HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-10, Page 11
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Induction Service
Dr.R.I.,. Teeleav en, Lucknow : _ _ - :
' Bourn:- 9--12 A. M. 1.30-5 F Mme. • • At -.Kincardine
53 X ;RAY'•
Rev. W:. B. Craw Inducted'' Into Pas.'
WALL PAPER -A full line of 1931 - *rate ByIiis Father, Reo. R. W.
Wall Paper en hand..Prices consider-= Craw.
ably down for 1931. I ani also agent.
for leading job houses.- 4' �..---
• . A, nueiber of people• went from
rt, J;. CAMERON' .and Graine
Decorator, Painter; rLucknow last' Friday evening to the
indu'etion of' Rev. 'Walter . B "Craw,
Boas 174, Lucknow• 13• A ! '> into the pastoral cjlarge•
of the Kine'ar,•dine "United Church. The
STORE•, .FOR p'NT-The :;{ ,store N:service, was an impressive one, 'and
'MAW; recently • oeeu .ied',,be; Welke . a'..unique. feature' was e' fact that
;.busuiess•', location '�t a'the d' ty of :l ev ` R:, W. Craw
':Apply to R: J •Df,+'?ore, Licknow. w •s u v ,
(30-•-4-4E) of Lucknow, Chairman of Bruce Pres
WAN•'1LTP--A secondtha'1id.-iron- ter , to preside at this meeting,
ition. : A p . ly! at The charge to the minister -elect was
pump iii • good' Bond „ pP �'
„ •given by Rev: J: *: Schofield' of
A The Sentinel' Office.. Walkerton, and the address to the'•
',HOUSE 'TO RENT -Comfortable congregation by RC/KT-TELT Campbell
1+rame„'Dwelling--Apply to .til A, B.D•,, of Pine River.
. s .. -Stuart_.: •' `ter had `been
Robertson, L.ueknow '� After the new minis
(17-9 'p•), • , introduced, to those present, a social
hour . was "spent in the .schom
W.e 'have'i in stock a• second hand Walter Craw graduated.from Em -
furnace• in first, class, shape which.,we 'can instal' • at a'very.. reasonable manuel College :a' `year 'ago, and
price.-WM. MURDIE, & SON. ,,pent last- year in post '.graduate
.:WANTED.' • ' study' at Emmanuel College and tied
buildings, 15 to 25acres, nearLuck= ' with two others for ,the Gold Medal.
Desire to buy' Small Farm' .av He received a ;call., in June..to Wiarton
now, northon Gravel Road preferred. but'withdrew in favor of; .a •married
Must be :reasonable:. Write •- r, ' man. When Kincardine lost 'their min-
p., .O. '.'Box 203, Teceineeh, Ont. inter, 'Rev. E. W. Jewett', B.A.,, who
WANTED -Fall 'Foster Home for was called.• t'o.; "'Division St, Owen
lovely baby boy, nine months old.- Sofind, the call to their present min -
y_ ociet inter; -was-+•-unanimous,
Apply, •Sec,, Children s Aid Society, - In. -view:-... of .�
Welke g P
rton.--the:- good_ ioneer-i wont_ done_ 'by Mr
(24-9--c) •
AUCTION SALE -of Farm -Land.'
Live Stock and • Implements at •lot,
Twenty -Two' • ;Entries in Twilight
Event• -••-Fourteen Local Rinke and
'Eight Visiting Rinks,
• The local green was a very' lively
and color..ful•. spot last Friday even-,;
ing, ,when the Lueknon! „Bowling,- club;
staged "a ;mixed. `twilighk” tournament •
Such events seem quite 4popular this
season and on.` this occasion• twenty `
two rinks competed;.,"fourteen being
local. rinks with the other eight kinks,
b.eing:.ntiade of 3."rinks 'from �Godei-,
atlas .3 from •Wingham,•.one from;Tees-.
°•water and on
e from Seaforth.
