HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-10, Page 84V. 1110•4.: R2rear ear. ill Ore!. that Willt-banislit:,troub r-priibably the ' t of the thne. you 4r4ve this car? Lt jrait.air. Put -en.',.GlietlYear"Heszap,Ilitty Tama.: • : taadiefir'.11007. 'DOT . is Rio 'Irani; for 'the Weist-th4aferiee0Rilitiontr:yori'll encoauthr any- where. It is built with the longest life coral yet - • t• • deyeloped for die constenetienaaSupertwiel. It. bee the ittostatractive tread: erer petkoite_tire -Ake famous ,A11 -Weather. It is a super tire afair-euitee -service.. -Yet ..our aods'es price:en Goodyear Heavy Duty !shut a fee. cente.higher. than last year's price: for saindoid tires. Mare over " . upertest Service Station NiacKENZIk, Prop. Lueknow Ontaito PesS a new.Gatotlyear TOO in every Casing ..._ Fanriers - ltCliers,- --- - Builders' , . -HIGH-GRADE BRICK and TILE faFgArE at REDUCED PRICES We will compete in ;Price,' Quality' and .Delivery. -A trial will "eon- • AMR 20 YEARS IN •BUSINESS SATISFACTION; GUAHANTEgD , 114-N11-ERMAN •& SMITH - ,BRICK and TILE WORKS • • Kincardine, R. R., 5. 'Phone 107 r 4 SOUTH IIINLOSS ' ' The September meeting of the W. 4. M. S. was held in the church on Wed- ' neaday, Sept. 2nd. 'Meeting opened by singing' hyniii -.553, and,. the. Presi..: ecatti, Mrs. A. Sutherland led in pray- er. The Scripture reading from 'Re- mana 8th Was read by. Mrs. AaGra; • ham after which 'Mies D. MacId led hi' Die' Study of,Chapter read. Our next lesson study is fram 1st Car- inthains; 13th chapter. The, minutes, treasurer's and, Laidies! Aid reports were reed and buainesi dealt With. Miss K. MacKenzie read the first part Irom the Study» Book on.'Formosa_ ' • and the last part was read by Mile. *D. Graham. Mrs.. D. McKinnon read a letter from Rev. J. .D: The roll call was ansWered 'with a mis- •• • siointries •nanie in Formosa. Several ladies offered prayer. ,A hymn was ming and Miss R. McLeod closed the meetiag With prayer: The next, meeting is, to be held at the home of Mrs. A. Hughes on Wed- nesday,• September 30th. . SOUTH ICINLOSS •MISSION BAND The meeting of the Busy Bee •Mis- sion Band was ,held ,on August 30th, with Rath MacLeod. in charge of the, meeting. it,opened, by singing hymn 771) and the leader eve the Offering Prayer. Katherine MacInnes read the Scripture' lesson ,whic was fol- That is one way of getting the chick - P. IT THE lat1.0.1t14 ON SENT ampton Brace .'League Defeat. Teeswater Two Straight, •To ' Win Bruce •Lague Chimp:kw ship. ' •,A receed-crewd Of 2;500 Speettitera, 'gathered in Teeswater park oil Mon, day to see Southampton. shutout Tea. Water by' scere'of 2 r 0 .in the isee- and ,,and final "game of the tirime •Ilaague playoff ,seriee and as a o.resalt carry home the Hoti; James Malcolm: :ticathy and the Bruce League. chain- -IntanehlP. • • , • 'Goldsmith, crick pitcher for South-, , . • . ampton and who has' beTentkolasidela ed " e..aahale. works" of the 'south-, a tenAgem this • season," registered tune strikireats, jilloWirj`g:but'-oae. hit.; dee tni,Plentlid•Suppoit ' his twilit natitha. Gordon ,Tj'avii" 41740 'ip a P.a.ed gime, striking , out ten men and being: touched for Only seven hits, but three -eaeflY er;i_ors alireetly aided in 'bath. Southaintotan's raps. The. Teeswater fielders' inid therepnearance or being beaten before the game started and at bat .,for the meat Part apparently offered at most anything . Goldsmith dished up. With few exceptions their hit a did not leaye the infield and 'Were nicely handled by Sputhampion. The first get* of • the ,series was :played et _Southamptoa on Thursday when