HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-27, Page 2• , • , : • .1IC .6 make ED TFA. .,-„Be,ew.ima os . . • Strain off ieaves,.allow,to cool.-acidicmonnititsucar • ' . to taste# polo into q4sseslinif fWl uFuiched me „ . . 14Strated Dreientakirig Leson Pattern 1. s, '225 , . ' ' ' .• • • WhoDeor'etiAilos, '• • ;v. . Weri.Depressnig. -cal reIAMberback,in.151$-i When times tvern're.UPY , aid; i.vrttekt Dy.oc„th the saturchty IEYening Laborers inour streets. were_ glad to fotind fe'liaVeconimitted. spicide, p •man from: Who -a.• shoulders a great get 137 Cents for twelve licuri3 of hard • • ' • •• • tr"--7- •••*• :burden had been lifted. "igergeant, work, and tried to keep their fanilliee- 'CHAPTER X)pcIV. I'll leave you to arra nee- for the re- th-t-) seualnr-e-f-JuSarritarr rofeseor-Dilliird's--gase,4P-edJo •iiiec,Falf--,the-body• fothe_autops74- • . . . tbaChess table onderingly but yoted better drop in at the 'Stuy: :'.8143"" • ' " • '' • , W:. • There were all kinds..of: bargains • "The black bishop," lie •repeated Club later Thank heaven to; big offered in those times. IVIen said a loW. tone. ".C,onIcl that .hara. day •is• SundayI It • gives us time to the( country had -gone • to the' "deratni; -What was 'preying on his • mind • last turn round, • . •• • itiove • „foiei4 i1 • . • • , $.4.2 .10...Tgeo,a34? • ef Pa.PIAILO VAN:6E STORY . BY S. :8. VAN DINE . , • • . • afterWards and ' iterated' his °Oulu- .- SYNOPSIS .. . , sion that r ar.da bad ehot:bireselt •• A.Man 'known, a4-doolt Rehin 'IS founi With an arrow through the he.art." Then „ - • • a .young "chap named sprigs itic shot That'll,. be ply report,," he said. through Alm top of .the head. , Th.e mut.; ..4fGan't'see, any. way. '..,Ut'Ot:it.4 To be . . *if :. f It s-Lbut, deeer yirites mocking ,netes. to _the ptt-' pars; signed The Pieliop.• -Distriet At- torney Markham, ass -Air •.°aid Of his triend,• Philo 'Vance, - • -• '• . • - , The following' are assoclated:With Atte • Ce.sei..rrO,f. Dillard and his neipev-rielle, axis protege.:.Sigurd Arnessen, -who hones is marnr.pelle, jcinii"1",e4iftee,,a,•fteitlibktr ) . At a passion for plies% i. iurs::, prekker and:her son-.Adoloir. a orinple,„:,prialther is heiding, be,Olt information. and',..Vange• .deterrriteesto tott'oet what it,IS. T.hat night 'Druicer. As • inurdered._, Theo:shock ,1011p.Ur41..prukker. ' Thezi,„Yanceitter, " • neSticerardee,, trot' rat:do* 10,. mhtp,og scarriE-' What- .ame before: CaPtein Jirmx1 Is •ced down in his plane on a desert island„while.flying from Wm atinan,' Night after night he builds a fire In hope of attracting a passing ship. Then one eyeniog he hears a steamer whistle in the darkness.. I • • Night can't last forever. Gradual. ly a faint fight shewed in the East. There we sat, „all huddled -around the , fire, waltiag. A dosen•Jitues T thought r made out a ship-r-oply to that's your piovince. „Nothing in the find out that it was my imagination. sure, o . . least suspicions here."' 7, • • -The* came an .e4cittid yell front, " • 'Idoolreei lookee. quatl" saWfatiMk Markham nodded With. undisgniied Muni • sure 3fl "We've Mason to Auestiort your 1 ' eonclUSion.".' ,He get U,1?