HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-13, Page 6• 4, . • • b • ' . erreart- NM* rOop* -4.441 • • • t 4 4.,,,e•f,'„ • e 1..1.0.11 • qtEll " 117 I • t I 1 1 •• ' .Weare gladflto ;note that recentty • k ,*. combined Waeke0' camp washeld' at Nitdilnlin NtIti:n..t.Ine10ern '43f ,the., . . Lone .Scout Patrols-atBkatkiiiiniiifill pnionVillg, '',,,:;•"r•Z,n4 ' -•• ' 1."! l'. ,•••' ..: ' 1.1 4•;.f AlaikOt a dozen** Scouts attended fit AB and thees.included the Serait, • ,q4:7;•"1'''1571;, - , 1 1 Lord BeSzbo.r9v.' bitecested Spectator co „ r., .-FreochncregcopistrerActs.SYston . • . Of Tracing. People by Watch Duo Anterin4ierial.":fraiernisatiOn.,aroorigat umstance a tins,4ist,ttn.re method establishing lasting peace 'and friendliness, amongst the riatilms the future: • ' Hatchrmion, ' and ale°• the Assistant , . • ° itgOttr -.4bP, rt,` rt. ":/.10804 saifts.-Pqn tBex.' • Hutchinson ancr,alio the' *lout r.Wspend 'ajnite•-•.1 a Iot of • ' • Provineial:•:COMMissioner • fOr, Lone time each, aumMer ,paddling 10504 in Snt:4PARS,X011:, Furnnigtf, n ' yeiar.,;.Caueeand „witiPlust little' • • spent,zvirhich iocloded many Scooting for the caneeman's Badge. 'activities and during. which :oPPor- Here lirethe reqUireinents: • ,i•••• . .. nitie'Were offered t,e!elhe,ate,p..one torAtwira at: ;' ,S.posts.te pash tests ter prO4CletieY.• leaSt;Mtti-S-Taidhin;y6ur . 'clothes. uestionAilpx,..J , 7 —' • ••• i{,!,-,•.:2iO4,11*38104 iiric,p4difiig canoe . • . . Ways, to tell where a 'person has boon _oti.lihst. hebas bees-doing,hystez.- nxiinl*,t40.. Worke his watch ‘l:ieVe- .been perfected tie Freach.mirCO, seoplet, Dr. Severin Icard. The clues are sapplied,•Dr. Icard explains,. by the dust Which the watch picks up on tts travels: ; in the wearer's. pocket laod. which. can be taken out and .Identified Under 'the -Microscope.' irhe watch et some•:crindo•al• whom the Pelice•deaire, to trace p_erhaps of 'some person , found ,dead end:whom it .is itecesorY to .identify is cipened; laid down, on..a sheet clean,avhite paper, and tapped gentlY,..With •the• 'finger Or ,with email . • • •• ••• • ' tool:. 1.0-00e. dust iaside 'the case, fells -• 'eat Mar,be collected. • „••• . • The inost...sigailleantt .the 'watch 2ditat, ‘iisually • 4s -stack' OA • , Dr.°. IC .d to the Wheels, er..bear- •• •.• s t •• - •-• No doubt finite a few , e. Coo sanuasnips - . _---_throughout,Oiitario.look-Aei ridcilW•-art-oWTsterri-ror. the :pre,caiutions•to tr& ' • • 1, ly week to reading-thisz.-cplumn---. 1edge of paddles„ _„„ ; • . their local paper, • Mil, initte.•prebalillt; 3.,'„Iletnenstratiribilityto/Clinih into • some question.regarding.SC:Outing.and "„an empty, canoe in water at least six its history frequently alisesi,a4,',theie ifeet-440P... • , • • ' • • widch remains oftentimes nrij 4. How to make •inirior repairs to a answered.' •• • • • Therefore we invite • Lonft...:Scouts 6. Must have paddld, either in a • and ethers who are intereted in thec number of ,stnail.trips,;Or.,.'in one leng ,; • Bay &mita Association to Send • us one a distance of fifty mileand have your queries, and we will do Or 'hes •1.:to answer then:, through.'the medium •• of this paper. 9tiestionamuSt he con- , done, your full. bhare of paddling.. • 7. Know , how • to Raddle a canos in -case of lea of aniddle, or, in. • • •fitied tO Scouting subjects, and should the: event of the canoe opsetting, the be addressed to "Lone "E,” In care of •. 1Boys Scouta,.A.siociation, 330 Bay St:, •• . •.Toronto 2, Ont. i „ ,• • • Recently Toronto was the scene of • . ' the International••YalCC.A. , • • lcnfer- •ence, and boYs .from all ever the ,• ,world attended, many of them Selniti, .• wearing their Scoot uniforms,' and • others in the ;XatiOnal Costumes- of •• • Alii .