Domestic ,.Water 0
Rudy For Users
• eatpectore Here Yeateeday-All , Is
Ie' Woeking: •Urder Water Fit
For„ Domestic :
Labor Day -Monday, September: 7,
brought to, • a successful •..completion,
the ' installing of a,' domestic ` water
and fire protection 'system in,the
lager However, '•the Reeve, Council
'lore and Clerk' will' still have consid-
The Bread
-of Health - O
The Bread
;of Health
Nits u
—First pri2e, ,goblets • and •sherbets;.'era•bre-(workattending=t-o- ninny e . s_ _, .
went to: the T.eeswater'• rink; •••skipped •'tails and the • winding up of the fin •'
by'•)1r. Hscox The local rink, come encial end of the project, but asfar:
posed of ''Mrs.
C: By Allan' -. George as wothekis cgnsuaomnpleteer dis.• : concerned the
r. c •
Hassel, Mrs. T. E. Smith, and: G H ,
: _...-(skip),.'won second prize,'.' • One' 'very ' gratifying fact ie that
-Smith, .-won ,
sport shoes. ' Third 'prize went • I to the cost of installing the s, ystem will,
another ' Lucknow rinl°C;•''the .players be. much • below the'; engineer's esti-,
tieing, Mrs. Wi.V.' "Johnston, ' L. A mate which was $65,000. It is be-•
Finney,, Mrs. 'Jas. Miller,• Jack Me-' lieved 'that' the actual emit will be in
Q'uai !•(skip), the prize being blah- the neighborhood of $58;000, which
kets. Robert Johnstoti's 'rink of •Go. ,meansa saying • of -approximately
derich, won fourth''prize, • blanlgets $7,000. We hope at a:further date
and dripolators when .'they defeated to be -able to :.publish• the exact figures
Pollock's rink of Wingham • iri IIC the in comparison with the . estimate. ,
'play-off, This: rink, however, cane , rn In addition .1, to .' this considerable
for the • Mystery prize, • and "carried 'savg the 'installing of , the '.system
home the bacon,' 'so to speak; .the and 'especial'ly the •:trenching for the
prize ;being 4 sides of .bacon. laying of the mains, which was all
done , w:it'h- pick ;.and shovel has given•cent guest wain:. ice'
-- , plor-est-
At .Mount em to 'menti, to, a eat• •number from
P Y �'-, Gallagher:' ' .
- .On•r-L-abor Day.., Wellingte i_McceY ,_. _._..., .. "
and Dr. W.V.,. johnston, Harold , Ag-• the town and' community; :who would • "Messrs. C arles Hodgert and . An -
otherwise, doubtless, . have been '" un -
new and ,,George •Hassal. composed em o' ed. drew Thompson,. pent the week -end ,rhe week -end. With. Mr. and 'Mrs. $.
tookpart .in. the p1 Y.,
two rinks which in Toronto. N• .Kottmefer of :Fonthill, a
t at Moun+:. , As a means.of purifying and. . _
�Scatsh:.,Touble tonrn inert l_� our . r n :_.:tpie mains, a^ solution oL Mr: Tack Smith af-�Kmshington, D. =Miss- Doris-SaevYer . of.:-Knncsrdine _ ..
Forest. These two rinks were to play- g
thirtj,poujcid _of 'ch oride, was. drawn C., is. visiting with; Dr: and :Mrs: G. visited. with Miss Arabelie Cameron
place 5rr tlerE w
off'' for, first and vent but up; and emptied into the standpipe. A. Newton:, _ over. the' week -end, prior to.entering ''•• -
Associatron ,event but instead agreed This was 'allowed to etand for..tiify- `3t�atfor�l Has iter as nurse -in -train
to .divide the prizes to 'each one's .par- Nir. Elliott 'Littl'e of Chicago,' is p
titular liking. The . prizes. were club six hours, and then the hydrants were visiting 'with his parents, Mr.' and ing •
bags' and; 112. • doz. silver knives and opened• and the mains ,and' standpipe Mrs. W. J Little. Mrs: A. G. Johnstone ,:and her son, •
rrptied:- The_standpipe sis_ hen eines, m Dred-recently-from=Chi- -
forks. filled with pure water from the well Mr.. Temple .Clark who has been in
the West ,for the past few weeks re"present ,
Second It Meaford ' - ... and -again `drained. out. - ,ago. Mrs.,. Johnstone i:/•._,., at• Donald
el . byturned.kome, last week. visiting with her siste>Mrs
Last 'week a rink•composed;of W The Booster, pump, metalled• '
_ wylds. � �
lington McCoy, Garfield , McDonald;" `ng the `: •
Mr.. and Mrs:. C: Olds, and young
Mr..'Herold Bolt';re-pre/writm
Dr.: Connell and Dave Huston took Babcox, Wilcox, Goldy & hecCullough son of . Detroit, were week -end visitors Marlatt and •
Mr, and' Mrs. Robert
part in the ,Meaford tournament win Co.;`%of Galt, ,is operated • by s • SIX with ' Mrs; Elliott 'Miller. Master Jimmie • and .. Mies Frances-':
Hing 2nd, prize intim trophy event. 'cylinder motor 'capable of developing I M.. Siddall;, all . of 'Toronto, were ,re- -,
1VIr: and.. Mrs. Murray' Ross and cent guests with Mr. and :Mrs. G. A:'
Mrs. • Dick McQuaig and children a pressure Of :150 lbs. In. 'addit. 'ehiPdren of :Detroit are visitors. with
of Toronto • are visitors , at the Mc- ion , there have been installed •37 Siddall.
