HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-17, Page 5a.
:Trig i' U•CIf11N:Ow•,j`'EN 'INE•L,
Formai Statements . Northern Rei
,, lief Projeet Soon:'Provide
Details—Conunittee in Charge to
be Divorced, from Politics.
Toronto, August 25—No liquor will
be permitted in the Ontario • Govern -
merit unemployment camps along 'the
projected•route on the trans -Canada
highv►Lay. ' . •
. The liquor, control board,'. Linder the
chairmanship of Sir Henry Drayton.
is "said 'to have • investigated the
• -- ••• : ueetion._and ao _be.. flatly 'o f the op :
a. •
info that•'neither should ,be count - the -funeral of their relative, -the-late
went �' time
;e I
n � ed. A .
the r
At h 'p
" `i ' 1 owed b y the board in
.‹.• drinking "s .allowed Y
• ou'nd that
�the''bun'khouses .on the, gr
Miss Dorene Webster left on. Moo -
'day for Toronto where she will at-
tend Normal..
Mr. Robert Mc -
,,. uilli. returned to
•Q i
'Belleville ' on Monday.
Misses Alice 'ingland: and Lila..
Lyons of Londesboro were •week -end'
visitors" with Mr. and Mrs..' Earl
,Mr. Arthur. Beggar; and mother of
Grimsby; Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Patter,
con, Mr. Arthur Haines and Miss Ada,
Haines, Mrs. Hugh Davis and •.daugh=
ter; motored -from Hamilton to' attend'
••Mrs.: Win: McQuillin. ;
, Messrs... Hugh' •Riit'herford,. •Dave
Todd; keg.Lavis,.'W
.,• .I.' Miller :•ara.k
of cons. `tute private resi-; Gordon were among 'those. who attep
they' � .do not ,th P ,
he "' ms nin' of, the d = `,:.th.e " I' ondon `,rxhibiti'on:::`
dei3ces : within • t . a , g° , cd ,
uor•' ontrol:'Act. The` road cam is es§rs, N. `I. 'Miler Hugh. and
• . ' I:iq . C. M s 1. ,
the. •Government .intend's'; es -..4111.... : 'ut er'fnrd • and :'Miss Mary.
. which _ . R h
dee ., s
h 'Dui-
talil'isliin ' •have, it,,, is•, reported; . n itutlerfoid Mr ,sand. M'r ,:.Chas., ,.
listed in the samecategoryas. bunla - tin and .Wilbert and Miss E:•Bowles.
' ' and Queen's Park has ,been , tied the funeral of the "late. Mr:.
]rouses, i ,
o advised. - * • Wilkie.. at °lllple ' on .Sunday.
- ' Newspaper speculation: concerning Mr. Jack. T•lrumpton and; his moth-
,dthe Government's program,. in • con- (,;i; 'of ,Sit.' Thomas visited the letter's
lection with the 'trans -Canada will .sister;•,Mrs'.'Harper and Mrs. Brurnp-,
come' to an •end this' 'week, as Hon. ton remained for a f.'ew days.
William::Finlayson, minister of lands.
Doirt forget the School Fair to be.
forests, :has. signified his inter-' Siren.
and s -held. next Monday, Sept. 21st. p ,
did talent has •been' procured for the
.runcert in, the .evening. See, the `bills.
_.._ _ _ -. ..._ ._._--_
for p trtii't1-lars-`- ,
:Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.:
John Anderson on the. arrival of a
u re and, There
Cur Terrif • '
Westminster Central United'•church One thousand` men will be em
Toronto, ,was the .scene ,of a .pretty
wedding on Saturday, 'Sept. 5,E
Kathleen 'J. Terriff,.' daughter of Mr..
and Mrs Malcolm Ross Whitechurch
was married •to the: Rev.' Graydon
0., Co; son of.Mr. and Mrs, David
Cox' of Palmerston, Ont. The Rev..
James. lAttle, BM,- officiated. The'
iyeddiiig music was played by Mr. G.
