HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-13, Page 7hlinµiii •G So zas ..1• o econor lcal T,ii1SS.;salad•dressing is di9'ercnt.; it bas bio: oily taste ,.. ic's creamy smooth and has sigedsite,_.fresh..flavouc,.thhat..adds -new • pleature to every, salad cliff$. In addition, it"s so economical that now ' you can afford to serve tasty salads often.• • A large 12 ounce jar sells for only 25 cents, . one-half the price you're used to paying for this, standard of. quality. ' Try some to -day.• Your grocer can supply you,'. whimed,fl iled- abd Dr ssiii Made' in Canada by ,the Makers of Kraft: •- 'Cheese and Yeiveeta 00 Waft) • 1The Orhi g gee-$your.,dealer .__.__._ -Get -aur' prices - IT'S, rices - ITS, THE BEST knight f. &Lbr. Co. Ltd Meaf or • Ov'I Laffs • Father -"Now I want to put a little scientific 'qt estion to' you, " my • son When the kettle 'boils,' what does the steam come out of the snout for? Son ---"8o that mother can ,open your letters . Detore you get. them:" Suuile 'and the• world smiler with you; Kic1t alud y�iL>tick�nlone: Nut the 'cheerful ,grin will let you in, White .the iso never known. A kindly, but ;somewhat patronizing landlady, inquired' of the. young bride how she and her husband proposed to Wend -their summer"aacation." ` The Bride (a llttle•diatantiy)-"Our plans, to far, are, tentative" ' : ' Landlady -"Oh, how del1ghtfula I'm sere. you'll• enjoy' camping' out ''more than 'anything else you could do.", If a pitcher is jerked- out and , the game is won,that's strategy. If' he Is jar -ked -•and -the -game --18 -lost, that's plain unadulterated d'iimbness. ' 'Mistress -"Why did you leave your • last place,._ iertie?" _ • ;Maid -"Because I did not know what this one .was like." dews We're goin AGAIN this. year" "Just hold the, receiver.:a.,minute;" sa a woman •to uother ti is oro r int -it -a -half hour -telephone -conte vereatiop, "until I .ell leg husban something else to Mistress (indignantly) -"Just look at the dust on this sideboard; Mary. I:t's, at, least six weeke'.old.' ' Mary •. (calmly) -"Then it - ain't noth- ing to -do with me, mum. I've• .only been here four weeks. „=• The man entered a cigar store, bought• a'cigar-and left. • Five minutes later he.dashed back. The Man (shouting) -"That cigar is simply awful!" ' ' ' - . Storekeeper (calmly)="I't's• ail very ,well: for you to 'complain; you've only got one; I've got hundreds of the darn things." 7 • Youneed.make no mere noise In the world ''than a hermit calling to its. mate. Actions talk, not words.. • Pretty,Girl (at flbrist's)-"Have'you . - --any-passion minder--. '-.- NTPRN A TION ALLY • Elderly Clerk (excitedly) _ "Gol ablous. for' its' marnitude ding! Just you wait till I lay these roses down"• beauty of environment, univer- sal p ys, fine buildings -and Doctor—"Now; young man, What die la -brilliant-iilliant--e ntertainnlent, the„.-have_yfnj. got to ,say for yourself?" Canadian 'National-• Ex'hibitioit His Son (in for:slicking)-"How about a little focal aness,hetic?" arouses enthusiastic admiration. -For Fourteen, Days. and nights there is a constant flow of• new delights and' absorbing admixture of pleasure and .profit. Exhibits from almost every country; collections .of ancient and modern masterpieces of art in two ggalleries; famous 2000-Voiee Exhibidon Chorus—Sat., Aug. 29; Thurs., Sept. 3; Tues., Sept. 8; Sat. Sept. 12; "Orientia" grandstand spectacle oteparkling brilliance de- pplcdng mystic charms of the East, Bt. Hilda's Band of England '(each member a bronze, silver and gold medallist); Cavallo'sandotherbands; ill branches of agriculture in world's o largestshowbuilding,MilllonD0llac Horse Palace to be officially. opened this year; Sixth Marathon S+im in . two events' -sport spectacle of inter- riadonal, renown. These are but a few of the features which enthrall and enthuse. Illustrated literature will gladly be sent on request., Reduced rates, by railway, steamship . and bus lines. Consultlocal agent8. UG.28.to •SEPT.12.101 WORLD'S GREM ES■ I'CtI�M�'se�ils: EXPOSITION:1 COK•SECUTIVEYEAR ri3OOO..O'00 INVESTED/is UIIDINGS, PARK,EQUIPMENT SAM 'HARRIS :IL W. WATERS Prwldbi!'