The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-06, Page 7• 7
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,. mew Altai REST . -
August .9e-:Leree,i3e. VI ---S ul Convert-
'!''' ' :-----ez.,.."3'.,
......,...0e-_,..„_e-errenee,"•-•• ..e"...Vel ed and "dogii.diselened-Acts 9: ,1.9,'
17-19; 1 Timothy 1: 12-14. -Golden
_ • - b.,beier'" •
. •TextI was• not disobedient :unto
- -ellifstienity •says.-elEertheuakes, famine, sorrow., death
Sunday ScholiA
• the-heanienlyeyision1_,.-.-_Ao, ta_2S: 19
• .give thyself are as nothing if they. bring US IMO the. . • .
• . . eternity of Divine Love. ' • 1 •
• ... Atheism and Light'I. neon, exemsin •ANDnettsEcuron,
Prem. Cline immemorial electricity has .. Teta!' r St.ry . _ Acts '9:1., -2; 22: 3-5. , . •
•d II. •
',sem; ooNvietrime; Acts, 9: 3,19a;
been6witli around us, in the air we! t. hicist an . Other Little
:•breathe. Yo we groped , along •in 'thel , -Ne. 31 . ' •22: 5-16. ' . .• •
darkness for ,aeons of centuries now past weekl 014 you about Fluffy bee ' rr
I... eAtm elteeecetiere; ,Acte9 :: 19b-31;
beg practically-nothing-ef-it. ' rileto ingeso-eress_a„ t,,_ _el...because-he .dinle „ ..,,,....•_,.4 ...e.",,,,
pea time when propnetsfereteld itinto the seine ramwhere' Mamiha IV PAUL Leek:1414 BACK, Galatians. 1
ming 'bat few . believed the peeeeeeyiLady and Billy ,had .brouglit.her little. • .1:1117; I Timothy 1: d2-17.
until believing it' or not, when the i•kittiee.. She Was so grosksne scratch- ., ;, • . - . .... .. • ,,.,
'me. t.. SAUL, t p_Kali 'SEE Allp, IT,R.. sEC.UTO,R,
time"eame that the ,thin edge of the ea hini, then jumped on his back
Acts 9: 1, 2. 22: 3,5.
. • ,wedge Was. anplied' by the. slow pro-„, scilit - • -., .
.cited -ogee, more , so he didn't "
• • • • ' .: ,(aY The. Pharisee . 'Satil'S. fireilY , .
knew What ever could be the. ota.t9•• ' '
..,., ,... • inichlenly 6pprred". tine kto re,:ffeed ef ,•. , . ._. .. , , , • - • , • • .
for you know he earn° in the room all altliatiOli', in .0'' ;G"..elc'eity;- we$
of pure Jewieh descent, and Pharieees.' ,, .,.• .
visa' of ableptitle' i4searcli, darkness
:light' ant power hitherto:undreamd, the privilege -of',.. • '
74.- , , right, but. he; dean t be,ve.ea 'clKan,e: ,a-. 't°- . They ,•xilso; .erijeyed
of The geeee.p9ver •,wo.ti*ks 4,,,hith,,,eeee elee,:.,pee kitties,- so he hachi'txtne lehmatt: citizenship, - konfereed • upon,: .,
,cOuld.„.tbeistr_ciy,•_esjOilesely. milt Conlel slightest edea ' ieliat.,:a0, the:Inas:
elwas:them ,tilircibibly SeiViCe
.."'•-•::bitlreettlight-,teldenergy-.--Yeealfees-4691.1%e`j..„...1., -, q• : ." _: , -•:.- , :Abe :emserfori-'7'...Necordingto:46:vas-A_
. . Once It was liarneseed in so safely by' After he get chased' out 7111k2S-thlifir. -ettailItierthie-leek-Wae-tanghteat,tratice •
... tent-nipieig, Acts 18.:. 3. In the. uni,,
akilled - tVir:)-aE"tii hands that we use it-wntt-htalft's0111440;4•ar---.4--1.941 inle•
vetsiTyMfy-e"-bril'arsus fie-'•Vtultra-g--- t
Ow without• -fear, taking 4t as. a' mat -i was a little while before Mamma
quire a -
fer, of course, even though nfOet, Of Us noticed- Royer . didn t comknoWledge•of %reek-Glisten's,:e'
ow little more abOuti, it than .to turn . ,,,
house It' was really Billy who o- lit
ticedit' first. He saide "Say, Meanie;
do yoa knew Rover Won't ome- i.n. , the ,
What New York •
.„.• , , •
711ust7ciar,OWWilialtiO Le'sson „f107-
nislied Every Pattern
erature -and philosophy. edu-
tioe in Tarsus completed, he was
nt ;south to Jerusalem to study
der a•famoiie theological •profeseor,
The gentle and tolerant spit af
(Acts 5i 34), was not thared
his brillient, Saul was :
dent etudent of the Law. When re -
len b.ecemes. a matter of law •and
ctrines, intolerance is the reault. •Se
was with Saul. , • , • • ,
,(b) •The, Persecntor. When, after
ephen's death; the authorities took,
easures against his followers, Sat
rew himself into the work of re.2.
