HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-24, Page 1.T
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$2.00.14E12, 'YEAR IN :APV4,1\ti. $2.50' 0T11...41t4W;SP -. louChnatits Otero;
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- • .
asnAy, SEI:0TEMBEF14240 1931:''
. • ..
•Dr. R. L. Treleaven, -LacItnovir
rTrts: .6-12 :A.M. .-'130-5 PM
WALL P4Pg11,44".full line .nfJ,901'
• /Yall'PaVer'9!1 handRrices eonsider-”:
• -','-' ablgy down for ''1903.. ainalsa agent
for lOading:jcib.. hAnsea.-7: ,,, • •
•Royal Arch Masons
Dedicate 'Chapter. Room
Annual. Fall Fair
Alexander Lawson -
'Today And Tomorrow Dies At Winnipeg
Nolit. iElocooli.f;e.„:0,mpaiiion; W ,p.,..4riie.'',:iiiiniber. of 'Retries. to Date-. Was 'Former • Well kturtitti 'Resident
'...,„.4. .Price;'Grand Z;" Offitiatea-,4lisk '••••'':Cotteetts ..Both Evenings --44.44:. ' -..• ,,-pf,-:-LucktIOW.,,,-Actitve•41n :Bowling.
.' ''' ' • • '. -: .7 - - • ..''' ,'' - '• ,.. . ' . , ,'hitio,nof; ii.ioltiig:..y.i. Bob Stod- • -•and.610ing-7,1lielitli• Came 'Oil-.„Comnaniona.Attend..
. .. . .. • '
',•„.,4•.. :„.L ..'"].' '• '.::, , , ,, «: • .4thet-•• Special "EVents.: expec.Odly.;1,1„ , :” '...:,:... '"•., '.", • ,,',.•,'
t:•eitinCohtipter'•offi6eis, companions. . . • i a :
• ' • • • .
Decorator, • Painter and •;prainer ] of. the Lucknow chapter " and visiting -• The 66th • annual. Fall. Fair . of the .. The 'following . article' ' was taken
Box 174, Lucknow ' :. .1 • •
I . • • r . r . •••• • •
Companions of the district 'gathered village ' gives promise of being one from the. Manitoba Free Press of.
. •
-in-the---traWiii---' all---ou.-•Tda-y..0- ..1ielsest7Yret To_date=itlargeznn - "Septembettli-:'• • .] '
,.. • .].
FOR .RENT'-Sniall Apaitment. .0r: • night,T-theoccassi 'being'-the•-cledici. ber of entries 'have been received- ' AleXander. 'LoWeen,'.veteran bowler,
• , ,,•),..1.. • , .. AttOoms . above • the.; Stoke. ' ' . i . ,. ,.., .• ,: : tiOn. of •Lucknow Chapter of the Roy- ; and dodgers have been.' distributed, and curler, died at midnight on Fti-,
J , :.I , .. ,,... . •:Appls; ..43trAgitgr,. al Arch Masons: ,' • announcing several special feature day; Sept. 11th; at his residence.. 527,
. . .
' .,E.lahotiliti: :dedicatdon ceremonies and events, not included in the prize Banning street .The end 'came •unex-.,
. • ."' YOB ;SALE .0,13. RENT -Good corn- were conducted by Grand i Chapter , 2.pectecily.: Mr. . Lawson was . active as
-fottable:dwelling: Apply to-.--' . . officers, Most Excellent .Cotripaieen.-7` This nthrnitig--(Thursday)' ''eXhilt Usual•duringthedayi'antt'he planned
-.Mae. Davison.; Box - 253,...:,LucknoW- WI•.-Gi Trice, -Grand Z, Port trsditi. itors -were-busy.:bringing theiry-etthib-'.to -be-on.his-favorite bowling green
, .. • . Edwin...a:Smith,: Grand Scribe Pc...Tor-. As .to the 'hall,. As- usual the 'judging today. He, was 86 year of 'age. ;„1.1e . . •
FOR ,RENT--.....Concifortiblt-'72-fcroin.
onto; and A....Hubei, Grand Sind, of will 'be- completed in the afterneon 'was a member of HOme,Street•UnW
'. , ' •- flat with bath room, .-hard; and . soft ,
. •
.., ,. ....,,4natket. Stuart••koliertionr-LbeknOW;-..
