HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-13, Page 4. . • PAG Putt' • • THE LUCKN:OINT k. t.f11.,8SDAY, AUGUST . 130,, 1931. . . , .. , . . •', Nita was worried...... she,c,Otild not imagine where she had •• .. • 2- .•--7•7•:'illit-her IsraCelet. , in the.hotel'or'•oterhe:joniney: f5ifie,..'"1 '''. • • .... StatiMi-lo-sition-....("iny, . ' • : : , • .. • : • : . -.... • - • .• . : : : :: . , • .. : . :. one"). calls between. 700 " ' .• . 71. can't .thirik, what..I could have. done :With it,' the, kept , . • : .- . „p.m. and 810 P:ns. inints • „ 'telling her mother:: • : ' , • • , . . . . . ., . • ,' , time- are on the low ' • ": '7. .. . -: • • .., • • , • - . . . , . . .. . . . , ,. . - evening. " rate; Between •••". .."Vivhy not tel to the hotel," mother suggested "It's • ' ... 8.30..p.in..,and .4.30 aan..:- .,., :. :they'.are Lan "the "night ,... after eight thirty '"'"?w::: and .: a call will ,cinly. ',.6s.!' ..a fe.W' •'rate, -basis,. and" still, •.' ' cents.'?., . • ..,• . ..• . . : . - . „ . • . . . ,.. ,.. • : . . • Wag* Nita's :'joy " When the hotel clerk told-•• her . that' the • fat . . • • . . • . • bracelet had been found in her roomandwould be mailed,. • ' •: to her right a.Way..... ,.,. , . ' ' . . • ". . • '' • .' ••• '. . . '. Thanks to :her mother's suggestion, Nita's anxiety was re- ,..•, , • ••••". .' ---liefed":at,onte..• .. and the cost of 611 was considerably • • ' • • '.. 1.es.S-7thin•-•her:tMalare trOin the 'station:. •••''' • • ' •',. ' ''. ':'' -,...• .,'•• - .., .....-- .... ... ." • • L ONG DIS TA NcE TELE POKE }ALL FAIR DATES 6S.E. Toronto, Aug. 28 -Sept.' 12. • • Western, London, Sept. • 14-19. • itrtisaels, Oct. 1-2. • --Cape -Croker, , Reserve, Sept.' 24-25.- Chesley,.'Sept. Dungannon, flet. 6-9. • Goderich,,Sept. 15-16.' • Hanover, Sept. 16-4. • . HePtVerth, Sept g-•-9. • • Kincardine, Sept. 17-.48. • • Lion's Head; Sept. 307 -Oct. 1. • Lucknow, Sept. .24-25, Mildinay, Sept. f22-723.. • Paisley, Sept. 29-30. ' , Pinkerton, Sept.. 18. Port Elgin, Sept 25-26. Ripley, Sept 29-30. -,Saugeeri Reserve, Oct. 5-6. •Tara, Oct. 6-7. • Teeswater, Oct. 6-7. , '• Tiverton; Oct. 5,774. '• 'Underwood ,Oct, 1. Wiarton, Sept. 18-19. • Wingham, Oct 9r7•16. ' • CREWE '‘n • Mrs Tate -of ,Saskatoon is Visiting • her sister, Mr,....vglake. ' Mrs. Frank McIntosh Windser. • Mr: and Mrs. James Drennan of of Commerce and by the splendid ., • Itintaik visited Mr. and MrS., Wilfred support given by the newspapers of Drennan on Sunday. Western Ontario. It is my pleasant privilege• to thank -you for 'the wich , Mr. and Mts. Gordon' SteWart knci publicity you gave the meeting held 4son Rae and Miss Rosa Pepper in Owen Sound and to pledge you the ted. the latter's 'parents at Hensell continued good will. of the Nitestern • on Sunday ' • - Mt. and Mrs. Raymond 'Finnigan • • anechildren visited -Belgrave friends . on -Sunda Mr. and Mrs. Belt Finnigan were • guests •of Mr, and Mrs, Jim Culbert of Lucknow. _ Mrs. •Gordon Ball and daughter, • Fern visited her father, Mr., Clifton on Sunday. , • • Misses Anna and Beatrice Tre- • *Olen spent a few days last week with their grandparents at Lucknow; gr; and Mts. Robert De Yell and family •of *Ingham spent Sunday with Mr. and 1Virs. John Sivan. , ust 14th and 15th for the purpose of Mrs. Aubrey Higgins_ and son of