HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-27, Page 1ix $2,00 • ,PER . YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE , [UCENOY, ON TtURSDA Z AUG.yVSi 2 7t ,t 1.31 . siNGLE COfI1iS 5 CE.NT$i ° DENTIST " • Dr. R. L: Treleaven, Lucknow. Hours: 9-12. . M. 130.-1i P. M. PHONEX"-RAY. WALL PAPER -A full line of 1931 • Wall Paper on hand. Prices • consider- . down for 1931, 1 'am also agent fo leading joie houses.- . R. J'.- CAMERON' ' er 'and Grainer r. an ' Decorate*, •Bainter': , • ..,'•'Box 174, Lucknow,' +. WATER,.SYSTEM. NEARS COMPLET1Ot. `Work at the pump -house, . which isthe final step in the installing ,of the Domestic Water System is 'rap idly nearing , completion,. with pros- peets, at present of about 190: useti, of. the water. a . <m t ve ous . is .a an ttr The p•u mph s ��.I looking three roomed brick building Statfor-d Wins Jo Tn.t. Trophy Thirty -Two Rink s Compete. Trophy and First 'Prize. Goes to Ernie Millsou's .. Rink Of Stratford -- McCoy's rink wins 1st, 'in As- sociation The weather- favorer the .Lucknow `K!itha neatly :Paid .slate roof. Irl. one.:13ow•ling Clubin the staging of their 'STORE ` FOR „BENTeeThe store room:ie installed"the electrie pump- :annual rinks'x ;tournament on ,Thorn-, u tas recently .occupied by ;.' Volker_ another hs. for the Booster'puinp olid ay of'last week This is 'the maio>G'. fitore A good business location Apply to It 'J 1Meote Lucknow a third room • •at ,present ,remains howling event of the year at. the occ ie -d as an .o Jce�uilding: 1a R. • '. vacant • with •a possibility of i't-being iliii cal_ gr,een,.._and. ;as; .usual_rinks_ .came_ NOTICE --1 am . m a 'p: from long didtances to take. partsI in The .'wat'er in the mares for the .t 1 t take rt tkvo oson to... do all kinds of Trucking, at reason - -able rates `;Wilson Armstrong., Lucknow, pee BOYS FOR FARM WORK • Boys from 15 to 20, .years; of ager experienced 'on 'farms in Ontario,; a-. vailable 'immediately . for;placement on a., yearly•' basis. Wages according to age, : experience and ability P.ro-: testant : homes only. Write the Hostel, Norval, Ontario' or telephone George-. - - -town, ..90 ring •3: . . NOTICE` Voters' List '1931, • Municipality 'of the Pillage ,of Lucknow, County of • Notice is hereby iven that Is` sere y g . complied' with sectione7., of the Vet- ' ers' Lists Act, and -that: I have posted up' at my office' at the ' Village of. Lucknow "on the; 26th. day' of Aug-. List 1931, the, het -Loi' . all pers.ons�eai- titled to vote in the • said .Mun.ci•pa1-, itv at Aiunicipal ',elections and that. .such List 'renia,ins'. there for inspece .lion standpipe -91'. plate 6f-g`bing•' dire�t'13 .swPrise, wtte'n-•khey-eaptuired 1st: And I hereby call,uporn all vo ers. 1ac19-."1 ...As"ciat�inu—Foltirtb»- ._ ��--�•--=-ta-=tlie-;s=`go�5=t'o°=t-kt�13o'�te��P =_ t6"�ke'•':�i;mxried�a e . procee legs to --" prize in this'• event went to the'rink have any errors': or,'emissions correc- .-pump. The electric pante 'in place of prize ted' according 'to' law, the' last .day' pumping.' to the „standpi•pe, pumps composed. of. Robt. Rae, Wes, Huston, for appeal 'being the 16th day o past. few days,.hes been direct' from the. standpipe,. but is river water'and' unfit ,f,or.,domestic use.. On Tuesday evening ''the electric • .pump was put.in, operation. Some' minor_adjust- ments are necessary.'. Ie has 'a pumping capacity 'of over. . 150 gallons .a min- ute` and is automatically controlled by the, 'water ,pressure.: in the main,. which `is' a direct result of the 'vol- ume .of. water.. in the standpipe: The water will net be fit for domestic rise until the Booster pump has' been, installed arid water under high pres- sure is !forced through the mains, 'as a means of; dispelling the • river, wat= er which the now hold. This .will possibly ,be none within the 'course -)f another week.. The Booster pump 'which . is not as yet installed..