HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-20, Page 1• $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; ' $2.50 OTHERWISE L U CWNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, 19514 S NGLE COPIES 5 CENTS • D.RNTIST Dr. R. L. Treleaven,. Lueknow Hours: 9-12 A. M. 1.30-5 P. M. PHONE .53 X:RAY' WALL, PAPEI;,-A full line' .sof ,19.31. Well Piperon hand. Prices considers ably down 'for .193.1.. I ani also agent forea in job' hose- .. ' :Reel. CAMERON • 'Deep/rater.' r • Pa nter and. "Grainer' Box - I74, Lueknow , ,' SrO it -E FOR: R-E-NT=The s er-e until recently , occupied by Walker Stere. -4. good business 'location. App y to R77:'1Vloore,l.,uc : ow. NOTICE -I -am ;in a Posit -Are •to. d, reo' all • kinds Of Trucking, at reason- able. rates. -Wilson. Armstrong, ' Lueknow•. • (3-79=1)4,- : BQ,A,13'DER' or ROOMER, WANTED School students , desireii. Apply '.to Mrs. Elliott Miller; Lueitii9w. (27.8-c.) AUCT1ON . SALE- of furniture and other articles; Saturday; Aug. 22, at 8 o'clock P.M.; on the Cain =Iiou „corner Vreter Whitley Prop•_ •• BOYS' 1+'OR FARM WORK Boys froni 15 to 20;'years of age, experienced on farms •in Ontario, 'a=: vailrble '.immediately =.,for placement_': on-a--yearly-`basis: `Wages geetirding te.,:ager experienee-arid •ability. :Pro- 'testant homes oiilly. Write the Hostel, Norval, Ontario. or 'teleehone George- town,.,90 ring 3.'•. WEDNESIMY EVENING , BAND CONCERTS. RESUMED On Wednesday evening of last week the usual mid -week . band .concerts werl•e resumed. On this occasion the• nand was'.assisted .by a cornet play.-.. ex', Miss 'Velma, •Rodgers Of .. Flint, • who is a visitor in • the. village:• ' p'or the •: few weeks the. heed' ,iast•been taking'•part • .,in neighboring hand ; tattoos :and. as..a,: result the ,Wednesday evening„ shoppers have nissed,•:.this'"pleasant •,-;hour's enter;.. much enlivens. the _.evening,... we un; derstand;.is to. be' continued as long 'as the weather.'is •favorable,. sa,keep• this. in' mind and don't fail to come ,to town on Wednesday nights. lainment. This' program' 'which very FINES IMPOSED , ',_•-' • Four local arties'fines p� pied, ', in• 4agixate's Court last week,• amoun ,;ing to about $70., for infractions >f the n otorlaw. Two fines were im- ,posed for failure .to have driving .Per - Mite arid. one for failing; to.have proms. ��er 'lights; and another forpspeeding., FINAL NOTICE .. . Motorists are hereby advised .that here will, ebb no further •warning to >arties failing to' observe ;the :stop sign' in the village,.• to those failing to. carry : permits ' or. tee; those driv- Ing without. proper lights.. Any fur - her infractions . will be_ dealt ' with • recording. .to. law. • ensta:bYe'"-R;' Ji` ' Moore: N LHDLE SCHOOL Twenty' Entree, In •' Twilight Tournament Twelve rinks of bowlers from ICin- cardine, R,ipiey, Wingham, Brussels and Goderich along ,with eight local rinks took• part "in a Twilight. •Tourn- • nient. at the green; last• Friday night.. Alec Crawford's rink from Wing:• ham;. Winner of lift • prize, : received electric hot; plates. ;The .local~ rink, composed', • o f Ri y; , Finlayson,,, Dr. Interested in. Lucknow Thefollowing letter was received, this week from Mr,. E. S. Caswell of Toronto, and goes to sihow the inter- est he continues ee have in thepro- greete of .':the village. ` It w.