HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-13, Page 2t.'
flX_0. ..y :rL4TN11-. •
sY.UPSIS i• . cl}ological,seversats. is "''beyond .good
A mai, 'linOwn as cook iiobin Is found and evil. Many' modern mathemati-
with a n arrow through his heart Thdh., , tf
a ,young chap, Sprigg, is .shot ,througclans, eve hold that, all..Gonveivtion;
the tbp. of the head. The meiBrdsreer write's''duty, morality, good
mocl-1ng notes aiS' ed. Th t h p the like;
' ' .',orney Markham calls 'fn Philo ;'could :nota .exi'st excertr. for.�the fietiori Markham Balled at Vance's house to
j They .peopl
f 'oiiow ng es are, . associated' of free will. To'theni-tlte. science 'of inform him that Pardee had %commit -
with the , case: Prof, Dillard:, his nice, a th'
'lithe suspieio
not. perm t
Ai* :him
Y ..who the 7>i erep wasi
we dhj , helpless. , •. ,' tell you, .
Mark ain, . Were ' facing • ,a,„ shrewd • BY ANNESEULE wORTRINGTON . •
brain -one, that fi. : es - out every- !- - •• --',
move and •ealculi;tese al : the possibii Illustrated Dresst> cing Lesson
sties.. Oust �only,hope� is t'' create. ours Furnished .with Every Pattern
own evidence by finding -a in
the murderer's eombinatio :"
I "The first' 1` thing in thea
(declared Markham grimly, "I'm going
to •put*
Heath to work , Pardee's
alib'kthat• night There'll: be, twenty
men �he Ming it'.up.by;noon, question ;
lig every spectator, at that chess gars
-and-snaking a"" -door o -door canvass
between -the, Manhattan those Club,
'and the Dr,, kker •:house'`.'. ,t:If wecan
find 'Spine one who •actually'saw Par-
-Wilt the vieuiity -Of the Drukker's
around midnight, then• we'll- have•, a
very suspicious piece of.. eircurestan::
tialevidence against him."
"Yes," agreed, Vance; :'that would.
give us a 'definitestarting,,,point.-Par.-
•dee:jwould ;have- considerable difficulty
in explaining why he wets :,six }flocks
away; from -•the club during his, set to'
7..v -our Rubinstein` atthe exact lhour 1haf
°n. blackTbishop-was beii>;g left'at Mrs.
Drukker's door., .Yes; yes. Bail'
means have Heathand his-minibrs:
tackle the, problem. It may lead us
forward.'1 ,
But the Sergeant was'.never 'called
upon to'•check the alibi. „Before nine
o'cloek: on, the. following; .Morning
its •is a field haunts try conceptual ee` aicide:•
Belle; his protege, Sigurd Arnesson wigs, ghosts; -"and they; even arrive 'at the
hones to marry Bel e: -
hes, apassion #or chess; Mrs. • D: ukker disintegrating doubt as to• whether
and her .son .Adolph, a cripple with a truth itself, is not merely. 'a •figment
so .ething. and. determines .0 force' him considerations •the sense of earthly
•; sup• er-intellect. of the Imagination.i. Add:to tnese
Vance is • convinced' i7rukker .knows - .
.to tell.: but that night Drukker s mar pt .
dared; and Mrs: Drukker ails from distortionand the eontem for lin-., cup of coffee. • There • was: an 'eager
;gnoelce Vance cheaks•over ieardee's. move: man -lift; which might easily result"impatience lin his movements as.he
Malts and. finds' there •.is a Derma • of
time: unaccounted,. for., He. determines Erose, the speculations of higher inn dressed:
theinatics, and you' have. a perfect -set. ordi. MEar-kham•!'!. h z�exolaim
of'conditions for: the type;. of crimes ed. "This . is most extr'ordin'ry. . -,:
with which we are dealing." How did you hear of it?" '. "
When Vance had; finished speaking '.: "professor Dillard 'phoned me et
�:Marlthani sat, silent fora long; time. in ' apartment less than, al'f an hour:
y 1,
ago. ' Pardee, killed himself' in the:
archery-.room of the -Dillard , home
some time last night. , Pyne discover-
The astounding news 'a- Pardee's
death had a curiously disturbing.efect
on Vance. He.stared .at Markham un
believ'ingly. Then he ,rang hastily for
Currie and ordered his clothes and a
to euestion Pardee.
