HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-17, Page 1.. • • :$2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; 240 OTHERWISE, is- ® ONT.,KNOW THUR �' SINGLE • C.Q,PIEs .5' CENTS DENTIST Dr. R. L.: Treleaven, ,Lucknow Hour,sHs,��'9-'X2 A- M. 1.30^-5 P.M.!4? ONE .53 XRAY,. PAFER-,A. full line ;of "1931 Wall Paper on 'hand. Pries consider- ality down for 1931, I am also :agent lot' leading. • job houses: CAMERON Decor or, 'rater and Grainer• 174' . Luckoyv Wawanosh Loses Beloved esident Follo'ying Lengthy Illness, .Mrs Wm..' McQuilhn',Passes,,At the Age'0f 62 Yearo. The death took place: at her• home lin. West Wawanpgh early Wednesday' morning„ 'September '9th, ,of Mrs.. Win.'11Ic,Quillin, after an 'illness .of several . Months:: ' �'F0•R RE;hT C fortable. 7 -room- .,,The ,late •114rs, McQuillan who before, lir d' soft ;her mdrriage was .Annie 'Haines was' flat with, bath ro's • , a- d Sa>d , water ori ' tap Apply entinel Office "born at . Caledonia; aixtyttwo years ago -a daughter• of the late 11Ir• and RECLEANING: GRASS SEIED;- r------�-•--Scarif-yirig�S�weet�trlover�I�av e a. _....your . seed .clean d n w ;and re dy_efor Q market. 'Stuart ' Robertson, Lueknow, "' .STdRE FOR RENT:'The .store until recently occupied by: ' ' Walker litore.-A good`. 'business : location. Apply to R, J. Moore, Leek -new.. ; (3-�tf. ) • HOUSE XT RENT -Comfortable, „Q Frame rs Rghert-Haines. When Ve-years- of age ' she -OM -with . her-pereiits-to _.era East =Wawanosh '.Thirty five y ago she was ;married to her. pow ber eftahusband end 'Vent' to live on the'• 'farm which' continued' to be : their -home throughout their married life: Mrs.' McQuillip who was, of 'a ' quiet, kindly, but 'unassereing-_.disposition_ was ' beloved .by',,all who, ;knew her but Dwelling-A�pj�ly Yto .SL'uart it . was in her Mime:: where her great-. , Robertson; -Lueknow; --•~ - -•--- - e -••s -'ofall interests-centre-d.---A.-faith- , • WAFTED,- -Fall Foster Hoe: for lovely baby .boy; nine months old.- A•pply, Sec. Children's Aid• Society, , Walkerton (24-x- --c) • FOR' SALE OR •EE CCHANGE ' One lord' n ,-Tractor:. and' . Plow, 1927 model; or sale Tractor.. in exchange for horses,'cattle; ,+sheep -"or-• hogs. - • Apply to -G.. A. Siddall, 'Broker, • Ltieknowt (8-:-40-,c) . . . - - _WOOD-FOR_'SALE.__.: _ 1:00 Cords 'of' Dry Beech and Maple, priced from -$3-00 to $4:00 per. -;cord, delivered_to ny pla e_'n town Wobd can be. seen at .-JACoi3 MILL'ER'S. residence Havelock- St. • fur•. and . devoted wife and mother. 'she gave. of her best, to her family„ by whom ,she will besadly missed To • Mr. and, Mrs.' McQuillin were born eight . children:. Will'iai rho.. is ,home from • Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask.; Robert of the Bank of Commerce ;tall, Belleville; Beatrice, teacher at ,St Helens school, •George, Charles. and, -.,Mildred- at „bonne , end: Maud and Mary who predeceased her. The. 'f,,uneral•, was held from; ' the family residence on .Friday' after .i Onn__an.,_: as very largely attended g.., mei hbors , riends and. relative's. by. Many_heautiful • flowers conveyed. loin, and. m :achy among them being tri- butes from the family; Mr. and Mrs.