• Generpl Manager tisionswemParmalmomm O'Leary called at the home of his friend, O'Brien; to tell. Mrs. O'Brien that her hatband was locked up for being drunk. .. Mrs. O'Brien -1411y' didn't you bail him• out, man?" ' O'Leary -"Bail him. out! Bedad, YOU couldn't pump. hfm nut!". Boarder - "Come quick -two rats are ,fighting In my rqpm. � 1f exandeir ' Fraser Appointed' 'Production f;klana:ger' for Christie, Brown & Co. Limited: Christie, Brown ;A: „04.,, Ltmlted, Toronto,, announce ` the •• appointmeltt of'.Mr Alexander;'A,.:Fraser''as,produc- tion manager• for their;, Toronto and new Winnipeg plants; ' Mr•, "Frase was. born iri Arthur,•--Aieterioe-e-and educated in zLondon,,_Ontario." He •has spent. 30 years In :thebiscuit baking' ss�with.;_prantjcaL-eatper eee in. every *department : of -the manufac ;luring' processes. Mr. Fraser's ap- pointment as '.production mandger forthis• 'leading Canadian company is: a' guarantee that Christie's • Bis- 'cadre • will continue ' to *uphold the splendid tradition for quality ' that "they have enjoyed for' nearly eighty years. , The 'mystery , 'of dawn which the lengthening hours 'dispel is finely real: !zed in The Commonweal•(New York): • By Frances M..Frost '• The. dawn came. wan; the dawn grew •gol"d; ' The •light'poured downwar n t o•ear- 1 mild. ' y Tli ,meders,idreaming_agabUd-the sky, 'Leaned- over water ;•• and 'the small cool' cry t Of crystal groped for rock and sand; , 'While the sky dripped blue on. lake • and land. The sun •rose -.up, a.' flower of gold: The hills were 'petale�L,. fold o'n, fold, ; •• With flame. And suddenl•y morning stirred=- "• Moining was s' Tattered by a hidden bird!. The song blew• east, the song blew • • ;west; the song_.-wild-4n4.-in.__the -.,listening breast!' " While morning woke to.beauty and pain, : • The song was a.':breath�._of ,silver: rain; 'A blossom of sun, and 'wings up -hurled Over the' known and Lovely world!' , The song •was the pointed shadow. of .leaf On: the turhing.'e'arth; and hint of •grief, A, ehtiulder: of wind, 'and 'a star abdve A' ,dawn -dark hill, and , an". answer to Silence came. The sun grew tall; • The dim woods watched the petals • - fall, - And wind Went :searching each .hidden way For a lost bird' caught to the heart •of day! P1anea Wairned to ,Fly High Over American 'Prisons Washington. - A 'Warning to all aviators against flying above either Federal or State prisons at an altitude lawer_than1,000 feet was given recent- ly by Gilbert G. Budwig, director-• of air regulation .of the Department •of Commerce.' ' Stating that complaints had been re- ceived 'recently of planes flying near prisons, Mr. Budwig • said that the 'amendment made, to • the air traffic rules. in April apparently was .",not uii- ddrstood." This rale, he said, applied except when there was an established landing field nearby. 'He pointed out that under the air commerce act penalties' might be as sessod for violations: • Landlady -'Well, what do you ,ex- • pect to get for• fifty cents -a bull fight?' Tommy -"Isn't 'wholesome' a funny 'word, father?'' Father- "What's so funny about it?" Tommy -"Why, Jake ' away 'the 'whole' and you've got 'so'me' left." • fORT'1ESEffi • '(P ]jOt? hove not tt • 'nut co of �( calved syr 9 Infant feeding liters trite' together With oar Baby Record Book 611' • •:n theattached coupon and they will bo sent you free of all coat. Eagle Brand cONDt]V96D 'Mille 16e Bord' C eno. Ltd., C.:131'.117115 George St.. Toronto. Oaxif EMgxt • Please send me•freer copies of your authoritative