1'635i6-est-filtitei 6r -1;1/66F- shown an advanced f'afrenindednede
• 000 opportunifies for a livelihood in. influenced in me_ small way by the ac -
•ten years. If, as the economists state,
. ' tivities of the local Publicity and De -
in the next 'ten years' 4,000,000 more velopment Association. A company
opportunities will vapish, there is only formed with a large amount of capital
one answer, and that is the ruletaion will be known as 'the Scottish Air- •
of the five-day week. ' ways, Ltd., and a"serViae between rat:
You Increase • the number ot em- kirk and London Will, be inaugurated.
ployees by 16 per cent., and you offset So far as suitability of site is Concern -
the vanishing job. • •
• , Kissing is Dangerous!
"Don't kiss Me. 1 don't want to be •
ed the pr.,poed -:1611i.d. Mid -Scotland Air -
drone would seem to. meet Air Minis-
try requirements geogr'aphically and
, •
. . .
The "sweet young thing" who bends •warnen of Persia, . .
Yet a baby to salute it in the initial
Teheran, Persia.—tTho "wristerniza.
when she Nees these words inscribed ,
,•••• ., '
. ." x. / ..., •
• 4-,i. ,..„3e,..
/ ,/ r-- i ,,,,,„••, • . . , . , ..
• /
,, %, /-'1/,%. '7' ',4 g : 4, •••,' ,,•• 1 0, ,..-, - , . c• .,,,,,
• *1. -?;::1,"•-/;.1K"
, 4 ",-' ,'","•,",'',4,, /
"•.-,' - ' , •
•• 4/
•TwntyOsrt.ye3r eld a'
g ;44444
V Nes .10'
f rom Arrisier
way meat get rather a nasty shock Beconne Emancipated
on its bib,
•,, • . • tion" of Persia has begun In earnest.
Thai ,ia the idea. The bibs are is:- . Parliament. have now incorporated
suedby thh health department Of New- engenics and divorce rights for, whiten
akacolew ,yersoe, to every baby ia•tbe In the Marriage laws. .
ly _as liert of ate anti -kissing dam -I A law requiring physical examina• ,
paign. • Aid Newark's pebile health tion of men and women 'before iitar- . .
officer recently arrived in thro-conntry t riage was passed. The Minimum mar -
to spread the neVisthat kissing Is riage age was set at 16 for women and
dangerdus. ' • . «
18,.tor teen,
Most married men will agree with Women were given the anpretedent.
hini—but for rather different reaSOns. &l right to 'seek divorce for latidelitY
Our visitor thinks klestrig spreadsdie, of their husbands. . .. ,
ease; married nen know it very often ' The public reaction' to the ne*.f4.c0i'
spells the end of 'melte{ : freedem. Was not certaln, particalarly in view ,
:,..__......... •'' of the fact that various earlier Uwe •
designed to modernize Peria* met '
• .• told and Wheat ' . streh, popular opposition that it was
Lord Riddell in John 0"London's necessary to obantion or modify therm
- Weekly fLondony: 413osically, the gop, The earlier laws related te the rights
• between production and distribution is ;..of vionl and thonees iii the natienal .
not due to gold shortae, but to the I cotume. .
disparity between the *aloe of labor
of different classes and to differed ,.. ,,...,
countries, Doe frequebtlY hears the. Exports and Invorts Decrease
remark: "Why should there rho a glut Ottawa., --Canada iterreated its on,
of wheal when millions coald do With i favorable trade balance In the 11
if?" The point is that the laboer of Months ending Mfg, :ll by over Otte
• the Chinese ceolle 3s valued oa a very ; 000,000; imports exceeded exporta dur-
differeirt basis from that a the Calia: I frig the IMO' period bY $103,606,000 and
flisol, American, orArgentime „agriiti- in. ipm. by $45,132,00.0.. aecortlin, to
tura! labourer. When yon male dawn tho Dominion inireatt ef stati:itce. Aid.
) e roc , , e a er , s an .rnp r s e •ras-
• his .own labour for that 'of the, wheat.. ticrilly :froni fl) agurea. Imports
produer. • As the toolle earn only ,a this year were $72.0',000 And in 1910.
fi action ,fif Whet ihe whealproilifeer $1,114307,000. ExParto of Canadian'
4aroa, be cannot pay' the costs of Oro- produ rts d w Ind led NOM , $98.3801,000
coo i
1.1 action. -•
• 190` In 56038624000.
'• ' .•
• k