Teeswater, last by a score: of, 3-0. Irwin in. this game allovved bat one hit during the 'first ifeeea:iithings but errors in this game also mater- ially aided the Southampton team. in winntag the victory.. • Goldsmith has pitched sensational thrinighout the season and, ever' team in -the league have • had trouble in connecting. With his offerings. Dura nig the sermon he hasitchedr'in to; , IfitRaY, SOTOINIR" i,IlP01 mA.FEhlriG WA- Hiram, Mnffp,4 • V.v.bn• spent a few day at her. Wane: hie, returned Monday with , Mr.Moffat, •who laas. an from Sarnia far- the' holiday- ' S. J. HilPatriCk, Its "Olive and Richard. IPPatrick were week:. end visitors 'with "Sttat.ford friends. Richard , -Kilpatrick and Allon llastY, attended a I: Pim* at ,ppvtiott„, fin44714._.rpa,r,tatL .rid, evening. and familY and Misses Nellie Cranston and Pearl Thompsen of London were wseaeakel.6.iidanvisitors of .Mr.• I••an.cl, MiS. Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan,' Sr., and daagliter and Mr4 .'and-. Mrs Johii. WO? Jr, and son Of Bayfield,:were enests 4,Mr. and Mie; Herb' Curran,: Stindaia - • • 'L. ,s; • ' Finlay Of,' Toroato is sperikrira couple of weeks with her iiSter;.„1')/Irs. .Neittarin Shaeklete*.. • :••-••. Annirersary. •Seraices'• Of" the .„ tt6t- •S. of Ashfield Circuit Will be . held altaB.lailaa. Church on Saiiilai; 'Septe_ra- ber 13th, With service an the after - Mani and • at • -7:30 eicleck. TheTwieetal---. . , .0101111.1114,Mlopippiocilaiiiiimommipionvisom Better 'Fitting ,.$hoes. .will,tive..Comfart to Tired Aching feet n• .',•• • •• s WEIS VERY PARTICULAR • TO GIVE OUR • CUSTOMERS PROPERLY PITTED AlOES.., WE HAVE ADDED: A • Ngit-- m .1.41[Ngi OF ARCH MASTER .gITTRM.L.4kofEs' StlES; N 'IN ,KID .71* AND WORDS, - 049.40134AX MADE ES IN WITT4S.• FROM ,AA TO. E.AT Ntw LOW OtieBs., A SI.,IPPEM 'SPECIAL • LADIES' BOJDOIR gurroF,49„ Colors, avug, RED, BROW and BLACK SPECIAL a Pair • , • . 496. THREE PAIR FOR , . • ' . .7 .7, $ 1 „ spte!Ai; IN ivip4.9s WORK SHOES MEN'S, .10NON,ITE GRAINi WORK SHOES IN PAN' CO and LEATHER SOLES-SPOcial':Caak, Pric $2.95 s 49- innings against Teeswater, in relsor.te_< The. offering prayer:was' then *hie. h they have scored but 2 runs. given , by? Katherine Machines. Hymn.. 197 -Was "ftTolltrired-Wa7t1i,-e -"Call; Leo • and. ahnsten MaeLiod• aye 'a' recitation, "lio Does it Pay." lath 'MacLeod took the topic •,and Anna Graham gave an interepting, vitaa_fallowed Prayer Circle: Miss pearl Henderson, gave a verY instructive talk. and hymn 761 was then swig.. Miss Dean MacLeod , closed the Meeting with .prayer. -Press Seciy. V WEDDING BELLS .INI• Wedding: belleafter .a. quarter .Of a century rang out in' the, home § of two of our prominent citizens 'in Ash- aelot dariac the..spast ;week. • Messrs.' phsisf.eponagjr-audHAloianderRac, kett celebrated. :their silver wedding On the evenings `of Sept.: 44 Such events. in' the; life' of the community Ole 'reniinescent •.•of • another.; world in, which men followed, the, road" of ro.. Mance- and adventure. Is the ‚world growing.Lbetter. 'or :growing worse? Aeross., the Years. a new :generation liaa:marched",„ until the • modern min, the modern Woman, the, modern , Ihink- er occupy the' seats of the mighty, 'for•lietter or -for-verse-a net know,. generally speaking,,., there is 'smile good staff,, end, Some mighty poor stuff. But this is important, 'what has the quarter of h.teritury"done.for ms- at' meridian? At that time --25 years alto we. had turned lhe 'first • bend in the road -that forever hid from view the old homestead. Well if • we have kePt, mind and' heart .in- taceand