Quaig• home. Mr: and Mrs.'•Jas: Howey:. , '.
hydrants, this number -includes the
` old hydrants which were in working,
order: 7 This combination i 'Will -afford Exeter.__were _ w visitorsith
s 7endid fire' protection at all paints` • rM'. an`d � � B w
As suitable fields fox the 1981. P
South Bruce • Plowing Match have in the . village. However it is neces- Mr: Cameron,' Geddes ,and L. Yoer-
been :.chosen on the Ackert Farms, ,nary, to have , some more modern ger of Toronto spent the . week -end
Holyr-al-a. meeting will be'•held in method for the firemen to reach the with Mr, :and ,Mrs. 'D. Geddes
'Holyrood to make furtther arrange scene of a-lil'aze-tgmore `quickly --and Miss Evelyn} Crave• of Toronto is
ments on. Tuesday, Sept. 15th'' at+,8•.15 ne doubt some action in this direction
will`" sopn be taken.. "' spending her vacation with her • Par -
P.M: Everyone interested •are tor- ents, Rev. R.W. and Mrs. Craw.
di/illy'invited to attend: - Mr: 'and Mrs. Wm. Martin and
Alex B. McKague, Sec. Treas. DIED
- itors With. 'Mr.. and Mrs. R. J. Cams
Bruce of Stratford were Sunday �-
tion a r. ea er y. The death of Annie T. Haines, lie-
�.-- : !li ' ail 1`T t-$terve-.and W'li' m- MEQ ''11' cmc•
7 'and 8, score -3.;,Turnberry TownslvP,
on kiriday, Sept.' lltl . 6, inont e re' t
and'.6% off' for 'cash: on: credit sums.,
' •: AUCTION SALE . ' . his opening addresses..The text 'chos
he--Ghersh-moll n_aniL cont nt oe by the minister' was one that his
i randfa er . a , u e in his -'-first-
. of _ the. Holyrood United Church
will sermon 71:;. ` years :''ago. 'When Rev.
be ,offered for sale on Wednesday, ,•Geo, e. Craw, one of ,Ontario's__pion
1..._., -`- : September 23rd, •at. 2.00; o'clock Fore g
, . , , • • � -- • ser ministers '*as,� inducted into; his
particulars see bills. first and only charge, he used Colos
W. Statters,.Sec. W. Henderson, Auc. ,sians 1:28, "Whom we .preach, `warn'
BOYS FOR FARM WORK' ' ing every man'. and teaching every
. , Boys' from 15 to 20 years of ege, man,'in all wisdom' that we May•pre-
experienced on, farms in;Ontario,' a- sent every .man perfect in Chrisi.
vailable immediately , for placement Jesus." Thirty-one; years later, the'
on •a yearly basis.'. Wakes: according .. Veteran minister, .bidding farewell.!
to age, experience and ability. Pro- to_ his _congregation,• used the same
• r ,testant Nomas only. Write :the -Hostel, to �basas-far-his remarks ams
Norval, Ontario or telephone George- Sunday his 'grandson ,gave an inspir-
town, ' 90 ring 130-9�.) , ' _ing address on 7the, same text. '
Craw in'Alberta. and; ,New Ontario,
this .call: to work in a neighboring
town is gratifying to his family; and
.:el .,nnapy,,icjends in Lucknow. • •
On Sunday;following the induction
a. large .coegregati� 'on gat e'e"ied-'`ick'
Kincardine ` United ,church, -to -hear.