` will' be used for, fire -pro- teetion,,purposes 'only^: In case of ire he water supply .is controlled by:'a trio of valves. The water from the his popular tourney. i y - rinks .competed, and although this_ was- not so Large en entry as ,ust4al,; play which 'commenced rat 10 A.'M. Thursday .morning, continued 'until 2 A. M., Friday morning before the final ,�W.inners were decided. Mrs .J. Joynt delivered the open,. ing address' of welcome, .during 'which he made, some laudatory remarks about the local green.` Mr. • Joynt, •a1•e though not a bowler himself_ is an' enthusiastic , fan, and ' tabes a keen'. interest in this annual everit. He .was the donor of the envied Joynt, trophy and which gores to the ' ...winner of this tournament each,. year, and as well he. donated- ,four ,beautiful- sit ver entree 'dishes for 'first prize in the trophy event, , Ten -local rinks took part and the i irilc corn�posed-•ofee Austim-°-Soiomaire Dr. - Connell, • Hugh : Cumni'ings and Wellington"• McCoy (skip) sprang a • t directly .to the Booster - pum . and•. C. Oberle and G. H. Smith (skip)., Se Date 931, The local rinks are each formed �. this fromthis pump the'vaater from both , . 26thda at u ' Ontario, ,. • gb the chosin of a skiand the re- ' 26th"daQ�of August A.D. 1931." ' sources- ods into the Mains under Y . g P•a Joseph Agnew, t high'pressure, as we understand '.it. mainder of the rink .made up be the Clerk of the Village o£ Lucknowe--'•The re aeatic-er-for•"instaliiiig and drawing: of names. As^'a result these : P P the. installing. •.. ..- - _ of this system has been rinks ,•are at a disadvantage, when .' CLERKS NOTICE OF FIRST Underway.' for 'over a year.now and competing against. "packed" rinks ' .LISTwith 'relief °'that from .outside. ..However this in an' POSTING:. OF VUTERS L no ,doubt,' it will be the reeve, •cnuneillors and clerk will act 'of .•courtesy which visiting' rinks Voters' List 19i8I, Municipality of see a worthy aindertaking so near a• appreciate and "alto it seems theonly the -Township df Kinloss, County of successful completion, It ha's occas fair_ method by which members of Bruce ioned 'a great deal of'' time and ,the Lucknow 'Club are given an: NOTLCE IS: HEREBY GIVEN, that thought and possibly worry, they. equal Chante to win. I ^have transmitted or delivered to times been criticised. and. Winning_rinks were as' ' follows: ' • .have rat_._..._... ,__ ___ _._ _..._..�_ _ . --- - rink! ..•-_:.-� --•=---•�.. - -the' persons -i`nentio fia--H • section -9 "condemned and -if ' in no other. way, Ernie, Millson's rink otr • .Stratford,' i '(3-9--e) I.•• • • of The Ontario Voters' -Lists Act, the'. copies' required' -by'- said sections to' be' so transmitted 'or delivered of the- List,.. made :.pursuant to' said Act, of all persons appearing, by the last. Assessment .Roll of the said 1Vitahleipality` to. be ; entitled to: vote' ih the'said' Municipality at elections f fox members of 'the . Legisl 'tine As- sembly and at "Municipal .Elections; and that the. said List was first post- ed up. at. my office_ at_.R.._2, ';- en the 17th day�'of:'August, • remains there for iiispecti And I hereby call upon they may partially feel repaid in the personal 'satisfaction • of a public- spirited work: Successfully aceomp- fished. 'YOUNG.. GRANDSON DIES 141r... and:. Mrs. W._ P. Reed of town Were called to St. . Mars last week owing' to the s,ckness afid death of heir. young' grandson; Jackie Dick _.Halyrctod, t _ 1931, and inson, . only son of : Mr. and rs. -f :: on. E. Dickinson of . St. Harys. Jackie, all voters who is but three '' years -old, Was' sick to take immediate, 'proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- for about -six weeks and in spite of all .:that could be done to' restore the xected..abcording._to_Jaw-, .the,lest-.day htth _,,chap to health, end of appeal being the 7th day of • Sept., 1931.'