HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-27, Page 7e flav�ured.. - o ler ' in prxo • TO -AT the family to an appetizing •salad made ioubiy tempting with Kraft Qld • Fasheeted ,Boiled SaladleressTizg. • Toot grocer Lias itin the large 12 °mice lar that ousts only 25 cents, less tharehalf the rote ware used o paying for this kind of quality Get some today. abll. Boiled iii Canada .fav the Ma Lets ok Klatt . Cheese and Vclviceta • • Owl has . Two tramps met at the end of a long and unsuccessful .day's begg:'rng. Both were tired and .hungry.. Hank -"Didn't you make anything, • Bili? What about tha t house 1 saw • you looking at•• -the big one with the open tvliidow?" Bill -'"Didn't trouble to °ask, I .look- ed, in• the win.do v an4 saw two ,girls. playing en one piano, so 1 guessed they were too poor -for me- to• -worry.'.'::; A ladles' aid society Lia group .of , women organized to pry the preacher's salaryekeseelleen--iheir-hifehands • ... Miss Smoke and Livir. Ash were mar ried •r'etently. at Iowa City, ,Iowa 'lir..{e ,Ash: is instructoifi at ` en v ersity of 4iis-' souri, betteachesEnglish , and not chemistry, :by way 'of Prov ingethere. is • , •nothing',fn name...: "'Turn _off ',fhe ,heat." Where were: the blinkers? .The children should be refined a ; , ;• ; • The heat ;�sf�•passien• had.' vanished:.• "W,hre • h re ',fist smoke there'. is • yy Q,� ' • rens ceased to breathe. ' • leet/ever, arfi- fire:" K • • ,e' •Pr�nolr les• • l •i ficial respiration is adopted only when Th b 'd ` vb bit dense but the V gr--encohse oue bate ebr-eat-hing- faint -y, "Theee-li,-be hot time -in the old , , , aromatic spirits should be'appliedto, toWii to -night' e *.' Of • - • • the subjectcis not breathing m If he is groowas fine • By Paul •William Gartner''. , tithe nose 'and heahened' be massaged= ": Other• •eolumni'sts are welcome- to; •r , Back' in the days when I•.was• little ,toward •the heart, and kept warm. . what. is left. :_ than,excess baggage on aneout-. As a• rule,. swallowed • water is not i I happened to 'see a dangerous although it magi bring•:a 'Little Daughter-"Whv ie' father A �%itib Ob *' 231 eHGICE .'V4a -'Reilsolyel t Oramenke .jdow : of Astronomer : •Qbtains.•New Pictures s e$ 8 Si• 6U. de etecreere- eci Chathini•� ark• ;spots and, yellowish epote" have titans. , een ph�• 1 o• ograDh'ed for',the'eine time ' P, Ui�i $�ffD�YERS'AL)eT,Y' a'.E]i�+'h* 'ttletlJs chafacter sketch en eotteee Classified Advertising Hottest EEinNANTs H of tt t Pl net LES PRINTS SILK OR VP3LVET2' o surface of: the planet Mercury,, . r . < w ••r• T smallest. and hottest of the /Alias, by h4veltY• gift .: Se>ld 6A+�• R �th each • ' tJ` TL'E. T7 S e. •:. rKritiate:..:.Zadiacai perludne..C.o. F3exd am °li'e F:am-rnarron,. „•q p POOL • of the famous `French astronomer 'of' ?34; Ottawa, ,Ontario. • Slicked in 'by the hose, pipe used. that.' name, ,and• were reported recently• Stowaways-- are.•�becomtng .- increas-• to. all the deek Tool --on theeenuartlerte to ca nay o • Sciences, u Paris, ' ing1Y numeiaua pts h'narsi vessels lease Finest; tuality.