The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-27, Page 4er
' THE L `u C K N O W .S : P,t I i°I1F:1•,
1.4 4
w . .
TOUR AtXI # 1S!!! ;li d►: 1fiSl,
Published .every'1'liu'rsday. morninfr
ata Lucknow, Ontario.
• A.D. MacKenzie,. Proprietor
and Editor,
Fall, • Fairs'•:'
Defy Extermination.
• Evening rates (7.00 p;im.
' to 8.30 p.m. local time)
are considerably_ lower'•
than • day rates on, any-
one"" calls. Night rates •
"(8.30 p.m. to 4.3,0 a.m.)
are lower still. •
Hospital days were lonely. Of course, her, friends
all they:; could. to keep her cheerful — her room was
a. bower of roses -. but how she looked forward to
evening when Jack could sit. by her 'and, talk of his day
at she office.
Then came the news that:he must. leave town on busi-
nesse' She wondered how she could stand; the wait ua l
he came home. But' ;)adc, wish' fellow, knew how No
bridge -the gap. Promptly each' evening at nine he
called bet: over Long Distance and told' her sill the
things -she wiished to •hear.
Extravagant? ... . not a bit . : for night rates .r
always inexpensive! Wheat could. be .worth More for
hat t_cost ? � - •
Bush Fires
Easily Started
Itis' laboya on the fonee ..aoi pletefl,
the shepherd tolled, a • welbetavhud
cigarette. ,A. match : aplutter�ed ejiii
Blared:;. the tobacco a glowed. nun ho...
spurred his -tired horse --•forward,, nl.,
a canter, disappearing over the crest'
'.of a 1ow ridge Out of the kangaroo-
grass_ at the • very spot where. ''th'e
matt' had, last: paused, curled up !i
tiny blue spiral -of • smoke.' After ,a
short interval there was' a: red •. spurt.
of • flame—followed another, ,and
another. The • withered grass:' • had
,caught alight. a : •
The hot • northerly wind' played
With the, flame's, fanning thein cease
iessly, •scourging them •through t the
grass; . causing there ,to ignite fallen
> wigs, desiccated tinder, dry fihey cvu..a ,
crawled relentletsly :up •the ,bole of. a ;•i1 foo list's Junior Ma iculetion-bud
ars too` your to eater a Hoeprtal,
stringy hark` gum,•-dvickin'g hungrily silly•nottaks'the I3aChelar•of $donee I•
In-Nursit4course_7 - "
If you ere a graduate to 'Medicine or
-5-gredetate.nurse, why not take a de
gree :or a cerlifcate in Pubic Health
• 'DO you wishpost-graduate work lead. . -• - .
' Ing to • Master's degree is Arts •or
• Science?
. Welts to THE REGISTRAR concern-'
ing your desiras or apply •
Co`minentint'"o - the vanished • ser-
vices and, 'aitiiusements of a past gen-
eration, the GananogUe Reporter re
' narks that the township fair is about'
the only old time entertainment that
has not-,been,;obliterated by Modern-
ism 'Seinelocaf exhibitions have been•
obliged 0 sucoiimb, but here and
th'iei the , township fair hass ,held i£s-
own and' defied extermiri tioti alta tier
han s . of ita„-bigger• brethren. The
Fall' Fair performs a useful'sexvice
to its e'omnnzitity,''-did rural life
would "lose much by itr disappearance
Those; are.' very.• true wordds.,There
are those,.. of course, who 'sneer at
the Fall • Fair, as 'something too an-
cient and countrified to. be 'worthy of
any 'attention or attendance at the
hands of the fastidious• and, fast mov-
ing peoi5le of 'to -day,.
` The fact of the matter is, lhowever'
that the 'fall fair has been one of tht°
greatesteducators as well as one of
the greatest.., incentives to improved
farming and stock breeding that On•
tario has ever known: 1Iad. 'it been,
otherwise; these `fairs 'would • have
perished long sago. •
In' the early -days these- fairs -oc-.
cupied, probably, .,1iirst place, in .the
lives of the e'trly settlers Fair day
.was anticipated for -six -months and
talked about .for the other six. '
In those 'days the: fall fair, was, a
first han l education.and a liberal one
• at that., Pee -pre -Few the best thio =The
Bind 'produced; - because. the-- farmers_
were not ashamed of their farm .pro
duets; norafraid' to,'stand competition
in exhibiting them. : •
Their. own might not • be the, best,
• 'Genital' Arts leading to a
onor. Arai deeding to Specialist
Secre.tbrial Selenes or, Ruetness.. Ad- • ,
A six-year Medical Cootie !aiding,
to an M.D.?'-.,
Cir a 3.A.. M.D.course?