interviewing those yho are desirous 'Votroit is spehding a • few dale with of • obtaining' information regarding her parents here. business possibilities in Greece and Mr. and Mrs. Shadre/ck Rivith -and Turkey. •'grandson. ,Alvin •Sherwpod spent a We shall be glad to arrange ap, • day recently With gr. and .Mrs. Tom Ointrrierits for citizens of your coin- •-• Culbert,• -• :nullity upon receipt of word. Mire Connie Treleaven of Dungan-• , • , Yours faithfully, nori.spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven. As in former years, reduced rail- way,. conch -lines, and s'teamship rates will be effective for the Cana- ditm, National .Exhibitiori; Toroiitor • . ;; 4' • • •17-111E'••• Published :every. 'Ilhursday morning at Lucknow, Ontario A.• D. MacKen4le,Proprietor • and Editor.. -THURSD.AY•, 1ALTGUST 111, 1•131. • John J. . Hiinter • • Kipdardinejka0 • Well-known Publisher -- ',Former ,Grand 'Master of.the Orange Order : • . • ..Kineardine, Aug. 11,7john J. •ter, one ofWesteri Ontario's ' most prominent; • :men; i'.widely kneWre, , in °tante circles threughont, the prey • ice,• proprietor of. • The gincar1rn i4vieV-ItSPOrter. and The Ripley Miss,--Lettie• :Gawley • went to Rin-, • • oday cardine. en--,Sittiirday :bo -have 147hi?filhc(iqrieet-47E. belantTfdre_r her toils removed. • ness of about three-nienths,.. •,• •Congratulations to •VIr. and. Mrs, -Mr. Hunte, or as be was 'papule:its.' Sam Emerson on the arrival of/ Av. known to his many friends, "J. J.!, Young son. was a man'ef great energy -arid en. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erners,on visited ..thnsiasm}e entered whole hearted 'relatives a Hanover last week, ly into all enterprises which hr was interested, fend it was probablY that, quality 'which. carried hini' intc •ptorninence in the Orange Order, -.an in civicpolitics in Kincardine as well • as t -the mihe-far- truce County. •. •• • For two years he • was grand ter. of the •.Grand Orange Lodge Cri 1Ontario West. Elected in , Guelph- in 1927, hewas returned to that office"' the following •year., Bis ^ election •tf, 1. that position followed several irear2-• ;hopping of active participation in the affaire•• in subUtbiadewing in ; , as/fair hotels, or sipping tea on the , • :-••••• • vtawLE BOy • (Intended for last Week) Mrs, Will Stanley end children ;tit Lficicao7 Spent 'the past week with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thompaqn • Mr. Will Hill returned home &mil 'Sarnia list Week having ' spent ,the Past oionth, there : ' • ' Mrs.' Albert Scott is not as, well AS• her many friends would wish but we all hope for a .speedy recovery. Mr.. Blackwell cof Ripley is spending a few days at James Pollock's. .. • The SYmPathy' •of the; community IS• extended to the relatives of the late Mr, -Dave Suitt. • The 'tuner:4i .which ;was Very largely attended was • held i•leit Tnesd4e "after,noon to • Greerihill' Cemetery,: • Miss.kb is 'visiting-, at Mr: Geo • E.Paarson's: •••• •• • Mr. Terry of Toronto Spent a few lays last week at Mi. W. H. Scott* , . BARE- LEG FAD SPREADS. • PROM BEACH TO CITIES The bare leg vogue is ,catching° on ,• . in •England. •• A stockingless *Milan, a year ago. was . a rarity. She was to be found on the tennis cout, but nowhere . else Now' she may be, seen everYwhereL: of the. Grand Lodge, in