HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-03, Page 41S (1 sTHE; L U'K N OWN $•EN T I N,E L of country roads ` is itu ortant at all tunes, but especially so at dusk and �luis rule p.. . .:N at night., At such times no matter how careful the driver of a car is, hey ' . . near' to , and 'it may be impos- sible may not see you. until•'1�eas very • you. P d .-., •-,�for, 'trim to sto•"in. time to avoid inflicting serious injury. e to :avoild hitting ou, though you may. escape $hosa�d le -swerve , g .y _ injury others may be =hurt. d fatalities on the -highways of Ontar-ia last_year a=rirge _ --f the.;52�4 numher sirere caused -by persoirs-walking-i b -rather than -against -.,. traffic: M1 ' q r • THE • -,. LUC..IENQOW SENTINEL Published every. Thursday morning at Lucknow, 'Ontario.. A. • D: MacKenzie, Proprietor and Editor. v • THURSDAY, .SEPTEMBER 3, 1931. A NEW BEAL .IN BRITAIN Events---moyed quickly in , Great Britain the past week,' ;and • on Mon day it was announced that . the Labor Government ' had resigned and .that Prime :Minister 1VIacDonala would, head a "national" Government; 'corn- posed of •representatives of the..Labor Conservative ,and Libels' Liartiea With the prospect'of a deficit for the current year ,of $00.0,000,000, the.: Go- ve,tatpent ;was, forced to cojisidex the reduction of pay'ments`for-unemplo- --; THURSDAY, 'SEPTEMBER ;$;, CREWE Miss France Crozier spent• the past, week. the guest of her cousin Anna lIowell,. 'Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey and Miss Mary Hall visited Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Shackleton on Sunday. " Miss Alice Thompson of Mitchell js visiting her cousin, Mrs.JonhKil- patric,k. een Trelen. apent'a few ,dayMisss receLilntly with•hereavcoussin,..Elleda Ilunter. " , Mi and Mrs.. John Watt spent 'Sun- day with',Mr and Mrs..Thhn Kilpa rick: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell and ;family spent Sunday with. Mr. and .Mrs Wm. -.Crozier .Mr:“ and Mrs. Herb Stothers :spent Sunday .evening With ,Mr .:and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan: ' ;Mr. and Mrs. Beit Treleavefl and - fancily s•}dept •Sunday,.evening, with -1111.sand :Mrs .l11 cid Hackett, . .t i Merit insurance and ' other social Ser. rices: -A form-idahle'element in tht,: Gabor.party. i—Wused to support sucl i policy, and after a series , of nes otl'ations,.::ln :which King George is aid to have taken a practical. part the leaders of all parties have agreed' to; 'subordinate' their differences for a time in order:' to meet the °present emergency. The advantage Of ` tht- coalition is that it avoids the neces sity„of a, general election and itsat tel dan-t excitement and, arousing - of passions at a' tinie when ,cool heads,. and calm' junnsent are particularly needed,. How long the coalition will last is for ,,the futureto determine. For the present: 'the Labor , party 'b broken "up, the Conservatives; drop their agitation • for ' a” protectivve ` Or Imperialist tariff, and . the Liberal, presumably abandon . for the'. preseit their' hope pf :electoral reform. • But for :how long can the truce be main- tained? It as .not' difficult. to •imagine conditions under which the existence•' of the 'coalition would 'become .impos sihle,;�and an . an ease it is not at _ ---- ..Teneral alar x ' ry-ve..a ..•g' , - _ .. ..... -all•-1ike1- to su tion. VWCilLthe issue develop :between the :economists and the th�roughgo- rng supporters of the dole, or .• be - ween --the protectionists 4nd_th The University belongs to the people of Western Ontario. orale. itis supported by Provincial and M ip.I grants, -by -Endowment- Fsrnd in-__- come, end by tultion, fees. The enrolment of regular students b 4930.31 was 9374, not ine�udin! approximately four••hundred students in special groups, who received instruction .. { the University' Staff. tom Registration Days .