HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-20, Page 5ge • ^ fERNA41,010,, To MOW, it,Wir" •
4 ,
VO. .
ItuuRspAz WUSV aoth,, 1931.
to get a thorough, Builnes,S Training and make the pre,
• paration necessary for success in life. . •,' •
A 'NAIL will go no further than its head
will let it •
Young Men and WOrnen Will g� no, further than their.
heads will :let thent ,That means if yOU have not the'
groper training or pieparation'irOuf, Will, not achieve tie
Success yeti are loolii48.'for. ip.,:-. , ' •-' , ' ° :'
, . , .
*HAT TItAHtHINTG SHOULD.1 HAVE? •' - • ' ''. . •
A 'thoioukh:Business Education:or a.-ShortIiand:and,--
• - Tyliewriting,course, V:Or bo6 •• the :* s.,:•.:. -„,.4--s4:--
, . , • , IEliE-S •OULD :1 GET IT?-
- . . . . • ,
' At the N.orthern. -BusineSS -eollete;• '01*.eii:$iiiind,
Orttitto. - :' . • -.' • ., • , ' - ...
When the Colleke , Opens after ' vacation for the fall
term. At the beginning of September, . • ' :
- - Write to the Principal .or:PhOne 107 'during office
hours 'or .No. 330 evenings, or better still, 'call at the
College .and consu4 with the Principal, C. Ao Fleming.
. .Northern Business ,uollege
r,,, . . . Owen Sound, Ontario. . -1, • .
-....--,....•-•7--..........:-...7.....-...............,,,.; rommaimmam•-
Menitat ea.
By'D.' M. 4eBPURQA4
Dite'otor:Drvisiin of ieloonti9n. Canadian
•Notional Conimittelor Mental Hygiene,'
, •
a Ian *rata) Hospitals Not All
Fully EquipPeCW•WPatients
' Healthfully Etiiployed.
at so • many years ago mental
hospitals were places of custody. To
keep the patients secure' at as :little
• xpense 'to(theState •as • possible.ivaS
one of the Principal aline of the asy-
. •
Yining of that •time. Then came ti
,1 change: the insane were looked upon
• an •persons suffering f.orn a disease,
• and the asylum' accordingly 'became
a hospital; various modern •methods
of medical' treafrinent took: Place of„
seclusion and restraint; trained !Mr-
ses SuPplanted „the -guar
' • • --Conditions fr the Patients, have
undoubtedly been much improved by
• this -changed vieWoint, and th
, •
1.1t1POS,• as. result --have- -risen
considerably in public esteem; • but
one of the chief weaknesses of the
old system has- not entirely been
iminated-dedening and benumbing
Interesting and wrig
• occupation is absolutely neces
for everY one, but particulary' is
• imperative; • in the case •of ment
disturbed persons. Many leaders
the treatment of mental patients
• now convinced that for the gi
majority df tases one of the n
• effective forIns of treatment is F
• old-fashioned- wotk; suited, of cpif
otheeeds -of --thetti-fflat
• lent Thie fotm of treatnient is
:ed ocenpational therapy.
The'need kor. the reestablishment
wounded soldiera brought occu
tional therapy intniprominence d
ing the latter yeara of the war, a
it was found that in a large perc
tage of cases proper -use and exer-
cise were often sufficient to restore
• a paralyzed or wasted limb. Far
• •sighted men in charge of mental him-
itals were not long in applying the
idea * mental disOrders; and • now
most Mental • hoepitals emPloy this
means of treatment; but it could -be--
used even -More extnsively thin ft
Here and Therev
New Brunswick pill have
open seasett--for----partridge-sh
Ing fropl October 1-15 this
. according to, an order issued
flon. L, P. D. Provin
IVIthister of Land e' . and Mines.
• an • •. .; •• Y-•••••4 "71TiSteir'.George RobinSon,.who was':
net- • rtiiitif-18 not a rich,. in vit,antins• .:as•• n • . 111
hy • ' • • • ••• •
&al ' • ..•
•, .Miss Lau.rd' Watson hothe front
• •• impt•oved.,- . • '. • •H •". ••'•
tly a• pota.td. Masher and.!and' Mrs..' .
• '`
a itY;OrtwItr'. •A,
, •
•,,. • ...
„TEE 11. ltJ CIq
(Experimental Farms Note.)
