HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-10, Page 4""'"44,11-irk.•,,tramr, • .' • 1,41/4",Noo. , , ".t ".",;••• . • . 4to • • molt. row . • . , • • I . • , r v., • .4,...,044 ,• • • .. • "77w' MBRCHA The FARIV1:. The •`- • •%1"ir.:;01's • „ 141,••• 2. • • • A THE N OW SENTINEL • ' / 7 • 4 (T . • 4.% 17 •••• • • . "141 • , • . ‘, b„ I 'kris • • A . , .... / ''''' • ..4-,<4.7 1.: Tholii.; .Y• kfi. • Pttiztiovitiouift ' .y, '''O• •••••••11.„ik •9", . • • . egtk, • '" ^.1 ‘„:t • • Ali, • .11 • • • °Am THURSVAY, SEPTEMBER 10, OW ^ . THE 1-AUCKNOW SENTIN.J!„.1: Published' every Thu rsclay morning at Lucknow, 'Ontario. A. D. MacKenzie, Proprietor' and Editor. • iltURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1031 1.31.1X appreciating the ieisbnal - 1.credit needs of merchants and farm- ers, the IlaTnIco-FMontreal--is-alWays ready to 'discuss with . customers the matter of temporaryloans for bud- s „ /2 neck puirPgses- , • The facilities of this Bank are. cordially `placed at your dis- posal. To each and every customer we endeavour to give. considerate and individual attention. ,t' • Z"!..• • • -tk . • ;71^. . . • • i; • • . • • • ''• ,• E, 18i7 , TOTAL ASBETS EXCTAB OF"$76,000,069 liucicnow -Bruch--C. L. cl,BPILEt Manager' _Apple AropliVrOlt • Will Be Best In Years If all, the No. 1 tipples: which are ; , • Saleable•-are•••pieleend-Packed,-Sdine_. 50,000 bairebi of 'apples, will go ant Huron.County this year; 'according . • Fin• ally Suceecis_ • . (Seafarth Expositor) And': George Young has. Welt." 'ast week .he. won the swim:, Ming marathon .t the -.Catiadian'; Na- tional Exhibition and. thus gives. the !black,, eye to thaeWhe bav'e,,Auring the ,-ast few yeare',calling beenint bad names .^ We 'are glad he did.. He gertainly, seemed to 5milte-a Paer.fist of tying swim the-past-few-years5 sand( there were, those who thought, Mental Health' By D. M. LeBOURDAIS 134""rN•tion:IIX44"Committed fEdueot Mstimentil. HCanrsiat" PRESENT-DAY' SEX IDEA RELICS OF BYGONE AGES Object IN Mental Hygiene is to Bring Abok. a More Honest 'Facing of Sex Problems. . , CREWE. 5 Mr, and Mrs. Itaynnind Finnigaii visited the latter% mother on. Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Alton spent Thursday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. D. McWhinney. . ,•'.Mrs. Kenny .0o.mpbell. and children bf',Detroit who :bass been visiting • friends. far' the lost month returned. Some on Sunday. accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. Menary. Miss Alma Blake was home frOnt Toronto for the week -end, • • • .MSwan,rSMrs. Geo.. Sr., •ylsited Clinton friends on Sunday. • ; . Dr. and Mrs. Herb' Wanda of 'Pe - :reit, Mr& Matt.. Woods and daughter . Luclinew,, visited 1Wrii,'"Wira. Dur - The desire for self.preaervetion and the urge; for, reproductipn 'are lbe.twe primary •instincti. They are .41,e tvell-springs. Irma -which ft*' the, 'arias and the sciene.;. to. one' 4rothem, of' them can be' traced every 'phase, of .,our are also me ponSibie,..1Or • Most.. of • the'•.ilit• Wh/Ch• aflht our • • •liatura1147,•3U8-4eopk, gether n communities it.1•Wi'..neces-. ,he .did :net 1"try," -that , he lost heart.'.sarY,• in the interest of the Continua - as soon as he'be-g•-arettr,-thhilt-he--wauld regulate.' these •••-•irratipctiv-r• fiavte to work .' for -a vigtory, But iriveS; Laws, rules, regulations, 'grout up. Often' these , were ...trained, to-:•inee:, temporary'. or .local 'needs, but later iecoming enihatued in tradition, hiive continued in effect:long after. the may be that those ;ether years was 'in `poor physical capdition This, year there was nQ sign of any ;yak. ening. He Soon set the pace andiseern, ed to have no difficulty in holding it original reason. had Pissed. Many, He is to be cengratulated, 'but he will sad no logical foundation at ell, but hardly need our congratulationt..ke arose out of .superstition and igrior Will be acclaimed erimagh arid many ance. In this eategory are some of of those .whiitMot-st-op--to-call-birn--our•--present.day sex ideas.' " "yellow" when .he faileclIniaYTbe the •first to shout- for him no* that, the has won. One, of the. things 5whieh George :Traing must, bave learned . • . 