-- SATURDAY (9 a m to 1 pan.), September 99th 2nd, .3rd 4th ear students from • .'London A:043;NDAI Se tciriber S1 st, ell' freshm. TUESDAY, September 22nd-2eird and,.4th y'esr students froth centre's_ oth€. thin ' LoOdon; - W ED N E SD A Y, •.September""' 3rd, LARSHIP .GOES • Lectures begin j, TO BRUC1.-TOWNNSII-IP---Feer further inf®rmat_lionf write to 'THE • .... ', .,� "REGISTiB-AR-or-aPP i" . , SCHO .A L.`"aChambers McKinnon, Bruce township, is' the winner from Bruce County for.the 'Massey Scholarship.. st the' O.A.C,, Guelph, this year. Six Candidates competed at. the examin- atioiis.held at,; the Dept.. of Agricul- ture, Walkerton on Monday, and Me - Kinnon and Morley' Mills of •Ripley were in close competition: The' Mas- sey Foundation .provided for, $50." to be applied to the fees of the general course • at 'the O,A.C. of,. the youth nominated' by any countyPprovidedthe: •county. votes aft equal sum. At the June sessions of the Bruce Couinty Council, this matter was'presented by. • Mr Forsythe „the District Agri- cultural :'Representative, and that body approved of.the'' same... Zgrhy,take a chazlce2, THE HON. LEOPOLD MACAULAY, MINISTER HWAYS TOOK POSSESSION -�- ^' •• . AT ' CAMP KINTAIL • With such" a, strong• Irish 'accent that the . court officials feltstrongly inclined , to doubt his oft=repeated statement that he was born in Can ada, ' John Finn appeared .in police court at Goderich last week, charged _with �vagttancY lie,. was found by Provincial. Officer Whitesides recent- ly in the cook -house of the Presby- terian camp ' near Kintail: busily en* gaged frying eggs'and making apple sauce. Information bad been- sent in by .one. of the farmers, in the neigh- ! borhood about the movements • of the man: When the Provincial Officer stepped into the .buildi}ng at Camp -Kintail he was not noticed by; • the man -for a few minutes ,so busily en- gaged was he at his '.cooking.. • The officer thought he .had better bring the man to thecounty jail. 'A sort ' ' of police barracks is the way Finn explained to the magistrate, on , Mon- day morningwhere, he was staying now, 'wh'i'ch suggests that the man has more . knowledge of th'iphrase- • clogs and nanenelature of . the • Old Country or' of . the Canadian west than of •Ontario, for we don't use -the woft barracks in •connection with the `police in this provifce as. a role. Finn claims Brussels as his home but could not tell the magistrate the ' name of one man in the village tho he said -he knew'' plenty of them, bought his provisions there some- times and so forth. He did not 'know t• h'e name of the town he was in Mon- • day morning .when he wasin, court and does 'not seem to bother • much with names anyway.- He, says. he works for farmer's but does not seem to keep track of the names of those he •works•,$or even when they., owe him money, for he said he had some Money coining to him from a'•farnter ,for whom he Workedbut could 'not tell the court his name. Be did not think he was doing any harm in taking pos- session of, the, building *here he Was making himself at home at Camp' Ifintail. In fact he quoted it OS an understood thing that •when one -found a','place unocscupied it 'wes fl_._... a.. • ll- right-rrtake-.ugh-.,of it; wh�icn ght- to a , suggests that he has had some ex- perience a'mon'g trappers in 'the nor - then' country+;'; Where sante sort of such ,liberty is an u n d e stoo d thing. Asked when he was born he Said "In Ca ada• thata no crime is it? "No, .� .sairp•••tlie`Cro-wn. Attoriiey� nor •to, be, both- in Ireland:" It was .decided to remand the man to jail and' to try to find. ' out something' :about him in, the .meantime: WHITECHURCH Mr. Charlie Stewart of Ashfield,> spent . Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. T1Fos Inglis: _.. .. • Mrs. Norman of Langside visited last week with her sister•,, Mrs. Jas: Wilson. - :Mr. and "Mrs. 