-1114e••P•• Otigh, was' n good sized trelg li-t „ lndingat dectot In fact,. suicide fits perfectly' with What wnalreadY It brings, this whole. ,T$ShOP 'a small gun was being. • Through the glass we could make • out the ship. as a small teinie,r, •• 'while dead a head a it, itad. partly. • -.hidden from , us was -.a second hctat that. we..couldn't. see. clearly -1'. • it wflrst as late out hitrt6h4e) alcftaerrariteszJpap -with a• -full. load .coal bound . for • .,Scottie and wore.. mad- ing .: the trip with._ dal* Thiene, and', planning to sped•,SOrne time. on: the ..t• Seourely lashatI on • deck was our plane, ,the Boren . Eagl. ' • • ' 'At .1caratan ba built her •pOnttions• and we had rigged a ,•• " . , rick and .theeltrAt,fery..iihort • •‘, anchored ne,edv., overIde. .S nycl launch:. the. ' • • z • pla , . •.. e a n was, Intently out. 't er al • niiiiii 'U7pj;u:at:''b'':ett°14ptn1.se4';fi: in he "C1111hg. 10916343 •-th.rough. telescope. 'When 'clhung.'•rualely • tion bow*ews," There were a lot o spectacular failureS: that grew out of "Of:equally -speetapidar boom.-, . vial offered a seat on. the NeW 'York Stack Exchange for $5,000.bY a Member wb.o 50 night?' It seems unbelievable tliat trivial • a thing .could affect him so digastrously."• "Den't forget, sir," Vance reminded him "that the bleek• bishop was the That night at the club' Vance and Markhain and 1 sat- ,,alone in the lounge: room. !,Heath had come and AsterItt_ittts_beaxh., lotigee nq amiounced. ed'atioet 'Where we landed our p" .a-11-4L-quker The ..CaPtain, whose tO get ;tile glass inte •his hands. • ' Bneno, had seen the faint glare of Never had- he seen one °before, let our fire and decided 'to stand by and alene hold one,...and he Wei all Wit- . Investigate in the niorning. The etl- With one hand held„ the. , • eye piece to his --eye ' and grasped not ' word Of English. the other end of the telescope firm: ; crew were °all, Philipinod ,and Took, gone and a careful sta,ternent had I explained• to him that We MUSt 1 The very next Minute there • • was • . and • ex- . , • o been drawn up for the press announc- It believed the economic bottom had !symbol of his failure.. It. represented ing Pardee's suicide and intimating with us, and after a while we dis- take the plane apart and hring„ rOpped out of the world. He believed the wreckage of his bopea. Less po• that the BishOp case mins thereby clog= mantled it, and carried it ahrilad. New York was bankrupt tent factors have driven -men to take • • . • ed. -Vance had said lattle alI day General I;u had• gone. with 4he first ' Our red Monate In those dala was their own lives the red ,Ilag of the auctioneer, He'be- A few minutes later Burke inform- etion as to the wording of the official: fused to butlge, but Chung: stayed - , , from which he re I . r: He had. reftised to offer any suigesboat to the ship 11eied that before long the- ilagli of ed us that the Medical Examiner had statemelit, and had appeared reluctant with Scottie nd me and went inlhe auctioneers Would be floating above arrived. Taking leave of the profes- even to diseuis the new phase of Vie last boat the doors' Of ,n'sest buin sesS .heuses. sortwe descended again try the archey Case. But now he gave yoice to the "Chung", i said when leaving, i had to litaVe room,1 clama ion surprise ' a iv d :' d is may and there stood. Chiang with the , , telesCope. a 11- ' c011ansed. He ' . had pushed the . . t, • He was scared and he -Where Doctor Doremus• was doubts that had evidently een oct.11"Whit shall we -call. that island of two, ends. to: • •" ' easy: There's an aroma of, specieirs- "Cali hint gether and instead of a . telescope . • , , Beat :that was offered to Me for $5,000; He leaked: up as we 'entered arta