usurper occupies the throne -room the world is growing better... • , • •Ashfield ;Church Notes • • • Our' cirenit is favored with having Misa Elizabeth MacKenzie as the special speaker at Blake's next Sun- day. Services at 2..30 and 7.30 P.M. It is said that an 'anaesthetic- was administered to 125 hens by thieves. reasurer's ens out at Tack"- Visits Cana6- Arsiting Canada for the iltirpeie 7 of °Mending at, the opening of the Canadian National Exhibi- tIon and presiding 'over 'the 5th biennial confereace Of the British Empire "Service League, Adinirif of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe; hero of Jut- land, former Governor-General of • New Zealand and friend d ox -ser- vice men the world over, arrived at Oaten OM Saturday, August 22nd, on board the Canadian Pacific Mier; '.Duchess of "f ork." The accoin- . peaYing picture' Shows the famous British 'sailor on the ahip's fixing bridge, ea he took the salute Of twe warships in Quebec harbor, Which "dressed ship" and cheered their fernier: ehiefa toLthe echo. Thus, Canada's great gateway; "Hell -fire Sadk" found the plaudits Pot his_ own beloved navy added to those of the public, of Cattada, rhils R shore battery boogied out a 19-guti salute and a guard of honor of 'Canadian infantry mitcp, • Ped dirough the motions of "pre- sent arras," as he set fOot on the DoMinian's soil. His •,Catiadian punctuated by a number of public "appearances, is being fol' - lowed lowed with the greatest attention, both by veterans mar by the peo- ple a Whole aamaamapaoralt, • ST.7111ELE1':S7-- D901 forget St.,: Sehaol" Fair, Monday. -September 21.t.'.•, • Mr. Angua McDOnald, gr. and Dun- _ean_IVIeDentild__callena friends' on Monday. - 11 • Try Our REPAIR DEPARTMENT foif.Satisfactary Work PP. sPeakei at both services will b& Misa McKeazie of Stratford, u missiepary home on failoisgh from South Africa. Special music will also be supplied for this anniversery. occasiOn. - - noon -wow WHITECHURCH . Mr. and 'Mrs..' Arthur }Ioilaiid» and ,hildrea of -Kitchener,. Spent- Sunday with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. Geo. lVfr. and Mrs.'Hetherington :of, Mei... spent__Sutiday .wita Mr. and Mrs. -.Robert MOSS, ' • , 7 ,.'Miss' GradyS Garton, . eurie-in- training at the: .Ontario hospital; London, returned there" after Spend- inher holidays it her home here. • Mr. and Mre. Coulter,and ,danghters'; •Misses jean and Fiche, also 'Mrs. John Craig, Jr.; spent Sun- day at Auburn with relatives, there. Mr. Wm. lleadersen of, Lac:knew la engaged as teacher 'for S. S. No. 10.' Mr: and Mrs AleX-Butteiend . ily spent the hOliday with her parent Mr. and Mrs. Dea -McInnes.' • Miss Adaio Ross returned to Tor- ante---lita 'Week lifter -safen-diag her holidays With her parents, Mr. and* Mrs. Malcolm Ross. • ' • Mr.:and-71Virs. Clair i-•njid--fat'iil'te-of- Torento, and'alliss Green of London, are arisiting. with Mr. Robert Simp- son. • Mrs: lerr of Thessalon, and Mrs. Th,os,',IVIclainald Of La -allow visited - one , day that week with .Mr.. Alex WS.' Charles ,Ccingram tied sea, • Clifford 'Silent Wednesday with Mrs.. Charles 'Miss Isabelle. Jainieeon, 'Of Para* Mount :spent a .feW days recently with- her, aunt' Mra..116ward Harris. „. • , • 'MissSadie. Johnston R. N. of Lack, now is. attending 'Mrs. 1.H. :ACkert at preient. ' • • • Mr. and Mrs. Wm..:Eadie, Darla andLorne spent Sunday with,' Mrs1 Sadie's. mother, Mrs. -Culbert Of the' -10th-,-,..ten • • _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Brace, Palmer, Vera -Or-Me and7G-e-ialvisf---Detrait;-Mias -Margaret Pelmet , andl,Mr,. Amos' Palmer, 'Mr. and MrS.:E..A. Palmer, Minenk, Charlie and Billie . Of Kin-. Taidine spent--Siaidarat-7.the--nome-tat .Thos. Harris. "Mr.. Abner Ackert niotore'd, • to 'London on Monday. She 'was 'accorn- Panied, i)y Mise •Gaiendoan an_dallasa• ter jack Ackert also Mrs. Ralph ,,E1 - Hat, and.' Mr.