` George McRoberts, • Mr, and Mrs. R. , Ti-Mc.Quil'lti a Viargie, •Mrs.. El� AUCTION -SALE John Mc - Nott Miller, Mr: and , The Church hiailding and contents • Quillin and ' family, Scholars of the S. S. No. 4, West :Wawanosh; Mr. and Mrs: James Snowden1_and_Miss.. . Winnifred •Haines,' the Officers and directors of the est Wawanosh e s Mutual ,Fire In urance Co., Mr. and BOOSTER FUME' TESTED Results Are Excellent With Prewar*. At 135; 'lbs. , 1. -test was made-on-Tuebday to -de--' terinine .the .efficiency of the Water System as' a means of fire protection. Lines of hose were. ;laid at the .• farth- est point in` the village . from : the .pump' '-house-=Silverwood's ,- corner: Two lines ,were run from•this hydrant and : one line troll-; the` tydrant.',east of.. -,the ;C•'N R, ' station, 'near ldc* Quaig's With these three • :connection. Luckoow Table Co.. Installs Sprinklers PROVIDES , MODERN FIRE PRO= -TEOT'ION • Work Which Hee Been Underway For Some Tinge Neears • Completion. • 'Directors 'of the:.I, cknow Table cilrnpany, Limited. are-tobe eom mended: for their enterprise' an instal iasis".in true factory' •a modern §prink-; 'ler sys�tein, which -provides an , 'auto - air •o eii-44ether . at►d�Yitli th B p auto - ;:nos amatie .an instant means of"':combat- :ng fire, independent•' of ..the village system as far .as t e Booster_ is .,concerne . - 'I to s The Table Company. which eine y some thirty t'wo men, •and avhich� is the usual staff, has. operated steadily throughout' the past Months' of un- settled' ;conditions; and • at present' is. -working. eight hours`,a day,, the full• _--._ it -week- _-A_safeguerd 'ag_aiinst fire has line• This test. proves .without doubt the ' great .improvement : , the system, will.- be ash,: -a - means of:fire protection. '. , .' • ter' pump developing a • pressure. of. L35; liars, it.aa possible to • throw a stream;; on--•.the--1 velr Qf- abuut-.l2' 1 do itwo hie ua alt a . ft., and�it was>3 to handle. each line. With two lengths of "hose, -lob feet, it , was .possible to `throw a stream en.. the C. N. R. depot. With wily the 'one line in op- eration, so great was the: force, that it' required: four "Men to' control the The Bread of. Health \LS The Bread ::of Health OUR,- MOTTO IS QUALITY AND', SERVICE Bread,, THE BIG FOOD VALUE OF 'TO -DAY. OUR•': QUAL. Y BREAD IS THE •LOAF OF PURE GOODNESS • SPECIALS; FOR SATURDAY J E L LF ' RO'LL'S-ATEACAKES CREAM PUFFS -JAM 'PARTS:•- EL E - 'SQUARES A1SI . _ PI �S. I N .CA ) E. .It •SGa�71�S,=„FHIJ;IT .. 1{...... . . is SLY AN'S:t 011 AKER 'of the' Holyrood ',United Church will •beoffered . for 'kale An .:Wednesday, September 23rd, at .2.00.. o'clock.;For particulars. see . bills. W.' Statters, .Sec.., W. Henderson, Aue. • Bowling Events: At , The Green ,Fourteen Rinks In nixed Twilight East Thursday - i Irish Trebles " Tuesday Night.', , There seems to "be no let up' of enthusiasm among : the bowlers and each week 'tome twilight fixtures is staged.: No doubt the 'warm' Septem- ber eniigs• .and the' thoughts • of cooler nights not ` far distant ar'e, -main. • factors- in; he _p inie,contin- -•Messrs.- J-oseph Anderson,, MoKenzie, wing to •be so popular. • Mrs. E. J; Thom and family, 'Mn: and Mrs. Wallace Miller and family, , Mr.- Matthew r: Matthew and: Miss, Rebecca Woods; Mr.. and Mrs: Lewis Weatherhead. and family, Mr. , and 'Mrs. George H. Snrith; 1VFr: and 11i;,rs.