which 'he had held various offices, inclUsiVn. associate deputy- grand 'master and deputy gland master. In the Brine. • •Lodiebe- had -been. ,county- master• ,- , ' Born in Brantford • • Nr. Hunter was born in Bralitfrird. -and---as-a- • .044ater4iniedto Toronto where for many years he • was employed on, the old Toronto World, Published by' the late W: F. -Meclean; 1V1.13, Mr: Hunter' wah •• at one titne':a candidate for Pailiainent in the old censtituteney against Ed- nuind . whO represented that riding for many years. It was •Soor. • after -Ong election he came, to Iin eardine.. • • In Kincardine he was best knOwr 'through his *services to the town a:, TMayor, being chief •magistrate fret THE- PRESS7-AN APPRECIATION OLDEST PRACTITIONER • •' •• IN BRUCE COUNTY- '• Every neWspapet' •does, a great • deal for the eommunity•and there ;is Walkerton, August' 5. -Dr. MaP growingtieed for a 'greater appre. t•olm - Stalker, F,C.A.S.,' ex: elation 'a this 'fact on ,the_part. of 'reeve, ,exzmairor, and first and -pres those Who are interested in cerinnun-, ityant M.Q.H. of Walkerton, has entered • I apOn his 54th year of prattice. He i The finest community partnerShip• the oldest practicing physician ani. we can have is the prese and the::: surgeon in' Bruce County. • Boards of' Trade' and Chambers The doctor enjoys splendid health: Commerce, for • it represents the Graduating from Trinity. College ana teaming up of two -great agencies die University of Toronto in 1878, he for eminnunity, growth and develop- ceminenced Practice at • NeWcastle ment, which should always be found. working together, - The newspaper, informs, entertain..., and inspires. Progressive steps are taken in a community with the as- sistance of the newspaper, its pro- prietor •and its' editor. • The Board of'Trade ot-Chambers of 'Cohnnerce is the community Or ganized' fOr service and it shbuld • be. the whole. community organized for service. It should represent the best leadership Of the community,. and carrY • on the best program for com- munity develcipment • The Western Ontario Chamber of Commerce represents Western Ont- ario ettrganized for service. The re- cent convention in Owen Sound wa..f. an illustration. of that fact. The suc- cess of the sessions was made pos- sible by the co-operatiOn of the var- ious Boards of Trade and Chamber river, according- to despatch fi-orn • Loridoni• „ • Waterloo Station was crowded 're.: ceritly with • tiVer-boundt" -girls • in 3umMer•frocks-and no stoekings. At Rieh-niend, •Kingatan. Ord- ' HUnipterr- 'Iourt 'ever •other ingleSs.,. Wdiscarding• her stock- ings by night as well as by day. *dozen' barelegged Weornen were dancing in a Landon' reStantant `re •••.:Ontiy; ••• ' • .• • ••• And 'tis said that in Ney York no one': wears Stockings.-7Totonto Star • r • , • . ' THE 4174NERSITY OFFER'S . 1. A wide !singe of excellent•courses , • hi Arts and Scieece, in Medicine,' , ° • hi Nursing and in Public Health.: ci• Up -to -dot, ;buildings and equip-. • 3. Splendid •• Physical iodise/16*k atiilefies, and.. • "military iMl.1111.144. • • •^5..,0an;fittractive social •11(e.'„ •• c lose 'Personal toniset:', between; • professors andstuderits. • - •• 7 The co.operatlon at.,.ti* • . , • ' • „helping ^worthy students '10 get • • • ...platedrefter• graduation. -"53t-7' .