„ Canteen Pollock Of Huron. • • ••• 'Mrs.- Wm: Ellicott of Harrill spending. a few days Woth her daugh- ter, Mrs. 'Abner, Aekerta., Rev. P. ,11, Ackert and, fetidly' - Dr.:Alvin :Weed of Hamilton was a visitor at the home of his Mother. Mrs.,B. J. Woods over the week -end. Kra. GeO. MellOberts Wait the angst or her sister-in-law, Mrs. McIntyre; Dungannen: •" • Mr. John MeQuillin took in the' C. N. E. last *eek. . Mr. Harold' Hyde; Ronald and Ailan Ci.anstOn of Strathroy, visited here over, the ' Olds -and little - ion of Detroit, Were 'visitors with Mr. and- Mrs. W. A.' Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blue and children of Detroit' spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson: •• kre. W..1. Humphrey' was a visi.: tor with; her sister, Mrs. Fox of Whitechurch, last Week. . „Miss Lila. Gaunt of Welland spent the- holiday with''her Mother,- Mrs. Gaunt. 'Mr. "and Mrs: John-- -Mowbray of New 'Hamburg and -Mr. and Mrs. John Durnin of ,Morristoe, were vis- itors at' the home of the ladiee' moth- er, Mrs.: Chas. Darnin, Sr. ' Mrs. T. Webster, Mr. and'Mts. Gus Mallett and son. Charles of Detroit, were holiday visitors with, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dernin. ' Mrs. Eddie Fear, Mrs. o. Sturdy and ,IVIrs. Hill of Auburn, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs,. Earl Miss Mary McGreg6r of Philadel- phia unit Dr. P. J. and Mrs. McGregei• of Lawrenceville, and MO. Jack Mulvey of Belmore, were the guests o MK and Mrs. Geo.. Steart. The Harris 'Mission Band Will meet at the Manse on 'Sat., Sept. 12th, at 2.30 After the meeting they _will hold a recreation, hour on the lawn, Lunch served.. An invitation is exten- ded to all' the children of the congre- gation. • . Mra.„Gordona MelniYie as in '-'For. onto tor a few days. . Mi. J•no. Greenan of 107 Sandwich; their son C; E. Greenan and, oatighter Stella and s'on-in-law and daughter, Mr; and Mrs. Murray visited with St. Helens friends. It Is '51 years since Mr. Greenan left this vicinity and it was a. pleasure .for him to meet Mid renew 'old school' assoeiates and friend's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foran and family of Detiettf_spent the Week -end with Mr: and Mts. W, J. Foram. Mate .Mary Foran arrived hotwe from TOronto, where She was the guest of Mr. and 'MrS. Cronin and at- tended the, C. NE.-" SALE. OF 'LANDS , 'ARREARS; OF .TAXES.. Notice is hereby given as directed :.by. -the :Assessment Aet,....R.S.O...19,21-2 • Chapter 238 Sec. 152 S.Si, 1, that a • Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes ton, on Friday, Sept.:U.)0'er 25th, 1931 at •me ,office. in the County ,Buildings, at -the -hour 'ften -0"-cloch there Will be • offered , for sale fr), , Public Aection, unless the Taxes and Charges are sooner paid, the follow- ing described lands in the the, - of Kinloss. •. • • Whitechurch Plen, 225 10 Patented 1 , 45.82 4.0 49:82 Thomas' Sturdy. • ' ' A" complete" list of lands" in the County. to 1::T said :for Arrears of (area is . published in: the Ontario Mizette in itelesues Of June 20th, - duly 4th-andallth.:a...etoPy--of said list mita, be obtained on applica- ' tion to the undersigned. If it be; neeessary. to hold an Adjourned sale it will -be. held Mi • grklaarraDetah.: above named place and hour. A. Nelson. Treaaprer Comity of 'Bracer Mr.. and Mrs. 3ames . and family Of Ailifield, visited last fri- daY with Mr. George :arid Miss Mr., and -Mrs. Malcolm Ross and Mies Olive Terrid spent 'view days last week in Toronto and attended aialled-ma-the--fortnerls-Linother,-Mra-the-wedcling of th'eir daughter and H.