•..0ohunting odours..Leal., N 1 '1' f3 ' 'I " WTMei O C h A de f S i 'i Or Mauretania during week end by M.Ernest Eselangon,• { li *nee or a being the 1 , - ing Atis ra, a, a baby • - - i Flam. arson's death,, Mme: • _ _ cruises, the. turtle in the pica Since iV . fiat usual number' found:in` one ship.' tore was found'awimming in the sea..Flammarion'has occupied herself with water by Miss Edith' McNutt; a *eye. observations "through' the'telescope er•. She •decided to make a ',pet "whic�i'M. Flammarion used.. •Recently, conditions were favorable for observa-' tions• •of 1liercury, and Mme; 'Plain- Marion Flaw Marion, succeeded in obtaining several excellent . photographs, something 'set-. dor possible.'because••of the nearness "Regular $1BepIrllg' Hours of Mercury to the sun so. that it`•neyer Plants sleep to,o-some, be. day 'and is. seen except just after`"su'n'set -and some\ by. night.. A flashlight 'expedr when ` the ea'rth's sky' „usually is too' tion to a garden reveals. a sleepy, crew; ' bright for good planetary photography. as •differeet.'teem, :tee• bold life of day hoursk as huitian beings curled 'ip sleep are : from liuman beings rushing for•, suburban trains. 'Dawn.is too late, 'and dusk` is •top.soon -olio must• catch the. plants after they have had • time te r.,espond to total., eerkrieSs, •to tee fall in temperature and to the action of .g door •exeurs en, , near "tragedy in, the., Minnesota :north seizure of,"siekness, It- is the water singing so much to -night? of it' and evidently seems satisfied woods, .• A. canoe bearing ',a wiry In- on the lungs 'which• paralyzes tbe•dia- Mother -'He is trying to fling. the with. her ,success: gists 'guide and a white man of con- 'phragm, •• A man' can fast, for '40 days baby to• sleep:' ,.» • • • eiderable' 'we ht capsized •about .100 or .more '.if plentifully •snppeied. with, Little paughter="Well; ii I was 'DeClarei Plants Have yards .offshore In the frigid 'waters of water, but. if .his dealihragmIS paral-baby, I'd .pretend 1 was asleep," y earl spring. Neither 'the eaten nor Y --zeal for three .minutes' he may die: ",._._ the *lige 'man was a capable. swim- In'this case riever'give mouth stimu- • ,Caution to Young Edutois mer, and in the case rbt the: latter the lents, for- they will merely' clog the: If you, take the. • • • the fellow suddenness :of the plunge, the cold- throat passages. What must: be ac l I' h d • i the • 1 f water who saye he , do1esn t •,cane to see his "nese of the water,' and ,the;:. e' P brance of heave clothing had him from the lungs and the stimulation of fighting desperately: for air •4n less respiration, , and heart action. And, than a minute. He was within ten without apparatus„the 'prone pressure feet • ,of. the” inverted'canoe,'• b'it, he method of artificial respiration' (rests - /eight as well: have been tee 'mites, »so °citation)• is the, simplest and most ef- :'b'lind- -and --frantic: had the fear .61 feetive;:iriethod.known ,.to achieve this • hod.'may be. used with death -made him.. '. `The• -The -sue- --end. • T.he met atom- comp is e s e •remove o w name in the pa er, you are making' a; great mistake. Clarence -"Do you know what' peer one great defect is?" • • . ~ • • can't 'think?? •• . Isabel ' "I, simply, Clar,'en e '1 ight=but h didn't think • . ceeded.. in, grasping an.end ',of the equal, success in° cases of suffocation you'd"' knowledge it," • arentl ' as''tinable to by gee or smoke. ' . • his • craft, but apparently w . Aman' unaccustomed to praising , s Biel. him.:.without„coming--with-i•n-•reaeh....;-The-�•R.icSam� ,shotLld„_be,;pleced�• face � r -• < wife went ou"i' of''hs`way to call her an- • • r do n.weird, erects tei4oeallow the • lungs of the 'powerful clutching arins�`' /' - >�', • s their fullest .expansion. Naturally' the •angel. "Mary," he •said' ones morning. The party to which I belonged. was throat and •m..outh should. be opened recentlyy,: you are an angel, and she :without .'water'• craft, but ..an older felt oharme'd'-all day. In •tlie.evening _-_memher,ean secellent_et imine. ick- d`cleaied_as,w�ilTa:� theyemay lee - � Tlyeti -.r o er-atox it knees-• astraddle s8-xeptured • to ask .him yvhy sierha'd ” toward the scene : of the mishap. I on the.s 1 of h fingers along the sides Pressure is about; you are always • harping on , arms straight, thus contracting the' have nothing o wear. e .p iso..