HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-17, Page 6;rx
mfd'•'i^'" �$ .TML' � ?�
• w -
• .y. ",do d on a dealt day•and It
As it ha.ppensi�I•Rag pa dr
go back toinr cash a$irminghain with me pa'.
D$t1V , tate t #, ' f rain.' ; ,
,Excuse me, murmured the ,deteC-
® .� „
• .: five, ,1 meet leave you; my col:leagne
has, just signalie1" , _ .
^'Throug • theMmiirror' in Troika qq•-1 i Oon•:
,the man from Birmingham saw the•
1 detective in earnest conversation with
,The two men were sitting , at the.f his colleague, and •,thrilled with, the
• ,same table in• the lout ge o$ a well.. conjecture that oneiof ;the gang might
known haunt 4n•the We5t. conhave !come in. Then the, detective or:-
" don, and they had fallen into talk i dared two drinks, returning with them• •
"It'fairly�beets me; 'said the prosper to •the'table.
'bus mid'dle.aged man, who looked what/ •. He set his own drink on the table
he actually was,' a manufacturer from and, 'in. reaching overthe maitufac-
-'the Midiander:-"I-justwcariit=und'erstand turer's•shoulder with the• -ether, =-hs,•
how any. man'with his wits about his caughtthe 'stem of :the, glass:' and , thei,:
r'ever falls fox this...: confidence trick., liquor- spilt down his coat ' • ,
stuff„ .; ., "Im. terribly sorry,' hesaid con
T He was commenting, ,upon a case of., cernedly, whipping'out a .handkerchief
:the kind ..reported under big headings.' and wiping• down the front. oaf, 'the
,.in the eveping,•tiaper, which they bad I manufacturer's• coat: "Thank good-
13.,004.-,discussi>ag. •Hs,; chance con-• ness, i't's neat.' irit;:it11 soon dry off.
panion,, a well-dressed,: hard fel I'll'.get the glas refilled,, •
low ,:a, few Yeats his junior;° smiled at 1.•*.lie 7tvas-back in a :OW moments with,
' drink; ' �nd •settin it..dawn '.he'
the •other's tncredulityi � ': ;, a• �•I the a g ,
''.That's just bow I used toiook : at)whispered ,"My colleague : thinks:. he:.,
saw•one of tile, gang put his h ems:-;.
• t,u he'saidquietly !'But you.`11 $>}d round the door-.• I'in going out to con
•, , that' it's. always' the smartest and Melt, ' firm"
'confident . f men who get nailed. They . t .
In less three minutes: he aieturn,
work -Ani- ►igihtyclav r 1>e3'a'hologi,cal ed. `t%7at .a s gn :of -him,,,- a said ' n .a.
' .. lines :these confidence tricksters." ., •' '
:! _.,�J •tone off. annoyance. •
"'Psy'.ehblo eel lanes?" queried the'. ."Yetell forgive the liberty, I'm sure,"
manufacturer., • ..Ir he went on •.fakin ''the anufacturer's
"•"I I•
,, g, to
mean th;they study their vie-: .note -case • from • `hi's own pocket,. and
' finis be'fore':they begin•to work. They, handing. ;it to him "but you needed
enter�:int •conversation'w$th.:itinan-.'-the lesson. -•.•.._• _,
----a-colonial-•or=one._fr.'omi-.foreign parts,The other stared incredulously Ira
• for "preference --and' .though 'h'e 'does; the note -case to'the detective: "HOT:
.' not know `it; they are .probing; trim pr. on •earth, .did' you. get hold ot:'this?" he•
• his little" weaknesses and foiblesall' demanded, ' '
., ,
'the '-time.--:-S:oon ,..they'v�_� gotr_,:hiin.___._pue__of..-the. __.p�ickpneket_s.:smple t-
placed'as- to' type .and applytheimeth ruses. I. know "andt,practice them at
od for that type; and nine times out I took it' when I was wiping you
of ten they 'get away:, with it.- Still," down." '
D>wring Ri ars
'u: Flo :d. or fire. th.e� di
snatches . d. spatGhes ;must: get throfig as shown bore by a partiCipaili.,:,'InAhe., recent; ; I3ritish ' • ;
Animal Life in
A :11 a.chirie•
ByXlarence Day in Harper's Magazine
The great age of invention was In
pr,'..ehistoric. times.. The era in which
we 'live is also an .age of invention-,
our stupendous., . achievement have
,dwarfed all the past, inur' eyes: But,'
of course, the invention 'of old were
more__basic than ours 'The inventions
oE, writi[tg,, and wheels; thq .invention-
of •zero, '.of needles; and• wheat; and of
money were made by. great. men. And,
he added `'we'll trail this biinoh"•'. „we11_ I'Il''be-hangedt.'' exclaiimed':-side from these, there:. were, sortie
•I highly • ingenious , devices 'which were
'The-manufa.Gturer' regarded the •the manufacturer ' . • ' i d i field hit 1 t
Speaker With increased interest. "We?
