HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-24, Page 3So Nervous She Could Scream , Ng Health euthoriese recommend 'Velveeta for children's &Mee diets. Tt's aouriehing es , ,'..cp$-. Centrated bodybutld. 'rag food for eldeed Young.• , ' :Mare inkciinada Made the -MI kers of KraftCheese and•_ Kraft."Salad Oresthlta I: a � '( less. •regular, the teeth tending to. ..t its••y smaller, diminished inostly.in.-rtumber,: C. ) oven less regular than -cow in eruption is • and position, and even less resistant.' . • • The future of • the beard is uncertain.' "'OVl3ai..as going to hap.ren to mall but no such weakening as, with the ' 'tltysical.y,•. terrestrial];;, in the fur hair of the head is. yet observable. tore.?" asks Ales Iledhcka,, Curator••of ' The body willtend • to slenderness Anthropolu,gy. U.S.. National Museum, in youth, the breasts smaller, the pet- in "Evolution." ' He eon:inueS: • If' we vis little •affected, the lower ,lambs had a. perfect knowied.ge of the human..longer, the upper shorter, the .hands, • past we should be,',able to understand' .and' test narrower, and the fingers ourselves much. more fully' and • app're • •ails . toe: more slender, With' the fifth. : elate the 'changes.that are now •goi.r.g toe further diminishing. • As to the., on in' the human enee'ies: jinwever, internal organs•, the.. • most • obvious there are certain facts which' we'doo't prab.abilities.are a further weakening ' know, •and f-rom which we :.car, make .and dimitiuiio.n -of the appendix, and', ,intelligent„ deductions for, the future. '.a shortening, with diiinution of ea- We ,knew that. man•:has' developed, in "pae'ity f the intestines..' As, food,.vpill . all .probability, -graduualy, : rom ,the � likely be more refined .-and made mare_ •nearest subhuman, forms, under the digestible, the. eeceielty sof a'spacio..us '1'exeiting influepee of •environnien.t I • large intestine . will diminish in ;oro During his progress" 'he differentiated portion. • into,.nurrterous`. types • and races, :the I Physiologically, the' tendencies indi-•` less,: siiceeeeful`of which have become cate 'a. rather more rapid pulse and. still •'stibsta tially-at- respiration• with- •slightly increased', ' extix�Gt.: �I•e 'is . . , a tuned ,t Nature, -though .the relation , .teniperathre— in _other words, a live.- ryete •cd'throe,g h':'his artificial'+les •lien :.rath•er ;than 'a slower,Metaholisrq.; a.n Man Multiplied' very elesetly ute until rRut'substantial•dhangeeeieill: pf•.obablye • the • end .the. last mein •glaciation, reciulre.. inillenniume; • the functions' from,thgt. time he' began to ;spread all. are . vo firmly established for any over, the habitable •eartl, the v'aous quirk choii:ge `.` typeeean4 races all :developing' from So Much. tor, normal. conditions one'.'human ,species.. There' is,, regretta'�ly also the debit -••- -heMnrain; phenomena Qf human.de :Side to be_ considered, ..Man ,has,. ever ferentiation ' or "evolution". through- paid for ' his wanes, ie paying •'now, • out, the past;• are on ''ot:e hand a pro- •and wiltl payein future:' -Funetiona1. .gressive :mentality or. the;•other hand disorders, digestive, secretive, elimin- 'a progressive physicaradeptation ai'td, ative; disorders •of sleep' and 3extial,' • The County 'Fate':'t This is the tim'e.wheit everywhere ' `'Menedrag the Sivver•fr•.om-'ita••,lfar• • And, hustle to the county fair., I love Abe life upon 'the grounds, The, shoot the shoots and , whirl �►. grounds. .. Plows and d s'kers • >i.love the harrows, p wa l .. .The old-time farmer with • his whis- kers. I love the thing-ma-iig,that,whirls ThQ' fellows and their buxom girls. I love the fair wliere trine a ppent • In auciy diversions innocent.. But darn the crude .and •coarse fair • Planes,' . Made .up' of -side 'shoivs and horse races. 