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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-10, Page 7
• Maternity Nurse Gives Advice 1 LAA rich in .13ocly 13uzldhig \7'tamins'. Win Honors af" Fair .�t _..n,8.... ,v / Yxvyd - ,;y.gw,.<,2+.:>a>.:.yr,:.:•'., %:•ca,•:;::: �:<.Sister . :4v:,.../ �! 1' •.; tri$ i Ji'lf :i� •x. •i••:!Grifi :..'fA::ih r•Y'•y.%:<::::•�: ;''' , . � •r,.'::Si'•:'•.':i :4::t-,....... .fi°r�. ':% :'!Y -oar � .:,.c.;..: �•<��>' �'<��.x-n�4� �.. Couxasel to .�a Young. SISI %:•.:::4i4, •4:•44;::; •..::::..,>:: : - e.•� Carr our head u proudg , ��: - ' d d1®� ®�® d y Y .p. 'and hi h 'Percheron' filly, bred :by Canadian Pacific .R•y.' expetinientai farm' at Thinking no' goal unworthy of a try. Tilley; Alta, which Wa "reserve grand•' champ ori ^at>recent'=eutamer exhib'i- Pa'tteru. your life more.' from the tion : at. Regina: • • �t:gs.'I preach h- ---- - khan• from the ilei• any poor, ex- but they ire awfully` fl; g�hty, and hard ' aniples' .teach . , ° +' o fided: ecide vs^hich. .ath etur'togs 'e ou'ld O l Lt� c .S keep, sher n i� p, y h ,� w • righlrly takes' '` M EO t' A tli h •it seem s'" .aur. tender �gists; a '1- W ndN •ug y colo costs . 0.Z .refuse' to serif •m. rytoo >t�;rid"uatrd� la Vim,: „ <, l t re . 'heart` break: . •*r , .. . . . '• � �'ie 'e li:oasteil' Windy WO; .:tif'. �l?ea�.• • u'tvrrtizt '�.>ks. • . a ''r g .,,, .. y .Wha.�`are Yo _g,• • '. • ' Ridge, ' "because" ,atter ail, education "A joke,"" said Miss . Dove, . Falter "not, onee,� `.but `keep eyes" ._ T . ou.gh'.Depths of, the cc' Cap 'Have. Been Sounded,'a Vast' will not'take the.placeof a husband." "oh," 'said Lizzie; „ .., 'r �', straight ahead- r s tiiikIlOWn _. +'Give him. my love." woman is ii—art tf rose-tl►ofns m'ako Softly the.:leaves--on -thel,trees talked ' _ L : her :bed.' ei 'Fixing the depth of the Greenland' •would he•e•�l and erust,.:more sott^:Snow together. ,Glenna -"Mama woe' right when she Should .moments come with powerless c ce at 8 8ti0 feet as the German Earlq fall fashions a d 'whirs cautioned me about y g y , ness rife, =" r =and here I'va Think:' "These•,are but the lesser .oyes in• life" ; , And if thy 'vestal reason 'chance• to .swoon, ,, Remember! .There's a rnan ,up in the, rt- • 232 ;tieO%CI MI Re�L&\ Ota� e Made:. in Canada by;tbe lv akersc f Velviceta and Kraft Salad Dressing ie p , sclentific group recently did by sonic depth eoundings,.has solved a 'puzzle which% has' . ':perplexed investigators since•. the earliest days of -Arctic es= ploratton, wrften Rnasell Owen, in th'e N Y. Times Greenland `has turned out and then again. a .crust, and then two n their marrying 'our" or three feet down; snow eo hard that theme, I Treddy Im . ser ,y . the sticks would .not peitetrate it. And "Paint us, Jack Frost, in the_latest and. been thinking she never considered. at times, near' rocky peaks 'close to the gayest, I' pfy happiness." • rim' of the inland lee, •email lakes form The tints of the .sunset's red gleam. l f , -run:._ :Egon- __ii .. blit- Center i11 + ,' out at Each goldenrod yellow her w , I • Night Club Sport (staggerrug on top of the icy cap; •and streams fro, mthe d ie into ice ' Holy fillip vvhat.'he that own crew ee or'. o :bring, 2 a,m.)- Hoy .4 , , to'•be a rim of inountaina encircling a wells, deep cavitis . bite:which the c. l3 ftMatchless •brown and orange 'take;sange smell around here" : Surrender not on earth, but kiwis, full, _ .