-M ens1e Webb,. .Mr. and Mrs: James'-'Lyo'hs, Bank of Commerce, Staff, Belleville, President. and Directors •of Lueknow Elevator Co;, - Mr. David. ' and Miss Laura Archer;••Mr.,and :111'Irs. James' Dpinin, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles• Durnin. , The 'services at..the .house and the grieve were •.conducted . by Rev. E.O.. Gallagher, rectos of St. Helen's Ang- lican Church -of- which Mrs. McQuil- lin was a devoted member. Neighbors, • Fortner Resldenit Diet; I,n': Ki1nlosi' charge of alae -work assisted by a' trio been a long felt want and the instal- ling of the system is a forward step in the interests -of-the-village tate- village and community as a' whole. • , ')Kr. P. II. Evans, representing 'Purdy, Mansell,,,' Ltd:, Toronto, Ilm,s in Dies Suddenly While Visiting • :At The 'Home of Hugh ;Ross--W,as' 76 Years of • Age ' • Mr. 'Eli Ensign la former resident of Lucknow, died" at .the home•of Mr. Hugh`. Ross, 10th -con. of Kinloss on.. ,1VIonda. ; _:, Se _tember •,14tH ; y, p ...Ensign. was about the' yard .and corn- plaining of feeling • ill; went into.. the liouse�expiring almost imine is a y. lire•:. ani. • Mrs.` Ensign,: ,moved' . to -Rally— . oris I1 Fresbyt Held At :Lucknow ' • Is Well Attended Afternoon and Evening . Sessions-- • ” e b tery ofMaitland Convened Prs,Y >r . In The Morning Morning The annual rally of the Young people- of..Maitland Presbytery, was' held'. in. the Llano*: Presbyterian •church on Tuesday. There were .good' •of experienced men. and'two. of the attendances' at- both the. afternoon factory employees.. It is' expected- d evening s-essiuns, with -delegates. ver. .ming present from practically e y congregation. in ;the Presbytery. At the •evening' session the spacious auditorium .. of, the . church 'was three- parts filled, , ' In• the morning prior to, the -Rally, :a meeting of the `Board of. -the -:Ergs - that about four. weeks. will be 'neces-• -sary in- installing--:the`.systein, the enormity of the, work. may be realiz- ed from the, fact: • that it , requires some -.17 tons of piping':'arid fittings: • The piping is. overhead and is laid according ' to a blue -print .;previously drafted; The .;_., ..-oir with--': =''•.- ': , l_ -r a- ='-coriduetea; drafted.. :work .has gone.-bytery of Mait and w out a hitch -being =so avoir laid-, out oy the. Moderator, .Rev. Pollock , of that in o instance riast been nee- Whitechurch and, 'Rev, McCullough d , .lrip _ae, leased to_kno�v' h'e_is_improving_ _� �, essary to remove any orthe�m-ulti= of imcaxdine, clerk of the ibiardr"- p d• 11 h !again: • • t --E' ER I. =AND G Small 'Apar'tment or Rooms '.above' the .store -Apply' "MARKET", • Mr. ' Clarence ' Murdie et- . London 'spent �a :couple of days with ,'htszpar--- •ants last week. Miss• -Margaret - M-111--speirt :he " week -end' in' Listowel' .with . Dr. ' and . Mrs. A. H. Nichol. • • Mica Stewart =McKenzie ;of Niagara-, ?rills has. been a visitor with 'his ,aar-ents,_Me. and M,rs R. V.1 Alc,Ken- zie. ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald ' Perguson sad dr. and Mrs. W„ ,J. McKeiihiO• ars at - :ending' 'the Western ' Fair- •in; London. ;has week. ' Mt...and'Mrs• Bert White: of Detroit ore-' visitors ,With fMr: rand .Mrs P. T. - lrmsfr"o"n`g� Friends of 'Mr. Gordon Fisher. .'will 1'. On Thursday' bight of last week a mixed twilight ' fixture attracted ari entry of`4ourteen• rinks -three from Goderich, two from Kincardine, one, 'from Teeswater and eight local rinks; three of •which figured among , the' prize whiners. First prize, , blankets, was. won by Mrsc Howard Agnew, Mrs. Clark, A. E. hlillson' and George • Hassel. Mrs.. J. W. , Joynt, Mrs. Petteoas, Temple +Clark and; Dr. ¢Johnston coliped' sec-'' and ' prize, 'the ladies' receiving Bon Son dishes' and the men silver But- ter dishes. Mr..and ' Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Litt and Mr: Powell, of Goderr kb,: carrier oaf ::e�1spreads as third prize.