0, on our farms are• Plymouth: Rocks; 'Both handsome, bens' and. lusty cocks, • We ought', to show • those charming chickens, • i • ' • .:Not .human 'ones' that' raise, the • " . dickens. • We need more Dominicks end • Dark- ings,. l_nstead of birds that roll their, stock= Some men, who think. they are mar - tying angels get nothing Better aha$: `good cooks, and they' never discover'. the difference.' The Chinese are stare -1ng, : r dripteareeldiere a•nclyret o'ne-can- .thinlee f 'an ty ,blas . to. do with wheat.' The best is none too. good, for: a lot of folks, so long as they don't have to• pay for'' it. At. tweets!, he thinks' he can save the' world.; .at thirty, he be gins to wish, he 'could•save 'part. of his. salary : --Another trouble with: life le that"we so often get a'severe kick in the. petits When .all We wish' 'is: a .gentle` slap on the back. You . can:t expect. tonsil -snatchers •to make' a cheerful appeara.. ce—they hafta look .down.' in the mouth. . Diplotnacy is the art . of letting some one else have Tour. way: Myitle—"My folks are going to' send me to a' girls' fihisliing school. ,, „ Mildred—"Mine can't manage me, either." ' • . A Scotchman 'had • lost 'his wallet and . had . it returned to him by the police three days ..later. He was 'asked to examine. the contents,to see if his znoney+was ali,theie • "Aye; the money's there'' a'richt, but',' mon, ye've it three days -=',what, about .the interest? Our youths should :watch .more Morgan prancers ' Andefew-ereheita,h»lti' dancers`. ' ' r,• • 'The ersey cows and other cudders, The' olsteins w' t sir we11:filled ,Tittle : Lucie ' "Auntie, w-hy do you er n your face I put OR 0 ,powder . Udders, The cattle from a thousand hills, t Auntie. -"To make me pretty,'deer. Are wlfolesome sights for Jacks and Lucie---' Theitewliy does;n't it?" And ;give us all the needed thrills. Getting Nowhere I " . A gentleman pretty well perfumed • Those poor,forsaken„ homeless drift- Picked up the telephone. • : ' ers, a 1 Drank -"Hello! Hie!, Hello!" _.. The refuse of our human sifters, I Operator="Ilelie."' No 'more should beallowed to show • , Drunic—"Hello. As missing links. from Borneo. "• 1 Operator—"Hello." The folks who Pay to see. those sinks, Drunk ---,"Aly gosh! How this. thing They are themselves the missing links, echoes!"' Comue let us rise and. bust the side• shows; New ni C shows., . Types of Fodder The gambling : nuisances• d thesides Found in Aus P. tralia Though' graft` 'and- bribing• may ten' Adeleidei S_.Aust =New grasses bring to light mental giant after, men- tel giant. I trench, ' 1 valuable.for' fodder and other purposes` F>?fin their d'pi1ices let us; wrench - • ; may be..developed in Australia, ,This Thos d the things •that make 'our fairs , a was brought out by :Mr. Tames F. Bal - stench;•' • " !ley, director of the Adelh:ide. Botanical' Cut out the sights that harm our kid- gardens In leew,'Loud:on, who recently dies, . ' ' I'bas returned to" England. after a year.: And fill the space 'with, boars and bid'- in.' the Australian Common, alth on • dies ' exchange with Mr. Willmar Frauds; eventual refinement. It. is a Wondeie can notbut multiply with•the increas- fur and, in general. sustained.-prog'eess 'ing .: stresses, eruptions and. •absorp- from the more or Tess ape -like precur tions, Mental derangements will prob', ,tor to the highest- type of pian and ably be more frequent. Destructive' woman of today. The present ia' iiiete- .diseases such, as diabetes, and various ly a developing continuation "of' the skin troubles, will probably increase past'. Man still .appears, to be as ?las-until thoroughly' understood and hin- mind as ever , he a e and ears will uth, the tit: in body and.s, deist. The teeth,thee-Mouth, probably even `.more So, he is still nese, the ey s , r -call' struggling with environment,, .though for increased attention. The feet will controlling it more. andmore every ,trouble. Childbirth will not be easier day; and