-• , f 'from the, butterfly's Wing,"- =Doorman (courteously)- T. -t,:sir, . . well ha survival otibe'Ice Age +relativ relatively close, thunderous echoing roar. est with But we need' not • all be alike, they fs fresh air." He -is fbe only ,man who 'will not tell. to civilization. ,. But although the interior of Green-`: ogrEe, so -Eleanore'. Austin, in the,. New York 'Phe • know'n geology of Gregnlandy� land is, merely a huge le.:cap, a pre- Each chooses a color; .some two • or Sun. has always •been meager, eels natural historic remnant preserved by fertile- , 'three.; •1.' • DaYbre8lc In .a CsBCdCn - _ ate chance, there are some "things in . andround the orchard they + I heard the farm cocks crowing, loud, .,in a Country. Cif which only °tie -sixth. Bound u The worms • snside chestnuts are i is a mach the bare and•, s.coriated mostutains, .of dapced; '.,sghe,n - Jack..Fr_0 t the'I •.., and faint, and. thin, eggs laid itl' la sot coverdd by. ce. It . . • larger land than 1s usually realized, ,the, coast 'which are of value. • • ,beauty of. each •'d enhanced. •• When Bonded nightwas•going' and ene'•hateblosso the nuts from gg + • The most important . mineral . in clear planet winked: ' the blossom- by beetles' • N f it a ea'of 827 000 square ' I heard shrill notes begin' down. the 'aired• weed' distinct, p r covers an r •. •miles; aa, big -as •.France,. ,Germany, Greenland, 'however, le .cryolite ' the They calla sailing vessel "she;" net. Spain, =Polan'd, England • and Hungary mine at Ivfgtut Is not only one oP' the 'because her rigging. le so expensive, g i most: northerlymines'in the world - but + When cloudy shoals were chinked and put 'together,• but because alis makes best show th n'part tli moun.tafns ,also .tike only place at which cryollte 'ing In the. wind. There may not be gilt with fires of day,. In its son et- e + occurs -in .commercial quantity. The White -misted .was the wea'ld; ' the, rise'irom the sea and 'fold after fold much in.a name„but some .antes have a milesfold royalties • :on'•it go far' to pay the ea •aa. wfuI_lot_oi�names in them:_It'ti �; _, lawns were silver-grey;. of -'them 'extends ---back m ny-••' -h d e w y ' 14 "ice which, would not melt to fortunate Lor the a�,eragR n' :.n that he_ .. had' forsaken, • heaven cd• tar inland „ doesnt know, hall•the things he would And the wind upon its 'way' whispered • snack of government The Esklmoa The lark • ht's lonely. -field for til the are overwhelm ,cal ed ft by the 'ice cap. But further north"thei Summer. It is mina. ii, an open pit ed Inland ice pushes out more .arid more' shy is >? h. p right "oft. the edge of fjord, ,and. en- the kindnfolks pay ofd have printed ' , the boughs of May, u tl it uecem�d-1-ffieu-lt•-to--tell-eFhEure� - , � nt -l-- ..�.-,.pare. s e -en, y -ts su+ lie-n;t'�a'� �o--can't-^recali=ever-° av ngm ear a - - i and where for many nitres Che entire, metallurgy of alumsntem. =Siegfried Sassoon,"in •` a ecte coast line i is ice, the mountains are- her words .could '•be, understood; but will never be Poems:' "'alaeler 1'ca ends and : seance beg nsT . g 'indefinitely, Reis 'used lar �prano singinieeli asuch--a-way that•• oars to bid -them. waken. • completel hidden' beneath' the white!, Greenland w 1 probably then, we .never rememwer feeling that y+ expleited' commercially, not only tie it made much difference. Even if:you • r,. Brut~_ �Duringernes-o.L.ita..ore._ de.. � ' • t, the great Ice Age all of calla° of the meag s d-can't-tellTO SUIT' YOUR TASTE Northern Euro 'e and also .Canada. and a mother and ,her daughter, posits, but also because .of,:its climate apart nowadays there is little that ;yo.u, • Special. chair. .,covers, tablecloth's, the Northerte nited. States were cow- •. ered with a: vast . shield of ice, which and the' desire of the Danish 'Govern- can't tell • them, together. The more and . other .draperies have been • de•. ':.. has' left its traces. alt over- the` land.