HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-20, Page 3• . ae3.te*Mtt, 4:'•;b9"••••"''• • •t- t"•It•"'••,'L ' • • 3 34'.4.,"•,:nlAl . ..: ./.3. A F.Wt It'h'' 10 • 0., ,,,, , ti,o r , • 4. ••!r- to t, , ..(..., •/' .• ,,...`c,.al.,..,a-•:. ...Ia.` •,,- ,1-;;;,,ci:.;,;,i., • 7.1r,"30, 1'01, tv,p r " • • •t ' -New British Giant Plane 4 - To Have Atlantic Test in '32 rfk bade in Cana4a by the Makers' of Velreera. and Kraft Salad Dressing. a ,na• • ' 1140.• .4Ct•fi.*.firs, rAN "' • 40144, London: --A British leviathan of the ali'the largest ev‘tr built in this' coun- try, rivaling the German Dornier DO -X, is nearing completion at the Vickers Supermarine Works at Southampton and is expected to he ;enriched early next year. Fitted with six 900 horse power Beiheltoyce engines ,designed to pro - discussing, the machine recently said the metal Which is beiog Chiefly used •ter theitlYieg boat is duralumln, which, while being as light as aluminum, .1s much stronger.. 'it is heated by a pro: cess which makes It Immuae to attack by salt air and 'set. Water. Every part, of the machine likely 0 be subjected 'to severe stress and strain will be put through testa On ma - duce a speed of 145 miles an hour, and? chines coostreeted for the pinpo.se, stated to, have •a,greater lifting cater.; arid. when Winched will take the water than the German Ship; the Machine. in 'Precisely the same way as a liner. The wing is constructed • in metal , except for the ceverieg of the trailing Portiou, which,ls or fabric.' The; main when tested *111 carry out experitneety al trans-Atlantia flights' and may eiten- tuallybe used for a southern Atlantic snail ;Service. •'. . • ,., ' : , , , : .: p rue me ;a, oS„arainl„ess.steel, in- . Billt,As ,an experiment to tieorder eluding .the inisc- &Tering; which pro. - of , the British: Alr •Miaiatry;, the Ma.. vides•the torsional rigidity essentialJO chiee. Will MeaSure. from: Whig titi to afmeneatilane Wing.- ; `,r'•': • 1,' ... • ' :' wing ti 174 'feet,the lior. fro-in:nose! • Wind' tunnel eiperinrients inade,,with ;to tail being 107 feet. Semeintileatiote a • Seale model ' 'Aloate that the''"'neyn. he its isize can be gauged troin the fact rnadhilie'Wfil Itaie'-a landing •sPeet14. of that, with a .full cenipleinen of pie: 72% miles an hour,' a.rate of „climb Of sengers.:_aard-erinv,_:=1-Med t-wilr1.-750--feet-A- min u e, -a-norreal-range weigh nearly thirty-IIV.e . tens. '• 750 feet a minute,. a normai,range An °Metal of Vickers' aircraft banch 1,300 Miles., 1(tateliti"--Mea,lord.... (es Good' . - See yoUr. It's Even. Better' , Get our ,prites irf . THE BEST iaf Zeicipelin --- Adds to Long Log •The Knight . Mfg & • Lbr. Co. Ltd.; Meaford Big German D,irigible's Trip •• • • . to, Arctic Caps Remark- • ' 31 ' record 6 . or, wl Laffs • We have it on good authority that • If You begin 'Saving right away you may be able to buy the third antl. smallest toe of the left hind foot of a turkey for Thanksgiving. Gabby Ger- trude stryi the has titled a let'of make - illy In 'her time, but never for her, mind. "Handle 'With- Care" has the same. meaning to the railroad mai that "No Admitta,nce" has to the hook agent. A Term paper sari; that ,coWegthat are Thifftinilleavily may drink 300 Pounde, of water a day. In the old days we bad to pun* water for 'em we had 't the idea that th;e amount was nearer • i3y Lauren It).•Lyinan, in the Voyages • 300 barrels: The average idea•• N Y Ti " • • ... of a husband • is a, combination 'of ' ' ' •Bilddy Rogers, RudY.'Vailtie, Johi. Ii::-. The Graf Zeppelin, which recently Itriekefeller and Job...But- yon ought hari been,nosing, about iti the North to see the one she eventually marries! polar regions, although no longer a gave you heard Of the Scotchman POO tdok his•own tablecloth to. a, night club to avoid •'th'e cover charge?. A .street •corner grouch was shocked yesterday when he saw a girl with two holes. ire. ;one *dating:, but •-sportinr-a--brand novelty,, is still one .of the. Marvels of this geronautibalt' age. • • Finishein September., '1928 d. r,- ; the. 