HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-27, Page 641'1 • _c �PRINCES,'A xie Place $125..0, 00 is devoted to this nom,AWAIT' �, gtsrs. • to und_etstand haw • kee_ these.directing heads are.41Tare of it .R. aqd 'to learn what. great •value .they place on OAS loytii co.opetntUon, ig .Ortl Place• ,rre nilicaut of the tnu ortance they' place ; tt :'.4.A.1014,440 Irige expenditure on• ibe :' aha ,via Be . Se ll, l*pral prises list saeh Fear when " AS a Whole • this item Equal - 'chis Ontario•townShip when ;discussing the great institugtion's� modern edifices the Canadian National F,hibition, • - ,c is the wllion-dollar •Fier..@. Palace the, greatest meeting .piece for. Cana- which is being opened •in 1931 for this diens from every eotlgi-nunity. " . There first time. Nowhere else in 'the• world .are many gatherings 9t.repnesenta' •is, there.as magnificent structure de- Uves of the •Canadians people as a voted solely to , the exhibition of a whole, for 7reprOSentntives of various country's prize ltvestoek. The :most sections, . of the :Dominion,' places lmportan.t o,r the Exhibition's' scores a*here Canadians 'Jzout>d toS--thus -b-Y of -beautiful -buildings and4he largest • their special interest in special espos.ition Ystructure :in file world is things.,.meet; events whic•.h `bring to -'tile .C-oliseum and Livestock Pavilion land, fi.ve..ttme world "champions and: gather Canadians)• Olt some pa 1t cui18T with its 341. acre$ under "roof." 'entirely composed.• of soloists as well . comMen ground In less '.than a• large volume,, it is '.aa Cavallo's ,celebrated 5nseinble. ">lut 'there as no ''ether spot in ,She •only possible •to .give the.•"briefest. re- In spent, the two races.:' for the; entire •country where one::ees Canada fereuee ''to only-a.•.few :of. the outstand-, world`s NT'professional 'long ,distance as a' whole•e ccept " e'Canadian• Na • • ' sag features of : the • 1931 celebration swimming title.. and a purse, of 52509 • `,tional , E4hibltion; •,'and. no other ..a.Mi4•;, a hick opens on •August 28..' and closes: •gill again be; staged„ with more tha0' in the 'Year when .every -s'hade; of Cana...od.,Septeinber 1?, but qt Will be note. 300 athletes of sil' nations entered- 'In•' :dime 'opinion :ts fol ussed unanimously "That this' year's date'. are particdlarly: addition,•,: there.'• will,; • be; .two Geld; • The Dominion CG'•overnment Building will be the centre of strong foreign_ exhibits. r V t 4 Y _ mac"-. =y 1 ea -> -•-•b au der • ,/A� o \�• 1/ k � i®,x� ®., ��R�y *"v •_.�-ice ICS lf' Throngs 'will soon *be peering -through this^beantiful• entrance to. the World's largest exposition, Toronto•, , .the: dates for:. 1931%:being 'August 28 .o ••eptember 1.2. , N.. • on One ,thing, as it is tL .Exhibition• well'sulteil, to Ci►atitans and ,arranged ;time": •:. ` 5 s rat' a�time ivlteii .it is generally teti'!sible International s Itis ra gre iz'she a to plan a 'brief trip. window ,of all nations, ogn ed This year; '•the war time` Admiral of TrOhy' Swims; for amateurs and:a full ,iueet rcu- Canadian amateurs;• enly.. Three track meets Will be held.'.and a'I outboard motorboat rboat ' ram- of ro rd. recd p g -a potEnt-' force-tn-•w-or-ld4raGo.J Y-gov-_ the` -British -Fleet ---E erl-•Jelbieoe,Lforra,repeed .SrFa1s• yacht races,• other ae ally opens the Exh,tbitFon It is also t quatic sports, incl d g e British Picture Causes Controversy ' s* To Be Siiwn This Year ..at ;nh bition 'Art Gallery, Cause. of .more controversy than any 'Other British.. work . of • art in recent ,gears, Mark; Symon'-. ;famous paint- ,ng, "My Lord I, Meet. -in ,Every Len- ' don Lane and ;Street," is, to be :on' -'-v e'w at -the xt_.Galiery-b the .