HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-27, Page 5•r `IURSRA. ', AUGUST *7111,: 1931. . • 'fig LU. NOW PAGE ilYILL_ to get t1' thorough Business TrainiFlg and make the pre, paration necessary for success in. life. R ' g A NAZI. will ono further than its head will Jet it. . . • Young Men' and ' Wo; len will go no further than their -Yeas -Teat. means. if you have not .the. proper training or preparation you will not, achieve the Success you, are •looking. for,. WHrtT TRAINING SHOULD „I HANE? A timr°u101. Eduoatior or aShortiiand Typewriting course, or 'both of them.:;.• WHERE SH UIDI 'N` rn At thio ____�ith er __Business College ;_____thiven_..Baund, :Ontario: WHEN S ioUT�II- T EOIX?' . M ►FE.I$ING (Intended for last Week) Macs.. Henry Reed- of 0,O.derich, . is Visiting her niece, Nils. Thea, E!itider- son this week. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Peacock and 'tons William and George of tine- vale, were guests."of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick, Sunday.' Mr. S. 'B.. ' Stothers, of 4ssea, spent the week -end :at . his cottage at Kin: tail .ental Ke•.1th. By D.. M, :LeBOURDAIS,,•" Deemer. DIv uoo d Eduntioo. Ca4adW?� N.tioe.f Gcu!s+i ..D.e, for Meeul Hoene "` NEWS ANIS . INFORMATION ,FOR THE BIIX : FARMER (Furnished Ory: the, Ontario• Department- of Agriculture) TRAINED SOCIAL WORKERS "`w Toured Northern Ontario AIEEDED IN MENTAL HOSPITALS Hon. 'Thomas L.' Kennedy and a party of agricultural officials; eluding heath of experimental farms recently Make a Our of Northern Ontario, 'visitu►g each of the exper- ntal farm- and many- private Could '1Liberate, Many Patients 'Earl- ier If Some' Agency to Bridge Cali Betweeti hospital and. C.om- • nit ' Mr. George, Twamley, Jim' Curran , idle ' farms: They reported that the 'farm- and Tom Anderson. -Jr., spent •' the 7 ' week -end. at the latter',s. hbzne in Lon- don., 1Vliss Olive Anderson, •'who - had spent •'two • weeks" at Toronto, Inger- sol .,and •,London;.'• returned..honie.,Sun- mu y. '.Sound: fiMr,. Ward • Agnevi! of •Owen '.So .s visiting. ,his friend Palmer ;Hil'pat-. Referring;. in a recent article, .to :ors seemed '.remarkably 'prosperous and optimistic,,.' . having splendid the common, mistaken belief that the' „reps; ' new barns -and -good animals., m'ental ,hospitals, contain' large num- The itinerary of the grip; in the '-begs • of person?; who should be lib- •'caukse'.of which the Minister opened grated; •I '"stated that, Very few, • If the Lakehead: Exhibition, at, 'Port. any; of the. ;-tient; 1!t" Canadian,.Wi111ain, took the party.•fron' .New "' ' • . k a'.d,A ' ochrane, whence:• a: side 'I.iS ee T 0 C ;our :' was' 'made to. Jame-: ' Bay, • hibition -gral i + is ,•a matter:of ra >itm-, y :mental' hospitals,, are hot Ins:need of some. form of" treatment.. There are, can .be taken from Ontario if condi- tions are satisfactory. At present .a price of 41.08 per .bushel is being paid, .less costs of shipment. The British market . is fairly well 'agreed now that .O.A.C. No. 21 barley .'is the best barley that • can be obtained for malting purposes. - Advises Use Of )Flail In a recent niemora.ndum with. •re- spect to the .preparation of seed for, ,exhibition' purposes L. 'FI ;'Newiilan, Dominion.-Cerealist, .gave.' the follow - Mg, .advice regarding threshing; '`The Method' of threshing. the epi rick: this, week :x ' The. underlying pi1rpose .of, the .tour•' ertance A :very• good•."iilan is to'. •',over.: h v. "r in 'every'.nient 1 •' os ttah was.: to- deci �e' what. °'the.' Governilsent . flail the. sheaves his hand on an esti- °Mr`w� pG:eorge �rlegi ;" who .;Asks etre. ,e ,, a it •.�,. d � µ„ a. Y i 'Itura d -1:".i:." c e fl .ni ' en . t • , Fr�o-in=Detroit--dor-a�`e.�,-•da3�s,--h.,� .