• ' Dated this 1.7th day of Augiist,1931: , J, R. I. ANE, Clerk of Kinloss (27-13--e) ' • , . MORTGAGE,SA.LE -0F FARM PROPERTY • Under and by virtue of the powers eontained in a certain g Mortgage,' which; will be produced a ' the • time of sale, -.there will be offered for sale, by,. Public Auction,. by• Wellington ' Henderson, , Auctioneer, at the FORD GARAGE;: in the Village of 'Lucknow, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, . A. 11/,' 1931, at the hour of 3,•o'clock in the afternoon,. the following pYro- perty:- - , • ALL AND SINGULAR those cer= ain parcels or tracts of; laird ,and premises situate,. lying; and ,being in. the Toenail* of Wawanosh' in the County 'of Huron and Province of Ontario and being 'Con posed of -the South half' of the South half of .Lot Number Twenty-two, •, and. the South half of Lot j Number 'twenty-three • . both in .the Sixth ;concession, 'western - division, of. the •• aforesaid ;Township • of • Wawanosh, containing together ' one lh'undred • end fifty acres, more or • les§. • ' There is• said to be a small farm house and a good barn' 50x56 on, the property., ' ,TERMS Ten ,per cent, of the. `purchase, money to be `paid down'at the time of sale, balance • to lie paid within two 'weeks' thereafter, unless special terms of ""credit are arranged. • for on the day of sale: Stile will be subiest to a re- serve bid, and , to. Condition's of Sale which• wwi11 ' be produced at the time . of sale. • . 'con- - ' further articuliirs • .and c For u p T ditrons of sale pa p y la .- Thoinas'S.Reid, Box' 675, Orillia, Ont. Mortgagee. • Dated at Orillla, August 22nd,' A:D, ' (I'7 --9—c),. '. 4ra�u,.aBYrRaS he passed away' on Wednesday morn= ing, • August 19th. . The funeral' service ;was•. on Fri- day ftom the home of his parents. Interment was'. in St. Mary's. cense • trophy and • first prize, silver entree dillies; 2nd' prize, Downey's rink of. Mount Forest; court china Bridge sets. Association event -`1st; McCoy's rink, Lucknow; .chairs; .2nd;• Cross' • rink, ,H'anover, ' travell-ing--bags;--3r-d- Miller's . rink, Kincardine, .house .rugs, 4th, 'Smith's rilik,' Lucknow, auto regs;- Consolationt - event-lst, Wil rink; Brussels, , mirrors;' 2nd, tlrophy's rink, Goderieli,r , els. tric -irons; tery. Another sad bereavement • occurred to, Mr. and_ geed,, whenjusi. three weeks. pprrewious, a step -grand- son, Charles Dickinson, . 'aged 24 Years, died in •Weyburn ' Hospital, Sask., following ' an' operation for appendicitis. . TAKEN TO WINGIIAM'IIOSPITAL. ,As a result of sickness which threa- tened to develop 'pneumonia, Dr. A. M. Spence was taken to, Wingham Hospital •in Davison's ambulance on.. Monday morning for treatment, How- ever!- it appears that anedicalaidhes, checked this development and ate - cording to'latest reports his condition is favorable, •'"which will be very .gratis ifying to his' many friends.' 1 ACCEPTS CALL TO' - KINCARDINE, UNITED CHINCH LIBERAL GOVERNMENT M L RETURNED TO POWER • IN QUEBEC PROVINCE Following ' a whirlwindcampaign crowded with political' meetings, the electors of' the • Proving of 'Quebec }vent to the: polls op Monday and re- turned e•turned the Liberal party, 'tinder the administration of " Premier Tascher- eau, to. power with a 6$ -seat' major- ity: According to the Globe on Tuesday, the Conservative. party, .of whom' the leader, Ca'niillien Houde, was defeat- ed in both the constituencies he eon - tested, holds • eleven seats;, the same number 'as'at the time of dissolution at the, end of July. - . •--'The Liberal party ap}iear: ,to com- mand 79 seats.. This is a gain of ten seats as a result of •five new • consti- tuencies returning Liberals and gains from defeated third -party candidates. ,However,, it appears that in several instances the Placcessful ' candidate't majority, was very small and as a re- sult, recounts' may be demanded, which will probably, cause