HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-17, Page 8E10U? ;RPM B:FiNT. ;NE r fiord Tudor • Late 1929 model,; in good con- •diition. Looks nitd ;dins --like new Was $350:` Our Price '2'5:00' PONTIAC 4 -DOOR SEDAN. 1928 mo'd'e.1 Mechanically. • per feet Good tires. Original 'finish Was ,WO; .'Reduced 'to . X395' . OLDSiVtOBILE:,4 DOOR SEDAN T X927 model, 4 wheel brakes' balms loon tires • like news:: Guaranteed, ,1 to lie A,1 conditiorn Now MAXWELL• TOURING-� Sport:_'_ Fender yells, ' and trunk ; rack':. as 1:25:—Reduced-to Pontic: Coupe Rumble 'Seat; ,: original finish,,. good • tires etc.. Was $325, Bedneed to-' • .Ci • . • O )gi1MI,O31ILE COACH. Thi G&A• H A M -PAI E 4 -DOOR is a beautiful car and •is <mechan G ---scally-� peifeet—One bf--the-•-out-- SEDAN,_ model 612::Year ' 1:929 standing .'I argair •s- Was $245.' original co -limbo -it, , low mileage. •'Now Was . formerly ; priced at $515.0 OLDSM;OBILE. 4 -PASS'..' COUPE Now: 7 $:1,95 A' levelly- family Car. Good meth- animal coiiiiittbh,� Reducedfrom 4,549 .CHEVROLET COACH, ^2 6' ",$225;to i model. Good tires.''Fisher body you jvant a -bargain.• .come and. ._flus 'one Was • $225:':Now: • B .. 65 1 CHEV ROL T' 4 -DOOR : SEDAN; . 1� 1925'. Newly refinished,, good tires Jest. drive this car to' be-convin, 15 .; STAR ". 4' - DOOR ' SEDAN, late 1926. ,Good ' tires, .wlrbolstering, good. R. ,educed from $185 to • $i45.. Essen Coach' ' :: 1929 modey: City ,driven, mileage. . • lniished.•. in•. ' 'deep .; maroon:... Original &Nish and' tires .like new. Was. $475. -'Now H . ' S. ' :brand' ced of its va `ue, Now . , ESSEIE COAL -1fi _ neer. . tires. Original finish: Good ' • ••$:1 70� +' inecha tically., Vita • $.1'65. Now OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR SEDAN - 1929 model'„ --owned• Ind 'driven DURANT,' CO#JPE,. 1929 •model. x:1.1:5 , locally. Carries a 'new car;•guar 0 • name gladly given: Could' see . ante°. Was, •$.695. Naw• • not be,told.-from a new car.. Was ., ESSEX COACH;: 1928 imodel..._S . C • -'S it - Now:,:. $'S 3 $425.. Sale price is i6 and ;you wiliybuly. i (.. ; ` NASH' - 4. DOOR 'SEDAN; • late':: ' • 1927 • model. "Standard” • :Disc r�" wheels, original finish, good tires. --Thoroughly-, =recnpditioned.-.-•- e M. turomi Twp.3 Pies Mr. Alex McLennan;, concesls on 6, Humor Township, a than highly re- spected • in his community died in Victoria Elospirtal, Landon, on wed -'2. neaday, September. 9th Mr. McLen- nan had not been well. for some tune and his"death occurred' following an ofleratio;i be, underwent last week:: His wife and . a • f ani•ily , .of four daughters ,and two sons_' survive Mrs. Neil MacLennan, Ripley; ' 1VVh=s: Frank Scott, 2nd'Con,'Huron Chris. tine, Oshawa; Catherine, London, and Grant and Murray at home..' ,The 'T.Q.O.F. 'lodgef . Ripley had. charge. of the, funeral, •service, which' was con ducted' . byh Rei*;' C, ' lu. Mae Kenzie,., assisted. by Rev..:C J..;Draper: The,.funeral was held from his late, .,.. bi (g!ldsmQ �le Coach 1929 inodey Not two. -' years old' 'yet. Carries a -new .ear guaran= `fie: "W'si�$650. N•on* 5o0:00 • `=DOOR--SEDAl�k--=1.9;28:•- ESSE'3Ei . 4 , .' reeodep�l7�holstelring:�.andm.filCiish�� like •new. . This :was formerly priced at $350. Now. $290 Chevrolet 4 -door sedan, 1926 model.. This _ ar�_waa..O.wned_ ands ditiiven lo- cally and is a'. shalt aC —"` 0-5,'00 - -• J� J. CII.MORE PROPRIETOR r AVO'` BIG USED. CAI(DEPOTS ' ' •-354-.' 