HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-09-03, Page 3Fo''yA od, •For
Children can°eat all -they •"
want of this nowishing .,.
whole milk food. Oa gra-
' - ,liam crMckere .:toasted
or' in, temper sand-
withcilfor school tunches.
Velveeta contains ell the
a • elementb of rich whole . •
milk; It is digestible as
milk itself. • •
eeleee'' ss
iGES t ••••
Made in
c,e de•
Mede by the make oI Kraft Chdese ,al4Krak5s.f
$d `OresslnS•
:North Ainerican C nt ne t
is Field For Prehistoric i>r al
Discovery . of ,Phytosaur Armor 'in Texas but One of Many
Traces O Eirly' Monsters '
The diseovery in. Texas of 'the dot- .rado; and in Dinosaur 'Canyon, near
sal armor of a giant phytosa.ur, a .croc- I Flagstaff, Ariz., 300 tracks were found'
odile-1ifte creature ' which lived more' by^ one expedition. One If the lar>rest
' . 'than 50;000,000 years ago., mphasizesskeletons of this beast was found' in
the fact that the North American. eon Utah . in .1923 the -diplodocus pt the
tinent .1'3,001 a. fertile fief for pale- species. This specimen was seventy -
ontologists seeking the fossula of peer= s one feet lollg and the pieces .discover
.h'istorie animals 'Traces • of many , ed weighed about 52,000 pounds. This.
species 'of these monsters have, been '• creature is. supposed 'to have lived
found from .time to timp. ' ' : 1170,0:00,000 years ago. •,.
Judging from the Irtiinher of tracks I Mastodone, it is ,believed, :were
found, the- dinosaur; .or "terrible, rep= abundant here about 26000 -years -ago,
tilee'e seems to have been the most whereas this animal was thought to.
common in allparts•' of the country- Iiave become extinct in°Europe 1,000
Beside, the Connecticut.•River near centuries•back Mastodon teeth seven
Northampton are, p:reserved- dinosaur inches' long 'have ..kieen discovered.. in
tracks; said .to .be•: the':* est, perfect
*ere found: .. Nearer;,;New '. York; 'et
Woodbriidge, NJ.,, poseur. tracks
were discovered last. year mek'suring
tyventy pinches "across'• the- toes. They
'are .thought 'to date''"back, : to' the ,.ere=
t period oX' 'th'e 1Vl•ei#ozirc .4g
niforni price of'cigar-
ori k or • -n
� . ._ ester and 'their standard packing is
e °
e -of `the_ simplest�`types oreautta-
filo ac aide ; Imatic machines, says the. report.
Amo..g the--new;-models-is--a_.ma--
'Wide.. ails• .
_ i e V, .ty.. •.
,?�1d Through 40,000• Auto
matiC' Devices • in'
'.Owing to the strict legislation .gov-
awning 'shop .hours in Denmark . the
automatic- vendor has. become a popu-
lair selling medium aitd a special in
dustry ,producing slot machines has
been. developed, says -a 'recent - report
• Of the Dept of Commerce of the Vn-.
ited• States. Sales at, first were con.,
8ned'-to-., cigars' end cigarettes. ' - Now,.,
however,', ;a ' wide variety' of., •goods is
handled by the 40;000 'Machines which'
are -'estimated to" be in use: .
-*any of the. models' offered :oflate
'by the Iocai industry ire much. More
complicated and better fitted than the
• original cigarette. machine; which• be.=
the' 'ocean' Off the New Jersey ,coast;
and the v4.cinity :or Niagara, Falls 'hag
furnished. a fertile held. for such
Lear Medicine Bluffff,
`.found" the •.skeleton, of gone .qt
ti the
largest ofI ;fife priikistoric. reptiles,
aceous r „
The haunts_ eiethe ;dinosaur in • NbW' brontosaurus,°or thunder lizard,.; now
,.Jersey were fisrt'discovered, however,
hi 1858,, and a mounted skeleton ig' in
tfie Stats Museum .at Trenton. . tees
In't)ie Province: of,:Alberta and .sotpo
parts of the. Western. States dinosaur
bones have. been most '.frequently
found and most easily . excavated.