-^•••-•-•• -•••-• • 4. • , „' LONDON AIR CANADA • . ••• It's Easy ig Buy at Luckdow's : DepartiOient Store . 4ANG.siDE M. Joseph Weddell of Kitchener•• is• visiting vvith • his • brother, Mr., dna.' Widdel.•.• •• • •. •• • Mr. • and 'Mrs:, Russel Ritchie•Hal , -• GouVerneur„, "Welt-.TertivetlieW thia- 'week, Mr. Bert dullimore also came ' • with them and visited here a few • days with Mr.and Mrs, V. Emerson leaving for Windsor, on Sunday: with Mr: -Green of Detroit. • • • , Mr. and Mrs. Vreter Emerson and. . Miss Doris Rachie spent • Sunday •with Mrs. A. EniersOn. •• • Mr: and Mrs. COB Chamney of Mewanosh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Janson. • • • Mr. and 'Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Dali and Jete. seerit-Sitaity,with Mr., and 'MrJoe Tiffin of Whitechurch. Mrs. J. Tiffin being suddenly stricken with • hernorrhege Of the nose has Miss • t:••• FlOreirite •Ptirden R.N. in attendance. •• • STERILIZATION IS JUSTIFIED • •ON GROUNDS OF SOCIAL • WELFARE• . t •. i. Meets With Ahnost Uniform Appro- several • years. . • .• val 'Where , rfried-7Over •F..1S. • A •staunch Liberal Supporter, • h Thousand Cases Operated On • Ji- had devoted Many hours of labor tc • ;California • '• . the cause of the party. Several timer • .• ,_ • " '• •• Durham .COurity4dgoing tp•Walkerto e, had been suOestecl-as7a.--possil31-:-• According 'to a cable from London, five years' later, ' candidate for his riding, . and Was r the British House: of Commons ha', • The doctor has found time 0 talcr leading figure in campaign work. :voted against a proposer to legalize a practical interest in municipal af-' ...A commissioner of the Bruce Mug •the sterilization ofmentally deficien faits, and as first health officer ol. lcipal Telephone system, he rose rap- )ersons. The bill s proposed is si - ilar • to acts in operation, in the prnol- the town • advocated •the Osiallatior idly to assume , the. position of. preli- d a modern. waterworks' system. Hi dent of •that 6stem, and waa pr •. vmce of Alberta and in twenty-tvvr entered the Town Council in 1.890 ant, dent at the time 94' his:Ideath. Saw his ambition realized the' toile*. It was 26 years age, that he took ing year.•• over The Kincardine Reporter. Eight .. Reeve. in L,L1.893 and again in .1897- 7.ea'rs , ago The' Kincardine . Review- -98, he was 'elected mayor in 189i was 'taken over, 'and the two wer1/41 and servedN'two terms. Dr. Stalker e coMbined ai one publication_ About has been medical officer of health a: my; years ago he became the • pro - different times since and is now ser prie or ofThe t Ripley Express, arul vine his tenth year in that capapity Cwoenetkiniyued publication of the twc • .1., ? aners until his death. The doctor has served, oh the boar( Past President • • of education ince 1901 and for tit( He was an active member of the past 12 years hes `been its chairman Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc As an active member of. the Urban 'aeon,' and • had been past. ptesiden Trustees' and Ratepayers' Associa- of that :association, .111s 'newspape. tion he has presided over that hods career' had commenced on • dell:, qince 1929. • •• • paperkt" • • t Mr. Hunter., only recently retire 1 after Serving as searetary4treasure • of the states of the •American Re- public. • • The Alberta Act was passed