How d'you n%ean?"
"Qh' 'returned' the, other easily, "I'm
• from the Yard.", ; •
The .'other's eyes Widened. '• '"What!
Scotland Yard?" he asked:
21is - co'mpanion • nodded. • "Yes: I''m.
nautili), put onto these cases:, :Sort., of
ecialty wotk.' We get to • knowc"tlie
liasbits and iauilt of theSe gangs.. I m
exp€cting t?he4;fnay show up here
L ight, or if net"to-ni"g"ht-oto=morrow:
on the''day after, and -.they'll sh v the
usual'. traces of suddenly acquired
Wealth... D'you. -se that 'ch'ap in the'
black. felt, •sitting at,the far' end of the.
• bar.?" hei asked. „ .
..' Yes I -sWiee him. ` iy, d'you;'suspect.
dim abbot this? answered the, menu-
faeturer, tapping the newspaper con::
• taming tithe report
'-the'"detective Jangled. "No, he's
' ifol .a icroolte lie's. working: with me,'
Ff'rl's.i y .0 *Ong %yay,'yof eiirn'ing a
. ' ,liviirg," ..rej"otned the inanufacturer.
"Selling .steel goods. , satisfies • me,
thanks., Well, what about another
drink?" '
e'`lihan' s; I -don't mind if• I do. A -bit-
ter, please'.•
` The dealer in steel signalled to the
whiter and ordered .the drinTcs': "
• :.r^ So'.goj1 •work iaa couples?" - he asked.
- °`'No,- not usually.. But if our goes.
about this case is right, we're•
against a .pretty tough tough gang."
The. detective •nut his finger to his
fibs 'as 'the waiter •aproached. Ex-
'peri6ncing:the pleasant thrill of a con-
secrator, the manufacturer paused and,
taking out a bulging note -case, select-
" ed a;- pound , note. ' When the waiter
. - < •- had 'given him his change and depart
• ed, the detectives leant :across the
"If you'll take a. tip 'from me, sir,
you won't make a habit of showing a
like that -in this kind of joint'` he
said 'in a low tone. "If a confidence
man saw that, he'd- start operations
right away." rf
The manufacturer laughed heartily.
"No confidence trickster would ever
make a pigeon of me." •
The detective 'studied him carefully.,
"No, I guess you wouldn't be easy to
pluck that way," he agreed at last.
"You're too • shrewd.. Still, if I might
say so, it wasn't quite discreet of you,
with that amount of money' en you, to
• Iniake••the acquaintance of a stranger
land let'him see what you had on you."
With a pleated 'chuckle the mane
facturer answered him: "Huh! 'd'you
think I'd have let you see, if I hadn't
known you were a detective?"
"There's something in' that; but
yoke' only got my word for . it that
' ,iiimotn Scotland Yard:'
"By Jove, thatts so," admitted the
other doubtfully.
