HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-03, Page 8'{71U.a"�Yv^'A .9,4��ff VS . akrt�.:•�Cti �a °. :�u. rr�.,.,dl'��"A{i-.'"i![e
The .August:Meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute ,was held at the `home
' of•Mrs W: E, McDonald- with...the
• : president, Mrs. ;W .: G. Andrew presid-:
ing. •It was ;deeide'd to ha1MIr. It.
B Hawthorne of Hamilton put ''on a
1a ab ut •`;,:'the` !riddle ' of October,'
"By;. The Great Horned' 'Spoon.", The
topic "Canadian Birds" was very in-•
testingly. taken .,by_::Mtsses. Dgnalda-
Thom on; Flora Webster -'and Isubbei
Douglas. A .vocal solo contributed • by
Miss' Mardelle Pratt of Galt, a
• reading by Miss Isobel Douglas and
meal -selection' by 3VIr .
;leaven were very -much apciated.
and enjoyed, The roll ' call was an
. swered by the name of a Canadian
BiLrI-A vot -,of-thanits ..was' extended
to Mrs. ,McDonald for the use of her,
home and to all who took part in the
Program. The meeting was, closed by
• singing the Maple Leaf. •
gra:, 11dePherson,,,and soli Donald,
. nit Monday with' Mrs. Geoxge _Cur
• c of Wlingham. They were Jaccom-:
• r: nied by Miss Kathleen Currie, who
has been spending the week -end with
Mrs. McPherson, __-
Mr.. and Mrs. Nelson Bushell of
Lucknow, Mrs, Ed.. Percy ' and son
Alvin of Detroit, Mrs. Fair and son
Lynn were Sunday callers on Mrs.
Abner' Ackert:
• Mrs. • Watson Scott 'called= on
Charlie Congram's on Sunday. •
Y-1tiTrs: 'Tho"s. H: laiis�tno�ered�__.
London last week with her .brother,.
Mr. E. A, Palmer and family, also
Miss Margaret Palmer of Kincardine..
Week -end 'visitors at the home of
--Thos. 11.. Harris were, Misses Lon
Spettigue, Evelyn I'ittaway, Vidal
Milne, Alice Dobie, Messrs. 'Edgar
and Bert Spettigue and Sam Bell of
London. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer
• of Lorne. Mr. Thos. ' MacDonald of
6th Cori., and Mr. and Mrs. W m. • Ea-
die, Dori•• and Lorne. -
Mr. and. Mo. Wesley Joy• nt and
son Ge:•rrrc, of Lucknow and Mi. and
' Mrs. Rby flail of Ethel were Sunday
visitors at Mt. Ernest Ackert's.
' Mr. Tom Bell of Goderich, visited'.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Helm over the
week-ertrla ,•
. Mr. and Mrs. G. E.: McDonagh; an'i
John •' visited,friends. in Brussels.cently
Mr. Jas. Grant of Chicago, ac=
companied his' mother' •hone. to Ash,
ield_and-wall entl_a_short7vacatiori-
wit'h'. friends here; ' • •
Miss'Annie Davis a former resident
of Paramount passed away.. at , the'
home of her cousins at' Arthur '.on
''Saturday' last The '_remains w
brought' to'. Kingsbridge Tuesday
norning. for intermept.
Mr. Kiry, Mr, 'G: Frye, Mrs.. I1
•Simpson and Mrs _11, Gardner of_
W ndnor -°spent the Weekend with.
Mrs. and. ' Mr. R. Andrew. '
' Miss Frances .Gilmore left for Lon-
don Sunday, evening to take a course
at Westerfelt .Business College:
There will be a baseball match at
Lochalsh on Friday evening Sept.
4; 'followed' •By -,a .prograrh and . dari'ee.