•It was Mae • a unique• Sight • to 'see ..,EcottighBoys. in kilts, walking in the • , '' streets of:, the city, side by side With • Greek beysIntheir. pictureseme Nat- teht method' of keeping afloat:until help arrives. . • • ' „ • • Hew to Beanie,a Lone Scout • If you are between T2 and 13 yeari; Of, age, and ler any reason eannot join 'a Regular Troop, write to the' Lone Scout Department, The Boy •Scouts Association, 330 Bay Street, Toronto 2, giving. all partieulars. of yourself, iffitl they will be glad ,to advise you how to become •a Lone Scout. tOn 'is-desigaed prin- cipally to • give boys :in rural' districts. and •Small villages a chance to be- 1- boa Costume. • • ' .cOnia-eal,4S; ' • • ** • • oviet Leader -Made •ubject,rof—Jokes 'because she, • told -a joke PaBtalinleka.-__Eva, Gat-, ,•lette Grady says--(inher book "Seeing• , Red") that "far, hetter Stalin jokes are -going the remota ' ,ot Moscow now— sinew the ' daily rations.... of blear bread • bait') been ea still,glier"The Offend, story..'that 'brOtigh rMrs...Grady's ,•:• expulsion hais a.oung Jewish' boy ,sav .• •14 an unknown man from drowning. After, he MS recovered spmewhit, the • man ' disclose's his identity, much_ t'o • , the 'boy's confusion: , ' , stammers the youngster, „ ficnie----to-Treiv-4nst dpiet-teil.--tnunne _ • • It Was »me that sated , youi" • -1 • • "if you are-Stalin—why---if It's all the % , • •44 • Geological -Student . , SW -f-A3nteido Mines: Totonto.--The mines of northern Ontario, curious', formations in the -Wit and -tette Canadian -Rockies, and 'ether sections of the strtictural• framework • Of the I)Omittion.. will be studied by the international sumer I gif•--To- eeover this ,he takes tiny hieds of . cotton twisted to a point, . . tike these sometimes maid li-jr:d6j-ittata to clean small cavities in•teeth. WUh . these Miniature whiSkbrOoliis he Atiate • off! -the bearings., !shafte, *Wheels and other parts of the, works, collecting ' the thousands of • tiny dust particles which have accumolated 0111100, the watch last had thorough Cleaning. Particles of cathoo„haye been recover- • ed froin the watches' pf chauffeore.and coal workers, particles ,of ifietarfrom . those •of in:41441sta, particlei • of clay: 'and mortargrara the -watches of t „ • • • layers, tiny hair fragments 'aro• _ Wire tiniepieees•; and Sniallabreds vegetable :matter frem» those of ' mar, • • lot gardeners and thekeepera, of. grit, 'eery. stores, The vloliniste Witch al, • ' .• waysar4elds epia1 fragments • -resin used on the boW. .;• • r•.:* :-Large-Ordeti-,Plac ew—OLF.oreuros For. Ontario' Peaches, ilt-Orders frilrifoRt-e-20-dar--,' londs.....4-12axect--maelle.s.,=f_er. Weatem Vicosa • Bra-sit--Brazil-scion—mait the offices ' of the Ontario Growers';11 lvelptly's:inhn-e°347:14,hr-tilion oeattirP.ra.tism.ennt-4::;•:H.•:••••- •Calla(lit have been "recetvsa -through tolls, Ariteriein b.:tartlet and director., , . • . Market Council, according to Charles , of agricultural andveterinary cer, ; i • W. Bauer, secretary of the eiganiza- lege here tion. . - ; • L •' For several years Dr. Rohs Pias • The council; representing all the been fruit andvegetable growers in the pro- experimenting;with ;=aarions .. • plants and trees indigenous. to Brazil; ••• vince is makfog a ,concentrated effort •and he has found that' the sapticaintia.. '. iii recover Ontario's- market for fruits tree produces a 'fruit the seeds of - • and vegetables -in -Western Canada. _ ,... Which -Yield -a medicinal oll equal Of chaulmobgra, generally used in lep- •• . rosy treatmentk. . • .. • Canada's Governor-General 'watching the points of ',interest. while • '• shooting the Lachine ' Itapide: Cantain. Fred,. ,Gulle.tte, •rapicis pilot ' Of the Canndi, Ship 1.4lien, s",e4 :herAAA„, tile. role