Tomato kice is among the m
health giving..drinks that •a ho
wife can prepare from raw fr
or yegetables for her •family, Al
it ip not rich in actual energy, p
timing cOnstittients„ it ,contains su
high proportions of vitamins A,
and C, and - minerals,. narticula
iron that is assists materially in: t
, • aasirnilation_ of . the heavier foe
acids, particularly citr
• which assist in the digeStidn' prpce
ses, are; also Present. Redeareh
on. Vltainins :carried on by vatic)
inatiOttons ',has'shown that Ar14111
A. inereaSesY••redistinice to come •einu
troulale; Rrietitionia •,axid•-other infe
on 'and- Prtnnotes nokanal 5de'velel
g41t.-Git ;Ohildt6n.
prOmotiVe-of health ,and is a
aid tit: kee_ping the4
Appetite. keen
Vitamin IC -is -a-lactorli-V.111 groly
5k. -
children p‘ventive^ of. Many
seases., An ahunrianee of v,itarnit
in the diet helns. dvereorne. ir
table and restless tendencies. ,
In sections where toinntoes arc
own, tomato juice can be inade in
e home and:is agteaf deal cheaper
an its equivalent in, orange or.,Oth-,
dirt's' juices. 'Probably
nadian diets are 'lacking in vita..
• er
. Ca
n C than any -Other One' eonstitu-
Int; arid...tomatoes which'- are our
"most econornical "source shoild be
more widely used ,fot supplying this
constituent. - •• " ,
Choice Of Fruits • '
- Pick thoreughlY-vine ripened fruit
Green portions import • bitter .-unde,
OW paNirr,x4,
Miss Pearl Swan bf Clinton, 'is
visiting her., dousin Zona Swan. .
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradley and two
sons, Eldon and Jimmie, and Mr, and
Mrs. Herb Stathers and family'spent
Sunday, at Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Drennan's." •
Mrs. Annie Treleaven Of :DungatiL
nen and son Fred Of Toronto,' spent Ontar,to maintaining live stock•with .n erested in the. problem of pasture
„ ...•
a day recently with Mr. ,and. Mrs •Japital invested in'this, stoek• Of. ap7, nSintenSTIce.
Bert Treleaven: ,. , ' ' "proxintatelY' 8240,000,000, This -eat- • With the 6-eperation of the chem
•;Mr. and -. Mrs. ; M4aughlin Of Da- . ' hate. i's':". toughly aPpOittried; as fol- ietrY department • of ttte O:A.C.,
. reit and Mrs. /de ChaMn.ey of',Bel.,,,• lows: Hoses, • $82,000,00.0;', cattle; ; i'q,rie pt plots Was ;laid' out in 1930.
grave spent Snpd'aiwith •Mr. :and: ;;.120,000,66Q; . sheep, $7,1:10-01.04 swill? -:"Jeng 91e,•highwAy runnng,.',.,bei,ide
MrS. BaYniond Finnigan. - , •1: ..•' -;l14,000,000'; , poultrY, 818,060,0K ' '‘ •• •••ilii'Fraleigha'• Trn]: In addition •td .'.
Mrs. Ben -Colufert and' son Ennis '' Dairy- Cattle; are 4014.'0 ,return`;;,:te:, .11,'., fertilize.a''ap:plied in 19o, the l'yis„;,' •
of ,4%. •••Cathetine, Are 'isMiidirig.'a • fei -)ntarie ''aunnallY,:approXIMAtely, one, re wan hSrreWedever *and:-re,:seed-
.?l Ys 'With, •:ber Mother;..Mrs. -H, Jr auntlied'icillitin 'dollars' froin the `bar-
, -• •
(Purnished by the Ontario Department, of Agricniture)
Live; Stock Figures Ontario agricultyre not only for his
° ceording to authoritative figures,. outstanding success with fibre crops,
z -,here "are about'180,006, farms • in but as a breeder of 'Anus, keenly
. -
••," • •• •
, 4
' , A
graas.- and, clover inixture.:' " ,7 .44
'..11 • 1 ' t ' • a'
• ..,er, cheese, Anillgi poW416x. antl'whole, The ,tesnit, Of phie,;recend4i:oninF ,yiran
-tst7Spending-a,fe* dAYS, Con- • ••
ers pf,:s..,,angattmL tni lc. • ; - • ; '4Aef..3.-Prain11;-t-T6Tparlit ai a field
in„ Lorraine-trornian. • . '
Sbanley -Here- •Lof •St•-"Helerts
-•-s-Pertt--the7Weel 1V1r. Hart
Middleten. • • ' '
Miss Susie Kilpatrick spent Sun
lay with -friends in WhiteChueoh.