'Graf started on her career as a. world rover the following month and since, A...1.en _has flowa?clese.,:to..125,000.-ralles,. new permanent wave, and what do you•has carried about .2,000 passenger% think of that? „ "What we, think is how "and . has returned many thousands `of hioathe" world did he happen to notice dollars in mail, freight and 'passenger 1.1 the , 'aehaye ". • • tariffs to her owners. She cost course., lay north of MosCew, and to Viatka the Airship followed the 60th parallel: Then, mitering -Sibertia,,,Eck- ener elected a Great Circle curse,' • cutting up as far as Let, 63 and, then down again bver Ajan and NikOlaie-: vsk •an.d across • to Tokyo!, The dire. tame WAS 0,880 Miles, andtthe airship made Jt in 101 hours 50 initiates, .ar- riving Aug. 12. „*. ' • Four days ,later the airship started 'for the 'United S'tatet. ' Following gen- erally ...the, Great Circle Coarse be- tweee the 40th. and 50th p'erallels, She made the Pacific, crossing in At hears. 12 minutes, between Tokyo and Ban Franciseo. •After circling San'Franeiseo Bay ,the Airship continued to Lat',Annelee, com- pleting this 5,500 -mile leg in 78 • hours 59 minutes. 'Here several .Members of the -crew left the Airship tp-lightea. the load across the high plateau re- gio4. of 'Ihe, Southern United,- States. Coming 'by way of Texas, she visited 'El Paso, then swung...girth over 413-4-0 0 0 -r -tux% -alt roiig.er MX�ToWTelt-ful-ea-reer--she-has--tritintpliantly At it --.TO wear pants: 'viedicated Dr, Eckener's confidence in , ;riNnat4akeher-st--the7-morning-of- Aug. 29,..tWenty-one dayt and, a few' . At 8, -To ,miss Sunday SehoOL• lighter -than -air craft, Eisen) hours after the start. she • has . "t At 12 -To be President close • close •to disaster .!, on two occasions, I • .4t was a great, aehievetnent,- and the ----At '14, -.To wear long pants • • 1•Once, members of her own crew saved LrecOrd stood until this. Sunamer, When At -18, -To have mOnogrammed diger- her and another tinie a detachment off Pos an atty made the trip, in a ettes. • French ;soldiers, hastily mustered , as little More than eight and a half days in flight " to At 20 -To take a show girl out $o a ground crew, went to her resoue in an airplane. The return,flight -anmer., • • .•; . • • 1..Gouthern-France-Whem-ProPeller shafts -1:Friedrichshaten.- was •uheventfnl, the '• At 25 -To have the price at a din 7 °n several motors eGraf Completing itin 67 heeitS 9 min- raCked at the start., of one of her six.transailaritic voyages. utes. " Last year the dirigible made per. Off to a Good Start . *1 haps, its most significant voyage When „ The first voyage of the. Graf Zeppe- 't fIew wlth1 goods and passen gers from Friedriehshafen to Pernam- buco, Brazil, in four days. It contin- ued to Rio de Janiero and'then turned ! north for Lakehurst, and after a refuel- ing stop; for which the navy charged at the rate of $2,000 a day, the wan- derer • 'again sail -A: •-for-home. • The • round trip we' s' made in. eineteen days. In that trip, which coveted Close. to 16,000 miles, the airship stopped at ports •in four countries,. and Dr. Eck- ener announced that aft airship ser-• vice connecting Europe with the South American markets on a three-day schedule was feasible. • • . ' This scheme is to be tried with three round trips „„this ,year, , according to Lufthansa plans, in which planes, and airships will eornbine to speed the tra- velers and the air freight. ° CANA:mit he Naomi 11111 TORONT Recreation and • education for all the family. Features and attractions on a • huge scale, Costly exhibits honk every • Country. "Orientia," iupreme triumph of the • pageant trosters' art will depict mystic ,• charm of the East nightly before the • dstand.....St. Hilda's Band Jand) five times world champions; Cavalla's and thirty other bands . . . Exhibitiort 2,000 -Voice Chorus most famous of all choral organizatiobs in four concerts Sat.; Aug. 29. Thurs., Sept., 34Tues.; Sept. 8. SatttSept. 