' ...• . RECLEANING GkASS. SEED] .. and *ere.. received... with "favorable .fee',Of.1fic,. you may view •.the ..exhib- :Scotland,: was . a member of •,* the.,
• • Scarifying,. Sweet .; Clover Have Dave cOmnitent. ''' .• .' • . ; , : • . its, and, 'enjoy , a splendid' , concert,'Broadway • Bowling club and of . the ,. • :.Mrs:. (Aire' Treleaven has returned
." -' .:water' on tap. APPly ,Sentinel Office. :
,until tecentlY. occupied. ',by...Walker'
• ' . . ' '' _ t' ., (.30--4.4tt.), • . ; • . . . .A thoroughly enjoyed evening 'was day will - be an • exhibition of pole .. Befere. retiring , from active life,
• ..:. STORE ,POR.,'RENT-The.' .stiire
• , .. - Apply 4; to E J.. Moore, Lucknow tion speech.' . , ' ' • ' : looked for. A special feature .:Of . the . of the Thistle club. • . . •
your seed cleaned -new. aneready for . • ..Following :the • .dedicat(on; . Officers comprlied. of various numbers.by. ThiStie. Curling clUb., He was highly'
. Store. -A • good . hiisiness location. , Chick. EXcellent Companion, W. A. Friday, September .,25th, with .ftii-, member of. the Manitoba Bowling as-
lturoi.-."DillirieT,'Siiiiiiiampl4Ttit7Th-eli".• iilid-lit-tlieTeiteitiiit-th-e'a'Agritillturat --ed Church int, an "Odd -Fellow --- •
.0f;.,..the..,Liicknew--.-,,ChaPter----iiresented.:. locaL_Aalent,',..and put :,on by the Wo,„ honored by both the bowling and cur, '
Bro. W. G., Price ' with an plectrie. •men's • instititte. . • • • • " " ling fraternities," being made a, life.
Oereinonies' Were' veri„.tintereSting . Hall will be open; when1/4:for the sinall .,.'.10...LaWSon; 'who. wean 'native of
F,'ortebts; Z., delivered the- presenta- arable 'Weather, ;a' recOrd c.rowd , itt sociation and . .an honorary' • member'
.. -
. , •
..• . o
- Matthew Woods„ ..., , . • - ”
year in moneal.., • , . . . , , , • Mrs. Angus: : Mackinnon' - returned
' • - :j, ; .
.last week.,-with,fiis, grandfather, Afr, japend a :few :weeks. ',' • ,. . ' ... ... .. ...,‘',... '
to town after spending; the past
Seinins, ,SiSk.:. • • .. ' 'end f.arAT ei4oired atiip to_ the ': •.• - • ..An';'• '. .
- Mrd Bob•Woods of Detroit Visited
• . . • ' . , .
,' Sr. Dave ;Milne, Jr.; ,is home front . :Mr. and •Mrs. 'Edward.' McQuillin .. '. ' • • - '
.. . - ..
to Toronto on Sunday, Where. she will
with *Mi., 'and:' Mrs.; E .S: McGowan
. Each Member . of the Women's In-.; ' -,... • .:" ' • .
of 'last '' Week. " , . '.., , , , ! .. • . ' . '‘.. .: ' • . .- . -it.....:. - ..
Western 'Fair; LOndon, .ott Thuradat'
. ,.
.1, . ..
. 7'•
...... ......-. '
ASTRAI=Sinall: Pig -'8% •montha '
,, •brought to'a. close. With .a. banquet in, vaulting • hy .,..Solr Stoddairt, Canada's..Mr.%'"Lawson • .Conducted ' a grocery aro
'Mr. and Mrs.'i C. E. Allin, Marjory. itititte: is aiketfto donate n pie and '. .
Harold spent a few days last 'candyfor ,' the booth at the 'Fait, .1.