the, ' newly inducted ,. minister preach
LOeic to
• -t
Miss 'Myrtle Webster' was 'home '' Dr. H. and Mrs. Woods, Peggy' end
from. Wellesley to spend the holiday.. Austin and Mrs. Tarlton 'of Detroit,;:
were -week-end visitors at the hdme
Mr. Robert •Andrew of ' Listowel, r: Matt.'•Woods:. w
spend the week -end with his parents. of M
- Mr. and Mie C -B; -Myers were: -up
Mr: and Mrs.. H. J. Linds6y visited'
with: friends, in Detroit over the holi-•`from London to spend the holiday
with the Tatter's parents,' Mr. , anal . .
Mrs. R. H: McQuillan.
• 'Mrs. Jas. Johnston,' Eileen and Miss, Mary Maclfntyre, amurse-in-
Harold are visiting -this ' week in trainii}g; at Grace Hospiital, Toronto;;
Toronto. 'is spending 'her, vacation with her ° '
. Mr.' and Mrs.' J. A. Geddes spent ",parents- on the 4th Con.
a few;'days; of this week with friends Robert Thompson has returned to
in Galt school at the Belleville Institute' after'
spending' the holidays with his Meth -
Miss Green.of Toronto was: a _re-
ez,, Mrs. D: M. ' Thompson-
„ Mr; and Mrs Moorehouse : Mitchell
:4nd Misses• Lillian and • Mona 'spent',
' AUCTION SALE. _. __ ... -- - r BAND CONCERT
Miss Alberta Beckett will hold an ^ •
Auction Sale of Farm 'Stock, Imple- A play' under • the auspice's of the
ments, and ,Household Effects at. the Lucknow Citizen's ,Band will be' pre -
premises, Lot 12, Con. 11, Western. s'ented in the Town Hall on the even-
Divi'sjon, Ashfield, on Thursday, Sept. Ings of October 5th and .6th. The
, at 10 o'clock FM"' • "east will consist of local people -under -
-TERM _ and- Grain' d'. 11 the • direc f M L th b
sums of $
that amount. 12 menths credit allowed
or a 5% discount for cash on credit
sums. ' Well.: Henderson; Auc.
°tun's orchard' a 'few days ago . M.
We have a good stock of hard Coal
S -Hay an rain an a
10 and undTer . Casli;..-over "
While visiting Kenneth • Cam -
Celebrated Twenty. -Fifth • Pearson of Liverpool, England, made
the statement that it was one of the
Anniversary •Hest. he had ever beef. in.. This remark
coming from a man who visits the
The home of Mr.. arid 'Mrs. Chas. best . orchards. in Virginia, Nova
' - ' cene' of a ]Zeas- Scotia and Ontario should be contra-'
Mcllanag'h was the s P .. �
ant event on Friday evening• when a sive proof that. Mr. •Camerons• or
i number of their friends and neigh- chard ranks among the 'best not only
hours gathered unexpectedly to cel- in Ontario but in the wider field.
ebrate, with them their silver wedd-
ing. A buffet lunch was served and FIVE -CENT CHARGE •
a wedding cake decorated with TO i;At..l. I,tJCKNOW
twenty-five burning candles. was cut
b. 'the bride. Mr. and Mrs. McDon-
- agli were presented with a Cent Fee to Call 'Lucknow--Ef-
thet Rev
y h beautiful Goderich Rural Users To- Pay Fir
sandwich tray from guests.
Tavener . making the • presentation. festive Sept. 21st. •
Mr. sand Mrs. McDonagh thanked the
people most heartily. for' their kind-
11tr.. and Mrs. McDonagh were re-
cipients of many gifts in silver from
friends in Toronto and London. The
remainder of, the evening was. spent
in games and community singing•
The guests included, Mr. slid Mrs.
Harr McQuillin, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Andrew, Mrs. Mary ;Ani Woods, Mr.
and Mts. John Mcf,�uillin, "Lucknow.