of informer. • • On Mistress Nicely,: a . • Pattern. of Homely Virtne lia Was e Woman peerless In li.er.ista- • With. household 'virtuei wedded :to her name:). • ' Spotle'ss in linen, glass-blea,ch'd in her: fame, Ana Pure and clear:starch'cl' hi the Government to , a company conversation; • headed by a wealthy diamond Mag- Thence'in-my, Castle of imagination :nate. • This territory- will be COD- Sho dwells fOrevermore,' the dainty. verted into a 'great fruit area. . • , . Fruit experimental » -work ;is elr. To • keep all airy draperies frOM ready being con'ducted under the British Guiana Plans To Grow Pineapples, Trinidad, B.W,LL—PineaPples grown from plants imported from Honolulu and alartirilaue are: to becoMirthe • staple crop in a huge developnient enterprise starting in British Guiana. A 40,000 -acre grant has been made Stalin Diet the shade of Lenin not , • • long ago. • There Was talk of things ' • on earth. Lenin weal/oh-of questions 7•• ;12eFaralarlioirTtlilagii•• *ere-. going in nis' beloved Rinisia.: • .."IlOW is the: Five -Year Plan work- • .• fug put?" he encinired eagerly. _• •• indeed," , Said Ste -HIV .boastStilly .listing •they At•Complish- Mente of the -yea just ‘. • "But the people. MAY' are they?" asked Lenin. , ' • • • "They are With mer said Stalin. • .."What, are your plans after the Five- • Year Plan is completed?" querried • Lenin. • •• "Oh," said 'Stalin, "we intend to 'be- gin, a second Five -Year Plan:" • • • "And the people?" ' ' '• , , "They,will be with me," Stalin as- ' , mired the shade Of Lenin., ' "NO,", said the 'shade, shaking his • head Sadly; ."Nif, younie wrong: . The p�pl5 will. be 'with me." school..- -of, geology,. ,,paad?pp, of_ 22 . 7.an- d dedexit ;order felloWainher •• Shame, .• .• •, vision of-an--e--xpert froni--Hosi • .8 And all dream-furnitures-iii-preserva- . • The commercial representative of the Ontario Growers'- Market Celina' was sent west some weeks . ago to proinqe and develop the western Mar- ta' for OntariO friiit`..' Already as a result of his. efforts, -orders hap been received 'for some 20 carloads of boxed. peach s. y Johnson Moscow.—Idiss Amy -Johnson;:--Bri-- tish. flier who is trying out her speedl in a flight from England to Tokyp, con4 Untied on her way july. 29th. Moscow was iher fourth stop since she and her companion, Mk. J. Hum- phreys, flying instil:lc*, left England On July 27th. The first' hop» was' to Berlin. The Berlin -Moscow leg was at Koenigsberg, Germany, and Ver, likie Luki, Russia. tien÷- • - .Itis hoped within five. years to walketh 'she with keys quite 1gtae eninleynient to 7000- perscns. shyer bright, . In perfect hose, and shoes of seemly black, .• Apron afidetomacher of iily-white,. Princeton ,..lIniversititudents., 'who with their instructors,and *nests, ar- Aired in Toronto ,by car this Week.. Profeetior Richard Id. Field,. Of .Princeton, directo the party, 'assisted by :professor prling Dorf. Dr: Alfred C. Lane, president of the Geological :Society of Artierica,•., Joseph A. ,RettY.• nt the. QUebec Geological' Sur- vey And Kenneth H. Condit, -a Prince' f:pn, aitunnue_,„ wilt -travel nfir- guests with the party. • • '. • The 'first object of study will, be the Noranda rained at Rouyn- The Party leaves Toronto, shortly for the north, Where they will visit the Hollinger and MacIntyre nines at Timmins, be- fore the 'party Moves. westward. • The litirilish'd• plate • grows lustre in her sight, • floors and tables :thine her beat • •• —Themes Hood, in' "The Plea of 'the Midsummer. Fairies." " Where Frigland Leads • • London Daily Mail: "It1 wonder that the ninetieth effrow___OL the Royal Agricultural • Society cif England, which is now in progress at Warwick, slioeld be Proving such a • success and such an attraclion, to the public. •The show is in itself most :interesting "as- a revelation of what the English farmer Can do, and it is. set in perfect English scenery. Though - the difficulties which con - Geld Vein:.,$100,000 to Ton front our agriculturists are immenee, • , Revealed in Mexican Mine the geili§11 ffirlter 11 still leading Nogales,•AriZ.