he still changes. •• He lives longer and better. • He suf- fers less, physically.'' Elimination of the less . fit has 'largely " ranged to elimination of the unfit 'only.. Less mother's and 'child's hard labor, more and better food; With exercise, sport and personal ,hygiene, are bringing 'about an •increas're' iii stature of civil- ized men, while less use of the jaws and- msoles of • masticati&i is• redtic . ing the ja'v'.s. the breadth, protrusion and massiveness of the face.. .The. head_' :' stet g.,neral amongg the cultured is becoming •sltghl-y broader- the, S i 11 andettc el bones -thinner; the 7phyisiogniimymo re lively and d "x reg . _The...features, the hands,ihe feet are»becoming 'more refined, 'Sand : gen- eial beauty is on the increase,in; both men and women. The' sensory organs' and centres, . particularlythose of sight, hearing and taste, are evidently' growing more effective as well as: irdee. resistant. And" here is an up - questionable advance iii civilizsd man of mental effectiveness and meiitel' endowments. ' Records in .endurance and in, a ccomplishinents are ever being surpassed, and•.in modern cornmercie, industry, finance. science, applied arts, • The Lake. In firon.'of youth.•it was my -,let To 'haunt, of the •wide world a spot Th:e •which I:could net:°loce the less,' So lovely was '' the loneliness ""' 1 Advertising. ' N"OFI F,It TO wkr„ ERY IN`VENTOft. List of wanted inventions ,and full information sent free,'The Ramsay Com• P43,, , World. Latent:Aftorneytieese tidaviC Street, Otte wee. Canada Of a' wild lake, With"blicler•.00k bound And, ,the tall 'pines that, :towered around. • :�. ' ,Bet .When, 4night`had thrown her pals • , "Upon. that ,spot, as upon all, And the mystic 'whed'•wentr by -Iti•urm• ringfit'm2Yody;- -e-- Thene-eghee teen=l : wioulde a Y_als'e _ To To the'. terror -of the lone lake. Yet that terror Was not fright, But a tremulous delight: A, feeling pot .• the jewelled mine, - Could teach or .bribe • me to define, Nor• love. . • ---,From "The Poems ' of Edgar Allan ' Poe.", • . • • Sun Spiunns s aakes Faster. . Tan EarthrThe ts revolu- tion on its' axis every twenty-six days. nor •'les's• painful; though AaSistance':Since the circumference of the suites will equally rise in effectiveness. Due more •than.110•'times that of the, cire to prolonged life, ' heart troubles,, atop1exies, ' cancer and senile - weak- nesses of 'all •sorts, will tend to be more common,, until 'mastered by medic. eine. ' All this, with :many. .social• ab-• •normalities, • will. ' retard . man's pro- geess but•will not.stop it, for. the indi- cations are that he will rise 'equal to' •a11 his growing,•needs• as'they develop. and begin to hurt. If there:is:a.dan-, ger to•hurnan fu.ture,..it is in the lo-.v- ered birthrate. Brum Advam:es--'lir-itrio'w'ledy,e h•e cumference of the earthe the sun ac-: tually rotates on its axis much- faster•. than the earth does.—The • Pathflnder. WHEN smic JUICES FAIL TO FLOW -- You know•how badly an engine runs. eogg when it gets' led up. It'°s the _ same with'. your body when you» -sttilLgnew to_nnderstenci, what is' -beef eeeee - j or--digestiv uices—fail td� for him, so that it will be easier for . ow. : Your food, instead of being simply ' it � your system', s him to' follow the right road. ' .He will ' •nssnn aced by y u y , . p y • advance in the control of nature, he collects. and 'stagnates inside you, ' Will better understand disease a,ndlts r0ducu' g.'h rmful acid poisons. `What antidotes and imniunization. s' • sen -a -mint is the answer. Cleansing action of smaller doses effective be- cause yon chew it. At your druggists --the safe and scien- • iilc laxative. Feen-amijlt c and other . progressive changes• i the -etilteted man of r resent, are resulting, it is true; in various' weaken'ngs and • cl nsequere disorders.. The hair, especially in men, is being lost prcnthturety; the teeth are weakened' in resistance, there •I assistant gevernment botanist in •Bras -are troubles:,; in eruption, .and some ut bane.