Mrs Fle'd Tripp, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Cooke, Belfast , Rev. and
Mr's. Taven'er, Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs:
Earnest Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Will
tti`rdie'r, Mr. and Mrs. )loot. Andrew,
•and Mts. Isaac Andreae, Mr. and
--' ivir. Will
4 Mrs, Geo Hunter, Mr .and Mrs. W
iiunt'er, Mr. and Mrs- Joseph Helm,
and Mrs. John Heine Mr. aitch
Albert -Helm, Zion; -
WFBS' ER •0n Tuesday`, Seltteni-
ber 8th, ter' Mr and Mrs, 'Williatia G.
yv bateri Ltickaaow,• a daughter, ,
zeal bac '4u= snes�_.. am , laved wife of= t • .ter - un m, -- - - - w
Furnace.. and- also a stock .of Alberta carred s ,
Mrs. McKim,' District Comirmissien,
er, Canadian Girl. Guides will hold a
public meeting in the interest. • of
Guiding in the ' Basement of the
Public school next Friday , evening
at 8 o'clock. All mothers -of Guides
and 1>;dies interested in Guides and
Guiding are cordially invited to• be
present. ,
The 'United Church W.M.S. held
their August meeting Wedn sday
ternoon last in the basemen o the church. After _ the usual devotional
exercises, singing,.. iid_preyer by
Mrs.. F. D. McLennan, the minutes
:were read and'"adopted. A letter was
read by Mrs. R. Thompson from the
National Emergency Midi Commit-
tee; showing the eojnditions that exist
in. the Prairie Provinces; which coil -
valuable information, telling
of the individual needs, and what J is
necessary to meet that 'need.: Mrs. O.
Johnston, leader of the group took
charge of the meeting and read- the
Scripturereading giving a synopsis
of the.passage read. A letter was re-
ceived from Marion Hodgins giving
an outline of the work being done in
her coniniunity. Miss Hodgins, went
West to teach in a, Mission School
and to do general: Mission Work in
Ifolokseel><a-, Alta., • under the auspices
of the truce Presbyterial, and there
• he will ' have a Y
is no doubt ]tuts
life attending to the many' duties.
h willconfront- . one working in
Notices have been sent :to subcr'i-
bers of the •Goderich Rural Telephone
Company, with central at Dengannon,
that 144'1ining September 21st a
five -cent rate will' •be charged on .all
calls to either Gotlerich or Luckno'W
through the Dunngannoa exchange.
Upon: making inquiry we find that
Mr. Fraser Patterson, manager ' of
the Lucknow 'exchange has received
the following communication from
i trict manager of the ..Bell Tel-
. district .
eeihone Co., at Stratford: •
A new agreement Was been com-
pleted with the Adele of the Gorier -
DU �
ich Rural Telephone Co., g
and calling
'effective September 21st
fora five Cent Station to Station
'rate and: a ten _cent Person to Pers ,
• between Dungannon and Luck-
Will eliminate. the discrint-
now Thi'sa; ,,
. which has been in existence;
for some title and AS the' new. Charge
will be eoliecte'd, by the Dungannon'
exchange it will place the subscribeee
of both exchanges on ,equai •basis:
t her'home, lot 8, con. 13, .
Township of West Wawanosh, early
Wednesday morning, September 9th.
The funeral service will , be held
from the family residence on Friday
afternoon, September 11th, at 2.00
o'clock P.M. Interment will be made
in Greenhill Cemetery..
Young People's Society Delegates
Convene , in Presbyterian Church,
Lucknow. • •
On•'Tuesday of next week delegates
from the Young People's Societies
and "Congregations of the 14laitland
Presbytery will gather at the Pres-
byterian Church, L• eektrew; -the u
rasion bung the annual Young .Peo-
ple's ,Rally, when it is hoped that
representatives from -each church in
the presbytery. will, be present:
Tiiiere`will be afternoon and .even
ing .sessions, • commencing at two
o'clock and 7.30 o'clock respeetiVely.
Following the opening exercises and
the reading d ' various reports, the
afternoon program will consist of
musical .numbers and several papers.
concluded by a Round Table confer-
ence on the various subjects, conduc-
ted by -Rev. K. McLean of Wingliatn.
Following ' a song'--ereFice at the
�. ,
evening session,. Rev. C. IL McDon=
ald will -conduct the opening lexercis=
r . cal
es, followed by reports and •musm a
numbers. Addresses 'will ,he delivered,
oath K
by Rev. Mr: Burgess of S
loss and Itev.'Wi'n Moore of :Brussels.