some niin- er changes in the number 'of seats each party will ,finally bold. Rev. Walter B, Craw, who has been preaching at Aberfoyle, has accepted a • call to becorne pastor,of the Uni- ted Church at Kincardine and will- take, illtake• over ,his new charge early in Septenilber. He succeeds . Rev. ; E. W. P Jewett, former pastot, who goes to Owen Sound. ' . triode of . this I oinising Marty_ � P te'd to Minister will be deli h young ministe g `know that he 'has accepted a charge that wilt bring hien 'within such a' n and sKont distance of his Mine '6y his parents, Rev. and• Mit. • Craw. UNDERGO TONSIL OPERATIONS • SCHOOL OPENS ON TUESDAY Summer holidays are drawing.rap- .id'Ly_tQ_a�aclese_.rand teachers and stu-. .dents,; some with• reluctance, ether'; with anticipation, will- be •turning, t� eir thoughts to the opening of the .fall ;term which conmmences'on;"'Tues-. ,;day, , September lst ' • hit e '-f 1M. W i, ' i. 'a ion from r :O an nv t t r b 1 n 3, the :caretaker, -we' paid a visit, to ,the. hoof' .this past wee and fouu ',the•' ,sc p . k .:� nd btia-seek , and;. surroundings fi ship shape condition: Mr; •Whitby'takes a . great; 'interest in keeping . the 'build- 'ing .so, and assisted by his two sons,, has spent practically the'whale surae mer in preparation for the fall open: The grounds tire quite tidy, the grass • is, kept ' neatly cut, 'end the swings, teeters, slides; .etc., have been been brightened ' up by a. coat • of paint. The interior "is -spotlessly' clean. The'seats in each 'of the eight rooms 'were 'removed to enable them to sand the, floors after which they, received two coats of: hippo oil. This prepar ati'on ' as 'well. as. preserving the; wood' gives .a hard, bright finish,. very inuch ' like varnish. • ' Downstairs • there ' ' has ' been • a' change made.in . the rooms, fourth room and second room. having been changed around; so. that fourth room will be at the north-east corner 'and second room' at 'the south' -west ' corn= er:-••T:his-'change^-was.' necessary tui accomodate' in a more, adequate .men.' Mr. MacOhesney' of, Hanover is in Her the students of Jr. and Sr. charge this week :at .Johnston's bar- =Pourt t. The> teaebine sstet-h-e; al they o r. and Mrs. Joseph' -Agnew and which is generally known,' remains Lloyd, are holidaying at their cottage y , the.. same With One exception.' Miss at .Doe Lake. R. Amy Yourex, B. A.,, of Dundalk_ 1 " ofChatham, Miss, Isobel -Doug as The Bread of HeaThe lth 0 Y S a of Health bU>it 'Mc TTO, IS QUALITY' AND..SERVICE''. SPECIALS R, JELLY: ROLLS - DON ROUCHE, CHELSEA BUNS , RAISI1y1' PIES ICEo• ROLLS ;•RAISIN • SQUARES; NUT, SQUARES•'. : 'NUT FRUIT'•.' BREAD PINEAPPLE•;,.,TARTLETS' CHOCOLATE MA1t+SiIVIA1.1LOWv,CKE 1VITJF I ` F N S ucknow.'. LOCAL AND GENERAL;,. Miss Margaret Button has been visiting with relatives at 'T eswater. Miss Mary' Anderson of: London,,• visited , with Miss Jean Stewart last week. Dr: and Mrs. Balfour are spending, this week at their ',cottage.::at ,Grand Bend. • • ..ti Charles Richardson Tees' Mrs. h � water, is'^a ''visitor ."with relatives .in town.. •^ Miss' F.- Greenache• of Teeswat'er,, visited with Miss . Jean ,Douglas .re- eently. . Mr; ' and Mrs.•: Robt. ebster, of• Varna visited with • fiends in town: eecentl'y. Mr. Eldon 'Johnston who has not been enjoying the best of -health for some trinewent to London this •week and on Tuesday had his tonsils''re- moved' at St. Joseph's 'hospital. His sister, Miss Elva Johnston, It;. N..at- tended buil,' , During 'the past week Donald M e- { nzie and Milred Rite ie undbr- went operationfs for the removal of their tonsils in Wingharh Hospital. These several operations woe quite successful and the patients ate able to be about ' again.' will fill" the' vacancy' caused by . the resignation of 'Miss McNaughton . - Dr. Martin•' and•.Mr. Manning, two of. -the Normal School Masters -from Stratford,'• paid .a' visite to the, school last Thursday and Spoke very'highly of the school; with. its ,modern layout• and equipment, Which is a 'credit'f to the village and of which we are jdst- ly prou. The staff is as follows: 1Vliss. F. E: Mcf:'ean, principal; Miss Yourex, Mr. Johnston, ' Miss_ ..