0 Clarence; Phone Me... 2714 one'Met . London , Clarence; • (7.rj ;Presbyterian Guild ' -. At the first regular meeting 'for � .-the_Fall_-term,- Of •the' : Lucknow Pres- byterian Guild,: the election .of•oi icere for the ensuing year resulted as fol- lows: • President,, Edwin Smith; .1st Vice. Tres., Bill: Henderson; 2nd Vice pres. ' ,Gladys .McDonald; Sec, Treat.. and ,' Press Sec.,. Greta Campbell; '•Assist- , ant;, Gordon McTavish: Pianost, I, • Peggy. . McDonald;_ Assistant pianist, Mae -,McMahon. Conveners of • Committees tDevotionai=Miss :Elizabeth Hend- eraon; 'Missionary -Mrs.. Horace _A t ehison, :Beside Carno ran, Ida . Reid, da MacCallum lad D"oral ,, s Mac - Y Donald.. Social -Mrs. Win. MacKen- zie,' Helen MacDonald, Edith Smith, •" 'Jim Henderson,. ' Stewart Mullin. Lit- erary .Mrsi H. Sheriff, Miss Kate MacDonald. Program Roszella Mil- tin, Margaret' Parrish;:Floweic=Misr• garet 'McKenzie, Jean. Grapt, • Mrs., Philip Steward. Lookout -Sadie 'Me. - Charles; Catherine' MacDonald, Jessie MacRae, Donald Henderson; • Alex MacKenzie,, . Jack Fisher.` 'Music-- :Cameron-Macl)orlald, Horace, Aitch.,. icon, • Jack McCall. ' At the next meeting• on Monday - evening, September 21st, the Guild will entertainthe staff and' 'students. of the Continuation School. , St. Peter's A. Y. P. A. ' St. Peter's AceY:P.A. held their an- null. corn -roast :at Paramount on 'Tuesday night, the guests of Mr. and ,.Mrs. W. H. , Martin., The 'members, ' wereconveyed trete by H. J. Moore, his truck being requisitioned for 'the occasion. It was a' beautiful evening for such an event and the member§ spent a very enjoyable time in num- erous ,games and .amusements as• well. The committee is to be congratulated in' the. way in which' all, the details 'were looked after. • „ PRESBYTERY OF BRUCE �_ I-1 fro.! Farmer ' ; ,.. Victim :OrM slap The next ' ,meeting of thea Presby- ' 1 • tery of . Bruce 'will be held in the' While felling a;tree near •his home, United Church, Chesley, on Fri-1John Wilkie, Concession 4y ,Huron; was stu.r ck on the back of "hisI'h ead da ” September. 25th,''•at 9.30• A.M. Y, e P ,, Pr. E. H. Oliver, Mo'aerator will,ad_ and neck, • Medical' assistance. was r at- both the procured but'gr.. Wilkie failed: to re- dress, the .P Presbytery yt y gain consciousness and passed away afternoonand evening • sessions at 3'. Friday morning: Re arid • his son -in - P.M.. -and 8 P.M. • AIi. welcome,, . law,, William Courtney, were felling • H: J: Harnwell, Sec'y. the tree When the• accide�(s t occurred., John Wilkie was in his 65th year. DROWNING ACCIDENT • P • TRURSAAY, SEPTEMBER if -101 '�. `tome .and interment .was'm sit"' liap'lay Cemetery, a' Tile 4deceeeed was an.; eldex of t Andrew's UnrteCChii el,, Ripley and :the. 'pallbearers . were 'six'1 fellow elders�•-C�}i�,-•MeDenald; b•;-•-5:-•-M•e=- D.onald,.-::Angus_.)icLay,_,:. A it. 1 eLay�_ Ben S. Logan and James G. Mont•- ,gomery. ' Two • 'brothers. of Mrs. •'McLennan's, Angus and Kenneth McLeod' of 'Ken 'lucky were' present. for : the fuheral.. wlIIl911�ilirl�llp®JIIIIWIUITWI1pIIW111111�111iIIIMftUIIUIIIIIiiN,IIIII�p�IUIIIIWil111�Ni1 i��I1111�IpiNIIiIp�8111191gIIiIWIII VIMI�IH11rUgl �' 0010 00 1 0111111IIIII 10 better Fitting Shoes will 0'4 'Comfort. to TirOd Aching feet WE ARE VERY •FARTICI.JLAE, TO. • OUR.. CUSTOMERS' . _ �_ .• . �'�`OPE. RLY FITTED • SHOES WE HAVE ADDED ?� ,'NEW- .,„i 1�"Et'V . i LINE OF ARCH MASTER GOVE FITTING LADIES' 'SHOES IN KID TIES AND OXFO ,RDS, also MURRAY•. M.tDE SHOES I,N WIDTHS. FROM AA TO E ATi NEW LQW PRICES. l ' Nei.