"Oh, I'm all right,' said the detec-
'tive reassuringly. "Still, in your place
I'd want proof. Why not call. up the
Yard and ask Inspector• Jones whether
•lie's; get two inen. �I'arsons and Mar-
this evening?"
tI iuon't trouble. I'm a pretty good
judge of men. 'Tell me some more
about your work.'!.
'-"Aa long as 'I'm not keeping you,"
said the detective. "I've got to hang
around anyhow." I
The `manufacturer took out his it -
chained watch and. glanced at it. "I've
g tt half an hour yet." •
"yell now, to ,come buck to your
, 'risks; aside from confidence, .men,
• there's Pickpockets:" •
The Manufacturer Iooked almost
hurt, "Pickpockets rob nee!
he affirmed confidently. - , •
"P'eriiaps not: but the t'isl Ls, there,"
inflated the detective. . "N'o one Ought
to cart around big suets like that, I'd
go-farther;and-SA y:oa dc•ser`ve to -lou
"And so you ,deserve to be," laughed ma' e- n a e • we are•• w o l y peg ec -
the'detective. "Why, you'haven't even ing to -day. , '• •'
eganiined it Just :think' of the man who"•invented
"And I'm not going to;".returned ,co*. It is hard for us to imagine
the other; goad humorally. "I; deserve a home without milk;. but_ once. it.,was.
to lose anything you've .taken, for put- very much harder to imagine :hones
ting me, wise." with it. It would have been far easier
"Oh, I'venot even 'opened it," the for a man to bring his wife orchids; if
detective, assured him "By the way; 'she had desired' such• weeds, than milk..
Z'm�'itot, 'tire'd �'oE`"your com-3a1y�' true, there cwas plenty -of milkinthe•
you 'did say'you had a'train o catch." ,world; but in
was galloping.around u
The''.other's hand •went to his watch the' Forest; hostile containers, and
ocketr- onl --to--be-•withdravu'n^ es• -a -a as..:tbs -trixate and intro ate stay'
s y of the ai iia al's: family. Then, a genius
The grinning "detective dropped the vias born, who exper, men a with ani=
watch into' its owners extended` palm. mals as we do with milk. ' Why not
"Convinced now?" he' queried, • dis-
'armingly. ' '
"•I ani," , answered the: chastened
imanufacturer. • , ' . '
The' deteotiye .rose with him. 'iWell,•
FlIT see yeti safelyinYo
ur ta,
ht}_ said genially. '
"That's very friendly of ' you," said.
the manufacturer; his• hnd going to
his breast pocket: "I think I ought' to
give' you a fiver, for such '.a valuable
lesson.". •
"I wouldn't' think of taking,it," ,re-
torted the detective in an, offended
tone, pulling the man's hand down.,'
"It's my- job • to protect the public." -
• ",S'orry; I meant no °kende,"said
the manufacturer hastily. .
"Sure, I • understand, rejoined the
'mollified detective, and - he hailed a
passing taxi. : • w .
"Kings•_cross,' ordered-..
facturer,. turning to shake hands warm-
ly with his Protector. "Good-bye, and
thanks again for your very practical
object lesson."
The detective laughed e'agily. "Good-
bye, • sir; remember, the .confidence
men work by psychology.",
Mr. -Benjamin Consetft, manufacturer
of ,steel goods, ,reached his home 4n
Birmingham that night without MIS -
adventure. His'•loyal- wire -vas wait-
ing up, to. share the cold `supper, and.
to listen to his account of his day in
London. . She listened entranced to
his stppry • of his exciting encounter
with the detective.
• "He was quite right, Ben," She
stated emphatically, as he , concluded.
"You'd better give the the money now;
and I'll lock it in the safe while you
it, especially coming' to a crook joint
like' this.:'
r"A crook joint, is it? Well, that •in-
fe'resfs ins,. Wait 'doesn't frighten me;
finish your Supper."
Her, husband smiled indulgently and
handed her the note case.