, • .. , . , ...; :
V . • ' . ' about 30 lbs AnyOne.,,knewiog.: of the,,,dining.'hall, •Rt. Excellent Clain, Champion, in 'which. he will 'attempt: business, and he was .in this line of . .•
. T.; Armstrong,,Scribe E.,. to break, his 'redOrd. ,Another ..: .ecial .buiiinesti ..in Liicknow,..,,,Ont.;• prior to ,week at London Pair.. . • ...„' • Thursday ' evening'. and Friday. . . . ' • • ... • •, -.... ; . .
. . , • • . • •....
':•:.: wherealaputS, of. same.. please---inforai..,r,11-9n, .F,:. .• , ' •,
.• ' . • ., ' ' Walkerton. ; Friday. afteineen,.. Sept. • 25, ,Fair any breed, one 'male and three fe-159 •Bosebery street, .St. James, Mrs. . Mr. and Mrs. T.*: Little of Al,-
:, ,, •. . Mia.; omas.,Moore and son Don- •-•"-------, --r...and-lif tr-P.77Fillows and fain -
Phillip ' Stewart.. , •-, . , i ,... '• , acted as '. toastmaster, with. 'Grand event will. be.. an exhibitioU--. Of-aut0,-, 'settling in, Winnipeg. • : ' , :
- Chapter , officers ..being .. called Upon, mobile'driving open to ladies, with .a. •.', Predeceased, by ,his wife 'six yiars".Parnia. were in this community • • • .• ' ii: .
WEDsiox__Iltinte_f4r_ Wh_6;:gaia.s.lstri .addres-Sei.--- -.7 ' - r Airjie• of 10' tali:. of gaioline donated -age' Mr. -LaWilowis-sUrvived -by font
• , . aid of Buffalo; ; N..Y., : are. , :visiting ily of
with ...Mit; M. -E.. Moore. • • ., • ,.. last Week on account of ',the „death • • ',•
. , .
t : ' • ,
i' ' , • • -.lovely baby :boy; nine Months. bld.-= . • .
' . by . Welt Henderson .• Also a .special d.augliters:. Mrs. A. V. Murdoch, 17 o ..Th40171:-Pellows' ..fither,.------mittii.,.
., . ,..
Mi-,,-andMrs.-- 'AV.: W.4. Hill--Ensigir,-,,-- • . , . .
, ..... • • Apply, Sec. Children's Aid Society, ' '',STORES WILL ' 0,OSE, •• • prize of $10 and $5 for the best •HiIC. *ford street: .' Mis.• L. K.. Morton
• - ' part. of. last week. With the forineet. • - - • , . . .
mother- .in Mitchell.
(249-g.)-"", . Day.. the inerchnnts. 'of the village ,•males. The ..Citizen's Band will sup,. J.:''H...King, lqii! Arlington, and Miss . .
. . . lendale and kr. and 'Mrs. Coulter :. ''' • ' • .
. .•
•.Agnes Lawson, Lawson,. at home. . ' :. -7FitiCraild-Airs. Gardner OrKtcar- Tedi three sena' of-To-rotitteWthe
have agreed to close them stores ,ply music during''t e 4, y. ,.
. • . . . .
FOR. SALEH1926 'Ford 'Coupe. for two hOurSr.-L-frOm 2 to .i. o'clock. ' The Fair will..he concluded by a -The funeral was held on Monday, dine spent the 'week -end , With Mt., week -end with Air. and,. Mrs'. W'. J
• " „. ' New Tires, Engine OVerhanled.. Car . • .",
',This. Will permit. them to take 'in the concert in the Town Itall- follOwed- September 14th,. from Thoinson'i. :. and 'Mrs. 3.: A.' Geddes.... .., . • . Little.' - • ' . ' c
' • , .: .' A
..'...in• ..go. oliclition...- pp • --Fre„ •
Apply to
-ili•OW and will .not. inconveniencefbe: by a dance: The concert -Will the- ''.: . ' . Priiialind"-Scott hicKenzie, and lira. , • -; ...- • .4” •
" :.. Ethberlin,. at Fairview.L.Doiry:Farin- __Mr,;_Gorden_R-Mbore_of__;Rockwood,_.