• •Flanne1 'apt Flanneltes:New' Low ,Prices, ,"MARKET." TWENTY FIFTH.'• •ANNIVERSARY•` CELEBRATED: •y • On. S'aturday's• evening • BeTitembei '5th, at the,hoine of Mr. and 1VIrs. Alex Hackett; ,a very. pleasant event- took: place; when `:.their .immediate friends : and relatives gathered to ' celebrate with them their :silver' Wedding, The .evening :was . spent playing• games 'and a• very .pleasant program was rendered ,by all1 hose who were pre, ,. sent. -, fl*er .tlie program' a • buffet Ignch 'was seryl , 8+" "P ,S1Xty-two guests. after ., which:: ice ci'"am and' We ;,wedding` cake; -.of,• tli -bride • end groom of twenty-five .:years ago vas served. •Tile guests for. -the evening included: Rev: and. Mrs..Tavener,. Mr: and , Mrs, ' Jos. Hackett, 'gr.' and Mrs: P LADIES' BIOUDO R -SSLIPPERS; PER SPECIAL RED,. BM: .49e,, ;,•.and Bf..ACI{; S�'ECIAC; a Pair g�- TIMER -PAIR FOR , ..... ,. •• $1.55 SPEttAt,•:ENS ,WORK.SHOES ' MENSEAVY :ivik*sript GRAIN. WORE SHOES IN PAN ' L Cas Pace 5 S ecia h � CO and LEASIIEI;t,�SOLES, p 1 '� � I • DEPARTMENT for Satisfactory Work Try :our REPAIR. H 1 II III • IILIL°!iU!111U11J i0111lllgllll 1811IIIIEIIIIIIGIIIIII�jI t �' IIIIII�IIIIIIkilUIlG6VlIli611111i911.11116dIIIIIIIIIIIII�lllllfillllll�lllll..'1111!$ "1111�IIIIU' ' 11111161IIIIIIfI111111�111,i� He was born in Haldimand county,' NARROWLY ' AVERTED the' eldest 'of nine .children , of the 'late James and Mrs.. Wilkie, who 'for While' swimming in. deep water many'years conducted a• store at -near Case BlaCIN mill on the 9 -mile Ami erley. Thirty-nine years. ago 'he, it .Haines' 1 married Letitia Blue, 'who survives, river west'of Dungannon, Ne eight-year-old son of Mr,. and, Mrs. along with one daughtej, Mrs, Wil- Gillies Haines, . `narrowly{ 'escaped Ham Courtney, Concession' 2, Huron. death from drowning: 'The :young : The: services, •. Sunday afternoon. ':hap had . gone" down • for 'the second' .3 were conducted 'by Rev. W. L. Camp tine before others noticed he was itt bell Of Pine River United church, • of difficulty: Ben Park rescued the lad which Mr, `Wilkie was 'a nienrber' h divih to the bottom of :the 'pond: i y g �I HAshfield' Church Notes ' First aid was rendered, and shortly Neilrecovered,-.appareiitly little the Services, Sept 20th-Zion'11 a.m.: worse of •the' accident. • Hacketts; 3 p.re.: Blak'es 7 «p.m. _ HAND BADLY GASHED Decker, an employee in Sidney Malcolm's Furniture Factory, , Kin- • citrdireereE+eived-asevere_.gas_h._in , his • hand' 114st • Thursday when a chisel, , ' with 'which• •-he was working, ,slipped and, inflicted, the wound. First did was rendered and he was .taken. to Dr, Perguson'> for 'tr atment:" • the mishap will prevent hint from , retPrOinif to`, Work for some days. r,.xawRAk';,pavY. &'.,•`gm,NN.4,m .,R.:.#.b:,a.w .in •' ' • ttic Women. En na Jet�ek Shoes For . °WEHAVE NOW BEEN 'SELLING THIS MADE' OF WO- MEN'S SHOES° .FOR APPROXIMATELY .TWO YEARS AND. NEVER. IN OUR'SHOE EXPERIENCE WHICH COVERS SOME .YEARS HAVE WE SOLD A DINE • OF., SHOES THAT HAVE-' GIVEN SUCH UNBOUNDED. :•SATISFAC'TION. • • In the first place it is a real satisfaction to know thatWEWE HAVE IN STOCK A ,TOE THAT WILL FIT ANY NORMAL .' FOOT it matters not. HOW •SMALL or HOW LARGE noryet A W or. HOW WIDE. • H.l? W NARROW In the second place 'we know in •ENNA ' JETTICK that • we - are . selling a shoe 'that WILL GIVEyABSOLUTE fSATISEACPION.' .1 --In face WE STAND BEHIND 'EVERY PAIR OF - ENNA •JETTICii SHOES WE, SELL- -arid. ,If this should I