„Crana- '• dfan National Exhibition. • The .huge canvas, nest discussed of modern I ma'sterpieces,, depicts Christ, league. To Erect &Wan With, : rl Ra13 a expositions elsewhere but which. can Year, with 1,500performers, pr . � . World -a d g tirew is scattered thr.,. too a the .en- races 'for navy tire. world, m Por thousands. of .. , girls' u in � expected •that Canada'snew Gove'tator-1 gFgs� • s , tisseDalL ttiurnament and visiting Anieric ns, a great panorama General, the Earl of Besstiorbiigh, will a dozen special sport events. Of progress_whch' 15 waLChed by ori -i make:his first vista: The Government Buildings. give a servers who "cross the seven setts to l Special preparations • .have been birdseye View of .the.:entire Dominion view it, the Canadian National Enhibi ec tion. is, nevertheless, the • Dominion's made to increase the -size and appeal and its ' art," industry, recreation and great• annual celebration Of her belief of the Horse Show and all • the'. agricul- education: There Will be elaborate in lher;;self. Paradoxically, it is • per-' Lural and'' horticultural shows, wi'th,the • British displays and exhibits from.. increased' exhibit space,. will be out-. foreign' countries', including' a spectaet;-' haps the mos:f Canadian of ' Canadian �. �• :institutions• since'':it is uni a and standing. There.. will .be'treiting and. lar show from. plorida, •,'There will be alone, -a; development which ism 1`pa, dim. racesand, a .net' innovation, the National Automotive, 12adio, Elec. -'entirely'pigeon racing: trical, Process Manufacturers',;'Con= our own, which May be copied in con.' � ' :twin: of its •aspects by other national l•, The great 'grandstand pageant, this •struction,. Othce••Fquipment, Furniture, DDD erforme s and �• be .duplicated nowhere else since the 1 ceded by`-a'.core 'Orf: elfencattraet'%ns, Port ::more than a•: quarter •century, Mrs. 'C. Stevenson, now 76, years 014, oE' Buckingham, Eng„,'has been send- > O ,examples of her beautiful han, n dieto 'Nati m de. lace to• the Caa n a. `Dxhthltion,. "This year, :she 'has 'just ,scent, her 1a entr�v:. Slowly going; litind„ here ailaht Will, no ,conger• per. :. mit>herto do the. tine` work which"has won 80 many Canadtan awards Nearly completed, .the new million•' dollar. Horse Palate of the, Canadian c'o'lts Be i • Ftiot •' Will, . v i �.Exh 1 National b • a final touches .within the' 'next -few '.weeks ami gibe ready to' house , the scores of prize animals from all• seg.: bone of', ,the ,Dominion in ample time ` for this, summer's, shows: e implement ' and Machinery, Flower Shows; a`s•~wel1 as -scores of -minor 'die=' >basic thing which 'sets it apart is. its','.v'il'i. be - ,Orientia, an 'Eastern spec Transmitter Will .Operate on .fundamental ,Canadian s. iirit.: { tacle in which' more attention. than. ' • Pick-' ' For 63' ears now it hats been with- I usual' will be paid''to the presentation .Short Wave's fory d The famed Last; but •not least,. there'. will be, for 19.31, a new .,midway when the M d L Showa of America .suppiement- • • •out equal and steadily rowing. No • of a huge ance Spectacle. o e .small degree of its success °is traced ('2;000 -voice. Exhibition' .Chorus under ed by 'units' from Coney Island,, Atlan- Eurb can ' Up and L,tebroad- ' D' .. casting °Washington. — Broadcasting on a world-wide scale -,will' be undertaken •by the •Exhibition's own 'officials to ' Dr,: H A. Pricker. will give four con- tic City and U.S. and , p ” o ens -`- i carts in -,-the Coliseum- -TheGhorus�beaehes,: �wil .pay its first "visit to Ca* the support of; Canadians in ruxal_sec.-r .. . tio• ns and iu' smaller •towns and ire.'.has no* given two concerts over coast- ad's. of ifext year.. , lege$. Some. may overlook this fact'' to -coast' radio • networks and has, ,by the'League o __� y y scored a sensational success Tribaites h fee ue's radio •but -not those-who--ale--"most closely,,._.:_ Construction sof t e g ` " ` • ` "tatio "will•be-started'in.ri pe'near-fu-'li'nked` ,ruUi•the--direction tot-the.:,great-• from musical-•--listeners--came':from' $ n I every"section of America: tura, it has' been reported, with a' view .exposition Ft�elf. It :'Fs only necessary to .inter`view . Among ,the scores :o. bands;. there witli St. Peter and ,5t.