ressibee Not content with his efforts
Jerusalem, he secured authority to
o to Damascus, yvhere• the Jewish.
lony had evidently been influenced
y the new:faith:
. CONVERTED, Acts 9':..3-19a;
22; 5-16. • _
• But we Meat beve some appliance in -
stalled is our homes ii e wish t� use. house.?.:.,. I wonder, Why?" . • • '• : •
• it and benefit hy it; an .ve must teetich, Then IVIaneme Lady remembered and:
the button tie secure the-Vower in'or .8:414, "f believe he thinks it isn't very re'
Ber to eonifect Up and benefit by it.• safe for him 'in here: 'I never thought by
If•true, and, We knoW, it is, is of that. 'Well have to, coax him; in." ar
it net coniforting that ' we have , been So Billy ran out and called him and II
• told i by •• the noblest man who' -ever V1Then he got neer the dOcirlie Witt go- do
`lived, whose' integrity was uniiiipeach- iiinimg tobi. disappear again but Billy .caught•
able, whoge truth and: maenetit:epirit- the Collar and huggedehiin and st
". • uality__ placed him' first ,itniong the:said,"Oh coma on in.,Rover, nothing :in
greatest of •all men, "that there is .s., will hurt YOU
power, a God power which, is likeivise. . You see, Ronerwase't a Coivard if he
' . 'everywhere.. This PeWer. is supreme' knew what was the matter,. but lie
and above all cfth,er powers, ' bringing dide't know why Fluffy jumped on hint
orderaut of chaos whereeer it touches. like that, to ;he thought he woeld lust
stay ,avv.aY.
This' greatest man, of 'all Men told .
us it.was necessary for the: Father to Well, just as he was trying to get
----ee--e-send His -Son, to come to this world away,Maurine, Lady came out and was r.
In order'to teach us how to build up' extra nice, to •hhn. col* in, ,Rover, Saul's. conversion .:f!es the most inc
this spiritual ip achinery for ourselves Fluffy
it's all right, • come on in,"• and •she tory.
won't hurt you, new. come on, mentons occurrence of apostolic his.-
_ .. _which will give us the eternal,. life of . . .
liglit , , opened the door , so he could 48.11 it .: (a). The Preparation On the4onely
• li was all right: : • • , ' 1d to Diiinascue;'ebteie eight -days.'