12, • . Sixth orld Championship Mara- thon Swim, sport spectacle Of inter- • national renown . . Admiral of • .the•Fieet Earl Jellicoe to officiate a• t impressive OpeningDay cereal ()flies ---• • .. another million-dollarp eminent building this year, die Horse Nate . . etc., etc ▪ 14 us send illustrated literature. • Reduced.rat6 by rail, steamship and buses. Consuk. local agents. Plan tb visit the' Catuttliaa National Ert. hibition this year - Augtist, 28 to Septem,, bet 12. -v ner. , • • • . • At- 35 --Tp, eat, dinner.' t. • '• At 55, -Ta digest din Hays -."HoW come you, always smoke quarter cigars?" . • . Mays --"Somebody always smokes the .other three-quarters." Caller (to •doctor, who has already been- awakened- • three -times)-"Hi, Doctor, Mr..Jsnnings little boy has swallowed a moutel" Doctor ---"Tell him to swallow' the cat, then." Myself .A. little bit grayer,' A little bit slower, A little bit older, , But still•a good goer..- A little bit wiser,. ' A. little bit kinder, To everyone's failings A little bit blinder. • Cunningham (1ti 'restaurant) -"Per- kins, how can you eat with a knife?" • Perkins -"it is not so easy as it looks. Look around at the other •din- ers; riot one of them can do it." Harris (to fiancee)' -"I haven't the courage to, tell your father of my debts." • Flaucee-"What .cowards you men are! Father hasn't the courage to tell You 'Of 'hie debts." • • Esther -"I'm not Ou.speaking terms • with Jimmie. The mean thing would I not give me his seat at the barber's ' this morning." Old men who work are usually bap- • lin started auspiciously enough. With sixty-one persons aboard, Including the eighteen passengers, and nearly a ton of pay load in' the form of mail arid goods, the Graf. left Friedrichshafen ea --Oce --14;-.1928. • She cruised ,slowlY across Europe, over France to the Mediterranean during the day • and then hugged the coast line, crossing near Gibraltar to 'the African coast and then went out to sea. Weather to the north was not the best and Dr. Eckener guided the big dirigible oe a southerly route for the first 1,000 miles of the ocean crossing: • Everything went well until •the Graf .reached the vicinity of Bermuda and started north toward Lakehttrst Then; caught in the grip of vertical air cur- rents, the Graf swungout of •Its paral- lel plane almost to the perpendicular. Young Knut Eckener, son of the com- mander,, was •at the helm. • In the Cabins, passengers were tossed about , as they never 'had been , on a liner' Vegetables Called Secret iet Life in China Slowly the big ship reeponded,abut the1 strain 'dn. the • tail .surW taces as toe great. The fabtic oft the lower side of the port Alin ripped and the wind, getting 'inside, whipped up a small hurricane and tore its way, through the • upper side of the fln, rending scores .of square yards of the heavy cetton 'Oath. In two hours, however, • the agile sailors had cut away shreds from the big fin and had bound the edges to the duralumin frame. They were swinging around up there over, the water in violent Wind and rain with, every chance of falling and no chance of rescue if they had fallen. Pelping.-Chieese men and women talre 'life easier than Americans or Europeans, because, they eat vege-, tables almost entirefy,t,is the opinien, of Dr: H. Necheles, German' research physician„ who has conspleted several mottths of study •of Chinese diet and its effect upon the race -at the Peiping Monti Medical College here. Dr. Necheles came to Chigirfroin Chicago, where ho had made simile.* studies of the effect of diet upon be- havior.- He is returning toEurope to carry his studies further:dElperimeats here have convinced Dr. Necheles that diet will explain Many important Chin- ese e aracteristiesi.