PTER XXXIL- Coned) '
.4' , Vance' took' several deep inhalations
_'en• his 'cigarette.,'`
'.:'•Markham: there's ,no escaping Pe' .Finally -he moved:restively.
fact:. these fantastic and seemingly ,.1 can 'understand -0', he' said,"how
`incredible murders' were planned .bY $ these' climes mi ht'fit almost anyof
' vatthel eek an -as, forced opteets. to a g .
non: a
""" ""Ifill n
life of to abstract speculan e -persons -involved: -dint; on--tbe-
s of .our• --a ument ow do ` u
- -.-emotioi al ression They_ „ y rg ' y0
the indicated equirernents:.t y are account for the notes to the press "
neat and precse;.'beautifully: worked' ' "Humor must. be imparted;" -return-
ed -the professor ---I relayed-the;neays.
to Sergeant Heath and •,t)ien, -came
here. Vin the ,circumstances 1 thought
• v _eed Vance ,"'A Testes pietba'.erity to n. hand." Markham
tl ' motive: a impulse • war ex i itionism . en- .,as a, e , p ' •
0 °� in tl-ie eat of im w o ears i ' A paused ig is gar. 1t41.-'ozs}
snugly- into-place.-130-1oose--ends,.ri►' the' 1 4:award' lib Ii-Bisho case was ever:-�
!,D.oy SCATTI&
What came before: Captain JlmmY ie
forced down on a •deserted island while
.flying .General Lu from China 'to Jap44n,
They find no game, so decide to try their.
luck at, fishing. '
That was an idea. The shores
.of that island had neper been touch-_
':ed in' it thousand years•Nee-doubt-
the water • fairly teemed . with' fish.
But the suggestion nearly cost .the
lives of two :of us' on the next day.
Early. the • next morain,'e kindled
a !nigh bonfire en the bald peak sof• .
• the island, Wand pili
ed on plenty' wet.
grass to make
-smoke.., ; If • any
ship passed' With.,
Then. we could aee it scooting .along
'just a . few inches below' water,
straight toward We captror..
'Right between the interpreter's
legs want the fish, bowling hire ,over
and• tangling his legs in the line,
then ;1 b • fish -and Chlues3• cub,
merged out of sight. A tremendous
fuss `•and splashing began, `after
which .the, Chinese tarose'dripping
with his prize' clasped tightly in his
T e pair( 'looked too funny for
•words. 1 began to,?aiigh, when tile`
General gave • a sharp excla ti'u1i
and pointed to the entrance, the
,in miles, it' would For an instant.' 1, froze. with dread:'-',
be'•sure to -See ourA, sinister.bla.fin, clove•the smooth;
' surface of ••tek he••water ,like an arrow,
f .A11' •. day we; rushing'.$traight • toward be limns- •
fathered • w' o d petting ' ' Chinese:: -With,. a • yell - a
e and piled it• year, so. wekcould..make
, big bright •fire, -through: the night..
The interpreter and I went down to
the shore •to Irfi" '
• Taking a pin tram. my Coat 1 made.
a' rough fled'" hook:' This, i •fastened •
to the end 'of a long eo • €i,. end cist-
ting off a corner.,,,, of General Lu's
:bright colored •cloak we had z home
I "grasped, a. short 'sword =which • gen,
Lu still`: wore at dig side. and
plunged into• the water between
rnshingblaGk•-fin--and' I3s>i_Eu ,..
-The shark turned--and-_made_fer w__..
,mo instead., The water reached
My belt -too. high for quick action:
I waited for the'one. chance i kne •.
would came. ,•' The shark .turned 'on
.:made, .but attractive fish -bait. • hie back and opened his huge mouth
The interpreter begged. . toe a •to 'grab me, while: row .after row' ,ot.
chance to try his luck, and 1 let hint gleaming 'teeth.•
go first. ' We :selected a • littl'e sandy' •
sharp as razors.
cove, where the tides cut a deep hole glittered menace•
between tWo.•rocks: At'.high Aide ingly..•
• the water formed";a: clear, round pool, I•'. dodged • to.
shallow ;et, ' the edge,. but rapidly' 050 • side, and
!sloping' down until the" bottom die
,appeared among the green shadows.