Franklin Legge., S.A. Roses, gladio-
las.. and palms decorated the altar and
chaneel..The' bride who • was • .given' in
marriage by her father wore a grace-
ful bridal., gown ' of i'vm
ory.. chareuse'
n ess.-lines with long' tightly
fitting. sleeves, her veil chantilly
lace and „tulle' forming, .'coronet with
tiny clusters of orange blossoms, and • unemployment on a practical ;basis
tion. 'of• issuing within the next few
days '• a formal .statement act ting'
tlto .
,big relief ..
,.-. _ forth--full.._.dotarls. .of �'
project. '
•' 'While' no :con'firmation was forth-
coming at the Parliament buildings
-- today; it was learned ,Ori good 'autii.
• .-ority that the Government rs :lilcely�
to authorize a preference,; to I e .'hown
.to ' Canadian and British -born . in , the'
selection of unemployed for •work in
the north,. Classification. of the pre-
-ferred. companies will, .;it is .under -
'stood, 'be. undertaken the minute the
present' registration by ;'municipal-
Flies ,is. completed. .. ,
,'•.Indications ' were td -day that the
citizens coMinittee which_ is to: be
appointed later-to-ad•vas
i•ttle _Son
Born 'at Wingham Hospital to.M'.
and Mrs. Mii,;hae1 Cummings •on' Sept.
}i4hTa, ;ori.' Congr!atulations��
At: the '•Wothents '.Missionary meet
fog held on 'Wednesday. a 'letter was
sari ,from the National. hniergency''
Belief .Cbnirnittee ;asking . for' co-op-
eration ty. help relieve the, dw,piorabli
conditions -inl •the- West:'For the.
part, clothing .for'. men, wonl;en and
and 'in an. s' were.'
tart,ed that -
ployed and over $5exp
00,000 ended' •
on highway repairs' In Cape Breton
' and Ricingnd counties, .Nova. Sco-
tt ,, during the coming 'autumn. +
Mise. Paulin. e, .Caa.ront Montreal.
motion -picture queen, Yormerly of.
Hollywood, sailed" on. the Canadian
,Pacific,i liner "Montcalm" recently,
to make pictures in England and.
Salmon • taken in 1930, from
British Columbia waters totalled
close' on 37,000,000 weighing' more
than 216,000,000 "pounds. Npu tuber
of fish was 9,500,00011nore than in
the, biggest previous salmon catch:
year of 1926.
'1he• N:ow' Brunswick. Government
is. preparing. to face the problem •of
wihite 'moire' skippers. Her florera
ores e.
.were'-UtYtterfiy x , and lily' of -the
°visile :': Miss `Olive M. Tariff, N,,'
Y; R.�
was 'bridesmaid in a frock .of beige,
chant' lace•• 'her "hat an ,Empress rly ., ...
=Eug nie-model: in golden brown vel-
vet and carrying talisman roses and
eoi n floviter-s. .I°.:, 1,..• -Shirles- -Shaw,
of Connaught Ranges, on his return,
flower • girl in white . crape -de -Chen to England . It is hoped, thaf;'au-
this ,winter and, , has instituted' a
registration system through city
and town- "clerks; who .will gather,' •
tulle data:• ,'as to, ;out -of works • and.,
- their families.
air Lionel Fletcher, `captain of thin'
British rifle team, which competed
against 'Canadian' shots, at Toronto
and Ottawa.- following the •historic
.Was-, a pretty
Bisley meeting, *as warm -in -praise
Ac ou:sinof tlnbxide
wearing a bandeau" ' of blue and•pink
forget -me -nuts, and carrying' a • bas-'
.het of • pink rose: buds. The. best man
Was . Mr: Peai•d ' Cox, of Detroit,
brother of the,,. groom, and- the
ushers, were, Mr. Malcolm 1Ross,
Jr., and.'the~Rev. Ashley. • Hodgson.. of,
-- urin - the. signing of,, tire,
,Corbetton: D , ., , g
register, Miss Hazel McDowell 'sang,
"0 Perfedt. Love," ..,After the, cere-
mon . a: reception ;was,, held in the
liurc�i parleti'rs- Where the=' bride's
other. Old. Country • team will corn-,
:..Pete in Canada nest ,year.