—Excitement ran high after discAery of a gold vein essay- ing approximately $100,000 to the ton in the old Victoria Mine, south of here re,cently. ' • • ' The assay was made of a sample several, incites .wide and Weighing about a pound. Its; gold content was more ! than 25 per cent. • tunity to learn to pilot metoriess atr- . • • planes. A summer station for gliders has been established here,. and in ad- dition to the group of shme» shay rt gular pupils, special courses in gliding have been, arranged for the summer guests. Conditions for gliding are excellknt on Ilerkiini. The dunes, deflecting the winds from all sides, create an "Up- wind," and the warm sand of the dunes» and the broad strand' also create Up- ward currents pf• air. 1.- • Snakes vs. Rabbits Perth, Australia. -,-,A zoologist here has proposed that large non-poisonous snakes, particulavly boa -constrictors, radio sending apparatus, attached, told be liberated in the districts of Aus- members of the Graf Zeppelin crew it tralia wheie rabbits destroy crops and had reached an altitude of 50,000 feet: pastures to the value of millions of The balloon, eight 'feet in diameter, dolars annually. was being tested on the dirigibles last Sntall non-paieenous snakes are al- ready Widely need in Australia to des- troy rats and mice, but the Zoologist ployed 'ler ------------ netebrolog cal - the world in such matters as breed- ing of livestock. -Glider Instruction is. Given To Visitors at German Resort Borkum, Geilinany.—Summer visit- ors to this resort now have an oppor- The old, Victoria, Mine, located in 'the Altar district of Senora, recently was acquired, by B. B. Buckeridge, Forth Werth, Texas, oil .promoter. The mine has been idle sinde the Villa revolution.. - . Fascists Learn to Fly Gliders , . . • •. R,eport Shows ItecOid . • lionie.-,--Young • Faschits are I -being • •:-.., taught to handle niotorgias airplane - Turnover of Gold 1 , gliders in preparation for later and London.—Despite the Increase in the • more thorough training in Practical bank rate from 2% to 3% per cent., aviation. . 1826,304,750 was withdrawn from the the first Scho,o1,in gliding has been Bank ot England on Sixty 24th. This is established at Favullo, where flftY members of the AVanguardisti (the ad- vanced branch of the -young Fascist In Preparation _for Aviation • party) are being instrficted. Pilot'13. licenses be granted to those .finish- th,e Course. Additional schools ther increase in the bank rate soon. • soon twill be established in other cen- The bulk of the withdrawals. has been ters. believed to be the largest gOld with- drawal ever made in one. day,' • in--th-erpast ten -days $135000000 has been withdrawn and there , is some speculation on the phances, for ,a fur - Made by Prance, Deitroyeir—Robot ' • ,•••••, • :,":.•••:.5:••;.,,x 4 • • .. • ,x,•••••%:,r:r.V:r,''''''.. The l.Y. S'. Stoddett, fi radia-ontrolled destroyer, 'Went niatieettylea .withont .0,. Ilia( on board, 01t,„0outhern Galifornie cou retentl. , • Day Set: in Memory - • . '• 0 -Clover-Planted-'to Chec - Spread of Forest Fires, fGladatones...Cift Olympia, "Wasn.--Stdte and private appearance and may appear droopy, Bronze Age Houses Restoied Constance.