-... -_ - ly-taok_of 3r -his -cloth. n.g and been. et 2ioneecd. "Weft said=thy then• swam, without ,haste, it seemed, the subject's this'd places hiW s hand . mal ribs the -back wit •the wily'' man, :"you are .always Sitting. �.pulsil uesengocryeuth, with the re 'ihelu' d --by swinging-•-for-w• ed_slow1Y thlings; and, by your' own account, yOU pulsfvenese of youth, ..his slow pro t s, cress.• ° I was further ,shocked to behold causes the o p • • lungs' and releasing with a snap which ' the �. lungs . t� ex arie and inhale. Alexander -"Which, is right: 'The • rescuer,.. upon reaching the drowning with_:the_ encomi.n.g-air: water will_tend, girl began to walk home,',or,_The girl mail, deliberately evade file cluiclling to he displaced and forced out. Pres -.started to walk home'- ar-ms--and�iv1d._.Eace --stere is appli-ed--;fo-r-,-approsimateYy canoe, where he clung, for at least 30 three seconde with two seeoi a be- ' seconds,.unquestionably•rest;ng. 'Short tweets contacts, thus allowing between ty, however, with the aid of the guide, 10 and 12 movements of, compression he drew.the canoe to the now feebly Wand release each minute. ' Resuscita- truggling man ''who was very near to tion should be -.Defamed uniirlite pa - Horatio -"Who, was the;`girl?"» -' Silence" may, be golden, 'but it eve gently takes , a greenback• to make 'it so, according •. to' the fellow who tells this one: • death, I -presently learned. ,Indeed',, tient starts • to breathe again, which Lawyer="Mr. Peck, ourywife has when he was. finally... brought to shore. may, not be for severalbeen en arrested and is being held in- • ye 'no .indication of life as 'apparent-- be I, Liquid mouth stimulates, such as mmunicado. But the police chief` is = yet, -- he- was. lite' _prone.;hot coffee- or tear•should xe:•er-be-ad-- easyand elittiemoney-=" pressure method of artificial- respire- Ministered until /the patient is fully Henry, Peck -"Fine, Fine, and tell " titineai'tei. ,nnva.-th'lii an hour of apple- eonsoiou• s > e sliauld_be vtrupppd is 'him that there's ten dollars for .him ;'The new• photographs •agree,. M Es-..... clangnon told the academy, in showing some fairly"de'finite markings�•espbcial ly a whitish or yellowish area slightly south of :the pl'anet's equator and pro= nounced "darker areas: both north ,amid - south Of '.this brighter one. The markings •seem ' not to corres- the dew,. pond -exactly' with those -which `other' The beans. droc.p; the pea blossoms astronomers' have 'believed that they. saw by.eyeebut since these eye obser- efitfions, _alwa a have, eeered egreai y- among themselves their failure' ; tp match the'photographs is snot surprise ,n boytin etheet .rel leatt ovee the'others„ of Mercury receives as it in benedidti il'eshrgi'e-roses-. about g-ti:me's moresrriar- told ali their .petals inward;':the Port square Mile than the earth. •.Astrono- pies, shut up like;. clamsh,elis•; ,the as- mets imagine that the planet's surface 's ur1»their.setalsit hard: ,. is.un,roteeted'by an atmosphere and. Meanwhi'Ie , the' • scraggly ;evening imt}st'be. burned t*y ua11y .to a c oder. pr-iinrose'.of-.th'e roadside seems td ants o one, knows `wha e1tctual'.surface fresh clothes at dusk, a coarse -leaved is, whether cindery dust, volcanic ash, weed' -thee sometimes fools, the-care-.o'r sonrefir'ing nibre•mysterious.. •- less` .