about- two or three feet' long he held •., but 1 know • that a. might haVe een; waved one: haneperfenctorily.., His ness about it. It'n Perfectly ,legical ed it, which ' after . all wns apPropri- EGG" and Egg, we call- ientihhits hands one' tlaat. was only about .. , , or nine inChes long._ You ' -„ 1 donot. remember Who bought that dee7s body, , - • • , .. "It's MO easy, Markhaminuch•tOo . Cheng gave' it a 'Scornful iook, 1 million dollars. ' : • . •-Ldeath.freintshock---4uicidd. Enotigh such a 13anal fashion: There's nothio.g 'Madrigal . peering hy 'Wins through a, a Note.: Any young. reader ,Writing to ' witty in "blowin" one's. brain Oit--it's teleecOpe it the ,N;-:essel which lay on "Captain. Jiminyt",;• 2010. 'Star -Bldg:, ' • -. -------.7-.-.(2119-•be•-contidued4 • . " the • future S.- aw..7-irk-SstoilE'gruihhW-,7,-----11-1- dokt. Pe,: Iminating his' debauch ef humor in '' •.- we Steed on the bridle, or ill ' - change seat will. be rated a' bargain •ai the atmesphere round here. lYlurclers busy with his eXarnination of Par- pyiug his mind. should have urriseex- • • "Mg the slightest dOulii bustness-geing---te---calet--:(ucactliiaieture4-our-Eiehop.ter,—.1t_sv.as_laaCy.... and growing. tovtards pression on his face.: ..sald_a.few',.yeartago tor $525,600. I ustai jovial 'manner was gone. 7 d' ye see,but it's not satistrin'. I ate, for it was nearly egg-shaped. ------------ . • 31573- Jaekettal Jackets! And more " jackets! Paris is sending for day- time Weer.' And a tremendously • -smart vogue- it is. - - . _ ' Women who are • not so slender will find it a particularly-helpfu - Olie-aftW-bh-rgirfa-f-ti-d=in'-dat 't---4P-8•2-,E.111....E°i...TT to rather comtnon-plice, don't y' know. the very berizon. Now and then' Toronto, will receive his signed a, Sreora house and barn at Scarsdale, in Westchester, Connty, New York; I paid $11,500 to a man who telt that a court- -trjr-place-was-an extr Ce- that #te :United States of Anierica was ruined. atqffrimr-was-a43.-aere farm4aith-an_ et a niee'uneventalohin allaughr ShaTi-i-Weelul• --To It is the parnPered vogue of. youth: It is unsurpassed for the busi- woman and 'for Spectator 'ports. Here's a charming ' model so smartly. appropriate to_ apart, over the needs of entire day. .It can •be •nicely carried out in ' ono of the lovely new crepe. silk • 'prints. The jacket of plain crepe ay Match or contrast. Don't you love the softened effect - of the bodice? For mere formal wear, it could • be developed of a chiffon print or Chiffon valle print. , Li • en; eyelet batiste - sitantnn4- and pastel ii at washable crepe are .eharming for. rsort. " " Style No: 3157 is designed fax sizes 16, lb. 'yearF, ,0s, 40 and Decision 42 inches buFt. • Thiek prayerfullybefore • deciding Size 26 equirees 4% yards 35.r- You cam only, see a little wa; Christ H cares• yards 35-InCh for jacke. for you': Consult Him.. and. He will I 'sold -oft that place ia. small plots. -To day the -tract,. with7the-,•improve-- bent over the body, and, unflexing the ments-is-assessed_a_timore than.$400,;• fingers, tossed the revolver to the' 000. There are thirty or forty houses r o s . • , e. "We believe," sai:d Markham, "that Mother Goose murders." • this is the end." Markham was disgruntled. • ts-ntit-vvertiry-of-the-,a•rtifiee,r-of the - • Doremus blinked. "So! That's it, -` "You yourself explained liOw the is it,- -e-Ifishop sulcitititaft6-11111--- crimes -accorded with the psy holo ic- ping the -town ragged. Sounds reason- al possibilities Of Parciee's mentality; able. Hope you're right." He again and to me it appears- highly..rea.son- • able that, having perpetrated his gruesome jokes and num to the ,end there. now. • • . . 