liter, attire on Child Welfare; "I hope Yell are going to Glance this evening, Miss Summers.' "You bet I am. You• didn't think •'31 ` o' Be • Record Year dor Winter Fair Increased Number of Exhibits from, a,Prairies `in June_ $utter' Corn petition Toronto. -An .nnlistakable proof of Confidence in Western Canadian agri- culture has just been registered at the Royal Winter Fair ii' the remarkable entries. received In the. June • butter ;competitions, Not• only does the total make a record for the ten years of the:'Royal Winter Fair .but a more sig- nlfl'cant `feature is "that the whole of the increases -are accounted •fo r.by the,. pr.,atrie "provinces. .Whose 'front ' Sas- katchewan; for example, have Thesis Increased'.nearly '100 per :cent . The 'directorate of the Royal• Winter Fair, considers .the record entry this year most . convinci. ;g pr.; ifs of , Western faith in the ',underlying soundeeea of, agriculture. It may be added ,that so far as Can be judged.Cfrom early inter- tions •to• exhibit, the ''outlook• -for live stock.; entries,, is req`iaally •ros'y.: 'y 774.Ai1 the June Ybutter exlii'ibits -have; now been received . at the Royaland v - TO GREAT 1AIN - and back • . S!'ECL.LL REDV•CED tth rd •Glees .t'asef'ronelVlontreaitto Selfast,.Glgs - sow, LU.v,erpool, PlyYmouth, or' Leodon antfback. flood going from Aug. Yat to Oct. ' 15th Return portion valid for 2 years. Round trip rate• to Continental points, redhead• proportionately. Two sailings a week. For full information apply ' CUNARD LINE Cor; Bay and Well ngton,Ste. • (Phone Blgin 3.44771) Toronto Q O 1 or any steamship agent,. Ft:i 'lir N -A. . ANC'HO'R a DONALDSON IVldsu> i>rrier .'Eve,'' aassified MMve is' nEsistania. • L.overe of Natur'e will enjgy this ex LBrq, pBIlt%iS. RlL1{'; Oil VEL Elsd cerpt from '"Wild 'Honey,' :by Samuel . $1 00 A Motreery Co,." hktga,m, .,.G On;ario., ; ... .. Seogi, Ile,. Jr. , All ,#Jia . colt5r • ori' •fo.`rm,. foliage and bird voice areclearly por • rayed. aTe Safeb--ln- storage-undd'r . controlledIt -'was—Midsummmer - Er- •. hhen"`I- eonditio:ns of temperature, 'etc. They reached the 'cabin. 'The swift stream will • not be disturbed until removal ,stretched, away in the moonijght like for . display ; zd competition at the :silvered velvet, and the leaves ,of the Coliseum just prior to the opening of sweet gums and the swamp 'maples -the Winter Fair on • November 18th. • 'made, a dim; .'green web . along Its The Royal of 1931;, its :tenth year, :banks.: is to he a . "Commemorative Show," Overhead, some, bird. whish I could ntended• to, mark its' ;"b'irth, ,and to hot identify gave a ,strange, Wild, cry signalize, the.' establishment of. a.' Ma, and repeated it a few seconds :later a tional' centre where Canadian agricul= great distance away, showing how fast ;turewas.-first •focussed to its to visual.'. it - was frying .through.••the black -velvet. ize' its importance; and where,' in the 'sky above: • decade 'that' ha . ensued; it has :.been . The shsadow' of .the • waving: trees. given 'a worthy and rightful place, in, 'made, a• fretted, magical•4pattern on. Dominion affairs. the s'nrooth surface 'of the 'water. 'A•. �-- prole -barren pickerel .frog, all -Amerald Giant"Spark Plug": • and gold. and purple=blaclf, snored, and •. ' . "m45 Other frogs unknown' to me gave New Foe of'"LTgliinlrng "m45a eouple'ot :lord;, startling notes .which P-ittaburgh ezigineers-Lrecently-allot enough• electricity through an experi- mental lightning-rod-�torlif•t the -Wool- worth Building off its••feet. s • The ,giant ,"park plug", at the new Westitratiouse-=high=power--laboratory- .blazed into action; for the first: File as, over 132 .million. •'volt -amperes -•leapt across ,the terminals ,to"the lightning rod on test. • • Tlieie was. aiirst of 'flame from each end of the rad ;and a report liko: sixdnehtmornon as-the-exaef#urentat lightning -rod. "knocked out" the ter-, rifle lightning' bolt in less': than 1.600 of a' second.