• . ....
'. . . . -Public to any -form'- play "The •:Wild ; . ' ' -:- ' •• •,..- - " ,
. ..•• . . . . .. • . . • .. • (: : - - : • .. MARRIED. -TORONTO spent,,Sunday at ; the home' of his
. : McKenzie, Isobel'and, 'bonging, ' Who,•• . . ' • ',, ..
. ,
• •• . . . . .
. ,.. ...,4 .. mother Mrs IL E Moore.. -. •
_., have. been visiting•at the horne. of:. .. • ." ••• i ..•. '
•___;.',_;......L___"_.. :
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE .' • • Oat Boy, ' put on by the Junior Par- • . . .. , . IN .,... -
. ' • One Fordson • Tractor and ' Plow,i WINS. HURON: • .. mers. Music for-the--dance7Wili-,he. • - -.1-- ,' . ,•
GOUT -77-n - Linda .... .
Pailtdale Presbyterian church; Tor-. .alretu: anilieldNitorS'tii741,1hipotnIteaciltiniiMlitoittrehilaYle. • .
• • • . ••EdWard Johnstone- •.. :
:4927 model, for 'sale or in exchange
COUNTY. SCHOLARSHIP •proviiled'• by MeCartney's Orchestra. -
.. for 'horses, 'cattle; sheep..or • hogs. . .' -were in •Londiin recently ..attending,
, • . '-
Apply to -----G. A.: Siddall, Broker, ' • '. . • --=`, .. .,.. "By the 'Great. Horned' 'Spoon' is
' , • -
, ..:. .
Onto, was the: scene of. a quiet wedd.
LuCknow, . • • • . ,••Miss Seth Alton has returned home New White Cotton, ,Factory, Cot- big on Saturday at 6 o'clock; when. the Plewes.- Johnstone wedding ' .
. ,
.. . che title of a play being put on by , , .• ' ''''
(8-10-c) ' from London, where-; she ..attended ton ' SheetingS; Pillow ,Cases, Shirt-. -Isabelle, daughter of Mrs. T. Lindsay, Miss Elizabeth Lyons' returned to the Women's Institute, under the
was married 'to Mr. Cutlibert H. Gol- town recently after having spent lireetion . of Mr. Hawthorne on Nov. .-
spine weeks with friends' in Detroit.
, - 4 tuba; 13th- and 14th,---, -'Reserve -this .:' : - . ' --••
- The 13reado
•' of tleaIth of Health •
Bread.,,..;TE..lifG:f,OOD•;,,VALIIIE 'OP':fo:;.pAir. OUR QUAL-
...,.. -.,: ,-;
ITT IMLiAte'liS:*ni Leo' :•(*...1),,,Uaa OOOofgass;:'
' ' • '. . — '
"SPECIALS "FOR sittiiioit7,-, ' ''' ' 1: '. •
'—.---...ototra.,•__ourjr,---aik-a--p--Wantr squAsizs
!Phone 36 Lucknow
• •
. " .. •
• • • W4,..,„
• - • • ,„.‘:
• ,,
the -Western Fair and took pert in ings. New low prices: "MA.RkET'
, ,
the Gitis' -Household Science.; judging- ino
tickiv _Rept. Store. - , , Ian, son -of Mrs: K. A. Ocillan; -by
4-t- -
Competition on. Tuesday, Sept 15. f Rev' . F. Gi ,VeSey. The bride who was
Miss Alton is to be highly -con- MARRIED given in .ntarriage by her cousin, Mr.
gratulated on ,, her success.' GirlsWilliam •Btown, og._...1 atnilton, was
from all, over the province competed • Lane - Dierlam - charming in her travelling brown
and Miss Alton won third prize in In Toronto on Saturday Septetn- enienible; trimmed_With baby fox fur
HafiSe Purnishings.,• She also won ber 12th, 1931,- by Rev. Crossley and carried a 'corsage bouquet of
fourth place in Nutrition but 'as it Hunte‘r, Nora Lavonne, eldest daugh- Butterfly roses and, lily-of-the:val.