•weeder ` of a calendula bed and • ' , - aiways looks Withered . in, daylight • : • " ' nod; ,that succulent bpt accursed weed aves..e a .il`pveard- pnd�slane-turns its 1e g instead of spreading them fiat upon' 'the ground., . The clover. folds its tre- foils 'en various patterns, sometimes surface cation. • • ' warm blankets, fp. it i • heat, both ex -for every day be -can keep her that Proficiency in life saving is the re, Cereal and internal, which is essential ' way." salt of cool, ,deliberate thinking, se in for a complete i ecovery. the place theent just given. rescuer removed pea tallyn the The d method can. presort thing that should, be •dropped; idea of a heavy hint is some- , ly be considered only the• last 'resor.t. all of his clothing= -as any. person I in the"performance o.f a rescn.ei It is, 'should do who finds himself sudden- by far, more practicable to use a boat Doctor- "Deep breathing, you un ly.confronted with 'i► consederable' or to throw' a life ee eseeeer Some dentate", -destroys microbes." swim to safety. Swimming at *hat very, effective rescues have been per- • Patient-'LBut, • doctor, how Can I. appeared to be 'a slow mita of speed Iformed with the aid' of a pole. One force them to breathe deeply?" toward the drowning man was another ,should never hesitate to throw some .._ .. • Budget .Blues:. -. _ The baby daily 'pined, away, • He got no vitamin• called A, }Iie• hair fell out, his tooth was loose, He could not have• the orange juice. This baby is a little dear, And 'so are- oranges, we hear;' indeed; battling with a subject who : bench. It is not colorful rescues that But lest the Pa* chap should hate us, hasle felt the y breath of death re- the . world desires, but safe ones:— Let's•»try-•to rear him on tomatoes. arae:. elrel sensible procedure. ' Even :''phiect that will serve to beoy Widththe seasoned fife ,guard cannot swim»» up, • a bit of wood, a chair, table, or at the same rate for 200 yards that he I box, ifnothing more suitable is at can for 50, and in either case he must ,hand, . I know of an instance when an, have considerable reserve energy a>'-jindividual was.sat•ed Prom drowning ter he has arrived. A seed swimmer i i by a man who could not swim but could be drowned In less than a mats -'who hail the presence. of mind• to lite by a •desperate, fighting :victim. • shove into the water a iiiu'iaicipal park quires almost titantic energy. • "Tho Seertsmane' The best way to ileal with strangle holds Is to avoid them; - .that its to i . • • ' say, the drowning person should be ; . Queer approached .„from the rear whenever possible. This'strategy keeps itis res= She's very .likely, any minute, • • Mother --"What did your fattier say ever' free of the other's arms and i •To lose her purse and al iti3e ;money when he sate tie-Urekeu piffle?" • It Is' irnofcially that the state motto of Nevada has `been revised to read: "Divorce in haste; repeat at 1ei.4ure.” gives •m Opportunity to gain a good • •. in it, .Inteicent--"Shall I leave out the •"carrying grip., I But not the verse she Made at break sweat! words, Mother dear?" Sometimes, before approaching, 1t '� : of day, - . - .Mother "Certainly, my darlIng." .lel advisable to wait for a fighting per- while she dressed, and Innocent "Then I don't think he tucked somewhere away, . r said 'anything." • son to exhaust himself, although &ay not seem humane. This precludes the possibility that•he will attemrit to climb to_th_e highest point at band which of course is "WS top of the - $ ove; , At tea -time, Sirius, miles above,. ' F In training.a childifor a junior part - her • than her kitchen nee you also train yourself.. • HT:ALTHY tCO1�PLL�IIiQ�S Healthy complexions: Cone from 'healthy systems. ' - °Fitee:.the_ mirly_oLpoisoz>.4_wl_til w �_ Feen-a.inint.'