• history shows is that' virtues were a Ravee lobketl :at'her .and too ,. a i " ' • a
e in esuee-e
moCkery. Conditions were terrible„Ifir-11-C ste then stopped, then another;
kee, vas dierellerinethe,t the' Law was
have' time for reflection. By. this time
wicacettliesw- , and she kept saying 'Come on n. „
-7-'---7,-faheivelitive,-ne'-itlea-lef the not .an ad:equate religion, Ro-inans,
and tonseqUent stiff erings endured k all tight?' Tr(FaTlie7117°Ii61312wa'r* chapter '4. 'Failin-grilr-his-quest-.4-er
• ' those early ,peeple. ' Thik; was when around . and took enether. few .steps. . God; he . was ' steadily siekinee. into
' . Christ, came to apply thethin edge of "She won't 'hurt you, Rover."." • % . pessimism' Th.e. memory was always
. ---§e-e-ee.0-47-1,crastirs_lwerd2stlitut, But Raver didn't know Avhether to. haunting 'him of Stephen dying, with
believe it -Or. not. . All-arc5ne-lre-nrair 'thkf-r-ner--eligel-----aled:--with a
that they killed His physical body
' their igiieranee,of right.thinking. ' He going to back out . pretty' quick, for ay'er of 'f,irgiveness on. his 1:p The
- • found -it necessary to die in order to there was Fluffy Sitting ori. the Mishkin joyful cotirage' cf :the 'men. whom he
show them the imeortapce of each III-, on- her, .chait__Atit __ivould 'Yon_ believe. Was persecuthig, their• :, livee. for each
. ' *dividual actually living the .principles it she just 'eioked, 'good nattitedly at
.. • of love, truth, kindness; and all -virtues him as' thoegh she had never cloneany-
• Osiren.• unto ,deeth, the development of •thing to him at all. , . . • . • ',
which brings us into everlasting lifct Wasn't that funny? Yeti know I be -
where moth nor rust eoes not corrupt. Neve there' are a hit of peopleIike that..
. He has said we should pray. We do They •get ea very cross about some-:
inet• understand why, but ih some man- thing. then forgat all. about it, and they,
-*---' ner prayer does:el:lake the eirc_ult_corn- want us to forget all ab,out thei crose;
• pletel arid for those ..who touch the ness too,' which Ara _so _pas to do
'• iiPiritffal switcleby-following--what li sometimes, is it?' But I gpess,it's just
, . 0 - t tem Way, so i IF"‘e-ley is •best -to fin,
taught a beacon is et out which helps *at, . 1
us along woildermitly, through the . •
trials and sufferings on this murky, You See Fluffy forgot all • about it
road of life.., •
because her kitties were away off in a
• He hes shoWn us that we are going dark. closet now and she liked ROver
• threegh.. the process. of. being born agaiu, so that when he saw her, she
again; we, have ulnae up through the was a ,nice kitty again, and' Wain:t.
infinite ages.; piesed..through' dark.Rover a good dog, for he . was soon
• ization and. can now see the glimmer- • ewey
lde Of krieedn:dast virlethr queerly,lleratt1 al Psu-gmlin c°Iiktclfti;
. , ness, ,IgnOrance, violence and i material-
ingt of a great light ahead. . ; . to say, . . did you, scratch „me?"
_How then can there be annihilation? kitties when they are •bigger:
Perhaps he'll knoW when he' sees the
possible not to have a future? Alt theBut whatever are the chicks doing
If there has been.a past how can it be .
past was future .at one Mne, was. it alt this time? . . 9
not? We have come this far not know-
ing% what We are or how ,we neve; or
• ,have our being. 'The world become
;• there illuminated physically, by elec.
• : tricity and immeasurably more impel':
• tant, it becemes spiritually illuminated .'
, by good living When everyone will do
as they would be.done by. , • •
Oftentitnes' we think our own suffer- ,'
lege and difficulties, though hard. to -
bear can betoletated, bet looking at'
Others for worse off we are often puz-
zled when something seemingly" ter-
rible happens. "Well now, that person
is good, and yet, see how he suffers,"
and then we are'aPt to allow the smell
• seeds of • doubt to grow, forgetting
. God's words; "Thy dross to consume
and thy God 'to refine." It is Gottt
' way Ormaking us lit to be barn again.
Popular songs are often so pdpular
that they:. become unpopular.
"Did you 'husband • bring home
an•y,lish?" •
"No. I understand William had
bad luck on this trip. HS, jot into
After. ell what is one little l,if when a game of cards and lost. the money
-gazing into the depthk• of ;eternity? 'he took Witir him to buy fish," ,
• /
"Lord" suggests that he cU�. ine
answe'r 'brought fo, Saul. 'the • Iran s -
forming conviction that 'Jesus was, as
tarliim Monoxide Takeil"
Heavy Toll of Bird Life
' .