Queen' Helene , of -Roumania and
her sister; Princess Irene of Greece,
gave British railroad `officials
chock' recently;, by -travelling -from ---
London to 'Scotland, : third' •- class.
'The: Queen 'sniilingly.,;declared that
_ _sbe was very comfortable and' did
not :want people to know - alto .was --
The name' of Admiral of the Fleet
• Earl de1L•icoe-has been.added -to'th'e
mother,eceived, wearing a ' navy- long list of distinguished travellers
georgette• .gown with, touches of
cream, lace and a matching felt hat..
'Her, corsage was , of butterfly 'roses.
The .groom's; mother received with
a costume' of ,:navy lace
•her, wearing ..
and .georgette with' felt 'hat, to match.'
Sler. 'corsage was ::of -talisman roses.'
1n unusual featui.�e-`of :the reception
•vas 'the. cutting of the cake by the-
' f t the art Pride the:
gold knife,.the gift of
children , •' room's mother. Later the bride
' ices_
tion of relief poi- t t . se; and•' groom' ' left -for s°hurt f honey -
-- merit- n=its�forinula _ _._-- __ -- the lbed- Gross . wo ld_ _ e�h tY he i co
-� cos
6Y!l, N,i
u a
se. _ _- th bricde travelling ii a`
•" i t21e gounds-at-the ;Banff Sprigs
hest advantage. v' '
sen' a bale or rlothing• -and assist- Jf same shade. and shoes, gloves and
(i soh wearing._tJcie" ' .corn's
.;rice from any nreui ers -
. much a reciated.: •gift, a'. fox fur. After 'their .return,
.rttunity' would he t PP
over ' Canadirrii Pacific .steamship
and rail' lines. ".Hell -fire Jack,' '.
as he • ie :affectionately '•called, ar-• '
rived :in Montreal 'on August 22, on•:.
• the liner "Duchess of York", -to..'
open' the Canadian National Exhibi-
tion„ at•'Toronto.'
(Burnished by the Ontario Department' .Of Agriculture).
The O.A.C. Agriculture exhibit at
Scienco judging' Competition which
the C. N. E: attracted much interest
A numlier.: of visitors statbd that
theY had abstained from eating hon-
ey for fear of getting• fat. They were
informed that honey is absorbed dir-
ectly into the blood strewn and,. acts
as .an ' immediate source' of energy,
also that many, entrants, in the swim-
ming marathons used honey in their
"training '. diets and -that some fictual-
l.. consumed •honer during the • races.
A considerable +increase in atten-
dance at O.• A. C.:this:, year is antici-
pated. A : total of 450 -applications
have 'been received for admission• .to
the First Year, .83 for the -''Associate
Course; and 1$ or the D'egre,,e Course'
'o. a ,'of,`about 450:. "students in 'the
ag ricultural' :c'our e . is: expected:.:' A
g •?�
Macdonald i Institute a total .of 216 ;ounty reports that the good orch- ,
adirdents •have-liters-accepted,'ofWhi h
7t s- carefiiil3+ locited after,_Sridi:cite;_;, _'
,moved a. real success. '
The next. big event.for Ontario
farm boys 'and girls will' be the Roy-..
al. 500. Party for ' boys and a similar
.arty that will take in about 250 girls
fen .boys ' are selected from each
ounty. Local 'contests to decide the
..ounty' winners are now in progress.
Tho Department • of Animal Hus-
bandry, O. A C,, reports the death:
o horn
4f the 18.year-old ' Shorthorn
•i'Coilege Augusta 6.th," .after a long,
rid ,:singularly useful life:'During her
ave'• birth to. and raised
'reept site g .
ecalves,and `70 er' cent; of the
}rte, n p <0
t. Shorthorn herd' are- :direct
,reser •,
cafe dants of, hers., 1 y
�1 .n .