Mr. 'and Mrs.. John':Watt 'And /fam-
ily spent Sunday at •Mr. ,Sbadracl,
Rivett's.• •
, Miss Sarah McCauley epent a •fev
days last week with her aunt; • Mrs
Jack Swan. •
• Ilarofd ABM and' fathily fron
Luc:know are spending a; few'days
with'. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.'Crozier,
and Mrs. jirn PeacOck and sons.
•Will and George of. Bluevale, spent
Sunday with Mr.' and'IMrs: Bert Tre-
leaven. •'• -.L._ •
• .• neeting held 'on the plots thie-auni-
Making .IjOultry Pay mPr• • „ • 'T. 7
. •
: • intei the-7plat-g-iFeil•
i. grazed but '
".' Ares or the* Poultry Week : Canfeten:-•• I Of bath was fenced ofr sp'
sire le flavours Artificiall "pe,ned- .
Year that ri d t 11 e suddenly ast. week, is much
pene na ura y.
. Value:•last year of Nova Sdbtia 6J •WItfl
• fished wa •
OO , according to•
a 'recent Cr
dian-Goverament- report. -
1Obiter and cod are of chief
portance.. ,
inee-the Royal Caned an
Force made it firs,t experimental
' flight over Lake Winnipe• g
"1922, the total number of photo‘
• graphs taken from airplanes in
Canada is elose to half a, milli
Stem. ancLecire,the---tomatoer.----Sil fdr-ber "hais rda •,•
• .111areellus' in connection with ,the -0
...13,7 float reventfe as preeented by
at:Q.A.G: .iwas.:the facts of .po13uil: )e ee!I
;hat the actual „growth:oLgrass.,--eould. ••
• •
.......„._:....• • '
R.S. work in 'Ontario. -One .flock or .
Retil.r'lletn:-:olnipileti by- the ' Hydro- . .-
and checked. • •• . , :: , .,.
Hydro Expands ••• , • ' •,. ,'•
?23, hens : produceci.reyenue totalling
:ilectric Power Commissien• for Ont- • .. , :
d,,,,i$,Q,:i35,.0a,•,6 arid 15til:toefitcpcc‘teiof ofestedofteltel.:frai;:.
IpafstrusrhalserviCes to the .eii4. of
Ito'. the Year Of $1,459.11ere is When- that 50,064 rural' cus?..
her -even -de •eame fronii Market egi,,;:. ' ',tylners,lvelle; t'onnected With 'the :yar- '. '
850.68; hatching: eggs, 8109.70; mar.. ' ous systems From From Novemberi, last'.
et poultry, 8147.97; and , sale • al , ides .siSteme'Frim.,,Noireitiber 1 lase•':••,
44cks :.anti ;1)reeding •stock, !a95.13 ,td.the end of May.,3,p40 new Ser-gi.die
In connection With . feed, :this .opera• ..'cre installed and 511: fOt May , alone ' : •
for bought feed to the 4 -e:itent . el 'In the same period 438 miles of
3,14.,,,Q9 and fed . feed"Pr Winced oh-. hili urai transtnission lines were eon-
oW'n farm to ,a value of•$561.87. ' ' .4truttedy besides 606 for the • seven
:•,, A number ,Of oittbreaks.b sod web': nonths' petiod ending :May 31.,' Alie*. . • • ...7yyv
.:,.7ot,..n -haVe occurred -;7in !the' vvesteli :. :••otal amount 'invested in •-7riiral sys-
'Tart Of .tc...411.:,ovince.,,Ilenagt,:pod, 0.4. ...7.5.8.„,
-ems is $1.„5;00',..?„0„,of ithicIL.47„-743;----,•!
Ontrol 'preying most satisfactory' 1, ' . WA's a "bonus by . the• provinee. • '-:
pi-aying with 4 pounds,' of • arsenat< •• • c, . '
.• . , 4
f. leadtto -40 gallonaof water: -:this.'. • ..NeW •• Ma-rket'Fifr-M7affilia- ' ,
f ,tourse, can only' be us.ed .W.here 'rr Oneof al. 0975t4nte-r,es, trig--91"e'vel-'777' -
70-Mcare present. •. : •
• „, ,pments or trends• -of the•Preeent
11,-• :-Olace-cm-1-117e stove in:a Cevered Sask., are, visitingi this vveek
na- ,•
' ttahnoSt-tto-to-ilijr.g..4t..is. wisi; Mr-. and Mts. ' Cecil 'Robb .• : • , '' ' ' '
.. .