-asW . ell as those The airship .reathed land over the Of Americans and ether races. plemthan thote who loaf. ,Ast old man Virginia coast and came north to' dock' hasn't Such pleasant thingt. to sit doWnatLakehurst 111 hours and 38 min- You don't need to employ a trained and thinkahout, that he can have very utes after leaving Friedrichtlrafen. Oft nurse to nurse a grievance. Much fun leafing. • some msn are the way.. hack Dr. Eckener elected a '1 •• chronic failures .because they are etet- 'nally trying to do somethinr• tliey can't do. But more of them t no- where becaUee instead of tryi.e to rid soinething, they pertist chiefly in do- ing nothing. Jimmy -131d Moses have dyspelisia like What we've got?" Daddy -'How On eatik de I knoW? Why do you ask Such aquestion?" Jimmy -"Our Sunday School teach- er says -the Lord gave Moses two tab lets." 1nofthetn. route and followed the Great 1Circle. The return trip was made in '• 168 hours and 46. Minutes. The next ,voydge of importance 1 came in March, 1929, when the Graf jiZeppelin, with a passenger . list of 20, visited Palestine, flying • down across Eatteen. Eutope Mid Turkey to Asia Mihor and return, a distance of 4,968 miles', with everything working smoothly. Tivo Months Intel- came the second start fOr the Milted States Is a irelitniliarY to a World voyage: The Start Of the delayed veyage ALIO2810 SEPT.1 31 oaths ott Atig. 8, arld She made the . .12nritiotasANDs • Westward pastage to Lakehurst by ave foinad that Eagle!, • • • . 74- •c't • 4, .• lab GOOD ICOALtee '221 ,CACKE. BLOW'S 1146d Itc OistageliVale 9' • •TWO " Settiont ' . • „ • • : , Before the winter a sword 'of ice Advances under flurries •Siti,WY-geited, The,')eavet,:of :breeze shall ;sturdily be ".•plated • ``,` ' •••1,!` • A.53darmared itte-tr4ei are! I shall • twice W-atele-fr-Ostengra-vg-the grennd with its device, •• • ' • Shall onCe, with many a blowing, branch, withhold The silver; snow upon a leg et geld. So 4o fight the winter year on year. ,And in the spring, heeding the gentle . . . • • TBet9w,beoe.ina. iwtheo .Dbilaryd ;,. the p,..s:tuttlittir • squirrel b.: 4 . fthe squirrel, ' ' •• . - - • I 'Would 'hear • • .• 'No summer sOunda--tio Inernieg• ehan.- • tieleer„ • . • ',. , • , Or droning he;e, Or' -cattle :munching . cud; • , •.: .: . , `. ' . • : Would see no bursting rose deface the: • Wouldhave a world of autumn andof • sprint; •. , ha-Ve two season's, only; that • might • Forever watch the flying, not the flight Of blinsi. -.forever-hear the .thrushes Of temmer--,cummer be the unknown • thing, b • Or winter be unknown -and never ------Ifffetwt: • 'net anaw-,-in7-falling4-Onl-y-.-.-fall8-on • Strobel. Since the first fur farm was started in Switzerland in 1223 that industry has thrived so that at present there are more than fifty such farms and the number of fur animal raisers hap risen to about 3,500, reports the Ber- ner Tagwacht of June 17.. The farm- ers are united in a nation-wide orient. zation and attach special importance to the production of high-class furs: A Good Character ..,„„ • The noblest contribution which any Altair:eau-make-for -the benefit of posterity is , that of good character. -J. Win thiop. •• , ,CNisifie4 • •';', • istoirottr4/Lumo :•Truxx,.,ei.oxt4eGOODS .,•;• • , B.ig tnoner.. .• _ sa ers:. Toronto Tire and Ttsdio „Sales: • '• • . Co., 1914-5 Dundas West, Toronte.. agg„..-4•TENV.'.1,931.4192 CALTAT.10Gliwk, ' ' • • ..-ct .4tito,^:AccesSories: TiseS,„- • :"ip.oftp.•',"': : 4 Good B1cnces • • , . • • - - City -Of Berlin Runs Farm . ' BerlireAlthough. Berlin with :10 more than, 4,0,00,000 ihhabitants Sug- . • geeteanything hut agriculture, 10 inunleipality owns and farms ,49,400:' ; • acres within the city limits. • ' •The principal Crops 'are-putatoes • a,. ., and carrots, • of Atthich 28,602 tons and . 17;600 tops, reSPeetivelY, were her- . ' , • vestedlast year. [Grains, hay and. feedi litiniat the; totar 061d- th-'0,000- ..z.: - tone. ; • • . .. • • . . This year's yield is expected bp' ehow a considerable falling 'off because of cool, wet•Sunitiler, which las retarded , ••• To be censciduS that you are ignores ,• ' ant . isa great step to knowiedge..• • Benjamin Disraeli: - / rat Pesky : . • . . • them with.,Aeroxon-r-, Cleare:cenvenientrhygleni the fly cateherwith the push • pin and wider and longer rib- • bpn. The glue on Aeroxon is ., fragrant and sweet: Good for ....weeks.'...senticit_atill_not • ••••••••• 01 • 4t thug, gr+ey as lidviareorea& • 8,31e Agents 3, EDGARM. GVN. BST., . PO. Box 25., Sherbrooke,fiatil! • EROXON FLYCATCHER Gets the fly every time • GREAT • BRITAIN and back • .