Wakshington.7.A. never-ending gas „at-
tack from the exhausts of attamObiles
.10 taking heavy toll 'among Enelish
sparrows 'and 'pigemegi, says Agana R.
Clark, biologist of the United States
National hleseuin. -
These: two birds, which •formerly
-,WereTc-arenfinin-tite-cities --of*axitern-
:United States, have been disappearing
They feed flargely 'on street refuse,
which brings theni, into contact With'
carbon. manoxide • gas from motor eX-
"It -laa' heavy gas- thartendi
tb clingeto the ground when there is no
It takes very little carbon' Monoxide
to kill • aebird 'or weaken it so it it
Enhanceour charm by wea/eng-flat-
terieg jacket costumes:-
It is 'a season of jackets!: . •
The one sketehedsis in the gieen and
white printed sportsweight linen in
combination with plain: green hand-.
„kerchief linen. ,
The skirt'shows slenderizing line in
pointed' hin yoke tree Mee .
jckt i's in popular hip length. •
• StYle• No. 3436 comes in sizes 14,
118 yean, po, 38 -and *-1-nehet-
blist. 'The 16 -year size• requires 4
Yards of 39 -inch figured material with
11% Plain Material.
:It is .stunning with• the dress. made
of chiffon Print .in hyacinth blue color-
ing with the jacket of..flat silk crepe
therrthe calne-confidenza-Whe-h t lei_matc,hing_shade.
f an inner peace Must have' been igh
YelloW and White sportgWe t linen
lido -Mining his old 'assixtance. His' with plain yellow sheer'linen for situ-
roubled Mind was workirire te the ulated tuck-ine :bodice: is very ehic•
tresis which hc was soon, to • peri -
Dusty pink flat silk crepe, white.
(b). The Crisis. As Saul and .his Shantung and cotton or silk sttiped
en were approaching the city a • shirting are swagger,. •
Ending light suddenly burst upon HOW TO ORDER 'PATTERNS.
hem, 'the. shock of threw them
to the ground., chip. 9: 3.,Sint heard Write your name and address plain -
voice saving, "Saul, Sa:ul, why per- ly, giving nuinbez and size of such
ecutest 'thou'Me?". -Was it,. then, patterns. as :you want. Erelote 20c -in
Tally true that in :harrYing the be- • stamps or coin (coin preferred"; wrap
ievers he had been persecuting the
it carefully.) for each nuiriber, and
Lord himself?. , Who art thou, Sir?"
addiesaYour order to Wilson Pattern
e asked. He I did not recognize, the
oice. The Authorized Version with -ervee, 73 Wiest Adelaide St., Toronto:
his fellow -ere -had elairnedi -the tru
revelation Of Go .
pieced Christ in, complete control of
his life, 9i 6. Brought to a believer's
house in Darnascus„he remained there
three days, blind Physically and spirit-
ually, overwhelmed at the collapse of
his past life and dark as eo the future
Ananias, dively. prompted, found him
and showed him that' all that had hap!.
pened was God calling him to his' ser -
eine. Saul. now healed body and.
pirit Tarf TWIIN-ira-otliedan d--th us_
admitted VI. the fellowship of the be-
lievers. •
111. t'iL PhEACHING, Acts 9: 196-31;
22: V7-21. •
After some days spent with OE!
disciples, in Damascus, Saul retired
"into Arabia' (Gal. 1: 17), probably
some ouiet , village near Damascus
Where, in eeclusion, he could ponder
the meaning• of his great experience
and determine his •future course of
nction. • Not only. the words of Allan,
ias"iision (22: 44, 15), but his own
nature made action of some kind in-
evitable. Ile returned to Dantits6is
and began to preach contreversially,
9: 22. Not yet, refined through suf-
fering, mellowed and enriched by love.
. .
Ignethis Loyola was a 'great, leader:
and master Of men. One of, his rules •
(c) The Result. 'Saul iinmediately was: "What you' want to be you can
be. Will it then, and will It with all
.yOur • might." Modern psychology
tells us the same thing. Character
is' a matteof right will.: Holiness
is a Will set toward God and His
righteousness. ,. e.44
enemies, Clark exPlaing.