�� � eeistain+--�atiepts--•••whc#:T•enig�ht- go--olit-. Y�nn lin `tu..;,•'assst;,.th�agr'gr _. tt he•' grottid.,.Tiear ed Wednesday.- Mr; Tour- Glen. is ' When the College 'opens •'after vacation for the .fall• term., At the beginning,of September. WHAT STUnIES SIIOULD I TAKE? Write to the Principal or Phone 107 ' during office hours Or I'4o.. 330 evenings, or '-better still, 'call` at .the •'College and consult with the '.,Principal, C. A. Fleming. Northern Business College ()wen Sound, Ontario. r i How 'Hitch Hikers Travel. For ' Nothing '•If'.any '-of 'our •friends have 'an ani; • bition to be successful hitchhiker;, • and :desire to• study the technique of that he may b'e. entertaining 'a thug the thing they= are reeomnended to n -h i will -tab-Ii-i.m-or__that read 'an article on the:. subject b. ho',t•.of, undesirable' insects.;!'Nor is Hugh Handyman' in• the New-Repub-it wise to carry, a pack; for, this ere - perhaps; ' to re-•perhaps;'to save ates the inipi•essioti:that you rather time,. read ''the condensation which hire :walking, If,yo,'u carry'. instead- a h teh,hiker's: equipment,, ,apart, from his nerve, which Mr.H' • ardyman r parently takes for granted, . •is a ra- zor,' toothbrush and •.soap. • - Nobody will• pick 'up anybody who looks like a traii5g: Either • he fears appears below .• lYIr.-':Hnrdyman' ' aware that he, is giving .information which Mniayr be: put to illegal use .for. ir} many 'states there is' a law: which you are .bound for sortie, distant goa',' fdrhids hit 1 ikers'• to " accost riot-' rather than oing, a fe+ . blocks. Mo- orists: Indeed, we have an uneasy toris:ts 'are , 'invariably., 'sorry for.'a feeling' -that such a law 'exists :on On -man who seems .to. be lugging- a r - rselve eav suit case •arid..generail_y _take- tario and that' we .May nr d u t y .. it for., granted that. he' is a, stranded .com.,ner4i91ti veller._-Tliere -is,in •ad-. dition ,something , reapec.table__and strarys, the hitch -hiker , continues. one, disarming in ,the sight of a suit case.; his way, 'travelling ,hundreds or In bandit country,, $ich as in 'the thousands of miles . at little eo-t.: environs of Chicago,;' Toledo. and Lo, . and' no. doubt adding furrows to -.the • Angele,s., . it is well tb be seen carry - , already • corrugated brows -;'of rail- ing a . large hook., •Gunmen do not way executives. An experienced hiker 1 carry .b5oks about 3. ith then and the .-bon-fired.Holies "� voltiaie•• • c'o.nuntinicates. a suggestion. can trove) -titrea small �1itt suit'case," ,y otl convey the :idea 'that..y,ou are walking by'ac•- cident rather than 'intent, and th:als, . guilty of some sort' of conifilieity is its violation. 'However,' he remarks that despite'all provisions to the con - - -• • day, in the `vest and two.hundred aryl of 'studiousness and 'ambition w fifty miles :a day, in the East if he-e-xutes, sympathy. Nor should one dian mind' and heart, which it'woukLl stays on the main highways and-I•dress as? an ordinary hitch -hiker inl The social worker makes. a point of. lou h the 'suburbs ('leggings; khaki shirt; etc:.He •shotild'� be almost ilxipossible for, a f•oreigner 1 keeping in touch with all •discharged .az of lar_itLaciti th____ g _ „ . __ 1 ,_ airy even after residingin India ' tients, t • ilt certain that' they have of large cities. " ,' ' on the' contrary lie ctressezi iri a bus= properly ad'usted in the community suit., and would be wise to .have for 'many years. The Sai3liu pies�� pa p y This is' better time than is made mess s a most picturesque appearance, The Cetrimissioner for Mental .Dis- by the average Motorist; for :the 't3ik•' some sort of letter or document on a"heavy .black beard, and wears ' eases in Massachusetts has announ.' er' is not wearied by 'continuous him which will be of help 'if he is long orange -colored frock which _ed that social •workers attached tc driving. Neither does he -have to wai arrested. foe. vagran y' reaches hisfeet. From his foreign t hospitals. in"i'that state save many for lrepairs.