• • SPECIAL ICEDUCt) third class fare from Montreal to Belfast, Glad. gow, Liverpeol, Plymouth or Londol6 and back. Good goingfrom Aug. 1st to Oct. 1th Return portion valid for 3 year.. 'Round trip. rate to Continental points red ANCHOR -VONALDSON u:Pechcionperomplonrst4:11:altely. . Two sailings a week. • Ftir full information apply• • .. ,.. or. Ray and Wellington Sta. CUNARD UNE • 5 • a i I Toronto or any steamship agent• n.t CUNAD FACE COVERED WITH PIMPLES New-it-is-Almost-Clur-aed-Mer-liealth is Better It needed courage to make this admission : "My face waS 'covered with pitriptei." But evidently this woman sympathises with others who sufr the embarrassing condition wbiCh tr- troubled her. She wrote to 11S entirely of her men aecord•--giving her narneencl address - out of sheer gratitude and a desire to help others. This is the letter which we have on Our files "Some time agb my Sister reeceil- nended me, to try Kruschen Salts for. mblood,. as My face was covered with - pimples. 1 arn now' using My sewed bottle, and I ani delighted with the results. My fade is alniost dear and. I feel better in hilth.' I have advised several of my friends to give It a trial, as I Want than to benefit the same /1.4 hilVe done, You are et liheity to publish this, as 1 Cannot be too generous in my praise of Kruschen Satts."-W, C, S. Pimples, sem 'and bla.kheads are paused . by a turidsivd, disordered system, by those harmful gelds and toxins which make your skfu break out.. So if You warit sntiftly to rid yourself of that ugly, blemished tomplexion and to Obtain beautiful§ smooth arid soft skin --take Kruschen Salts. • Kruschen Sethi are a perfect blend 6f the six vital Celts which nerveft, glands, blood and body orient ought to reetive Odin fond it they're to work erne:My- /out it's simply iinpossible to obtain WORLDS GREATEST lA tnitiater recently niartied a young i 93 hours, flying Best d t Ideat i t..... .,,.4141.:ENT . i _, a , . _.14 The ..room ` __ow Mach?" EXP 'SITIO ' Rt , • . ,. The •Mittistet-"Wha.terer yeti' think It's 'Worth." $1114.0004066 itViltitilit ,,,htt handed, mm 60 00110. 'The, Min- UILDINGS, PARK tOttIPMENt ' ! ;ter Was a good SPort. Ile fumbled, ssagititatecutliftYtAli The young mau heldtated, fumbled, tge Southern toute n , n I 0 nfaiatteed- 5,185 miles. Three days Were spent in let whaes rhea a*e amiable final preparations, end 'then the Graf es nudieir O*** children. • , Zetieeliti Started �i her reeord-break- i itIg ctio ttilninti the Werld. That fourth. , gltidlEi Reati 5. a...„,... ship traVel that Still ttandt -55 hours - • •• "•• 30 Minutes td riedriehthafen at an • . hnitated, then Counted out 20 Cents . , • .. ..... ... nit • _leverage Speed et close to .1.00 Mites • SAM 14AllifS IL W.VATtitS 740:11g0. atfd ifdlided the -rfeg .0 - an heir. It Wee a great start for the • Maar aenetal Mango. 1 . . .... ,_--...4e_.-2.:-. world &id:86;MA refueling and gassing Nothing mat Avo ever ath Jeved Were liattened at the hottie port. ' I without enthetiattil. •,.., ilalph Waldo .Aug. 14 she started lot -Tokyo, the . .., • ••011000W -4 ' • • - - - ---• -- - • • loagestlek of the•World jurney. The, - t • • ISSUE No., .- '3 1 ... -. Atlantic cressieg Wat recard far air. 06•166,iiE0 : lvtilk • •• • 1 6 ( • The 1}ordeia eo.r_Lt.i. 115 G,coeeSt, Tomato. Send mo free copies ofyour anti:Jeri. iative literature on Inatit Ft.torling. Namo Is aaaaaa • A i . • . , . '-• • 9 i • • ' • - eooking these salts in these ,dAys niderts. Kruselien provides juSt that gentle assistance your body organs need to rid ....your •system keg -11101y of clogging waste nrietter. When your insidetis dead arid serene your., blood courses through your veiris pure and uncontaminated.' You are liealtiner and you feel it. Your clearer MM., 'Action end yoilt brighter eyes procialtir ft. And your persistently high spirits prove it. , Knuichen Salts is obtainable at igt Dug Stores at 456. andl5c. per bottle., . • • • , • 49.44 • ' 1•4'44, •