it 1928: It provides for he sterilization of an inmate of a menial institutor when ih the Opinion of a specially ie on ^appointed board such action is in fle Sunday.. - •• iest interests :of the individual }due •••• elf (�r • herself) or the cOmmtin- ty. Before the . stetiliSation opera, ion can be performed 4he consent, oi individual, if compentent; or hit e,gal• guardians must • be obtained. . California has' had a sterilization law in operation fel-I:Over tWenty rears and • 'in that time mote thin ,000 persons haVe been sterilized In 1928,• the writer made a speciai Mr. Alex Simpson • Wingharn is visiting his sister, Mis. F. Henry. • The • Wehien's Institute holding • their meetrng • this .Friday at 'the . home of Mrs. R. Purdon. •• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie, Leo- nard, Clarence, • Harrold and, Lotne. visited with Mr; and Mrs. Russel Rit- rivestigation of the workings of tin SOUTH KINLOSS MISSION BAND , of the Kincardine Fall Fair for • '• years. •• • • • :;alifornia'' Act and found that there inomi,••••••mo• •• •vas practicaliy no opposition to it The meeting of the rimy 83.,e 21,iis. An active member of the Kincar dine United Church, • he conducted .ind that it has • proved to be of iion and waif held at the- cjiurch ar ;aver a, ionic period, treat .assistance in the social contra! Ontario Chamber of Ci3ntrneree .in August 2nd, the band inviting a' Bible .clas• •,f mentally, deficient persons. our eornman task . of colnmuniti W.M..S. of which .there was a good. the . which had many Yeuths of the to Much of the opposition to ,sterili• huildin for 'this rt o the rovi CP • ja44p.,,e„.x...,a• of all religious denon:inalions a which is Cahada's, greatest •ecoAorriP: -ned the meeting with Prayer. Marg. ma 4,,,ige aq.;oriations inrluded, he • nema. • he Proposal. in sorriemenaosreasncpeeopoi; Ydurs faithfellY. • aret Gra'nato • read the Spripture let Ali . irie•the Orange Order', the Masoni ire opposed The 'religious or ethica area.. • The Western OntarVo Chamber of son. _iferlz, ..4fiddietrin thrn• te,rfric ul tel.eig' e • of Kinr•ardirle, the 1.0.0. F . t.round. The chief' error made by Cominerce; Care The London Chem - the &Alec-tic/nand:Anna Grkharei fr:ato f an.if the I, 0, F, natty opponents .is in regard to au ber- of -Commerce, London. • ' ...ri'. Differing 0a76 -T. • HYrorr 7;3 Ixtag , Surviving are hia wife, a sister lettire of, the operatien, They* arc , iong. The roll call ang% r,,rod hy 1I A' VAtter 01 Kine•arrline, ant a book f vet. the .Bible. Re/it-At-On/ a WA -her, ThoMaa, Of Manitoba. !rider the iropreSsicin that the oper.•• W.1-1, Wood, Secretary.. • . ' • • !lion is erati va len t to ern tiacu lad on Arrangements have been made tr,', wifre gi7.en by Mary and Grare Rey i, The fo'ne,m1 will 'hi, beld Pride: - -,iat esseintiai ..orzaroi ,a.ie ifontived Mr. fienryllNareot, Canadian' Govern; neids, Grace Siat:t.k:o4, kergarkt' Mr.-1,0th 10,. .,..,i,.,.., At, cr,ft,I Km:ri'f! at, Lim p rhe operation, howe-ver,- 4ons not in- ment Trade Commissioner in. Greece Ronald, liary GrehAro, 11,rion (:arorp ai, an 4 at the, unite,ei (1361-0,, at 2 p •eller'e tvitl'! 