Tw_erybody welcome -.__ . -
Ellen Andrew' returned home' after
visiting Doreen Pepper' of Brucefield,•
Mr; and Mrs; Lawrence Reid and'
-fainly visited --at- Jiro. McDonald's'
last Sunday,
"Mr. Pepper and the Misses Pepper
and :Mr, W. Heyter of Brucefield,
visited R. 'Andrew recently. •
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cooke left l st
•Friday • for Cochrane, to visit their
daughter and numerous , otJ ee_ xela_-
Miss Margaret Pollock, known thrti
out tp.e. whole province as bung ' a
noted clairvoyant, passed away _ ' at.
a nursing home at. Blyti, on August"
26th, at.
t#0,, age. .of 70 years.'For
years persons -have 'come from many
miles ;around to consult Miss Pollock
regaidtng• lost articles; missing 'rel-
atives or',things appertaining to the
future._In 'eases of drowning' where,
for 'days, the' bo.'dy .had, not been re-
covered this aged • lady has been con
suited; firer faculty of`mental ,sight:
seemed lizirealariY,' and there' are Many
persons who can -testify., ;to the • cor.
xectness" of her predictions. Miss 'Pol-
io* .was
Pol-iock'was' born on the '8:th .concession
of .Morris tovinship, .where she re-
sided nearly --411-.' her life; : with her'
brother, W;illiam', .One, .0020;',1144.:J;
Wren;" of .Hagersville, al's`o° survives ,•
The .deceased wotfp'an was-..p'ossesseil,
of many°'admtral le.: qualities • and she,
was 'liighlyregarde& iris the conmu>a-`
ity. The', funeral tdok; •place • Friday
•afternoon,, ata 1.30 o'cl`ock:
School re -opened ori 'Tuesday with'
a1fr, Gordon Mcfntyre • and Miss Beat=
rice Mcquill n in charge at St. 'Helens
'school, 'Miss Lena Hackett nt No. 3r.
Miss Grace Lockhart at Fordyce _and
Mr. Davis at Belfast...• ' '
Misses Cora and Barbara Neale of
Grimsby were week -end visitors wjti�
Mr. and Mrs. 'Ewart • McPherson and.,
other • friends. '
Mrs, Wilkinson , is .attending • the•
Toronto Exhibition this week, '
Mr. _and Mrs. 'Jas.' 1Vfitchell' of T,or=
onto were visitors .recently'„ with the
latter's :parents, • Mr. , a td ' • Mrs. •John
'Webster. , . _ , • ,
• Mr• :.: and Mrs; Malcolm Weather;:-'
head and, daughte , M,arian and An-
!Otte'. and Mr '.aid Hamilton of
Port Hope, ll�ieh,, made a short
it with ,Mr anal dMrs.' L. Weatherhead
gri Sunday
NEr Willie McQuillan_ of Fort Qu'
Appelle' -Sack„` •is a ` vsitor''with Mist'
parents, Mr. 'and' Mrs.: W m..1VTt Quit.
lin. • .•
III►gygllt#IUIIIQ611DIII61U1.113iIIH11111111111 IV11111UKIIImili1U�UIIII IUIJI 11111 UIIII�IIIIIgMIIIIIIliililllfl�lfmscul®IIIIIIIsiIIIIp111I pi IINiIUmillll�lllll
ow Prices
11 Footwear•
fitting Tests. Sizes 6 -11. New 'Price` $3.50
YOUNG 'MEN'S CALF FINISH .OXF1ORD, a good fitting. shoe. M
Sizes' 6 '1.0. New Price' • $`2.:x.5 I
SOLES Sises 6 ' 11. New Price .. •• • $3e95
STYLES, .CALF LEATHER,. that will give excellent wear. -
m •NEW. PRICE ........... ....',. i2m95 8 $3:50
Mrs. George ,Cottle and Miss• iEv-
elyn, Mr. and •Mr"s. bred •'Thompson;.
and Bobby, spefit ' the; week:.end; with
their relatives here; ' '
Mr. and ' Mrs'. ;Hugh Anderson,.
Catherine ,and' Jitnmie :of Buffalo, and.
Mrs. Brayford ,of . Toronto, 'spent last
awek° with Mrs. ,Mac Ross and. Thos
Moore. ,
Mrs. • Sarah'Bryce of • Galt, ' Mrs.