-Pkert Off Mon -day; W.e are glad' to .report that Mrs. Ackert is proving . . ' -.-Robert_ McDonald spent the witek-end at hie here: • ,Don't forget HolYrood School' Fair Wednesday, September 16th.. . , • , • ..4-• ' IVIORTGAGE SALE 'OF __VALII.A.BLE_EARM PROPERT.Y UNDER and 'be virtue of the pew- ers 'contained in a certain Mortgage . . which' will be .piOduced at the time of Sale, there: be Offered for sale by 'Public auction, on Saturday, 'Sept;': 26th, A.p., 1931; at the hOur.of 2.0 o'clock in theaftern000n; at Welling- ton Henderson's -00,4e 'the'Vil- lage. of Lueknow, the following -pro- perty, namely, All and aingular' that certain parcel or traet of land 'Mid premises situate, lying -and heing in TCOEibtv lif--11-arcon aiid -Piriaince " Oritario , and behig comPosed of the North half of the West half of, Lot number One in the ..Foigaeep,W_Son•-.„ ENGAGEMENT ANNOU- ED Mr. and Mrs. W. J.'Taylor 6 Stan- ley, township-eanionnee-the-eagage- ment of their second 'daughter ,Ruby Irene, to Mr. Watson Robert Webster tineofid Son Of Mi. and Mrs. R. D. Webster, of Varna, the marriage, to take place ill 8eptember. •14 • 1 --ASHFIELD NOTIES -1/Irs.• Topp of 'Toronto 'motored- up to spend Friday with' her brother, C. E. McDonagh ,and returned Sattirday morning: ',Miss Della Gilmore 'spent Sunday. at her home 'here. • , Mrs. Leslie_Ritchie and Alvin spent the' vveekaend with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Barboar of Goderich. Mt. and Mrs. Elmer 'Fairish of Aubarn, were guesta at Mr., McDon agh's,, Sunday afterneOn. • Messrs. Geo. and Thcanaa_Menalan: of Walkerton aisited at. R. h. more's, Sunday evening. • A very pleasant surprise was giv- en Mr. and Mrs, C. E. McDonagh last Friday evening when a 'number -Of their friends gathered in to celebrate the .25th anniversary of their aner- ..riagre.. Dand Mrs. Barnby 'of Grimsby motoredup last 'week to take their children home who have spent the vacation • with their 'grandparents. Mr. Dave McLean of Chicago vis- ited' his brothers here 'for a' fe* days. Mr. and Mrs. D., A.: 1VIeLennan of, Lochalsh attended the exhibition for a few days last week. . ' r• • ZION Messrs. Roden, William. and Walter Ritchie and 'Mr., Ted 'Montrose of 'Waterville, spent the holiday with Mr. las. and Charles Ritchie, • Mr. and' Mrs; Edger "Ritellie; and Mrs. Earnest Gardner, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs;, Sam Gibson, Laurier. Mr. Alfred Andre* was home from Stratford, -Sunday, and Monday. Mr. Harvey Webster, who has been working With the Coastruction Co: of St. ThoLT.:uns has 4tutned battle fth• the winter. ,• • Mr and Mrq Mos 'Helm and dee., aa• ' " • • ghter of St.: Thomas.. spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Helm, -the.' latter's' 'Miter,- Miss. -Kathleen - Terrill, who was married on Satur- day. " A Weddiag reception was 'held at the home of Mr. -and "Mrs. 