1131A. rAttrn"31.61* (if thlt to visit the London chamber of Coin- bell, Mordilan end ..c/red-ot lifi•Ii4gt, mtliuttrr r yrarwo, Follpieetsc, pEtv. p exiial ha; If, rag -fitly preveritit'. pro. fneree ongi Friday and Saturday, Aug i Blabche MO- r wal and Chia (;•rehaena @v. ,Temitt. eAtiatinst. inttrrme'ht wit option. • •• , • land McKinr.oros. A 14.,ing try f o it kiial... ,r,,,,, toadg, it., g ifv.;,rdirv,•(;,,r0(1t,„ry, , gtatiii zation brxret ' usually apply followed. Two Int,twatir.c. too ., t w Pr & . -,....2 -....; - . , etarikneerr,1;ya:-.6liezzfA, eAvr,,r.))11.:1:::; a irte 4. , : !,... :o: . , Tr,...), 0, Ir,. ie.,,,,.,,.. .0.0.0,.ieo. fo,,, *ii,•,, `"4/10' ' 411 1'4°4' : bit '110r grentefil 1 ' • " • '.•rec.ki to The ',retarie. and to the mon • :5K; Yitioid appitat to he in respeei dered .hy Mrs,. A. Mar; j,(4,4 ,,,,,,,1 g,.,, Kt, i:th .14Arat<or.: II. rs:;,,ri• 411. !Ira' / fefetn4 'r kfrii: I kgOiti. . l'he. only other way tc Annie McKay was folic/Weil }iy.' a ,"0.'f°4°(if"A31.11' 9-4.a° '4'kf ehorus. by four: girls. Hy rtl n 0;17 why Y("i''.;*:1'; tt*4'lls 9 ".'jd 11'.Aki4:'''' Ig1:111# Yft?illfj ilinstmeoecritea,11,1y8 tdoeficiic!enpt when; sung after the Prayer cirele. Mr:•, A • fil"'*. '''''' •tel' 7 'ff1;4aft. ''.414.2)1"11st'lhgr, 'oekee up during the child-bearing Sutherland closed tii§r meeting: with . /1.1"*.t..:1' 4f41f/V '' ; ,eriod. Institutions for mental de prayer. --.-Preis See'Y ..• .• r, ies dry will gather at, Torony ' icients contain a great ninny- 'per- ' oriS .Whb have been sufficiently train - 4d -to o.jut intO, the community and 'ern.. their living, if ii were not for he for that they would 'seen- .get into sexlial difficulties and' present ,he 'tern rennity with -others like thein- Ielves Who-, would • need supervisiori b. the State. • . ff. • . . .The London Chamber Of *Commerce; . , for bolt, 'women's, and meril • srAvti/nu W. • 11. Wood, Manager. . • , i Friday; August 4,5th, and Nedries . • ' Tlairghter -7"iBut TY -ad . 4o-ii't '''1;y U-''', 44116 44(114e 114""t'''211*-re.sTY*t"97-' . ()fuel Bosr,;" ,,,you: ,tx.iant the to clean believe that two can live a; eheeplY the office ? • Y'o'ti' .said that you had a as one ?''' Father, --"Certainly I do manfor .tough work." gess:. "So we 1 Right now your mother • and I,, ire ithave, He collects the •debt. • liVing as cheaply as ..you." • • • • Canadan's Natiatial Motor Shoe at the C,anaclian National Exhibitior. Toronto, occupies „120,000 smiate ft' in the new • Automotive Building. • APPENED OU -Time: 5 p. g,UidaY• Place:- Kingston Road, 15 miles out, of Tor_oeto,• coming :west. • half a mile Of cars moving very slow- ly and more cars joining the pro- ierieion every?' inimite: Brakes scree- hOrns honking, head e thrust i.ut of windOws." I flashed up:to the head of the line -and got hini with the goods. 10 miles an hour he was driving. 1' steered him onto a wide spot aff the •road and :I told him plenty!!! Sys I, "Dow do you know : there witsn'It.a doctor in that line going on an ethergencY 'call ?)' • wydng-•-•they s'o "Anyhow; what's 'the idea of ol ng up several hundred people ti because you want to dawdle along till Cintreh, time Funny,,thing was he- didn't realize he was doingneverdo, Diant know he was intuiting every oter driver 'Mr -the• tolicl-L•they don't think of that, , • But I'M, bethe will give oth'era a little tronsideration hereafter, If he doesn't -Well, for his sake. and the sake of all the rest of ut, let's be hopeful. • - ' . • • .0 • .1 ••• • et