Leslie_ Bryce and' three: chi:dren sof
Turnberry,,,: visited on 'Sunday with
Mr: and Mrs:: John Richardson:
Mr: and 'Mrs.• A. Coults of Wing
ham, Mrs. R. Hetherington; :Mr: Har
ry of -Morris s ent--Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs.. . Vietor Emerson.
Miss Reeba Marshall, has . returned.
td-Wingham. after . spending the 'holi-
day with' her grandparents, 'Mi; and
Mrs. George Harkness.' . '
day .withrMy, and Mrs; E. Tiffin,,, of
Wingharn. •,•
The Whitechurch' Wojnen's,.Insti-
tute for'' their 3=day sewing 'course'
P7'P. had-a`clas" •o£
the class to ' continue for a 10. -.day
course. Over 20 have • enrolled • for
the class: Mrs- Iawky of`;Toronto”
is' proving -a very efficient -instructor.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Archie • Patterson,
Muriel, Ross and Orland, spent Sun.
day with. Mr. and' Mrs. W. A.,•Taylor.
Mrs. A. Mage tjt,, Boris, Harry
and Lloyd 'of Stratford •'spent, a few
days with Mrs. V. Emerson.
Mr. Ed. Gardner returited'to Win-
dsor, after spending two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs..R. Andrew of Zion.
School has 're -opened 'for the fall
term and students and teachers have
returned . to' duty.
Not Anxious
The . preacher, • at the end of a
stirriv, address, shouted: "Stand up.
all those who want to 'go to Heaven!"
• A quiet little man remained seat-
ed, and the ,preachex shouted t him :
"Don't you . want to go to Haven ?"
In a thin voice the little one' re-
plied: "Not immediately." .
nnaJettick ; Sho''s, Por Women.
Approximately 20,000 pairs d ENNA JETTICK. BIOES' are
made at -the factory daily so that it..is reasonable to conclude
that 20 063 w'ontert are fitted each day with ENNA JETTICK•
SHOES. It is very questionable therefore if there is _any make
of Women's Shoe so popular on the Atlierican Continent as
Enna Jettick Shoes are Popular for several
• Reasons: •
1st—They are made in so many widths that an: normal foot
can be fitted "P.'itF'ECTLY.'Y
2nd—They' are all Goodyear Welted . (similar r
are all y (- a p ocess.to hand
3rd—Theb have extra- wide and ;exceedingly 'light ARCH
SUPPORT which holds the shoe in shape jtiat as
surely as the concrete beam holds the building, at the r
• same time giving extra comfort soeing that ' the weight 'of
the , whole' .body 'rests
• . . • '
4th-�They have the class. on the arch off the foot. .
$•1.5.00""" of shoes that are sold for $12.00' and
ENNA JETT1CK SHOES are made from size's 1 to 12 and in
widths 'AAAAA 10 EEE and are sold at the same ~'
prices from•
Atlantic to Pacific, namely: ,
50•" and $0:537 .. Pali.
Phoe 129; " Wltl^,ham
A number. from • here attended the
:'funeral of the. late Mr. William John
Smith, whose .death' occurred at• the
bonne' of- his 'mother, ' ,Mrs. ' Robert
Smith on Sunday. Mrs. Smith and
his brothers. andsisters have ''the`
ympatTiy ofi mafly St:""Helens friend:,
"Mrs, Cronin. and "children veho have
"peen visitors with'Mr and Mrs: W. J.
.Foran .have' returned, To Toronto : ac=
:ompanied' by Miss Mary Foran
Mr:• Hugh- ling Miss..Gertrude Wal-,
'ace • and •Miss 'Edna Cronin of Bar -
:ie were visitors at Wallace Milleirr
and: E. J. 'Thotii's• on Monday. . Miss
Helen Thom who hasbeen a visitor
•:n •Barrie for. several 'weeks returned
home with them.
-ur' r nel•,
�•-George -Webb-has - ret
from Kincardine, where she spent • the
Mrs Clark Misses Annie Wand Co-
lina •Clark -went to Westfield on Fri-
day where' Mrs. Clark will 'make her
home-with-=ke,r--daugtbgr 1UI7s -NF =°•
On McDowell. Miss 'Annie .' Clark will
return' to. Saskatoon and Miss. Colina,
will teach in • Port Dalhousie.