__Alton,_ -.assistants; 4th room, Miss' McDonald e -3rd, Miss:`' McCallum 2nd, Mrs.. Sheriff • lst ;. Miss Hurdle. , Two Young Men ;Undergo Operations Gordon' Fisher Rushed • to • Wingied Thursday Night. -.Greg Leith `oto, London on .Sunday -Both Under- go Appendix Operation Being seized' with •an 'acute -attach of ''appendix,. .late Thursday night, Gordon Fisher was rushed to Wing - ham hospital where he underwent an..operatidh.:;Lir...Wm..-..Connell ;per:-- formed ' . the , operation which . took some 'two . hours to complete, and. which' was apparently quite siiccess- -However,, a blood clot formed which moved andsettled in his lung, which resulted• in hie 'condition being ,quite seriaps for some time. At tinie of writing' he, is ,much improved and is• making steady progress to re - covert', On Thursday afternoon as he woe not feeling well, he came -home fro►„ Clinton; where he has been barber.; ing for some time. He was about in the 'leveeing but near 'midnight . the attack :became • so pronounced it was 'necessary to call a. doctor which re- sulted iii him. being taken to Wing- ham and an operation 'performed iinmediatel'y. , Greg Leith Taken. to :London Greg iffna is in the Bank at Blyth and who• was spending the week -end with his parents in town,, suffered a. severe attack of • appert'- diic ori' Sunday afternoon about .• 2 o'cliick and was rushed in Johnston's ambulance to St. Joseph's l: pspital, London, where he was iliinie,diately operated. on. He quite • successfully dame through the operation and is progressing fnverably. At the tune of the attack, Greg's parentswere away.They were, loca- ted by the operator at, the telephone exchange, however, and continued to London to be there during the open-. 'ellen. ' • • • 'BORN ,• MacINTYRE-On Sunday, August 3rd; 1931 to • Mr. aiid Mrs. Archie 'McIntyre, 14th Gone ' Kinloss Town- chip -a ,son. is at present a visitor with' her sis teas in town.' ' rs. Ai ile ' of Niagara Falls rias: ' M n y g been' a visitor with her mother, Mr -s.. Robt. '. Graham. Miss' McNaughton of Orangeville. is a guest this week ,with Mr, -arid Mrs. W. W. Hill'. • Mr. and Mrs. James Spence' . of Hamilton' are . visiting' in town with the former'§ p rents. A. Gaon nd daughte c Mrs. T. g , a -Patsy" of-La:glop.,- Visited -With -friends in Lucknow last week. . 'Mrs.' •Haienbeck. and • • Miss Marie of Hamilton are visitors ' with Mr., and .Mee:reJames-Homey.-•-= --- - Mr. and 'Mrs.'Kenneth. McLean of Saskatoon have been •visitors at the home of11 Mr`s. Rod Campbell. Mrs. Fled Price of Goderich visit -ed-4h.is...past-week av4theher par-ents,, Mr. and Mrs. Wel."Johnston. 1M a. 'H.' G. Sheereiff and Miss Vera have returned, after spending the summer. at; Ipperwasii 'Beach. ROOMERS- WAN9ED Coinfot-- able rooms. 'Scheel 'students preferr- ed: Apply to Mrs. Alex Agar. - Mrs. • Walter' Horne : and Miss 'Mil- dred of Kingsville, are visitors this eFeek -With Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Horne Mr, and Mre. Cameron Geddes and' Mr.... L. 'Yoerger of , Toronto, • spent the • week -end With the former's pal - 1 ents. ' • , Grand Showing of Furs • . Expert `Furrier- at our store Friday Aug 'L8th. Come and seethe new Coate, Scarfs,. Etc., and arrange to have any repairs or remodelling 'done .now at Summer price, • r 11NG BROS., Wingliam. • Mr. and, Mrs. Fred , Pollard' and children, Ross -and Doreen of Toron- to,. were recent -.visitors' with Mrs:. 'Temple Clarice. - lir. • and Mrs. D. L. McDiarmid and -children of.`�Jainestown;'N, Y. are visiting for'two weeks with 1VIr.' and. Mrs. Alex. 