• Eiffeeti:e lilt smaller "doses. • Ali druggists sellthis safescientific laxative. opens fresh petals and becomes'a gar -1 den. element -it :is the evening lych= nis, cousin• of • • the gay ' i•o:ck-garden plants; and many a flower• seems•' -to - unload an extita 'burden of fragrance at night. •• '• Perhaps that is an illusion,. as the , old Hindu- theory that plants 'prayed was--an.iliusion... _They, did_ shind Or,l bow, as the • daily temperature 1i changed, eutet was pot in deference toi. man-made idols: •Plants respond -to day' and night, ,heat and colli', aridity and moisture, but in their own ways. 1I • • The ..Crabs' Marathon Twenty-nine years ago a series of experiments was - started ' study • thie i ,migration ,of the finny ant shelly in- habitants' of the Red Sea. • , A nuelber•of crabs were marked and returned, -to the Red Sea. One has just, been recaptured in the efedtferran'ean. Tee distance covered Wes 101 miles; I so. that, if the crab had made ,e non- stop crawl, he would have Moved - sideways, of course -at., the -.dizzy speed of twenty-two inches an 'hour. All kinds of sea creatures useful for foods purposes are marked nowadays and .their wanderings watched: The• marking, which is paidiess, is usually done by means of tiny' silver discs: The value°'o..f the experiment$ is 'Ines- .timable. ' It- was `iii this way, for ex- ample, that it was discovered where the. infant plaice had thein nurseries, and. by protecting; thence-tlia value - the North Sea as a food. seorehouke has been enormously increased. Eng- land 'alone: requires 200,000 tons of 'fis)i a day -London `"Tit Bits," • If itis not seemly, dp it not; flit is not tette. ipealt it nat.—Marcus store- ling. t• , . A 'Respite "Oh, lingering is a lovely word! A heart-beat falling into space " of a golden chord,; that binds the' wandering e ' shaken, orange -trees. - spoil the daintyesorrow or whisper. •.- 'T• is• sw eet ime,indpleent, holds his h a moment. Hold it 'fast, Or tremor The spell breez Above the. Let us not touch death When. T' Lasts but breat '1;'orgetti.tg that' there is a morrow in this, our respite from the 'past. For gingeringsi a lover's sign ,And; by ;sone miracle, our eyes Ma -y rock. your spirit sunk in mine," --Muriel Hine; in the S;indey Titiies- Is nearer to • rescuer's head. - •, ,And°'should lies lever chance to bring The Ocean WOUi S But despite all -precautions . there A rose, she likes abetter than a.ring: I We wandered to the Pine Forest :ire occasions when a drowning• Peer -1- That skirts. the Ocean's foam, son will obtain what '1 commonly She hears, in some tall» pine or ether, called -a death hold on a would-be res- The wind, butnot the wise w'ords of Tile »lightest v+ ; e was in its nest, 'The tempest ia Its home. Cues In this oerescuer. tingent§' the her mother. I should. remember to take a deep • -Lillian Minor, in The Common - The whesiieriub .raves were breath -if he tette-and thea} • without , • weal. hesitation to etibiderge himself with' the drowning person. This move will .. • tend• to make the Seek * release the hold -aa he straggles to climb upward ' again. The rescuer can utilize this • tendency; in case of a front strangle'' hold, by shoving • him tipward. The back strangle hold, is broken by twist- ing a subject's arm, • by elbow and wrist, into.an arm lock. The feet. at times can b'e braught filth play, not in a kick but in it powerful shove against e sniiject's shoulder. • The carries, or towing