0S'4'. family, on -$6nday, Mr.' 'arid .51rs:' Bert • Trelettien,„ °•(1 NI• anuly, itr. an rs., Wilfred, 5. • • •iati".•and family sent; SaturdaY • nmg velth, Mr•,,,.."ind,14ra,,:'Alex Reek, Who • celebrated : L• lfth anniversary of their wedding: • 'ittr Arld4,551VIrsrboinpson and The whole Suhjegt of sex IS shot through, with tabeas. While, such n ot inherent in the principles of Christianity; the, Christian. Church since his fist speciaeidar success has been largely-respenSible-lar-the when he came in first at Catalena, is inculcation of a feeling that sex in. that public fame is a fleeting thinggeneral is nasty, many. shit are sin - It is to be hoped'thet he haalearaed poise in the years since end that he Will not llaw himself to be led into chided in the. Christian eate'gory, buy the word "sin" has, largely come tc denote Sex. It has cone to be laokee foolish.- sayings and doings,: which he upon as a More or Tess necessary evil, -, -will later regret: ' but an evil neverthelesi. • . while we :-may-: be„ -glad that., --This -tendency: has rem' very unhealthy attitude, general') A_apples_thiyear__The..eaality of the of, a central. packing plant. The pack. •00- eorge won thethat the race and family of Tillsonburg, sew -it -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jne,..• The monthly meeting of the W51. S. was held at the horne,ef Mrs. Dave McWhinney With a „very good atten7, • kr: and Mrs. .ino. Witt of Lanes, -. were in the neighborhood on Sunflii.Y. • The Lucknow High School students WereAsint Over. theWeekLerid. ' :Mr. F. W. _Treleaven, saleinutiifor • ladies' wear, ef,Tordnto, spent Wed ' . nesday evening with his brother, Bert ariples-in-the-connty-isTver-y- _ ear te• Cenada, as the 'records of mental clinics ev-' the unsprayed orchard there is con- they would be able to Obtain 'better !af-Lthese-iong-enchiranee tests. ,While er yWhere-shOw;-7-Parents...fear-tyr-nlis -the ,spraYed-erthards,_he added. in they had it central packing pfaikt, we may questiori-th-e-wla-olt-imanress-- siderable scab. , Huron. there are results, he states. A ,:col • storage, bodily exercise is necessary to health, -easi•-sex--4eatters-franilly_Lwitk.theii fortrsi---growers-4eleing-5.odveitta lant_in_eonretinn thc_entral exertion which takes <every bit of re. „children and maintain a harmful an of 'mystery. The"children; in tarn./ ted -by the fruit hyandh of the'Ontaiio Sary, but it Witaild. fit in Very well, can hardly -be healthful. It is via coricerning this that important phase • • .• 4 • . to the estimate of Ian McLeod, Ag -5. Representative for H-uroe. • Most of ,the aPprei' -Which--ara•-sold outside the -country will •be slipped from -Clinton. Godericb ankLucknow will also be Shipping points. ° Many of these apples will go opt' by truck. Mr. MeLeod stated that ii • would be 'impossible :to estimate how many • carloads would go out by freight. The, apple. crop in Huron this - year is about eighty per cent. better than it was last year, according to Mr. McLeod; and many growers have Stated that their crops 'this year are the best or many., years. '• All the apple counties wil) have large crops this year, Mr. ,MeLeod states, .and,as a result, there will' be small dema an . serve.b trellgththOlUrnan-14.4,5L-11a& "up-.ignnvnt and Of the free spraying service'cenduc- packing plant would •not be ,neces-, hypersensitive Department Of Agriculture.,- • • ' he adds. that some of, these swimmers come life• • -Iffiron in amount Of acreage; stands -- There has been • much discussion oi back year after year; but no Man ' .able to wire_Lthe race two 'years in late as to whether ents er, teach and only one woman has ever been ers should be real:Mai, le for sex. in • . mid et- -fourth- among- the appie pRomo,r/No-Bu•siNE growing counties of the province. • or:three growers in the coun- a-y expected to ship te the old country . this 'year. They , will eonsigne their apples to an Ontario 7ruit man in England and".he . will make disposition for them. , Other growers consign their fruit to Coro:. mission' men in the larger cities. The balance' of the market ia made:' up chiefly of truckers, an occasional ap- ple buyer who comes through the county,: and • sales ' in neighboring counties. • According -to Mr. McLeod, the nd foranything but No growers are handicapped by the lack . • . ' ' : • " REGISTER. .1(*CARDINE , „ . .