'Malcoli Ross. on Wednesday evening of this; week in honor ottlieir daughter, Mist Kathleen. -Terriff, who 'Was married last Saturday in Toronto to Rev: Mr. Cox. , • GODERICII FAIR NEXT .wrgh!t .Goderich fair, September 15 and:' 16, presents on Wednesday afternoon a program of five races -2.25 trot or ,imee, 2.15 tint or pace, relay running race, open run, and three Yearrold colt race, for. good puries. Hen. T:' L. Kennedy, Ontario Minister of Ag- riculture, Opens the 'fair 6n Tuesday evening. . FOURTH CON.,.KINLQS5 Mrs..Wm.,Rabb visited last week aith friends, on the Fourth; Mears. Angus McKay and Adam. McQueen attended the C.N.E: last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rain, ,Christena and linet, of London, are spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. R Bath. Miss. Mary McIntyre,', nerse-in- treating in Toronto, is•Pspending two weelss with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McIntyre. Mi.': Clair McDot#I, Naas- un from Toronto over the i weekrend: ' , • Mr.' and Mrs.- A, Cameron. of De - haat; are visiting with- the lattier'a. 'mother, Mrs: J. MeMarchy. . Mrs. A. McLeod of London'spena ding few days with Miss Annie Mc- Leod. • Mr. It: .Middleton spent last week with friends in'TOronto.-atid Oakville. A number from, here attended the iTeeption, for Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Rut - Lie in the Town Hall, Ripley, on Fri- day night. ,Mr. Mat Inglis-. it busy these days threshing' oh the Fourth. Guests this Week•avithaiirst A. Me* Donald ' were Mr. andiMrs. Godfrey, o Rotheater, Mr. and IMr's. Jaa. Net- terteld. and Son' Harold of Toronto, and lilts. G. Ferris And Children, Ripley. • Mrs, McDonald of Ripley,. sphnt a day last week; with Mrs. W. McKentie. ' •o• cesttion, Western Division Of the said Township of Ashfield containing fifty acres of land more or less. On the said premises there • are',; Said to be ---Frame Mime on stone foundation, 18' x 24', three acrea hardwood buil". The farm is Situated •" on County Road, one mil-Cfr-Orn school and five mile' from markets. . .TERMSTee."per grit of. the law. • - - 'chase money to be paid xlewn at the time of sale and the balance to be paid within thirty days. For, further"'particulars and con- ditions of sale apple to the. under- signed. •• DATED at Wingham, this 'fourth day of September A.D. 1931. •', - WELLINGTON HENDERSON, Atm J. W. BUSIIFIELD, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. • • • (.•24-9-c.) - : IWORTGA'WE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY . Under and by .virtue ,of the powers contained in a certain.'Mortgage, whith will be ,produced it the ,time , of sale, there will be offered for sale, by • Public Auction, by Wellington 'Henderson, Auctioneer, at the FORD GARAGE 'in the Village of Lucknow, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, A. D: 1931, • at the. littur of 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the following pro-", perty:- ' 1. " • "•‘-a-,..adr" •0'. ALL AND SINGULAR those cot - tam l parcels, or traets of land and premises ditifate; lying and being ' iti , the Township of Wawanosh in 'the County of Huron.and Province ...of Ontario and being cemposed of the ' South half of the South half of Lot Number Twenty-two and*, the South. half of .Let Number Twenty-three • both in the •Sixth' concession, western division, of the aforesaid Township • . of Wavitinosh,•- containing ,together One hundred mid fifty acres, More or'. ' There is' said to be a small farm , house and a good barn 50x56 on the ' proPerty. _ TERMS • Ten per cent. of the purchase money , to be paid down at the time of sale. balance ?to be .paid within two weeks thereafter, unless special, terms of credit are arranged. for. on the day of sale. Sale will be. subjeet to a .re- serve bid, and to Conditions of Sale which will be produced at the 'time rEodli.:taisiolnr-ise.fo.ufitshaelre-appaplyieutioar.-87nd-eoil Thomas S. Reid, Boa 675, thillia, Ont. Dated *at Orillia; • August "22ruli• A.D. • Mortgagee. . (17-9,-e) . • V"-