Some, huge �' racks, thirty-eight inches
long, have.. been ._ disw odered in colt,-' South . Dakota in 1846.
chine adaptedfor the 'salt of an • ex=
traordinary number of different
articles. The later models are go are
ranged that the customer carr' assure
himself of the quality of his purchase,
each 'compartment being 1itte , with,
_mirrors and illuminated by ah electrie
light; some of ;the machines hive a
separate slot' for each compartment.
The top and base or'. the machines'
are likewise illuminated. This serves
the double purpose of drawing, atten-
tion to the machine, and' providing an
advertisement for • the owner. `
The'arrangernen`:.o'f ventilation in'
combination with h the'. heat generated
by the electric bulbs' is `said to, safe-
guard ,the goods against frost and
dampness, while `sun blinds can be fit-
ted as. a protection a: ainst direct sun-
The' question of tie protection .of
slot.maehine sales againstboth theft
and the use of spurious coins has had
close attention. ' Additional security
against . burglary is offered in some
of the new models by a'cast aluminum
made : ttimake the machine sensitive.
• enough 'so -that -false coins will -•-f.3 ie educational systems. ' 1
to operate the releasing mechanism, • ,' In the : first 'place, the parents Nem
The'';Danish indusery'• engaged'. le- sidereal -that--the-ph-ysieal-tr-arning ef--
'the. produetion of.this ,,ype of machine their children m.asa serious matter,'
is •well established and of long-. ex- not one to be left to chance,, nor the
perieeee sad i. ak;ng rapidly` in- casual ministrations :of other children.
creasing sales `in' both domestic and =th , primitive equivalentof ignorant
foreign markets. ' • Evidence ' of the nurse maifl The baby's first sten, its
striking development of the industry first experience. in, the water; its first.
can be • had from the production kg --attempt to-liandle_a_paddle and h unt,
ures... In 190' a total of 1,616 units all were ,carefully supervised by, a`pa-
were turned out, valued' at , 662,O'st► tient, attentive rarest.,
crowns; in 1928' the number. cf •ma- They never forced 'tile children to
chines- manufactured, rose to 2,046 walk or. swim ''or climb too 'soon. But
units and the value to "752;000 cr'owns., a child ,was never allowed -to go ba k-
while.in,1929: the figure es had increased wards, , to refuse to da • somethi' ig
to 4,926 units and, 1,298,000 crowns, which he ;had shorn:. he was strong
respectively. •. - . . enough to, do. We aro'^ all familiar
No f.'steres , are available• covering with . children among ourselves, Who
xports and imports, but it is repdE!- start to walk.and fall down, ge•tti'eg,a
' - - toiriatic hi e- Painful --bruise- or,- a --.bad- -fright,- and:
hi ;the Peabody M`us.eum at New Iia
'vet. When alive, its 'weight is' esti-.
mated of arch .a edut>forty imus;
and ' it lived about.. years,
ago. • The jaw ; .of - a tithanothere, to
Which family belong the modern
horse, tapir and rhinoceros, ,was found
in. the White : Raver ,Bad `Lands of
Goof �' 246% V
olio CE• Bt.IEt Rea 1.al�e� ? oraa e
WI Las
Household Help: a We.' clean- ,yodr`
dirty kids, for a quarter.• ,Ad: in the
Elmira; N.y..Advertiser. •
Dau'ght'er;;"Nothing' gives •.the • eht`i11.
PC;; those three "little: Words, '1 hove
u. n
adel'y.Dr ow ,about those
three little "words, 'Enclosed Flied
Cheque'?"• . ,
.classified . Advertising'.
1,9Ei-1982 QATALOGU
Auto. Accessories.,' - •Tires.. ' ,Sports
Goods. .Bicycles: Radios, Big money : •
-savers.,, TAronto ;Tires and Audio Sa1eg,'•.
Co, 191'B 5 1Juiidae West, Toronto •
Jacob ,-"I've a good' eob:now, Retie, :•ar
lben,:iirerking in a•shirt feefore'"" ,• ,
' en tht•
R@ub;en Iovg dose it hasp
you ar.o. �st o nif,•t_o-day*1,... ,
Jacoh—"Olt, they are making night
shirts Ahis. week." •s
M .