—A group of five houses, • reproductions of the pile • dwellings dating *,ack to the Bronze Age (about 1100 B.C.) has, been completed here. • T-11'..remaanjb"iline _of g"Le-re_tl..w origJr;aisstwrijacicteak found here serving as models: A • group of reproductions of hooses from ..thleiere•i.ate, Ice Age already is standing. r .Signs of Chi& Coccidiosis.. ...._,Pr_eppx chicks with ruffled feathers end an inclination to gather closeto -thestove-orrto-finddle. togither-inalte ainkshine as if chi1ie thus show the first -indications of oecidiosii, says Harold Canfield of the Missouri Col- lege_of_Agriculture._In_okler_chigkens • the symptoms. are „ less pronounce& but the birds have a general unthrifty • o h ben idraugur- eintereats. which central forests in the Lond n; T ere a • • eto serve the iporpose Founder's Day in memory Of the great filds utilitaran British Liberal, William- Ewart Glad- stone, Prime Minister; . who laid the. 'foundatns of st. ,Deinicirs Library. 61411km:to 'began the library in quite A small, •ntr,ay with two wood and felt; lined metal menu; built on,'Hawarden Hill, and here he sent some 27,000 heeks' fibin liis house. It is re,-- te4Tt-hatf-he-took.„-each_ene_ef _them dovin from the shelves: and peeked them with his on hands. When. Gladstone pased on in 098 and a national memorial was decided pn, . -was agreed to erect a t:terman- erit building for the library. This was completed in 1902. ated at- St.- Hawarden, a Northwest states are planting c1 oV er Welsh Life to be Studied - • By. Undergraduates . , Cardiff, Wales—The guild of . un- dergraduates of the • UnWersity . of Wales has inaugurated several re- searclies into • matters pertaining to Welsh. life, each of which is .conduct- ed by a different section of the guild. • The theological section . is publish- ing a Welsh' translation of the -Bible. as much as oil •in the mushroom town Tho -history. section has- produced a of Mentone, nineteen Miles northeast bibliography of 'Welsh history which of here. The high gravity oil from it is hoped to publish this summer. the.deep Wheat poolliin Loving 7Coun- Tha anthropekigical ;Section is • en- tg can be bought for 25 cents a barrel • gaged upon a surver. of population at the field: • areas in Wales. ' At Mentooe water posts 50 cents a The -guildnurahere more th•an 8000 barrel. Lt:is hauled from•either Pecos mere. ty.ers. •___._. ._,_........___ Radio 50 000 -ft.' Up ' . - the daily visit of the water wagon. Residents of Mentene eagerly await or ,Mon.hans, forty miles distant, A Broadcasts Clearly •Growing Friedrielishafen, Germany: — The haviog • little modern construction Literature is produced not by taking of fire breaks. For several years ex.! periments have, shown that clover of various species will remain green dur- ing dry weather and forin a mat thicic enough to impede: fires. • At lookout stations on high peaks clover flourishes .where there was a -limited .amount of moisture. .Heayy dew alone kent clover .green on some mount:Onelopes. Billion Miles of Road Used Canadian.* motorists and visiting' United 'States motor tourists triiveled over 9;000,00,0,000 miles of highways in. Canada_ last....year,_-_used approxi- mately 600,00%000 gallons of gasoline used •by the Geodetic Survey of Can - and paid a direct revenue to the pro- adh, Dept. of the Interior, were made vincial governments in the for& of of wood* specially impregnated with i• • gas tax, auto and drivers' lieenses, ag-i paraffin, and were standardized be- • [ gregating nearly $43,000,00. --Cana- fore and after each field season. How.- diao Press., ever, since 1923 a strip of invar (nu • . __ alloy of nickel and steel unaffected- bif Water Costs More than Oil climatic conditions) js attached to •the with ruffled, piled plumage. At the Break of Dawn. • The huaband almost jumped ou,t of • ° his chair„is the sound of a terrible • ci-ash came te him from the direction • of the kitchen. ' ‘. • • "You know, darling," he» said to his . wife, "I think we ought to- call that maid of_ ours Dawn.' . _ "Dawn?" she echoed wonderingly.' , n'Whaever-fof?"