waS possible to win only one prize ter ofk-VEri and Mrs:' M. II. Dierlam ley. The bridesmaid! was Mrs. Rita
it was passed, on to. the next highest torWalter G. Lane, only son of Mr. Regan and the groom was. simpOrted
girl. Site, was high girl at the Huron and Mrs. W. J, Lane, Ripley, Ontario.' by his brother, Mr. Donald Gollan of
County Competition held at ' Clinton . .Buffalo. After the ' ceremony the
in July and, "Was again high gitl. from CONTINUING HALF -HOLIDAY ' couple 'left on a motor trip to Des
Huron County at London and is the
winner of the ' $50.00 'Scholarship The merchants Moines and Chicago.
, ants of he village Mr. Cuthbert Gollan will be well
donated 'by the Huron 'County :Corm- wish .to advise the public that
remembered here by. many. He was
til and will therefor attend the -three the weekly Thursday half -bob- the son- of Mita.'Gonna and the late "
month's course at McDtnald Insti- • day will be continued through-' Rev. K. A. Gollan; a former pastor
tute, Guelph, which •commences : the 'out
the' Month of :October, the . of South Kinloss congregation.
first week in January. , same alt last year. ' . , •
Miss Margaret Durnin who was
one :Of the County team with Miss . • ,, OBITUARY
Alton 'at Toronto, won fifth' prize in
Nutrition"at London.
• .• -100-CailForDry Ifeeeli and MaPle;
priced from $3.00 to $4.00 Per cord,
deliVered to any place in' town. Wood,
• can:: be seen at -JACOB MILLER',
residence, Havelock St.
.. ..
1 • NOTICE is hereby given that all
' persons having 0 claims against the
Estate of. JamesJohnston :late 'of
thetownship of Kinloss in the County
-of Buce, deceased, who died on or
about the Fifth day of August A.D.
..,,. 1931, are required to send in to' the
Executor d or' their Solicitor, on or.
I 'before the 10th day of October, 1931;
full particulars of their claims yen -
fled by affidavit. Immediately after
.• the 'said 10th ,day of October A.D..
' 1931, the assets of the said•*'estate
' will be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto, hiving re-
- gard only to the claims of which'the
' Executors shall have received notice.
Dated at" Kincardine, Ontario. the
12th day of September 1931. •
W. J. Johnston,' Kincardine, Ont.
•• - John Johnston, Holyrood, Ont.'
, ' Executors.
J. L. Lamont, Kincardine, Ont. Card of Thanks'.
- • . 'Solicitor. .The family of the late Eli Ensign
4 , .
(1-10-c.). wish to acknowledge with grateful
thanks the kindness of friends and
-neighbors at the time of their recent
BOWLING RESULTS ,•'. bereavement.
- ,
At the ,Scotch Doubles tournament •• •
Bargain, Big 'Ibex Blankets, New
in Hanover last Thursday, second
Low Prices. Reduced to $1.98, pait.
prize in the_trddhy was won by AWell-- L
'1`11.AltkEr"---t-ureknow Dept:- Store:-
ington McCoy and T. S". Reid."
• A rink of local bowlers' comPose4-ANNUAL PUBLIC "
of Roy Finlayson; Ho -ward Agnew. • SPEAKING CONTEST
,Robt. Rae and Wellington Mcfoy;,
journeyed to Stratford 'on Monday in
an uninecesefnl attempt to lift the
John Joynt ,trophy', which Was'. won,
by Ernie Millson's rink at the annual
tournament in August. Another rfnk
• skipped by INive•Huston goesto Strat-
ford today in an attempt, io bring
home the coveted ailyerwa4 °
Irish Trebles
The lady bowlers staged an Irish
Trebles tournament on Tuesday af-
tertioon, play continuing on into the
evening before the- winners were de-
/ Mrs. Robertson; Mrs. W: L
MacKenzie and Mts. Robt. Button
• v‘ first prise, cushions. 'Second
by Mrs. W.' itenderion, miss Lorna
'eanitsball and Mrs. •Potteons. A rink
'from Witighato comprised of Mrs.