drowning persons tb safety all follow the p'rinciple's of maintain- • • as ep, The oils Were gone to play, And on the b) om of the deep• The smile of heaven lay; • it seemed as it. the hour were one Sent from beyond the skies,, 'T 'inch scattered from above the sun a ter ' PLAYTIME A Tight of P,aredise. half • .V.e paused 'meld the pines: that. stood The giants of the Waste, •, Ortured' by.stornas'.to shapes as rude As Serpents interlaced, , j \nd soothed by every mute breath, • That under heaven is brown, ' ro harmonies and hues bieneatti,' "Do You favor c'ompei 'As tender as its own: : P• on andofjke ing horizontal pest. Tied nye ling ni,\t all the treetops lay asleep, • + B ow n p the r®acus. out n to wear thumb rings' to Like green waVee oil the sea, --of bis reach,- • . -.--_ . ' � , diatin-guish.'them from eltgl'e men-" rs.' i1Y seen the silent leen Milt it Is frequently after the hear 1"it's not at' all neeeseary. Ne The ocean• wood's may he. • *taunt bat; e'en towed to eafety,that liusbaiid who's been properly train- _ • ercY Bysshe ahelley, in "The ;Stat,® of the most d.j Hetiltelife-saving ..ed• can ever be eii'ataken for els I Recollectione •, „ yroblei are faced,- especially if 'he • si'ngle mail:'.' r , IVf thsia ®tats of Borden s 6600. . 'aka Malted Mlik ..lieu fliei:• coma In trots ec4001 or play. • Chtidten ion it, and as man's wit* r mother has dbeovirad, it is• highly . digestive and itivdoubts for bulldlni . rasiitanes eeefod ticknssa,• 413,-(Xtrietia c.msw. CHOEOLATE MALTEC .• •fir a - ISS IE NO. 6. -_. Best forYou and Baby too AY' B S -OWN . kLSOAP Albert Soap[ L1m,ted.•Mtrt • itontr.W. 1' Soap for daily use. ' O$tltment to ileal akin irritations. Takagi) ideal after battling, • a. ewe, ere. (Y ,trent 25e. en1ii'.._i. r' e... •17 SPR-A:I•N S Rub Minard'a.. in amity- __ 4 ' penetrates sore ligaments, -allay!, inflammation; soothes, heals. Puts you on your feet! HER HUSBAND TEASED H:ER But not for' longi • " I started- taking Kruschen Salts :for •biliousness, rind for the last two :-.. years I have beck perfectly free , frons an eCtacl:. - Now 1 continue to Ltke • them, as I find. they keep me in perfects('21 health. My husband uto juke about me takitig Kruschen Salts ; , now he- takes them - hiii)ielf, so do my children. My sincere thanks." • • Mrs. f:: P. When your gastric or digestive. juices refuse to flow, •your food, instead of becoming .n�bsorbed • into, your system, simply collect -s and ferments inside you, producing Wendel 'acids and gases which live rise to biliousness, heartburn and 'flatulence. Krusclien is ' a combination of six: mineral salts, which goes right to the root. of'iti Trouble. It first stimi'tlates the • flow cif gastric and other ,juices aid lee:, itetrmtd'--dile. ms--- .;• complete, regular :and unfailing; clitnitie- 'tion of waste natter every day. And that means a blessed end to biliousness, and a renewed "and, whole-ltc:nrted enjoyment of your food without the slightest ,fent of leaving to ]lays tilts old. 'painful penalty: • The Longer and Wider Ftp Catcher , That Will Not bey • ' ' Aeroxon is freeing, thousands of Canadian home's from tl,e dangerous disease -bearing tiyr This bendy spiral Ay ditcher' is costed with at, s'pecialiy pre - Pared g%e, fragrant and sweet, which will not • dry or %se itis etteeetivcness to flies.' Mk foe Aeroxon at any drug, grocery or hardware store. 'It is. the fit catcher with the push -pin and the widerendlodger tibeoneegood for three weeks' service. ' • • FL _CATCHECt thb.'fly every t'ttie • c 'n Akerit9 J: t,t)'(iAR M. t111NRsT, I'.O: net 22, Sherbrooke, g t ' 4 4 JAA11LA♦