The • Worst "alis ..menace- in: this.+coup
try -The• fellow who,. is always firing
vote his mouth.•Some people notice that,
-the dayd•.are, getting longer; others,
that •the nights are getting shorter.
Tweet honest' man a debt is never out-
lawed, regardless of what 'Melees. may.
' Babies
La are so 'efficient that children are never be,
Water B bites • made to• doubt their world through . • . • , •
• their doubting 'parents: '
• 'Condensed from . Safety .Education .. : '. The child learns' -trine ,the very be -
By. Readers' Digest: •.:ginning:'that• 'the Physical." world. can
• • be handled, 18 handled, every minute,
• In a village; of ,lagoon' dweller:B.0 eo revery hour', by all •the • rown up people
pie who raise. their thatched houses c •.• with sure footed,, cl'egr. eyed •comple,
Piles in 'a, *sten village 'half 'a mile,'ency.,' Those same adults. never per
from shore, I watched, the-paren.ts ;o1-mit• the child to-ayen..co.ns.ider.-that
the Manus • tribe • train` their small ;will not do as=well as they;do..
children to *gest lightheartedly. and The results. of this system of train
'efficiently the. continual challenge of Ing :are • truly amazing.. ,Children .0
their' ' precarious : water ,existence, three are perfectly at •home :amid' the
writes Margaret Mead, author of perils.of their water world. They' can
"Growing' Up. in Guinea" who spent swim • as'well as= they'walk; •they can
'six ••montlis, among the -genus. And'.
there was much . in `the educational
methods! et .these lithe b wn eavagea,
in G string dor grass skirt, which could
Abe tra
el Willi-"proffrint aur'
that Denalifi s .
have eecoine' 'a very consh erable:
rticre of export and are sold ;,o';;uch'
countries as the Netherlands, Switi-
erland, England; and -Sweden.' Ma-
. I chines are also Manufactured ebroed
under. Danish patents. '
The • •latest field to be entered by
the automatic'vending machine in
Copenhagen• is the restaurant indus-
®P-EMS FRIDAY, AUGUST i8 _• try, the opening of two restaurants
• Keen erryment d pi of this type y
annual exposition. Take a day.' be furnished• by a vending machine
or two—or the .entire fourteen ,,manufacturer of Berlin; Germany,All
i the visible parts will be made, of poi-
, days -seem thins new and
$ g 1 ished metal..The walls 'will be #aced
strange from. other lands, listen- I.with •marble .and topped by an elce-
ing to music of famous batfds, 1 trictilly=lightfd glass molding on
or the Exhibition', 2000 -Voice I which will appear the .Harries of the
foods served below.
Chorus; watching some sport , I+, is also planned . to place amliit-
an ins in; bus sections; of the
announced. The -
city having been
:'Me. Perkinson_"Do you act towards
your wife the way you did before you
married her?"
Mr. , ,.Livingston-"Exa'etfy.• ` I re-
member. just how I used tb act When I
'first fell in love with: her. I, used to
lean over - the fence in front of her
house and gaze at her -shadow on t•he,
'curtain, afraid to go in. - 1 act the
same .Way
It now, costs more to amuse a child,.
than it once did lo.educate his 'father..
When a man' wants his handkerchief •
imb up arid down the. slippery house•'•he reaches around 'and,yanks''it out of.
Iles; they can tread their' way sure
a d quick Doted over the treacherous
uddy 'shallows of •the' lagoon at low
fide: They' can"bee-Belated=-toe=cartet;-eausesmostaefelo_da Baa war=les •;}._x._
his pocket; when a` girl wants hers,
she'' arises,. shakes herself, and picks
it off .the-'O:o'{r. • Yeste`rd�ay'a Neglect
•B•ill—'O.ur • cat has-kltte'ns.
Sue -"What, did you expect It. to
have?,,. • '.
Gayful Gladys Gigglbs- "A.bachelor
is a man , who believes in freedom, of
the sea of matrimony."