•Sohn, in a. mod-" of having it ready for o. 'ration by either the President, Mri, Sam •Harris, m Eng - ern Eiigiislt : "st Bet . surrottifded-bY tite�tiit e=of= the genes 1 .d Sarmanient ��� -'- willbe th . St. Hitda s Band fro --crowds-of__presentrciay people; in. mod- :co-mference' next February.: • ;ern dress. 'Despite unquestioned ar-h Witli completion' of this station, two yo-', "r'""""" """"""t' ostia merit, this treatment 01 a re- world: broadcasting :plants will 1)o in lfgfous theme' caused its rejection. by �• operation in Europe, the. other being , 55`Royal -Academy+. Shown later a"f' the `Vatican• Transmitter recent y t - a dealer's gallery, it drew mobs of art- • cated by the Pope. As• iin' the case' of ;avers: and ordinary citizens. .I the Vatican station,it is planned b:y Symon, the artist, an intensely re- the league. to have its programs; picked • ligtoes man Srs't-plenneii' to :become a •up 'and Tebroadcast. in -Am'er'ica and F �'. sW14r tri•i44.1 ,,, bilshment of-a'-rallo Service u,1`- '„' +Trsta its own has been contemplated by the League of Nations for several years; but.. agreement as to its .e°rection and operation was reached only last year character, Flours could ile spent when league officials met the last of • :* • I;n. addition to the marathon swims -61 10 and 15 miles for the world-s fessional distance• title end a $25,000• purse„ the Canadian National Exhibi- tion will, this 'year, stage ,two Geld 2T-761iify* Rade-a4Or4a-mateurs -.,Qn A-ttg-- st 28 -tiler'--will-he ;'a one-mdle-r_ace for women and on. September 5 a two- mile, racex:for• :men; •In addition, a lmminr-meet ; for. Canadian 'ama- teurs only is planned for September 7; details of -which are bbtainable from the 'Canadian Amateur Swimming As-' sooeation- as '•well as : froth Exhibition officials. - .r_ i9 • clergyman but later decided to, convey other parts of the world.' F °°” • • his: spiritual messages through'is brush. His, technique revives the in- tense religious painting of the Renal* aance,and lila. style•is.that of the early era: • All .his •works are religious in setudying the . detail in this, his most ' famous study. ' A sick child is being tarried, from a. motor, in one corner. In the background' are 'stare wifidowra filled- :with• -manikins; -•a-steer-Pollen; on, all 'sides, every -day ,men and wo-' Wien of all kinds. The artist has. even Included ,in the -throng 4. -pictureof• himself wheeling a.babecarriage. Sub -Soil Heating, Plant the Objections raised by. the Swiss government, which -.had insisted that responsibility for the station be rigid- ly deilifed-169,t; in'tlie e'v'eict-of anther- European-WJ r, Switzerland's neutral- ity should be threatened. The league, . station •will be used • pri- marily for oonultunication with vari- ous governments and is designed to give theorganization direct contact with nations between which hostilities threaten, in, its. efforts to preserve peace. ' It is also planned, however, to Aiding the florist t0 speed plant 'pro- )xse the. equipment' for broadcasting to pagation in the hothouse 'is one 6i the the world at large, experimental broad- . - - uses that has been found -for ••elee-• -casts-frons -established Euro•pean•-eta-.- The` Caaa�lian, Nationet chiliition Yards each) tricity. Metal trays containing a 200- tion shaving., been made_todetermine .will be the scene of three track meets women s events•s o yards, under watt heating element are placed under the possibility of such programs. Thei 18 years; 100 yards, open,;- 60 yards, during the Exhibition period.. hurdles, open: ,`440 yards, relay;; open the plant boxes and thermostatically test broadcasts were received in all. On Friday, Aug. 28, the Ontario Ath- controlled. In, experiments one florist, parts of the world, •encouraging the.