` Fourth `prize, .plates for the men and a cup nd s der each for, the ladies. went tol k comprised of -Harold Arlin, Mr. Pinney, Mrs. C. Stewart an rs. Rebt- Button• "'Irish -'I thles, . Tuesday . The tyveiity-two- rinks which en- er ted in the 'Men's ' Irish Trebles -on •Tuesday everting filled the eleven greens to. capacity: Ten local rinks were • entered, the.other twelve en- tr'es. included . rinks from Paisley, Teeswatet, Kincardine, Ripley ,and Wingham. , • The prizes were ars •follows: '1st- ' Indian Blankets;• 2nd Kitehen clocks 3rd Blankets; 4th -Table Cloths; kit -Mirror Flacks Th winners b • wet:e: 1st= -Rae, W'inghaxti.; .2M.1- Howard Agnew,' W. J. Davison and w W. P. ,laked; 3rd-D'enahue;wAtTees- er;: 4th ,-Morgan, Kincardine; , 5th -Tuttle Miller, •. . Clark ,and Boy Fine iaysen • Webb, Wallace Millet, Ed. Thom, John, 'Miller, and Peter Watson con- veyed her to her,last. resting place in Greenhill cemetery. Those from a distance attending ,,,the funeral, in= eluded friends from Toronto; Grams-' by, Hamilton London,, Exeter, rich and Kincardine:' ' Thus she looked 'through the sorrow That shrouds , this mortal life; ' To the love and-' beauty of Heaven; And the peace! •follows strife. . A mother of God's own making • She has waked to a Heavenly birth And one of the beautiful things she; sees, Is the b auty she made'on,earth. Lueknow from. the Lochalsh district a number of 'years- ago. Mrsx Ensign. who .before her • marriage ' was, Sa- rah except -in one instance -when. sh- in 1922: ° nt-il•;a down was necessary due to excessive A'iin 'poacher, died few years ago Mr Ensign continued': heat while working above the'bailer:' he system to..reside in: .the village. Recently has been living with_`his daughter' at Sarnia,, but 'was spending the -sum es_are lead sight feet m _ t._._._: _ _ 'sure The•--pil? mer in this oca stye when -his -death' ' has sprinklers occurred. .' • apart and each pipe :,The funeral, service•was held on'. �t. intervals • of eight feet=apprbxi- 4 sprinkler heads for every tide . of belts ur tnrlleys'; said -work -in- In wi ` soon' be : ome 'At the afternoon session, common - the factory has gone on undisturbed ting at 2 P.M., Rev. A. Williams of Mr. Kenneth`Thompson leaves for, The system 'is called. a dry, . throu' gout : the building the'.piping .. g ,.carrying .air at . about 40 lbs. pres- Gramm-wic7ecsirdarcted the -devotional- shieago--to-more-ow-to_conunence .his. exercises. ' .Following' the Scripture; ' fourth' and last year in the study.of reading, prayer, ''and a hymn, reports asteopathy. were received from : the • Secretary .• Mr:: Con: Decker is attending the and ':Treasurer, `also appointment of Western' Pair • this: week. During his' the : Nominating Committee. Three ;absence; Sidney Decker .is in charge id= epers were'given-As-to bo . ., apiend p pf-tlie 'stg�e: lows: "History. •.of • the Presbyterian Students who left this week. to at Church in . Canada;" . by Miss David - tend Stratford Normal' include Enola Wednesday afternoon at the home mately son of Brussels Presbyterian INA - of. Mr. Herb Ensign, cohcession 14, eight,'square feet Each sprinkler it_,,,by kiss ',Mary 'McKenzie of Buswell; Melda Lane+.Alex Smith and Ashfield. Interment was made in will cover a radius. of. eight feet, ex- Ripley; and `•"The Standards of the; Richard. Kiipafnick'. y • Lochalsh cemetery. cpt in case of .interference by beaik Presbyterian Church," by . James: Mr. .And • Mrs. J. Wes. Joynt,and ' etc.. In all., there • . are 720 span -.