happen to mem tike, eye of anyone who`rrearx this maketil sheet anti is'. '•+ not perfectly satisfied either. WITH..THE PITTING or WEAR. ING QUALITIES we ,wish to EMPHASIZE that we •lire lre-, pared to' MAKE RIGHT any eomnlaitjt you 'may have WITH •ABSOLUTELY NO COST TO YOU., :; ENNA, 'JETTICI{ SI•IOES ARE 'SOLD IN SEVERAL WIDTHS` A A A A A WHICH IS EXTREMELY NARROW ' le ' E E E WHICH IS EXTREMELY WIDE, AND ARE SOLD 'AT THE SAME PRICES FROM ATLANTIC TO PACIFIC, NAMELY:- . .54 and $,:SO per pair' , P A REAL HIGH GRADE SHOE. AT A' MODERATE ,',PRICE .... .. ® E.. `L WILLIS SI-0'STORE. '-� '- --Phone 1129; Winghein ., _, .•..-...., _• ÷- - . Selling Agents For ,Enna Jettick Shoeif -for Women Geo. Hunter andfaintly` -1VIr an Mrs. 'Jac. Hackett and family, Mr. ?it.. Mrs. • Bert Treleaven . and family;. Mr. and Mr -s.:' om •Hackett• and lam fly, Mr: and Mrs. Herb Stothers: and 'family; IVtr ' and Mrs. I.John : Bradley and family, Mi' arid°. Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and family,, iiIr. 'and Mrs. Will- Hunter and: family, :Mr. ani= Mrs.. -Ewart Taylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. `Harry' Hackett: and family, Mr. & Mrs. Toni Hackett Jr. and fam- ily, Mr. `and Mrs." Clifford Hackett. _The aid _groom -were :th•e_re cipients• of many beautiful and use=- fel silver gifts. ' ' ' BOY SCOUTS RESUME MEETINGS Farmers' - -= -' itchers ". Builders . HIGH-GRADE. BRICK and TILE 'for:SALE at. REDUCED PRICES We =will. compete,in Price, Quality. 'and Delivery., A ' trial ; will ' con- vince you: - OVER '.20 YEARS IN 'BUSINESS SATISFACTION ' GUARANTEED ANN-ER1VI'AN•.& EMIT,H BRICK .and :TILE • :WORK.S Kincardine, I' a dine R'. R..5'.. Phone407 r 4 EXECUTORS' SALE. The Executors- of ,the;: Estate of James•, Johnston, late of the Tonship .of Kinloss in The..: County •: tg ruce,, will • offer ' for s by Public Auction; • on - SATURDAY, OCTOBER, :3rd, 1931; et' 2 . o'clock: P. M. "• - 'SALE OF; . 'LANDS FOR ' ARREARS OF TAXES,' Notice is hereby given. as directed • _ by the •Assessment Act; ,R.S.O. 1927. Chapter 238 'See. 152 • S.S. 1r, that a Sale .of: Lands; for Arrears, of Takes.. will. will. he held. eV the Town of . Walker ` ton, on •Friday,•Septentb e r 25th, 1931' , atmy ny office 'in the county Buildings,, . at the 'hour of ten o'clock AM.; -when"; there' 'will.. be ' offered for sale' 'by Public Auction, unless ;the Taxes and-. Chprges are sooner paid, the 'follow - mg des_cxibesi.: lands_ iii _the. Townsliip • f loss o Kin ., •. Whitechurch Plan •225 • , ,' 10 . Patented ' 1 . 45:82 .4:00 , 49.82' Thomas Sturdy. • ' - ' A complete ° list of lands in ' . the County to be sold , for Arrears . of Fares is '.published' in the Ontario .,- gazette in its issues ' of June "20th, 37th, duly , 4th' and, 11th. ' A..copy of ;aid list: may' be obtained on applica= pion, to theundersigned. If °. A:.. • I ..i .t •be necessar to -.hold n-•• Adjourned sale it' will • be held on . z'ridaic,• Oetober .2nd; ' 1931, ,'at t e '1.• : at PURVIS STORE,-.II'OLYROOD aired place•. ik-hour: . A. Nelson. `1'rleasnrer~G�`ounty of Bruin :the fallowing valuable .lands.,--. _ '" • ' E OF Parcel number (1:): dot No: SFX;in the MORTG{241: 9-c:) Ninth Concession of "the 'Township. of 'Kinloss, containing , one : hundred acres-ninre or less On the farm • are said to be situated a "good bank barn 56 ft, square, . a frame, house 20 X 24' with cellar, artesian well and windmill. 'The soil• is a' clay loath; all. 