Or a combined Businessland Insurance
'vilest; or>e. Business,'; end, Science.
attl'ie--harry bark,: ,whining. -through
'the tufts 'i•o f oily leaves A startled
opossum darted out-'• of -:-his
a"branch. fork. Dazed, half-sufoeated
•by ,the pungent smoke, he ••balanced
himself• unsteadily for a inoiiient.
finally laurichtmg. himself'. into ,space.
A bump as he .landed heavily,, and
then he awkwardly staggered down..'
the fence, ,:shaking his paws as lie.
A.. six foot strip of loose hark flut-.
,teredpeniiaulike from a bran li. `I'ht
.fiances caught . •at'• the 'joining• end.
olazing up liercely. The strip parteu,
reusethe tree sailing off through the
air•,,'4spruying the grass' x00, yard+"
ariead with mite -Oder -ink fragments..
Where; each• .piece felly a` black 4444.
aver-wideuirig circle-, appeared, .ieu-
i•ieiaited;. implacable, creeping •back
against: the Wind,' surging forward.:
So the fire; • spread, Along a frolic'
1 th b sir W
On the southern coast :of Japan
there . ire girls who make their living
fey 'their ability to swim and dive.
There, in,Gokash?•Bay, great beds of
ere ..•wait those who -can . dive
oyst a .��..,.
:deeply enough' td'.secure them. . For
this purpose girls have long been
employed—sturdy young ' women r‘ iso
are quite' as"home in water
a son land, who; understand he Z ;
know the bay; and can dive' with.saf-
ety ..,for the oysters. .
During the oyster season you can
see many , of Hesse young girls - -on
the •$bore. Small , nets ' are fastened
on thein wrists, aid .about the •Waist
e'of each girl is. - a 'bucket and rope. -
They .go put in tiny native crafts to,
the sites 'of the oyster beds, and at
'a 'signal 'they dive into the green
sea with shouts, of laughter, the •lit-
tle' nets bobbing in the breeze.
Soon they reappear .with oyster
-' heUs spilling from the nets. These
Japanese girls must .be expert "divers.
who know the water and • the floor
.of the ocean, to loose, the oysters
from • the ledges ` below. 'The shells
o ti Rei Mis's Nora and
•.Mrs. L t e , •
Mr. Stewart Reid spent: ;Sunday ;with
'Tion -friends.' • '
Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, Benson•', and
rlarence, visited for . a few days with
:riends • here. -
Mr. George and ' Miss Lynda Can
elon' of Clinton, Miss . Liitrie Web-
t f L k th' esti of
Read Hogs, -'Speed Fiends, and Cut-
in Artists ,Taking .Heavy Toll o€'•
Life on '. Highways..
The ,Ontario Department of
ways continuing . its ' efforts to per-
suade motor car and• Motor truck
drivers that they must give more
thought to . public safety, . is again , in-
serting . advertisement§ and readers
ser -o • - uc -now were. a-gu ' tli 'kly 'newspapers, 'Which we
Mrs Will Gardner �on Monday. • f. ders
but •it it wasn't, .th-ey-w.cnted-t-o-see-
something better; to hear how 'this•
better -stuff wasgrewii , and -produced,
in order to improve' their They
were willing and iinxious'tolearn.
And the people saw the •best stoeik,
;fit. the district at these fairs. If •their
fanny ran ' to cattle, :sheep, hogs, at
poultry, they saw what other breed
erg -were doing and learned some-
thing of the methods •of. these '•more-
. in e wee • • � successful' ones.
calLto the tention o our tea
_ _.. '-_ _cce tl' onescy ran to hot es.Wtiie�•..
Master 'Lane Gardner spent la t -Have you;�as a motorist 'e'vefi "iiiade
week holidaying with his cousin, Miss saw the sires
Annie Watson of.• St. .Helens. • th It a then
I 0
" 3iil
ver iwo n37 es-; 'e- u as
.aging inferno. Great trees .moaner..
and. • whined, as. the , fla>ea_ toiler
.ourid them, dispelling their -sae a
;tenni, .re-d•aci rgtheir: volatile lea•v-e:-
.o-' ash, Thee_ tore tligough ' the
.vattle scrub, raked through • the'gras
,y flats„ leaving a charred and meek
.ng no -man's land behind., Down ii.