---• • • =--- He regained his calm and sniffed.. "There isn't a day that she doeSil't break," he replied. • ' Geodetic Survey Rods ---'----- Prior to 1923 the, • levelling rods • , • face of a supporting wooden rod. The . In Texas Boom Town use of the; invar rod has removed the • Pecos, Tex.—Water sells .foi- twice, necessity for rod corrections which • formerly caused great delay. .• , Hongkong's Reservoir new reservoir, with a capacity of -19,000,000 gallons, is nearing domple- tion »on the Kowloon side of the bay • , in the Colony of Hongkong:. It' is one of the largest undertakings now in progress In .Sotith China,' being 400 feet wide and 110 feet high. The con- tractors, who have an American man- 'eget-, employ hand labor extensively, • first radio broadcast from the etrato- ains, but by having them. The :whole equipment at their trnmand. ' sphere was heard recently when a di- 1tra m nut ve hi an thrift Of the Writer's conscions- ti • st uments and vest pocket'. nese, and be chemically combined there until, touching the consciousness of the reader, it explodes and fires the inind. Without that explosion there 'Is no alteration of the thought pattern, and reading science becomes a pas - trial flight before its arctic expedition, time about..as invigorating as playing in Which 'similar balleons be tni.- ' DI • Austin. sum ,01 objective material mut pass' • • balloon,with automatic° re- . roposes to import arid breed boa con- etrietos and set them »free aiming the rabbits. ' A, boa cOristricter breeds rrddly, and an adult s alioWs a rabbit at one gulp. • A Lucky Escape Vancouver. -Pilot W. E. 'Benett ef the Jericho Air Station here es caped without a scratch when 'Ms' seaplane fell 200 feet at the Sea Is- ' land Airport last week; 'Bennett was taking part lil 3, boinhing demon- stration with .two Other seaplanes when the tontrole of his ,machine jammed, and it trashed. The ma-. chine was wrecked, but Bennett emerged from the wreckage ancl intrnedietrey requested the Jeriho- Stationto send 'Mtn 'another elanet • , • • --, • The man who is always eelobrating • will never be celbrated. • c! • data. time as it loses moisture, and dWells as it picks rip' moistur, is responsible for most of the difficulties experienced in• the niernifadture and use -of wood. Much can be clone 'through careful seasoning arid canaltionifig treatthents to Conti -di this s-ealled 'Working' ol wod. . Ameng » the activities » of the Forest Products Laboratories of the • Department of the Interior at Ottawa is the conduct qf research in this con . nection and the distribittion of infer :nation in this regard to lumber pro- , uerhend gram: Doing Good . The good we, fancy we would do if we only had more means and , ability may liti a: great source of pleasure to ourselves, but the good we :do With what we have is all that can be transmitted to others to be transferred to our eternal home. ' • Shrinkage in Woo4 The fact that wood shrinks in vol- •I . Bearing » addresses in SYdneY•, iingapcire. Manchester, 1 Saskatoon, end IndlernPolie, a posteatd posted in Neill recceily travelled round the world at. a (soa of 21e. • CardenlbYd tractors or rnaphine-gun carriers 51ibi1Itot.,Mt sli‘Vn • here Will be distributed artiorti the regular ChM* shillitia • fades . after the manoeovres ;at Petawawa Carim en August 15.° The lee: chinegun is mounted where the Small doord are open in front. The • opp above' s di be taken aroond the cduntry bar ins,Oection. • • • • • • • • • • . • ,,. .. ..• ' .... , .,,C 4 . • •4 • ...4. i ' .. . 0t»:».••••:, • ..•• ,,,...., I, . .1 ki.l.kaktbSilliailigth ' ...:1.211.. . ''...:1,. •Mitn•AWA•0:144