Miss ;Edith • Durnin ,has, :returned
from a' visit with friends at, Tillson-.
Try Our, REPAIR' DEPARTMENT NT for Satisfeetory Work
UIII�I11111!!tIIIIIIIIIHIL�IIIII!![�IIIIIIIlllllll fl"Milllhlllul� llilllalllllGalll lllafu'IIII�IIIIIIi.�IIIIIIiIIIIIIu�Ili9lBWlilrilll!IImIIIgiltllrlUiiGllll®11111�IIIIIUiI
' " Vire . to ' the -keen interest 'taken . in
he ' 'Bacon Litter competition Which
was sponsored ' by, the • Federal .and
Provincial Departments • of 'Agricul-.
t an .last 'spring, it. has beendecided,
to conduct another competition this
fall .
Any farmers in thecounty may
take entry in ;this, Competition and
-•dateof farrowing '•must be be-
tween September lst•'and. November;
18th and entry
_ must be m_
ade Within.
Seven, dated offarrow-
ing. In order ,to qualify. there. must
be nine pigs •iii. the .litter raised
marketing age, and at least' 30% of
the litter' must -grade ea -Select bacon.
The awards Will ;be based on the
.xveight, .size,-quaiit ands .unifermity-
ef ;the litter.
,The Federal Live Steck. Branch
and the Ontario Live' Stock ••Branch
offer $275.00 in• prize • Money'•which.
is divided as ,follows: lst, $25:00;
-2nd,' $24.00; 3rd; $23 00,, 4th; $22:00;
,5th, . $21.-00_;, .6th, .'$20.00; 7th, .$20.00;.
and eight' more. 'prized rof $15.00
each. - ..
In, view of the substantial' prizes
offered and the fact that there is no
sxpense in connection with entering
:he competition, there should be a
large' entry from' . the county. .
For further information and . ap-
plication forms apply to the Ontario
Department of Agriculture, Clinton,
Kinloss Council 'Minutes
.Council' met on August' 24th, 1931,.
all mentbers present. Minutes of last
:meett'lhg -read- and - confirmed:
The follgwing sheep claims; were
ordeted paidon report of Inspectors,
A. ,McIntyre $26.00, Alex Purvis,
$7.00; Wesley Thompson $10.00.
• A grant of $10.00 was given to the
Lucknow Agricultural Society. •
A drainage Petition for the North
sect of of the'• Black Creek extension
was -received and accepted, and the
engineer asked to eXamine and report
• The Black Creek Drainage 'By -Law
was finally •passed, and the clerk was
instructed to notify all parties asses-
sed that 60% of their assessment was,
due and payable to the treasurer on
or before Sept. 28th, 1931. ' .
The report on the Pettypiece drain.
ryas_ read _and .provisionally adopted,.
Slid the Court Ofnevi's')set for
Sept. 28th, at 2 o'clock.
A • By -Lair was passed fixing the
following rates for the year 1931:,
County rate 13.8 'mills; Township
rate, 8.6 mills; Special school .rate;
4 mills; and Trustees levy in accord-
ante with therequisitions of the sev-
eral school • boards. •
Council adjourned to meet again
on Monday the 28th day 'of Septem-
ber• at the usual --time and place.
Cheques issued: Wesley Thompson
P:L. 66, $6.09; 11. P. Dawson, P.L.. 67,
$7.40; Frank Miller, P.L. 68, $11.30;
Alex McLeod, P,L. 69; $18.20; Thos.
Donaldson, Brick for ' hall, . $13.50;
Neil McCallum,, Bal. account cement
work . at Hall, $190.00; J. Moulton,
:T'ile, at 11a11, $13.75; E. Tiffin, work
at Hall, $90:00; Geo. Mc1VFi1Ian, work
at hall, $47.25; Miss 'Pierce, joist for
hall; $14.00; J. C. ' Monteith, `Insp.