�. s 'fifty years lase Thursday.; . since Mars. Cas- well left the Sentinel, gging to Tor- onto ' in September Of the satne year. tinter Sentinel. Newton•, a?:. T...Armstrong .'and,'Russ Dear Sue `I ; ,was' much _ interested' . b . Mr. Y.. Yo.un.'s letter in phis week -'s -Sentinel Robertson (skin) won second; place. with ' its laudatory comments on the The : 3xd prizes blankets, waswon by village. It is Pleasing to have this Fred Hunts rink of Goderich' and g Wheel`er's• rig from Brussels won evhdeni?e °f� theme n corr'7itiaii fourth prize,, which was ,gal'lon'Mete- mos ' jugs. Prize Winners it Goderich Forty-three 'pairs of bowlers took part in the. Scotch doubled tourna-. ment held at Goderich last• week.` There were tree entries from Luck. then, was the citizen's, pump and the. now and each enty •was .successful. public' `pumps in .front of .Whitely's in bringiirg home_ Dave Mo..:;and Pascoe's -and' the other taverns= ton, and Garfield' Mact onald winter§ for the village in that day 'had ample of 1st' prize with' 4 wins and a plus facilities other than' the pumps for gf"•15,• received' `upholstered chairs. quenchingthe thirst Now the pail 4th prize, silver' ineat platters, went of water and the .dipper or cup are to •Wellingtgn McCoy and Joe Ag= replaced,. he, the'convenient tap with new 'wire '1,a 3� ns_ane_a-plus; of its refres ` r;g Mpw;; the Saturday X17. 6th ,prize was won won• ,by Jack 'Me. night "tub" by the ",porcelain bath, of'. ,things avhich _exists • -there. I are' almost envying • Mr. Young his. visit. The new waterworks ;system ,when completed will 'be a decided: ad'venv tage -and comfort.; My thoughts' .turn to the Lueknow that I left just fifty years ago. The only waterworks Quaig and Russ Robertson with '3 wins• andd-a plus -of 15.. Win ,Joynt Cups The Bread The Bread of Health 0'I of Health Ova MOTTO IS Q`IJALITY AND SE V .I8 ICE SPECIALS, JELLY • • 'ROLLS ,. BON IBNO U CHE'• CHELSEA BONS - ISi(N .PIES . r ',ICED ROLLS • {:T' RAISIN! SQUARES• •° MUFFINS • NUT." SQUARES NUT FRUIT. BREAD , 'PI PINEAPPLE ``' , ,, �, . E TARTLETS' ' . • , CiEIO�COLATE MAR,SSR,MALLOW •.CAii E '11.411.11. QUA LITY BAKEltY • X1.0 LOCAL AND GENERA1, Miss Elizabeth Lyons • . has been visiting' with friends in Detroit. Miss Jean • Thom is a visitor this week. with Mrs. Elliott, Miller,..' Watch the mail for one' of the "MARKET" back to school, sale bills: Miss Margaret . McCallum. • is a guest of Miss, Annie . Campbell lin Mitchell:• . Mr. Alex Lyohs of Hamilton, arid its coolingshowers That glow- _spending .week's._vacation with his ing-standpipe must .look good to- vi1- -parents: -- - 'lege eyes. I expect it stands some= where nn.the Ellis farm (or ,the ,one - 4 Miss Pearle Nixon of Victoria•/ The -e -elimination ---tournament--for r ifos rtal,..I3ondon, -is ho e : °' her Gme �i]is•�rm) on the hill at -the p , the Joynt cups w ` - • , y P as brought "to a' southern • end of the village op osite vacation. onclusion •'on Monday. evening when. opposite 3' g to �which• steed the Methodist church; Miss Mona Palmer of Kincardine • Harold Attie s and Robert Rae's .and the parsonage which sheltered _ as�v: this-�vveek with M -i s-- 't ,l• CIzFr1EII{�B-NOTieE DF FIRST ;POSTING 'OF VOTERS' LIST. LUCKNOW CONTINUATION,CONTINUATION,CONTINUATION, Voters' List.1931, ,Municipality_ . of the' Township of Kinloss,' -County of Bruce The standing of•Lueknow students. NOTICE IS • HEREBY GIVEN, "that` ,•btained at Middle School Examine - I :have:.transmitted. or delivered to sans is given below: __.. tli_e_.persons_mentioi ed---in=-section=-9- t indicates let Class Hon. 75-10.0 7,, of., The Ontario Voters' Lists Act' indicates 2nd :Class Hon. 66-74: the• copies required;: by said sections 'indicates 3rd '•Class Hors. 60-65. to be so transmitted' .or delivere, Failure indicate& .credite without Hon. 