• ,• The registration , unemployed . inItiricardina as -elsewhere was. con eluded. on August .31st,.the result: be- . • in5 as follows: -.• ' . • ' .In• .meir'registered thernsel-: • .• , • -'-number-'-bfl -fare_ and 52,married. The riga of these • :- men range from 18 to 71, and they bate , been- outnift-o- month-to-two--years,LOne_man_has_a 'wife 'and seven children, dependant on him'While others are graded .dewn front4hat...,Jnaraber This figures ant to' about four per cent of the popii.: lation of the town, based on the 1931 census figares. • • succession. ,,•It is more than likely struction. The general 'ew of thos.. The London Chamberof Coineree when a man or woman continnes who have given the attei. is sincere in its desire to be of as- sistance to, your centre in connection with community, building projects you may be intending to prorinite and extends a cerdial, invitation to.citi- zens 401# your community to meet Mr. J. A. , Langley, Commercial Secre tent,. Canadian Legation in Japan, who will be at the London Chamber of Commerce Tuesday and Wednes- day, September..8"th and 9h to inter-. view those desirous of opening r -or expanding business in Japan. W. H. Wood,' Manage. • Staton-JO-station ("any. one') culls between 7.00 ata 8.30 p.m. local • time are on the low 'evening rate. Between 8.30 pm, and 4.30 a.m, they are On the "nght retie basis and still loWer. L. • „1. 5.5 • Nita :ws worried'.-.. she could rick imagine where she had lost her hraceiet,in the hotel or on the journey home. • "I can't think what I could' have done with it," she kept telling ler mother... "Why not telephog: to the htel," mother suggested.' "It'i • after eight -thirty now and a call will only cost, a few. cents." • Imagine Nita,s j,oy when the hotel clerk told her that the brcelet.had been found in her room and would be =ilea to her right away. Thanks to her mother's suggestion, Nita's anxiety ,was re- lieve&at once . .. and die. cot of the call w's considerably less than her taxi fare from the station. ' . . • -hsical exercise until the Point of exhaustion is reached that the body. • is rendered just a little less able to ndure's° much again. And it seems rather foolish t� use np all one's en- ergy ins'one burst of speed or • one spell of endurance. • Teachers To Give Middle. School Pas Students Receiving 66 Per Cent. Need Not Write.' Departmental Tests, Will Mean Sating to Candidtes. Teachers' certificates will be stiffi- dent'en kive students in middle schools of Ontprier 'promotion, in place' of departmental examinations, accor- ding to blew • regulaiions approved recently by Hon. George, S. Henry premier of the province and mini§tet ofeducation. This measure will' lu. effective for the school year 1.931-82 Pupil' 'c ndidates who receive 04 pesr_sent. id over in the various sub ;oderich Township today,. (ieorg( jects of the middle schools and art; ;paten, M.P. for North Hurn; chd- so listed, in the: confidential report: enged his colea•gues in the Commons t.members Of the Senate to set up submitted by the schools to the de'. 'nd Jxample in national , economy b), pertinent will he exempted from writ. •oluntatile acceptingi a reduction ot ing On the departmental examination .0 or 121S per, cent, in their selaries.. In reviewing Present day 'condi. Middle -school exams will be con ions, Mr. Spotton said, M •part: ducted as. heretofore and all midi, "With the present •loW prices ol dates, other than. those who hay, tgricultural products,, farmers can, beengranted Standing on the report sit continue unless things they be) . - hi their teachers," shall- take the de oniedown in poportion. ' Witnes. ,tai tests Ali middle schioo Ilhe price of agricultural produde at study is that this is a parent's job. One of the objects of the mental hygiene motement is' to laying about a more sensible attitude toward seX: When parents ,can be induced. W face Lhe Matter squereTY in their own lives it may then• be pasible_for thern to answer honestly' and without qualms the . first questions of then. 114dten about ,"where babies. come fron3.,i • (Information on any point not cov- red here will be given .in later' is- •••,ues if you. will addre,ss Your ques- ,ions to • "Mental Health,' 11 • , c' eorge St., Toronto, Ontario) Ut-des- /01137STo Cut Owl, Salaries. George Spotton Suggests Reduction of 10 To 12V2 P.C. GOdeich, Sept.,,7.