The' interpreter waded out .to his
waist, then• dropped his bait 'into the
lunged at his
smooth .•' 'white • f//
with' �j�
. my, • sword. ' In
' 'eacitepient, , I • only . Scratched' hint„
; ` ` o ': Gene'ra1-TI ue and I- sat-lazily..and he turned again,'. ma 'as a Whole
on, 'the z.hore ;and watched him. Sud -.t
denly 'be gave a quick.' yank=his -.nest of bumblebees. 1 Murder BUM°
po.1"e bent almost double: A great in his little pig eyes as'he' rushed
eiiver fish leaped , ,higL ' in, the;, air, •into the fight. :
(To be continued.) .;
reiteainders appheir Y no ters into the present case: Nit an:eniirely, satisfactbry ending,
- And aS•ide front their highly imagma- ��
but perhaps the best for ;every one
oncei'ned."... •
Vance made no immediate continent
Ile sipped his coffee .abstractely; and.
at, length .got un and took his hat and
"Suicide. • . . ," he murmured, as
we wont down the stairs. "Yes; that.
would be wholly consistent:. But, as
you say, iunsatisfaetry--dashed;' ore,
satisfact'ry. .
We rode to the .Dillard housee and
Were • admitted- by Pyne.. Professor
Dillard had no more than joined us In
the drawing room, when the • door -bell
rang and Heath, pugnacious.. and dlr-
namic, .bustled in.' • '
"This'll' clean things up, sir," lie.
What Freud calls e8, rrw++wvnaa raaowavauwa .a,.,�. . • .,.., 'exulted to Markham after the usual
which- in time demands a free die the astronortler, who actually. views ritualistic • 1 andsliake: "Those. quiet
charge, In' these Mother -Goose crimes the universe, ,may get, an even more birds . : you never'can tell.. Yr -ti
we have. the mathematician re -acting intense impression of the •unimport who'd've thought:. : ...,'"
to the most fantastic of frivolous acts ance of'.this earth than the speculative "Oh, ' I' say, Sergeant,' Vance
in: order to: balance his• superserioins: piiys:cist•.42 Imagination • runs riot drawled; "let's not think. Much tee
'speculations. It'.s as; if he were -through •a telescope . The mere theory wearyin'• An open mind -.arid. like a
saying cynically ,'Behold! 'This is the : of existing life on distant planets desert -is indicated." ,
world that_ you . take so seriouly be- tends to reduce earthly fife to second- ' Professor Dillard led the way to the
cause yen know' nothing of the infin- ary consideration. For hours after archery •Dole. The shades. at all• the
Rely larger absti.ict world.: Life' on one has looked :at Mars, for instance,; windows were drawn, and the electric
game -hardly dallied
the notion that
its lights were still 'burning. ..l noticed,
too, that the windows' were closed. •
' "I left • everything exactly as it
was," explained the.professor.
Markham walked to the large wick-
er centre -table• .Pardee's body was:
slumped in.a chair facing the range
-door.: :His, head_aand.. shoulders :had
fallen forward over the'table; -and
his. right, arn•►_hung at 101 side,. the
fingers still clutching an automatic
;pistol. There'was, an ugly wound in
'his' right 'temple; and on the table
beneath his head. was. a pool of coagu-
lated blood. `
Our eyes rested'but'a. moment on
the • body, fora startling and incon-
gruous thing diverted our attention•
z.a i . ._.cG..,, .e,tic,� lll�,i,fl�,fcL....
'Mu, magazines on the table had been
' .tine precision, all 'their indications
point unm stakablyY 'to`, en. abstiiisely
conceptive. intelligence . on the' loo'se-
' • "But the 'Bishop' alias?
-"AhrThat'e- a most vital point. The
raison d'etre of this terrible orgy :of
,a devotee of ,,pure': science •Misting his humor lies in that cryptic: signature•"
• fong„. Markham, turned slowly:
But ' why,' their -..grisly humor?" "Does `the chess player andth
' 'asked''Markham ,"How do you recon-. •astronomer'. fulfil the conditions of
cile'th�e •Mother -Goose phase' of, them your theory as: well. as the mathemat
with your 'theory?" 11 ' , iced physicist?" • • • '
- "The "The existence of •• inlribited im- ' "Yes,'-' Vance -replied. . "Since the
pulses,". explained Vance,. "always days of Philido'r, Staunton and.Kies-
produces a tatefavorable to `humor.. --'-,«: when chess �,-- ^� ^"'':^' of
''Dugas -:designates humor as'a'detente'
.a release ' from tension; and Bain,
• following -Spencer, .calls humor a re-
lief: from restraint. The most fertile
• field fog: a manifestation of humor lies
In • :accumulated' potential energy -
d B etzungsenergie--
fine art,',.the• game has degenerated
almost into an exact science; and dur-
ing Capablanca's regiine it has become
Doctor Lasker and .Viditar are all
earth is a child's . portant enough to make -a joke about' inhabitants outniimber and surpass in
And such an' latitude would be intelligence our own piiPulation, one
Wholly consistent with psychology; for had difficulty ,in readjusting ortesert
after 'any great prolonged mental to the petty affairs O'f life here an
strain one's reactions Will take the earth."