50-59 the List, made pursuant tq 'said �i' et; ailure is below 50 and is' iiinicated _ of all persons appearing , by the last. • oy the marks. revised Assessment Roll of the said after. th' marks indicates that the Municipality, to be entitled to - vote ?aper as been re -read. in the said 1Vlunieipality at elections ' Special mention • should be made_of. for hiembers 'of 'the iLegislative. As- Gladys MacDonald Who wrpte ° on 12 embly and at Municipal Elections; . •subjects and was very successful` ii • • and that the said 'List was first ••post- 'ill, obtaining 3 l's °and 511'e. ed up at my office at R: 2,' Holyreed, on the 17th, day of August, 1931, and. remains, there for inspection. -And I hereby call upon; all voters _ for take immediate 'proceedings • to have aity errors or :omissions cor- rected .according to law, the last • day of appeal being the 7th day of Sept., 1931. SCHOOL RESULTS Dated this 17th day of August,1931. ' J. R. LANE, Clerk of Kinloss. (27-8--c.) Sudden- Death Of ' Ashfieid Farmer , Mr. Albert B. Beckett, sixty-seven years of age, died on -Wednesday of. last week at his home on the 10th concession of Ashhfieldat the Lake Shore Road; • Mr. Beckett was .born • in Kernpville Ontario ''and since coming to ' Ash- field as a young boy. • had 'lived on the farm on which' he died, In 1897 he was married to Isabella' Johnston a •nativ_e__of Iever_ness,-•Seotlande-ho- it will 'be. remembered;_predecease ' her husband just eight weeks ago. Mr. Beckett was en industrious, and hard-working farmer, He _had.. as usual put in . a laege. crop this season and was busy with the hare vest when' he was•seized with a heart• attack on Monday of last week, from which' he failed to recover. The deceased was one of .a family of seven boy$, the •Only surviving member being Mr. Will Beckett of Sault Si. `Marie. Miss Alberta Beck- ett, R.N., an only child, survives her father. • Mr. Beckett was a member of Ash- ' field- Presbyterian church. The tun- eral service , was •cond'ucte'd en Sat- urday ' afternoon by Rev,, P. M. Col - qt houn and interment was niade• in Kintail Cemetery.. ' • < ' Friends and relatives froni a distance, who attended the funeral inelir lied,.. -Mr _a W Y :Beckett: _.1M rs. Lionel Beckett arid, daughter, Alvira "and Miss Raymond of -Sault St. Mar- • ie; Mt.. and Mrs. Ronald Beckett and eon of Detroit; Mre. A. Scott 'arid lean Scott o1 Toronto, _inks..,�pla<yed�- oP with; l►e= fotsmer-ye and -"t lieoothaswells. rml roil+ng. !?embers• -of the --rinks ---,_- so g to ea oac ad d f the1 it f. Mr. llarvey.Naylor of Sarnia. spent :he week -end with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Naylor: - Stewart - ~ were: Jack ' Brabson, Roy Finlayson,;' 'unemployment, MI good business be Dr. • .Newton, Harold Alli ' (skip); Wallace Miller, Wes. • Huston, • F.' T. Aim trorrg-and�RRlibRse(s`kip); Win •Fourth In Twilight -. Four rinks -from town- to`olr= Sri'3vas:_.always ..given;to ;the latter -e- - atter - in tile;, mixed twilight at .Winghai►t oh baseball,.. lacrosse-_ and quoiting in Monday -night -Fourth prize-• was' 'woad summer and skating and.. sleighing in by the' rink eom:posed'of 'Mr. and Mrs. winter. -•I •di), not remember that hock - D. Huston and Mr. :and ., Mrs. Robs. ey or: tennis 'Were then in vogue. Fisher.' • Quoiting was a favorite pastime for the men: I can visualize'' old Jock IN CHARGE NEXT WEEK Adams, driver of the rickety ' old ing done", the evidence of'comfort and taste ` in their , homes and their sur- roundings grounds,. and, the attention given 'to - outdoor '.sportie Lueknow ° stage