11atieler's going ' He who would travel far Must travel light , ... And for hiS eompapy _ Take dear Delight. -----DelightloViairitpe thing Her needs are few; She is as young and fair As untouched tow. But if Delight should prove A fickle friend Let Min to sturdy Grief A hearing lend; f4 -He from her well -lined store A cloak may borrow, • Nocobblet patches shoes So well as Sorrow. "For your arrnary, Sergeant:" Heath dropped the weapon .in his pocket. - "Haw lng'i he beep dead, doe?" •"Oh, Since midniht, or there- abouts. Maybe earlir, mdtbe later. Any other feel quesions?" Heath grinned. "Is there any doubt about bing - • " • Dreroue,grared-paqs?o7;stately atthe_ ergeant. "What dogs it leeilt like? ' A.black- hand bombing?" Then he became pro. fessional.' 9The weapon was in his hand: Po*dr-- marks- on the temple., Hole the right size for the gun, and. in the right place,. Position Of the body natural. Can't See anything sus-' picious: V*? Got any doubts r It was Markham who answered. - the-cntrary, doctor. Every- thing from our •angle .! of the case points to sucide.", :• • • • The man who knows eset two -- "It's .suicidd all right, then. I'll ch'eck up- a little • furher, ' though. • Grief and Delight - May view the varied orld Here, Sergeant, give me a hand" --iluned LeWis, in The London Wheit Heath had helped to lift, Pr - And Sleep at night. Sunday _TiFrieS. deers body to the divanfpr a more de- tailed -examination, iv.e....went_te;the inch or 44, yards 39 -inch, with can see the whole • , HOW• TO ORDER PATTERNS gde YQ". ..._-_0 - • • Write your name and 4(10.r,,F, , -_,...-• Pie ly, giving number and .17,0 , . k Danish farmer finds the cash re- suclt patterns as you wnt. Encl)se e iire ei• ii1:. land is nearly seven thins 2lVirl itiamPs or "n '`*"r. fs'.' - as mueh .whon planted With cabbage 1 - ' recl'.5wrep it carefuly) foe 'ac'7, "ing sedtoi when planted number, aridaddress yotr. order ' .• with gran. If olher remunerative Wilson Pattern Service, 13 NAI7.`. '6rain-sub'it1ite" crops were More drawing room where we were joiner shortly by Arnesson, • 'What's the 'verdict?" he .asked, dropping into the nearest chair. suppose there's- mi question that 'the hep Committed the act himself!' : • "Why should you raise the point, Arnesson?" Vance parried. "No reason. An idle comment. Lats pf queer things going on hereabou "Oh, obviously." Vance blew a wreath of smoke upward. "No; the Medical Examiner seems to thin there's no doubt' in the matter. Di& Pardee, by the by, impresi you as bent ,on self-destruction tight?" Arnesson considet ed. "Ha • say.," he conOuded. "He was never a gay soul But sultide?,.' . . I don't know. Howevr,You say there's no question about it; so there you "Quite, -rap. And how does this 'new situatien 4t 410 your formairt?" f'Dissipatei the whole question, of' eourr.e. ' No more. need for specyla- ' tion" De4ite his words, appearod • uncertain 'What- cn't under • knd," he added, "is Why he shOnld ehoose the arhery rom: Lot pf space ONvil tiotne for a fefo.:cle-se." "Thre was a convenient gun in tuo archery room," suggested Vance. And that reminds Me: Sergeant ' Heath would like to have Miss Dillakei• t iiien0f1 the •weapon, As a matter oi* • rorm " • •'' 1 • "That's easy. Where is it?" ll'ath handed it to him; and hv., '• stai•ted from .the roem. Also -Vance halted him:--"ou. might ask Miss Dillard: if she kept playing cards in the trehery room." Atti son returned ie a few minut: Of his rope, he should have doneawaY Adelaide-St7Tur0re ley farmers. would . ' raise less grain and therefore help, Future ung farmers raise the prics. The Christian • •Lies Right At Home Washington. -Country boys who de riot want city jebs were hailed as the hope of agriculfuteIn a recent radio address by Dr. C. Wright, director of. the Federal Boafd for Vocatlanal Education. . Dr. Wright described the ehthusi-' ' am tor country living displayed 10,000 bays beonging" to th.e tante• Partners of Ainerica, art organizatiOn sponsored , by yotatIonal agrieUltural , schools. . "They are' learning their best Op- portunity for the futttre. lies right on the }lame farm at another fa.rni," said • Dr. Wriht' "Yon, will tot find them 1 Walking the streets, Ot our large titles looking foe jobs where therb are • I. f Yo f•a-ri i,c jebs. . • • with hiniself, . "Yeu're . probably 'rtlit;" sighed Vance. "I haven't any • Cornscatin' argurnents.to combat Yoh with. Only I'm disappointed. I don't like anti - Climaxes, especially when they don't jibe with my idea of the dramatist's talent. Pardee's death at., this mo- ment- is -- too- deuced neatit_'cleara: things netod tidily. There's too-mule1i utility in it and too little imaginu- pi • • 1 - Ch.006101011141ted,11111k. The health -giving, delicious drink for children and, grown ups. - - Pound' and WI Pound tins at your grocers. ' • ' , ' • • :"And Sprigg's murder?" "We heve no data on that point." Vance shook: hislhead. "We Cant separate the crimes aito motive. They all sprang freni one underlying impulse; they were. actu- ated by a single urgent paision" ea-ril" Suddenly his- eyes narrow- 1VIarithain sighed impatiently. '.ed. "Are you implying that the card • "Even if f'ardeei-iiiiiite -1..nr:house- was built-, after- Pard,ee :vs "-and whyr it din't .topple over when Pardee's bead andshoulders fortyard on the table after he'd sliot hirriself." "Nothing to that," said Markham: "The first jar may have loosened the • tion." : • end, t guratively and i e y. Tated to the murders, we -at -a----dead r- . - ' Markham felt that he conld afford i 4eyes, yre, A dead end.Ver dis• dulgin' ,in iniplicatione. Pre merely •to be tolerant. tresSin.'• Conseil& for the pelle, givin' tongue to my youthful Curios: "Perhaps- hia-imagination„*.was..e&i_theegh,_ ..ip lets themout,for_a_whie; itY,_den't y' know" • . . . hausted on the murders. His Suicile) anyway. But don't misinterPret my , (Tihe continnettr Might beregardedmerely as a lower- vagaries: •:Pardee's ,death is unques- ing of the curteln when the play was tionably related to .the. murders. R,..1 ;.,-..- . • over". In ariy event, it was by 110 ther intimate relationhip, too, rd 1 4rrnoUr or 25 Fobt. Crocodile 1 t rall • "Obi my deer not' 1- . o • • • -"They form and' operate thir own cooperative associations, they 'buy ti sell they eendUct agricultural meetingand they Participate in the agricultural prograM of the com-1, triunity, Th•eir laboratorlas are •beir halite farms." • iterea .ed therms end increasnd 3thti twe ciVilizers,of -3- disappointment and discouragement - I • i .. ' is .Distovere iri Texas. means an incredible act. Defeat and- -say?, , ' ' . • Markham. took his cigar ' slowly ' Aim Arbor, Mich -he Museum of. since timt mmemoria." • ...I "IS there any doubt in your.mirri,"'t ery, of the anal arnior of A giant • 4.