...o put as much .fruit in the • kettle, a.- ' Mt. and Mrs. R. Martin .and•'chiltb,
• , he eenmienternent Of -this• sten • as ren visitedthe first:. of the week wth.
Ai ..ep,:ssible, in ! 'prclrto.-exclude-...the air . ., . Ant s..Win'• Martin of -park.
which eOwly cletroyi the yitaming: :nontit.
)Y Oxidation. - . • • '.' • . " • •• Mr...'•axtd; Mre, Alex WatsOn of Der•
.. • • • •
Condemned to the stOckyar
three yearaaga, Cano Paul Bru
! • =attire Holstein bull was recne
ly crowned grand champion 11'
Extraction . • , • • troit • are 'viiting with the formed's"
After the'. ptip- -has reaChed ' the • •
, •
aarents, Mr. and lifre.k. Wton.
by *-
re e
• stein bull of .the Calgary 'ea
,pede and exhibition.. He .wa. a
• • quired from his fernier owner
' the Canadian ;Pacific Strathmo
farm' and •won in the railway
esiied temperature •it is., ready tcy
be passed through a sieve to teinove
• e skin and seeds. At this p,oint the
nc essity pf haste cannot be •orer;
• emphasized as the. juice will lose,
Much of its nutritive Valuedf expo
d to the air for more than a , few'
il •minutes •• .•.
o thng•.. ..
• Return the extracted juice to the
kettle and bring just to boiling At.
Ane._..same_ th.n.,,_.have_ enough, e-5.1•6--,•:8 Mr. • Aler-lvtetuod spent tha week -
or small pop bottles being kept hot end it hie home in London.
To see hia 28 nephews and
• nieces in Caada; to return the
' visit made him by the Canadian
e in- Bishops last year; and to see the
• -C-athedral- -ow Vancouver
are the- three reasons for the tvi,
months' visit to the DotlainiOn o
His Lorship the Bishop of Ln
don :Dr. A. ° . Winnington
Ingram, who arrived recently
era -a; _aboard theT-Duehese-•of-Terk:
sary Recent tests of the new mam-
this meth Canadian Pacific locomotive
all "8000", destined for heavy work
In the Canadian Rockies; have
311 brought results in excess of -the
are most •sanguine expectations. It
'eat pulled a train weighing 7,961 tons,
• almost • equal to 'three normal
lost trains, frOm Smihs ,Falls • to
ood, Montreal a distanceof 128 miles,
rse, without n. hitch, in 5% haiirs and
nhowed-over 30% fuel- economy.,
With a score Of 266. in. the.
a.ggregateand placed 67th in. "the
King'a Hendred"; as the 'first
humbled shots in the King's Prize
pd- at Bisley-are called, Sergeant Ce-:.
ur- ,•ell William Foitn, of Montreal,
pri has just retutned from the .farn-
ous -rifle Shooting• meet with
en -
Proper occupational .treatment re- •
• quires considerable-spae; and most
mental hospitals were not built with
Such treatment in view.
In spite Of its being crowded, th
Saskatchewan.Hospital atiNorth Bat-
, tieford has from thefirst been a
•leader in .the use of occupational
therap; while the Canadian hospital
• . bat equipSed few odeupution is the
Poinial Mental Hospital at. Esson-
. dale, B. C., where an entire floor Of
one large building is devoted exeln
sively .to woinen's work, and a ser-
ies of well-equipped shop t are pro-
ided' for the men.
Greater oecupational facilities would
• . add to the Value of every mental hos-
e" pital Cnada. Like other necessary
impnovemerits this would cost money,.
but it would. be trieney'well spent;
nd, in the Sound! eonomy, both
• . financial and htin)6ntariatt.,--
• Onfomation on any pOint not
• edvered bete *ill be given in later
iatineS 4...yon will address Your ques-
, •
tions to "Mental Irealth' 111 ,St.