"Rigitto, my dear, Take them out
and count them. There should be two
hundred -pound notes. one nifty, fifteen
tens; and,three or four pounds: Why,
dear, what's wrong?"
His ovation came sharply upon an
excianeation of dismay froth his 'wife.
She looked acres sat him with an ex-
ress"ion of infinite pity, and pasted,
the contents of the' case a'cross to him.
There were tyro ten -pound notes and
three pound notes, wrapped round a
pad of folded newspapet.
'As he realized bow he had been'
ii°irked,,, he re-Ydmbered the "tletec-
tive's Inst words:
• "The confidence men. work by psy-
chology." - Pearson's Weekly (Lon -
den). . '
If any tittle word of mine
May make a life the brighter,
If any little song of miff°
May make a heart the -lighter,
Clod help me speak .the little word,
Arid take:my bit of singing, ,
And drop Win some lonely vale
To set the echoes- ringing. -
• •If any little love of mine
May make a •life the sweeter,
'If any little care of mine , •
May make , a friend's the fleeter,
e-1.f-an3+-Italie• lift of titine_maj+ .ease.:____
have milk at the door every.' morning?
The.. task was a hard , one. Which
• was 'the ', es an ma „ • ows were. ar
` P'robably: he Would say: : :(••. •" '•t a Arctic. These. animals .are at home
- ! It seems -==to me-you-nneed•-•-only-i• the ice--and-snow their meat-is.'as
.luoderately' intelligent .beings to do all good 'as 'that of cows, •and ;their. ,.wool
••the- hard but simple-work--in-this -isnot -only-assoft-as-eashmer , nut ,it
day ,Of ' machines. . With all the' ani- is also non -shrinking ' Yet,, all we
mat kingdom before ,you, tq train and, should ha.* to do, .would ,be to • tame
develop, I don't understand whys' you the wild musk -mi. When; some thirty
one for these'. tasks only men. ' In 'our, years age, . they wanted to';.use• the:
'd'ay, 'when one of :our inventiona grew grazing .lands,* of Africa, it, 'didn't ap-
- ryannous- wedid-`something-about it'." •parently occur An' them to' ,tame -the
For, instance, we . had:•a lot 'of' trouble wild eland 'instead .ot going to the- tre-
with sheep. They .bred far more rapid- mendous trouble of bringing in' cows
ly :than the „specifications called for,: and ,bulls, . which' were 'unaccustomed
and They gat' out of order .too • easily • to the, -climate,, -: - __ -._. _ -,H-7
,,and needed: far ' too.much servicing: Let us , open Our eyes to, the capaci
But we . certainly" di'tot allow' our ties, and Uses of"animOs. - Surely they
Canada's J®b1e.s •
Number 530,000
Ontario' Ik'Ras 130,000 Unem-
ployed and Quebec
Ottawa.-Cat'iada's unemployed eiu
'teed 530,000 according' to Hon. G. D:
Kobertson,, Minister. of Labor..
The Minister . issued figures cam-,
piled by provincial ,governments. - .In .
the Majority of provinces. the totals
are 'based upon registration, and'' in
others'..careful estimates • have been
made. .• All the. "provinces of 'Cinada.
are covered in figures,whieh the Mia"
:inter gave out, . Senator Robertson
said these figures •would probably,. be
s,welledain the winter, nieeths vi,h n
seasonal unemploy-m-ent would eco e'
an Increasing factor in the situation
By pjoarevincsfoli
es; hgupes of unemplor
British Colunmbif„ 38,880; Alberta,
1.5;400; •'' Saskatchewan -(pulsar. 'and -
tiS,rps, 2.6,9D4 d1otigirt areas); .1.50,000;
1V'anitoba; ,41,--480•;*; Onterier ,130;000 w'•
Prince Edward Island, 1„500; Quebec, • •"
100,00..0; Nova Scotia, -18,000; New
Bi unstick, -$,00A,---- S• askatchewan As. •is hardest'. hit- of all' •
-the_p.r-ovrtnees..:.ltegistratio.ns yin� roan .,...'.