(110' yards each). . by maintaining• a sub -soil tennpereture league to" go ahead with • •its' plan for of between, 60. and 70 degrees, was its own station. _able to. root' 95 per cent of" his plants • __ • •r - in fifteen• days, as against only 40 Per Wagon Load of Bananas' ',' cent• in ninety 'days under ordinary g hothouse conditions: - i ii Orderly parking of cars at the t anadTan 1Vationat'EkIiibition, 'Tv'ranto:. • • 1 ante -•per man): Gross weight, 1,330 Band Instruments VISIT • The..Gonn-Leedy Store 10. Shiite'. St. "• Tort nto Opposite Massey 'Haff 11..�- `L- i CSJTI®N ANNIE W4DRLID PRo IIIEIVd TT "One seeing is worth a hundred . tellings,"- Chinese proverb ex- tcemely apt-id:its application to,the-- , Canadian Natianalxhibition.• . Huge, .costly,, permanent . buildings - housing displays from the ends of the ea'rtkl•-lsxe 'set ;l to:gems- in ,an•= ' Programs Issued pounds, „Starting at 2 p.m. ®r i+.l Q1oEe.l�J�eetS 100 yards, boys under,1R years; 1.000- yards, boys under 18 years; 100 yards; bandicap; 220 yards, handicap; 440 yards, ha' dicap; 1,000 yards, handi; Gap one. mile, handicap, 2 -mile walk, 'handicap;' 440 yards, relay, open,. (110. •yards each); 1 mile, relay, open (440 • Athletic Events Scheduled on • August 28., 29 and September. 5 • letie Commission will hold. their final On FridaySept. 4, the junior gym - meet, which will bring together the uastic ch , ampionships of Canada will, ' leading schoolboy athletes of the Pro be deelded before the• Grandstand, and' vince of Ontario. . on Saturday afternoon ,during the The Exhibition officials, having in 1/1 track meet the senior gymnastic' cham- For Only' a Quar• ter "mind the fact that all of these Winng pionships of Canada will be held: Baltimore. --••Bananas were selling theFriday meet, have decided to hold.: the following • events& Parallel • bare, 'for, 25 cents a wagon load' at the their janidr, meet on' Saturday, Aug.: tumbling, all-round championship; piers in 'Baltimore recently and one. 29: Probably the,feature event at this horizontal bar, side horse,'team c'ham- vessel that had • arrived from ben- meet will be a special relay' race in Note .by Lost French . Fliers SEE- TORONTO' FROM ABOVE See the magnificent 'panbrame • presented: by the city and. sur- • rounding'country from the Cal1- adian Bank f Commerce Ob- servation Gallery, 426 feet above the level of King •Street. Direct elevators. • Courteous* atten- ---dants:-•Nominal"•--char-ge- of •25 cents. schoolboy .athletes will be here • for These two championships will include • Founcl'Floating in a Bittle ural America put out to sea With which the famous Central Collegiate pip' Entry. forms for` these events are • NmYo_rk: W1 at may be the .Iasi 000-bunehes--to--be -dtm ped--in=•alta--relay--team-from •_.11amilton_will•_eotn- -now available at the,Ixhibition.o®oes, note written by 1Vungesser and Coli, ogean, ,Pete against the best available, school Lumsden Building, Toronto 2. Frenchmen who perished on'an at -100,000 b h a; theUnited State•°. week- � : °.' , lantic, was.brought to Roosevelt Field ysome time and the market is. glut- of events for Junior, Athletic Day: 100 • by two men who found -it floating in a • ed• Rather than have the fruit rot' yards, boys under 12 years; -100 yards,' c gnao bottle near Fire Island , 1.11n, thea holds, , the importing nom- boys under 14 years; . �t00 yards, boys *disposing , iunder .thed boysi t�is sin of ld0 yards, The note, *ratan in I"rennh,'. was, Denies -have been d po gunder 1 years; y `•signed "Nungessrer and Coll," . and cargoes to street peddlers and mid; 18 years; 100 yards, boys .under 2Q Perished Approximately unc es .clay team in tempted east -west flight across the At -have ben entering the port for The following 4s the complete Iist — -_read:. "We are sinking near Labrador:" • : The fliers left near Paris, on May er beard Isom: new �,.., diemen for little or nothing: at 'this moment • • • • " ; To be seventy years young is some - Le• Bourget Field, times far more cheerful than to be 8, 1927, and were .forty years . old. -A Oliver Wendell Holmes. 