• •• 1 the dental units tend to disappear. Mr. Hubbard took back to London The facial changes, while favoring a grasses gathered in the Common- greater vdriety and higher range of . ii- GREAT GLORY There is no. likeness of Him Whose. 'name •is Great 'Glory. alis. form is not .to be beheld:, :none sees Him with the eye... , Deathless they be- come.'who in heart and'mind know Him as., he^rt-dive!1"ne. �-yorne F'or CHOCOLATE MALTS® 'MILK mums MOTHERS always tee Yr that a full glass orB.orden,l : Chocolate Malted Milk awaits wealth,.according to Mr:Bailey. These the voice, lead often se disturbing their Buie ones *she SFey set,un will be classified, some entirely new I' regularities of the nasal structures Ire:andeltieio s lo, Q,1idrsd type -S • will be , named, and the entire 1 and palate. The weakening': throue h It quickly re tore: des;`stad en - collection ' will prove . highly valuable I less use of. the. feet and other organs tray sera vitatrty end builds up: strong, dwdy hale bodice" ". to students cohrerned with botanical (appendix, , muscles, etc.) result in ihC 2%>des, ` , . research. ... - .• ' .. difficulties.• even .clangers.. Great i•C Most of the specimens were obtain- mental application favors digestive .ed• ln'Qpeenslancl; the richest state in' and other disorders. Budall these. a,t- ) Ae tralia for grasses. Some 'unusual vantages are being. checked by adnp-• I specinients were obtained in Nullarbor tations rind have but • moderate effect !.county, a region of treeless plains of :retardation on the general' evolu- where the train runs .without deviation tioperv. progress of civilized man. far 300' utiles. . • In'the light of man's past and his _ 73 �orcfera CHOCOLATE. MALTED. MILK present it is very: likely •that.he w;11 No Longer 'd t t' • __ _ continue . to progress in a ep a tun. . . . Opaque Fro><!ii<.. Utttslde refinement and' d_ ifi`erentiation. But • Bil.iol.Ts5 Thanks -- - • i Glass that opaque ,froom the outside this applies only -to fit Mein' etre:YiiI . . recently wits demonstrated n' umanl y, r ,' ..•rI su(lereci with;Bililausrtess for daxs.�at down and windshield of an automobile. rest will be more br less broug.r. a time., Lavery medicine I tried failed Passengers and drivers can see' per. 'along, or left behind. to bring relief , the first dose of your fectly from the inside ,of the ear, but The progress of the advancing parts . wonderful Carter's Little Liver Pills' the appearance from: the outside fs of the race niay be foreseen to be es- gave me greet relief."—Mrs. C., Leigh.. that of a mirror. The only differences sentiall'• towards `even greater .men- ' "Dr. Carter's Little Livert,Pi11s• are no from ordinary, glass f om the inside 1s., tal efficiency a,pd -potentiality` ,The ordinary laxative. They are ALL a• slight bluish tines.•--Popoular 11•ie- VEGETABLE and have a very dada- . further' t 1 deve opments may 1 t t the _ _..,,cbani_cs_ lv_Iagaa3ne: t d t be attended by an addi- Glass• 1 ' the win -of h it thecivilized man The • • Vegetable.Pins you , neod then is a' tonic -Nature's • own tonic -Nature's • six mineral salts. ' You • get ` all , these six; setts in • Kruschee Snits, •and each one of them , has an action of its own. 'Together, they'stimulate and tune up the bodily functions from a number o different angles:. The first effect of theise eeetse is. to promote the flew of the saliva. and. :so awaken the appetite'.. The next. •,action occurs in the stomach,• where the digestive• juices are encouraged.to pour out and'act' upon the food. Again in thie intestinal .trait certain of these rafts promote 'a- further clow of :these •vital juices which deal :with partly digested food and re are it' finally • p p fol•_abscr-ption.._nt_o_� tike system. So you see tail re is no mystery.about rCnischen It..works-oa pureLy.