'Russel Reid of Brant- ford who have been visiting •with his mother, Mrs. Alex • Reid returned home• last week.. , Miss Mary Laidlaw' left, last Fri. day for P.owassan to, visit with rela- tives there. 1 ' ,M,iss Goy of • Wingham spent week -end with Mrs. C. Murray. Mr. Henry' Patterson ' and' Mr. Mrs. Will Egglestone vis to one last week with their Deice, Mrs. drew Stein of ' Ashfield. • The school teachers 'have returned to their schools this week. Misses,' Annetta Fisher to Linwood, Barbara Weir to near Teesivater, Winnifred Farrier to l?ipley and Miss•7McDoneld of Po„-,.arOunt:-to->S..-S_No...-14, We: t Wuwanosh: . - The sewing .course which was held last week is, extended all this week and part of • next week. Miss Catherine Patterson . has started to Luckilow •High School this week. • . ' 'M'i'ss Metcalf of Wingham spat the week -end with Miss Dorothy Pol- lock. - Miss 'Surae Carrick is visiting with -her ' sister Mrs. Fred Clarke of Ain- herstburg. ' • - Mrs. Craig Sr., Mr: and Mrs. John Craig and' Miss Janet Craig and also Mrs. Duncan McDonald, Mr. Jack Gillies and Mrs.: David' Gillies' visited on Sunday at Fordwicl with the letter's brother, Mr. John Thom. . . Mrs.' Ogilvie and ehildretf who have been visiting with her, parents Mr. and Mrs. Johii C1ubb, ' returned home to Toronto last week. . "MISS "Addie Ross'. of,.. oronto._ pending* her holidays with her par- ent, Mr, and Mia: Mac Ross. Miss Letts pox visited last” wank Tuada sit 2 'clock,. vs) Rev. lien y with }ler sister, Mrs. 'Roy Patten of i'►etb McLean. Interment was made ir Lur:in,. > rhe Wirigbant Cemetery, _ the and day An - p. THE PARENT• AND THE SCI'I.00L The growing' child ., spends- a nunt- ears in' 'school in. order that i ed �to,_ ifr"improvement and,�contt led _ to e may be -prepared for . adult 1 e prove until a couple of weeks ago .he This preparation ell ' s includes the had discarded :bi'd's. body as well `as his mind. I*. Currie:.left immediately with-his"am- is neither necessary nor desirable bu}anee. on receiving,' word and UWEsrr� EG RI LoNDON�oNTAps PUBLISHER TAKES SECOND • STROKE We regret to •report':that W. Logan Craig, • pro,prietor, of the Advance- - , Times suffered .another' stroke last week. at his summer cottage:at Crows: Landing , on • Stoney Lake,.where '' he ,had. been spending .,the past three months. About a • year and 'a half ' ago Mr. Craig took 'his -first stroke, but after .a short time.made ~marked e free tut the health -i -of ; the school -child Should be neglected or sacrificed. The end: to . achieve is 'a sound mind in a traders, ,;or on: some -other alignment. as yet not 'clearly discerned at any. rate, fin. the present ;the ,energ.es. " a ins statesrrran will be' f�Sritaixi..Faf�••..� _ _ _ devoted to the financial situation, order that the nation ,may maintain its' -credit unimpaired and , hold its position Of world leadership in fian- ance.and commerce.,-Goderie'h Signal The 'Woni:ep's Institute held a very successful cornroast in the hall lair Wednesday evening' when -there was a large crowd and .all .;report a good time.' There was also ~a shower „given. to Miss Kathaleen T.erriff, daughter of Mr. and ''Mrs. Malcolm Ross prior to - her marriage to, Rev. :Graydon Otto' Cox, B.A.., of. Pangman,. Sask. son of 11 Ir. and Mrs. David A.. Co* merston,'Ont the marriage take place at 'Westminster 'Central United • Church, - Toronto. at `4 P.M. OT? Saturday,. September- 5th. " • It's Easy to Buy at ."MARKET-' • ' Luc1iio 's` • - Department Store F.pURTH ..CQN.,. KINLQSc Mr -s: 'Dave Campbell who: has'un- dergone. an operatiorr'i2r-the-Ii meal' dine ,Hospital, is improving nicely. Mr. and -Mrs.' .,Wm. Ruttle 'have moved into -the new ' farm . on . the Fourth Cort. • Miss Sarah McIver, has returned to het school, at Powassan, on Satur- day. ..I} . A number from here took in the. =plat Roiizt�C3aik.Tast Thur-d-sYr �� •Mr. and MO. Win. IIiddletti of • Forest and Miss Jean of London, and