• ACCIDENT ' YIC•TIM':. ''- . -filer -heads.:-Each .sprinkler is umbrella'- ' CONTINUING HALF HOLIDAY The-•-merehaiite--of the villa - wish -to • advise' the public that e weekl • Thursday: •half-holi t,h Y will he continued• through- tutyof October the through - tut the month , 9dm'e. as least' year:- V DEMO�TSTRATION';'AT• HILUS' Miss Lemon will • be -at Hill's, Gro-. eery Store throughout next week, demonstrating the uses of Edwards - burg Crown Brand Syrup. The public is' invited to visit •the. store at any time. during the week and sample. the delicious' cakes and.candy'which Miss Lemon prepares.. , New Cretones ` and" Chintz for, Comforters. ' New Low Prices, ' 19c. "MARKET,." MOVE'1 T•O' CLINTON, ab Mir. and Mrs.. Wesley ,Treleaven, arid• their; daughter, •Norma, moved, to inton-last week; .,where they will. Clinton -last. make' ;their home. The family "form' erl. lived iii' Clinton, but for ,a ilium-. y bet ' of years ,Mr. Treleaven taught school at Tiininon's. • Following his su'p'erarivation• last year the family came to Lucknow, ,purchasing and. model n" -the old' Tenant home. Re, - len � t' Amar•-M;i'ss- - releavei't• ccept¢d_..tl e - Y position of organist and choir leader.: in 'the' Clinton Presbyterian church Their res'iderice is ,Lticknow•is being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Rdward Johnston. • shaped and has a solder composition and ably .conducted a Round Table tage in Kincardine. • ' Kin-` which. melts' with the heat from'. a Conference on.the.above papers.• 1 lie Rev. Harrison; who has recently N!• r Melvin Irwin, 2nd Con,;blaze. By means of a specie valve loss Tawnshp,__suff ilson of Whitechurch. Rev K. Mc- George, spent Sunday with Mr: and' Lean of Wingham ;gave....a; short talk` r-s.•R",...M. McPher'sora::af� heir coat= ered a ..._painful Various other questions were: also some from the Diocese of Montreal, accident', on his. faring on Wednesday the air - controls -the -water -where -rt discussed. It: was unwed -by -Rev: e.‘_,-:• enters from the ,street massa.• The vi11 . preach at St. Peter's. 'Church, of last `week: 'Apparently Mr. Irwin; H. `:MacDonald and seconded by 'Rev t e a 'threshing melting of the • sol'der allows the ;air A. Williams that .the •above ,three a ers he printed Wand distributed to the different societies,. enabling. ev- eryone to review the many exec en points which they contain. During the afternoon,. Rev. Dr'. Forbes con- tributed' a solo, "Will" there be .• any Stars in, my Crown." A song service opened the evening service at 7.30, followed by devotion= al exercises, conducted 'by Rev. . C. H. McDonald. Solos by . Mr. McCu17 lough of Kincardine, and Miss Mc- Dona d o ing am, a' u Margaret camels and Archie Ballan- tyne of Brussels, and; an anthem by the Lucknow choir.were pleasing numbers. The report of.the nominat- ing committee. was received as fol- lows. ,President, Miss Margaret Me - Dougall, Brussels; 1st vice-president; Mc ib an ing am; n a - res. Rev.. Burgess, Kinloss; r ' vice- res. Miss Margaret C'aMpbell,; Kincardine,,Recording scare , Wesley us on; Corresponding sec- retary, Miss . ernMcLaughlin, ham • Treasurer,Miss Marion Hell, Ripley. ' ass ; any Mitohelt- of Wingham, gave a very, delight-. 