This is hecause .birds live "et A10
Reed.?• bodiee txansform OXY
gen into heat ro.tich more rapidly• than
. .
•human bodies •• •
• They must have .eleety of .oxygen at
tin* Anything such as gas. that
tends. to Week the oxygen supply troln
'Weir inuga-liaiearimeledffectealniost,--at---,
once. •
• English sparrows were • imported
,from Europe before the days of mod
ern' Owe end iaaecticides, to 'eat
canker worms filet were Infesting the
_American, elm trees. 4
'They a,cconielished, tlie"ir purpose n,
ht4,:aronsed complaints anion .bird
lovers because they .drove.'away, other !".
birds fratn birdhouses and •feedin
easily ceught•bY cats, hawks �r .other.-plaeys, ,•• .
• •
• he;
- •
TO ti.--LOCOpiOillite NVIriter
,Theeefer my recitatiVel, , • •
Thee in the drrning, storm ; einetleab
Be Arrested •
Aim of Biu .‘.
compelling ,all"Fteft04, •
tisho'vstidale:14'4o. 'itote-e."tinder--iiiiiiity,
Thee:in thy penepl.e.thy xneasurd dtial ,-conservetive;.members,Lof;-t'arliament. „
Citing; :they declare in tike
have hitiire,thidialiiiierOf
,vraillteige:: it. •,dnty no,t, a :niF..e :prt; ' • , '
The Chamber of Deputies 'and the ' -
.departmental. an4. communal elective ' •
"bodies are, they maintain, cemposed:, ,•
toe largely oe the reioreeentativet
minoritieS. • beeaus'e th Ee other telloves • •
shirked therrdety_at the '.pollse . • ;•• • ,
In France„ .in•nicist count/net, the
weInto-do 'citizens:are ;inclined,. tefoyee
go their right,to. -vote. • It;is with the
throbbing -and -thy beat-convul
sive,, 7
Thy black celindric body, golden brass
ad silvery Steel, •
Th,y Ponderous -side -bars,, paxallei and
connecting rods, gyrating, .shut-
' tling at thy ;
Thy metrical, now swelling pant find
• .reer, now tapexing in the dis-
Thy great protrudieg head -light' fix'd
•- in front,
Thy long, pale, floating vapor-perinants
tinged with delicate,,purple, '
Purpose- of 'getting out this portion
The dense and ;murky clouds out-belche the vote that the backer s of the bill.
ing froni• thy sin:eke-stack, •• by Louis Marin, have moved for
Thy knitted trame, thy springs and the
•• • • ,varv,es, the tremulous twinkle of , •
thy wheels, ••
' ". Fear ••• ••
Thy train of 'cars behind, Obeuient; 9
',Fear and lack of faith go hand in
hand, ' The 'one •le born-ot--the othete-e:- - ---
Tell me how Mech.' one .is given to
fear, arid I will tell you how Much
he. letts-in faith.
' Fear ie a meet expensive ,guest'' to
• entertain, the same as ;worry is: 'se ,
-expensiveeare-Lheye•that-eno one -can-: •
afford to •entertain...them. We invite
'wile we feer, the same as, by e differ- •
, 'Aitlide„..of mind, we invite and '
attract the influences,and con.ditiOns
• merrily following, •
Through gale or, calm, now swift, ,nor
• slack, yet: steadily careering; • ••
Type .of the, modetnemblem of mo-
tion and power ,pulse of the
• -Continent,
,FOr once come serve the Muse''and
merge ' verse; -even- 4s:fhere-j-
With storm ,ant. buffeting -gusts of
,By day thy werning ringing bell to
• sound its notes, ° •
By inglit. thy glient signal lamps to
•• . sWing. • , • :
MUTT AND JEFF -Mutt Could Make a Quaker Enter West Point.