Menton -
421 College Ste
Harley-Davidson.' Distribuora
Write ,at once for our•bargain list of
'used motorcycles. • Terrirs arranged.:
father a glowing ;cinder to light Ms .
pipe, . wit it olit fear that their -wilt -fall Sweet Young Thinge(to hotel-cl�kk)'.
-and-set the • light : thatched, ,h.o.uae pn_ •THow _ much are your rooms r
fire, They can'climb all over .the big Hotel Clerk—'Two ' dollars up 'to
canoes, work their[ way 'out' along the. twelve,"
Slender booms of the outrigger, slip • Sweet. ,Yodng Thing— "How , much
into., the water and swim besid:` ■I : l-nigint''
canoe, one hand on the o,:utrigger, un-
i1 weary'of this they.. climb aboard Out of depression comes necessity;
again. 'Out of necessity emerges invention;
' Out .of. izwnti:on grow. new methods of At . about two. or two and.a half, Out.of work' will come renewed
their_fatliers„make them small 'caifoes .w0.Tk; i FO : INDIGESTION
f their own, tiny, craft;.,four or five prosper ty.
Best for' u,a,;i Ba i too
When' ' rnnn
was youn3
she' 'Used: .
EABY-'� Wri-
Tbetias No►wtlf leadieg Canadian
Soap-•for_To.i:lel=fnd_Nurser_y. _-_
'But))or You and Bob, Too'
lOc. In IAdlvidual carton* 1-st
1 shallow 'wooden I >
set ,long, simply s a �+ For some years previous to 1922
hells hollowed : '.out ' of small tree • : Gladys Why is Dorothy so angry? ; ...•*
was subject to indigestion, with head-
runks. In these .little •canoes, the The papers gave a full account of her ; aches and thousands of stars sparkling '
hildren race and . play about •'the la- wedding." !' is. my eyes which. prevented tie from
goon, learning to paddle accurately, to• • Eloise, Yee, but they put it in that : reading.. 1 decided to try Kruschcn
udgedistancescorrectly, so that they Miss Blae•kfleld was *tarried to the Salts.' That was August, 1922, and'.1
will not catch the outrigger which pro- well-known collector of antiques." ,,� I� have taken a. little in my first morning `
tete_ front one,sid® -oft l cup of tea ever since.I now eat any=
subsequently refuse,to walk again for the house piles, when they
several months, The Mar•.is are in canoes up to the house la
terested in the ;' ild's making the forms. About • the same time,. their
"maximum- .'.phys.ical adjustment of parents_ begin training them be hand -
which he is capable;, they. have de- ling larger canoes, an is i't fs no u•ncom-
lighted .praise and vociferous• applause mon sight to see' a child of three or
for the baby's first 'ste>; cold indif- four, slowly punting. along a 12 -foot
ference for the ,baby .•who falls. down canoe, 'while father sits' patiently,
and refuses to take another step: The cross legged, upon the platform. The
only way in which the child can• re- Manus ate 6 --- busy peoplef •ever up' and
-ceptur`e :the delightful admiration of .;about their fishing, their trading, their
his elders, is tp stifle his'cries, strug-� canoe building or voyaging; biit'theY
=ole-earelestlYeto=leis=.little_.bx ; Witi-le e,
he -canoe,^ in .
their . •: itrg,_ sud---ern--eotir�el3�_ frees fm_ m
airing A bride," so the story goes, Sent ' a indigestion or. `stars: ' . F• C -
*ding plat dollar to her; .Yon,: recently fora copy Now let it be said quite definitely,
of a gook advertised .as "What Every. that what `Kruse t.n did for him, it
Young .Married Woma.• ,Ought to1
will do for everybody else who suffers
Tnow"'' She received a cook boob. from indigestion as he did. The fact
is that• tilt little daily dose' ilrsb
stimulates the flow of gastric juices
to aid digestiwi, and then ensures
complete, regular, and unfailing
elimination of all waste matter every
Soon after "ou start on Kruscheit ;
you will beg i . to feel : the benefit.' • e
You will find to your 'satisfartio.i ' , •
--thateoua-are...abte to_en-loyouc food •
without any distressing -67, ler-e[d`�Ys:� : �
And, as. you persevere, you will see
that the relief which firuscben brings
is lasting relief. ,
-•-ratim fo • Oct aviSieltethe largeSt "beetiirpnient, according .to reports,, will -
spectacle of international re-
nown; or the' Grandstand
Pageant unfolded on the world's
largest outdoor stage:. machines are reported to cost about
The Canadian National Exhitbi- 2,,500 'crowns apiece' (the ' Denizli'
don is different, bigger,- more crown equals .about 26' cents -United
States currency) and have .a capacity
wonderful,mtire diversified than of .55 liters. They are equipped with
any other exposition. Send•nowi' refrigeration units and also with . in.