^li1 meet to, keep out alt influences which. ignorant she is .01 everything else, the viaed •by. French manufacturers se: • will harm the :eatty.'es. It will remain ,p on domestic that travellers 'may ,alter their train. Greenland this shield remains, held 'in however, ono of . the greatest stelae, ,affairs of everybody In the neighbor- or •streamer accost modation to "their better posted a gossi by th$ mountain rim: spots 'in the • world, and of continual own'. taste. • It was not always a cold country; hood. f interests to cientists•.•e---- in fact, it was• probably , semi -tropical, ;. • Reynolds -"Worry keeps me thin."' 'Horseless , v.eiicles should be run' at one fossils sc » Jenkins- "Joke, what on earth. have with horse'sense: • nun 'es�, c IS In. i .A dye rt . s d la� 6 _ i; 1 iMALE BELP' Wh.NTEa �ADIES;. WANTED TO- DQ I.Gfif ' q sewing at hvirlg good pay R of 1 sent, charges paid Stamp •for parts+ u '1,ares, l�atipnal .<iiac�iutacturingi Co.; Mon• - treat. - , . L' BS RF.IAJTS,,., Lk''OR V> 1.%W . s1.ou. . A. • McCreery Co •• Chathau , nntario + ' • Love Thai shish is to.be loved long; must ' be loved , , With reason• rather than with- pas- - sign, -Dr. Johnson. LOSS OF, 'TIME Let him who: regrets''.the, loss . of time' make prosier use. of that Which is :, to Kennedy Menton 421 Settee., 'Ste: Toronto Harley.Lavidson +Distributor' Write at once for our bargain'�•tist of used motorcycles.' Terme, arranged. BITES Insect, snake, er animal the best treatment- it plenty of•Mrnard'i at once.Ic CO- !oothea, heals and.Icieanees. !iaws.eut fho paision,l'; time,forf ils indicating that • have been Mound, :and it has coal beds New Head �o1 M h which supply the local inhabitants. You got to worry. p, ry . Ottawa. :After forty-fiye� years in, Reynolds -I worry about getting The mountains, it least in the north,, the service 'Colonel' Cortlandt tarns stout." • were much higher thin they are now has retired from the command of the ' -A Chain lgff-Islands Royal Canadian. Mounted Police, .form- . barber-' Your hair is very dry and These mountains extend westward city known as the Royal Northwest harsh sir.” �o eee.tward-thsy MQuntsd FIe-is a mated a acuate -11 Voice=t?Ltlture Expert--'-'-So-is you -.Pee With the rank of Major General; and I` ' run as a submarine ridge across• tovoice, but I didn't like to mention pit." Spitsbergen and then down through goes into private life with a dlstin Bear Island to the north of. Norwayd. guisherl record.of service in a unit Hood -"I went to a spiritualist dyes- whicli has a unique tradition terday." and form the Scandinavian chain Colonel Starnes 'is succeeded as which , continues through Scotland. So' Chief Commissioner bccy , ucGen. J. the upper part of Greenland is linked H. 1VIacBrien, a veteran of the South geolegically . to Europe. But all African war and the World War, around the. .edge• of the island the former chief of the' General Staff, mountains rise majestically from' the Canadian 'Department of National De - sea, not always of great height, . but fence, and still' later president of the -•--coming-•as-they-•do•-diirectly. _from sea Aviation zeague' 'cif- . level they arfinost, beautiful and im- The, retired Commissioner joined. posing. Fold after fold they pass back 'the force) in 1886 as an inspector, and into the