that offered` trans ort to Gode= Commencing next Monday, kr. g p William' MacQhesney, acapable-bar rich with Jock's assurance of coming bcir'froiii Hanover, will have charge in-oahead p' the mail" (the rival at Johnston's .Berber ...Shop, ..while Mr Johnston is/ taking a •Week's holiday. • English 1 History Math... Com.1 Lit. Can.lAnc. Alg. Geo. :lrthu.r .F. Andrew I' 1 . I • Win. Armstrong • 1 '1 2 , 3.1 '1 30 Winnifred. Blake . • c 1 37 . • 1 40 1 •' . Lorraine Brabson• • . I ' • 1 2 1 '3 ,Taney 'Brown i Williem Campbell -40 1 39 Elizabeth ' Carnochan c 1 2 Nellie S. Cranston c 1 tarries' R. Curran 1 John H. Curran ' I .sober ,Dymoek c 1 3 Carmen, Fats;ier ' c 1 c • 1 c 32 c• ,Science 1 Latin 1 French . phy.}Che. Au' CorelAu.ICom 1 1 1 '1. 3 143r 1, . "1 f c c122.1.,.1.' I31 C 1.. c r45 1 I..c •3 f 40 1 26•.{' 19, ''2.' c 31•''' 3 • c 41 1 c•1 1 '1. .c 1. . .1 c.l 1 •1341 1 c1 Olive G. Farrier ' 1 3 1, .1' c.1 ' D.. Roy Finlayson 39 147r I. 3' I c 1 John.'F. Foran , c I 3 I• 1 -j --I Beryl Gardner • • 1 1 •' 140 1 c. Margaret Gilmore c• 138r 135 1 • ; '1 c Margaret :Graham . 1 1• I . Jean Grant':, 42r I c 1 117 134. .larence • Greer 1 ' I 1 . c ' I" Wary E. Hackett c 1 1 38'1 1 13• lr I Arclhie, Hamilton c .1 22-1 I .1 ) Donald Henderson c 1 40 1 1 c 1 Winnifred. Lane . 2 1 c 1 1 26 Sadie MacCharles. 2 1' 1 1 1 3 1 1 Cath. MacDonald 1 1 2 1 , J. 40 I Finlay -McDonald . 1 1 1 c' 1.28 , vladys .MacDonald 2 1 3 i 2 1 c' t1: 1 1 RacheLMcDogald • 1 i 4 . •2 2 1 1 3 24 : •. • e c 42 c c c 40 2 , 2 ' c I' c c 2 3 c 5 42 2'1 2 3 36 c 37.1 ' . 1 •1 • 1 1 2 c 34 41 1 34 .I, 44r Jr..44 I • 17 '1 33 1 ' 41 r44 (29131141 1 1•c1 c c 2 . I 1.1 ,1 c 2 I 21 c. 3 c 2 3. l '1 1.1 2• 2 . Kath. Maclnnes 40 i. 01 I f 13 1 113 1 °j ,1 Alex MacKenzie 3 1 c I' r 3 1 :1 3 1, (• c f 2 f 1 1 2 11__. 3 Jessie'. MacKenzie 1 I 147r 1. c 1 1 •1 1 1 1 c aMary . MacKenzie c 1 c 1" f "36 1 c 1 41 13 f• � 1 MalyB.. Mac-L-eod -. 2f___8, 1I . _ :.� 1:c f f 24,'f d• c, 1 f" 31 , 1I ' .•._ l o Isabelle MacMillan 1 1 2 I , 1 19'32 I 1 l I:I _ e 1 • I c 142 1 .. r44 I Jessie A. MacRae�; " 1 1 35 1 1• f .. 1 FrankMcNeil• se2 1 2 t cL 1 1 3•1 1.. . . 1 Margaret McQuillin I I 1 : . 1 36r I_. 148rI 1 3 I 3 1 " c ..3 L.3 John D. Martin I . 1. I_ c 1 I 1:2 iso e1 K. 42r1 Evel, Nixoner_ i'n.._ I 36 1 c 1, 34 1 20•'I ° •I. 25 . 35 2 1. (.2 c 3 Elsie I. Ritchie .._ I 1 .. ' , •I' I ( 2 Alexand_e_r ;Smith 1 f 2 • c �.� ice I_. L�. _...... Sn'nth 43r 1-,..-c 1 44r 1 ; 1 1 15 1.. _ .. ' 1 .... . 4 James C. Stewart Helen M. Thorn 89r1 35 24 1 • 131 1 c ' • F'ranc'es Thompson a Il c I. a r . 15 1 13, 1, c 1 31 • Pearl • Thompsoi c I c... L c 1 • Elsie Vint. I . I 1 47r the standing•�indicated above on _I -. The following( students have obtained :n¢ real certificates (aegrotal standing) iii these' subjects. Lorraine Brabson Can'. Hist :'Geom.: Phys,: Chem. Nellie Cranston -Eng: Comp.: Alg.:• Phys: James B. Curran Can, Hist _ln. aff .... v.,.•-.1.__, hn I•I. Cu�a'ii Cane. Hisi;, � . Jessie 1 I enzie-Alg.:• Pr. An.._ 1''eati Thompson -Eng: Comp:: E'ng, Lit.: Ane. Hist. • Certificates les are being mailed, to students, and if any :stt ens wish :g to appeal to the Department :• . ep ent he or she sho . • , . e uld Consult with the Principal on Che first •day . of eciiool, . a - F, R, McLEA14,, • stage)•, tossing the ••quoaits, and 'with• •precision. For the ladies, queens of. Lucknow Wines, there was .no •bowl= ing-green with its, fascinating play of those dreadfully,; uncertain ,actors, the shining bowls, and its pleasant social contacts. I -hope there still ex- ist: "Sepoy" . baseball