•_tf anything goes moron: To' keep dr;Nwn ex�eses. it is Her- Ip this 'mangler, with the car.Ile,.can..step _put _and con- essary to sleep outside 'when the wea- ,appearance one 'woudl not expect to times their salaries in the' number' ' tinue on his. way in the knowledge•. 'her is fine. It is also necessary' to -.hr the faultless and fluent Eng- j o'f patients that are enabled to leave another cut down luggage to the .minimum: i Irh which he speaks. Although ,his. I the hospitals sooner. -than. otherwise that behind him there is }education was carried out entirely car' speeding to his assistance. He for even Iucky hitch -hikers may have , in the schools and colleges of .india.. would be the case. • should never allow a truck or slowly a few miles.to walk every now and d accent would be sag- On alo 'mental hospitals have re- . co ' d 1• Final, arrangements have been Paterson regards this problem :as a • mpleted by 'the Hon. Thomas L. matter, of common-sense. The farmer• niovitt Car to' pick'"him up, hu. :hen. Mr. 1c his e7fiolr I3etroit--411'ia sooner than they do if the superin- ,velopment. of Northern Ontario.' . the stooks...or stack, on a 'bright stin- ten ent ceu d Be quite sure of -the Mr. Harney . Anderson spent' part. . of last week with ;Detroit friends. sort of surroundings they', -would re- _ __ e • turn to ,. if they were '.dis'i;harged• 'Th Quite a number',--from>�iesR,;att u. ded the service, on the beac$,at Port immediate reason' for. 'person's. venial ; at which breakdown is often•• associated with Sadhu•.Nelson .C'hristatianda ffom In- the family situation. Obviously it dia preached, having 'been the 'spec- ial preacher at: sot. George's' '.service, Goderich, , in . the Morning • and at, Christs' Church; Port 'Albert: in, the afternoon, Beach service ,at 7.15. p.m. Between 'six hlindredh andsevenhun dred people le athered, to hear the''Sad- P , g hu, who is a graduate of Madras, Uel versity, 'having 'been.one of 'the ' grea- test of native• leaders in'Christian work in India,' and 'is a member of o... - highest s _'o f ..his. na- One. of the highest castes title land. Some years ago'. he assum ed 'thetask-of- ea -trying -ohs -Christian missionary work amongthe 'members of the 'higher castes;'wDio could'., ot` be reached by 'ordinary evange istis methods':'At first -he had. but one hel- per in this. w o.rk, but so •successful has .it• been and the.work' has grown to such an extent that he` now has twenty-seven workers associated with the la• rg�P rm er who have become active members of the Christiari .'church, there ;are, fare, Lighter • Ba1eS' :Wanted At the recent National Hay, -Con- vention in Buffalo 'strong complaints were 'Made ' against the practice by a rodr s of ' in and Canadian p a • p g baling- hay too' heavy and many..deal- would 'not he r�:good- for the" patient_ ers . stated that unless. this . fault •is who has` made some progress toward, overcdme •' 'they' woildq' discontinue handling the Canadian • product recoiery to go :balck to' this uiifavor'• Canadian dealers are.' urging that ale family -situatio n the attention •of. farmers 'in hay ,pro- f -n addition, there ,is, the type of, ducing• districts' be '' brought- to this patient, who is '"up" for. a period and fault. -The bulk of baled ..hay is used then down in the dumps.for a' simi- ..by' carters and 'truckinen; who ,have tar period: `Sometimes this' condition is'' not Very, .serious; .:during his .up. period he may, become more or. les', excited.