1 report .of theSummerSchool activities .at Krntai Rev. ' . ur •gess of 'Kinloss addressedthe ' ga - er n on "TheAuthorityofu Con- victions!' in which l e'referred to the subject as, the . will of God as appre- hended by a' '.Christian conscien • Rev; in. Moore 'o • russe sa - sed the • Voting. People, ars ' people of as ' atm s ,r. willing .to ' do their best' in he work God has planned for the "Youth of'today," he went on, "must mea re•up.. o the Sunday evening, Sept. 2'0. - Was preparing o remove ' separator from. his barn and in gett- p p Mr. and Mrs. J. Murchison and the • tractor in a. position to do Mrs• • (Dr.). Bean: and: children. of ins so was badly crushed between the �! B 11 t or•nto; spent the week -end with Mr. • His injuries include several different' ant two II J p • to escape, :and water •to take its : place which •'flows out the . sprinkler at w 'atever , point. the blaze. occurs: The sprinklers•'ere subject to iffer `• andare placedac- cording to : the temperature. of ,the` room and according to the danger o . fire. The 'solder on the;sprinklers in the :varnish spray -room of the'fat-.. •tory will melt • it 135 degrees: ' With the 'escape of. air and the entering 'of water, tyro fire -alarms are given at 'nterva s throughout i. This sys cin is a in. extinguish any.: outbreak of fire and well beingautomatic and in- stant it is a system. that: does mina- mum water damage. an . ' Mrs. ' F. T. ' Armstrong. i degrees of heat During • • ` illness of Rev. W. Hall.. cracked ribs, cuts and bruises which the id will' prevent him working' for a' time: f >f Dungannon, Rev. Mr. Gallagher is Rev. J. S Hardie Died In London • vice yin :onducting. the. ser that village • At 1.45.on Sunday 'afternoon. Miss Isobel Craw, nurse -in -train :ng at ' Grace Hospital,.Toronto, in spending her' holidays with her par- ROAMER .. ASHFIELD ' MINISTER` separate i 1 th h t the' . ants; Rev. R. W; and Mrs. Craw. 1 f W' h ' duet by Miss J. Hardie, Well buTd ng� Friend's of Miss Joan MacCallum Known Presby- . t 1 ost certain to, h will be pleased to know that •she 1;as feriae Minister, Passes in Eigh- e i g y received 'the appointment of Assistant beth Year: as as p Principal at the Robert. Land School, ' • Hamilton. ' •. , Rev'. John S. Hardie, ex -moderator The regular'meeting of the .Luck- of the London -Hamilton -Synod of the Presbyterian Church, ,and widely . now W. C.T.•U: will be" held on 'Fri- MUG'S NEEDED RAIN Mr. K b i W h 12 d v ce day, . September 18, at 3 'o'clock. at known Presbyterian • Church minister, TEMPERATURE p 1 3 d 'the' home.. of Mrs. Ed. Hodgins. died at his home in London on .Wed- >I Everybody invited. nesday, Sept. -9. He was... in his eight- p N aft six years Following last tart' Mrs ieth• yeas and ;for the 1 h k S t rd y H t C esponding Mr. John -Wallace who has mads since . superanuation, shad been living yerna his home with Mrs. Elliott Miller for in London. Part of that -Mile he was, he in M ion some time, left the first of the week .. F.. -1 --he tel L the W g , o BRINGS LOWER week's intense heat, which reached the peak on a u e and, -Sunday and created a September -at record,generally, throughout ern 'Ontario a welcome, And much needed rain:fell in this district' Sundaynight, bringing withita more moderate temperature and re- nthe Pa norm ' Previous to ?Sunda night, • it had been 'several weeks since rain • a fallen andthedrySpell, ro with unusual heat, had dried upasturefielda and made fall plowing arid' the sowing wheat 'Very. difficult. SECOND AT • - ' MUSICAL CONTEST C. N.