'cleared -With 'about 30 acres .cultiva- ted cultiva-ted and the balance in ;pasture and hay. • Parcel number; (2): The Nor'th•'hall of the South 'half of lot . number Eleven (11), in the Eleventh Conces- sion 4i the said.Twp: of Kinloss, con= tainiiig 25 'acres' more or less. On .the Property -are ,said to be situated a bank barn' 20 ft. x 30 ft. with cement stabling, a frame: house' about. 18 ft: x:22 ft. with Kitchen 16. ft x 20 'ft -one • acre: -$f - sugar bush;:_:a good er char'd,.and gardenof; small fruit -and a spring well. ' TERMS' OF, SALE. Ten per cent. of the Purchase Price to be ' paid on the dates of sale and' balance'in 30 days.. `rhe parcels will' be offered for sale separately, subject to a -reserve bid. W. J'. Johnston;- Kincardine, , Ont. John''Johnston, Holyrood,,'Ont. :Executors. Matt. Gaynor,(1-10 Auctioiie-c,)er. . The 'opening Meeting of the sea- son •for the Lucknow Troup• Boy Scouts -'was held anthe •basementll of the school on' Thursday' night, with a 'splendid ,attendance.:, 'Scouts D. Clarke • and; T: Henderson;Were :ad- vanced ad-•vanced •to• the degree• of second class scouts,..- having fulfilled all the' re-' quirements,' ''and• one, application ,for admission to the troop 'was received, On Saturday morning the Troup made. 'quite a 'lengthy hike; 'cooking dinner, and 'taking tests,: returning. about -four. in. the afternoone It is hoped to have Several. hikes: 'before' ,the fdll closes.. • • New Batting for Comforters. Large sixes. ' r:MARKET" .' 4'9c,- AT. CURRIE'S CORNERS The famous Jack Thynne, the Kan, sas Farmer, will put' on a concert 'in the U.F.O. Club Hall, on Tuesday NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS ' NOTICE is • hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate of'- James 'Johnston, late of the township of Kinloss in the, County of Bruce, -deceased, who died on or about the Fifth day of. August A.D. 1931, are required to send in to the° Executors or their Solicitor; on'' -or, before the 10th day of October, 1931, full partibulers},' of their 'claims, veri- fied by ' affidavit: Immediately ' aftei the said 10th slay. of October. A.D. 1931,..the sset;t : of 'the, said estate will . be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having, re- gard, only to the claims of which• the Executors shall have• received notice. ,'Dated at Kincardine,.' Ontario'. the 12th day of. September 19:11. W. J. Johnston, Kincardine, Ont. evening, 'September 22nd, following John Johnston,, Holyrood, Ont, the School Fair. Mr.. Thynne claims Lament, Executors, .., 'Kincardine, Out, to be the only singing .violinist• in L: • Solicitor Canada.' Admission -30c and ' 15e. A f.'1--14.1L-c..) dance will be held after the •concert for which Mr. Thynne -will . furnish , Showing NEW CLOTHCOATS NEW FUR COATS, part of the mimic. ' WOMEN'S INSTITUTE • •MEETING . The September meeting .of he Wo- men's Institute was held at the home of Mrs;. J. S. M.elfenzie, ' with ' the president; Mrs, G. Andrew in thy: pr , chair. Arrangements. were comir'tc el for cor:dur't:rig a •north at the Fall Pair: A. very •iritr;resti papt:r on. the "The . " • r 1'FrF Ali 'l�ranrl rrsn,�n los;,i . 