interior until the ice swa•llows, advanced on merit through all, the . them, and tiny peaks, the'topspoz large ranks to ,the chief coir►mand. He had "mountains; peep through. the crust as o began to take him as an after-dinner' small snow hills or nunataks:. F'lnally, personal acquaintance with all phases\l mint. • • o,f the multiplex ditties of the mount-, The folio they also disappear and eler the level ed police. They patrol the interna- wing item is taken from a Ice iseeftbefore� the traveler. tional• frontier, keep peace and order Wft'en the Ice Age came on' the land regent issue of The Corpus Christi, I in .the vast 'sub -Arctic region, . and Texas, Cotler -Times: a' 'little avow collected !.'these inland' maintain posts on the shores o1 Hud- "Harrell's Business School, in ..the valleys and did not melt. It was add• son Bay, in the Yukon, on Herschell • Furman Bufldin ed to year by year until the valleys'g; annouiiee the• birth _. Slittd nd_.the_, snoyW _.overflowed Che nzie of a daughter, Carolyn, Friday, Fehr- I � Island off. the mouth of .the=Macke lower peaks. ljnd`er ijreasure ICU- R'iv'en- and on- some_ of '• the .Arctic• fat•.:Hilary 1gth," - w -'- came ice and then linked outivardoi lands : They ' represent Canadian , This column thanks I•I.. S. 'of Corpus through the fjords, making the gla-i authority among thele native Eskimos Chrtstf°for 'this pert item. dere, of which there are 200 in Green'. and their record in the prevention and ' the detection of criminals has made A young girl from Brushville says land. them famous throughout the world. 'she hates to move away from ,her. ."Only the man who has traveled for weeks day after.• day along the inland home town and lode the reward of all Ice without geeing land can 'rightly, ' ' The Two Roads , her hard an .she has done on her i boy friends. 'They're not hard to' get, appreciate the nature of the Ice, Then he was young .and days were Period," sale Koch. !!The first thing' 'full and bright, which imbres'ses. one is the enormous Ii, , came through every•kinde•o'f youth- d'ptte'nstons with which one, mist reek• " Int fight•°^ ' rn.'••iThe landscapes, whiclt with their) By winning well. big fjords and huge mountains seem. No - leg sword his matiy friends eo large from the seri, note lie• far bei „old spook, , • neath the spectator as narrow. rims of Bnt .someone came and whispered he land, .'quickly disa,ppoar•in , to give was Week, room for a perfectly even seek plain, • And so he fell.' A .journey across this froth north to '. south would be as long as from Cop Whe+• .he' was frail and ,bled by sor- enhagen to the Sahara., and during 'this `, row's pain journey the,landscaise would not alter And sl'itnned the fight and -would not for -a single instant: ' Nowhere would' face again • one see land; infinite as the sea lies! A hill so .long, •• .: the snow field, and life is represepteci There came a voice, as if from hope- I neither by ,animal nor plant: ' EvenI fess grave, the Sahara • has its oases, between Tltet colied him str'+ng',and'said •that-,. •which'Mel' And., animals 'more. about, be,was,brave, but here Is nothing but sn'bw--his is Ancl he was strong. to Songs of a Com- .. the' region an earth mclst inimical t '�.,.Cairal' l3rac11ey, in So ,g life.",K inercial, Traveller. What the Snow Shield Shows,-' .oHappirress •e' An examination of this snow, shield Me may safely calf that .fan happy Showa .curious stratification; for evert svho, tmay sa- lowly th. tos an h andy at such an elevation and Attitude' th©I limited . his possession's, can