.in open paddock ' five, or six hundred:
4:rightenetl sheep, cowered•=--aga-iais-
•d wire fence. There 'was no gate, u�
outlet for •escape. With a hissing,
crackle the fire Surged• -through th;
hock. Adenser ' pall`' of smoke' -ros,:,
ap, lingered a little; and then drove
an., In place of the sheep 'that- hut•
oeeu, a charred and- heaving mast
of carcasses remained. There •was ate
overpowering. odor as .of singein,
:eathers, of • burnt flesh:, Before to,
ire fled a •mob of kangaroos, crash
.pg .. through the • scrub, _hurtling+ ac
.oss the open with a series of thum
,iing leaps, catapulting lithely o'vei
:vire fences. Overhead flew a inotlei
.:oncourse of .birds, some . utterint
,brill, eries of alarm, -others ereakinf'
coarsely.. A huge black' snakeslit
sinuously adong . the ground,. dratvin.(-
;iimself easily over the , fogs ant
rocks, •zigzagging round larger ob
staples.; But he was not swift enougi
for the fire. ' Sweeping • over .him ' •i:
.eft' him in its backwash, `strikinf
again and again at his own body
j.hrashing in voiceless ' agony.
A mob of red Devon steers glim
;: sed the on -coming conflagration ant
;remptly stampeded. • Into a • wire
'ence they charged. A jangling ani
;creaming of loosened ' wire, a con
'used scramble and they were free
.hundering across another run, tail:
elevated,, bellowing crazily. '
A wide stretch of low marsh;
;round intersected by a river stole
lirectlyin the track of the fire
Vorking frantically on .the dri
round to one side of'this.were
lumber of nien. A counter -fire as s
_teak had been started. This roarer
town on th.e flat, ,'fier del *•-at first
hen with less vigor as it encounter
•d the damp green vegetation. Iso
ated patches of withered reeds flat
•d :up; -crackled for - space; flfckerer-
tut. • Sparks caught up by gusts .01
vind spun across the river ignitini
he sun-dried herbage on the othe;
ride in scores of places. But othe:
.ire fighters were already • there
Beating the, thrusting flames bael;
.vith green boughs, with wet bags
stamping them underfoot, saturat-
ing the ground with Water Carrie'.
up in kerosene ibutkets,they fought,
them doggedly.
To and fro the battle raged, the
iyeti darting about through billowing
-louds of s'y' ke
n o ,looking like fyer,!d:
front• the nethermost pit: tor a dint
the outcome hovered in the balance
until at last a •dropping wind turned
the scale in fever of the defenders,
A. tense period'`of `waiting as `the big
fire approached' the narrow break.
Then is fizzled out in a •dying surge
of sparks and snmoke, alino'st like a
wave. ,e pending itself on a stretch
of tandy beach:
11dr._ and _Mrs._._Robt..Webster of
Varna, called -on their aunt, Mrs.
Mary Anderson on Sunday last.:
'Miss Birdie Reid of Belfast spent
last week with friends of this,•burg.
Master Earl.Foster has returned
to his home in.-Jolinsonburg, Pa.,
after spending his vacation' with .his
friend, Sidney Gardner.
Miss Mary Anderson of London,
spent a few days of last week with
her cousin, Miss Jessie Andrew.
• Miss Ada Helm has returned honie
after enjoying a motor trip ton Lon-
are then emptied into the buckets . and don. -
handed over into the boats. , 'Time Miss Norma Anderson and Miss
after time 'this is repeated until a Beryl' Gardner, spent' Int•„week boll -
period of rest is called by the over- daying • with friends ,of Burgessvill'e,
'aeer�G`i i'1� a' e' -said "to---be-•-quiekei nd--•Brucefield.
than boys, and able to withstand 'the • Mr: and Mars. Clifford Eastman and
cold water for , longer periods. For little • daughter Lois, have returned
fifteen minutes they dive into the to their hrme at Port Hope, after
green• depths, then they climb into spending a couple of weeks with the
the boats and rest, proud of their latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
skill.. • Ritchie. ”
Mr. John Cook of' Winnipeg, buy-
er for•the Hudson Bay, I)itug-depart-.
nient. called on his uncle, Mr. Chas:'
Mc Donagli, on Sunday. -
a 'check on yourself and your driving
ability? Can you,truthfully say you
drive carefully and do not- belong to
•one - of 'the three mss fibuns clans -
of drivers—The Road Hog, the Seed
Fiend ''and the , Cut in -Artist ?