• and when he is down he. may feel very' 'sorry 'for lim'sel"f;' but i few ' weeks : in •the '`mental.' hospital with proper treatment. will' generally - bring ' him •bask to. - normal so that he may 'be iter' at d without -nitwit tears of ill. effects. But there is another i ' a•1: who when 'he is. .type- of., ind vidu ;who, :n, the dumps; is, apt :to 'get so; dis- couraged that . he thinks :life is no. worth living. Such. a person .need: very careful attention, and even':wher he . seeini tobe quite' recovered 5a wise mental hospital superin Will -often hesitate, to allow him to re - .o carry the, bales some dtarice to ny , ay Only a .veryew strokes of the • hail shonl.d be given each sheaf as %the, well; developed `kernels wilt.' roll• out first: .The ' ernels reinaining in: the sheaf. may be''threshed out later in the ordinary •way':` • ., , Curren't Crop Report .. The grain' harvest has progressed rapidly.. aver the province.:and'-thresh-- ing has -'.been the genera. practice. Fall. wheat. has averaged. :35 bushels of 'geed quality' grain to the acre ani barley has yielded' satisfactorily. TTTireshing returns bear out earlier 'repo'rts •of .material . damage' 'to the' ' *et ,tliem'to the' feeding `loft. ,When oat erop'through rust and. sniut. Corn- , bale'runs 150'Ibs.,'or'more in. weight Lida is' a heavy job, so :heavy ink fact - _ _...:'the..heavy • hat, the buyer willpass up h }ale fol `one• which. he 'can handle worin newt this. crop:. Cuttitsg.'"of with eater ease._ __ ..` .._. ' . - .: w eraL_ gr t'h'e �tobaeco-••Drop has been gest . The 'popular 'dema�nd in the ha!;.'sincethe,:- ._ . _ _ - __ . middle, of August � ` - rrrarket `today ,is: for -the light three ° '.ire bale weighing around 120 lbs. Who :..are us- Fall Wheat' Growers!. . mers'•in hay districts _ '• Far mere presses'. ase urged -tb give'-att n-=-- F`$11 wheat-gra�weis ha eYt�ca pro- `- r of_,•primhry, iM_poitance to'con= tion .to 'the---•sta-ted . pre-fereetee�..rr•�:e .le'alers"• and 1�uyers, 'in the hay mar- shier, according 'to George R. . Pater- •,' . ket.- In a good'year. forr•hay almost son, feed and fertilizer distributionl s any kind .of a bale call be sold,., but .expert: 1. What alIn I going , to' do' tendert with market- conditions such . as they with the; crop ins'tThari ested? Mr. are this, year .and with the' restricted, Paterson believes that farmers will L• whichrevails, every atten; feed what'they can to . cattle, hogs. ..ritlet p e 3� tion. should be given to putting up.and poultry. Wheat a -hen sugpemert bales-of; hay ef..a iteiglitLdesirerLby ted' with:, other grains and supple=- - • and. roots' continue very': promisingo In South -Western Ontario beans are being seriously affected by a: small numbers of. . secret' believers ' who are.: turn. to the,, stresses 'of -making' • '.:1 endea�i'oring".to live Christian lives, living and getting' shrug 'with people' and by 'their prayers- and -giftsr-gar . .--the community. till--=reasonab13-- doing much to advance thet work . 'of certain ' that,. he' • is 1 not , likely . tc converting • their fellowmen. '' Sadhu sinnip again. . , , Nelson •is an intimate companion and :' The best mental hospitals noir friend. of ;Lord Irwin,• formerly Vice- em.ploy-trained - social' -workers whose' soy of India; and also "enjoys the duty ',it. is to examine the.*condition: friendship of'Mahatma' Gandhi. Be- to which a,, discharged patient must ing well - versed in the life and returnIn cases where the home _sur- heugiit o£ atitie country he has:A--- Fouildrn s, ' am Liot- favor$s,,.e ..other Other- s. complete understanding of the In- I •irrange.nients must often . be made • s 4 4 •.4 •'r •4 J 4 the market. ' mentary concentrates may. readily, {; II i• readily : be , utilized both it; dairy eat • ' Tomatoes For West "tie and .hog rations. The returns at ces_.o air roducts and s , -.. .. -: . !present mi - - . t.,_d_,...y P_ .e,cloc _.._ Tomato 'shipments on a•:1arge