for illustrated literature describ- , genious -apparatus • which manufac-
ing in detail the forthcoming tures a paper cup for each customer.
Canadian . National Rxhibitioti.
lent automatic machines at .railway
stations and on the. principal boulc-,
yards, These vendors will supply
both. beer and lemon soda water. Such
and try again. •
For the' very small. baby who faite:
and hesitates, the parents have only
indifference ' and temporary inatten-
tion; an older child who falls down or
makes some other awkward, mistake,
are-ne-v e--too,busIet_eenare_the time to ,
prdperly train II their small children,
because they realize -that upon good .•
early physical adjustment the child's
future, eifii;iency depends. .
When the whole aim u''the parental
training is to make children feel at
is likely to be !venally punished,• so home ,in the
world, feel self-reliant,
that .the Manus child 'doesn't look_ asily reeourcefui, 'surely confident,,
about to' see, ifMother is near e igh they -do not try to deter a ,child by the,
to make, it Worth while to • cry, • but
•rather•looks aboet in.devout hope that
no one has seen hie stupid blunder.
o anxiousx
hams ar to
We,on the ether
to console the stumbler, to surround
him with warts • ,rn1 :tend words; and
comforting assu. nces. This associa-
tion of . a -mistake with , reward is a•
bad method cr'.'training children not'
to be awkward, careless, stupid in
their •physical adjustments.. `'0
The Manus parents 'are also ex-
ceeding careful not 'to frighten 'a
child, either purposely or'accidentally.
sive Puffball Mushroom
When a baby has taken its first steps,
MOT 1 -wry ll
_. rerervat o"flS -
"ORIENTIA,"' gia torous' ipeetade
of Rbc Eastern World=•• nigrrly grand-
itasd, pageant; also for the.4, ccncerfr by
Internationally. amour EXHIBITION
2000 -VOICE CHORUS in the
BOX ,Fret $1.30 each (5 or 6'thalrs in
CHORU5 'Salt, Aug. 29$ T'burl.,
i. S; Tares., Sept. 8 and Sat, Spt:-
Std ,served 7Se Box
>�. Groarnsi floor' r
AUG.?6:1#o UPT.12.1931
fir T
ts' ieothereer--fathers-putsch -dawn-i
' Is. Pn& r Man's Weatherglass the water at low•tide, leaves it there
periment next day. Later, he wall be
"The poor man's weatherglass" is a for just a few Minutes, repeats the ex-
meehroom, so named because it :s so
sensitive to changes in the. moisture
of the -air that it serves as a baro- universe. Instead of sitting idle, de -
"Meter, :s ys The United .States. De- h d h ithi d lis terred from the activity, which they
ertinent� of Agriculture. Ie. grows g Bovet, and dreaming of seven league'
p g- ld h al t d into boots which would enhance the power
�in, wood's(' sandy places, and• On partly
Cleared land. As it develops, the two c - their short legs, they aro up and
1 Eiea a i t ti about, happy in continuous activity in
louter coats of the puffball •containing
the spores split into segments, but re- which they are always 'becomingemore,
I i united at the topof the ball. d able, more sure. of themselves. They
i trha two Is i' j d nt as lean to °blame, not 'theft tools, -their
(The not 'ab s vary insure in tthe t Il canoes, their `paddles,' tor inistakes,
and do not .absorb moisture in the p
see. The .result is that in to get •bud frights when his w but 'themselves, because they have 'a
Sledge deg
wet weather; or' when there is consid- d t f' it ThO clear and accurate knowledge of how
1 moisture in the air' the' • seg- little these mistakes vier- made. They are.