Centres indicate 26,904 are: •without
crops have 'failed. there, are•:76 •munl- ..
:cipalities ,1 where 100 per cent, reltet,��
work, • while in those . areas , where '
will be necessary. Hou: Robert Weir;
Minister of Agriculture,: who returned;,, .
from Western -Canada, .estimates at
150,000' the number of those requiring .
relief .• in • the .drought areas of Sas- ,
While the other -•prairie• provinces• do
not face such a grave situation as that
selves • to be enslaved sby .our. -sheep, 'can. learn • to understand tis,' A dog ,of-,Sasitut:chewail;_.iigures.� show that.. it
valuable as this invention' was to `us: knows what : an says 'to it; why is,. sufficiently serious In..Manitoba,
e were too self -res ctt'the
pe ng for that. calx t man, the more intelligent Ofwhere there are 41;489 uAemployed; •
approximately ..28;009.. ' are married • •
men;,10,000 single..:m'en.and 'aver. 4,000 •.. ; •
single women, 'Alberta has 15;450 un-
employed, of Which roughly. 9;00.0 •are. ,
married and 6,000 single. 'Of the 39;-
8;880 .unemployed .:in British Columbia •
5,490 are transients • and', 6,745 aliens, . ,
according. to . t'he• registration in that,
:province.•. , .:. ,. ' � , t•.--.�,, .
:Comingto• Eastern -Canada, Ontario •
has,.the large total',of:130,000Accord-
no reason wiry they'-cou1'dnR. •-be -iqg-to-the-inforinati�on`secured-throe:h - -'
registration; apl roximately 71,500 are
*arms -and the -remaiiid-er'single ." ;<n"..
Connection .with the' Ontario situation, ,
ens er. obertson • said' that . it was ' .
estimated about •70;0001. -of th.e• total
-uumber':of •unemployed; had partial em-
ployment. There were, however, about
70,000 in need, the majority of whom'
are in . Northern .Ontario. • • • • '
We' invented the collie • two, learn to cohverse with the deg.
"You. think you' are open-minded to- We. could make'a scientifie",study of
day, but you would be-very.incredulous. the, speech organs 'of alibi -41S, . and
if an inventor showed you how to man gradually ,devise 'ways' to. ;teach them
your coal mines 'with ah-: improved' sounds. ' " ,,,,•
breed Of bears.. Yet, if we men °fold At' present we are attempting• -'to
could 'train • our 'wild horses to, give up' breed robots,' which can never •b.e as•
kicking and biting • and running --away' 'efficient gas p2 operly bred; and trained
and_beeome., Insteadohedien.Lcarrlers,__animals--Animals�.could. Well da,.the•
reliable and` gentle, you••ought to find routine work for 'which intelligent .
it 'comparatively easy to. train the ;Men • are now being . used. rnd• there
bear- -to--mine= •cash- You--cou-ldn't o lit 1 is ' t
him to: work as he 'is;but, he' has the made to pay: ' Milk -cows didn't pay
strep -th-and-tntelli enc -and-a =man -TI at-first,-but-they-,-de-7-now, ! i r
g g �f-we: ti e d
hike way of using his' pa i. :Yo ,coup• wise In our civilization we• won't con -
'breed •for,betterpaw sell n• .You v -t'in' -'
a e Eh to ignore ossibi itip-
- S t
ix the est n
orf R
a far better start here than we had venton. in the animal' world:
fram the obvious choice.:.ice.' 'In some "There are hundreds of-animali'
parts of the world' men had tried to •which you ietrld use on''your °machines. Amer:Ican Hotels•
' . '
use :the':golden-haired' ground -sloth, a You d . easily scho of many species I • In' Billion ' .Clans
monstrous creature which they kept to work in your 'mills. And once they
were schooled' to perform the same
in caves and milked w01hen they could..