4orm- of reverkals,--that is to say; 'the There was a long silence, Then
• an outlet in• thaaricist childish games. ' ".Nyhy should Pardee -haire taken
Here, incidentally, you 11/Iva-the-ex- A.-rnessorgs---black--hishop-that-night-
planed:A for the practical joker:veith instead of one from the club where
his sadistic instincts. . . . , it Wohld not have been Missed?"
„"Moreover; ell sadiats have an ine "We don't know "enough of the mo-
fantile complex. -Aed the child ia tive to say Hee j,_iitve, taken it
totally amoral. 'A irian, therefore; with' some liberate purpose in view.
Who experiences these infantile psy- Bu w at evidenee have you of his
Puthed aside; 'leaving an open space
in front of the body; arid in this
cleared area rose a. tall and beautifii1-..
ly constructed house 'of playing cards.
Four arrows, marked the bbundaries
of the yard, and inetches had heen
den Walks. It was it reproduction
that would hive delighted 'a child's
heart.; and I •rtealled 'what 'Vance bed
minds seeking recreatiot in Children's
genies. There was something unutter-
ahlYelteeerible in the juxtaposition of
Frpsh can bet --
And Oood?
Once you have tasted4Shortbread
like the Christie Bakera make,
you'll -agree you never klieg 'before --
shortbread could be. 'Sold by the
• The Spirit of Summer! The Sun,
Tan Vogue! And here's an. idea,' •
and You'll love it!. I • •4
It's the new cotton pique tennis
o. sports dress. - •.
ke it
_ a
. nt, .m
.•. ur. e._ .ou'll wa to
fco s
- O
with a pattern .so smart -and the
material so inexpensive. Its small
cost is almost nbeiievable.. And
s- l - nk -
Loolt- arthulov :waisted hack -and
and the battle was on. ••.
General Lu sat still .as : a mummy,
but I fought •thatefish •all-over again.
b"Ver--'Eh• ur
i t -rose^
-to e -s
mcf -i
down With -a"_ . -ain :Jim: .--free.
and fame rl'oNn grand •s,ilash. stgned� -photo• •oP Capt Y ••
Note: Any of • our young ;readers
writing to` Captain : Jammy; 2010°'
„ r nto, will 'receive
the clever way' the dress closes -with
three huge -buttons, so. . decorative.
And -aren't, the wide suspender -
'straps the' cutest. idea ever, crossed •
and brought around at the. front. in
partial belt effect: •
The skirt is )tressed- into- an n `
verted plait at the centre -ft -Pat and;
at 3ie :centre -back, which .lends its,.
wearer a ,slim. Iine. ' •
Ai1d, think; of it, you can •run it
up on'the sewing machine 'before
breakfast and never notice it.
' Style No. 3193 is designed for
sizes .12, 14, 16, 18 • and 20 years.
Then• again; you can make dart-.
ing -schemes in pastel washable
Crepe .silk. Chinese 'silk: damask,
linen, shantung crepe - silk, cotton
'meshes Aral silk'pique. '
Write your panne •and address
plainly,�giring number and size of
such patterns as you want. Enclose
20c• in "stamps or coin (coin pre-•
ferred wrap it carefully) for each
number, and address •your order. to
Wilson Pattern Sevice, '13 • West •
Adelaide St., Toronto.
A Parable ,Froht Nature
in..the meedow behind the house
This inornieg I saw
Cows feeding on apple -blossoms..
They bit -off more th1.11
And.splashed the gratia
*ith pink bright petals.
There they stood, crushing ,
in wrinkled and crinkled,
Wicked black JONA
iVfouthfuls• of present beauty
The health -giving,. delicious drink for children and grown-
up�.' • ' Pound' and Half POI tom• of your.grocers.