crab a way of accustoming children to the healthy,` flexible' minded children, en -
from the planta
menta stand the the inner layer con wm without any excuse.. ,., in a dangerous world,
en -
In dry weather � water by force, a brutal, hfirrid cus� premel safe
- made o by the in_ telligence and pa -
tracts more than the outer and- ager, tience nth which tieir"parents train
their children,
Magus parents like e
th gm is to curve in sharply.
sayings .which are to' often an adults'
lips .among ourselves. '"Don't do that,
you 'are too little." "Your lege aren't I
long enough.". All. such counsel tends
to breed fearfulness,'' lack' of confi-1
'deuce in- children, and a Idanus child
who lacked self confidence would be'
a nuisance, to himself and to everyone
else. A child who attempts, some-
thing beyond. his •strength is diverted,
rather than discouraged.. • •The Manus
child consequently grows. up com-
pietely. sure' of himself, stare that he
can handle .t. situation,. afraid of
nothing, for certainly; much f the
n besis...of_iear is laed in the frights, the
failures of early childhood ..
One other good effect this type- of-
childhood training has. The child1en
permitted to play about. in the shal- learn to . take a realistic view of the
lows muter the house, an alert, parent
on t e'veran a or within cors,
teein . 'fora trywhich Would•mean
that She ,child: a • strayed out
deeper water. The child is not made
conscious o con mous• supervision;
no hall storm of "don'ts," "be care-
ful!'" rains Upon .Ms .playgroen ; he
trained to-usehis own judgment
much' as' ossible buthe is no a oW-
ed o n
two-year-old judgment fang.
Manus would find our pleasante
e -
rause of their habit of splitting into re given .his same training when them so, early that they have not time
nt to
to make inept adjusame a.
0 le a v" n aiiihe earth stars, and .Gees.
•, is know
® ���8�ik�� � I ,sic hygxometricus is •ltnowit both stir the canoes, hoi�tinb sails, car'r`ying great
barometer easel} star, and' its the poor water pots; balancing bibles on the: II
. , •.. _ ne:clts _wliile_th 1lansi� _ . _lyip�st people get vYha
""-. &I •W'..W�l'i;BR�S---;--nisui'a we3a��'glass. The. • p`uiffrali =��-arks. af-_sher ex ,
f lar a canoe.��Pffe"y�" _b'i3i"fes are�;�iliing
ose `en
' starlike segments this group of fungi they were little. All their lives they to learn iu
ilEAR. • have lived upon the water, inauagfng the physical universe.
t they
dei sive,
gAlid 6 admit_ 1t, v
t Genera! AisnAgrr' mushrooms are'. not isonoub. led the pinto a g
HERE ao. a dsliehteal change for noon day
luncheons, plunks, and• outings, that you,
ahlidrea will lova.. Borden's Chocol.te Malted
Milk is,,leh and steamy, with • real MALT
flavour that puts a Rnlshins touch to any meal.
Buy a tin of Borden's Choeolsts Malted Milk
Today—you, dealer has It In Pound ind hill
pound sires ' earns trEitip7
`lira 2"ioeafaw arLiionted
Neighbor Suggested Compound'
,) mush I+m •,
and all the little flies
They can't get away, once-
they touch Aeroxon. There's
something in it that has an
irresistible attraction for these'
household pests. A wider and
longerribbon provides . a
greater area, and 'the glue
does not dry -good for 3
weeks' setvice. •
dnig, tIIocery Sr hardware stores. •
sola Menti:
1. rise %R St, GENEST: -
P.O. Los 22. Sherbrooke, 'Quo
et-the_fi v
"T HAVE been married for tea
j years. I had one child who
would be seven years old now if it
had tived.'
"MN husband and I are both very
food er children. A neighbor told
me an,n,rut Lydia B.Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound and I have
been taking it for Alain two moaths:
"It took away the pain I used to
suffer and. 1 ain getting .well and
This medicine is helping Mrsa
Kenneth Cooper of 0 Davison Sr,.
Halifax; Nova Scotia. Is will help
you too. Won't you buy a bottle?
. ISSUE Noy. -35—'31
4 •