Ross Drain, 11:0'0; 11. Shelton,, Ass-
istance Meek 'Creek Extension, 5.40;
A. Shelton, assistance B. C., '$6.00;
F. ,.Brown, assistance B. C., $25,201
Geo. Haldenby, assistance B. C. 13.50`
Harry. Bell, assistance B. C., 30.69:
Spence McFarlan,• assistance' B. C.,
12•.30;: Wtii. McParlan;. assistance 13.'
C., 6.00; .1. Daniel, assistance B.O.,
0'; J.W. Colwell, Coni. Fees, K.&
20.0 ...., �. .
K. Drain, 6.00; ,Wesley Thompson, 1
sheep, '10:00; A?clite M`cIyr'e,;
sheep' and . damage, $26.00; Alert
Purves, 1 sheep,' 7.00; John McLeod,'
Insp. 360: D McDonald, Insp, "1.75;
Joseph Agnew, ' Grant to .,Lucknow'
Agri. Society. moo.,
R +ajer. } rot
Mr. 'Alf •Webb " and Miss Greta'
spent'the week --end at Grand Valley.
Mrs Carter' and daughter who 'have
been their' guests during the past
week, returned to their home with
them. ,• .
The following teacher's ,axe. among
':hose who• have returned to then•
duties after 'spending ' their vacation
it their homes here Misses Mabel
tnd Irene Woods and, Vera Todd to
near Kitchener; Miss Dorothy Web -
:ter to London, Miss. Zylda Wester
:o Toronto, Miss Dorothy ' McQuillin..
Sandwich and 'Miss W. D.- Ruth-
crford fa Kirkland Lake.
Misses • Isobel Miller and Heler
Thorn and Dick Weatherhead and
Neely "Todd are attending school at.
Lucknow and Miss Jean Webster re-
turns to Windham High School. .
The September meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be ,held at Mrs.
Wilkrnsotrrs' on"'T th rsday,'__Sept: 10.
Roll call -Exhibit of old time Nandi-
.work: Subject in ' charge of the
Grandmothers. • Hostesses—Mrs. W.
`I. Miller; •Mrs. Jas. Durnin.
Messrs:-Fr'art'k-Todd-"and Tom Taodd
left for the C.N.E. with their cattle
on Saturday. We wish them sucd'ess. .
Next Sunday, Sept. 6th, servicer
mill be resumed as usual at Christ
Ohurch. • The rector, 'Rev. E. O. Gal-
-lid -ha will`coiiduct the -three -o'clock'
:service of worship...
Misses Nellie Cranston and Pearl
Thompson went to London, 'Saturday.
:They entered Westervelt Business
ilo1Iege as pupils, Monday. We wish
them a successful year. •
Our local •teachers resumed their
lities Tuesday, in the same schools
'n which they taught last year. -
Mrs. Richard Johnston, ; who. was
in Windham Hospital part of last
.week has returned to Lucknow:.We.
are pleased, to report that the' blood
t of
poison Shher r handg u tounder ccon=
of her aunt,
Miss .Sara. Mallough, R: N. of Luck -
now. ' • • •. , '
Misses Jean Anderson, Winnifred
131ake, Dorothy Curran; Cora Thomp-
teri and' Jack and Jim ' Curran, have
returiied „this week . to attend Luck-
'tow 'Continuation school. -
Miss Jessie Mcly& of Ottawa. is
the guest of her'3tster, iVirs.
Phillips. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jin,.Misner of Strat-
ford, Mr and .Mts. Will. Finch . of
W inghani, Mts. Kenneth ;Campbell
and children of Detroit and: Mr. and
Mrs, John Menary' Crewe were
. Sig:nday .guests' of ...M r -and .Mrs,. Herb
Rev.and Mrs..I. W. Kilpatrick and
daughter, Miss' Margaret of Le'ariiirig
ton, called at Mt•. Sant Kilpatr'iick's
on • Tuesday, .on their way •home after
sspendin + the nom*. 4t Unice /leach*
*Two cars, driven by Chief of Police
James -T. 'Smith of Kincardine ana
Victor Casemore of town figured in
en accident at the Huron terrace and
Durham -street intersection in Kin-
cardine recently. Neither cars were
proceeding rapidly and damage dont_
when. the cars crashed wits was only o1
n minor nature, the Kincardine mo.