Thothoson, a „Mrs.. Brackenbuty and
Mrs, Van Wyck, won third prize,
pock scarfs,
The Brice County Educational 'As-
sociation will hold their. Annual. Pub-
lic -.Speaking Contest in Port (Elgin
on Fridag, October 23rd.; at 8 o'clock'
P.M. This announcement- has just
been- issueeby the Secretary' Albert
Aiken, Allenford. '
The winner of 'a Rural School Fair.
Public' Speaking Contest in the Town-
ships and the Winner of of a Public
School Competition in Towns, and
Villages will, be eligible.
,The Association will, give a Watch
for Prst prize. A Waterman's Foun-
tain Pen and , Pencil Set valued at
$10.00 for :Second prize, and a Wat-
erMan's Pthinain Pen for Third
-priap.„,__anti-ii--Medal for honour
The „COutity Whiner will also be
sent t6 the, Gueljik District Oldest.
-ThetslieacheS Will be limited to five
minutes each, ,and -the Pupil may
speak on any subject they select,
1 • « •
• . 4 . • • .
; ;
'1' 4
• ••;
• ,
4,, 4, .44,014.
Mi. Eli *nsign
The funeral of Mr. Eli Ensign,
whose -death we' mentioned last week,
took place from the home of his son-
in-law,,Mr. Herbert Ensign, 14 con-
cession' of Ashfield, on Wednesday,
September 16th...interment was made
in, the family' plot in Lochalsh ceme-
tery, the pallbearers being: John
Macintosh, John McRae, Finlay Mad -
Lerman, Oliver flarkWell, George
The late Mr. 'Ensign was born in
Middlesex County on' the Sth conces-
sion of the years ago. Growing up to
young manhood there he came to
Bruce County where he took',Up farm,
ing at otife age of eighteen and has
been a resident of this comithinity•
since then,. Some, thirteen years ago,
retiring from the farm, Mr; 'and Mrs..
"Ensign Moved- to Lucknow. Mrs. En-,
sign prediceased her _husband ,nine.
-years ago. Surviving tnembers of the
flintily include fwo daughters, Mrs.
Herbert Ensign of Ashfielcl, Mrs. F.
Fellows of Sarnia, and one son, Mn,.
William J. Ensign of Ashfield.
Relatives from a distance who at-
tended the funeral were: Mr, arid
Mrs. Thos. Ensign, Walter Player,
MO. Fannie Ensign and IVIts, I.
Stack of London; Mt, and Mrs. Isaac
Payne and Son, and -Mrs.' $.'
Dundas and Mr. And Mrs, E. Gorley
;of Thainesford; Mr. and Mrs. F.
Fellows and family Sarnia; Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Smith and - Miss
Florence Stift of Wingham.
9. •
A pretty Wedding took :place at
the home . of the bride's parents, at
noon on Wednesday when Jane Isabel,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wm.
MaCNall of LuOnoW, became the
bride of -Mr. •Robert Kenneth Ross.
• •
MITCHELL -At Weihwel, China,
n Tuesday, September' 15th, 'to Rev.
W. IL and. Mrs: Mitchell, (nee Dr.
Helen Craw), a 'son. •
' •,
Mt-- Will 'MacLeod has been ap-
pointed by the Village Councirto
spect.- the number of water taps, in-
stalled by each consumer. Mr. Mac-
Leod is now on the job and all water
users will, be called upbn' during the
next few, days.
• .
Mr. Albert Gammie, of, the 12th
concession of Wawanosh, and his two
children, Ross' and Ilelen, 'spent Sun-
day in Elora with Mr. Gammie's
fathel",' who celebrated his 80th
birthday on that day, and Who is still
active and enjoying good health.
Attending Conference , _
Rev. R. Wt Craw and • Rev. Walter
B. Craw lat on Monday to attend
the Altininite Conference of Victoria . There were a large number of ex -
University and Emmanuel College, hibits with keen 'competition in al.