- :1 Pmieleehligtll°grye-cXt-ly tilannolltillneeedr-sit7discoavi: a thwftliT6 f all ane'S-mnbitidns---remirh.T rUtini. eedVane have ;Constituted cause for suicde. for severnrailtal-mhontnd-nts. he asked, • "that Pardee committeril pbytosaui of the- Trieesit Age, "Exactly, We have a. reasonable Suicide?". .. , ' '. 1 The •diecovery Was Made near • Am- otive, or explanation, for his stlidith, : Varice hesitatd before answering.' lerillo, Texas,. by an 'expedition ewe- . ut nomotive forthe murders" ., "why that house of 'cards co laPsed .1i/iiiseurn of Paleontoogy; W. H. 13uett. .. posed of Dr. E. C. ease,.director of the.. • `Pardee was. in love with Belle Mr-, "I could bear to know," he drawl -A, !I. probablikireWthit Bohiri Was k'sfil,- io readriiWliiii-T -&enerateTY • earied- ner, preParator, 'n.rir Theodore Wleitei- lard,", ariped • Markham; "and he against, the thW--". " . . graduate4student. in the university. tor for .her hand. Also,. he was in• - 'Dr (se describes the phytosaitra tensely jealous, of Druleker." • .1 . "Yes?" • . • ..•••••••••••••-: . 1/4 First C.hoiiis (Virl-7"Thee Cam- and informed ne that thegtinwaS rl.e • ' IlwfUtly annoYng. , drawer, and that not only werl lay - 'one which had been,in the tool-cheSi, ' • .1%.era. fiends from the tiewspaper are - 'Se oaf (;liorn s Girl {"Intleeti ing cards icept, in the table drawer , T,..., wo. n is of rat Id fire from Lim • ovi Irw-i» C6-1..rnunists, Unpopub.7 Cin:1 • ..spo..0. %.42 • Yo4;q1t.P..14C - • 1 • ... • 1 , . • • they are, Ilbt don't move, dear. the nichry-roorri but that Pardo, • • There'•ere kora going to . take knew 'of their,presence there. „ • lorY )461.; V,irLali.. cio!d!er'e,• loft this building tread 'id. f large carnivorous reptiles; resembling crocodiles in lent and habits. • . The specimen was partof the slteleloa of n great • aninial aliont tirenty4ive feet long which lurked, in the sviarnfis (hir ing the Triassic Period, some ; 50,0110•• 000 years ago. , • The phytesaur's pack was covered.. .ty. an armor made up of thiok bony plates, an. tithe 'Michigan expedition .* , Made the first Qnd .of a• set of 'armor, • plate, and the Michlx..n expedition • Case saidthe finding of the 'Oates a the dorsal armor' in &tee is a unique 4 discovery, as. it Will Solve manyqus• tions eoncerning ,the term of these ex- tinct creatures,. . • • . • • •' ,• • Near Amarillp,, the 4xPedition found. .' ,. besides the specimens of phytosaur OF • , lar0..arriphibian skull, probahly new to seience, two phytosattr s1;11118„ . and many other portions of the ,sit( tons of reptiles and amphibians'. • ; • • , Thanisfmes f or Light • We should render thanks, to (1(i. for having iroduced,. tetttpora which is the smile of heaver ; and jey of the Wrld;..spreading like .a cloth of goid ovcri the .fac., of, the kir and earth, and lighting .ii., a . • which we migift 'WO Ilis works.--Caussin. , • . Coal Deposits Discovpreit. • RIO De' latitera.f.:arge -dePosils high-grade coal. have heeti discover In the Xingu region,. Wording to, iaee, front Para. The Coal, a., com motlity. soinevOltat scarce on the efts! coast of SOuth • .kinerica; is descrily, as equal in quality to the best gh;(v • and Mined -in WaloS. r• • .• • . , ,,. • Doctor Doremus appeared ' serd 5 ' C0 TitilliljOis iu iiPti 140 In ruing. - ( 11 ISSUE No. 34--7 31 .• • •