and lacrosse clubs for the. athletic youth of the village. ' Public spirit ' has always charac- terized the village of Lucknow, and enterpriseand thrift (what else where the Gaelic race predomhi- ates 7), and• no wonder, then, the vis- itor finds so . much to ' admire ' and commend. i ' Toronto, Aug. 14. E:" S. Caswell. [-Publisher's Neter-By using by- words of 'former years we wish to in- form Mr. Caswell of the lochtion of the standpipe. •It stands on Jimmie Hunter's Hill, on the north side• of the main street; opposite Johnny Martin's hotel. • ' ' PASSING ON HILL • • , CAUSES ACCIDENT An attempt to pass •a car. on Robb's Hill., west of Lochalsh, last Sunday morning, caused a motor accident, which fortunately did not result in anything more seriousthan damage to the cars, • which made it necessary to call constable R. J. Moore to make a settlement. • The accident occurred when Mr. !Baker of Listowel was' passing Mr. Tom McDonald. A car corning 'oyer the hill forced Mr. Barter to cut . in to 'avoid •a head on , collision and in •so doing struck the front of McDon- ald's car, causing considerable. dam- age, ' FORMER RESIDENTS, . ,VISIT - IN IlITCj ow Mr. and Mrs. J. McLeod of Brant- ford .andtheir two sons, Alex of Brantford - slid' James of Pittsburg motored froni Brantford this • past week and visited with Mr. McLeod's sister, Miss Kate McLeod. of town.: Mr:• McLeod was at one time an employee of the Lucknow Table ,Co., and occupied the Alex Smith Ston "house on. Gough street: Twenty-one years ago they moved to Brantford. There is a so. a son Donald '...o is • .... •) . ' . who is a, barber in, Br'antford, haviri'- learn- ed his trade in tont O .with Ile lata XI% Thos, 1 step Mr W. E Thompson of Toronto, is holidaying• with 'his mother, Mrs. D..::M., Thompson:' > . Miss Doris and Alta Harvey ' of Exeter 'are visiting with their aunt, • Mrs. A. E. Buswell. Miss. Mary McKecknie of Toronto, is a guest this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hornell. Mi• ss Effie •Urquhart' New York City, .visited' her sister, Mrs. "Cliff tcAuson -last week. Miss -Ada Webs er returnea Tast week from a visit with 'friends ,in Toronto and Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. J. • R. McNab and Mr. Comae Casemore spent the first of the week in Toronto:. • . •r Mrs.. A. Mortis and. two children, Esther and. Alfreda; have returned from a' visit in London. Mr. Harold Burns' who has been' in• • Toronto for • the summer months' is .visiting at the home of his parents Mr. and Ms. Huntley Gordon of Detroit •were recent vieitors • with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allin. Miss Arabel Cameron spent the first of, the' week, with Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Black at 'Point ' Clark. Rev. and Mrs. E.-0. Gallagher who have been holidaying at Point Clark returned to ehe village this ,week. Miss, Katheripe''Urquhart and Mrs. M, Gosh of London, spent one day last week with Mrs. Cliff Aitchison. BIG REDUCTION in .the price. of Armlock Shingles, get the price. - Wm. Murdie &` Sen. Mr. and Mrs J.. 0.* iiehie ,of Tor, onto are- visiting with' the latter's parents, Mr., and•. Mrs. Geo. "litchi - son. Rev. P. V. Smith; B. A. of .Listowel will conduct the morning service'':in. St. 'Peter's ,' Anglican Church. on Sun.