One .cannot take a drive 'through
the country to say anywhere from
twenty-five to a hundred miles' with-
out.. noting the fact . that there are
many .drivers 'who• are oblivious to
the whole . ilea of safety.
They take • all sorts of chances
themselves and as 'for others they
pay no attention 'wliathver,�, so long
as their. own selfish ends are. served.
There is the ' driver who simply
delights in hogging the road. No
matter how. -wide ' the. ' thoroughfare,
is, he needs must drive right, iri'the
very centre, and it is only another
hog -the -road driver who is able -, to
or hetet to one side. Many--an--ac,..It ' a distinction_ be
tween these 'two cpndltions on • the
farm, that the fall fair has• gaine'
its pla'ee. and `influence in rural life'
and if4the present generation is alivt
i.o its'` best'• interests, fall fairs wile
continue to defy extermination.--
Huron Exposito'
talLES OF THE O AD`'``.
' -Fire which broke out in the finish;
ing room of the plant of •Morlock
Braes., upholstery manufacturers of
Hanover, on Friday, almost comple-
tel rthe building and did
damage to the extent of .about $50,-
000. After ' the outbreak • 'the fire
"Spread rapidly andit was with diffi-
culty that it was controlled that 'af-
te-rneen.- ' The damage done throws
about 50 men out of employment but
it appears that the company intend
to start operations againin it vacant
factory in the toren, '
Last week tho . Johnston Bros.
of .Brantford, who .'have been paving.
the .King's Highway from Walkerton -
Nit -at -WOW] Wit ` a half mile'; receiv-
ed word that their contract had: been
extended• to include the :balance • of
the distance (*Mit a Mile and a
quarter). to, the junction, with the
road leading to Teeswatet, . town
s8 the . Teeswater Gravel;
.•MI. -4-3-l.•.
', Lucknow Hall, Sept..
3rd, Old Tyne Orchestra, Everybody:
welcome. •
The Rev. Hugh • McMillan of Vol --
mote addressed the congregation of
South Kinloss Presbyterian church.
on , Sunday morning 'last, taking for
his sermon the last words ' ,-7the 22m!
verse, 'of the est chapter of Ephes•
inns, "To The Church" which war
_listened to with rapt attention by a
large congregation: -
Mr. and . Mrs. ' Harry Champion
motored to Toronto .laid week' where
Mr. Champion, has secured -a position.
Mr. and' 'M"rs: A.'I Carter visitee;
friends in Kincardisye on • Monday
Mast. .
A 'large dumber of local ,'Orange.
Men, attended "Lodge at l inlougii oil
Tuesday 'evening: when theywere ad-
ilrbiited by the . Tit. War. Bro: •'C. M
Carrie of Toronto. Grand Master or
the Grand. Grange Lodge of Ontario
' and brood mares ane
the get of many o : ers.. • gave
a 'choice of selection that'would haw
been hard to acquire in - any other.
And they learned how others fitter
and groomed and 'harnessed their
horses: Grooming is still, practised
to a certain extent, but' harness and
harnessing are pretty much vanish-
ed arts. If you dan't•believe it, take
a lookat the harness on the average
farm horse or team, and another look
at' .the way it is put on.. • -
There, may be no money in farm.,
ing to -day,"' certainly the best of
farmers. are not making enough tt
make them lose their heads. 'But.
is equally certain that no farmer i
-losing more nioney by growing weed.,
instead' of grain, and it takes no mor
if as Much feed, to feed good stool .
than it does to feed scrubs,
- Traffic Officer .Hodgson Will Resume
Highway Patrol '.Duties.. as Soon. as.
He Recovers from .Pneumonia.
cident is caused ' by tueh drivers as
this. Then there is• the driver who
invariably drives on the wrong- side
bf the' road especially when he is
approaching a- hill. This is not• only
a dangerous practice but is against
he traffic regulations, and some ser:-
er-'sous tnishaps have occurred' bet'ause
this driver and that driver thought
he was secure in driving on the left
;ide or 'in passing another car on r'
The driver, who by ...the. "cut -in"•
process, keeps dodging in and out
a line of cars in the hope that he
zan save a few minutes on his jour
fey makes the highway where he is.
operating 'a • real hazard: .