Mr. Richard Rend' of Detroit, visited. . last' week at R. Middleton's. • • Miss. Lena ,Rehirison is at present •nursing Mr. Gordon Fisher, 'who hat; 'been critically . ill .' in the Wingliar-i Hospital. . , , =Miss Jean McKenzie and Bessie. are spending this week with •Mrs. W. -McKenzie. .' • , Mr. and .Mrs. Elliott Taylor, athi Mrs. Havens of • St. Helens, were guests the `last of 'the week with Mr; and Mrs. It. Martin.. sound- body. The -Modern_ _scho_ol_...provides healthy envirofnient for the . child 'during'. the ''many .'hours qie spend :• there. Attention is given'to fresh air, sunshine, cleanliness, • provision 'for play, and other facilities which make, for a healthy development of • the ali'a's body.' - In order that the child may get the be* out ef' his- ;school years, It is. neeesea-ryhhat-Lthe-parent_and you ' 'ins o is Thurs- day..As yet little Change has 'beep, made . in his ;conditions - Advance- Times: ' CREWE (IntendedforLast Week) Miss Susie • Kilpatrick spent Sun- • day with her friends. Mrs. Watt, at Lanes. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and.,• - children ,and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hackett visited. - Walkerton friends co-operate. Neither can take on •the responsibility ofthe other. The par- ent is responsible for seeing that the child is properly fed,_ that he is clean when he•, leaves for, school, .that he goes to bed at the proper hour and sleeps :with his window open... Thr sclydol is • responsible for • protecting the child from comriiunicable• diseas- vrd--for--pr, viding-.Iii.in-with-hit thy surroundings - and an opportunity to develop his body. The. school' Cannot control commun. icable .diseases tnrithout, the assistance of 'the parent: The . child who is ill: should be kept at home. 'Toe_child Who has a sore throat,,or who shows a rash of any •'kind should not be sent back to school until he has been seen by a doctor. IOis the mild cases, of disease which 'are frequently re- sponsible,for the spread of disease. Many ilchiidren . , arrive . at school without breakfast' or else they, have had a piece of cake and a 'cap of tea. They stay up latiat night and arc not rested and ready to get up in the morning. The result is they have neither the time 'to • wash properly nor to ,elft their breakfast, and ' so they go to ss hoof dirty, hungry and tired. - That _i .a _poor.-w.ay to start -,.the, day. Under such conditions" the child is 'unable to do his. school -work, and then the parents not infrequently. blame the seh6o1 llecause their child does not get on when the fault' is at home. PIONEER TURNBERRY• RESIDENT DIES: • The death -of a pienee resider of Turnberry Township, in the per• son_. •off alar, Pearsonid w of 'An drew Mitchell oci`:ured on Sunday She. was a daughter of the late, Mr and Mrs. Chas.. Pearson, born • it S'cbtland, and with her parents cam( to' Canada • at. the age of four years: and 'settled, at Fc�gus, • afterwards moving to Turn'herry Township . were she'had' 'beer a '.resident. for the past 78 years. Despite her ad:` vanced years, Mrs. Mitchell had al 'ways enjoyed the best•of health, ane' prior to her death had been able tr he around` the , house. The decease was -in her 87 year, and during her younger days had always 'taken very' active pari; in St. And :• rew' •Presbyterian Church. Surviving•'are four .sons, and .faun daughters, Dr. •Andrew., in Denver Col.; Jack, on the homestead; *it - !jam, Winghaln;- Charles and Agnes, Cbilliwack, B..; Mrs. Ann Hawke,. A•Black. D'iamon'd, Alta.; Mr's., David Mrs.. -l3raeii�-Orartd. Ra.pids,_.11f'.ibh.,:.and , n°drew McK-aguo, NC/Ingham.. Tile 'funeral service was eondueted at her late resideiree, Wingharn, on •Mr. Atlieiitt in' Brussels pis' busy these •days -'doing' whitewashing.. for the farmers. ' - ' School has started , again wit!i' teachers, and scholars busy - at wori:, w —CURDS -CORNERS Miss Mary Hodgins, Mr. and