always sail is hot enotttt fir tee niiticile of tit© lUtu.1pe te or more than be bete•and feel Sumtner, to melt Partially the surface, 'that,e�:ery moment of °atertlon tends whl'ch, immediately freerc's' ligan, _- to.,_rdaliz©'his iv Pitation Crof Stan- ' 'forming a crust. Ntnsen"fzirtttd=thlt ley Jevons: . undef sofa newly fallen snow 'there 'ankboner-"Any good?" • Hood -"Oh, just medium." Visitor4-"We11,,Joe, how do you. like your new little sister?" . • Joe -"Oh, she's all right, Iguess; but thele are •lots of things we needed worse." • To coin a phrase: Richard Rich paid the bill so: often the young 'folks. all 1 Childreo love it THE danclou llevorolsordee'e • -II Chocolat, Malted Wag maker an Inetistibie atopeel; to vena- tion. Itt wonderfully good Foe • e mi toe. 1114001es enerav, pent on work or play and boltdt thong Ought • Mule bodies. • em ig No. 36- —'`31 At First, Si'gn's of Pimples Use. CUTICUI-A Anoint with tbe Ointment. After '^ five-iometer=bathe with the -Soap.= Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. and 50c. FOR CONSTIPATION • FeathiIft OPPRII'. GUARD THE, HEALTH .OF THE- FAMILY Eddy's soft, absorbent Tissues are ' hy- gienically safe because they are thoroughly_ sterilized by a•• processthat removes all impurities and harmful irritants. • 1, 4. 'WHITE SWAN" Atm o w y white Sterilize& Tissue. in wrep- ped,dustproof, Rails of 750 sheets-. Also trade in "RECESS ' size to fit modern built-in fixtures;", , "DREADNOUGHT" A big • value Eddy line. Seven Oundle of Ster'Pized creped tissue in every roil. -. "NAVY" A full weight .R'ell of Sterilized, quafity Tissue -700` sheets of soft, safe, sanitary paper.' �' ISSU°E THE E: B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED, HULL, CANADA Manufacturers ofd Wide .Range of Quality Papers, for Commercial, Professional and Domestic Purposes. ^,) , _ ,at •Il ..1;" Sit. WORRIED NOIR HER WEIGHT "I started taking Kruschen Salts a month 'ago. • I have' lost 5 pounds in weight, and I feel as if 'I have' lost 50 lbs. , I am fult.of vigor, whereas before I was worriedbout my condi- tion, as I•was listless and worried over ettte things. But I am thankful to. say that, were my troubles doubled, fl they would' not' worry ire to -day--+ . thanks, to Kruschen. "-Miss til: • P. 11.ere' tlte-rceipe_that-banishes fat ----- take ' •one-half teaspoon of Kruschen • Salts In a. glass' ,of hot water . before , breakfast.. ' - Be sure and do this every morning, for " It's the `daily- dose that takes• off the fat." -Dont miss a morning. Krusehen daily, means that every particle of ' poisonous waste matter. and harmful acids and gases are expelled from . the .system. Modify your diet, and take g• ntle exercise. Tile stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are tuned up,.and the pure, - freshltlooreentaiij ng these silt Salts is;' carried to every,part'of the body,and this is followed by that Krus en. feeling" of energetic health' and' activity that is reflected in bright eyes, clear skin, • cheerful vivacity and, ' charming figure. • 1AM a maternity nurse.. in rsiy ' , 4?nd j'ear I used to h-ve•a sick ••spell eireryt,two weeks. 'A womat► algvays Se•el to have 'some derangements at (.'+.robe of Life. . "The Vegetable 'Compound helpi'1 rite so' much that L recoin- - Mend • t td mothers and young girls as Well as older women.' Mr's: Eugene St. Germain, 1604• Glad. stone Ave., Cote Sr. Paul, Montreal, Quebec. If you•have any weakness or pain, • try Lydia L?: Pinkham's Vegetable Contp'ound. It bas benefited 9$ out of every tut) who have used it.. • 4