'in connection" with whtch there will most' every class. 'there Were on dis-'
be' the formal opening of, the' new Ilay in the ChOrh.Shed:
Einnuinuel College.. (Continued on Page 5) •
Mr. Rod Campbell of- Houghton .date.
Mich., has been viSiting " for the past. t Sunday visitors with Mts. M. E.
week with his sister, Miss Margaret Mooreincliided, Mr. and Mis.,Wilburk«..
Campbell.' . -Erb and Miss 'Jean Macintosh of
Men's, Women's -and - Children's Teeswater, Mr: and Mrs. A. Robinson - • - ,
Warm.Winter' Underwear. New. Low and Mr. and Mrs,. T. Riddel' of Au -
'Prices. ,
s.. "MARKET" Lucknow Dept. burn, Miss May Wallace of Saska-
. . toon and Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore.'
- '
' , AT ST. liELleN'S FAIR
fa • .
,1 •
Keen Competition In All Clalisett- A meeting was held in Holyrood
-it-- • '
'Murray Taylor, Seeintd-Fretka on Tuesday evening, 'Sent. 15th to •
Rintoul; . make final arrangements for the
.Sout Bruce Plowing Match, whiCh
The popularity of School Faits
waS evident on MonditY, when with will be, held on Ackerts' farms on,
favorable weather aSplendid turn- Oct. 2nd. The main discussion 'of
but was in, attendance id St. Helen't, the evening was' the advisability of
Annual School 'Fair, which'. has come discarding the 'high cut class 'in favor'
to be considered among the best in
of, a class for single furrow t walking
Huron County a t
plows and it was finally decided to
Special prizes were awarded to the'
three pupils. Winning the highest, do this after a rather warm. argu- '
number of points. First irize, the ment on the subject. The following
Eaton Silver Trophy was won: by committees were appointed.
Gedxge__Webster__with_:it__total_of___U_8 Committee to stake field, etc---:
paints. Murray Taylor was second Ernest Ackert, Ab. Thompson, Wm.'
•with 67 points, receiving a set of Eadie; David McDonald, ;Henry. Mur -
'books. Thiird prize, also a set of ray, W. H. Arkell; V*Maffsit and
books; was- won by .Freda' MIAOW Alex it: McKague.
With' 62 points..
.° , Committee to secure teatnstiavid
Janie Alton was the winner of Carruthers, Jno. Colwell and Richard
the public speaking contest, and it Elliott.
is expected that she will be elegible Field Committees
to enter the. Cchinty "Championship • glass 1 -Plain 'or jointer plows in
.contesi• at a later date;' ,Stanley sod, open -Wm. WaisOn and Ab.
Johnston 'won first in live .stock ThOmpston.
'judging; Beatrice Kinahan, first in Class 2 -.-Plain • plows, amateurs,
sPelling; Clifford Vanier, first in sod-iletrY Murray and Jno.
play in the Church Shed, forming a. Clots 3 -jointer plows, amateurs,,,
large and interesting array of ,pouf- sod -F. G. Moffat and Wm. McKay.
try, vegetables, flowers, baking, hand= Class 4---.Boye 19 yrs.' and under,
stubble -David McDonald and Angus
ieraft, etc. _ •
,Six Schools, eadh carrying Itheir Mttntoilt.
particular banner took part in the Class 16 yrs. and under,
parade, headed by Piper Wilfred. Mc- stubble --Gordon Melvin and Robt,
quillin;.who supplied music through- Moffat. ,
out the day.. S. S. Na, 4, 'Was Award- Class' "6 -Single Riding Plow -'-
ei erit S.T-N8:127:Vecritnt-H. TrugIFIVIeD'onaldTnthi-kieltarti-Elliott.
Class I -Tito -furrow -plows, walk-
ing or riding, 3 -or '4. horses -Guth.
rig Reid and Wm. Eadie. " '
Class 8 -Tractors, 2 Or a
ftObt. 'Colvin pid Allister Tiughesi
'• •
• . ,
4.'•-• .1'•"•• ••10".