-At the annual' ield day of the Farmers' Club el • • , Pti, RPLELG-ROVE • , _., i -. Mis. Patterson.and Mrs. English : are visiting at Mr. James Pollock's. krs. Ben Scott and babe are spend- ing this week with her mother, Mrs. . Pettipiege. 5 . Mr: Cecil Hill' of Sarnia ' visited with his- father -this-I.-week, - r. and -Mrs. jaek-Einerson-ealled- - --, on friends at Chesley last week., : • . e vanishing , point and faiin certificates will -indicate credit an, ements as high as ever. Iniagifie prefieiency standing as heretofore. Us. ,he president of our, own railroad sclumls where there are prizes foi !rawW175,00e per year ancrilmost 11.57.a-1,,,th --t. like amount in extras. Thirty-five middle shati1 'candidates the • Ither 'railrciad fficials" draw froth ;15,000 to 635,000 'per year. while rackmen -and trainmen are laid off, "Medicl fees and law fees Must ' owe down. Any clergyman reeeiv- Mg oyer $2,000 per year shotild.agree o it reduction, Higher' paid civil ,ervarits! should make some Sacrifice Ind I challenge my colleagiies in thc ommons and, the senatfirs to step iut in the very forefront and take a s loudly ap- 21auded. 'eduction of 10 and 12'h per ceni Mr. Spotton said he would gladly n i 'Lir salaria?. ote for a reduction of $1,000 • no' rear to mernbers and urged a shorter ession. Mr. Spotter' wa" . . , .. • may be made by the principals them- selves. Where scholarships of Prize: ar: offered for competition among two or more schools the competitori shall take the 'departmental exam, inationS. . For some time the certificate pass arrangement has- been• used for thf high gh-ool entranA in variou schools 6f 0,ntariti with much' suc- cess. It. application now to the mid- dle School comes after considerable agitation and 'recommendtien from special committees that have bad the idea under invatigation.since 1928., "A Study of a large number o" schools show," said Mr. Henry yes terday "that 28.8 per cent. of candi- dates Whego up,fer the middle school exanis are ranked at 66 per cent. of 'higher by their-Aeacbers. these_ alone are'granted • certificates .with ant exams it will be possible to. de. crease, the neither of assoc4te ex aminers by 28.8 per cent. Based upot tii•e amount 'paid .,ot, by us in 193'(: this deerease Wbuld represent a sav„ lag th salaries 'paid, to associate ex • ainitierti of 832'044.60" Not A small factor in the scheme, tdded Mr. Henry, would be the say, ,pg to parents and candidates thru nit Southern Ontario of the fees low paid, $1 per paper, for trying e-xam.c. emoant- that-Would- lae' been sailed to parents in 1930; lad the. scheme been in force,' Would lave been $35,147. Fees paid by can-' lidates are divided in the proportion 60 per cnt. 0 the local' school 'oard. Thus the department would, ore 621,088.20 and the sehool boards. - • It's Eas3T(ii-Buy at M AR.KET' , . • Luck now's Departm.eit Store• • • LUCKNOW and WINGHAM• onumental Works ', • . r , Lucknow, Onta,40 • Has the largest And most' complete stock in the itost beautiful designs to choose from, in- !WARBE, • SCOTCH, SWEDISH AND CANADIAN GRANITES W$ make a Specialty of • Family nammuments and invite your Inspection. Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully and Promptly Done. . . , See us „before placing .your • • Douglas Bros.' Phone 74 Leann* • • R, A. Spotting Phone 256 Wiggham FALL FAIR DATES Western), London, Sept. 14-19. Brussels, Oct. ;-2. Cape Crokr, Reserve, Sept. 24--25. Chesley, Sept, 24-25. - Dungannon; Oct. 8-9. • Goderich, Sept.' 15-16: Hanover- Sept, 16-18. Kincardine, Sept. Lion's Head,, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Lueknow, Sept. 24-5. Mildnuty, Sept 22-23. Paisley, Sept. 20--30. Pinkerton, Sept. 18. Ripley, Sept. 2-30, Saugeen Rerve, Oct.5-;--6. Tara,' Oct., t-7. -1 • ' Teeswateli Oct. 6-7. ,Tiverton, Oct. 5-6. Underwood ,Oct. Wiarton, Sept. 18-19. Voripicham; ••• 5i,