=d. J-T-arok-,invent'er ;of the rod, is, thus quoted inl a'Westing- house. News'BuIletin: "The results of the tests are to pro- mising that we are. working --night and day to finish its 'd'eve1opment. We -hone it will effect•greater economies in pre - gent • forms of flashover protective de- v:jces' now; in 'service' to protect luau- • later strings on overhead transmission lines •wliich . supply cities 'with light and power. In,'additi'on; it is expected to provide permanent protection, against the' ravages of lightning, 'and save' the country millions' be dollars a path which led 'through• a,:little dip in .year.•. -sourtded-like Mite-ela°pping---of- two - hoards together. Then . suddenly, in the ' distance,--the-dtres'sed, --hurried' notes 'of a whippoorwill pealed through the' darkness • to be answered by tone -thethe-eabin --Over and over;and over again those birds`of the niglit•re-: peated „their -triple notes -with: s little click after each one, burying as if they feared t' 'be i t t d before they sTAMffiSBIYPQ (WEED R 3i ELF' AF ,TER•: TAM- -- for y_€asa for my. leaflet- illiam penn_ison,. 193 , Bioor St. East, Toronto. , 4,GEJ .Ts WANTED ▪ OO1 UP THE FIitwueo '; CAB-. • INET arid Safe .advertisement .in a. recent issue ofb this• paper. They.want agents. Fireproof Cabinets and safest, _ ' Ltd., 368. 'Greenwood ave., Termite. '• woven grass'. containing four:, rose. ... white eggs blotched with• brown •at the' larger; end • and alio- ing, in -the moonlight like pearls in' a casket at, tawny, gold. Here and • there through the fabric of 'the nest were woven dry leaves, the ;field mark -of the •nestof the Maryland yellow -throat, • who ;wears a black domino and has a •song', '. that sounds: like "witchery, witchery,i witchery." "As always,. when .I.leaned' down: o study' more, closely ,the ex., ` quisitd little' eggs in their beautiful set• '. 'ting, -I -had -the" eeling -that 1 dad" comm upon treaspre-trove,'such. as heeb ust 'experience who unearths a' crock of • go' or s�mlles'npoa a chest otdiiu 1 ."-"' Loons: • • G Wife: "You weie"'talking 'n ,Jour o . n errl}p a '. a ore sleep last • night, _dear." - has dL. end , flnisthe�¢lld, �ts�veet_meL �,eli—ve-.got to=to}k-sometimes,. ody' thrilled through the darkness,' it. • n'_t I?rr • , g -seemed to' the as.3f th moonlight ft= self had been set 'to music. When. It stopped, the lonely waste land lay still 4s -sleep. ; Then; -as ~the -fell -moon - climbed the. sky, from faraway .bogs and . gold -green' pools .came the, clear. voices of • late , hylas, 'like ' • tangled • chimes of -my .silver bells. .When they .stopped for breath, 'the, wood troop, as' if they had waited- for that: moment, burst oht into a perfect pandemonium of honking,. 'quacking 4 g, motes. When at last the clamor of the frogs :stopped as:suddenly as it .had begun, I left•my bag in the cabin.and in thel moonlight .hurried down a winding,' the soft yellow • grass where,, not :fifty • "Now, carter a Belln ng troke; pro- yar s from my porch, the wild deer bed in ' winter.' Just at `the edge of • this hollow found 'a clump of the flowers•whic bad hoped to -see. Red,, gold; ivory'white, it'nnd pale•green, they grew from a mass of 'hollow, crimson - Streaked leaves filled with clear water, and, i knelt down 'iii the moonlight to--; revel '• in the beauty of, the pitcher plants, which.I had not seen in blos- som for three long years. The . sight of them brought to my another... discovery . that I . had made the •day when last I found theft blossoming, and I followed the path 'until.. it wound' through tussocks of ochre -colored :-rass. Pirtiiig. •their stems, I searched through several without finding anything. 