Washington - ,American hotels . do
But, there were various:objegtions to acts every day, you would ;have little a business, of more •than t1,000,•000,-
the•sl"oth; they have bad skin diseases .'trouble in. making them keep on for.
in 'Sunnier, and occasionally their milk life. If seine planetary steward could
has a fishy•taste. But the serious ob- have directed the 'affairs• of the world
action was the fact that 'sloths are he would have made toilers of 'crea-
j J i
Monogamous, :and •commercially speak- turesi that like toil, not human beings.
000 annually. Preliminary figures an
nounced'bythe'Census Bureau placed
the 1929 receipts of 15,577• hotels at
$1,039,3'63,000. Those operating
throughout the yea reported receipts
The industrious, beaver the busy bee, of .$962,801;000; ritsort hotels, t76,-
ing; monogamy:ruins a' farm. For -562,000: \\
tunately, however, that prehistoric the, hard-working. mole. Actiyitx, yes, The census cover hotels� having
genius -turned his attention --A some- but-- n°.tom. _drudgsry_-That.. is against_
25„ 6>i`"nfare sliest 1=oolffs: It did -not
....human nature. -'No wonder it -depress- •-,_ - __ .. :_ ...
rough, Thorned, •fiery -beasts wii 'were , include apartmeiit• houses; boarding
running • wild on the , plains. It wasn't es and deforms you and leads to fierce I oyinb' Y t - C A ' Y W
any easy 'task 'to chase and catch this insurrections.
wild material •from •which the inventor • "Some day your descendants will
hoped to develop a milk factory. Many marvel at your wastage of animals, 9117 operated• on the European pian
}} uses, s, s or
Of the 13,328 year:round. hotels, 10,-
users u islike, 'being iched while .ex- , leavingthe wgods'fu'lletifirusky-iseasta,i 1097 'on the 'American plan and 1324
tracting the `milk, And for- thousands ' idling about, while you nearly killed ;
on the' mixed plan. Of the resort
oi' years men Objected in vain to its yoprseives toiling, and grumbled a Judgment should be •pronounced
horns. But, it was a success, and with fate:' l hotels 370 operated on the European with diffidence,and consideration
1 R t t 11 Sb much for the man Prom the past plan, 1537 on'. the . American plan and lest, as iappens to many, the' critics
• should condemn what they do ;not
The greater the difficulty the•more
glory in surmounting it. -Skilful
pilots gain their reputation froni`a
storms and - tempests. -Epicurus.
•Ile •who is taught to live upon, lit- -
tie owes more to his father's wis-
dom than. he that has a great deal
left- him does to his father's care.-- •
•Willi:am Penn.
No Substitti�te for Tin
Metallurgists have for long realized
that the supply of tin marketable at
'around present prices in limited, and
have bent every, *effort .to produce a • ,
fields; electricity will spare them this
fate. The devices which time control
the fish are stop signals and were per..
fected Through, experiments conduct'•
ed by F. O. McMillan of the Oregon
State College, He discovered that fish
are sensitive to small.electrical cur-
rents and that it took very little 'power
to paralyze them; that it took less to _-
step long 'fish than short ones; that
ey recover • from shocks •accordi'ng
to their vitality; that.when they get
to much electricity they get stunned
and change color; that high -frequency '
current has little effect. So bypotting ` I ,
electrodes across the. mouths of ir'r•
gation•ditches, vdith twent. four•volts,
he discovered. that tl1 'IIsh avoided
the vicinity. The signal was against
them, ,
So They Say
Cold ':words freeze people, and hot,
words ,scorch them, and bitter words
make, them bitter, . and - wrathful
words make them wrathful. Kind - -
words ; make people ' good-natured.
Though they do not' 'cost much,.yet ,
they accomplish much.-Pasbal.
• The man ,who is determined_ to.,
lueep.�thers -fast -and. firm;• -must -have .
one'',end of the bond about his .own "
breast -sleeping or' walking. -W. S.