` `'�' ;Spraxing Pays` • ,. -
.4 in teeds
,The spray ' supervisor
'13-d"ar -nen students this :year. •.
Buy Canadian Grapes
There will be, 'no -.lack of grapes
in Canada • this fall as the vineyards
of Ontario and British 'Columbia will..
-produce-a-crop -estimated=at32,000-
tons. `As any doctor will tell you,.' no,,
fruit'. is More healthful'. than the
-gr""ape. --It is a dehciaus • dessert,, a
Wholesome conserve, and a real ' re-
freshing beverage. 'The ' Canadian
varieties include.. blues, . whites and
ambers. They": are "Old -b "t te' `box:
and' basket' and in . p, quality" and
flavor 'are, fully equal. to the best im-
sorted; grapes of 'similar; varieties.
Hector Macdonald, of ' Montreal, .,
was. winner of the prize offered by
dent . of the Canadian Pacific 'Rail-
way, for the competition between.
pipers representing the 17 Scottish '
itie unttg. • of •Canada, at the
Lgland Ga,thering-�r'ecentl•y, hell -
icy will not be headed by a .cabinet
minister' after. all. The Government's
plan now 'is to divorce the' committee•
and its work "entirely -from politics
and •some,' outstanding^ ' "outsider"
consequently will be chosen- as chair-
articles: sent were distributed to the .noon, e
It as decided to brown silk canton suit, with felt hat'
Among recent g
b of • the cern: mag to -ma ,-
1VIr. `.and Mrs. .Saris , Durnin :and
family were recent, 'Visitors. with
'Milverton ; friends:
GRANTS' TO. FALL Mr. and Mrs. Win. Coates of Exe-
FAIRS. TO BE CUT 'ter' and Mr: and Mrs. Cecil' Myers of'
• London were among' those worn .a
distance, who 'attended Mrs. McQuill-
Hon., Thomas L. Kennedy is sere- in's .funeral, on Saturday:
frig air ultimatum upon Tall F� he •The Women's Institute are having
- sociations in Ontario that un s they
-'' discontinue -their. kractise •• of looking' a booth at the School Fair again this
chiefs to Queen's Park for financial Year, arid, all the-rimibers--a'nd -others
y interested are asked” to assist with
assistance `tlie� rtisual -Government
....__ ... ___
n '321 .baking as usual.
grants will not. be. £oijtlicoming i
He is convinced that many fairs show. too little pride in themselves, that
they would sooner ask the Govern-,
meat , for help than their own -iniltni-'
cipalities. Consequently he' is taking
steps to altei that attitude. This year
the usual grants will be made, but
next year the Government .will • give
a fair no more money than the fair's
municipality gives. On the present
basis "of . contribution, several fairs
at least' would have to suspend oper-
ations.; The Governriient • contributes
between' $86,060. and $100,000 -a sea -1
son in supporting .these ' fairs., Under
the pew policy.a considerable piart of
the expeltditure will be, serried' which
is in line with the general policy of
retrenchment in the department:
Mr. J: H. '`Wallace left on. Monday
for an extended visit with 'relatives
at Fort William. .
Christ Church, St. Helens, ' is . coni-
riremerating the annual Harvest Fes-
ti"val on,, Sunday afternoon„ next,
(Sept., 20); at three o'clock. The ser-
vice and music • will -be appropriate
to the.. occasion.
they visited here before _leaving for
Pangman, Seek.
The ' September meeting of the U:
F.W:O. was' held at the home of Mrs.
A. Ketchabaw on'Tue§day 'afternoon,
September 15th. The attendance was
not, as good as •'usual, owing to the•
busy , season, -.but considering 'the at-'
tendance, the program was very good.
Educational' - and ` humerous papers,
were given by Mrs. McGill, Miss M:.