= Miss EvelynMitchell :..and .Miss Enid 'Coombes `ofelville, Sash.; -are• visiting with 'Air. ' and Mrs. Nelsen - ' Bushell Mr. and Mrs . Jas. C:* Stewart ei termite visited • over the week -end :t the home` of .the latter.'s 'sister, la" Ors - She,gn Mi Sid, Trow i"�ri ge of..the- Bank of Montreal' has returned from spen- ding a two week's ' vacation at his home .in •Tara. • Mr. „and Mrs. Len Robins and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Platt, of Galt spent he week--endTwith -Mr. and . Mrs: • ' .tichard Webster,. • Miss Edna Campbell and Mr. and Ars. Wilfred ` Brown of . Goderich vere Visitors over the• week=end' with Ars. Elliott' Miller. Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Rankin .:nd Mrs. Richmond of Chatham. spent the week -end with. Miss M. J. Murray and other friends in -town.• Misses- Isabel Chesnut, Kather-ine- • •- MacKenzie and ' Edna Ritchie, have . . returned • from a ' motor trip to Tor- onto, Niagara Falls, Queenston, etc. - Mr. and Mrs. Louis ' Harrington; Louis Harrington, Jr., and Miss Lila • Japes of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth . Cameron last week; ' • r Mrs. Will Barber, Dorothy and Lorna, who have been visiting with - Mrs. N. L. Campbell leave- today for Guelph and ' Toronto; where they will visit before returning . to . the West. The annual bowling tournament is being held to -day Jit the green. prizes on display at Davison's, store are •very attractive and• no,, doubt will' induce keen competition .in • the diffeileat events. ' Mr. and Miss'. George and ' Linda Cantelon . of Clinton, ;_Mies Lizzie - Webster of Lueknow, Mr. and Mrs. John Shire of ' Bervie were visitor' of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Webster, Ash= field, this week. * , YOUNG CHAP HURT Young Tommy . Traplin had his tongue badly gashed and received nasty' cuts and scratches in an ac- cident last week Whichhappened near his home .on Canning street. The youngster was apparently eager to have a ride with Harold ,Johnston, the driver of Reid's Bread Wagon when in some ' rnanner he fell, ,The back wheel hof the cart grazed his leg inflicting some bruises and scrat- chess When hetfell he struck his head, the jar of which caused him :to, bite a' long , gash in his tongue. A. doc- tor's examination - revealed . that the little chap was lunate in not stiff- -, .. ':. ._ eying any,broken bones and now is none the w'orse o'f the experience ex- eept for -the eripleasaft% sensation of having a whole mouth=full of torigue. N tlg � (1lF' MEETING The ,members . Ltckiow J urion, Farmers ad-rJr. Institute are enter- taining' the members of Ripley Jr. Pamela and Institute this Thursday ev'en'ing in the Town Hall. All the nembere of Luckizow Jr. Instit"ute ore *'egnested to brim •tale, ' KEEN COMPETITION IN CUCUMBERS According td. the -reports we have. beard during the past week, ' there are a great many cucumbers, cling- ing to the vines in different gardens that far surpass in weight and de- nmensions the one grown by 'Mr. . Wm, Staters", 'which we -`mentioned last week. . • however on Monday mporning, Mr. William'Ferris brought into the office about the firmest specimen one could wish to see. It teas grown by Mr. Shirt Bowes and Weighed 2 , lbs„ was 12 inches long and had a cir- eun'tference of 11 inches. This "cue" did not taper at the ends but Was practically of uniform circumference. throughout and the skin was quite green and about as snto-oth as a bit- lard bale: . . • Its hard to say what next week will bring in this line. If it continues so 'eone will be displaying one as big. as a •yolrng, watermelon. • REDEEig ;:: .. .,,�_.-�.YLQUR, CQUPON ... _ There are .still a number of silver- ware coupons throughout the co g ,com- munity. niun'ity. BY returning this coup_on... at once to Conrad 'Decker's store, 'you will receiite a silver' sjt0414,.•.:aboith i..