' Rustic Mimic
In the conntry one:needs no man -
Besides • the obvious trills of birds
there is tree-hany,.• of a thous -
Sand miff, Berta).- leaf-niusie (dry
or green); the stringed daintinese of
charging in the woods.' There are
contrapuntal rears -An 'your , winter'
chimney; rithout, the eXpresied
nielodY-e; of ,orchard •iimbs against
snow. 'Then fellow the• whirl and
white of April. winds; the new
Biritain to Wage War-
.Special Treatment Facilities
Given Workers in.
gun agahist the ravagese of rheum* .
in. this 'country '$10,000;000 a .Yeer •in
sick benefit
noises ot melelng brooks, forgetting
their icabound gurgles. Some At the Walsh headquartera at -the
werin •day ceines visible music the rIted di•oss Clinic, Lendon, doctors •and '
lilt Of a passing ,butterfly, while the s.are ,w.orking eight and , day
in treating, cases and atterapting
umbines is done to vigorous solual,e
and far oyerhead, at any midsura- discoVer the underlying cause of dis- •
mer twilight, there .10 that elusitie ease.
twitter in the sky Whieh you, nine- Ti•eatment eiactlY, en the lines• of •
hci,W 'associate. with •the ridge -pole •expehsive foreign spas, such. aa• Vichy,
of yoer tiara, but finally discover to Praire, is provided, and. there is also
be swallows mit tit sight ie the blue. 'every, kind of light and eleetro-the- .
. All these, as stirely as the days rapeutic treatment: ,
go by, become to, you what they $ome marvelous cures have already
"miles and tone -poems; and according • Two patients, whci had been lying, .
to. the way and streagth Of the winds,
my moving wpods give me De.birsay
or Rialiecis'br Sett BeethoVen
often as l' walk there. -Anne Bos-
worth .Greene. in •"Lambs in ,March."
' "Some people,' seiffed the ,passenger
•whe; wanted the sea.; upon which a
':tired "man had pUt his feel -"stone
people thiek they've kought the rail-
way when they've taken a tWopenny
011a their backsIfor,flve years; now walla
into the Clinic for the final stages .of
their cure without the aid of sticks.
' There ere between 200 and 300 at-
teadaeces a day, but money is badly.
needed to carry on the work:
"All kinda of pains, ,which battle
diagnosis, are apt .to be called 'rim-
inatisnr," said one of 4,he medical
staff. Seem of the eausa-are acme
national, such as the limp developed
by ,dentists Mid tram -drivers through
the constant use of one leg in a der.
"Referring to miq" said the tired The clinic. is specially intended for
Ile scowled, and said he -knew
neighbor the peat,
"No, •to your•vast belongings." said
for the day•workers. •
'I told MY man, aggreasively. • men •-and women employed in Indus.
try and there is an ,gvening session
Reviewers exactly like thor cows.
• the- other, glancing with scorn at the
lent death. •
(To he ceritinued.);
Bad Business
A theatrical manager took a Om.
weeks' season. The Visit was ritt
firtanCial Success.
On the last night ti.e manager Made
"I hfiveto thank yea one and all,'
he said, CoUrteously, "foie yoer
support of Our efforts." Ile pauSeri,
and here hia teal feelings °Ye:real:no-
and he buret out: "But if ti
Opened fm' abenn' GoOdwin
port trona the shipWreeked sailors."
End Rev:e-te.
"I'll put 'rny feet Where like; put:
,stroke ef sarcasm, ani. the other .eelt-
•be .fined ii you do. The
iack's !or
. Donald tad heard be rtImer that his',
;loses wag a' close seeretive kind of t
•an, from wh it Was 'difficult to
Ilewav.er,', Donald thought lie would
Ake •an' effort, so on, the eve of h
r Tice. he invit .3 'his neighbor f.to
';e retteshrneli'l on a generous scalp.
hen he tbought •Moces had reached,
desired state pori•ahl made
. ly •gied ye fifty pounds to t,u•t on a
A pain in-the-10*er part of your
back can tortere yoil. But net for .
Ong, if you know about Aspirin !
These harmless., pleasant tablets
ake away the Tiger), of lembagoe -
rheumatism, neuralgia; headachls,
oothaches and syetemic pains of
women.' R'elief comes' promptly ; is
complete: Genuine Aspirin cannot
depress ihe heart. Look for the
Bayer, voss, thus :
Mose::: :jerked ilia head .on s11,1-