McLean and Mrs..'McAuley. Commun-
ity singing and a heartyvote of
thanks to :the' hostess - br_ought.' -the.
meeting to -a - close, and .the' ,gather-
ing .enjoyed the usual cup of tea and
lunch served by the hostess. An hour
of 1 social chat was spent :after. lunch.
The nextmeeting is to be 'held' at
the home. of Miss Mary' McLean, 12..
Con;, Ashfield, on Tuesday afternoon.
October 20th. We ask, for- a good• at-
•tend'a`nce• at 'this meeting.
Canada stands secondamong world
nations in mileage. ; .first in propor-
tion of mileageto population.; One
'mile of railway to every 230; 553
railway. compatjies. ,
Telephone -Wires
Make Broadcasting
" t " •s II. A. liellons, Vice -President of the Columbia )#
• It is to the telephone, say ,
to . tt.eowe tire development of the ejjuipment whereby speech and music are
co radio, that
Itis LEce'tele telephone wire, not radio, which carries prograarttiies the length ars
casting. P
h nnyarratien.
. t -•a
`}rx 0
Ilotr• true this statement' is is shown y , still maintain their' engagement each,
otel, anff; Alta •
• uestsat• Banff
were Congressman and :Mrs.' Fred-:'
`• crick R;.' Lehlback, of Washington,
D.C., ' and -Newark, , N.J,,.. on their. .
waY to the convention' ofthe Na
tional ,Federation of Federal Em
'plov'ees, at -Saltie. They expressed
themselves delighted with their 'stay
at the Banff" Springs • Hotel,' punc-
'triati8;g • a journey' from Montreal, to.
'the Pacific Coast over. 'Cagadian:
Pacific lines. • •'
H. M. King •Prajadhipok of Siam,
accompanied by Queen Rambai•
Barri. and a numerous suite, has. '
been seeing real western. life; with
the. Banff Spring Hotel as head-
quarter:. , He Was.• recenaiy Prada
a member of the, Trail. Riders of
the Canadian -Roams. folrowiag-ar pack-train expedition,.'ana,also at- •
tended, a rodeo'' 'staged %or him' at
Mrs. "Bill" Bre'wster'S dude -ranch,
at' Kananaskis,: Alta. His* Ma- ,
j'esty has 'also devoted• considerable
time, to photography, golf and fish-'
.Attractive .Exhibits
under . the. ausipices of the
Exhi its
Ontario Department ' of .' Agriculture
in._ •e_ Goverhflient•Building at the
ational E„xhibitiori a£trac- , reoifi dtsease
Canadian N .nada- it will -be -.f
a. prop o rst=elass' apples,
✓hile orcI.hards .only "partially ',spray- "
d are :19adlq infested with scab' . and
apple. 'maggot.. This is , undoubtedly
she case 'in 'most fruit -growing dis-
,:rifts, and it emphasizes once again
he need br systentatic=and intensive •
.Praying of orchards' if clean, - desir-
able fruit. is to be obtained.
• Minister's ,Address
,in an 'impressive address at the
Agricultural -Day, Hon.
Monies_L,, Kennedy 'made several
trorig points: "The time has$ erne
n, Ontario;"', he ' said, :"when regis-
.ration of live, stock ,should' go to a:
, ;igher standard. I hope'to see the
in►e very shortly; whhn :all:breeder
viii be of far higher 'Standard, so
hat the rest of the world will know '
-when-they ..get • an animal 'from'
ted keen interest and unstinted ';ad '
Ontario . Marketing end paradises 4ind have a long `line . ,
miratiori. The roduction be•�nd'
rs exhibit—feat. e i
a conv its ter✓alsovyisr,alized •what'
". ' - bilt .of biiyi�
ting waY•the adyisa y ° t, would: mean to,.Ontario fariners 'if-
Canadians .would buy home-grown
fruits.'; The, repercussion. of benefit '
ivould ' 'reach all industry. and • help,
;provide jobs. ' The ' Minister : a so
,tressed. that; knowledge was an in- ,
:creasingiy 'esseiitiah factor to ;success-
ful farming: and he -"outlined- some'
of the- Government work in conduct-
ing daises for young farmers.