1 was given bj Hrs.' P.' Freeman. Pleasing !wail serli^ were Contributed •try. . Miss P -Holli Ila ti'well and Miss Winifred Armstrong. The,', roll call Was answered by:-, 4.A neighborly ant;'' T}ia' meeting Wit closed by singing 'The Maple Leaf, after which refresh- ments were served: The next' meet- ing wil;'1-be_hcld•_at-.,tlie_horee- of Mrs.,. I, NHodgins. : was 'announcing Ms The 'conjurerg 1, aat: "I• have had letter's of apprec-' lotion," he said; 'groin people in Ireland, Walt's and England, and al- so post -card from Scotland." ' Septeer mb . NEW DRESSES BOULAINE SUITS 'NEW -MILLINERY 2.40 Smart Hat - S Extren' ely_ popular Empress • Engen. ie and• 'Modified Styles $2,50 $3.95 $5.75• to '$8.00. SPECIAL SHOWING "Fox Scarfs" Silvers: Natural Red: ' Amberii hi a rare collection and at niuh reduced-Pr-i'ees; • Now • $50.00. to $185:00 BE iSU�RE TO SEE THE KING OSa WINGHAIVI i.F. .WARM PRO ER -TTX. ' UNDER and •bv virtue of the pew., srs contained in a certain`Mortgage Nliich will b produced at the : time of there .'gill be offered 'for 'sale �y pubjic auction, 'on. Saturday, Sept,' :6th, A.D.,_ 1931, at the 'hour of 2.30, o'claek in'the aftern000n,, at. Welling= ton Henderson's Garage in the Welling.,, lege of Lucknow,, the following pro- • ierty, namely, All and. -singular that _Pertain .parcel or tract of land' and oreniises situate,, lying and being in the • Township : of i4slifield ' in. 'the , -Comity of 'Huron, -and- Province '-of - )ntario and being composed of -the . = North half.. of the West,half of Lot. • number One iii the Fourteenth Con-• ..ession, -Western Divisioe of, the.said. Township of . Ashfield :containing ,fifty. acres of land more or„less: On _ttt said , premises there are • ;aid-fo be-Frenie house on stone foundation, 18' x.24 , , three acres hardwood . bush, 'The farm is situated- onrt,�,�County 'Road, ' one Mile from School And five miles •from markets. TERMS: Ten per cent of the pur- hase money tube paid down at the 'time 'of sale and the balance' to be; tail , within 'thirty. days: For further .particulars and .con= Jitions' of sale apply to the under, signed. ' DATED at Wingr , 'this fourth lay of Septeinbe • .D. 1931. 'WELLINGTON NDERSON, Auc. f. W. BUSHFI 4 r D, Solicitor, for the Mortgagee. , .( 24=9-e,) MORTGAGE' SALE OF FARM PROPERTY Under and. by virtue of the powers contained ' in a certain Mortgage, which will be, produced' at the time of, sale, there will be offered for sale, sy Public Auction; by -• Wellington Henderson, Auctioneer, at the FORD 'A11tAGE in the Village of LueknOw, M SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, ,•9..x,,,1981, at the hour 'of 3 o'clock ,n the afternoon, the following pro- ' • petty: • ALL AND SINGULAR those eel.-. .,,,‘,. air parcels or 'tracts of .. land and ;remises ' situate, lying and being in he Township of Wa'wanosh• in the county of Huron and Province , of )ntario: and being. composed of the • Louth half of the -South' half of Lot ' ,lumber . Twenty' -two -and the he ` So uth (, if of LotNumber Twent three .oth in the Si' th concession, western iivision, ' of the aforesaid TownS!hi-p f Wawasiosh, containing together :ne hundred and fifty acres, mote or ess. • ''There is said to be a small fern( louse and a good barn 50x56 on the. Property. ' TERMS Ten per cent. of the purchase money 'o be 'paid down at the time of • sale,. ialance ,to be • paid •Within two weeks .hereafter, unless special terms of • , " relit are arranged for .on the day , if, sale: Sale •will be subject to a re- verve bid, and to Conditions of Sale -N-high= _' - o ' : e ,.-a will --be r duced i t e'� tines J p li t, of sale. ' For , further particular- - and cion- d'itions of sale, apply, to -- ....• • Thomas S. Reid, Box 675, Oriilia, Ont. . :. Mortgagee.. Dated at Orillia, August 22nd; A,D. , 1931... • (:17-,9---c) • '.4