'McDiarmid. • e Dick Trei'eaven, . who has spent' the . rummer with 'Mrs. 'Treleaven . and /Liss 'Gertrude, returned to +his home-' n: Hainilton last • week: Dr. Martin 'and' Mr. • Manning and heir�.feeiilies of''Stratford, who are amping"`at Bruce Beach, were guests f kr.' and " Mrs.' W.M; MacKenzie, last week.. • ' Miss, ,Enoi,a Buswell and Mis: J,' • yW.' Joynt motored to *bailie last, Reek: They --'ere -aceonfiaanred- -Mine ey ten ho •had been , -e, visiting, . there. Mr. Lorre• McDonald of .Peterboro, ' - holidayin hat the benne of his . par- eits. 'Mrs. McDonald and' young son, ,,, Ross, have been visiting here for .the. ••, ,Past .few weeks.'• : Mr... and Mrs'. Joh Stricker, Miss . n. 'Jlab.el' Becker, - Mr.' '• Gibson and Mr. Jliverr 'Foliver:,;` of Wellesley, ' were recent' visitors with • Mr. and Mrs. ' 'Jas: 'Webster of Ashfield. Melvin Hackett' who has .been: re . • lieving. at different points is, acting.. pis .teller at -the •Bank of •Commerce, while Mr: Willis__Siny,the, is...holiday -. _.-�_ _. ing at his home. in Hantiltere e---••; -e-- - : °i • Receiving Treatment Mr. Sam ' Leach of town. wept. -•to St. Joseph's' Hospital, , London, ,; on' Monday, where he is receiving Mede • real treatment for a':troublesame sore,::_- pn his 'l'eg; Passes Agricultural .Exam' Among the list of successful , sty dents who'•took agricultural Summer courses, we, see Malcolm Watson's ename.. _Ee..as nor -qualified--to..teach' elementary agriculture. Mr. Stuart E. Robertson returned • this' week from :a business • trip . to . Winnipeg, . during. which he called. on many former ' Lucknow resi::ents,. among.whom was Mr. "S:andy" aw son; a foriner• resident' of the village. ' Mr. "Carrick Douglas is spending a few days •with, his parents in town He intends, retirniii,g shortly to 'New York accoinpail ed • by Mrs. Douglas and the , two . children, Bobby and Mary Joyce, whq,'have. been visiting' here and in Stratford. • Entertain Ripley 'Organization , . A very pleasant social evening, which- concluded with a ,.dance, was enjoyed ;in the' Town Hall lest Thurs'=• day .evening• when the local Junior 'Farmer and Junior Institute organ. izatiens entertained the , members of. the Ripley 'clubs. o• NOTICE. TO UNEMPLOYED RESIDENTS OP LU CK.NOW i At the requestof the Secretary' of the, Unemployed Relief Committee of Ontario, I hereby give notice • that .all. anemployed who are. 'now residents of .Lucknow Village, ,mnay register their names, age, u siu occupation, ton, office of the Clerk' before• the 31st of August. I therefore ask �youa in your own iiitel-eses to attend', to this at once. ' Cards are ready .for' you,, to fill in, 'EMIT. RAE, Reeve. ' FAREWELL PARTY Miss ,Eva Greer ,and - Mrs. G. A. Andrew ' were the' ,hostesses at • a • party .et ththehone of M.r. and Mrs. G'. A:. •Greer, fo'r, the teachers ,and • 4 . lumber 'of dependents, etc.,- at the''mentbers acti've%in the "United Church Sunday School work. The 'gathering was rather, of a farewell nature 'fit honor, of three Members, Miss Enola Buswell. and Mr. :Alex Smith, `h':h•i - shortly leave to attend Normal and • Miss Heleai Tlonipson, who .goes to Hanover *to teach: ' Some twenty-four were :present, and a Varied program which included two,. Contests, was, retia) .enjoyed. lieu, R 1'. Crew spokebnefly and presen . do n►cd with letters lie ones ted t of int oduction to the ,pasters of the churches which they will attend. g lowin'' this a daint ° •-itineh 'was .ser., .reed, HOLDS AUCTION SALE Mr. Victor Whitley ,diose an ideal time and place to stage a sale of "fut - iitnre, 'etc,, when• on Saturday ev-. ein' g ion the temporary 'band, 'stand' at the Caiti Mouse corner, ,Mr. Mat, Gaynor auctioned off •• the . articles.' os ecti� e bu. eh s a 'Crowd', of, r y Qu P P and stiectators gatheted to listen to Mat,et' the last nickel} which he g c io n ""�tisfaft of. apparently 'did to the sa • the •pioprie'tor,' • ' -