home-grown _ farm. products; the mes-
sage being' addressed'especially • to
the . women of urban. Ontario.. ..The,
position of—Agricultural represent.
tives ~as the link between , the farmers,
and . government.' institutions,. was
cleverly demonstrated-• in•-another..exr_
li it. '' The Wonien's. Institutes •
Branch had a 'striking 'exhibit which
pori4rayed: 'the valuable. work being
done under their auspices and which
attracted the attention of every wo-
Man. The O. ' A. ,C. exhibit presented'
in .a graphic way the threefold char-
acter of Farm ' W ealth—Food, ' Timet
and...Beauty. One-half' of the Dep
rent's section was devo ed' to a re=
Theroad from Wingham to' Tees-
water, which has been under , con-
struction since June, is nearing .com-
pletion, and when finished will be .one •
of the finest,roads ' in this section. ' All
steep grades, ' sharp corners -and rail-
way crossings have been eliminated.
The steam shovel has completed its
Work and was, shipped to :T onto on•
The Western Market •
The Ontario , Growers' Market is ,
enthusiastic about the Western mar-
ket for Ontario -grown fruit andveg-,
etables. Tomatoes must -be :packed
in:lugs . and wrapped,�for this 'market,
i �
Cu g to . C. W. Bauer, . secretary
niarkalsly- fine display of .fruitsvege- acer
wt6 says -further: "The -West, wants... __ _.
tables and other farm produce.IOntario tomatoes, 'but • wants them.
An, Unwise Practice packed differently. We cansell our
erous reports have' been re- tomatoes in Il -quer baskets, .iies, ut ie
ceived from :time to time of ; serious West at unsatisfactory large market'
losses 'takeni e lar
, on grading by country want to develop a they
merchants who have held their ,eggs for tomatoes at good prices
for ,a higher market. -The holding of . must be 'n pcked s t Boerentlhely developed
eggs' at country' points for a rising A similar
.__ is. . decidedly,, unwise : be- in regard to peaches Officers of the
:market s
cause of the fact that storage 'tacit: Council leave come•-tolghno °a�Isatis-
ities, are not adequate 'to maintain that basket packing •
quality in the egg; Eggs are' graded' factory method to be'.nsed • for ;.the,
by candling before a 'strong light, • Western market ' . Different Ontario
and the grade of ' the egg depends 'fruit -growing • organizations
'on the size of the air-cell, This in equipping'themselroes'to pack peaches •
'turn varies in accordance with the,, in boxes for the
eeW rid heirrn adee. It is
amount of -COT "or'carbon dioxide giv- realized thtomust te eirilized.
en off .by •the egg through ,its shell. better packages
Tuesday, and, the balance of•he work You can't fool the egg grader and
will...be .completed in a. week or so.-- it doesn't pay to. hold.
• • h • • • • • Advapce-Pi.ie•
.......� . .. MARK
•Big Apple Crop
YO -�., �_
W. Hofgetts, director of the harles Alton At
Fruit Branch, describes the apple out- Mr. and Mrs. C
UR .WEEKLY PAPER Home to Friends on Their High:.look as the best since 1925. A crop'teenth Wedding'Anniversary.
Arthur Brisbane, ' the recognized of. 850,000 . barrels a barrels is last - s ___
dean among American editorial writ- compared with 635,000 of Mr. and
pis, ina recent article on the weekly well The coloredrep andrs particularly clean. The of good, quality. The Alton h'asethe scene of '.aMrs.
paper said: •. well on Sept. 9tlr, the gcca-
"The ,sn}aller. newspapers of the bulk 'will conte from. commercdi l on- gathering
'the celebration
a y - sic : of their
eighteenth wedding, tunny
Only immediate' relatives•,of the bride I.