::grist corning off second best with
'. tw'isted' fender and a sprained
New •developments are taking place
,n connection with. •the dispute'., oxer•.
he preposed cemetery ,purchase in
• oderich by the Town Council. at
est developments are the taking of•
,troceedings by local citizens for the
snseating of the four members of
the Council who oppose the purchase..
, Notice has been served on, the four
.ourncillors, Charles tlI.. Dumber,
facob, Moser, Douglas Mooney and
farl Worsen", to the effect that a
notion will be made before the judge
` if then county court of Huron, • on
Friday, September 4, for an order
Ieclaring that they have beeotiie
lualified to act as members of the
;ounzil and' for 'rehioving them from
;;he Council. This step is taken on the
grounds that the coiincihors are in-
aligible to sit 'in the Connell by tea-
' ion of their action against the corp-
The ' four • councillors- 'who .oppose
the cemetery purchase, which invol-
For ' School , Togs
The Girl, Boy or Older Student
will and with us .a`fine:,selec---
tion. of school cloths.'
For TheBo.s--
.• � y
SUIT . S -=- TOP,• COATS : _.•..
Shop where Selection is Best
and " Prices, fight
• Kj N &ROs
Farmers Ditcers
We will compete in Price, Quality
and ' Dfeliv'ery.--A' trial •will ' Con-
vince you. '
Kincardine, R. R. 5. 'Phone 107 r 4
Fire completely devoured a large
wo-story frame, ge d sheet metal
wilding 'owned by the .Towland Colt-
,:ruction Company, on Lucan street,
iuelph en Monday. Thelblitie gained' • .
nsiderable--head-way = 'lief ora an
was turned in, giving the fire -
;tan a stiff hour's battle before they
.ucceeded• in getting the flames un-.
er control and for a time it was ,
eared.Jt would spread to the Cana-
ian National Railways' junction. A
.mall frame structure, -and a num-
.er of residences near by. Several
•'ailways box- cars, which were on a '
iding in close . proximity to the •
...lazing structure, were• also' threat--' --
hod, but all; with the exception of
ne, were saved from the flames.
The origin ofthe fire is unknown,
' ]though two hoboes were seen leav-
ng the building shortly beford the
laze broke out, • and police are - sus-
ieions that they have -been -respon-
ible for the outbreak, which caused
!amage estimated at several' thous-
:nd dollars. '
,''oiithampton Youth Escapes From
Walkerton Jail—Is Successful In
Eluding Policy.
What is thought to be the first
-scope ' to be, made from the Bruce
`.ounty jail at' Walkerton was suc-
easfulty accomplished , dn. Friday of
ast week; whet► • Art Watt, a South.
•titiptori youth tnade a get -away and
ves an , expenditure. of '$`3,000 *have'', . 'o .far has succeeded in_ eluding the
rade application to .have the by-latir folies.
fuashed, This application will be ' Watt was arrested near Owen
'tear'd 'at ,Osgoode Hall en 'September >ound last,. Thursday and appeared
'iefore Magistrate •Walker at Walker-
Six reasons for the quashing of on en a cltar'ge of stealing a este
he -by-law are ',set forth in the. ap- tn'd *as remanded in ,•custody for a
di'eation, antongi them that 4e' by= Aeek '
ceived• the assent of the Y rellowin his escape which was
lary has not to g escape,
rleetors and -that the payment et the shade possible by sealing the jail wall
Icr`bt iiicutred"dei' the byz"1'acv-vas-std--dropping--to7-tha rnnw:d' 'bol'pw:
lot provided for in tire estimates
'or .the current year and the by-law.
lots not conform •with t'lte provisions
•tf the •Municipal Act in tither particA
ularfs, easstwwaid to Montreal.
Watt is believed to have stolen -anoth-
er car and managed. to evade . the
p'ttlice . net which was laid for him.
The police believe he las headed