16 years;.girls under 18 ,yards, boys Under 20 years; •1 mile, bole under 20 years. 100' yards, girls , under 14' ears; 100 yards, girls' under 100 yards, years; 220 yaids,'hoys under 20 years; 1 yards, boys un years; 440 yards. relay ' (110 yards 'each);` 880 yards relay (220 yards each; 1 nlile relay' (440 yards each); 2 -mile relay (880 yards each);, mediey ,. relay (2'20, 440,'830, and 1 mile); 4- mile relay (1 mile each). The relay' events will be open to all scheme or bona -fide .athletic clubs, Y. M C.A:s or •athletic organizations, and all competitors must he ander 20 years of age on date of competition. The annual Canadian National Exhi- bition Athletie Day, whi'h is Canada's oldest track fixture, will be 'held on Saturday,• September .5. The program wFll intllt de the following' events: Canadian National Exhibition ntbdi fled Marathon ,.(12 miles on l xhih'it'i:w track). Starting at 1 p.m. sharp. Dominion championship Starting at'2 p.n. , - jDomiiiton championship ttrg•of tt' r tor -teams -rve1giiing• under 1,300 pntPttd:, 1 • ,Liveone of the .scant' �.. oat attractions, -at,,..the 'Canadian ;,11 tio:nal, Eitllibttion $ ,.• total weight (l.b.poirtrdd clothing allow,- • Harley,, - Davidson 1932 Models now un dIsplay'1t our store.. large assortment of • USED MOTORCYCLES to choose from. ,'rices lower than any tiine,in our' history, "'W0 Invite you to.cali and ItiAndet out steels Nf Motorcycles while attending' the Exhibition. Kennedy and Menton 421 COLLEGE ST,, TORONTO S•ariey-Davidson Distributors 4U- o exquisitely landsca • ed 350 -acre ppark along a noire end1alf' of Lake • Ontario's shore. Over ten miles of paved highways wind. about the many 'beautiful structures and the • hundreds of engaging attractipns. Throughout the entire, fourteen days • . . of the fifty-third Canadian National . Exhibition there will be 'features, - displays,'. ort afloat and ashore, art, , music andp erformances.of magnifi- Vence and ,versify: -` - ' Make Toronto •your rendezvous *dui - mg the Canadian. National Exhibi- tion, Aug. 28 to Sept. 12. Ask travel agents about special reduced rates by - boat, train or bus. Send for literature describing this year's exposition. Reservations now being accepted for "ORIENTIA,"' glamorous spectacle • of the Eastern World—nightly grand= stand 'pageant; also for the 4 cbncertr by internationally famous EXHIBITION 2000-VOI.CB CHORUS in the - Coliseum. GRANDSTAND PAGEANT - ORIENTIA"-=Rerervedseats$1.00, Box' seats $1,30•each (5 or.6 chairs in ' each box). ' EXHIBITION 2000 -VOICE CHORUS Sat., Aug.. 291h; Thurs., d Sat: Sept Sept.3; Tt<es,, Sept, 8 an , 12, Groutj' lido- reserved, 75c Box shahs,:00. GUARANTEED 'I d"Cars When, in Toronto, we invite you .to look our our stock of finest• Used Gars in Canada, priced from $100 to $2000, . all makes and models. Your car in exchange. Easy terata. Fred Porell Motors Ltd. 474- YONGE ST. STUDEBAKER. DISTRIBUTORS .AUC.28.fo SEM:12.193i -WORLD°S. GREATEST PE M ENT, EXPOSITION' 5 !C,tt 4SECUTIVEXEAR • - B21.000.000Al9vEsYED in . UILDINGS, PK,EQUIPMENT, SAM HARRIS H. W. WATERS President c.n.'4 M jl,nn-a • a 1 See Canada's Two Leading Radios at Cana- dian National. Exhibition -174.176 E)tr;-,ricaf Bldg., or 94A"Indtistrtal Bldg.. F.S4:•,•, �"� .R4 . .. .how ,a �W,ndrvwx.µyn•.1.Hu.rn..t..r,rieY'Ji'.'Y'.ipYT 41,44 1 . 131161' �l