Lander. ,
It is .not permitted to the most '
-equ'itwbie'-of"nte'lild"-h— a�nags i i
own cause. .Blaise Pascal.
a very few mod - ca ions we are still 342 on the mixed plan.
using the -cow ,for • the production of If we ever try his.suggestion there
milk. • , ' twill be some queer changes, not only ( "~—
Another great thinker in the mean in: coal mines, but even in war. Al- 'Brink of Storm •
time invented the hen. Instead of theready then are beginning to feel a bit Dark arms' of- storm are flung across
tiresome search for small eggs in t 'Illy -fingered .about was. 'France, 'the
h,°, the hills;
woods, this epicure provided mankind
Most' civilized . of nations, is using Al- The breath of . summer, warm and
with large eggs in the home. It took`' ge'itin troops. In India, .in pre -British -
a longtime to make the change, but 'times, some of the Rajah's, used ele- quiet, stills
i The birds, and, tall and motionless •the•
eventually. the odd breed of • bird se-• phants. Why shouldn't we have regi- trees
lebted learned to go into •egg produc-
the Western world men invented
the llama and the. turkey; In Asia
they invented the camel, as a freight
car' or' van. And one of Henry ' Ford's
predocessors, several thousand ,years -
back,' invented cheap and ewI'ft traria-
pertation, by` taming the horse.
!merits' of leopards to charge future Await' the sudden tumult on their
trenches.,and squadrons of carrion vol- •leaves.
tures to drop future bombs?;• It's a ' ,
question of training. We cannot tell And all the earth, With eirierald thirst,
til we have tried. ' Meantime We use is .lying
only .a few Red Cross dogs in our.l Waiting the windy' sigh; the rush of
wars' and an ever -diminishing number FrcryingtheThroat of storm, and small
of horses and mules: The hardship( Pro. in •
and suffering of .wartime is borne by' red foxes lain • •
In contrast these early inventions. men.. ' it seems as Unenterprising
as. At the edge of'their Unrrow, drowse
make ours seem most' despotic. Ours, to.u'se only mem in,our factories.and dream of rain.
perhgps,,have added a little More com- �• every generation or era has its -Frances M: Frost, in the Nevi York
fort than the' old .inventions, but; blrnd•spot. It is probable rthat this is ., Sun.
strangely enough they have added far 'ours. We behave in a blind, helpless . a
more to our toil. An ancient inventor� way in the animal field, compared to A
would be amazed at the wonders we've our 'resourcefuiness. and•iniative in the ' , The exhibition. of "fat' ladies" hds
wrought, but he would be equally field of the;machines. ' Look' at the been forbidden as vulgar at all future
amazed to see how hard we work. 'Way we 'neglect to raise_musk-oxen in local fairs in Oxford, England.
Football Ga>'b .Down South.
A grayer of Long; Ago '
Lord,'Thou-.knovept What is Lest
for me to do, according to Thy Will.
Give alae, I beseech Thee, what Tht"i
tyilt; as much as Thou wilt,an when
'Thou wilt. Db with me in all burgs
as it shall please Thee.. Place me
where' Thou wilt. Lo, `I am Thy ser'v-
ant, ready to do all things that Thou
coli inandest tile; for I desire not to
tb myself but to Thee. -By $jsh.+j,
Fulls in 1694.
The burden of another, . , - ,
God give ale love' and care and .. ' battlers of the pigskin don shorts when temper ilure' reaches 90'' degre'e's at. -Atlanta, Georgia. (1 al'
strength practice started with a Wallop when Billy St,' et, ca plain, swung In°action, Pug Boyd tried' a taei•Ie and „
TO help my • falling, brother..... Red $i adfield ends tvours to block.. lit* oft' -
A Holy Life
hif-e•;-that`dares ,seie!d
A challenge to his end,
.tilicti if: comes, shy="Welebrite,
friend!" ' '
- • ,1-Craitthtt, t i -