• george 8,1i Toronto, Ont,)
4dian istationil Ehibiii?n, Toonto,
added . laurel. Ile has Made' his
place in the "Kings Hundred"
every year since 1929 and for the
last ten years has been employed
at the Anglia Shops of the Cana-
dian Pacific Railway. ,
. '
HalfWaY around the World in '.
17 days, London to Yokohama via •
Canada andHonolulu is th -
or 'TeNitos a lewleY, of London,
who left Sotithampton July ,8 on
the. neviKinprteof. Britain, was
rushed id Montreal by boat train
wher-she boarded the Imperial
'' 1,imited for Vancouver. At the
- latter port she left On the Ent- ,
i'press of Canada arrilying at Volin.
llama .itily 25. The 'Combination
. . of the two ships' fast time uctoss
• the . Atlantic and the Paciri
' nyakcs this trip. a record between
Lon(lnn and the Orient. '
rrti v el II us. 40cognito • under the
laMe of P.1nce aild Princess Sok-
.. 4(..L.iy•a; Their Xiajerlies the Kinn
•nd(21:,ett (yr :-";iTtrif with a large
• , 2., neni .C; os 1Vittalta by (-t.
• ;.11" Paifir fro.1 Quely•cie• !pore
5117e21.:.1 llj t'llateau t'ron•
ac, lin opm, for .12 cir.lyle
•11.5 tl:t
!wart (../r 2:T nn.;.),,
"6? li-Ilan :
/224 fn. "6111 I •••••t 22 1Pre
+4 •
. tiediala r.12,
12 2
241_ '
Canada's toromier it;orse Show •%‘11
be held at night during the 1.931 Can-,
Miss. Catherine !Bain returneci te
her home in London, After spending
few weeks :with relative.
Miss Sarah ,McIver returned home.
from .rt OrbtO„ where' she • has • hcen.
Attending. Summer' 'School. , .
•• •
Mrs. .win, .Serlingeur •and Billie; -
•:.Tr.; spent a day: last week with,
friends on- the Fnurtli: -
Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinnon
family spent Stinday with Langsiiie
in the oven. 'Fill these with the juice: • Mr. end Mts. Arnold Barber and
Seal, :and' place in .boiling water. Ret daughter and Miss Viola Barber of
Member to fill the bottle; well up 'Fergus, Were guests at the holne of
into the neck -and te ke-'4 the juice Mr. R. Martin .last w,eek.
hot: • cook of 2 Minutes in boiling
water is 'sufficient for small bottles
while sealers' should .teceiVe 4 to .5
Flavorings • .
•• •
The, juice considered to this point
is pure tomato suitable for feeding
to.babies instead of orange 'juice. If
it is to belieed.hy•-,aduls-as:tebefore-
hreakfat rik, it is improved by
the addition of salt and. sugar at
the rate .of a level tahleapoonful of
both to 'each gallon of juice.. If cock-
tails for dinner are dsired, ,small
ampunts •of Mild spices such as.
cloves, allspice, cinnamon • and red
pepper, may • be added in addition to
..-the . salt and -sugar. These. help to
emphasize the tomato flavour .which
should still be dominant after the
blending •is finiehed.
. Applications .for appointments with
• Mr. F. H. Palmer, Catfatlian Govern-
ment Trade COmniissioner to ;Scan-
dinavian Conntries . on his visit • to
London,' Monday and Tuesday, Aug-
st 24th anci .adarasS
ecf to the London chamber
merce. • •
-• M..Cosgfve, Canadian'
GoVernment Treed" ommiSsioner in
China will be in. London, Canada, on
TlitirSday. and. Friday, Angust 27th
28th for the purtiose Of 'meeting
i•presentatives of concerns intrest- •
ed in increaing their business • .in
that territory or who wish to enter
the field..
The London Chamber' of Commerce
Will gladly arangeinterviews witli
parties desiring to. meal Jt.-Colnel
osgrave, •
Monumental Works
Lucknow, Ont. •
Fins the largest and most complete
stockin the most beautiful designs
to ehoose f•rom, in -
WE Make n $peinity
• i'amily monuments and tni,ite
your Inspection.
Inscriptims Neatly, Carefully and
. promptly Done. • •
Oise ns before placing 'yoni ottle.
Douglas Bros:
Phoo -74
\ It•potton-
. • in •••••=110
C.N.E. Toronto, Aug. 28 -Sept. 12 I
Western, London; Spt.,
Brussels, Oct, • 1-2.