Every congregation is urged to
Miss_ Margaret Geddes has return-
ed to her, home here after spending.
the summer months at Ojibway
Island. •
Mies Jean Chesnut, R.N. of Rech -
ester, N. Y., returned • to her home
here where she intends spending the
winter. •
Mr.. and Mrs. .T. S. Reid of Oriliia
and Edon of Toronto, are spending
coup je of weeks at their cottage at
Point Clark:. •=
Mrs. Fred Newman and children,
Donald ` and Barbara . and. Mrs.' Burk-
holder and 'little son of : Hamilton.'
visited one day 'recent y -wit ' r... •.
and Mrs. Charles Stewart.f '
The regular ' meeting of the Luck -
now __Women._s Institute Wilk, be, ;held_ _ _
at the home of Mts. J S. MacKenzie,
on Friday evening, September
at 8 o'clock. Note change in hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McQuiliin • .
and Me srs:-'Ed. acid Evan spent the
week -end at Toronto visiting Mr. and -
Mrs: J ��_Davison and • attending
the C..N. E. Mrs, Dawson returned
With them for a ort visit.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murdie, Kenneth ,
Murdie and Miss Lena Hackett, Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Bushell and Ur. and
Mrs. 'Clair Agnew and . daughter;
spent the week -end ivith,Mr. and Mrs, i)
Joseph Agnew at their ' cottage at
Doe Lake, near Sprucedale. •
Dr. Clarence' Spence of New Am-
sterdana,'-N. Y., visited withahis par-
ents, Dr. and Mrs. A.M. Silence. Dr:
Mr. Frank Tyler of the C. N. R. Spence, Sr., is still a patient in.Wing
staff at Listowel and Mrs. Tyler are' ham Hospital, but his condition is
at present enjoying' a two week's favorable, and it is expected he will '
be home in the course of .a week. •
'Underwent Operation
Mr. Austin 'Reid ,of the Bank of •
Montreal stat in Kitchener, under-
went an operation for appendicitis•
Mrs. T. Webster, Mr. an: ' rs. suss n ndnesday-of-•last-week--T•}se_at..-
M Ilett and son Charles' of Detroit, tack was quite sudden but following,
spent the week -end with Lucknow and the''operation• progress has been quite
St: Hejens friends. favorable.
vacation le Florida.
Miss Marion Stewart has 'returned
home from Burnham Hall, Norway
Bay, Quebec, where she • has spent
the past two months:
Wer ,
. Decker e Send delegates and it is hoped. that
this' capacity. Mrs. egave _,. s__this
Solo terid""1Giiss`Mallzi'ughv --a' filed many - will avail themselve of
Ing•, afterti • closed opportunity to attend the rally and
•Which the, ince ..
repeating... the Lord's . prayer ` in help to promote a wort y , y un
'Unison, _
by . t people's wotk+
Beauty Pa l
Mrs. G. H. Douglas presided at the
September meeting and conducted the
devotional• exercises, assisted by Mrs.
.1. Jamieson: Tee Bible Study viae;
taken by Miss G. Campbell: She gave
a brief review of the 'Book' of Job,
which was very informative and in-
teresting. Miss D..itenderson.led in
ra"er. A solo was sung by Mr's: ' P. S.
gnew.- . The topic \ "aCnhinaac7j
was el tiskenbyMiss ' McPherson:,
S..,••. •wFill_ begin
•The Lucknow United ,Church
ill" �eerr Henderson Meetings onMonda3, September
dress dealing h wit ., the evangelistic at 8 P.M. • The first meeting will be
doing in Detroit. This a welcome . in the form of a social
work she is g
,.4• ... ,_,., . e e , b f ,:eve
-a- eat -de l. Hing to the teachers�of the Publ;e L. •
wa� 7'ist'ened`t�'%wbt�, �' .on • and .all'
interest. The meeting ,:closed` with nd Continu'atiSchool's
prayer 'by Mrs. Doules,_ r.. Continuation -School Students. y ..+.
_ ...
k a
•1 have opened a Beauty Parlor
• upeta'rs, Congr-am Block; let -
• door • to the left. Marcelting,• •
Finger -Waving and all beauty
work. Hours 10 a. tai. to 6 p.m.
Open Wednesdif 0and Saturday