and groom .were present and includ-
edMx, and Mrs. James Alton and
daugliter, Miss Olive; of Lucknew,
country are the most important news-
papers, and incidentally 'in propor-
tion to their circulation their adverr
rising results' • are the biggest and
their advertisifig rates are the smal-
lest' in the country, They are read
through from end 'to end. Every copra
of circulation, means en entire fanii-•.
ly, not a fancily : that lives in ora
icon with a' can opener,.but a family
.that -often owns its house and • lands
around it, a family that -buys every- y
thing from the roc ' en the house to' ers. Central packing `imcoe,eThorn .i ren, Lanes, the former a brother of
Miry. Pictan, Tthis year at renton
• 1 Trenton and StratlirtcY.Illirs. Chas. Alton and William Stir.
I �, children, Leeburn.
the 'cement on the eller floor, cont
Pie hats 'oh mother's head the h lin and two
shoes on the.boys• feet. The service :Competitions for s
Ontario g to a tptuous
`� 4sx it,.,_ d>. • , that 'their publishers; render ' th the i Five hundredtiiatedy in the judging dinner. the dining -room being dee
,: :� r.,E ,.: i..nz• rats' participated public• i
is, in my opinion, the" most fa orated in pink and .white. Pink ac-
important service rendered by any competition of ..live stock; roots and
and vegetables at the EerC ,raced the table which was cert-•
f "t
roadcasting Sy�tertic, "not class, of • citizens in Canada. TheE last Week, under the dtrec- tied with the bride's cake, Made available for broad;
country editors are distributers It I Represents orated to colors of pink " 'on: reach the minds: 00 in bovp which pink
breadth of this country. � rnfoimati they leave the farms and • h A total of $15 and a
of the boys that leati d th ver la a "white wedding
at their summer Lorries on ev are the nation's menta] po'li'ce
chards which have ,been ,ste
creasing their percentage of better
class varieties, such as McIntosh and
Shy. With. applegrowing a straight
business proposition, insects• and dis-
se are tiow much fietter • controlled
ea 'of the
than formerly and little damage is parent: •and ll sister other of bridegroom;
r"eported this year. Prides will hardly Mrs. C imp ,
he as good; as a year ago? Arrange- • Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Alton and fam-
ments are being made: to market �ily, Belfast; Mr. and
More. fruit in••the West. The .principal '.Alton, Ripley, the ' gentlemen
packages will .be ba}'•els' and hemp-
emp (t,ratjters of the bridegroom;
Mr. and .t
c d . iI Campbell' and five child-
Lake Gen•
va; C� iscansili, Elie Ev't pispnlar-entertainers,. Amos it _Andy installed in their renes. Andy, the +�
Geneva, ait
t Sunda b ' means of the microphone and hat the telephone was
y Y
.£t'esidentof the�p'C'@sh Air, Taxi Cab Company and lis, feTio�c'Tlirectn�,Amos; saw itt tihe lo+ssoto atrt tfie right,, rind Amos attd
installed and ret,dqrvhe'n t`hev arciver,l w,th tfterr �fa�rtrrkes, •Andy tt c
his f,iel ly occupy the one at the left of the 1 ictur"h,
grains, fruits . a d , eke also dee-
C. N. • •. ee ' i 1: and white,
tion of.the Agrr,cu ur ' ns white,
tives .Bratic ,01.0
... bell were
Wes offered in a ;' a large
�;giftsti ton the hit
the 1
atl ut
c . stnres
e able
enjoyable, y
en ,
and J
• ctt :
instructive u
prize money
a very...-
hadended.The br de' receive 'snore
'Pj j rrc�'
o ____ s t y
There were Also over titres hurl- , easier. Mr. and Mil;..
are j,dii-.
..., .• ,. � • will not T;x.1
The nrovmcial govern rets in the n°1,186.614
" d tris erste1t1,a�" �'iercha.�t�s t11 Uut,gani�on,
alto r rink-itc ..at : thr; road "caulpa i 'die . s .
y •`, '.s k "tri ,