Cape Croke; teserve Sept. 24-25:
Chesley, •Sept. 24--5, •
Dungannon, Oct 8-Q.
Godrih, , Sept. 15-16.
HanoVer, Sent 16-18,
Hepworth, Sept 8L-92
Kincardine, Sept. 17-18:
Lin's • Hed, Sept 39 -Oct. C7
Lucknow, Spt. 24--5.
MilcimaY, Sept. '22-723.
Paisley, Sept. 29-30.
•Pinkelon, Sept. 18. ,
Port • 25-26,
Sopt. 20-30.
Saugeen Reserve, Oct. 5--6.
ara, 'Oct. 6-7.• .
Teesater, • Oct. 6-7.
Tivertn, Oct 5-6.''
Underwood ,Ott. 1.
*fatten, Sept. 18-19.
Winharn, Oct.
• arm products. The visitor. evidently.'
•ime-is7lbe extent to vvinch touriat
Followirigdillcial--tSs, the' Out -7' 74affie-st-pro;vidi-rreire'Whirdrels for,
.iltlegrears. the bestin quality and insists
stippliedfresin-,This-de- .
and is Making' itself felt in con-
ectin with • almost, 'al farm pre-.
lucts; but this year it is partienIarlY -
•loticeable in connection . with
ea vy demand for fresh lamb
Platten. Despite the . fact that there '
• tas been a fairly heavy marketing
lams„ and •that :these have had
compete with cOnsiderable quan •
, Wee of imported frozen' lamb; the
ourist demand has taken care of'
rectically all the fresh product as . •
as it onto
cum crop
in Y ears. In a few districtS' to • •,• Fly Spray Valuable
"matbes have been severely injured :The. importance of flyspray for
.)y the tamatp, worm.
-tittle is dfinitely_sturvn in 'the ,
herd of. cattle; -nmberin'g • 181
was pronounced absolutely fre•(
,rom ful3.erculosts,
' .
'Live stock shinments front! Canadi
o Great Britain. .ttnitinue to increase
1 recent report showingthat app.rox.
imately 100th0 head -of..cattle: haVe
been marketed in the United King -
loin so.far this season.
• The' :harvest :of tomatoes and corn
'or caunMg Purposes •is. in -full swin,::
Ind. most districts' report the 'pros-
,)det of very good crops. Several
. .
. ', :•-r--''"-- -
• ' • lowing 'statement by a well-known
" Latest returns from beekeepers'iii - N. ord dairyman: .
various parts of Ontario -indicate that. "Our hrd= hadnot been sprayed • . .
he honey crop generally: Will - be for two or three 'dam anti the milk
IAh* than anticiPated three weeks flow 'had been Materially affected.
tgo. • Unsettled weather came at s 'The first day after Spraying there "
.ime when the honey flew Was in full 'was '•22 pounds more nfilk and the
wing: ,and .materially lessened the ; second day the herd was up 42 lbs. . • • - .
.. . ' I•
• This rate wan maintained for about
a wek. While other- factors may
A Pasture Experiment -
have been partly responsible, -; be- • '
. A very interesting pasture deMon- ieve the increase was loargely due to
dration has been. tarried ontduring the fly spray. Thia increase was not
1fe, past two season he farm of 1, m kith on twenty covvs Apt t more
o ward Fraleigh, ALLA- --at Forest Ithari faid: 'for" our investment in fly .
lir. Fraleigh, who is prominent in I spray at 90 cents per gallon.
"Want Ads"
"AA/ant Ads" in The Sentinel are
-result-getters-r-Y-ou-illdW,11 to
trkke use of this feature.
• Pead this column weekly it may ,
• mean clollarS to you:
Advertising ratesfor this type of
advertising! are low. Try theft and
• v
get results.
• 0 ER 1 ESSEX.
Despite an lacrease in tive infesta-
tion of1ssex County* cornffelds Ily
Lorn borer, Co unq Irspector James
T!dripk does not believelthat. dam
age thiS Tear \cll! be b'eay. /To hai
Icompleted an itipection trip through
d% COUnty arid fOreenSts 'a rood crop
. „
ssex farmers have cti-p-,
crated heartily in the fight against
the coin borer. The berets were
Comparatively• sAree last yprr, due 11
tp dry weather, • blTt the frequent
rains this • surnmet • ha-ve brobeht
them 1.5kwk. Continuance of drastic
measures to combat Olt rinisanCe is,
• -
. -• '