scale ; a " pork might well•, be considered as from Southern Ontario to• the West- . definitely,more than the present srn Canada market represent a new . ' farm price, of wheat. Afire feed for ievelopment� c_onffdently_ expected .a: ., -dairy-cattle;-wheat-_shoo .be..supple-... . he rest-ofc* ^idlers for seven mend �ith--sutne protein„ rich --feed .carloads of the fruit,• especially pack- 1 and ` it will give best results when ed. The consignment, according to 1 mixed'' with bran and oats. Also for Charles W.. Banes, secretary of the I • i swine, wheat may be fed as high as Growers'.:..Market, Council., • is t'o • go i one-quarter -the ration in 'growing forward packed in lygs and paper ' pigs and •one-thirdin finishing pigs. wrappers and he, •anticipates ,the day ; Wheat' is also a' standard part of when a large proportion of the.On- 'poultry scratch:� Ground wheat 'may tario product will be' marketed iii also substitute for shorts in the mash 1 2.1Shall I sow fall wheat this year and if so, can 1 afford to fertilize Barley to Britain • , • ' it and What fertilizer shall I use Mr, Hardyinan advises apra;nst 1 hes tongue an cent.' been supplied Withsocia weir, I,ennedy, Minister of Agriculture, ''who has 'practised a o¢d system of, g •estive of 'Oxford and Cambridge. sh'orild" onttniie -to "~-wall: until tin% blankets: , They are heavy, and if it ' i, ' ker, and one `or two' others through- and Hon. G. H. Ferguson, Canadian sail management and folloifed'• a the 'are •useless, It is far bet- He is a forceful and convincing i out Canada hale followed sort, bolt •g' h Commissioner to Britain where- • suitable rotation will be well. ad'vhsed • re - really desired ' vehicle appears. On , the main highways ' •the hiker can pick and • choose his car. It is best to ".choose one., in . which a pian is ' driving .alone,' for he is likely • to High :ry Ontario will- make a definite bid to make a. .moderate application, of to capture the. overseas barley 'mar- I phosphoric acid. Potash may •be,Ire-, ket this ..year. Testa shipments ,-of quired : where clovers are. to follow. eight different grades of 'barley ,are . Nitrogen in' limited quantities and being •dispatched to England and in cases , where clovers and manure after the .market consumers, there have been. sparingly used in the pre - have made 'their' selection a carload vious rotation may be ,valuable. Put of . the preferred' grade will be for generally 'speaking, .phosphoric acid warded from here. It is understood should`form the•basis,of a fall -wheat that' 20,000,000 bushels of barley, fertilizer program. tams and his sympathetic app p f strong points ter. to itch camp for. the•night,at a speaker, of the spot there wood for a fire is easilyciation •o the collected. And it i§ about , as' cheap' religions and culture , of the land of to buy meals at farms as to cooks' In• India in addition to his burning, zeal ' dirive faster than if he has a friend ' .any event the ma tier the amou (. With -him, and is also iv;illing enough, luggage la hitch hiker is carryir.g...His church male him a real power the easier' he will find it : to get free £or good among his oivn people as ►i All who have the high ply of matches in a water -tight box'. ; privilege of ' hearing him in other nt 'f and •enthusiasm 'for Jesus, Christ' and S to, enjoy a chance companionship. It •1 is unnecessary' to wave at drivers. It you hear a car a couple' of hundred yards behind you glance mond and see if it is what you want. If it is, rides. Be- sure to have an extra. sup- well as amo g . stowed away in the suit case, for lands. nothing ii more exasperating than' I i . .then turn roand` again when it is to run but of matches on a cool night; twenty yards or; 'so away and .try. to when there is 'fuel available. Nobody , - , catch the' eye of the driver. If he it save utter and obvious hobos need ' ' he so m , rt of "an who picks, un people now ride blind baggage. They can,-.'