Mr's• B'azil „,Thompson and Mr. Bert and Frank Thompson . have 'all retut'ne+i back to school fter spending. their summer holidays ;their 'homes. Moat schools.provide for the medi- Mrs. ' Mrs. Howard Heide by. visited 'her 'cal examinaeion of the children, Par - mother, Mrs. Wall recently. , ents should he invited to attend ' at Miss. Laura Bell .find 'tars. Bell the examination and if they are in - spent an afternoon at Mrsm . vitrrl, they, should. go.' The.school Rome's, helping to quilt. doctor cannot db . more than advise Corning from .liucknow one after- the parent that the c'hi't' requires noon recently, Mrs.' Howard' Belden.medical attention; the school, dries' •by' ran into Mr: Joe, Wall, whir was not' provide treatment. ' coming i om l.eeswater. No onci way The parent who neglects to follow hurt only' the cart; rlamagr: l ,x little• : the advicrc of the school doctor may It pays sometimes to look up ..ao l he.' seriously handicapping his child. down when ycru are corning to a j.1 he child who requires glasses Can - carnet. . ':•not do his work `without them. The The Little Furca" still keeps goi'n,� !child who Cannot breathe through his through 'by -ways and side+ -ways. ' mise heeausc of ederie ds is not likely Tlose whotook in the Tlolyroor' to do' well in ••school.. 'l'ynl� o parent is Institute-- piM:•n-ic:' :at -14.-,lop.rr. r'ei innsil"il:�•;. fir'"i;cein• that is i�Filfrl- i -geeing- J? port a. good tiace,:and :Const s:ver y Otte ;i•s reslie.vod of the conditions -which carryin;gl" home a ';rile. • I the lance' doctor brings to his atten-. ' The funeral' of Misss Annie Stuart turn, That is ar • of the' teem -play. ' � p $ •.rd'�a was held from her home Cyn >�atu, Y between parent:and 'eeheol,--ritpoal• 103,,t, , tar . on Sunday. Mr. - and Mrs. John Kilpatrick and ' Ruby visited Hamilton' friends, over the week -end. Mi: and "Mr`s: Gehrge Hunter; Wii.1 -- and' Elleda spent Spnday with Mr, '• and .,Mrs.• Bert Treleaven. ' Mr.',and. Mrs. Matt. 'Shackleton and Benson were • guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Grey .of Goderich on Sunday. 1VIi..an' yrs: oe'Day M 1I 1tnn ---• spent . the Week -end with the latter's •mother, Mrs. John Menary. Mrs. Audrey Teeft of Canboro and • Mr. Will Fitzgerald of Detroit,- spent a few • days .with their , father and - sister here: ' • II . , Mr. Orville 'Durnin has purchased a new . Chevrolet sedan •car from Mr.. Lorne McKenzie. „ r PARAMOUNT ,The' U.F.W,O. of Paramount held their, monthly, meeting on August 18; at 'the home of Mrs. Will .Kempton, Boundary. The meeting was opened by •singing the opening song "How pleasant 'tis to meet again" followed by the, Lord's Prayer repeatedin uni- son. The secretary then read the min- utes of last meeting.' The- roll . call was -promptly , --answer-ed - by some splendid points on 'Etiquette., The u's- ual'program was 'then given made up' -- of the following' selections: a letter of appreciation received by the presi- dent from Miss Isobel," Chesnut; the . 'former school.. o teacher of Paramount u school,.containing thanks to the club for their donation to her .in return for her valued services which they found her,,always ready to give acid hope' that she may find as much to des in her new community. She Will be • missed in Paramount, but her place will he ably taken by,Misd Annie Mc- Donald . fur the coining year. Coni- munity singing, followed by a nuni- her of solos given by Miss Ruby Reid, Miss ' Chesnut; Mrs. Scott and a splendid • paper by Mrs. Wet. Mc .Gill, also a recitation by ; Tiorothy Irwin. A few selections oft the victr•ola add- ed' to the program, which was brought to a cloie by singing; the National. Antliervi, and a hearty vote • of thanks -was- tendered to the hostess for' the- use, , of her home. A Contest was' :then taken,, tap and the' hostess served lunch: The September meeting ie'to be hold at Mrs; Ketehabaw'a, ,44