1,1STO:r...)-Alk; Ake-,
Dpelt,T ARNO( M4-
t'ne tit RE: FOR1 le FOR MATION •-•
SO SP -Ate UP! ARe Y00
GoNNA Ft6=1-11" AGAIN.?
could he fitter 1 Cor. chap. 13. A plot
against his life forced him to leave
'the eity:--Ha•went to -ifernselenn-where
;he endeavored to make the acquaiii-
tante 'of the apostles. They, however,
were afraid of him and, had • itg not
been for Barriabas, his visit Would
probably -have been unsuccessful. His
bold preaehing aroused antagonism.
The "btethren," fearing' persecution.
. . nt t b rong.
Fierce-threeted beaetel
we desire. . The .mffid dominated by
fear opens the dopr for entrance of -
the :very things; filer .the -actualization
Roll through' my.chant with, al thy 'Fear so to speak, the direct oppo-
lawless mu„ sic, thy swl
site of -faith, and faith is perhapsthe
- lamat night,
• iThy madly -Whistled letighteillecheing,strongest and mcist effective mental-
npiritual foree-that-we-ean-ppsseseeor--:
. rumbling like an earth ,qoake, Trine.
Law. of thyself complete, thine own Argentine G,rain,
• track firmly holding •
• (Na sweetness debonair of tearful.
•harp or glibpiano. thine).
lsofehrieks rock .and hills
Lapneled.o'er the prairies wide, across
Tp the free skies iinpent and glad and
' strong.
-Walt Whitman, In "Leaves of
• Grass." .
Maternal Instinct ..
It is a' mistake to 'suppose' that the
maternal 'instinct is universal...on the'
one hand, oithat it is develbbed only
by personal exPerience on the other.
Even women who' are mothers may
be found wholly destitute of it, with
not a•eay of natural feeling for their
offspring; and sone who are 'neither
wivet. ot mothers in fact are all the.
latter 'in feeling. These are the Wo-
men who are the chosen friends of
both pekes and all ages.. To then%
alL•who....1m;e_traubles,_aure of
a patient.hearing and that sweet -sym-
pathy which of itself heals theenounds
laid bare to its touch.
of the Foolish •-
brought hiin down to CeJsaeea andSe • The. faoliSh• think . that they cap
him home to 'Tarsus. •
, escape punishiteri ;. u e y „nr
: doing carries its • own punishment.
• 14117; 1 Timothy Galattims 1Punishmentm
not always something
His Testimony. Looking back )ver that happens to us, but rather some -
the ears of his Christian' life, he grate-. thing that happens in us.: The great -
fully testifies that the Power which est of all punishments is the loss of
saved him at Damascus has always our humanity.. .What is more terrible
sustained him. ,The arrogance Of thc than to lose the open countenance -to
Pharisees has become the humility of
the chief of 'tiliers; 1 Tine 1; 15. he forced to wear the fox s eye andle
wolf's nenith?-1Viarkl5ni.
Output Grows
:Ilpenoe Aires. •,--4 Argentiee, wheat,
corn, linseed and oats shipments this
year show a considerable inerease, prt
vate statistics of cereal exports reveal.
A fetal of 1,928,75 tons of wheat was
shippeCfrom jentrary-1-in-lVfay12;--iis
cOmpared with 1,291,104 tons ,for, the •
couespending period a year ago; 2,-
489;795 tons of corn, against 1,2265482.
tons; 95'1,045 toles of linseed; against
•683,378tens, and 301,963 tons of oats
against 162,457 tons 'a year ago'. , •
• Impossibilities •
4Nearli oierythipilhat• ir worth
while, that has, been accomplished by
men, has been considered impostible
• by many others. Every limn who hes
ever bone anything great has been
ridiculed and advised by others to let •
it alone.'•
• Yes, I fittedup my fiatat a
low price. la fact; it
vest me but a song."
• ""feavess that?" • •
"Well, -you see. I started up a solo
on the back fence at 2 a.m, and the,
donations 1 received in the shape
of furniture, etc:, just filled the
't 6oTTA AJb r
wl.u. Be. A
iTempscy wk.t.
iFidiAr AGAIN, Je-FF;
But yOu• GoTTA
• , 1
.1,t A • •
4 ' ,1,"•''t • •• • 14e .P44
1/441`;'/./41i,;:blit.D:e.• '1.11110 .
• • ,
zif a7.14'