•E. ' From Friday's Globe we take the which a eared in the re- sultsmusical competitions ,held Ili alts of P the Music building at; the N. Robust tenor -1•s , n'oate awarded; ' W `F` Thompson,Toronto and John. L Duncan Toronto,25 narks, tie Mr. W. P. Thompson,- ' (tie); son of Mr. ' and Mrs. D. 1V1.' Thompson, is teachingschool and receiving vocal instructions in Toronto; lie; is -to be congratulated on his success, a ' • chaplain of oca osp s . or West -f r-�,...Fc�rt._:,�V.illiamiM.ker a he will . Presbyterian Church. , spend the winter. Rev. 'Mr. Hardie had 'served : the • g ful Mr: and Mrs: J. A. Glennie and ' Church in ''Ayr; Li'stow- p Presbyterian'1 M B Mr. and Mrs. G. A Siddall left last • el and Ashfield, and had been active lief from b al heat th `Friday and, a ' motor'. trip as far' as in church work since 1886. , During y g o r Con Winnipeg, where they will visit with that time he, 'had become widely'k had relatives. for .a few weeks: known throughout Western Ontario. b ught to 'Mr. and Mrs. C: B. w Meyers of • ' He was born in /Scotland, coming Jin ce to Brantford as •a boy, where he a climax w London spent the week -end with the p W f B 1 ddres former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. worked for the Massey -Harris Co. h t for a number eLyears� He 'was educe- H. McQoillin:.Mrs: McQuillin returned ted in Knox College, Toronto, and high p ' with them to London to spend a few his first charge was in the, old Stan day's' ' ' cure Ayr, in 1885. He WINS leystreet h Mr.- and Mrs. Brownlee, Mrs: "Jr street y,.! t need was there 14 years and then took ov= h Clark,' Mr. .Harold Brownlee, . Miss er Knox church at Listowel, being of the Alice Brownlee and Miss Elizabeth , ' Listowel . £ to in p consecrate Brobier,all of '.Phamesford, spent the' ,' there for ten years.. Prom • Lis of w g p est pup he -came ' as pastor to the' Ashfield. s + ff h rad' week -end in town, with Mr. and Mrs. ted them. ,Th gi Presbyterian church, where he re- . 1 ' th CNE . Y 11 k b lit t W L'•, McKenzie and fainly. mained until six years ago: ' t 9 helpful f 1 r tion Misses •Meth Alton,, Ruby Dickson Suroiv`ing are• two sons, Stanley .C•, .2nd, W. . and .1Viargaret Durnin represented, o .. ` fn • avid• `H. of Freeport, , of _L ndo•1luren-County_at_-tbe-audgmg--cW?ww'; Ill,' and 'one daughter,:Miss Margaret .. • R 1 tit}on at the C. N.' E. last week. They G. • of London. The funeral . was.were awarded eleventh' retro, , there • clic ` er P at hefd front the .home Friday beingentries, from thirty-three cairn. o'clock. Interment was made ' thirty 0 C10 ties, in Ayr Cemetery, • • our, readyto dedicate and •' -. ' high then selves to the g r purpose for which God has crea- ted e offering; a hymn, a-; ra er byRev. Pollock' roug: , to a close a very elp a andinspi a al convention.. •.=:..• � , '. t -halal---tire--Italy r. It-wall-decrded -o Y next year at p ley: Supper was served to' delegates in the basement of the church by a number of ladies orthe congre'gatiOti • , • '.. :4741-•••••44 Via.