•_scien_ ....•:.. tific and Edell -known principies. Prove • it for yourself.. VEGETABLE C O M P O tJ N D u'r er men a 1 i' Ili/en valuable fate • action upon, expect e o liver: They end Constipation, Indigest- tional increase in brain site; although ion, Acidity ,Heedache's,Poor Com plex- p you ocs• increase will be of but moll- ion. Alldruggtsts: 25c Sc 75c red pkgs. Use the hammer of truth whe the.gr . FOR CONSTIPAt ION have .occasion to nail a lie. t portions The main chanties TO GREAT BRITAIN' . 'and ''Mzck SPECIAL REDUCED third Class fare from fiIontxeal to Belfast, Glas- gow* Li7erpool,,PIyu outs or London and bacic. 'Good going from Aug. 1st to Oct. 15th Return portion valid for 2, years. Round trip rate to Continental points reduced•proportionately. Two ssailizigs a week.' Por /ons istfotri of ion a ; p(r' - CUNA'RD• LINE • Cdr. Ray as,d ivenington Ste. (''hone Elgin 3471, 0 11. Toronto" • or any tteomshap agent } ARD ANCHOR - DONALDSGN era a pro . 'will be in the internal organization i li Gail L A Ds ... ofthebrains, in greater iilood-supply, .il greater general effectiveness.. Dtih't suffer any `tenger from these: • The 'skull will in all probability be unsightly bienriShes overcome them at ,still thinner than it is today, and will 'home. ect •L oz. Peroxine Powder frons yeti druggist. Sprinkl'c. a little on this likely grow fuller laterally and antero- mice ctoth. apply q'ith a clrettinr otion posteriorly, due to developments' in the anthe Sark fiactiorwill he l WASy nHED directions 'Of least 'resistance The i dications are that the hair on the head STIFFNESS . will be.further" weakened. The''sta= ture promises generally to ben, Plenty; of Mtrsaed'a.sielt rubbed in e,00h eats you :omewhat higher than today anionL i<rtpt;t. serf,- the .ore pan the best nourished and,least repressed ' wrch wafts water before you sten.. groups. The face is likely tp become 34 • You'll\koori •limber up 1 more refined, handsome,' 'and With` more character, partly oh account of intensifying intelligent sexual selcc tion, partly through further reduction }ie bony parts consequentepee S diminished mastication. wand partly,• I. through the further' .development of • the frontal portion of the skull.' The • e ` s wilt he deeper sot. the nose prote- in nt rom in•nt and rat er nerrow.%•.re nl - v , still entailer, the chin'more. prominent,' , the jaws even more moderate and:. ISSUE No. 3'8-- 3.1 .;34X 1RTANTS s 6 LBS,- 'Piy;teneS, slL1 OR'VELVE'1 s` 'w e� ' $1.,(111 ;A, M.cCreerY , Co..' Chatham. Cutieu ra Sot p for 1!�0r d_ -tea ants Daily Toilet ,Use Price 25c. u Wom�vifol CRYING::..•sobbing ::laugh= Xng Nerves strung..to the• .breakingpdint Whafa'statetobe ti . Constanteheadache, bearing down pains, di'z ey spells are rob- bing her of health and beauty. ' • If-the.wouid•'2inlygive Lydia,E. • Pinkhalnn's Vegetable Compound', a chance t� help her. 98 out of every ' 1 O o reportbe nefit. Watch your own troubles yield to its. tonic action. Trya bottle of, either the liquid or the convenient new •tablets. Let it help you as le has helped sonnany . thousands of suffering women. • E044114444.. it -" "NAVY" A full weight Roll of Sterilized quality Tissue -•=700 sheets of soft, safe, sanitary parer: "WI -Mt . SWAN" A snowy v.1r'e Sttrilized Tissue. In wrap- net, d, toroof Rolls of 750 TFects. A'"o• r ede in ''RECESS'" • ' size to hi modem built-in The Family Health Guard Eddy tissues are purified by..rnodetn , methods of sterilization, Tissues horn which all impurities have bean scientifi- cally : removed. The safest; softest, nips! absorbent paper for bathroom use. THE E. E. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULL s e . - CANADA nufacturers of '•- e Rene of Qua- lity Na :for Conn - teetotal; Professional . and Domestic Pur- • . posts,• - U e Fee, ars v� e nC'''"; a �.ss re,ta ,� • 7s