The speed fiends, however,, are the
real . dangerous fellows. They have
:he high powered cars' and ire al-
ways in a hurry. Thep pass every-
thing on the road and disdain- °t
take the dust ,of' anyb,'ody., They y ire
the. causes :of more accidents thee
any of, the others and no matter how
many lessons are given of the folly
of this ' sort of thing it seems to do
tittle good. Speed and still more
Speed seems- le be the tiling' they
want . tfie get itre' ardtess of
want, and g
other • people's rights. It is ' time to
:call a halt ' but how an it be done
rs the tiu'ectiati v,==l?Ierald 'eines
Two ' new traveling school car?
'swe been authorized by Hon. George
�., ll'enty, premier and minister ' of
Cducatto» f*y O hose.
" All cars making a left turn of
any 'road must signal with left hand
holding same iii a horizontal posi-
Cars turning to the right off ani
the driver will signal with
wave of they left hand to the traffic
at the rear.
Slow driving on the highway , is
prohibited. ' Ail' drivers -must keep ui
with the traffic -at a speed isot more
than 35 miles iniles per hour on high-'
waft. .. r.
The - • : rtment has given instrctc-
tions to all traffic officers that these
antendmeriis to the Highway Traffic
Act sire tot be strictly enforcedi
,,, Proxincial'' Trafl'ic ;Ofi'icer . Marshall
!Iodgson, Who following '• his suspen-
;ion from duty as the result 'of his
recent kidnapping by two •ban'dits;
Became ill 'through shock ai d worry.
and -developing -pneumonia hit condi-
:foie beearne such that alarm. . was
telt as tg_the prospects of •his •re
.overy.. On' Friday last his . parents
it Lindsay Were sent for and . they
arrived .by Meier with the family
ihysician, the latter of whom went
'into conslultation . with the three at:'
.end:ing local physicians, 'br. Stalker,
Jr. 11.. H: Sinclair and Dr. -Joyce of
.owri. On, Sunday night the patient
:ook' a .turn for . the better 'and is no*
nut -:of -._danger. _ ._.._ :._..___ : . .
-The condition Of. Constable T•Toag-
son created much concern at Depart
mental . headquarters, where' Commis
sioner Williams, after investigating
:nit" 'his Conduct dining the 'kidnap=
,sing ordinance, lifted the barn and,
Ardered • that he resume his regular'
,atrol. duties ori his recovery. Chief
fnatiector grant of Toronto' and Con-
stable Hodgson's immediate superior,
inspector Lucas ',of• Stratford, came
'ere on '.learning of hit low condition,
end were .with the stricken officer
-or a time. --
Walkerton , Herald •& Times. -
It's Easy to Buy at
kri l'1
)l �`
.tent•� to
Andther painful period of adjust-
1 merit is that ere when itis' --too long
to be a bob and not quite long en-
` otigh to put up.
Walkerton, Aug. 25—Magistrate
Nalker of Walkerton disposed of no
:ewer than nine traffic ,cases in police
-ourt at Tara. on "Adair,- Speeding --.----
m the highway was •the charge in
tach• case and" seven of those were
lisniissed by the ' Hadi. The• other -
;wo were against Nelson Belbeck of,
Port Elgin and John McCqy of Dob -
Anton in which they were found •
guilty' and assessed a fine of five,
toilers and costs of $5.75. .In Port '
i lgi i on Saturday Magistrate Walk-
four Bast] bawler and Harvey
_3chtilar guilty of operating a. motor
:ar without the necessary driver's
rermit. They were fined $1O a'nd . '
:osts of $6.5O After being given
:iitte to prpcure the money and failing
hey are spending four days in Gov-
.irnor Eyndnian's G'astle at Walker-
Six Hanover youths appeared be-
fore Magistrate Walker • in police
court here Mond� and pleaded guii-
`y tq charges of cm -igniting liquor in
an illegal place. The offense • oecur-
ted lin Aug. '13th when 'Hanover anti -
'Kincardine played the Junior Bruce
League game- at the Lake Slibre
Town. Each was fi'n'ed $10 and "costs.
Jas. Hepburn of Paisley Was ar-
rested by Constable :Leitch. that
town on 1Vlonday nysorn'ing arid brou-
ght before the magistrate' to answer •
to a charge of theft. The offetit5e,
which he is suspectgd of having cottit-.
riittezl is the stealing of 'some. honey •
from a Greenock Tpvvnship aparyy,
hetvreen- Aug. est and 16th. He. lits
remanded in in Custetly -and is • sched-
gaced to appear at l''sisie + on August