. e will. stop, and invite you ire.. trawl-fssttr=a�,d-i'=-every, .comfort Probably he will ask 'you why yot: in the 'motor cars of other People if did not stop, being .unaware hat yot they will give heed to the- foregoing made your subtle- .appeal, and you rather imntorel instructions. will then be iii a. position of' accept- ' -• ' ENGAGE PIUNCIP'AL ing overtures rather than making them. Never ahlt a woman to' giro you a lift. The chances are 'that she will tint ado so, and if she 'does the = . prospect :of .a subsequent wreck' is immensely increased. I.t is also wise to arrange to do your travelling nil• other` days than Sunday for ther. term. Miss Phalen has had seieraI, stock 111 the mostof the cars have families iri years experience and eornea highly t them 'and are probably , goings only recomrnrerrded. Mr. W. W. Alton and s short 'distances- By this method the . Miss 4'iririfred Farrier have .been' writer: travelled nearly 4.600 mile- ietained as assistants. • The sch *ol Canadian ; mental hospitals are yet very deficient in this essential form of service. a situation which from the standpoint both of humanity and economy should be remedied without delay. (Information on any point not covered here will be given in later issues if yo' i *ill address your ques- tions to • "Mentals Health," 111 .St George St, Toronto, Ont.) : • FALL FAIR. DATES C.N.E: Toronto,' Aug' 28—Sept. 12l Western, London, Sept. ,14--19. Brussels, Oct.• 1•-2.• :1 Cape Croker, Reserve, Sept. '24=25. Chesley, •.Septi .24.25. • LUCKNOW and • vV'L'�I(1 4M I Dungannon, Oct. • { Goderich, Sept.' 15=1.9. • The Ripley' Board of Education L�17l1lIYlent 1 rel Qr s I Hanover, Sept. 16-18. have engaged Piss Frances Pilatee Ont.. •: � Hepworth, Sept. 5=9. Lnc'know, of Port Rowan, as :principail 6f the. Continuatx•ott School; for the coming Has the largest andsnost complete Kincardine, Sept. 1,7-18. Isincardi most beautiful 'designs Lion's Head, Sept. 20 Oct. in twelve and'a half' d'ay's at a cost terhi..h'egins on Tuesday,,_September • of, $17.63, mostly -for food. thougiir 1t. , i°`.'.-- there Was a long distance calf frost: • Chicago to New. Ybrk included in ENGAGEMENTa�iriOLNCI✓I3,, this modest account. It is cons•dere•l the' proper thing to have cigarettes Mr. and •' Mfrs. John A, Farrell of • to, offer the Irian: i'tho:•.pic10 .you .u><?:_, Ripley, announce tie engagement of eknow, Sept. 24•-25.. • o Chodse from; in-�- ._ • •'Lu yfARBI.It, ' SCOTCH, SWEftSll,'Mildmay, Sept., 22-23. AND' CANADIAN GRANITES. 'Paisley, Sept.. 29-30. `V E make a ' Specialty Of !Pinkerton, Sept. 18. . Family monuments: and invite !Ripley,: Sept, 22-30. ' i `Port 1`'tgli , . Sept 25-26. your Inspection. I'nseriptions Neatly, Carefully and ,promptly Done. us before ...:placing,"14! ' , order. t Under'anood ,Oct 1. - R. A. Spotton W iartori,' Sept. 18-19, Phpae 256 W irigham, Oct 0--10. • • Saugeen Reserve, Oet. --6. t,tara, `ct. 6-7. . Teesv'ater, Oct Tiverton net•. 0-6. See - .. is also all right to .offer to Pal' ' their daughter. Ethel, to Dr. A.Ltoy d • ' for itis hunch, • though the , cllfances 1 Meredith of incisor, son of thelate - :are that he Will insist Ppm ' playing^'; George Meredith and Mrs George Douglas Bros. afo :r yotitrs or at least will pay. for his' Meredith of Orillia. the marriage is r Phone 74 _own. The plot essential mart of a ,to take place' quietly September 12. Lacknd'w' • • . . "Want Ads" - "Want Ada" in The Sentinel are result -getters. You will do well to rake use Lot this feature.. ' Read this colurnn.weekly, it may mean dollars to you. Advertising rates for -this type of advertising are low. try them and get results. r i