'T""hen, as I came to the last tussock of all, a tiny bird slipped way like a shadow, giving an alarm note, :sharp at the clickiug,of two pebbles together. Before me. in the moonlight showed , a deep 'nest of Kennedy'.& Menton '421 College •8t., Toronto • '• Harley-Lavldson- Dlstribucort Write; at once for our bargain listof used motorcycles. Terms arranged. tective.•devices of the fuse type must• be replkced. This requires constant patrolling of the lines. Because.of the limitations of a single line,,duplicate lines must be constructed. The new -lightning-rod -does i.'away: with this ex; pease. ; - 'The construction: of- the device'is simple, we are told. It consists of a. hollow' tube about the sizeof; a,lady's' umbrela. - A piece of metal at each end serves as an electrode, to` entice the lightning inside for the ;;knock- out" blow. It• is. supposed to work so. fast that the lights in a house will not even flicker. The bulletin concludes: "This device, technically known as, -a, 'De -Ion' lightning protector, is used to •protect • insulator strings on trans- mission lines. against flashover," En- gineetir have, estimated that if the Torok lightning -rod id successful' and bad been available ten years ago, the world would have ' saved a • hundred million dollars." .I ,' DOUbtful . .A' tourist agency inserted an 'ad- vertisemen't for a man who was re- quired to• esc,,rt parties abroad. A hard -up young man, who desired an easy post, applied and was, given an interview.' "Good morning," said the agency official: "Parlez Vous Francais?" "I-er-beg your "pardon?" stanl- mered"thu-upp'l' "Parlez vows Francais?" "I--ah-frightfully sorry; but ^ t' didn't quite catch :." "I said, 'Do you: spealt:French?' " The young man smiled easily. "Oh, yes," he said,"fluently." • ti I.camp ‘up here for, my• vacation I The ..aid was: showing the some - simply to rest, did you?" 'Dentists in the States With 61,0,00.; de nista, alio tb every 1;700 persons, America lee'd5 the world n in destisiry and dental training, ac- cording to the United States Office of Education, in spite of the fact that it Iliar been estimated that only one, 1 fourth• of the American people receive I dental service. There 18, however, only tine dentist to every 4,000•persotls in Al'abaitia, Arkansas, Mistissippitand 'South. Carolina; and one to every 3,000 persons In Arizona, Georgia; Kentucky, New `Medco, North Carolina, Texas and 'ti'rgi'nia. There is said to be only one Negro dentist to 'ovary 8;500 rq1 e - ISSUE NO.; 32x'3.1' groes.. wha ' flashily:dressed individual to• his roe in the Seaside 'hoarding house. At `be door he pau ,ed and . said: "I ifiresume everyone here dresses for dinner?" The maid :coked dumbly 1t him. "Oh, yes, sir," sheG,' replied at last. Ary meals taken inbed are extra." • " .' Ho* Are' Your Feet? 't'oot 'troubles affect health and ..omfolt. CRESS' SALVE removes Corns, Callouses, 'Warts, In- grot rill)* 1t aIIls quickly, easily, safely. Ju•At Sealing dru gists or send for lar, 500 • 013D OS Ct3S naBORATORIES 34 Ahrens Street Weatt, Sn itcheer, Ont. OOL HIGHEST PRICES. PAID . The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.. 2 CHURCH 8T., TORONTO . 4 • FOR CONSTIPATION t4 111'e' in smaIIe do es SAFE sCl thrTi FIe Get IUd et il> endruf1 by using CUUtiezur . Soap assisted by Cnticara Ointment Soap 25b. Ointment 25c. and 50c. 19 RHEUMATISM Pour Minord's 'intoa warm dish. Ruh liniment gently -in; then apply it according to • directions . . and soon you'll .get relief d im ve Rid your home of flies • with Aeroxon--the improved spiral,fly' catcher with the lodger and wider:ribbon. Acroxesi is guaranteed not to dry out or deteriorate, The gine is talons ', fresh, fra'graat and•sweet-•-;rresistible to flies, -Aeroxon is Good ,for 3 .Weeks' Serr.ice. , Gets the fly every' time ''Sole Agoras, NEWTON A. HILL, 56 Front Street East, Toror to d f.